Recro Vida

Recro Vida: Rejuvenate Life!

Pulsio COMPRESSION 08/06/2024

Any sports enthusiasts/doctors/physios know If the scene behind this is solid please?

Thinking of buying for recovery and to aid circulation in a lower limb prone to poor circulation.


Pulsio COMPRESSION Pulsio Compression Boots include a state-of-the-art air pressure compression technology up to 200 mmHg, delivering relief along four adjustable chambers from feet to thigh. Featuring an intuitive visual display, you'll have complete control of your therapy session.


One of the reasons I love travelling is it open's your eyes up to the real world; beyond social media & professional "NEWS" agencies. These can often present a less than real view of the world. This view is then often a stimulus of wider issues, including negative stereotypes of people or places.
Defined as "a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing" according to the Oxford English Dictionary, stereotypes can be confirmed or disproved by our personal experiences. Travel allows you to see places or meet people and formulate your own opinion of them. In my experience travelling, this has predominantly led me to disprove the negative stereotypes, generating greater understanding of socio-economic & environmental issues. I feel travel gives me a more accurate view of the world and inspires me to do more with the time I have on this planet.
"Influence is no respecter of education or experience; it goes only with the one who will set aside his status ― be it high and mighty or low and lowly ― and put himself in the place of another."
– Dale Carnegie (American writer and lecturer, author of 'How to win friends & influence people)
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Gmail: [email protected]

STEREOTYPES - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT STEREOTYPES - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTOne of the reasons I love travelling is it open's your eyes up to the real world; beyond social media & professional "NEWS"...


Life can sometimes get stressful. Time slips by. You get your head buried in to a project at work, the weekly cycle rolls in to another, always looking forward to that next holiday or birthday.
When you look back through life, your memory is often hazy but certain distinct memories stand out. These are generally at polar ends of the spectrum - the good & the bad (or the good & bad such as the England Mens football team). We try to hold on dearly to the good and forget the bad. This trip has been a wonderful accrual of great memories (as well as a minor few negative ones). The rate of positive memories I have generated has far exceeded those that I would have been able to generate living that routine life. I'm grateful for the ability to do this and live my life on my own terms for a while, focusing on my own WELLBEING in the process.
Bonnie Ware was an Australian palliative care nurse who collected a repertoire of patients opinions on their lives, including their regrets. Coming out on top was the regret of not living life on their own terms - something that I believe resonates with us all. So go live your life, take the holiday, buy that dream car, achieve that goal, quit that dead end job - remember; none of us get out alive!
"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”― Theodore Roosevelt (26th United States President)
Our Social Media accounts:
Gmail: [email protected]

MEMORIES - WELLBEING MEMORIES - WELLBEINGLife can sometimes get stressful. Time slips by. You get your head buried in to a project at work, the weekly cycle rolls in to another, ...


Listening to Never FInished by David Goggins (his 2nd Audio/E-book). He talks about his time as a medic and the concept of distracting injuries. Distracting injuries are visible/obvious injuries which patients have sustained (such as a clearly broke/mishapen leg) which are so severe & obvious that medics are drawn to treat these without taking a full assessment (which can result in another, more serious problem remaining untreated). Goggins relates this to his obsession/justification/cognitions on his own childhood trauma which he used as an exscuse/point of fixation up until the age of 24. By doing so, it lead to his unfulfilled potential. Prior to becoming “Goggins” I.E. the US Navy SEAL, ultra runner & world record holder, David Goggins was a severely overweight, depressed, night pest control technician.
This got me thinking about my own distracting injuries - my road traffic incident in 2008. I’ve managed to retrain my brain & teach myself to walk again, undertaking triathlons, mountaineering & having a relatively successful career. However, the chronic pain & resultant emotional & cognitive headspace it still occupies still has a distracting injury effect. A big part of this gap year was to try and find a solution to the physical & (by default) metal problem. To solve this now as opposed to constantly being sub-optimal in all areas of life, for the rest of my life. We’re taking a phased approach to this & will reveal more shortly. Both hearing this from Goggings today & visiting the space centre Houston yesterday (where so many high performing individuals were noted along with their incredible exploits); has definitely refocused the mind. "I wasn't born this mother fu$£&r, I made him! At the bottom of insecurities, fear, self-doubt, lies; was me, buried in the fu$%^*g fetal position. How I got out of that was being honest with it, being truthful with it, and then fixing it!" - David Goggins.


