Beth Edwards Nutrition

Beth Edwards Nutrition

Helping T1Ds live better through nutrition, gentle coaching + lifestyle work


There's this sentiment in the t1d community that says we shouldn't hide our diabetes - meaning that we should feel open about injecting in public, feel able to show off our CGMS with pride, and be upfront if we're having a hypo.

And whilst I get the intended positivity behind this, and I too hope we can all feel open and not hide our health, we need to be careful that we don't miss the nuance and the grey.

Because sometimes I want to hide my t1d. Maybe you do too.

Maybe that's because...
🔥 you know pump sites on display will invite questions from others, and you're not up for answering them on this particular day.
🔥 maybe you've seen a diabetes 'joke' on a TV show and you feel stigmatised by the condition.
🔥 your CGM doesn't work with your outfit (sometimes those aesthetic goals take priority!)
🔥you're just not up for it.

There's nothing wrong with any of this.

So whilst I don't think you should hide your t1d away, I don't think it needs to be on display if you don't want it to be.

Share this with a t1d pal today, and don't forget to save so you can always come back to! 🫶🏼

I'm Beth, a registered nutritional therapist with two degrees in psychology. I run a thriving psycho-nutritional clinic over Zoom. I've lived with t1d for 27 years so this is support for type 1s by someone with type 1. Follow for freebies, advice and solidarity in the messiness of type 1 life.

# greyliving


I've often thought that t1d is a tough gig, and a lonely one at that. But by talking about our type 1, we can break the silences that live in and around it. So let me help you find a new t1d pal, or t1d parent to chat to and connect with!

Community is key, especially in rare conditions like t1d - journey in the messiness with someone else 💙

Fill out the form -

Survey closes at midnight on 31 July.

Photos from Beth Edwards Nutrition's post 18/07/2024

Even before I became pregnant, I was told my pregnancy would be high risk.

When I did fall pregnant, I was then referred to as high risk. Not my pregnancy, me.

When we started antenatal classes (online, because of lockdowns), I wondered when I should declare my high risk status - maybe just unmute and blurt it out to get it over with? And how would I explain myself to others? What language would I use to communicate my own risk?

Navigating a high-risk pregnancy is hard. Language always matters, but especially when communicating serious issues like risk - as PWD we know we must have the facts and stats, but how can this be talked about and managed alongside our own anxieties and fears?

During my pregnancy, I received some language that felt good and appropriate, and some that (unwittingly by the person saying it) made me feel guilt, worry and sometimes shame. We know that small tweaks can make a big difference.

This is why we - a group of grass-roots advocates (professional & personal experience of all types of diabetes) - are aiming to capture your lived experiences of language surrounding your pregnancy journey with diabetes, so we can offer people alternative ways to talk about the choices and possible risks that people with diabetes may face during pregnancy.

If you'd like to share your experiences, head to for the link in bio.

Thank you for your contribution to this project!



Are you hearing all about hybrid closed-loops (HCLs) at the moment?

In my 26 years of living with type 1 diabetes, HCL technology is the best medical advancement I’ve seen for the type 1 community.

It's the latest wave in diabetes management, and it makes living with the condition a wholeeee lot easier.

But it's also a bit of a minefield.

Maybe you're eligible for one and have been given a choice but don't know where to start with all the ins and outs of each system? Maybe you're already on a system but are looking for extra help? (SPOILER, these systems often require more work - don't worry, it's not you).

I've compiled mini bios (think of them as dating profiles lol) for the main 5 HCL systems we have available on the NHS. You're going to wanna read it, I promise.

# type1lookslikeme


*sees a trend, has to jump on it* I'm guilty as charged 🙋🏼‍♀️

But seriously, if you're feeling like:
❤️ you're putting so much effort into managing your t1d but it doesn't feel like you'll ever 'crack it'.
🤐 your diabetes team and family reassure you that you're doing a good job, so you struggle to tell them you're finding it hard.
🫶🏻 you're feeling isolated that even though your loved ones are supportive and understanding of your t1d, they'll never truly get what it's like to live with.
🎢 you're frustrated that doing some exercise (should be health-giving!) can set you off on the blood glucose rollercoaster.
😑 you're triggered by diabetes stigma that you're experiencing (either a 'joke' on a TV show, misinformation in the press, or by people asking if you have 'the good type or the bad type').
🍕 you're feeling overwhelmed by what you can and can't eat, and whether you should be following a specific diet.

