It's Time for Change

Chartered Psychologist & Psychotherapist: When we get people right, we get business right. Let's put the human factor back into business.

I get very excited about working collaboratively with organisations, using psychological principles and evidence-based practices, to create workplace cultures where employees excel, where teams are dynamic and where people are happy. It's Time for Change helps leaders and HR professional to develop sustainable high performing, engaged teams, by creating the best company culture with positive menta


What a day!

Getting together with some of our amazing Leadership Lab people after 6 months together was truly fantastic!

We navigated the traffic 🚘 (yes… I did guide the group along the main road minus a path that had disappeared with building works).

We avoided swimming 🏊‍♂️ across the canal when faced with an expanse of water and realising we needed to be on the other side.

We continued to be friends, much to John Hale’s ability to save the day with his inbuilt satnav skill 🧭!

We also reflected on individual journies and the impact that Labs has had on each leader’s own company.

And what will stick with me are the words to each individual from the rest of the group, highlighting their strengths and the difference they have made. Wow. It felt emotional.

Today summed up why I feel so proud of the that Gemma Ellison and I have created.

Thank you John, Sally-Anne Naunton, Alice Lundsten, Dominic Randle, Michael Quinnell and Rebecca Falla for putting your trust in us.

Anyone wanting to know more about this unique approach to leadership development, drop me a line to have a chat. I promise no roads, water or bulls involved!!


Are you looking to develop tomorrow's leaders to be able to take the business into a different place from where it is today? Or, are you looking for future leaders who most closely resemble those in leadership positions now?

That's a great question that Duncan Targett, my guest on this episode of the , asks when we discuss .

And who can resist talking with someone whose surname lends itself so brilliantly to the name of his company, On Targett Consulting?!!

The conversation is spot on, helping listeners think about how your company sets itself apart from others.

We dive into the much maligned 9-box grid to map talent, and Duncan explains how the bedrock of company success is not found in the box that you might think!

He also asks us to consider the all important question: Do people want to develop? It sounds obvious but when did you last ask that of your people? Are opportunities in your organisation based on assumptions? Or are those opportunities even present?

If you're anything to do with , , , , or , this is for you!

Listen or watch and reach out to us to continue the conversation.


Self-harm and substance abuse are some of the most negative coping skills people use to manage intense feelings and situations.

It might not have occurred to you but consistent substance use and addiction is, in itself, a form of self-harm. Alcohol abuse also increases the risk of self-harm.

So, for , I invite you to go back and listen to the episode of my 'SELF-HARM: Dispelling myths and shaping solutions (in YOUR company), where I'm joined by Yaj Buljeean of Harmless.

Discover practical advice for companies to support their employees who are using this behaviour to cope with underlying distress.

🎧 Listen now:

Remember, Everybody Knows Somebody. It is YOUR business. (Thank you Taking Action on Addiction).

Trading Places: Is This Room Free? Leadership Labs (Clip) 04/07/2024

"Why the hell should I be interested in anything you two have to say?"

Excellent question posed to Gemma Ellison and I as we discussed Labs with Martin Drake on his podcast, Is This Room Free?

Well, for a starter, not many leadership development courses talk about rucksacks!

We ask the question... What's in your rucksack? 🎒
What do you need to take out, put on the table and deal with? 🗣️
What is the actual problem here (getting beyond assumptions or acceptance of 'norms')? 🔎

Imagine the difference it would make being able to strip back the 'noise' in your day-to-day and deal with the stuff that really gets in the way of good wellbeing, engagement and performance.

Whether you're focusing on , , or any other aspect of being a human at work, we discuss the benefits of the opportunity to apply rigorous thought, to identify real needs and to enable continuous improvement.

We're NOT about transformation.
We ARE about 1% marginal gains.

Gem and I provide the Lab context and the tools you'll need.

Are you ready to join us with your rucksack and offload?

Listen to the whole conversation or watch

Trading Places: Is This Room Free? Leadership Labs (Clip) "Why the hell should I be interested in anything you two have to say?"Excellent question posed to Gemma Ellison and I as we discussed Labs with Martin Drake ...


It’s time to break the stigma around addiction.

Stigma around addiction prevents employees from seeking help.

Did you know? Facilitating addiction treatment increases mental and social functioning at work and decreases absenteeism. We need to invest in our workforce as whole beings to help them unlock their full potential.

Developing an addiction strategy requires a top-down and bottom-up approach centered on psychological safety. It's important to create environments where employees feel safe to admit their struggles and access support. Supporting employees through addiction can lead to happier, healthier, and more productive workplaces.

