Seven Movement

Helping busy Stockport mums and dads lose weight and boost body confidence to look and feel their be


Meet our Member of The Month for June!

Karl Clayton!

Karl’s results have been incredible. He pushes harder each week and has lost 9 KGs in the last 3 months.
He also hit his goal of a body weight pull up!

Keep pushing Karl. You are doing amazing!


Very proud of these two

Cerys and Lauren completed the pairs .dozen race this weekend and got a time of 51:20 which was an incredible time.

These two work so hard every week to be able to perform at this level. They truly are an inspiration.

Let’s shower them with the praise they deserve.

You two are amazing. Keep working hard!

Ath-X next ?



A big shout out to today. 💪

For pushing herself beyond what she thought she could do.

As a coach you get to see when members push past their limits in pursuit of getting stronger or fitter.

For Sarah, the effort was very noticeable.

Great work Sarah, very proud of your effort today.

Just for context the strength work today consisted of 3 thruster drop sets 😩


Member of the Month - May!

Wendy Riley… You are our Member of the Month!

The two words we would use to sum Wendy up would be Determined and Resilient! Having recently gone through a knee operation, Wendy has been back more determined than ever to hit her results and has since lost a 1 stone and is training harder than ever

Well done Wendy!


Introducing our Member of The Month!

Jonny Potts!

Jonnys journey with us has been remarkable. Since joining in the New Year, his strength and fitness have gone though the roof and he has lost 2 stone in the process!

Incredible work Jonny! Keep it up!

Photos from Seven Movement's post 09/05/2024

Here are the workouts for tomorrow!

Each workout has a Timecap of 12 minutes and there is a 5 minute rest between each workout.

Who’s ready to smash it?!!!


There’s only 8 spaces left across the two dates!

With a Split Jerk you will instantly increase the amount of weight you lift over head! If you want to build on your shoulders strength then you need to try this out!

Toes to Bar is a great core exercise. So if you’re wanting to strengthen your core and get those abs rock hard! Why would you miss out on this!

Comment “ME” if you want in or come and let me know this weekend in the gym!


After a great Throwdown this weekend just gone…..

The next Throwdown is here!

Early Bird tickets are available until 10th June! Get your tickets in!

Same s*x pairs, Scaled and Intermediate.


Introducing our March Member of the Month!

Ros Roche!

What an absolute superstar Ros is and a pleasure to have in our community. Ros always smashes her workouts and is consistently getting stronger and fitter and is consistently losing weight too.

Well done Ros, much deserved


Final workout!

As a team, you will get as many meters on the row machine in 4 minutes. Then you will go straight into 2 minutes back to back of:
1. Synchro Plate Jump Burpee
2. Synchro Push Press - M: 40kg F: 25kg
3. Synchro Goblet Squat - M: 17.5kg F: 12.5kg
Finishing off with another 4 minutes to get max meters on the row.

Score will be the total of reps and meters.

1 week till A game!


Workout 3:
Each workout is done in separate mixed pairs, each with a 6 minute TC.

Part 1:
1. AB x 1000m
2. Wall Ball x 60 - M:8kg F: 5kg
3. Max out AB meters

30s switchover

Workout 2:
1. AB Cals x 40
2. Box Jumps x 60
3. Max out Synchro DB Sn**ch - M: 17.5kg F: 12.5kg

The reps and meters in both workouts can be split however you want. The score is the total reps and meters.


Workout 2!

You and your team members are going to complete the exercises in order.

1. Synchro Burpees x 25
2. Ski x 1000m - done however you want.
3. Thrusters x 15 each - M: 35kg F: 22.5kg - 1 person at a time.
4. Flipover x 10 each - M: 30kg F: 20kg - 1 person at a time.

The score is the time to complete or reps completed in the TC.

Workout 3 will be announced on Thursday!


Throwdown 20th April, Workout 1.

10 minute TC to establish your Shoulder to Overhead 3RM.

The weight of each team member’s 3RM will be added together to make a total score.

Workout 2 will be released tomorrow.