Know that I see you, and you're not alone. I've felt this way myself too. But it can feel better, I promise. You probably need some space and connection with someone who gets it - a type 1 expert who also walks the walk (t1d level 26) and can guarantee you time and relational support to help you live in the messiness of t1d life.

If we're not yet me, I'm Beth, and I run a thriving psycho-nutritional clinic over Zoom, partnering with T1Ds like you to make life with this high-level chronic condition a little bit lighter.

If you want to find out more, comment PARTNER below and I’ll send you the info you need to help you rework your relationship with your t1d, your body and your health 💙

Photos from Beth Edwards Nutrition's post 12/04/2024

/// a poem for the tough days ///

I wrote and shared this via The Spoonful (my newsletter) last weekend. I first felt drawn to write a poem whilst I was moving my body during a run, a run that I was prompted to go on after talking to a client, who was speaking about finding space to do more painting. The interconnections between work, creativity and health seem vivid to me at the moment, and finding different ways to express the s**t tonne of feelings that come with this condition is important.

Samuel Beckett once said,

We're all just trying to break the silence.

I take great comfort in his words, and aim to break some of the silences that live in and around life with type 1. I'm here, you're here, breaking the silence. And the isolation. In community.

With compassion and poetry, B x

Photos from Beth Edwards Nutrition's post 13/03/2024

Another way to partner with me...introducing The Foundations - a focused programme of rich, educational discussion for any t1ds or their families looking to next-level their understanding of their condition.

Ideal for anyone wanting to dip their toe into 1:1 work with me, or those hoping to deep-dive into one or two aspects of their t1d. Maybe insulin sensitivity, or the dawn phenomenon, or exercise, or puberty, or menopause - whatever you want to bring to the table, we can go there.

Slide across for more details and hit me up with any questions or DM to book your free, non-binding get-to-know-me call!

Photos from Beth Edwards Nutrition's post 28/02/2024

Virtual show of hands: who feels mornings can be the trickiest time of day to get a handle on blood sugar levels? Who also feels the morning rush of doing all the real life things that gotta be done, and wishing blood sugars just played ball so you can get on more easily?

If this is you, you're not alone. Managing mornings (the dreaded dawn phenomenon) comes up in 1:1 sessions with all of my clients at one point or another.

It's a tricky time of day with our normal circadian rhythms giving us a dose of stress hormones to get us up and out, but this indirectly raising glucose levels can be unhelpful for the t1ds among us.

Adopting a holistic, 360 approach is the way I play it. This covers all bases. But it can feel relentless work, and I get that.

That's why I've compiled a free 16-page guide to navigating the dawn phenomenon that includes nifty nutrition, gentle movement and self care to help you start your day in the best blood sugar balanced place.

Comment DAWN below and I'll DM you info on how to grab your free guide today!


Virtual show of hands -- who's getting fed up of those pesky highs and wants to step off the blood sugar rollercoaster?

Ya know like the highs that won't come down and pretty much *force* us into rage bolusing because we're feeling desperate? I get it.

Let me introduce the concept of insulin sensitivity. [I’m a biiiigg fan]. It’s a brilliant tool to increase time in range, iron out (some of) the surprises and help you to achieve the blood sugar management you dream of.

For a long time we only used to think of insulin sensitivity (or the reverse - resistance) as important for people with T2D. We now know just how crucial it is for all types of diabetes.

Lots of my clients are often daunted by the prospect. Maybe you are too? It feels big. Like if insulin sensitivity is a big part of managing t1d, then GAH.

