Maple Fleet Services

Maple Fleet Services

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Commercial Vehicle Safety & Security Solutions Maple Fleet Services are leading providers of commercial vehicle safety & security solutions.


As the Festive season approaches, we should all stop to think about how we could help those going through tough times this Christmas! This might be something as simple as calling a friend who is on their own, volunteering for a charity or making a donation.

This year in particular we know that many people are facing extra financial pressures due to the cost-of-living crisis.

The RHA Benevolent Fund supports anyone with a connection to the road transport industry when times are tough and can help provide anything from food and clothing to funding for training. Find out more


Fraud is a rapidly growing threat to cargo loss!

There are many manifestations of fraud within the supply chain, including fraudulent collections, bogus hauliers often using an online freight exchange and diversion frauds.

The world of online business transactions provides a host of opportunities for fraudsters within the modern complex supply chain and some experts claim fraud could soon become the most common modus operandi for supply chain criminals.

Such incidents are perpetrated by sophisticated Organised Criminal Gangs (OCGs). “No one – from freight forwarders, shippers, and carriers to container owners and logistics, ports, warehouse and depot operators – should underestimate how lucrative an industry fraud is.” says Mike Yarwood, Managing Director, Loss Prevention at TT Club.

Employee awareness and planning to protect businesses must be stepped-up. Would you know the signs to look out for? Read more


Record numbers of haulage businesses have collapsed in the last year, as prices soar and profit margins are squeezed ever tighter!

Data from accountants Price Bailey, reported in an article from Motor Transport, shows that the number of haulage businesses entering insolvency in the last two years has increased by a staggering 173%! In addition to this 33% of businesses in the sector are also deemed maximum risk, meaning they could be at imminent risk of collapse and are likely to be unable to access additional funding. Read the full article

With the cost of overheads soaring, fuel price increases, wage and interest rate hikes, the road transport industry has been hit hard. Matt Howard, head of insolvency and recovery team at Price Bailey, said “Rising overheads as a proportion of turnover are pushing many haulage businesses into the red. Business failures are likely to continue to rise throughout the second half of the year.”

What should be done to help protect the industry during these difficult times? Let us know your thoughts!


Regularly crossing borders? Are your vehicles secure?

Turtle lock is the ideal mechanical locking solution for long haul or single A to B delivery operations, where the load area needs to be secured while the goods are in transit.

Suitable for barn or swing door applications, Turtle lock is manufactured from a heavy steel casting and comes supplied with a high security Abloy padlock; a robust security solution which deters any clandestine entrant or opportunist thief.

See our full Mechanical Locking Range on our Maple Locks website


Security ALERT!! 🔊

More than 80% of cargo losses reported through the TAPA EMEA Intelligence System (TIS) involve criminals targeting vehicles!

TAPA’s TSR Standard was developed to protect products being transported by road and prevent criminal attacks, specifying minimum security standards and methods to maintain these standards. TSR provides a trusted industry framework, ensuring operators who obtain TSR certification are adhering to a known and approved set of security requirements.

FET Logistics LTD are a long standing SSP (Security Service Provider) Member of TAPA EMEA and turned to Maple as they sought the highly coveted TSR accreditation.

Harry Hughes, Managing Director at FET explains below how FreightLock helped them achieve this. Find out more


Can the resilience of the UK food supply chain be rebuilt?

In recent months the food supply chain has come under severe pressure due to an unprecedented combination of events including, high food price inflation, international conflict and extreme weather conditions.

According to IGD Institute of Grocery Distribution “There is a need for improved visibility, management and understanding of risk across the industry” and unless this can be achieved, future disruption may once again mean consumers will face challenging conditions and weak availability on some products. Download the full report

New and emerging threats currently include changing UK borders, the availability of agricultural subsidies for UK farming and climate change.

Action Points – UK Supply Chain

➤ Maintain self-sufficiency of food production.
➤ Reduce reliance on international food supply chains, currently providing 40% of UK food.
➤ Urgently address skills and labour shortages across the industry.
➤ Restore business confidence in the supply chain and stimulate investment.

Now is the time for businesses to investigate and address their own levels of risk. Maple can help, Call Us 0333 012 9108 to obtain a unique security audit and fully customised recommendations for your vehicles.


Cyber crime continues to pose a huge threat to supply chain resilience!

In 2022/23 around a third of all UK businesses reported a cyber security breach or attack, according to findings from the Government’s Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2023. For medium and large businesses however, the threat was much higher with 59% and 69% respectively, reporting such incidents.

