SPQR Design

A freelance artist my work includes Fine Art, Illustration and Graphic Design. I have weekly market

I have weekly market stalls at Tynemouth and South Causey Inn.


The Song Remains the Same… I’m not going to lie, this year has been challenging on so many different levels and I also know this feeling is shared by so many, so I really just wanted to thank all those special people in my life who provide the amazing support that enables me to keep moving forward. Individualism is not the point here, the immense collective of my family, friends, traders and customers is! Every smile, word of encouragement, act of kindness, support and the sheer power of positivity are awesome just like them, so wishing you all a fantastic festive break and a bright new year, thank you.


Eleventh hour… so it’s the last trading weekend at Tynemouth Market this week and it will feature my (GOTHIC) gear for the final time this year including my new all black Haus of Goth Tote bags pictured here, making their Tynemouth debut and they are the first product range to include all seven published designs in the first Volume of my Haus brand ‘Ursprunglich’. I’m also hoping to complete this volume and publish the final design in the set, ‘Good girl gone Black’ before the year ends so watch this space folks. As ever if you were after a item from my alternating fine art prints or tees side, just DM me and I will bring it along. Have a great festive weekend folks.


Pale Rider… so it’s our penultimate weekend at Tynemouth and it’s my last with my original (FINE) art, so Mr Eastwood will be taking centre stage alongside the usual suspects, most available as limited edition prints either mounted or framed or even on a t-shirt. There’s loads of great traders and gifts to be found at what is nationally recognised as one of the best markets of its kind and is worth a visit just for the lovely food and coffee alone. Hope you have a great weekend whatever you’re doing folks, cheers.


Paint it black… I’ve always wanted to produce my Haus of Goth designs onto black Tote bags since we first added accessories to the tees and hoodies range, but it has always proved unviable due to restrictive cost or quality issues and white bags were the only option! So after many years of searching we finally found the right process and I have literally just taken delivery of these brand new beauties and so stoked to be able to launch them at tonight’s special Misfits Xmas market. Much more details to follow I just wanted to share their arrival and hopefully I might catch some of you lovely folk this evening or at one of my other two remaining goth markets this year… watch this space and stay frosty mushrooms.


Second to none… so I will be back trading at the Misfits Xmas market this Thursday and it’s going to be a special double size whammy with forty stalls of alternative goodies, great food and drink and media quiz for the final blowout this year. Don’t miss out on those can’t get anywhere else unique prezzies and enjoy a festive evening all under one roof, stay weird mushrooms.


Give us a Great Wave… so it’s just three market weekends to go at Tynemouth and it’s my (GOTHIC) gear this week. Another sneak peak here is the canvas layout for the next Deadhedz T-shirt design ‘Wavez’, which is now underway and as my first Haus of Goth Volume ‘Ursprunglich ‘ also approaches completion its a mega busy end to the year and as ever if you need an item of my fine art bringing along this weekend just DM me! You will also catch me trading at the last mega Misfits market next Thursday evening in Darlington indoor market so stay frosty my festive goth mushrooms.


Heart of Darkness… so an imaginative piece from many moons ago, this black ink pen illustration was inspired by the classic Joseph Conrad book and I intend to use the design to create a brand new Lino cut based piece, which will become an unique original with limited edition prints and potentially a t-shirt/hoodie and more! So this weekend is my (FINE) art, but with only four weekends left until Xmas just DM me, if you require any of my Gothic products bringing along, have a great weekend folks and keep it real ( not AI )!


Das ist für euch alle,,, one fifth of the UKs self employed work force has ceased to trade in the period since the pandemic ended and it has never been tougher to work for yourself, so this is just a shout out for all those sole traders and small business who simply keep going. My own fellow market traders and friends at both Tynemouth and the Misfits continue to amaze me with their resilience, determination and support for their communities and each other, this is for all of you…much respect and thank you!


Storm front… the outlook is dark and hey it is my (GOTHIC) gear this weekend folks, so here is a peak at the new Haus of Goth Lino cut design which will be arriving very soon in various prints formats. This is a rather special project as the original hand carved Lino plate is also destined to become a very unique piece of framed artwork available to buy once the limited edition print run is completed! These hand carved Lino cut original design plates and prints will also become a crucial part of next years Haus of Goth Volume II launch… much more details soon mushrooms.


