Healthwatch West Berkshire

Get the best out of local health and care services, share your experiences and help influence change! This will then translate into shaping future services.

Healthwatch West Berkshire help people get the best out of their local health and social care services. Whether it’s improving them today or helping to shape them for tomorrow. Local Healthwatch is all about local voices being able to influence the delivery and design of local services, not just people who use them, but anyone who might need to in future. Healthwatch West Berkshire will monitor an

Stop Smoking Berkshire | Smokefreelife Berkshire 24/09/2024

Thinking of quitting smoking? There is lots of local help and support for you. Visit or text QUIT to 66777.

Stop Smoking Berkshire | Smokefreelife Berkshire Smokefreelife Berkshireis a service by Solutions4health and we offer free support that works! You can drop in and see one of our approachable, fully trained advisors whenever you want, at our clinics across Berkshire.


🚨NEW Emergency Department NOW OPEN🚨

Great Western Hospital have opened their new £33 million Emergency Department🎉

It has now been made 60% larger to meet growing demand, and has 25% more ‘majors cubicles’ with private glass doors 🚪
7 resuscitation cubicles, including a dedicated children's bay 🧸and special rooms for mental health crises and family support 💙

Please continue to use NHS 111, GP, or pharmacy services when possible, and attend the hospital for serious or life-threatening emergencies.


👁️ National Eye Health Week 2024: September 23-29 👁️

Take the survey!

Your vision is precious and National Eye Health Week (NEHW) is here to remind us all how important it is to take care of our eyes. While many of us fear losing our sight, most don’t know how to protect it properly.

NEHW is dedicated to raising awareness about the significance of regular eye tests and promoting good eye health habits.

Did you know that 2 million people in the UK live with sight loss that affects their daily lives, and half of this could be prevented? Regular sight tests can catch early signs of conditions like glaucoma, and even help detect other health issues such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

Taking care of your eyes is simple: eat a balanced diet, avoid smoking, wear sunglasses in bright light, and don’t forget those regular eye tests!

Simply join National Eye Health Week to learn more about how you can protect your vision and support eye health awareness.

Spread the word and help others take steps toward healthy eyes!


🌟 Migraine Awareness Week 23rd-29th of September 2024: Shining a Light on a Debilitating Condition 🌟

Migraine Awareness Week is dedicated to raising awareness about migraines - a severe neurological condition that impacts millions worldwide.

Migraines are more than just headaches; they can cause intense pain, nausea and other symptoms that severely affect daily life.

This week is all about educating the public on the realities of living with migraines, reducing the stigma and advocating for improved support and treatment options.

It’s a time for individuals, healthcare professionals and organisations to come together to promote understanding, empathy and better care for those living with this often misunderstood condition.

Let’s work together to create a world where migraines are taken seriously and where those affected feel supported.

Learn more about migraines and how you can get involved in Migraine Awareness Week by visiting The Migraine Trust or the NHS website.

Photos from Healthwatch West Berkshire's post 23/09/2024

🌟 Organ Donation Week 2024: September 23rd-29th 🌟

Organ Donation Week is a powerful reminder of the life-saving impact that organ donation can have. Every year, this week encourages people to have important conversations with their loved ones about their organ donation wishes and to consider joining the organ donor register.

By becoming a donor you have the chance to save or improve the lives of up to 9 people!

Organ donation doesn’t just change lives - it creates hope.

This week is dedicated to raise awareness about how the process works and sharing stories of those who have received the gift of life through transplants, as well as honoring the donors who made it all possible.

How Can You Get Involved?

Join the Organ Donor Register: Signing up could make a life-saving difference.
Talk to Your Loved Ones: Make sure your family knows your decision, as their support is crucial.
Share Your Story: If you’ve been touched by organ donation, share your experience to inspire others.
Spread Awareness: Use social media to inform others about organ donation and encourage them to join the register.

Every voice counts!

Let’s come together this week to celebrate the gift of life and encourage more people to become organ donors!

Quit smoking - Better Health 17/09/2024

Stoptober is coming, if you are thinking of quitting smoking, there is lots of support available. Visit the website for lots of help and advice. Get ready to STOP!🚭

Quit smoking - Better Health When you stop smoking, good things start to happen to your health. Get free support from the NHS to become smoke-free.

Share your experiences with the West Berkshire Mental Health Forum. 17/09/2024

Find out more about local mental health services, and share your experiences.

Turn up on the day, or to find out more, contact Rachel Johnson at [email protected]

Share your experiences with the West Berkshire Mental Health Forum. You can just turn up on the day, or for more information, contact:Rachel Johnson at [email protected]


🌟 Professional Care Workers’ Week 2024: Shaping the Future of Social Care 🌟
Professional Care Workers’ Week 2024, hosted by The Care Workers Charity!