Breaking the stigma surrounding addiction starts with understanding and empathy. Taking a proactive approach to addiction support can transform lives and workplaces.

These insights can help raise awareness about addiction and the importance of creating supportive environments in the workplace.

During let’s come together to reduce stigma, promote healthier coping strategies, and foster supportive environments.

Download my resource ‘Addiction: Unveiling the shadows, understanding the complexity & providing support’ and let's make a difference together by focusing on putting people first.

How are you supporting your colleagues to live their best selves?

The ‘Sick Note Culture' - It's Time for Change 01/07/2024

The 4th July is demanding a heap of attention as the nation decides who will lead the UK.

Rishi Sunak’s plan about shaping the future for people signed off work, and their employers, remains a hot topic.

Of course, the future is currently uncertain. But one thing we do know for sure is that there are many people feeling unhappy about the welfare plan that will see more people back in work.

Why is that?

Surely people being in work is a good thing?

The simple answer is ‘yes’, but as with all things political and involving humans, the solution is never that straight forward.

In this blog, Chris Chamberlain of Guernsey Mind and I consider some of the important considerations for individual employees, managers and leaders.

And we share resources that will help people navigate this uncertain and uneven territory.

What are your thoughts about the impact for employers if this plan comes into play?

The ‘Sick Note Culture' - It's Time for Change What That Means For Workplaces


Martin Drake ripped up the rule book and invited the "dynamic duo" that is Gemma Ellison and myself onto his podcast, Is This Room Free?

We're not HR.

But we are all about people.

In particular, we're focused on enabling people to be and experience their best self.

And enabling them to develop in a way that provides most value to the organisation. All this whilst creating the most engaging experience that means we feel good about what we do.

So in this conversation, we unpick leadership development at its best, which is what we've created with Leadership Labs.

This is about a process for honesty, collaboration, peer support and experiential learning.

That might now sound mainstream but we push the boundaries.

We empower leaders to design experiments that drive positive change in their businesses.

Are you interested in a different way to develop the skills, confidence and ability to problem solve that is required of leaders today?

Whether you're at the top of an organisation or leading a team of people in a managerial role... will help you.

Get in touch to find out more and benefit from the Summer booking discount for our next Open Lab starting in September.

Listen to the episode here:



The Harvard Business Review published a paper this month explaining how carewashing is alienating employees and contributing to overwhelm. Read it for yourself here:

That's the topic I explored with senior HR practitioners from larger members of the Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce at their HR Forum last week.

Companies need to think differently if...

1️⃣ You're serious about addressing employee wellbeing (at ALL levels)
2️⃣ You want to boost competence, confidence & performance (at ALL levels)
3️⃣ You want to know that what you're investing in is having the right impact

These smiley faces in the photo were captured at the end of my session where I facilitated a mini Live Lab. 14 people having the opportunity to:

✅ check-in
✅ question how they currently evaluate practice
✅ question how relevant & timely knowledge/ skills are acquired & applied
✅ voice challenges & design meaningful change

Every one of them left with a postcard outlining their individual experiment to directly address their challenge front of mind.

That's what I call a productive use of 40 minutes!

Is your organisation carewashing? Or, is it getting future-ready by reshaping current practice to get to to where it needs to be?

Find out more about the Leader Labs I run with fabulous Gemma Ellison by sending a note to say 'Hi!'. One word that could be the start of the conversation you need to help strip back the noise and do things that feel good and deliver results.

Sounds good, doesn't it?

Thank you Rosie Sweeney for inviting me to speak, to Ruby Bailey-Knights MA Assoc CIPD for chairing brilliantly, to HR Wallingford for hosting us in your beautiful setting, and to B P Collins LLP for sponsoring the event.

I'm looking forward to hearing about the impact of those experiments!!


What boosts your employees' work?

What boosts your employees?

Andy Caldicott explained the impact that Boostworks makes. I enjoyed getting stuck into the conversation connecting company values, employee engagement and recognition and feedback.

Too often I see leaders and managers talking the talk about how great it is to work in their organisation.

⛔ But it isn't really.

And I hear them expecting employees to perform 'better'.

⛔ Without giving them the feedback they need to feel valued.

And questioning staff turnover and escalating recruitment and onboarding costs.

⛔ Whilst failing to address the factors that are driving people away.

How are you boosting the way your people work?

Masculinity for Mental Fitness - Daniel Glyde (Clip) 20/06/2024

That mental health stuff doesn't relate to me.

What I'm experiencing are the normal stresses and strains of having a high powered, high performance career.



Daniel Glyde does a cracking job of sharing what he has learned - and there is a lot.