When I was in my teens, like many my age I wasn't confident in my own skin. This wasn't something I voiced or shared but I had insecurities. Your teens are such a hectic time, school, college, parties, sport, anatomical changes, social shift - I could go on. As a boy turning to a man in the late 2000's there was still a huge masculine culture. The ideal male body image was shifting from a big bodybuilder type to a male cover model (such as a few popular vanity brands at the time). Both body types were incredibly difficult to achieve for a young lad still progressing through puberty.
However, one thing that gave me confidence was joining the gym. At 16 and 4 days, I walked in to the gym with my signed parental consent and that was history. I had a lot to learn, made a lot of mistakes and am still to this day. The main thing that gave me confidence in those formative years was not my aesthetic at the time but the fact I was doing something about it. I was taking action and slowly progressing towards my goal.
“If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!" - Sir Richard Branson (Businessman, Author & Maverick)
Our Social Media accounts:
Gmail: [email protected]

CONFIDENCE - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT CONFIDENCE - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTWhen I was in my teens, like many my age I wasn't confident in my own skin. This wasn't something I voiced or shared but I h...


*Viewer discretion advised*
Despite currently travelling the world & fulfilling a lifelong goal, it's not all perfect all the time. Today I woke up in a negative state:
- Tired from a lack of good quality sleep (hostel Roomate snoring, turning on lights, new beds etc.),
- Sub par from lack of quality/available nutrition (cheaper nutritious food is often hard to find at all or on a budget),
- Feeling a little lonely (solo traveling despite being around similar likeminded people can feel lonely away from your strong connections),
- Lacking enthusiasm (seeing greats sights & experiencing wonderful things can take your energy levels, especially when having to plan & coordinate independently & to a strict budget)
- Lacking mental stimulation (traveling as per the prior point is fantastic but aside from reading & potentially watching documentaries, can lack a little mental stimulation work & other hobbies do)
- In pain (partially due to lack of exercise & poor diet (self accountability) but in part due to the weather, the lack of appropriate facilities and a compounding of walking miles over the past few days)
So what did I do about it? I switched tact, spent a slow morning, took some extra rest, stretched and got some heat on my body, fasted then got some good nutrition in, called a family member, done something productive for my own life, then focussed on the business, listened to my intuition (deciding to forgo a night of drinking to progress some work before an early night).
Not every day you will feel great, happy, positive. It's those days that count. Those day's that lead you on the path to victory. Mental Health is a spectrum from positive to negative and it's natural to be on the negative side of the line from time to time. Today was one of those days.
"What do I do on the days when I'm tired & worn out and sick of the grind!? What do I do on those days? I go anyways; get it done, even if I am just going through the motions, I GO THROUGH THE MOTIONS!" - Jocko Willink (Author, BJJ Warrior, NAVY SEAL)
Our Social Media accounts:
Gmail: [email protected]

DARK DAYS - WELLBEING DARK DAYS - WELLBEING*Viewer discretion advised*.Despite currently travelling the world & fulfilling a lifelong goal, it's not all perfect all the time. Toda...

Photos from Recro Vida's post 13/04/2023

I studied Hurricane Katrina (2005) when I was in school. I remembered seeing it on the news when I was younger as a flash memory. It was shocking & horrific. Today I visited the museum (New Orleans), walked past the ceasers super dome, the mighty Mississippi and the levees that previously failed. It was a shocking & sobering experience.
A few statistics on Katrina:
-Cost today$161 Billion (USD)
- 1,833 deaths
-80% of the city of New Orleans underwater
-1.2 million people evacuated (100,000 remained in the city including 35,000 eventually using Caesars superfine as a last line of retreat)
Studying geography through school, college and to university I learnt so much theory but rarely got to visit or experience it in real life. This trip has been a wonderful journey of experiences seeing physical & human geography in action and truly understanding it. I’m so grateful to be able to live the learning.