So let's break it down - 6 foods you can prioritise this week, or the next, to promote insulin sensitivity. And these aren't 'superfoods' or super expensive, or hard to source. They're most likely foods you're already eating. So have a read for inspiration or reassurance - take whatever you need. Head to my blog to have a look - link in bio.

Photos from Beth Edwards Nutrition's post 25/01/2024

T1D life is pretty carb-centric, and for good reason. A large part of our work as T1Ds is counting carbs (as accurately as we can), and matching that carb number to insulin doses.


What I often see happening clinically is a preoccupation with carbohydrates, to the detriment of other important and health-giving foods or substances. What about the impact of fat, I hear you cry!

I feel a balanced plate and diet is not only useful for blood glucose balance, but most aspects of health and wellness too. We also know that all foods have the potential to affect BG levels, not just carbohydrates - so it's a double whammy in my mind for counting other things on your plate *not just carbohydrates.*

I've made a wee carousel that includes more detail, so swipe along.

What do you guys think of this concept? Would love to know below!

Photos from Beth Edwards Nutrition's post 21/01/2024

The traitors, but make it t1d style.

Photos from Beth Edwards Nutrition's post 20/12/2023


What a year.

I've just spent the last 5 minutes sat here, struggling to find the words to articulate where I'm at, and my thoughts and feelings. All I've got is 'what a year'.

I'll try again.

Juggling work and parenting has tested me, finding ways to trying to stay relevant in the eyes of the algorithm/big tech overlords has drained me, developing my t1d clinic and thinking has thrilled me, though I've been frustrated by my limited time. Genocide and war has horrified me, and I'm trying hard not to be paralysed by the trauma we're witnessing every day. As someone wise on here said, if we're finding the Palestine footage too hard to watch, imagine being there experiencing it.

What has grounded me has been my practice and the clients I've worked with. Though I've had to keep things small this year, because my son is also small, my thinking and work has developed. My style is better formed. There is lots of work to be done, and I'm so thankful for your support this year.

I started Beth Edwards Nutrition to fill a void in the services available for those living with t1d. Unwittingly, I've also helped heal my own experiences with t1d, through the work I do with others. As my clients know, we never enter into a didactic relationship. We commit as partners, on an equal footing, and I'm learning too.

I'll be forever grateful that I'm doing the job I do. I've long-thought that T1D needs more people to put it on the map, and I'm proud to be part of that collective. I'm glad you're here with me, too.

I hope that whatever your circumstances, you're able to enjoy a peaceful and restful time this Christmas. Peace and rest are certainly what I'm craving, and of course, I wish these things for those who need them the most.

See you next year 💙


👀 D'you wanna know my favourite clinical recommendation for improving overall digestion, reducing bloating, and preventing abdominal discomfort?

[This post may or may not be here due to the upcoming festivities that usually include large meals & prompt digestive upset!]

🥬 BITTER FOODS! Make sure your meal includes some bitter foods (ideally eaten first) to stimulate and promote the digestive system cascade.

Your digestive system is one looongg, labour-intensive process. The aim? To extract and absorb as much nutrition from our food as possible, and p**p the stuff we're finished with.

It's like a chain reaction. Certain processes need to happen to key in the subsequent action:
- visualing your food starts you salivating (saliva is full of digestive enzymes).
- the mechanical action of chewing stimulates the central nervous system to produce further enzymes and acids needed to digest food.
- stomach acid is needed to neutralise foods and kill off harmful substances, as well as breaking down our food, specifically proteins.
- when food moves from the highly acidic stomach to the small intestine (not so acidic), it's the change in pH that stimulates bile to be squirted out (we need bile for fat digestion)...and on the process goes.

We know that the taste of bitter foods nudges the body to release more digestive enzymes, stomach acid, and bile, to ensure optimal digestion.

🍫 CACAO on a smoothie bowl, overnight oats, yogurt etc.
🥬 BITTER LEAVES like rocket, romaine, or radicchio as a 'starter salad' before the main event.
🧄 artichoke hearts mixed in with your meal (sauce, stews, antipasti)

Hit SAVE so you can remember the power of bitters in weeks to come!

