Indigo Oxford

Home of all things natural, sustainable and inspiring. An oasis of well being. Clothing, gifts and home wear. Home of All Things Natural, Ethical and Beautiful.

Visit us Online and in our Oxford Bricks & Mortar store. A mini ethical department store selling Men's and Women's Clothing, BabyWear, Gifts, Accessories, Soft Home Furnishings, Well Being and Zero Waste Brands include Suite 13, Thought Clothing, Armed Angels, Eribe, Nkuku, Natural World, La Eva, O My Bag, TruthBrush. An oasis on the Cowley Rd..10 mins walk from Oxford City Centre, parking outside.


Hello…How are you all doing? The plan today was to announce Indigo’s first pop up in 2 weeks time but things are not quite ready.
I’m choosing not to stress this. My mind needs to works at a different pace these days, like many of ours I sense. And I’m a one woman show now, running a doggie care businesses alongside Indigo.
So sustainable steps, on all levels, it is
At a good steady pace all is being prepared, somethings are even being made especially for us.
I look forward to welcoming you to a restocked website and Pop Ups at our home soon.
In the meantime enjoy the invitation that this time of year offers…to slow down.
This was always my challenge, being in retail, it’s all of our challenge in the fast paced society we live. I’m determined to find that balance of working at a good pace, in tune with this time of year. Let’s see if we can do it together…much love Sarah xx


A bit of exciting news and something to look forward to as Summer Hols come to an end…
After what has been quite a journey since closing the door in July’22, I am really excited to say Indigo is coming back 🤗
I’ll be a stocking a select range of gifts and home goodies Online and will be doing Pop Ups at home and possibly beyond ( let me know if you have ideas of where)
So….tell me…
What have you missed?? What brands or Indigo items would you love to see again?
Or what sustainable brands have you discovered and would like to see in the Indigo range
We’re talking accessories, gifts, home wear, candles etc
I’m starting the buying so get your orders in now
For those of you that are local, I really look forward to some magical times with you again
I am really excited!!!
Much love
Sarah 💚💚💚

Photos from Indigo Oxford's post 11/07/2024

I’ve been playing with clay
For years I sold others hand made crafts. Often asked if I made everything thing in the shop - erm that would have been a feat!!
I poured my creativity into the buying, the displays and marketing but when it came to making with my own handsthere was a block
I played the piano but stopped when I left home. I did Art A’level but rarely picked up the paint brush since
I’ve had to work through layers and layers to get to this place and now I’m on fire 🔥 So lit up by it, the science and the art of it, the alchemy and the unknown…when it comes to glazing
Very thankful to for providing us with Adult education courses. It’s never too late to learn something new. Most of our potters in Oxford started off here, they have brilliant facilities and teachers
And yes…I will be selling my ceramics
I’m dreaming in some Indigo shopping events at our home, come the late Autumn
Exciting !!

Photos from Indigo Oxford's post 08/07/2024

We had a little Summer Soirée at ours on Saturday and invited our friends from .oxford to make some food for us
It was going to be bring food to share but, to reduce everyone’s load, these guys made us yummy tacos and we all chipped in the £$€
It was such fun, everyone loved it. Raoul introduced the food to us and was a brilliant at welcoming everyone and Ebony ( who you will recognise from her time in Indigo) added her magic touches -
If you’re hosting a party you can’t go wrong by getting these guys in. They bring that little bit of magic 🌮✨