"OUT BUSH" is an Australian Aboriginal term for going out in to rural country, away from civilisation. Sometimes mutually exchangeable with to "go walkabout".
I have always found when my head is messy, I feel stressed or overwhelmed that getting away from urban centres and in to the expanse or nature aids me to return to centre. I fairly quickly feel those negative emotions washing away and a calmness come over me. My thoughts start to organise and the noise quietens down. It doesn't matter how you look (especially wearing this absolutely rude arrangement), or whatever other social pressures you normally have in urban life. Just you, nature & your thoughts.
"Participants who took regular 50-minute walks in forest preserves experienced:
-Improved mood
-Reduced anxiety
-Reduced perceived stress
-Increased sense of connectedness to nature
-Decreased blood glucose levels"
(Horton, 2019)

Our Social Media accounts:
Gmail: [email protected]

- YouTube Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


Can you handle the (Miami) HEAT and deliver the (Orlando) MAGIC!?
Great day out watching National Basketball Association (NBA) live for the first time. Miami Heat played Orlando Magic in a local derby match for the last game of the season. The "Free throws" are given as a penalty if a foul is committed. Seeing this reminded me of the concept of Performance Anxiety which is defined as:
"apprehension and fear of the consequences of being unable to perform a task or of performing it at a level that will raise expectations of even better task achievement." -(American Psychological Association).
In sports and in life we often over analyse, become anxious for no logical reason or place too much pressure on ourselves to perform when, in reality the outcome will be immaterial in the long run. We become the problem in the equation. So the point is this: very rarely in our lives will the consequences of our actions be so sever or irreparable so try not to worry about it - you'll thank yourself for it (and probably do better as a result).
“I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." Michael Jordan (NBA Legend & Businessman).
Our Social Media accounts:
Gmail: [email protected]

PERFORMANCE ANXIETY - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PERFORMANCE ANXIETY - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTCan you handle the (Miami) HEAT and deliver the (Orlando) MAGIC!?Great day out watching National Basketball Associa...


When living in Sydney, myself & a friend decided to swim the Little Manly to Manly swim. This is an open water swim of around 800 metres. I had swum 5km in a pool before in one session & 1,500 metres in the River Thames as part of the 2016 London Triathlon. Open Water is a different level though. You have to factor in the tides, the waves, the cold water, the currents etc. This would be a challenge but a progressive step from the aforementioned. For safety, we had another friend guide us with a kayak - we could rest or even climb aboard if required. It was an uncomfortable swim, with the waves affecting both our stroke and our breathing style ( for those who swim regularly I adopt a bilateral breathing style, which when exposed to one directional waves creates difficultly timing breathe between breaking waves). We completed two journey's easily (as planned) and felt a sense of both confidence & achievement in doing so.
To grow in a progressive way, it is required to go beyond the normal level of exertion/stress/exposure/discomfort we are accustomed to but within the realms of our potential. This is difficult to achieve - stretch without over-stretch but with a logical, scientific and planned methodology we can achieve this and aid in our personal development.
"People frequently aspire to improve themselves, yet the process of personal growth can cause discomfort." (Woolley & Fishbach, 2022)
Our Social Media accounts:
Gmail: [email protected]

CONTROLLED STRETCH - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT CONTROLLED STRETCH - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENTWhen living in Sydney, myself & a friend decided to swim the Little Manly to Manly swim. This is an open water swim ...


In order to learn properly, as well as to reinforce & consolidate learning (allowing it to be committed to long term memory), I always ensure I complete the learning loop. I always go back through my notes as well as practise any physical actions shortly after (long enough to get a bit rusty but not long enough to forget the details), completing a session of learning. This decreases the chance of skill fade & of rote learning (the process of learning something by repetition rather than actually learning it).
I recently completed my Apnea Total Freediving course so spent a free afternoon committing it all to memory when revisiting my notes & doing some further study.
I’ve always been disappointed with course providers; ranging from schools, to professional providers (in business & leisure) with how quickly they rush through content and how poorly they test competence - offer awarding certification (even in safety qualifications) to people who wouldn’t be capable of replicating what they have learnt after leaving the learning environment, let alone anytime in the future. It’s something we aim to avoid as part of our training & service delivery.
Our Social Media accounts:
Gmail: [email protected]

LEARNING LOOP - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT LEARNING LOOP - PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT .In order to learn properly, as well as to reinforce & consolidate learning (allowing it to be committed to long term me...