⬇️Claire has got her confidence back ⬇️

What an incredible year Claire has had with us. Before joining, Claire….

❗️Wanted to lose weight
❗️Wanted to get fitter
❗️Wanted to gain better control over some menopausal symptoms

Has it happened?

Oh yes and so much more

✅ Over 2 stone lost
✅ Feeling way more confident
✅ Enjoys working out
✅ Reduced injuries
✅ Took on the Hyrox pairs event
✅ Improved running
✅ Sleeping better

How did Claire get started?

Even though she was a little scared and apprehensive before joining, she did it, Claire took the step.

How often does Claire workout?
Three times per week

Claire you’re an absolute legend, we love having you in the gym, always smiling and working hard.

We’re excited to see what year 2 has installed for you. Lots more goals to achieve hey!!! 😘


🏋️‍♂️ Tired of knee pain holding you back? It's time to strengthen those knees and reclaim your mobility! 💪

When Alan came to us he had been told he had arthritis in both knees and daily activities like walking , especially down hills, had become much more difficult. A physio advised him to strength train.

Targeted strength training can work wonders for your knee health. Here's how:

1️⃣ Strengthening the muscles around your knees provides added support, reducing strain on the joint and minimising pain.
2️⃣ Improved flexibility and range of motion help to alleviate stiffness and discomfort.
3️⃣ Building muscle can also help prevent future injuries by enhancing stability and balance.

But where should you start? While the benefits are clear, it's crucial to approach knee-strengthening exercises cautiously. Without proper guidance, you could end up doing more harm than good.

That’s one of the reasons Alan came to us: expert guidance. Every workout is carefully put together, considering Alan’s needs. We can adapt where necessary and ensure he’s not at risk of doing something wrong.

That's why it's essential to seek the expertise of an experienced personal trainer. We can tailor a programme specifically to your needs, ensuring you're performing exercises correctly and safely. Plus, they'll help you progress at the right pace, minimising the risk of overdoing it.

So, if you're ready to kick knee pain to the curb and embrace a stronger, healthier you, don't go it alone. Reach out to Seven Movement and take the first step towards pain-free living today! 🌟

Comment below if strength training has a positive impact on your knees.


13lbs down so far

Jonny recently joined our gym to change his lifestyle, lose weight and increase energy levels.

His commitment so far has been incredible.

Starting a new exercise habit can be tough when you have been out for so long

Making changes to what you eat every day is even more challenging.

Now I know it’s early days for Jonny, but you can hear it in his voice, he’s determined to make these changes and make them last.

We really are proud of your efforts so far Jonny. This is just the beginning of your journey to be the healthiest version of yourself.

Can we get some emoji love for Jonny in the comments



Member of the Month

It’s Tim Wright!

Tim’s progress since has been with us has been nothing short of AMAZING.

Tim is always consistent in his training and never misses a session and the improvement in his strength and fitness since starting has been incredible

This is made all the more remarkable given Tim suffered a heart attack in October 2022 and has since been fully focused on recovery and improving his health and fitness

Tim, you are fantastic part of our community and inspirational to us all


Meet Coach Jack!


⬇Meet Alan⬇

Alan didn't want to sit around Idle in retirement. He noticed he was putting on weight, so he decided to do something about it.

He tried other gyms, but due to the lack of guidance and support these gyms didn't work out.

Since finding Seven Movement Alan has...

✅ Become much fitter and even competed in a fitness racing competition for the first time.
✅ Built strength, and is seeing improvements every month
✅ Has built a consistent exercise habit
✅ Has more energy for daily life
✅ Reduced knee pain and has stronger joints

Alan, you have done amazing, you work hard and your results prove that. We're all super proud of you, you're a role model for others around you.

If you want to change your lifestyle, get fit and improve your strength. Do what Alan has done and take control of your health and fitness, reach out to see if we can help.


We came.

We conquered.

Today our coaches and members took on the Deka Mile event. 10 zones and 10 runs

Everyone gave their all.

An amazing event hosted by CW1 in crew.