Photos from Indigo Oxford's post 04/07/2024

It’s being a sweet sweet Birthday…
I closed Indigo on my Birthday 2022. What a day that was!! We took the most we’d ever taken, at 40% off everything. I arrived home and literally nose dived into the sofa and didn’t move for hours 🤣 And so began another big journey…
2 years down the line I’ve been able to embrace this day, embrace me, and feel so so blessed.
Growing old is good. It brings its aches and pains but it brings so much more. And gratitude for friends, for family, for life is one of those gifts.
I’ve been sleeping in the living room, while Otto has been in the wars, and opened the curtains on my day to see this little group of sparrows playing together on the recycling bin and jumping in and out of the hedge. It was such a sweet sight. Sweetness is always here…it’s hard to allow it sometimes, in what can be a hard world, we need it though. Our souls need it, life needs it. Building sweetness is my mission this year it seems…
1 A walk in lye valley - I call it my Garden of Eden
2 My Birthday pack
3 Birthday breakfast from Josh. He massively upped the tradition this year. Hot choc, goats cheese ( he hates it) and charcoal crackers amoungst all the other delights
4 I have to dip in the river or sea on my Birthday
5 etc Joined by some of my good woman
How I was showered 🥰
And so begins another cycle of the sun and I’m here for it ✨🍓🍉💦☀️💃🏼


New favourite corner of North Oxford


Today marks the 7th anniversary of the Grenfell Tower tragedy
A day forever marked in my memory. I was on my way to Spain for a retreat and a message came through from my brother. He’d picked it up on the news and was pre warning us because as a family we were woven into what quickly became international news
My Dad, Clifford Wearden, was the original architect of Grenfell Tower. His team won the bid for the design of the Lancaster West Estste, of which Grenfell Tower was a part. He was working on it as I came into the world. This project was his biggest and fulfilled his passion for creating social housing that encouraged a community where diversity thrived, born out of his experience of fighting in world war II as a young man. He didn’t want the tower as part of the estate, the council insisted on it.
I have so many stories I’ve since gathered and come to know this man more, beyond just being my Dad. He had a very difficult last 10 years of his life and died when I was 29. In this way I have had to find ways as an adult to get to know him more and Grenfell was an unexpected route into this.
And though meeting with some of the community and survivors of the fire, I’ve come to see that his vision came to life
We have all come to learn what an inspirational community the Grenfell community are. We saw how as the politicians and local council turned their backs on them, they came together stronger. Peacefully so, led by a brilliant young man who initiated the silent walk.
Different faiths came together, community far and wide rushed in to support and continue to do so.
Incredible creativity has been born out of it, heart led projects..all sorts of channels for the families and friends that still need to grieve
And this should never have happened…
With all that unfolded with the pandemic and then Indigo closing and a big journey with my Mum, I’ve not had it in me to visit since 2019
I’m heading to London today and will be spending the afternoon around the tower with community and joining in the silent walk that starts at 6pm this evening
Grenfell - forever in our hearts 💚💚💚


Corry Hoodie form Eribe - was £168 now £95
Just a couple of M’s left
With the temperature dropping again, this is a good light knit.
Merino wool spun in Yorkshire
And Josh’s new favourite
Unisex piece


Hand Knit Heather Tank - now £69
With the continuing colder weather, finding I’m wearing this piece a lot, under my winter coat at times.
Keeping chest and organs warm
I have it in the beautiful smokey blue too


Home of the Mini


So Otto and I have joined paws and started up a service offering dog walks, doggie day care and sleep overs…
He’s very excited about our new adventure…and so am I!
We’re wanting to keep walking companions as local as possible and will be walking mostly in Lye Valley, the Kidneys, Flo Park and Shotover.
If you’re local and might need a helping hand from time to time, or know anyone that might, we’d love to hear from you.
Welcome to OXPaw…walking in OX4….


Cropped Ada Shirt - was £79 now £54
Boxy cut
Heavy weight organic denim
Beautifully soft
Much wear ability



Dream front door


Rene Boho Blouse - now £39

Made from textured Indian cotton which has been block printed using traditional artisan skills.
Cut to compliment the boho print
Wear to live out all your boho dreams
Told by a lovely customer she’s complimented every time she wears


It’s been a while…

A little hello now to say we have a BIG sale on all our clothing and accessories. We’re not going to continue selling clothing, so a last chance to buy an Indigo piece.

I’m currently considering coming back with accessories, gifts etc. Smaller pieces that don’t take up so much room in our small home and shed.