Photos from Beth Edwards Nutrition's post 18/11/2023

When I saw this new IG trend, I had to jump on it to debunk a few t1d myths, and hold space for all the unseen emotional and physical work that goes into managing this condition.

I speak to clients all week long who are accommodating this additional work. They take it all on with aplomb, and they cope well. Maybe you do the same.

But the thing is. This work shouldn't be ignored. Or simply accepted with regard.

Every now and again, we as t1ds should reflect on the untold emotional load. Consider it, pause to process it, and give ourselves a mighty great pat on the back.

I'm not encouraging dwelling here, but I feel it's important to mark the extra bits you're doing. To remember that you might need to find some extra space in your week for you, or you might just want to sit on the sofa with a blanket on your shoulders. T1D is a full-time job with no holidays, after all.

Does this resonate? I'd love to know in the comments...


BEYOND happy to be supporting this Diabetes Awareness Month. 15% of all proceeds from Beth Edwards Nutrition will be going to them to support their grass-roots advocacy.

T1International puts patients and people at the heart of their work. They believe in a world where everyone, no matter where they live, has the tools they need to survive (& hopefully thrive) with t1d.

1 in 2 people worldwide struggle to afford insulin - a hormone that was discovered and successfully used to treat diabetes over 100 years ago.

People die of insulin rationing because it costs too much.

Others don't have the infrastructure to properly store insulin (needs to be fridge cold to prevent proteins denaturing).

And too many are in war-torn countries where managing any chronic health condition, not just t1d, must be impossible.

Let's support charities that put people front and centre. It's time for .

Share with friends and t1ds widely!


Happy World Diabetes Day! And happy birthday to Sir Frederick Banting, the OG diabetes advocate who was a key person in the discovery of insulin. Rather than profit off people's ill health, he, along with Charles Best and James Collip, sold the patent to Toronto University for just $1, saying "insulin does not belong to me, it belongs to the world." ❤️

So today is about recognising those saviours responsible for insulin's life-saving discovery, and recognising what life is like for those living with diabetes - you and me, pals.

And whilst you can't boil the whole 24/7-never-getting-a-day-off aspect of T1D down to one single day, I do think we can take this time to reflect on our successes.

We often get so caught up in the mechanics of T1D, we miss our achievements.

I like to ask my clients - what aspect of T1D are you proud of today? And there's no better day than WDD to ask this question.

Tell me what you're proud of in the comments below. Then share with your diabuddies and ask them too. Mark your achievements, make them count.


I'll go first: I'm proud that I'm continuing to make space for my diabetes care, even when life gets lifey.

Over to you! Let's cultivate some positivity and some massive pats on the back. Because honestly, I know how hard you're working.


November is Diabetes Awareness Month in the UK + around the world.

This is a 30-day space to shine a light on what living with diabetes is like, the different types of diabetes (including their differences + similarities), and a chance for our community to come together.

It's primarily about education (still unpacking those diabetes 'jokes', one punchline at a time) and providing people without diabetes some insights into what this T1D gig is all about.

So what can you expect from me?

〰️ Amplification of patient voices and the orgs who allow for this (shoutout to )

〰️ More educational content (not just nutrition but the whole 360 when it comes to diabetes - stress, exercise, mindset)

〰️ Continued support on here (DMs always open)

As and many others have said, seeing so many posts around your chronic health condition may be overwhelming. It's not necessary for you to participate in awareness-raising if it's difficult for you - support your own needs and be kind to yourself.


I love my job!

This what it's all about. Great clients and great results. It was such a pleasure to work with such an engaged and lovely person.⁣

I guided her through the changes, but she did all the hard work. My process is all about respect - you know your body and your T1D best, I won't be preaching to you. We try things together and see what works and what doesn't. We learn and grow together, but you drive it.

