Marange Women Alliance

Equity,equality ,respect,justice and integrity

This year's global campaign focuses on the vulnerability of children and urges accelerated action to end child trafficking .Children are subjected to various forms of trafficking including exploration in forced labor,criminality, or begg,trafficked for illegal adoption and online and s*xual exploitation. One in 3 victims of human trafficking is a child ."Leave no one behind is the central,transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and it's Sustainable Development Goals
As Marange Women's Alliance we hope to join the rest of the world in fighting against all forms of human trafficking and and help the victims by identifying relevant stakeholders to assist and channels to report the cases to seek justice.


As we commemorate International Women's Day we discuss how we can empower women and help them to stay away from criminal acts due to poverty


I have reached 100 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉


10 December 2023 .
International day for human rights is very important to us as community living in Marange were diamonds are being mined and there has been violation of human rights and as HRDs we still have a long way to go on training the communities to know their constitutional rights and how to claim their rights and also to defend them
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We continue to advocate against all forms of gender based violence against women and girls


and invest to prevent violence against women and girls

Photos from Environmental Buddies Zimbabwe Trust's post 06/11/2023

Well done EBZ

Photos from Environmental Buddies Zimbabwe Trust's post 03/11/2023
We aim to raise awareness and educating people about the rights of girls and continued pursuits for equal rights and opportunities.As women and girls continue to face gender based discrimination even in 21st century where they experience forced child marriages, boy child preferencing ,school dropouts etc.This challenges cannot be overcome by just getting them what they want but providing a girl with what they deserve.
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04 September 2023
Discussion Topic :What is gender responsive budgeting?
Why is the importance of gender responsive?
How can we ensure there is gender responsive budgeting?

Presenter :Fadzai Midzi Programs Assistant Z.E.L.A

The country is now approaching the local and national budget consultation thus its very key to address the issues to do with gender.Ms Fadzai Midzi explained gender as the male s*x or the female s*x especially considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones.But in most cases when gender is mentioned most people think of women issues but it involves all s*xes,but most gender experts gives more attention women and girls mainly because they are always left out on most processes. Women do not have access to equal opportunities and resources and is supported by both primary and secondary data.They both affirms that women and girls are a marginalised group, thus more efforts are focusing on women .Responsiveness now starts in families paying attention to specific needs of the family be it the father to be responsible is by providing food ,security shelter and the mother cooking food ,cleaning the house and also providing for the family is classified as response. For both parents or guardians to be responsible they need to budget the funds available to cater for all the needs of the family ,be it food ,school fees ,clothing etc and that budget is vital for the family to move forward and happy with everyone's specific need attended.
Gender responsive budgeting is then described as the budget that works for everyone (women, men ,girls,boys)by ensuring gender equitable distribution of resources and by contributing to equality opportunities for all for example men needs public toilets at the beer halls so that they stop urinating on trees and buildings and as the local authorities identifying and budgeting for that is responding to a gender need as men are now able to socially interact freely. To women you identify that a borehole is needed in Mukwada village or ward 29 so that women are able to access to clean ,safe and portable water without walking for long distances and it's budgeted and implemented, thus gender responsive budgeting.