I’ve needed more time than I initially thought, so apologies for the long silence here and no pop ups as promised. Menopause and other things have taken me on quite a journey. I’m emerging again though, with Spring and rising with the sap.

I keep hearing how Indigo is missed. I’m not missing the whole holding of her, but I do miss our community and the beautiful space we all created.

Take a peak at our website and see if anything calls. Would love to find good homes for these remaining pieces. And I’d be very appreciative if you helped us spread the word…

I’m going away for a few days, so will process orders on my return next Monday.

Love and Spring blessings Sarah 🌿🌷🌿

Photos from Indigo Oxford's post 08/05/2023

What is they say “Tell God your plans and let him laugh at them…”
4 weeks ago I was happily driving up the M6, having stayed the night with an old friend in Hebden Bridge. I was on route to Scotland for my 3 week sabbatical road trip.
Suddenly there was a loud noise in the back and then some fabric flapping by my face. I looked back and could see the sky…the pop up roof had blown off!!!
It was quite an ordeal and my road trip got scuppered but it gave me a huge gift of gratitude and more.
Miraculously no one was hurt. The roof landed in the fast lane of the southbound carriageway.
And the sun shone that day (despite the forecast being rain) so my home stayed dry. The sun shone the following day too, so I was able to drive Betsy home. That was quite a ride! Open top campers are the way to go…if you live in the Med.
➡️ swipe to see pic
So this last month became a staycation. I though I was headed for the wilds, wind in my hair, freedom.
Life had other plans and in some ways I was gifted so much more. I was properly stopped. I was feeling pretty run down and it maybe wasn’t the time for a big adventure. Instead I rested and hung out with the bluebells.
Once back on my feet I did pack some fun in. Gigs in various cities and quality time with friends and family.
My sister was over form France with her boys and we had a family get together . Julie and I were at the same school in London and she was in the same class as my sister. They’d not seen each other for 30 years!
And Otto and I did finally run away to the beach. A long weekend in West Dorset. My new happy place.
Scotland now waits until next spring. Please no one send me pics of their hols in the Hebrides! Kind of still rattles.
I’m now back with Indigo. Planning and buying for pop ups for autumn (maybe before) and Christmas markets.
The website is back open and there are a few bits on sale that are good for now.
I hope you’re all enjoying the joys of spring,
Sarah xx



Last chance to get this gorgeous golden knit, in our BIG SALE, before the website shuts middayish this Monday.
It’s priced close to what we paid for it. I love mine. Great boxy fit and rich marl knit.

I’m headed off on a road trip to Wales and Scotland. Destination Harris, meeting with old friends along the way.
It’s going to be Otto and me, in our campervan, getting the wind in our hair. Creating space to see what’s next and searching for crafters and learning more about crafting traditions of these Isles.
If you know of anyone/any brands please put me in touch.



On most of our current clothing collection

Prices are what we paid or less

Mens - jumpers, joggers, Pj’s & trousers

Womens - Dungas, joggers, Knits & Pj’s etc

Don’t be put off by some of the images with younger models ( if you’re older..!) Styles work for all ages.

Which means also good for teens.


This boy has turned 6.

When we did our wish list for our dog to be, a wild one was our no 1. He’s taught us so much about the ways of the wild. And had us standing around waiting way too long for his return, while off on adventures chasing foxes and deer 😅

He always returns though, even just to let us know he’s still alive, before he f**ks off again. For this I am grateful!!

He’s quite a reputation on the local golf course - players and keepers. One friend who walks him, calls him the black streak on the horizon.

He’d definitely be the one stealing the butchers string of sausages, given the chance.

Each day he spreads joy in just being himself - there’s a lesson, if ever we needed one.

He loves to hang out the car window and feel the wind in his fur. Nearly lost him when he slipped out the window as a pup - thankfully he was on the lead, on my lap, and I pulled him back in…

Always lives life a little on the edge. He’s pretty close to his seven lives - having nearly drowned, got run over etc

When he had his first vet visit, the vet said how athletic and strong his little body was. Ha! There’s no moving him if his sticks his little dachsie paws in.