As a result, more and more larger organisations (55%) are currently leading the way in carrying out reviews to identify cyber security risks posed by immediate suppliers.

The fact remains that it is relatively easy for criminals to attack the supply chain by targeting businesses and employees through online accounts.

In a world where data is king, one of the best defences against cyber crime is the use of real-time business information, helping alert companies to any potential security breaches as they happen, so preventative measures can be put in place at the earliest opportunity.

Maple’s powerful IQ platform provides exactly this type of enhanced operational insight. Is your valuable cargo protected as it enters the supply chain?


Are red tape and new administrative requirements preventing the adoption of longer semi-trailers (LSTs) in your fleet?

LSTs have been allowed access on UK roads since May this year, following extended trials and new Government legislation. In practice however their use has been restricted as they must be operated under Special Types General Order (STGO) regulations.

In practical terms this means operators must provide route plans, roads must be specified, hazards highlighted and drivers must receive additional training and be able to provide feedback as required.

Such tight restrictions are perhaps surprising in light of trial results that showed LST’s were involved in 61% fewer collisions involving personal injury, than existing vehicles.

These issues are being addressed by the RHA who recently took part in a roundtable meeting with fleet operators and the Department for Transport. Richard Smith, RHA managing director said “Their (LSTs) increased capacities can mean fewer journeys and less congestion on our roads. This is good for the environment, so it makes no sense to saddle operators with huge and costly administrative burdens that will put them off using them”.

Let us know your thoughts!


The economic impact of van crime and in particular tool or equipment theft is devastating!

In their whitepaper ‘Tradespeople Against Tool Theft’, On The Tools found that the average UK tradesperson is likely to have had between £1000 - £5000 worth of tools stolen in just one incident, often also resulting in declined work while sourcing new equipment.

It is likely that the current UK cost of living crisis will only exacerbate rates of tool theft and indeed 58% of tradespeople thought this was very likely to increase the threat of their tools being stolen.

With nearly 50 years of industry experience, Maple is a leading authority on van security and can advise on a range of vehicle locks to help combat the worrying trend of tool theft from LCVs.

Find out more about our range of van security products.


The use of low-carbon fuels can allow operators to reduce CO2 emissions by up to 90%!

As the road transport industry faces reduced road freight volumes of up to 10% and the numbers of failing businesses increases as a result of the current cost of living crisis, the Road Haulage Association is calling on the Government for support in the upcoming Autumn Statement. This includes the introduction of an emissions-based rebate, to encourage the move to low-carbon fuels such as HVO.

The road to net zero is not an easy one and a staged approach involving the use of low carbon-fuels could help the industry decarbonise now. Currently however, the cost of these fuels is prohibitive, as the price per unit is higher than the diesel equivalent.

Lowering the level of fuel duty on low-carbon fuels, can help make cleaner fuels more affordable. Read the full RHA report


The fight against cargo crime continues as the NBCS - National Business Crime Solution Conference gets underway TODAY at Birmingham’s NEC!

Maple stand 13 is all set up and ready to go and Paul Nunn will be on hand to answer all your commercial vehicle security questions. We look forward to meeting NBCS members throughout the day to discuss how to improve security of goods in transit.


The excellent work being done by NBCS - National Business Crime Solution and its members demonstrates clearly the successes a collaborative approach can bring in the fight against cargo crime!

Maple is delighted to be supporting NBCS as exhibitors at their Conference, taking place at Birmingham’s NEC, this Thursday 16th Nov. Register here

At Maple, we are passionate about the innovation and continuous development of our products, making sure we stay one step ahead of constantly evolving criminal techniques.

We will be available throughout the day, to speak with members about the vital work we have been doing with retailers to improve security of their goods in transit. Drop by stand 13 for a demonstration!


How do you ensure the continued safe, secure and legally compliant operation of idling vehicles?

Whatever your operational requirements, from waste collection to roadside recovery, Maple can help protect your vehicles from unauthorised movement or theft with DriveLock, our automated driver recognition system.

DriveLock protects unattended vehicles, using a passive transponder worn on the driver’s person, ensuring the engine will immobilise in the event the system does not recognise the person in the driver’s seat. Attempts to restart the vehicle in these circumstances will result in the horn sounding and lights flashing, alerting those around to the unauthorised driver.