Why is it important to have gender responsive budgeting?
Ms Fadzai Midzi from Zela clearly explains that gender responsive budgeting is essentially both for gender justices and fiscal justices thus it needs to be embraces from local level up to national levels as we are approaching the national budget cycle for year 2024.GRBs enables governments to effectively reduce gender inequalities through policy plans and budgets that addresses equally the specific needs and priorities of women, men ,girls and boys including the elderly and people living with disabilities too.It is indeed an enabler for gender equality and equity. Fadzai Midzi further helps by explaining the difference equality and equity .Equality means individual or groups of people is given the same resources or opportunities whilst equity recognises that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities need to reach an equal out come.In a community you recognise that girls are not going to school more than boys thus a program is introduce to empower girls by paying school fees.So with gender responsive budgeting you allocate resources and distribute them in a manner that will be to consider the issues of equality and equity also sustainable just development.
Sustainable just development is when development is done on the correct time of need eg just after raining seasons the roads are repaired because the would have been destroyed by rains. A maternity ward is built at the clinic because it needed ,women are giving birth everyday .Identifying the need of the community is related to the family set up where a parent identifies that the girl is not performing well in school so needs extra lessons in hope for improvement. Fadzai need explains that indeed gender budgeting works hand in hand in identifying the gender needs that has to be budgeted for.The likes of services given by technocrats e,g a male nurse visiting regularly at Mukwada and Chiyadzwa Clinic for prostate cancer screening or monthly visits by a gynaecologist to visit and consult pregnant mother in case on complications during pregnancy or whilst giving birth.
When these need are identified infrastructural development comes in with housing for the nurses /gynaecologist, proper mother's shelter, machinery at the clinic all these need to be identified and budgeted for them implementation.
Fadzai Midzi further explains how gender responsive budgeting can be put in place in our different communities. The first step is consultations by our councillors on the local budget consultations ,with community monitors ,women ,community based organisations and influences attending these budget consultations and raising these important issues. Women should be given a chance to share their issues on health ,education ,water ,sanitary etc whilst men are also given the same opportunities not forgetting the young (youth and children).Every one should be involved and given an equal opportunity to share their views and comments. The comments from the community is the be shared by the councillors to the local authorities and then to the ministry of finance for it to be included in the national budget. The ministry will now have the duty to provide the funds on time for the local authorities to act on timeliness before year ending.
Fadzai explains the importance of community monitor,gender champions,and influences to attend and understand the implications of fiscal decisions on different genders .As communities we need to understand that if resources are not provided to the local government we as a community we might not receive services and infrastructure we need for gender equality and equity. GRB comes with direct linkages on social and economic policies through the application of gender analysis to the formulation and implementation of government budget. Social process is when we interact together for example you visit a school and you identify that there is shortage of desks as children are sharing ,no toilets at the shopping centre and there's no toilet and by interactions you further realise there is no borehole in a whole village, no medication at the local clinic and shortage of nurses.
She then further explains the economic process which is the national economic budget and is an important tool for a government to have strategic planning on how to use the public funds on every process.As advocates now we need to identify our gender needs ,observe ask ,consult and encourage all influential people ,representatives to attend the budgets consultations. People with disabilities are needed to also share their perspectives eg need of wheelchairs at the clinic,ramp,braille pamphlets, hearing aids for them to live in an conducive environment.

Overall perspective on Gender responsive budgeting.
GRB is understood by the council ,local authorities an government very well but those who submit do not fully understand it .Wanting a mother's shelter at a local clinic is very important but it goes on to the need of qualified nurses ,their housing ,gynaecologist visits to assess complications, medicine but at times are not looked at ,instead other important issues are left out.We need to observe all gender needs for gender responsive budgeting for services and infrastructure development around the communities be it schools ,clinics ,businesses centrs ,recreational centers even churches.All these should allow gender equality and equity,present equal opportunities and resources for both male and female. The propositions should have full information e.g at a local clinic ,number of chairs to be repaired ,the cost of chairs ,toilet need and the budget .It needs to be specific eg number of boreholes to be repaired in the ward and villages with no boreholes at all.The propositions need to be solid and aim for both low hanging fruits e.g supply of medicines at the local clinics and nurses
So with the overall presentation communities ,women ,local leaders, advocates and monitors need to be serious with national budgeting cycle as it determines our future as communities. We do not just need participatory budgeting but gender responsive budgeting as we advocate gender equity..All gender need need to be identified and budgeted for .

Complied by
Susan Ruvimbo Muchena
Marange Women's Alliance


THE ROLE OF COMMUNITIES IN DECISION MAKING (Dated 1 September 2023) by Billian T Matambo

Most of us have the belief that those on political positions have the powers to make decisions on behalf of us the community.We believe that we do not have a say in all this despite knowing that the constitution grand us the right to participate in all sectors that affect our lives.

However that is not how it should be , as shared by Advocate Farai Dàara of Justice Code Foundation on MWA discussion group. Having moved past the political environment were we have been going out to elect our councilors and our MPs, all of us have witnessed them coming to us ,, as the community, begging people to vote for them, and to give them the mandate to execute on behalf of the community.
Yes, they have came, and yes some of them have been declared winners ,, and they are now in the position of power, in terms of the law, us as the community we are deemed to have elected these people into power, and they are only there to execute using the powers that we have bestowed in them.