Now in its seventh year this event celebrates the invaluable contributions of care workers across the UK while aiming to elevate their profile and the profession as a whole.

This week-long event features virtual panels and information sessions led by care workers, managers and key leaders in Adult Social Care.

The sessions are free and open to everyone, making it easy to participate from anywhere. It’s a great opportunity to learn, share best practices and advocate for the future of social care.

The word "Professional" emphasises the highly skilled and essential nature of care work, which is often overlooked due to challenges like low wages and high turnover.

With over 152,000 vacancies in social care every day, it’s crucial to shift the narrative and acknowledge the value that care workers bring to society.

So, let’s get involved!


Are you looking for a Dentist locally? Check the NHS Dentistry page for the most up to date information.


🌟 Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Week 2024: September 16-22 🌟

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation, pain and swelling in the joints, impacting more than 400,000 people in the UK alone.

This annual awareness week is dedicated to educating the public about the challenges faced by those living with RA, while promoting early diagnosis, treatment options and ongoing research to improve quality of life for those affected.

RA doesn’t just affect the body - it can also take a toll on mental and emotional well-being. That’s why Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Week is so important.

It's a time to come together to raise understanding about the physical, emotional and social impact of RA and advocate for better support systems, healthcare policies and treatments.

Let’s make a difference together by spreading awareness and supporting those affected by RA!


From 15th to 22nd of September there is National Eczema Week and it is dedicated to raise awareness about eczema - a chronic skin condition affecting millions in the UK and beyond. This week is all about educating the public, reducing stigma and offering support to those impacted by eczema.
Eczema can affect both physical comfort and mental health, but by starting conversations, sharing information, and supporting research we can make a difference.

Let’s work together to increase understanding and improve care for those living with eczema!


🧡 World Su***de Prevention Day - 10th of September 2024: Changing the Narrative 🧡

Su***de is a global crisis with over 700,000 lives lost each year affecting individuals, families and communities in profound ways.

The theme for World Su***de Prevention Day 2024-2026 is "Changing the Narrative on Su***de" with the call to action: "Start the Conversation."
This theme focuses on breaking the silence around su***de, encouraging open and honest discussions to reduce stigma and create a culture of support and understanding.

By starting the conversation, we can challenge the stigma that surrounds mental health and su***de. Every small conversation has the potential to save a life by fostering a society where people feel safe to share their struggles and seek help.

It’s time to also push for change at the policy level. We need governments to prioritize mental health, improve access to care and support those at risk.

Let’s work together to build a world where su***de is no longer a silent tragedy, but a conversation that leads to understanding, prevention, and hope!



From 9th to 15th of September 'Air Ambulance Week' takes off across the UK with the powerful message: ‘Today’s Supporter, Tomorrow’s Lifesaver!’🚁🚁🚁

Anyone, anywhere could need an air ambulance at any time.
By supporting these vital services today you are helping to save lives tomorrow.
Air ambulance charities provide lifesaving care, reaching patients in critical emergencies within just 15 minutes.

With no day-to-day government funding, they rely on charitable donations to continue their incredible work.

Join us in celebrating the lifesaving missions of air ambulance crews who bring the emergency room to the scene, saving lives every single day!

Your support could be the difference. Together, we can save lives! 💙


🌟 September is Urology Awareness Month! 🌟

This month is dedicated to raising awareness about a range of urological diseases, including cancers of the bladder, kidney, prostate and male reproductive organs, as well as non-cancerous conditions like incontinence, urinary tract infections (UTIs), erectile dysfunction and kidney stones.
These conditions affect millions of people worldwide, and Urology Awareness Month serves as a vital reminder of the importance of understanding and addressing urological health.

It is an opportunity for the entire urology community - researchers, urologists, nurses, healthcare professionals, patients, families and advocates to come together and shine a spotlight on these issues.

It is a chance to highlight the importance of early detection, treatment options and ongoing research that can improve the lives of those affected by these conditions.

Throughout September Healthwatch West Berkshire would like to encourage everyone to get involved by learning more about urological health, attending events, and supporting fundraising efforts.
Whether it's through health and well-being sessions, webinars, or community events, there are many ways to make a difference.

Together, we can increase awareness, reduce stigma, and improve care for people living with urological diseases! 💙


🌍 September is World Alzheimer’s Month! 🌍

This global campaign unites people from around the world to raise awareness and challenge the stigma surrounding Alzheimer’s disease and all types of dementia.