Full testimonial here:
"I am so, so glad I found Beth to work with. I was really struggling to manage the tricky balance of type 1 diabetes alongside a new diagnosis of IBS. Beth really enabled me to understand what was going on with my gut and provided so much reassurance. Beth is kind and compassionate, showing empathy and understanding with her approach. Beth helped me to achieve goals with my gut health and type 1 diabetes. I cannot thank Beth enough as she's enabled me to make really positive progress and provided me with the tools to carry on doing this. Thank you!"

Fancy working with me? I've got spaces opening up in the autumn. Book your get-to-know me call via link in bio!


This is the insulin sensitivity blueprint I use with all my clients...and I thought I'd share it here too!

Insulin sensitivity can:
• help to increase your time in range
• iron out (some of) the surprises
• bring blood sugars back into range more quickly after they’ve been high

The key to improving insulin sensitivity, IMO, is to chunk it down into 3 key areas:

1. gentle nutrition 🍏
including optimising types and amounts of carbs, types and amounts of fats, supporting gut health, ensuring optimal digestive practices, anti-inflammatory eating, and antioxidant status.

2. mindful movement 🧘‍♀️
how different exercise patterns can impact the insulin signalling pathway, and which options you might want to prioritise in your toolkit.

3. self care 🛀
Life is busy enough without a pernickety chronic health issue thrown into the mix. How can we better manage stress to soothe our nervous systems, give our mind a break, and find quiet spaces across our days and weeks. Getting a handle on stress = more manageable blood glucose levels.

Does this resonate? If so, what area are you going to focus on in the next few weeks? Share with a T1D pal today!

Photos from Beth Edwards Nutrition's post 28/07/2023

💥 Struggling with food overwhelm? 💥

There’s a lot of noise in the nutrition world, and perhaps even more at the intersection of type 1 diabetes and nutrition.

Unsure if you should be eating low-fat, low-carb, low-sugar, or low-salt?! And what about fruit? Or the keto diet?

If you're nodding along furiously, then this one's for you...

If it all feels a bit muddled and confusing, it's probably time to step back and look at the bigger picture. This can be hard, and you don't have to do it alone.

I have a self-led education guide to eating well with T1D. It's a comprehensive resource that walks you through the best dietary approaches, tips and tricks to consider when you live with type 1 diabetes. Evidence-based, inclusive and grounded in real clinical experience, this guide is built out of the 1:1 work I conduct with T1Ds just like you.

➡️ How do we unpick what’s important when it comes to living well and eating well with type 1 diabetes?

➡️ What advice do we listen to when it's so saturated with advice and information out there?

➡️ How do we tune into advice that honours us as bioindividuals, and feel comfortable leaving the rest?

This is exactly where YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO EATING WELL WITH T1D comes in.

Grab your copy today! Link in bio, pals.

Photos from Beth Edwards Nutrition's post 26/07/2023

Summer dreaming. A 2023 album.

1. Homegrown spuds
2. The crew
3. My little beach baby
4. Hanging out with the god-siblings
5. Welsh walks
6. Lazy summer pasta
7. Leaning into that National Trust membership
8. Growing and planting with my little love
9. Bristol street art
10. Family hike

Photos from Beth Edwards Nutrition's post 14/07/2023


T1D can be a pretty full on full-time gig. After 23 years with a challenged pancreas, trust me, I know.

But the thing is, I truly believe we can find ways to lighten the T1D load. I help my clients live in harmony with their diabetes not fight against it and these are a few of the tips + tricks I get them to think about (+ you're getting a sneak preview of them too!)


Hit SAVE so you can start to build these habits into your daily routine!



Here I am hoping this ONE coffee will counteract all the baby night-time wake-ups. And I know I'm not the only one - we're all chronically tired, right? I'm not anti-coffee (I mean, if I were that would make me one hella of a hypocrite), but I do think we can get crafty with how we enjoy coffee to mitigate any impact on blood glucose levels.

Most people I know with T1D need to take some insulin for their beloved cup of Joe (me included!)

But you might be wondering why?💡👇🏻

〰️ Caffeine can lower insulin sensitivity, meaning our cells don't react as efficiently to insulin as they once did.