Their roles now is to take up all our issues and concerns as a community and they became theirs, if the community feel that they have a road that need to be maintained, a borehole that needs to be drilled, a diptank that needs veterinary services, then the councilors and MPs have that mandate to make sure that the wishes of the community are fulfilled.
Councilors and MPs should listen to the decisions communities make and they only have to be the mouth pieces and make sure that what is decided by the community is also being said at a high level and they then bring solutions from higher offices back to the community
From were we stand we belief that as a community, the term that these people are given in the positions of power is for us to assess and see if they take seriously the community concerns and fulfill the wishes because these powers belong back to the community.
The most important point is that, as an individual, in the community, one ought to know that he/she is equally important as the next person in the community. The people's voices should be heard, so that what one thinks should be laid out in community meetings, that the next person knows ideas and concerns , bringing out a collaboration of ideas , this will enhance best decisions for our communities.The decisions made will be shared with those in position of power to implement for us .
We need to speak out on these issues that affect our community, on every platform that are at our disposal, we then decide for our community. This shows that we have the powers to make the best out of our respective communities.
We are the once who bestowed the power to people in positions when we vote them in and it is our power as a community that we gave them. In regards with the approaching elections it marks the beginning of their terms in offices and they will be in positions of power, for a whole 5year term, the duty of the community is to voice out their concerns to them so that the issues can be addressed by these individuals.
Not only do communities say out their concerns, but also have to make decisions to hold these individuals accountable if they do not address the issues that community would have voiced out. So despite that they are the once in office, it is the community that work as a watchdog on how these people are addressing community concerns.
If they fail to address these issues, our system allows communities to reelect after the elapse of the 5 year term.

There are those people who are in power now, whether someone or the other person voted for them , they are the ones in that position now, the weapon that we have as communities is to say out our concerns out loud, hold them accountable, and assess as a community whether these people are forwarding the interests of the community . So that when the time comes to make that decision of putting people in power everyone would be in a position to decide.
If communities need to see progressive development they need to visit their councilors and those MPs say out the issues even when it is not a community meeting, and it is the will of the people that they should advance and not theirs. Platforms like these also helps to address these issues, by voicing out issues and the responsible authority would address them.
Basically all people are in these positions to further the interests of the community, that is why the law allows communities to approach the MPs and all other duty bearers . In that regards the community need to choose their duty bearers wisely.

Compiled by
Billian Tinodini Matambo
(Marange Women's Alliance)



The term ESG is not familiar with most community members and noone knows what to expect from a good ESG report.

Shared on MWA discussion group by the president of ZIDAWU Mr Cosmus Sunguro , ESG is a combination of three words , Environmental Social Governance. This includes how a company performs as a steward of environment, interacts with it's workforce and societies and lastly governance focuses on how a company makes it's decisions that ensures ethical behavior.

The world as a whole and in Zimbabwe sustainability reporting are becoming critical tools used by companies to signal that they are responsible. Driven by mining companies and private corporations under the Global Reporting Initiative , Environmental Social Governance reports are meant to ensure that the companies produce sustainability reports and financial reports.The issue of sustainability reporting is a tool which is critical now used by companies to access how their operations are resonating with other stakeholders and communities that they operate within. The ESG report can be used again for sourcing funds from donors and investors. This is the reason why it is becoming mandatory for companies to produce ESG reports .

For the community of Chiadzwa recently ZCDC published there 2022 ESG report. In one of my articles that I shared sometime back I also take note of the missing gaps which are there between what is in the report and the reality on the ground. We need to check the role of women as the company strive to unlock sustainable diamond value for Zimbabwe. To start with in their report ZCDC mentions 3 strategic thrust that they are going to use

1)Stakeholder Engagement and Improvement of Quality of Lives of

2)Carrying out focused and sustainable community development initiatives.

3)Engagement through implementation of the IRMA standard.
ZCDC indicated that they are working hard to ensure that there is sustainable community development initiatives done for the community. Contrary to their report looking closely we can note that since 2016 there are no sustainable initiatives within the community done by ZCDC as of yet. We have nothing pointing to sustainability on the ground.