Liberty and freedom… so it is my (FINE) art this remembrance weekend and I will obviously be featuring some of my military artwork including this pastel drawing of the ‘Liberation’ of Italy during WWII. Whilst conflict still blights much of our world today, it is still worth taking the time to pay our respects and try to uphold the memory of all those who fought and died for our freedoms. 🌺


Angel wings… just a simple post to say thanks to all the people who visited the market and supported myself and all the small local businesses at Tynemouth market this weekend, including these two lovely young ladies who rocked up at my stall on Sunday; just in time to save my weekend and they look amazing in their new Haus of Goth gear… thank you!!


Back in Black… so it’s my (GOTHIC) art on the stall this weekend people and here is the finished deign for that new WIP logo I posted earlier in the week, which will be part of a new product release coming very soon. The German term ‘Ursprunglich’ translates as Original and is to be the logo for the collective set of eight designs in Volume I of my Haus of Goth brand, all scheduled to be completed this year with the addition of another brand new design ‘Good girl gone Black’… so much planned and much more detail coming soon! Have a great weekend folks.


Stranger in a strange land… I’ve always considered myself somewhat of an outsider, quiet and never quite fitting in, but I’ve really felt a genuine part of the Misfits Market since joining earlier this year and so looking forward to being back there trading this Halloween week. So Darlington Indoor market, Thursday evening, 5-9pm… just a great atmosphere, really friendly traders and so many unique alternative gifts and products, all alongside fantastic food and drink, it really is worth a visit. I’ve also been working hard upon developing my Haus of Goth range and this image is a sneak peak at the new “Ursprunglich” logo artwork now in progress… more details coming very soon. Stay strange Misfits.

Photos from SPQR Design's post 27/10/2023

Art for art’s sake … so it’s my (FINE) art this weekend coming and the focus will be pencil & pastel pieces. Amongst the work I will be bringing along will be several originals which will include these two on Sunday… my Newcastle ‘Legends’ study of Shearer and Speed done in pastel on card and ‘Sweet Dreams’ a coloured pencil portrait of Miss Monroe. Both are available as limited edition prints, mounted and or framed, as well as the originals being for sale. Moving forward these originals may soon move to dedicated gallery spaces which increase prices considerably with additional commission fees once there, so why not take a gander at the market you might make a major saving whilst also directly supporting all the amazing local artists and crafters you will find at Tynemouth this weekend.


(GOTHIC) Altered States… just a quick reminder that during this stormy Badet weekend my Tynemouth market stall will feature my gothic art both days! Pictured above is the new revamped ‘hells angel’ design that I featured recently, which has been re-titled to avoid a proprietary issue and the design is now called ‘Agent of chaos’ and will be available to order very soon as a t-shirt and hoodie through my official merch partners website at Purple Parsnip, which you can find here https://thepurpleparsnip.com alongside all my other art based merchandise. The design will also feature as part of another Haus of Goth product launch coming very soon, so stay safe folks and watch this space…


Root yourself to the ground…change is a necessary part of developing any business and I’ve reached a logistic impasse with my regular Tynemouth market stalls, so I need to change the way I operate. Instead of bringing my fine art on a Saturday and my Haus of Goth gear on a Sunday I will now alternate between my fine art one weekend, and then my gothic based art the next. Hopefully offering a wider platform for both sides of my work it will also allow the inclusion of greater variation and more new stock. So from this weekend coming it will be my fine art on both days and my gothic work the following weekend, alternating from there onwards. I will also prefix regular weekly posts with either FINE or GOTHIC for those wishing to know what I will be bringing each weekend. Hopefully you can expect some exciting layouts, including more original art, a wider range of stock and new designs like this Haus design now in development.


The Usual Suspects… another grand evening with the Misfits, just to say thanks to M&M, my fellow traders and of course the great customers who came along, special shout out for Tony… a kindred spirit and top bloke, hope to see you all in November, cheers.