〰️ Caffeine can also raise certain stress hormones (we're talking adrenaline), which leads to higher blood sugars

〰️ Caffeine interferes with sleep and can keep you awake and disrupted sleep has been linked to lower insulin sensitivity.

BUT there are many perks to coffee too - the ritual of it, high quality brands contain antioxidants, and some research indicates coffee's role in lowering risk of cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's.

☕Top Tips ⚡

〰️ Aim for 1, OK maybe 2, cup(s) of coffee per day (no more) and try to enjoy with OR after food. Coffee on an empty stomach will spike those blood sugars even more.

〰️ How you brew your coffee. The stronger the coffee, the higher increase in blood sugars.

〰️ Monitor bloods closely and see if you need to take some insulin with your coffee.

〰️ Everyone responds differently and that's OK.

How do you guys like your coffee? Do you see an effect on your blood sugars? Let me know!



My favourite way to eat vegetables - roasted and smothered in lemon + capers + extra virgin olive oil 🍋🍅🥕

Top tips:
📍Use your weekends or down time to batch cook a whole tray of vegetables.

📍Focus on root veg like sweet potato, parsnips, carrots, onions.
📍 Roasted veggies make a great base to any meal - particularly busy weekday lunches.


Plants for the Win!

If you're thinking about going (or you already are) vegan, or you want to up your plants + decrease your animal products, it's important to make sure you're getting all protein requirements met. It's achievable - it just takes some forethought.

First things first - what even is protein?
⚡ It's one our of 3 macronutrients + is an essential part of our nutrition. It's the main component of muscles, skin and organs.
⚡ Our immune system needs protein to make antibodies.

How much protein do we need?
⚡The Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) for an average adult is set at 0.75g of protein per kg of bodyweight per day.
⚡ In real terms: an adult weighing 60kg needs 60 x 0.75g per day, which is 45g.

Amino acid chat
⚡Protein foods are made of 20 naturally occurring amino acids (the building blocks).
⚡ Of these, 9 are known as "essential" amino acids. These cannot be made by our bodies, meaning we must eat them in our diet.
⚡ Animal products (eggs, dairy, beef, fish) contain every single amino, making them complete sources.

Plant based sources [finally, she gets to the point...]
⚡ There are a multitude of excellent plant based options (lentils, tofu, tempeh, pulses, quinoa).
⚡ But not all are complete proteins sources.
⚡ So let's focus on the ones that ARE:
- Buckwheat
- Quinoa
- Tofu, tempeh + edamame (soybeans)
- Amaranth
- Spirulina
- Nutritional yeast
- H**p
- Chia

Luckily, we don't eat individual foods in isolation (it'd be weird to eat a plateful of nutritional yeast + call it lunch). This means we can get all of our amino acids through combining different plant based proteins + eating a varied diet. This doesn't need to be at every meal either - think about it across the day.


🥐 Breakfast + T1D 🥐

👉🏽 Do you find breakfast the hardest meal to bolus for?

👉🏽 Do you find yourself swinging high after breakfast (v frustrating and sending you on a rollercoaster for the rest of the day?)

👉🏽 Do you sometimes skip breakfast because it's just too hard to manage?

If you're nodding along, perhaps the dreaded dawn phenomenon is at play (AKA our body is more insulin resistant in the morning due hormones like adrenaline and cortisol and a big old dump of glycogen from our liver and muscle cells!)

Rather than avoid breakfast altogether, let's strategise and try the following recommendations:
1. Consistently pre-bolus before eating.
2. Gentle exercise before food (stretching, yoga).
3. Ensure your breakfast is balanced (proteins + carbs + fats.)
4. Consider eating dinner earlier the previous evening and avoid late-night snacks.

How do you guys manage the DC? Share tips below!

Pic via

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Videos (show all)

One of the cornerstones of insulin sensitivity that I teach ALL of my clients about inside my programmes is STRESS MANAG...



Knowsley Road

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 10am
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 2pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 2pm

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