Otto was a rescue from Greece - from the amazing An unwanted pup, separated from his mum (cocker spaniel) early on and bottle fed by a sweet young girl, who pushed him around in her dolls pram.
Dad must have had dachshund in him.

He arrived in our lives 7 years after I had a womb loss at 13 weeks, in the second year of the shop. 7 years is a cycle in shamanic worlds. We call him our Sausage Shaman, he continues to heal us in many ways.

When we picked him up from Oxford services, having traveled 3 days in a van with other rescue pups, it was a little frozen ball that landed in my arms. That soon unfurled and opened his brown soulful eye to his new world.

So many memories and stories packed into these 6 short years and we hope many more to come.

Otski…we love you!!!

Birthday cake banana cake - topped with potato, pumpkin, broccoli and chicken and treats

Birthday bow tie



Few last knitwear pieces

And some men and women’s Komodo stock that we’ve recently received back. This stock was a pre order, before we made the decision to shut and we sent it to a shop in Brighton on sale and return. They’ve had a very quiet season so it’s back with us. We were lacking storage space at home and felt at the time this stock would be harder to sell online for us.

Now here for you at super reduced prices.

Link in bio


Treat yourself, or a loved one, to our last one of this beauty piece from .kerry

And live your boho dreams ❤️


As we go through perhaps the last of the winters freeze, blessed with blue skied mornings, our final discounts are up on the website.

Some pieces we’ve properly dropped the price. And in a few cases we’ve just 1 or two pieces left.

Guess we’re saying don’t hang around…

Link in the bio


Mornings like these…


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Videos (show all)

Spring Knit.We have some spring pieces, not in our BIG SALE, but they have small reductions..I’m loving wearing this pie...
Self date in London…my first home town…to catch the echoes of Christmas Delicious Dumplings and Dosa at @sevendialsmkt @...
Keeping warm on these beautiful frosty morns…These cosy fair isle hand knitted gloves can be layered over thinner gloves...
Say it with Socks…Unisex hand knitted fair isle socks Some might say the perfect Christmas gift 🎄Ps we’ve just popped a ...
New knit arrivals… in LOVE…The yarn in the smokey blue hand knit is also hand-spun and hand-dyed. It’s a special piece. ...
New knit arrivals… in LOVE…The yarn in the smokey blue hand knit is also hand-spun and hand-dyed. It’s a special piece. ...
Strolling through Winter with my Leli leggings - now on Sale…Komodo have been making these for several winters seasons n...
A Thank You you from me ✨ .We’re here for Click and Collect, if that works better for you. .And a reminder to support th...
Treat your Mum, while caring for our Earth Mumma...#mothersdayoxford #earthcare #greenliving #shoplocal #eastoxford#indi...




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Tash's Block Prints Tash's Block Prints

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Oxford, OX26

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Pixie and the Pirate Pixie and the Pirate

Ahoy There!!! Semi precious stone jewellery with hypoallergenic metals and aromatherapy

The Little Button The Little Button

� Bespoke Handmade Gifts � � DM For Enquiries �

Buzz Printz Buzz Printz
Oxford, OX449BP

Specialising in personalisation and printing. From handmade gifts to printed workwear, we’ve got you.

An Art Bud An Art Bud
6B Rectory Road
Oxford, OX41BW

Art makes me better.! Quite Inquisitive Thanks for stopping by.!

The Body Shop The Body Shop
Westgate Oxford Shopping Centre
Oxford, OX11PE

Small creations by lou. Small creations by lou.
Oxford, OX13

Personalised clothing & gifts for your little ones! profits will be going to the cleft palate association a charity close to my heart �

Chloe’s Handmade Gifts Chloe’s Handmade Gifts

- Handmade Gifts - UK Small Business - Free delivery (2nd Class) - 1 bracelet | £2.50 - 2 or more bracelets | £2.00 each - PM to order & for any questions - Based in Oxfordshire