What struck me is Daniel's realisation that despite being a successful business man who believed he was emotionally intelligent, he was as vulnerable as the next person.

That vulnerability means being human. It's about realising that stresses and strains do impact on our mental fitness, regardless of who we are.

Such a lot of what Daniel shares resonates with what Nick O'Neill said in his episode of the podcast, Let Men Drive the Mental Health Bus (link in comments👇🏼).

So, if you're a man, of an older generation, what Daniel describes could relate to you. It might be time for a re-think about how you're approaching and responding to life.

Do you have a similar story?

Listen to Daniel or watch

Masculinity for Mental Fitness - Daniel Glyde (Clip) That mental health stuff doesn't relate to me. What I'm experiencing are the normal stresses and strains of having a high powered, high performance career. R...


Man up.

Does that phrase make you squirm or is it acceptable to you?

We've all been brought up with a set of beliefs and thoughts about how we should behave. But that puts pressure on people to show up in a certain way. It may no longer be considered acceptable or helpful. And it may mean we're covering up what's really going on.

So, what about permission to be authentic?

My guest, Daniel Glyde, Life Coach & Founder of Positive Masculinity, explores a different approach to mental health. We talk frankly about:

・high performance and mental fitness
・camaraderie instead of safe spaces
・emotional intelligence and soft skills
・vulnerability and mindset

Failing to meet the underlying needs for good mental health to be possible reinforces the disconnect between 'my' reality and the support that's available.

We cannot support people to improve their mental health if they don't feel it's relevant and understand the connection with their experience.

Listen or watch this episode of the podcast for practical advice about improving your own mental wellbeing, mental health, mental fitness or what ever YOU want to call it, and that of your team.

It's time to rip off the badges of honour men can wear when attributing stress and anxiety to being male.

Success is about authenticity, vulnerability, role modelling and giving permission for others to engage in conversations that are critical. Otherwise we continue to do 'good' mental health a dis-service.


I've just finished the incredible book The Anxious Generation.

In it Allen Lane talks about loneliness. In particular, about how people become so consumed by screens there is no longer time to interact with others in person.

We're a distracted nation, consumed by the pressing needs of tasks that we're constantly alerted to on our devices.

That reduces the quality of social interaction. People are absorbed in their own world.

The impact? Incredibly isolated people.

It erodes trust, honesty, the ability to problem solve rationally and the ability to take care of ourselves. We experience less empathy and compassion. We're disconnected.
Pressure builds. We have no 'off' from notifications, alerts and emails that bombard us continuously about what is yet to be achieved.
Wellbeing suffers, we struggle to focus, and our confidence and sense of control can be eroded.

Yet we know how important human connection is for our ability to feel good and perform well.
And we know that the quality of those interactions trumps quantity.

How are YOU ensuring that your connections are the best they can be?

Be honest with yourself, the assumptions you make or beliefs you hold...
"They're busy which is why I haven't heard from them."
"I'm too busy to make time & space for them."

It's so do something different.

Name 2 or 3 people you want to check in with in a more meaningful way.

Identify what may distract you during those interactions and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Active listening is about 100% of your attention.

If you don't have people around you that recognise the importance of prioritising this critical time and space, come and join a group that has proven success based on the quality of the connections.

The relief that comes from knowing your voice will be actively heard, that you'll experience support in showing up as the real you, and knowing your concerns will be collectively addressed, cannot be underestimated.

Do you have that experience yet?

If not, get in touch and find out more about the Open Labs group.

Let men drive the mental health bus - Nick O'Neill (Clip) 10/06/2024

I asked Nick: What should women do to be proactive in terms of supporting men to engage more openly with mental health?

Nick's answer: This is not a gender issue. It's a generational one.

Do you agree?

What implications does that have for how your workplace approaches mental health?

How are you proactively enabling ALL employees to engage more with the day-to-day reality that is mental health?

Listen to all the advice Nick shared about how to make a real difference to older men in the podcast
These people are often those in managerial positions.
It's no longer an option to ignore this need.

Let men drive the mental health bus - Nick O'Neill (Clip) I asked Nick: What should women do to be proactive in terms of supporting men to engage more openly with mental health?Nick's answer: This is not a gender is...



What do you do with that feeling that something isn't right?

In a recent coaching session with a leader, we talked about imposter syndrome and how it shows up for her. She was able to articulate when and why it happens, which is powerful as it provides her with the ability to take greater control.

What my client hadn't realised was that the feelings of anxiety and stress are there to motivate us to take action. When something doesn't feel right, it's our brain's way of saying 'do something!'