Despite progress, many still mistakenly believe dementia is a natural part of aging-this misconception makes awareness campaigns like this one so vital.

In 2024 we’re focusing on attitudes toward dementia and pushing for change with the theme, “Time to act on dementia, Time to act on Alzheimer’s.”
It’s a call for everyone- from individuals to organisations - to take action, raise awareness, and promote a more dementia-friendly world.

Let’s come together this September to break down stigma, support those affected, and drive meaningful change! 💜


🌟 September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month! 🌟

This month Healthwatch West Berkshire would like to raise awareness about blood cancers like leukaemia, lymphoma, and myeloma.

Blood Cancer Awareness Month is a vital time to highlight the importance of early detection, ongoing research, and treatment advancements that are crucial to saving lives. It's also a time to show support for patients, survivors, and families affected by these cancers.

Blood cancers often receive less attention compared to other types of cancer, which is why this campaign plays such an important role.
Throughout September many people will be advocating for more research funding, promote understanding of the signs and symptoms and stand in solidarity with those impacted.

There are many ways to get involved, whether it's attending fundraising events, donating to support research, or simply spreading the word.

Wearing red, participating in awareness walks, or hosting blood donation drives are also great ways to contribute.

Let’s use this month to support the fight against blood cancer and push for a future where better treatments and a cure are within reach. 💪💉

Photos from Healthwatch West Berkshire's post 05/09/2024

Healthwatch West Berkshire would like to remind that from 2nd to 8th of September we have ‘Know Your Numbers Week (Blood Pressure UK)’ awareness week!

Did you know that high blood pressure is a leading cause of heart attacks and strokes, yet most people don’t even know they have it?
That’s why it’s called the "silent killer" – there are no symptoms until it’s too late.
But the good news is, you have the power to manage it!

This year we're encouraging everyone to use home blood pressure monitors.
It’s the easiest and most reliable way to check your numbers without needing to visit your GP. By knowing your numbers, you can start making important lifestyle changes or get the treatment you need to lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of serious illness.

Around a third of people in the UK have high blood pressure – don’t let yourself be one of the unknown. Take a few minutes today to check your numbers and take control of your health.

It could save your life!

🩺 What can you do?

Use a simple home blood pressure monitor to check your readings.
Take action if your numbers are high – seek support and advice.
Spread awareness about the importance of knowing your numbers.

Knowing your numbers gives you the chance to make a change before it’s too late.

Let’s work together to prevent heart disease and strokes – and save lives!

Photos from Healthwatch West Berkshire's post 04/09/2024

Dementia Friendly Cafe Calendar showing all activities for the first week of September.


🌟 NHS 111 Now Offers 24/7 Mental Health Crisis Support 🌟

Big news for everyone in England! You can now access mental health crisis support anytime, day or night, through NHS 111. 📞 This makes England one of the first countries to offer a comprehensive mental health crisis service via a single phone line.

If you're in crisis—or know someone who is—just call 111 and select the mental health option. You'll be connected with a trained professional who can guide you to the right support, whether it’s community care, crisis cafés, safe havens, or emergency services.

This new system replaces the separate local crisis lines, making it easier than ever to get the help you need. 🛡️ Emergency departments also have psychiatric teams ready for those at serious risk.

The NHS has invested an extra £2.3 billion in mental health services, helping 370,000 more people get the care they need each year. Plus, NHS Talking Therapy Services are available for anxiety, depression, and more.

For immediate danger, always call 999. 📱 And remember, free listening services like The Samaritans and Shout Crisis text line are also available.

Why Vulval Cancer Awareness Matters: The Importance of Checking Regularly  | The Eve Appeal 03/09/2024

‘This , leading charity found that less than 1 in 3 people have heard of vulval cancer and only 4% of women regularly check for vulval changes – compared to 37% of women who regularly check their breasts for signs of cancer.

To help bring vulval cancer into the conversation and get people self-checking, they have launched a monthly text reminder service ‘Self-Check First’, with a how-to guide. Find out more on their website:

Why Vulval Cancer Awareness Matters: The Importance of Checking Regularly  | The Eve Appeal Why Vulval Cancer Awareness Matters: The Importance of Checking Regularly  When we talk about cancer awareness and the importance of self-checking, we often think of breast cancer. And rightly so—most women and people with gynae organs in the UK are familiar with the importance of checking their...


Workplace Health Checks Launched in England to Help Prevent Diseases

Starting on August 30th, over 130,000 people in England will have access to workplace health check-ups designed to catch preventable diseases early. These check-ups will be just like going to an NHS appointment, but with the added convenience of taking place at work.