⬇️Meet Dawn⬇️

6 years after having a bad back injury, feeling lethargic and miserable, Dawn decided to take action.

Since then, Dawn has done incredible and worked so hard.

✅ Lost 10kg in weight
✅ So much stronger (actually doing pull-ups)
✅ Feeling fitter
✅ More confident within herself
✅Made friends for life

Dawn even competed in a fitness competition called Hyrox.

What an absolute inspiration you are, Dawn, at 69 years young, you are still pushing the boundaries of what you can achieve.

If you want to change your lifestyle, and get fitter and stronger, reach out today to see how we can help.


⬇️ Meet Cheryl ⬇️

Cheryl joined us back in 2021 after feeling demotivated from working out at home

Since then Cheryl has put in some serious work and...

✅ Lost 19 lbs
✅ Loving her training again
✅ Feeling more confident
✅ Increased Strength
✅ Has fun with friends

Great work Cheryl!! We're very grateful to have you as part of our amazing community 😀
If you want to find out how you can get started at Seven Movement, please get in touch today.


Over 50 of our members competed at this weekend's hyrox event.

Their commitment to their training in the run-up and their unbelievable efforts on the day made us so proud.

It takes guts and determination to do an event like Hyrox and you all should feel incredibly proud of what you achieved.

For some of you this will be just the beginning. For others, that might have been a one-off.
Either way, I'm sure we will be bringing another strong team next year as we continue to push ourselves and achieve our goals.


The Giving Tree Update

Seven Movement raised an incredible £5225

That will end up being over 400 presents for children in stockport who are less fortunate.

A few thank you's ......

The Mersey Way Team, thank you for creating this amazing charity. You guys are incredible.

The Seven Movement members who raised money and donated. You all made this possible.

Our coaches Dave, Richard and Liam for their amazing hard work


Competition Giveaway

We’re giving one very lucky person the opportunity to win one of our 10 week body transformations.

This is for members and non-members.

Here are the rules to enter

1. Comment WIN on this post
2. Copy the link into your browser and fill out the winter survey (you can also find the link on our Instagram bio)

You must complete both steps.

This giveaway is worth over £500

What’s included?

- Between 2 and 3 group personal training sessions per week.
- Personalised nutrition programme
- Recipe guidance
- Workout progress tracking
- Weekly check-ins with a coach
- Fortnightly coaching calls

Entries must be submitted by Friday the 22nd of December.

The prize draw will take place on Saturday the 23rd of December.


We loved hearing about Emma's journey so far, have a listen yourself.

From 100kg deadlifts, losing 15kg in weight and reimagining her fitness goals and aspirations.

Emma's journey is amazing to hear and we couldn't be more proud of the effort that she puts in every week. 😘😘



Are you a personal trainer looking for a new employment opportunity?

We are looking for a personal trainer to join our experienced team in Stockport on an employed basis. Hours will depend on availability.


✅You will have an up-to-date PT level 3 qualification

✅You will have experience in teaching group workouts. Specifically demonstrating how to execute perfect technique in the squat, deadlift, bench press and many other barbell movements.

✅You will seek to advance your career in other areas alongside your level 3 qualification. This could include nutrition, strength and conditioning or many other fitness areas.

✅You will have exceptional customer service skills

✅You will be able to demonstrate clear leadership qualities

About the position

🔵You will be responsible for teaching semi-private personal training sessions with only a maximum of 6 people in each session.

🔵You will be responsible for teaching our team training session which has up to 18 people

🔵You will be required to attend weekly meetings where we plan and execute our monthly strategy

🔵You will become a big part of our community and ensure building relationships with members is your biggest priority

About the opportunity

🟣This is a perfect opportunity for any personal trainer who wants to progress their career and be part of something very different compared to the standard big box gyms.

🟣You will be joining an experienced team where personal development and growth are at the top of our agenda. A place where you can grow and achieve not only your career aspirations but your personal ones too.

Please send your CV to [email protected]

Seven Movement Helping busy Stockport mums and dads lose weight and boost body confidence to look and feel their be


Do you feel like you have a weak core?