If we choose to ignore that, we become a pressure pot... a container for all those feelings that stay stuck inside and that can eat away at our confidence.

So instead, this leader is going to decide which of these to use when she detects an uncomfortable feeling:


She is able to normalise and reframe her feelings.
That increases confidence.

And when it comes to the 'doing', she now has techniques to visualise being able to carry out actions needed with a sense of calm, confidence and control about how she feels and behaves.

Sounds good, doesn't it?

She is one more leader taking ownership of what she is experiencing and how she shows up. Are you doing the same?

If you want to know more, let's chat.


Hoorah for gin!

Tomorrow is , a global celebration of all things gin.

Anyone who knows me well will know I 🧡 gin so this is the perfect opportunity to kick back and enjoy a glass.

My question is this... are we over-complicating it? I'm a real fan of a drink that is oozing with botanicals and that tastes like gin. But lots of distilleries have been putting their own spin on flavours to stand out from the crowd.

Should we be getting more vibrant and creative with gin or sticking with a well-made classic? 🍋

Cheers to all you gin lovers out there!


Nick O'Neill of Oriel Chambers outlines a modern approach for mental health in a traditional industry that is the legal sector.

He explains that law is known for being a male dominated culture, attracting alpha characters. And that presents a challenge for addressing a very human need, particularly when you consider that many men of the generation that struggle to engage with mental health, are managers. Their perceptions and behaviours have a far-reaching impact.

Add to that Nick's view that most lawyers hate being told what to do and the challenge of billable hours, and you will understand that this is a complex issue.

Nick outlines how the Bar is addressing the layers of cultural complexity to break down barriers.

He shares advice about the need to keep women out - a controversial but informed perspective.

He explains the need to get more people on the bus by creating a commercial case.

And Nick describes the impact of the Merseyside Legal Men's Wellbeing Group ( ), discussing topics such as professional happiness, imposter syndrome and professional goals.

We both detest tick boxes. This is about real life.

Don't let in May, tomorrow, and International next week become token gestures. Instead, do something that impacts long term by creating engagement and momentum.

Once you've listened to this podcast at, check out what Stuart Codling had to say about the same topic in the police:

These guys have found ways to make a real difference.
How are YOU going about that?


This question was put to Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak during the TV debate last night:

"What is the best leadership approach? Play it safe or take some risks and go for the win?"

What do you think, in terms of the workplace?

What is the most effective style of leadership for the future of work?

(image ITV/PA MEDIA)

Lisa LLoyd & Gemma Ellison (Leadership Labs - a unique approach to helping leaders grow) - Is This Room Free? 05/06/2024

It all happens when I'm away! I've come back to see this episode of Martin Drake's awesome podcast has gone live 👏🏼

I loved this conversation - real talk about the state of leadership development and how to think about it differently. Gemma Ellison and I talk about hashtag - a concept that we absolutely love, and one that makes a massive difference to leaders individually, and also to organisations and teams.

Can't wait to dive into this courtesy of Higher, with people sampling the Lab experience live, in Wigan next month!! A link to tickets is in the comments ⬇️

If you're thinking about leadership development and support for yourself or for your colleagues, this is a completely different approach that focuses on leaders as humans! Get in touch with Gem or I to find out more.

In the meantime, listen to the whole of this episode. Thank you Martin for being an amazing advocate. We're proud to have Higher as a partner of ours.

Lisa LLoyd & Gemma Ellison (Leadership Labs - a unique approach to helping leaders grow) - Is This Room Free? We have a first for the podcast - it's the very first time that I've had two guests feature on one episode.I'm joined by Gemma Ellison and Lisa LLoyd who are both returning guests from this series. Since my recording with Gemma in October 202...

Compassionate Leadership (a better approach for mental health?) - Clip 23/05/2024

Are you missing the point?

Employee health and performance is dependent on the environment those people are part of. It's not simply about knowledge and skills training at an individual level.

So, do you know which factors are enablers and which are inhibitors for health and performance in your specific context?

Unless we create the space to find out, we simply won't know. And then we continue to shoot in the dark.

That space is about identifying barriers to the behaviours we want to experience more of. But it is also about looking inwards... at our ability for self-compassion, our ability to understand what is good enough and where we need to take action, and our ability to find the confidence to step outside our comfort zone.

Would you like a facilitator to support the conversations you need to have... to provide the 'blank' sheet that you can guarantee will provide what you need to know? Put your trust in a different approach that will soon become evident is a hugely productive use of time. Message me.

Listen to the whole episode here:

Compassionate Leadership (a better approach for mental health?) - Clip Are you missing the point? Employee health and performance is dependent on the environment those people are part of. It's not simply about knowledge and skil...