I’ll be back… at the Misfits Market this Thursday 5-9pm and will be bringing my brand new design Haus of Goth tees and hoodies for the first time as modelled here by ‘SlimJim’! All dry’n’warm at Darlington indoor Market there’s plenty of amazing alternative traders, tasty food and drink to be scoffed and it’s a grand way to spend a week day evening and maybe pick up some unique Halloween treats or even put your Megamind to the test in the quiz!


Haus call… late arrivals so just a quick impromptu shot to show you the new ‘Haus of Goth’ tee and hoodie that will be available on my stall tomorrow. Available in Medium up to 2XL this week…. the Small, 3XL and 4XL sizes are coming soon. The T-shirts are £20 and the hoodies are £30 and should also be available to order online plus P&P through my partner company at : https://thepurpleparsnip.com also from this Sunday.

Photos from SPQR Design's post 23/09/2023

Ghost in the Machine… as promised here are those ‘Haus of Goth’ WIP original pastel artwork shots for those who like seeing the creative process.


Home sweet home… so we’re back at Tynemouth Market this weekend and I’m so stoked to also be bringing the latest addition to my gothic art based brand which is the suitably titled… ‘Haus of Goth’. Whilst I recently featured this design as a Lino cut, hand carved print, this version is the original pastel artwork in all its glory for the first time. The seventh design in Volume l of my Haus brand, this will also become the main logo for the entire brand. I will also load the customary WIP shots, along with some actual garment images and details before Sunday… and there is plenty more news regarding plans for my Haus development coming very soon…


I Disappear… just a quick heads up to let you know Anne and I won’t be at Tynemouth Market this weekend as we are away for our annual holiday. We will be back at the market next weekend 23/24 September. Take care good people and we will see you all soon.

Photos from SPQR Design's post 06/09/2023

The day that never comes… since my teenage years I’ve been aiming to reach a point in my life… a stage in my career where I can truly pursue my own art and design professionally. It has often felt like this point would never ever happen and even now it still seems quite surreal, but the last quarter of 2023 will herald that zenith phase in my career and this design is the inaugural piece of this next stage. Having helped me to reach this goal it seems only fitting that this new logo design for my Haus of Goth brand should be the first piece to launch the transition. The logo image featured is a blend between the actual hand carved Lino cut plate and a neon hand print from that plate. The original pastel artwork version is also soon to join my Haus range as a T-shirt and Hoodie but more of that later. In the meantime a special limited edition framed neon print will be available at the Misfits market along with some other Haus favourites tomorrow evening. Why not come along say hi and find out what I have planned for my work.

Photos from SPQR Design's post 23/08/2023

Turn back time … for those who enjoy the journey here is some of those work in progress shots taken during the ten week painting of the Blair family portrait commission I posted on Monday. Hope you enjoy the insight.


Circle of life… so this recently completed family portrait was successfully collected by the lovely (and very patient) Blair family at the weekend. Over ten weeks in the making, this acrylic upon canvas was a special commission project to combine two reference photos to include their beloved dog Gunner alongside a chosen family shot. This was also a very special piece on a very personal level as it is represents the last stage in a six year journey to finally complete my transition to a full time artist and designer. I will load some WIP of this portrait later and expect more details on new projects soon, but today a brave new world begins…


‘What I can’t be today, I can be tomorrow‘… just a simple thanks to all the kind folk who visited my stall at the Misfits yesterday and supported me again, you brought this quote home, stay strange misfits.


Okay folks… not only is there a rare Super Moon this week, but you will also find me back at the Misfit Market this Thursday evening at Darlington indoor market 5-9pm. Featuring my own Haus of Goth branded art, merch and clothing, I will also have my first new Deadhedz design tee along as well. If you’re looking for that rather special gift or just something truly beyond the ordinary then this is the place to visit. Take a stroll amongst the unusual stalls and traders, sample some amazing food & drink and even test your media knowledge in the quiz all in a lively and friendly environment. So misfits, looking forward to seeing you all there… skibidi bop bop yes!!!