Inline with health which is very critical, according to ZCDC: "We take great pride in the wellness of all our stakeholders who interact with us as we do our business and we make sure that we not only achieve our zero harm target, but exceed it always. Nothing is more precious than the sanctity of human life". How are women benefiting from our health sector , do we have gynocologist in Marange to assist with women's health issues , no maybe as of yet. ZCDC is assisting by allowing community members to get medical assistance at there clinic 24/7 and drugs are available we really appreciate. The major problem is the increase of population due to mining is straining resources not only at ZCDC but Marange as a whole. According to statistics when ward 30 clinic was built it was to cover 1500 people hence according to ZIDAWU research there are now more than 6000 who use the very same clinic. Despite everyone being aware of the influx problem in Chiadzwa even ministry of health did not increase their medical supplies . This has caused a lot of challenges inline with health services delivery and in all this women are the most affected. The locals are in dare need of an ambulance since time in memorial.
In regards with ZCDC CSR the community concern is when people or students are selected, is there any transparency on how or why they are selected? . Also we need to calculate how much is being spend towards the community CSR and juxtapose it with what ZCDC is making as profits. The issue of women benefitiation is not being addressed and so far there is no sustainable benefitiation to support them . The community enterprise development, women participation is still limited. How are women given opportunities to sell their produce?. As if that's not enough those who get the opportunity will get paid after three or so months and this is a major setback to most projects. Without capital to inject into the business again most of the projects are crippled with some suffering sudden death.
Then the governance issues at ZCDC , the Board is dominated by men. It's 5 against 2 women. Am yet to see a woman CEO. Maybe one day women will be remembered. This is a cause for concern. We need to see more local women occupying positions of influence.

The community recommends that 1)Engagement is key.
2)Constant monitoring of development.
3)Recruitment: more women to be employed as current rate sits at around 25% of total employees.*
4)Need to relook into issue of buying framework for local goods.*
5)Need to be involved in mapping up of the so called sustainable projects by the company.

Compiled by
Billian Tinodini Matambo
(Marange Women's Alliance)


(DATED 19SEPTEMBER 2023) by Billian T Matambo

Churches are ensuring sustainable environmental management especially in the mining sector. According to the book of Genesis in the bible ,the stewardship of the earth and its resources was mandated to men by God. Shared on M.W.A discussion group by Mr Promise Mupfigo who is a Peace Advocate.

Firstly the definition of*Sustainable environment management* involves the use of natural resources in a way that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of *future* generations to meet their *needs*. Moving on to what church means ,it simply refer to the church in general being it one church or a collaboration of Churches. The role of the church in ensuring sustainable environmental management have been quite significant. The issues to do with sustainable environment has been topical as of late and there is an upscale of disasters both human induced and natural. In Zimbabwe one of the key ignitors that are leading to poor Management of land is mining followed by other land uses like farming.. It is undeniable truth that in all areas where mining is done there is massive land degradation and a lot of ore dumps.We have a good example of Kamativi in Matebeleland North which has became an environmental iso and has been deserted because of poor environmental management and land use. It is against this background that open room for the church to play its role.The church's mandate is to became good stewards of the environment without compromising the future.

Giving a biblical reference ,Prophet Nathan during King David's era did constantly remind the king to stay focus in regards with his duties. As a country we have our environmental laws which are outdated and can not pick or address current challenges. Looking closely at our at our outdated mines and minerals act which is now filled with patches. The church need to intervene on the issue of policies. It is also the church's role to engage stakeholders like EMA and hold them accountable. Besides us having environmental bodies that are in place , most are not doing enough to ensure sustainable development. It is again the mandate of the church to engage all relevant stakeholders including mining companies so as to push for sustainable responsible mining and save the environment.

According to estimates 82% of the Zimbabwe populace are christians, so in this regard it shows the church has a bigger audience in the country that means they have an upper hand in constantly reminding the nation on environmental sustainability. For years the church has been taking lead in planting trees and promoting renewable energy.

Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) is leading by example through their involvement in hosting the Zimbabwe Alternative Mining Indaba (ZAMI) which is done once yearly. This platform allows them to collaborate with paterners like ZELA , ZIMCCORD etc and engage duty bearers , holding them accountable. We now have an energy transition that is assisting in lessening the impacts of climate change to ensure sustainable environmental management.

Inconclusion the stewardship of the earth 's resources and everything around remain everyone's duty.