A rational behind my decision to take time out to travel as well as some of the Pros & Cons. ………………………………........................................................................
Our Social Media accounts:
Gmail: [email protected]


YOGA - WELLBEING 05/04/2023

Just had one of the most incredible, beautiful, productive & restorative solo yoga sessions of my life.
The travel road can be rough on the body, from poor sleeping conditions, long transport sessions to multi-sport activities. Was feeling it so gave my body what it needed. Intended to do a quick half hour but the setting & generally just vibing with it turned in to 100 mins of bliss & enjoyment. Very happy as in approximately 2 months I’ll hopefully be starting my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Goa,India.
On the travels I’ve got a lot better at prioritising what I want & what I need; ignoring the social norms or opinions of others. You only have you to answer to for your actions & achievements.
“I do what is mine to do; the rest does not disturb me.” Marcus Aurelius
Our Social Media accounts:
Gmail: [email protected]

YOGA - WELLBEING YOGA.Just had one of the most incredible, beautiful, productive & restorative solo yoga sessions of my life..The travel road can be rough on the body, from p...


Throwback to lockdown in 2020. Holed up in Sydney, working from home and on the other side of the planet from my family, it would have been easy to slip in to a negative mental state. I framed myself in to Positive Mental Attitude & flipped it on it's head. I gave up alcohol, stretched & went to the sauna (in my unit) in the morning's, ate clean, walked, listened to podcasts & read in the evening's. I used my lunch break to do a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) WOD (Workout Of the Day). I came out of the heaviest restrictions feeling healthier than ever (both physically & mentally). Control your controllable and leave the rest up to universe.
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Gmail: [email protected]

CONTROL - WELLBEING CONTROL - WELLBEINGThrowback to lockdown in 2020. Holed up in Sydney, working from home and on the other side of the planet from my family, it would have bee...


We are building something beautiful, authentic & efficacious at Recro Vida. This includes a library of video content. This can & will help organisations and individuals rejuvenate their own lives in line with our mantra: Rejuvenate Life. The main focus of this content is based on our three core & equal tenants: Sustainability, Wellbeing & Personal Development.
We recently reached over 10,000 views on our YouTube channel. Although small, it's a significant step for us and we have big plans on how to increase this as well as other media streams. We have almost 100 videos now available.
"I made thousands of pieces of content before anybody even began to give a $h!t." - Gary (See) Vaynerchuk (Business man, Author, Maverick)
Our website:
Our Social Media accounts:
Gmail: [email protected]

Photos from Recro Vida's post 01/04/2023

Completed my Apnea Total Freediving course absolutely delighted to have recached 21.5 Metres depth on both my Free Immersion & Combined Weight (with fun) & 9 Metres on my rescue dive.
Freediving involves minimal equipment to dive (generally down a static line) on a single breath. The discipline is focussed on relaxation, breathing & defined techniques to enable this feat. Solid science has proven the bodies adaptability to cope with completing this without equipment (such as scuba).
The internal harmony & almost meditative state required makes this a skill that gives huge confidence once depths are achieved.
This has been a bucket list item and on my own personal development plan for a decade and I’m delighted to have achieved this.

Our Social Media accounts:
Gmail: [email protected]

DIGITAL NOMADISM - Personal Development 29/03/2023

DIGITAL NOMADISM - Personal Development
A brief update on the business from the Bay Islands, Utila, Honduras. This talks about the rationale for a year as a digital nomad.
Our Social Media accounts:
Gmail: [email protected]

DIGITAL NOMADISM - Personal Development A brief update on the business from the Bay Islands, Utila, Honduras. This talks about the rationale for a year as a digital nomad.……………………………….................


We are currently working remotely as a digitally nomadic business. As such we are available & in a position to comfortably take on additional work. This work can be delivered at low cost due to our low operating costs at present. We are looking to gain a network of clients who are passionate about pursuing a sustainable operating model and then continue on this journey with repeat business.
Here’s a brief snapshot of some of the services we can provide. Please get in Touch if any further services are of interest.

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Videos (show all)

TRAVEL.We are 55 days in to a potentially year long around the world trip! Travel has been a staple passion of ours from...
MARGINAL GAINS.RECRO VIDA.Getting better every day even by the smallest of factors is what business & life is all about....
PROJECT SHADOW.RECRO VIDA.Been spending a lot more time alone lately. Partly voluntarily, largely productive. Focusing o...
PIPELINE.RECRO VIDA.A snapshot of some of our completed projects and those in the pipeline..Drop us a message on the web...



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