Try this 6 week core workout programme.

6 Week Core Workout

Beginner: x1 per week
Intermediate: x2 per week

Week 1:
1. Plank
2. Side plank
3. Reverse crunch
4. Leg Lowers (perform as slowly as possible)

Start with 30 seconds on each exercise with 15 seconds rest.

Don’t panic if you can’t complete each exercise unbroken, just focus on getting better each week.

Take 60 seconds after completing all 4 exercises.

Then repeat x 2

Week 2:
1. Plank
2. Side plank
3. Reverse crunch
4. Leg Lowers

Start with 30 seconds on each exercise with 15 seconds rest.

Don’t panic if you can’t complete each exercise unbroken, just focus on getting better each week.

Take 60 seconds after completing all 4 exercises.

Then repeat x 3

Week 3:
1. Plank
2. Side plank
3. Reverse crunch
4. Leg Lowers

Start with 45 seconds on each exercise with 15 seconds rest.

Don’t panic if you can’t complete each exercise unbroken, just focus on getting better each week.

Take 60 seconds after completing all 4 exercises.

Then repeat x 2

Week 4:
1. Plank
2. Side plank
3. Reverse crunch
4. Leg Lowers

Start with 45 seconds on each exercise with 15 seconds rest.

Don’t panic if you can’t complete each exercise unbroken, just focus on getting better each week.

Take 60 seconds after completing all 4 exercises.

Then repeat x 3

Week 5:
1. Plank
2. Side plank
3. Reverse crunch
4. Leg Lowers

Start with 60 seconds on each exercise with 15 seconds rest.

Don’t panic if you can’t complete each exercise unbroken, just focus on getting better each week.

Take 60 seconds after completing all 4 exercises.

Then repeat x 2

Week 6:
1. Plank
2. Side plank
3. Reverse crunch
4. Leg Lowers

Start with 60 seconds on each exercise with 15 seconds rest.

Don’t panic if you can’t complete each exercise unbroken, just focus on getting better each week.

Take 60 seconds after completing all 4 exercises.

Then repeat x 3


‘ We’ve made some amazing friends ‘😀🙆‍♀️

Meet Anne, Gill and Sandra who have all been on an amazing fitness journey.

All had tried big box gyms before but never felt like they belonged and they certainly didn’t get any results.

Here what they have to say about Seven Movement

We are so happy that you found us and thank you all for being a big part of our community.

Let’s give Anne, Gill and Sandra a big shout out.

If you want to find out more about our over 60s workouts then drop us a message to find out more.


Great energy from this bunch this morning in the early train with Dave Hyrox special!

An incredible effort from everyone.

Well done Team 💪😀

Diane, Nicole and Mike

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Seven Movement


We have a very inclusive environment, there are no egos, no mirrors, no posers and we know everyone by name. Our members are all normal people, supporting each other and working hard to achieve their goals. Our workouts are designed to challenge you so that you achieve great fitness, strength and weight loss results, but we always have a lot of fun and never take ourselves too seriously.

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“I’ve been really good, but I haven’t lost any weight!”Well, is this you?❌ Not tracking oils❌ “Weekend chocolate and boo...
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Im just thinking about your progress!#stockport #manchester #gymlife #gym #strength #training #fitness
Starting to hear the groundwork being put in….
Meet our Member of the Month June 2024@karl.a.clayton #
Never gets old…. for me anyway!
You all leave with a happy face after the workout!
Tell us what your Gym Nickname is!
We love our members. They work so incredible hard every time they come. We’re grateful to have you ❤️#gymmotivation
We are going to do it anyway!#sundayfunday #burpeechallenge #gymmotivation #stickportweightloss #stockportgym
This is what we do We work hard We support each other We see results We want to improve #gymmotivation #fitness #functio...




Unit D3, Pear Mill

Opening Hours

Monday 9:20am - 9pm
Tuesday 10am - 9pm
Wednesday 6:30am - 9pm
Thursday 10am - 9pm
Friday 6:30am - 9pm
Saturday 10am - 12pm
Sunday 10am - 8pm

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