Compiled by
Billian T Matambo
Marange Women's Alliance


WHY UN GENERAL COMMENT No26 (Dated 21 September 2023)by Billian Matambo


As presented on MWA discussion group on 21 September 2023 by Ms Shamiso Masokovere Magoko who is a Women and Children Advocate.

The UN GENERAL COMMENT 26 is a conversion on the child environmental rights with a special focus on climate change. All over the world everyone is feeling the heat of climate change for example floods, earthquakes, droughts , cyclones etc. Citing these challenges the general comment No26 was started some few years ago when some children approached the committee regarding their Environmental Rights. Their plea was for the committee to consider issues of environmental rights as a child matter . The children complained that for so long adults have been making decisions on their behalf. They advice the committee to include them the future is being discussed since the future is more inline with children that the adults. They managed to convince the committee with a petition that when they where allowed to contribute to the general comment No26.

The main objective of the general comment No26 are as follows

1. To emphasize the need to address the adverse effects of Environmental Degradation focusing on *Climate Change* on the enjoyment of Child Rights

2. Promote a holistic understanding of Children's Rights as they apply to Environmental Protection

3. Clarify the obligations of States to the Convention and provide guidance to address Environmental Harm with focus on Climate Change.

The million dollar question is how then can it help us to advance environmental child right?. We need to know the provisions on child rights in our constitution. Just to mention a few we have right to non descrimination with the best interest to the child , right to life ,survival and development , lastly the right to be heard.

The General Comment No26 assist us in two ways
1) It gives directives or obligation to the state on how best the state can ensure the protection of environmental child rights and their advancement in particular focus on issues of climate change. In this regard it also speaks on other various rights which includes right of freedom of speech, association and assembly, right to access to information and education. It also covers children's civil and political rights which obligate other state stakeholders to uphold and encourage environmental child rights. In Zimbabwe we do have a good example of cyclone ldai in Manicaland which its devastating effect exececebate all forms of violence against children, making them more vulnerable. These issues can be mainstreamed in our education curriculum so that all children can learn about it when they are still young. The most important part is these comments places a strong obligation upon the state to ensure it has policies and implements them to the best of their abilities. The General Comment No26 also speaks about social and mental health on children caused by environmental harm. Largely it addresses issues of biodiversity, degradation of the ecosystem, rights to health and how all these impacts should be protected when it comes to environmental child rights. It also include the rights of children living with disabilities, which is also a very important area since they are even more affected by climate change and are always at a disadvantage because of their inability to do things and adjust. Coping became more difficult for them to enjoy their rights.

2)Once encouraged from an early age , children can enhance or have a voice to speak out on issues of climate change. The consultations are evidence of what children recommends and really wants since it is based on their contributions. It also open windows and promotes children's right to be heard through expression of their views. It gives them the opportunity to mainstream their voices in decision making boards thereby provide mitigatory ideas on climate change.

Inconclusion we need to encourage children participate in our communities through bringing and including them in our environmental discussions thus upholding their rights to be heard. We need to mitigate impacts of environmental degradation and preserve our planet for future generations.

Compiled by
Billian Tinodini Matambo
(Marange Women's Alliance)

Join us for more deliberate on how we can advocate for gender responsive budgeting as communities .

Join us tonight at 5pm cat as we unfold our journey as Marange Women's Alliance. We celebrated our anniversary on the 11 th September 2023 women's organisations we do have stories to tell .Today is going to be interesting as we share different stories of MWA group.


The first time the UN committee on the rights of the Child has explicitly affirmed the children's rights to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. The new General comment marks a vital step forward in the recognition that every child has a right to clean, healthy and sustainable environment. Governments must now take urgent action to address the global environmental crisis in order to breathe life into these aspiring words,"David Boyd UN special rights and the environment
General comment no26 specifies that states are responsible not only for protecting children's rights from immediate harm but also for their rights in the future due to state's acts or failure to act today. Furthermore it underlines that it can be held accountable not only for environmental occurring with their borders but also for the harmful impacts of the environmental damage and climate change beyond their borders. Particular attention is to be paid to disproportionate harm faced by children in disadvantaged environment Billian Matambo Marange Women Alliance Susan Ruvimbo Muchena Abigail Sibanda Blessmore Simango Rebecca Njerere Nyakuni

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