💬 "This group has seen more of me than anyone else in my professional life; I'm able to drop my guard. It has an element of counselling."

💬 "It's not me doing a bad job, but the world creating challenges that this group helps solve. It is like therapy for me."

That's not the feedback Gemma Ellison and I were expecting from our last open Leadership Lab, as the leaders reflected on what they got from the session.

But then again, maybe we shouldn't have been surprised.

When the right space is created:

✔️ to pause
✔️ to experience camaraderie and safety
✔️ for genuine check-ins that invite peer coaching
✔️ to share and jointly 'solve' challenges
.. it's no wonder that good things happen.

The ability to be authentic, to realise we're not alone in our struggles, to share where we are at now and what is front of mind, is critical for good , and .

How many companies are continuing to miss the point during and failing to address the great big elephant that is about how we feel and operate day-to-day?

Mental health is not about something to focus on for a specified period. Or just about how to put poor health right. It's about what is experienced each day that allows us to feel good and perform well.

We're taking bookings for our next open starting in Sept: #

Are you actively coaxing that 🐘 out of the room?


That felt weird!

I recorded an episode of my podcast on my own 😱. And I realise I really don't like the sound of my own voice!

But hey ho, I had important stuff to say and a platform to say it so there you go!

The reason I wanted to talk about is because it is mental health awareness week.

How are those linked, I hear some of you ponder?

Well, as those of you who know me well, I'm not really about initiatives or individual-level intervention without thinking about the wider context. You wouldn't put a flourishing seedling in a dark room without water.

And, I've been doing quite a lot of work lately working with leadership teams to create space to stop and check in with themselves, each other and where the business is heading.

When we focus on:

• - by experiencing it
• - by thinking about our own limits before looking to care for others
• - by recognising the need to step outside our comfort zones...

We are able to:

✅ align individuals within a team
✅ provide clear direction for the business
✅ increase

And that impacts on good - both for the leadership team and those they lead.

Are you bolting on a quick fix or attempting to solve mental health challenges when they're evident? Or are you taking a holistic approach and creating the right environment for people to be happy and healthy?

What do you think? Listen and critically evaluate your practice:

Are you joining the dots?


Have you noticed how much happier many of us are, now that the sun has made an appearance? 😎

Many people love being outdoors when the weather is being kind, and it has a real impact on mood. So it's good news that this week is and the theme for 2024 is 'moving more for our mental health'.

It's pretty easy to combine the great outdoors with movement and work, when we value it.

Moving our bodies is important for our mental health, yet research by the Mental Health Foundation shows that more than a third of UK adults find it challenging to find the time for movement.

How can companies help with this in the workplace?

What does the ideal to promote good through opportunities for movement look like?

▪ Sociable zones - where people move around, collaborate, mix with colleagues.
▪ Activity-based Working (ABW) - providing a variety of work settings and more opportunities for movement such as indoor quiet spaces, collaborative hubs, places to work standing up.
▪ Patio areas with tables, chairs and umbrellas.
▪ Outside areas equipped with WiFi, power outlets, and anti-glare screens.

And what can companies do to provide extra opportunities for movement during the working day?

▪ Let employees reserve outside areas for meetings just like any conference room.
▪ Team-building exercises in a park.
▪ Schedule walking meetings.
▪ Conduct interviews outdoors.
▪ Have managers hold weekly 1-on-1 alfresco check-ins.

A place where we spend many hours in the week has a very real and substantial impact on our . If employees are not functioning at their best, there are implications for lost hours, reduced productivity, and falling profits. Get the physical and emotional environment right, businesses and their workforces will reap the rewards.

Want your practice to be the top-listed Clinic in Oxford?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Hard wiring. I’m not talking about electric appliances but that awesome, efficiency-making organ, your brain. 🧠We develo...
Lisa Labs Snippet Sarah Subtitled.mp4
Seb Randle Testimonial Clip 1.MP4




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Support Parents with Bipolar Disorder and Their Children. TOPIC Research Group, Dept of Psychiatry,

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Oxford, OX51SP

Providing coaching & training to help individuals, teams, managers & leaders to be resilient, communicate and work effectively together to achieve high performance.

Laukaz Psychotherapy Laukaz Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy and psychological support on-line (via ZOOM)

Oxford ADHD & Autism Centre Oxford ADHD & Autism Centre
Mill Court, 40 Windmill Road Headington
Oxford, OX37BX

Oxford ADHD & Autism Centre is based at two clinics, in Headington and Garsington, Oxford, offering