Currently, more than 16 million people in England are eligible for an NHS health check, but only about 40% actually go through with it. Men, in particular, are less likely to participate in these checks, even though they are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases earlier than women. The new workplace program aims to reach more people by bringing these vital health checks directly to them.

Employees will fill out a questionnaire that will gather important health information, and the data received helps assess their risk for cardiovascular conditions. The goal is to make it easier for people to keep an eye on their health without needing to take time off to visit their GP.

Initially, these check-ups will be available in sectors like construction, hospitality, and transport.


A new Carers support group has been set up in Reading at Abbey Baptist Church, the 3rd Thursday of every month. For more information contact.


Can you help us?

Are you an unpaid carer (An Everyday Hero), who is looking after someone with Alzheimer's, Dementia or Lewy Body?

Healthwatch West Berks will be at the Dementia Café at Fairclose Day Centre on Wednesday 4th September. 10.00am-12.00pm

We would love to talk to you and hear about your experiences of caring, what difficulties you face, for example, do you get health checks for yourself, is there enough support for you, do you manage to get any respite? Your experiences can change local services in West Berkshire, so please come along and see us at the café.

We look forward to seeing you.😃


Changing Places Toilets: Essential Facilities for severe hidden disabilities.

Changing Places toilets provide necessary amenities for individuals with severe or multiple disabilities, allowing them to use restrooms safely and comfortably.

Why They Matter Over 250,000 people in the UK depend on Changing Places toilets for daily activities that others take for granted. For some, standard toilets are inaccessible without specialised features like adjustable benches, ceiling hoists, and extra space.

Who Needs Them? Changing places toilets are crucial for people with learning or physical disabilities, such as spinal injuries or muscular dystrophy, who may need special equipment or caregiver assistance. Standard accessible toilets often lack the space and equipment required, leading to unsafe and undignified situations for the user.

Key Features Changing Places toilets include:

A centrally placed toilet with space on both sides.
A washing and changing area for up to two caregivers.
A privacy screen or curtain.
A hoist system or mobile hoist.
An adjustable adult-sized changing bench.
A large waste bin and non-slip floor.

These features ensure safe, hygienic, and dignified restroom access for those with severe disabilities.

Locating Defibrillators: A Guide for Finding Life-Saving Devices 22/08/2024

Defibrillators - You could save a life! Find out where they are in your local area and how to use them.

Locating Defibrillators: A Guide for Finding Life-Saving Devices A defibrillator is a device that helps restart a person's heart when it stops beating normally. If someone's heart is beating dangerously fast or irregularly, the defibrillator sends an electric shock to the heart to try to make it beat normally again. These devices can be found in public places or....


Our Unpaid Carers Project 'Everyday Heroes' is live and we want to hear from all unpaid carers (caring for those living with memory loss) in West Berks.
We are visiting the Fairclose Dementia Cafe in September, so if you would like more information please contact us.


Breastfeeding Support at the Family Hubs in West Berkshire. For more information call the numbers below, or emails Jo Roberts at
[email protected]😀


Pharmacy Bank Holiday Opening Hours for West Berkshire.


National Road Victim Month – August 2024

Did you know that driving a motor vehicle is more deadly than murder and terrorism combined?
This alarming fact underscores the importance of road safety, as many of these tragic deaths are preventable through simple, responsible actions.

National Road Victim Month is a time to reflect on the importance of road safety and to honor those who have lost their lives in road accidents. This observance reminds us all to follow road rules, reduce speed, wear seatbelts or helmets and take other responsible actions to prevent unnecessary loss of life.

This month was designated to commemorate the tragic death of Princess Diana on 31st of August 1997 and the first recorded motor vehicle death in the UK when Bridget Driscoll was killed in 1896. Founded by Road Peace in 1992, National Road Victim Month was initiated by Brigitte Chaudhry, who lost her son in a road accident caused by a red-light offender.

Regardless of your driving experience, it's crucial to refresh your knowledge of road safety protocols.

Let’s use this month to make our roads safer and support the families and loved ones of road accident victims.

Share this post to spread awareness and encourage others to drive responsibly.

Together, we can save lives!

For more information, please visit:


Please come for a lovely social get-together at the Jubilee Sensory Garden on the last Thursday of each month from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM! Enjoy a chat over tea and cake, meet new friends and try out some fun gardening activities with Sally.
Everyone is welcome! 🌻🍰🌿

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Healthwatch West Berkshire at the fabulous volunteer recruitment fair at The Corn Exchange Newbury.
Healthwatch West Berkshire are here at the Volunteer Recruitment Fair, being held at the Corn Exchange Newbury . If you ...
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Broadway House, 4-8 The Broadway

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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