Photos from SPQR Design's post 17/07/2023

What’s the point… often when a project takes a great deal of time and effort, where you’ve pushed all your boundaries. Then the reactions, critique even criticism can often leave you wondering if it was actually worth the monumental effort! This doesn’t just apply to artwork it often simply reflects upon all our everyday lives in general. As a sole trader, such doubts and questions undermine everything I do, so it is oh, so mind blowing when someone actually recognises or responds positively to your work and if this goes beyond an individual well, the collective impact can be simply euphoric. This weekend was just one of those special occasions of synchronicity for me, so I just wanted to thank all those amazing folk I encountered at the market who simply elevated me to a rare state of nirvana. The artwork featured here is my pointillism ode to Geordie rock icon ‘Wor Brian’ … and swipe left to reveal that the hard work can actually be worth it and to all my fellow creative souls struggling with todays tough climate… keep the faith, keep creating and keep rocking’!


Quark, strangeness & charm… just a simple THANK YOU to all the Misfits… organisers, traders and customers alike, you all made it an absolutely amazing first event for us, and we will be back… stay strange good people.


New Horizons… so folks I will be trading at the Misfits Market Darlington for the very first time tomorrow evening 5-9pm featuring my own Haus of Goth art & design brand. Really excited to join this well established event and hopefully add my own unique art and design to their growing band of alternative traders.

Photos from SPQR Design's post 16/06/2023

Flying the flag… so here’s another launch piece coming to my stall at this weekend’s Tynemouth market.…’Union Jackz’ is the first design in my new t-shirt brand DEADHEDz! This slow burn project begun way back in 2019, inspired by my fascination with skulls. I’ve created a series of ten original designs, applying graphic adaptations and interpretations onto to my beloved skullz in styles, themes and subject matter that offer a post modernist volume of paintings and Lino cut print designs. Positive customer reactions to the ten existing experimental mini designs have led to ‘Union Jackz’ now becoming the first artwork to undergo a larger more detailed repainting, a hand carved Lino cut logo rendering and additional graphics for a front & back print tee design which will officially launch my DEADHEDz! Seems to be my standard post strap line recently… but this is just the beginning…


Rise, fall, rise again… so this is my original drawing which was the basis for my new ‘Who Dares Wins’ t-shirt launched at the weekend. I have a genuine admiration and respect for all the armed forces and hope my artwork helps celebrate these amazing people and the inspiration I find in their bravery, dedication and self sacrifice. So it was with great sadness to hear that a local military charity I support through my art, ‘Operation Veteran’ is having to close its HQ and drop-in centre in North Shields due to spiralling running costs and the tough economic climate affecting us all. Whilst the charity itself will continue to operate in a more collaborative format and in partnership with other military charities, I hope to continue my own support for it through stronger links to all my future military art based projects, but today I simply wanted to take the opportunity to thank the incredible people at Operation Veteran who have helped and supported local veterans through the centre, so selflessly for the last seven years… Jim, Amy, Linda, Dawn, George and Christine… you will be greatly missed and I wish you all a bright future, that you all so truly deserve.

Photos from SPQR Design's post 02/06/2023

Who Dares Wins’… rather excited to bring this latest addition to my original artwork inspired t-shirts collection to the market this weekend. A lifelong interest and passion for military history this is one of my favourite subjects and my original pencil drawing is a colour rendering based upon a historical black & white photo from WWII, featuring Sir David Stirling and his brave desert raiders who were the founders and forefathers of the legendary British special forces unit the SAS. The first of several new ‘By SPQR’ designs in the pipeline for 2023, we are striving to improve and expand the existing range including front and back print aspects and more coloured base t-shirts. Just like my Haus brand, this is only just the beginning…


Crimson & Black… here is just an image of the actual artwork for the new special edition, cropped hoodie from yesterday and also an important update to a type error from the original post the price is actually £35 plus P&P not £25. Sincere apologies for the type error, hope you all have a great weekend cheers.


The Crimson & Black’… was my first ever Haus of Goth design created way back in 2017, but it has only ever been available as a small printed card so it was the ideal design, to help launch the next level plans I have for the brand… So this rare summer friendly, special edition cropped hoodie featuring design #1 ‘The Crimson & Black’ modelled here by the lovely Anne, and it will only be available to order, either online from my official supply partners at thepurpleparsnip.com or direct through me at my stall at Tynemouth Market from this weekend onwards, price £25 plus P&P. The six existing Haus designs are also soon to be joined by two more brand new designs which will then complete my Haus of Goth Volume I, which is called ‘Ursprunglich’ and this is just the beginning so stay tuned good people for much more details and news soon…


Most who know me will confirm, I generally don’t like leaving work raw or unfinished and more especially when it comes to my artwork! So bringing this particular original to my stall is quite a rarity. Sometimes a piece just doesn’t go as planned and to be entirely honest at an early stage it nearly went in the bin. So why my change of heart? Well as I took it from the drawing board intent upon scrunching my failure into a ball, I was just struck by so many aspects that actually, I did really like and felt compelled to think twice. I decided to try adding a mount and frame to see if it might earn the piece a reprieve and so here it is… ‘Candle in the Wind’ is a partially realised, pencil and pastel original drawing of a windswept Marilyn at the beach which will feature on my stall this Saturday at Tynemouth Market. There will be no limited edition prints available, no related merchandise planned, just this very unique framed original. My apologies for the poor photo but it was as mentioned, already behind glass. It will also be amongst many other artworks of the inspirational Miss Monroe, which will be a focus for my stall this Saturday, why not come down and see if I was right and if this rare candle does still burn bright.


So yesterday was my last shift at Tesco.
A truly major step in my journey to build my own art career, here however I just wanted to say thank you to all the amazing staff who I have had the privilege to work alongside at the Durham store for the last five years. Yesterday was such a humbling experience to all the kind wishes, cards, gifts and hugs I won’t ever forget it or them, and hope that many will remain my good friends for many years to come. Retail staff are so hard working genuine people, who are often undervalued in another service industry that simply does not get the respect it truly earns. So please next time you’re shopping give the staff a smile and just remember to say thank you.


I only dream in Black and White
I only dream because I’m alive
I only dream in Black and and White
To save me from myself

‘Dream of Mirrors’ Iron Maiden.

This track has always been a Geordie anthem for me… all the lyrics and sentiments just seem to embody what it was to be a NUFC fan during my life and the album title it is taken from ‘Brave New World’, also just seems so fitting at the moment.
I will be back at Tynemouth Market again this weekend along with hundreds of other amazing local traders and I will have my ‘Legends’ original artwork and prints again this Saturday along with all my original Haus of Goth artwork and gear on Sunday. Open 9.00 - 3.00 both days… why not howay doon ye bonny lads n lasses.


Bright sunshine…
reflecting on a truly monumental weekend at the market that will remain with me forever for so many different reasons but all I really wanted to say today was a massive thank you to all those amazing people who continue to help, encourage, support and simply inspire me and my art. No list of individuals here, just two simple things that struck me. This amazing group of people come from both my past and present life and that the connections and friendships we make are unaffected by distance or the passing of time. The significance and importance of help or encouragement is also unaffected by the form this encouragement takes, it is the simple fact that somebody cares enough just to try… thank you!


I could never be considered prolific and the arrival of a new original artwork is rather rare, but my new ‘Legends’ piece will be debuting at my stall at Tynemouth Market this Saturday. A very special piece featuring my all time Toon heroes Shearer and Speed. The tragic loss of Gary Speed is one of those events that truly affected me deeply, and still does. He was a true inspiration and the shot this image is based upon was taken from a newspaper at the time of his passing and I have always wanted to celebrate and pay tribute to these two heroes, so here it finally is… The framed original pastel artwork along with limited edition prints, in both framed or mounted versions will all be with me this Saturday. If you’re visiting Tynemouth market tomorrow why not call by say hello and see the original in the flesh so to speak, hope you like it… Howay the Lads.

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Newcastle Upon Tyne

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10pm - 2pm
Saturday 9am - 3:30pm
Sunday 9am - 3:30pm

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