Features & Benefits

• Vehicles only driven by authorised / qualified drivers
• Ideal for crane, refuse collection, road-side assistance operators
• User fobs are vehicle specific or ‘log-in’ to a particular vehicle
• Any unauthorised movement will immobilise the engine
• Attempted restarts will sound the horn to alert the driver
• Option for adding a handbrake safety application
• Passive, hands-free operation
• 12 and 24 volt options for light or heavy commercial vehicles

Let DriveLock put you back in control. Call Maple to find out more.


Maple joins the nation and people around the world in remembering the sacrifice and service of all those who have defended our nation’s freedom and protected our way of life.


Join Maple’s Stuart Taylor this Thursday 9th November, at the TAPA EMEA Resilience@Risk 2023 Virtual Conference, as he discusses how ‘jump-up’ thefts are plaguing UK supply chains & the ways in which fleet operators are fighting back!

The focus over the two-day Conference will be the drive towards developing better security technology and how these solutions affect supply chain resilience both now and into the future. The speakers are all specialists in the field, who will be combining their deep knowledge of the sector with the latest advancements in technology, providing unique insights.

Register now

Winter Driving - the risks for commercial drivers and fleets 03/11/2023

As Winter weather, storms and extreme weather conditions begin to bite, it’s essential to recognise the extra pressures placed upon commercial drivers at this time of year!

Winter weather data from Sopp & Sopp, fleet accident management specialists, highlights a 32% increase in traffic incidents during the winter months, with wet road incidents rising by 22% and incidents during darker hours increasing by 17.5%.

However, there is much that can be done to help professional drivers reduce the risks and make the roads a safer place for all during the Winter months.

Driving For Better Business have published advice for Winter driving and their Van Driver Toolkit, another great FREE resource, also helps prepare for seasonal driving changes.

Look after your drivers this Winter and perhaps help save a life!

Winter Driving - the risks for commercial drivers and fleets Winter Driving - commercial drivers face particularly hazardous road conditions in winter. Risks for fleet managers and their drivers include tyres - do your...


DATA IS KING 🔊 Do you know how to use it?

When real-time data drives strategic business decision making, goals, strategies and initiatives become more informed and more easily achievable.

It allows businesses unrivalled levels of adaptability, preventing minor issues developing into major problems, increasing business knowledge and providing opportunities for innovation, leading to growth and new business developments.

Maple’s powerful IQ platform provides exactly this type of enhanced operational insight. The user-friendly client portal allows administrators to view a detailed audit trail of every door event, showing who has accessed the vehicle, when and where. Incorporating the flexibility to integrate with telematics solutions, the IQ system can also provide remote vehicle access control from anywhere in the world.


✔ Audit Trail - Obtain previously unobtainable information about all door opening events
✔ Key Management - Avoid costly delays to operations with greater control over keys
✔ Integrity of Operations - Delete lost or stolen keys within seconds
✔ Access Control - Remote locking & un-locking capabilities
✔ Reporting Suite - All data & audit trails can be viewed via secure web portal
✔ Emergency Access - Secure access codes provide entry if no keyfob is available

Contact us today to arrange a demo and find out how IQ can help your business.


High value product thefts continue to rock the supply chain!

Figures from the TAPA EMEA region show thefts from supply chains with a value of €100K or more are up 27%, using data reported to TAPA EMEA’s Intelligence system (TIS) for 2023. This equates to a loss of €746,303 every 24 hours, a staggering figure when we consider that only 4.4 % of cargo crimes reported to TIS during this period stated a value!

Such thefts, often carried out to order, are undoubtedly the work of Organised Crime Groups (OCGs) but as Thorsten Neumann, President & CEO of TAPA EMEA states, “Perhaps the biggest concern is that the current economic realities will lead more people to look at supply chains as a prime target.” Read more

Are you taking steps to secure your business and supply chain?


Congratulations to Jack Granger, Special Projects Manager based at our Hinckley office, as he celebrates five years working at Maple!

Jack started with Maple as an apprentice in 2018, completing administrative tasks in the aftersales department, quickly transitioning into a more project-based role, working closely with Daniel Bloore on various large scale installation rollouts.

Jack said “I have recently completed the APM Level 4 course, which is something that I’m truly proud of and I now utilise all of these skills and knowledge in my current role as Special Projects Manager.

Maple’s philosophy to develop their employees to bring them up with the company has been proven throughout my career and I’m so grateful to be part of a team where these values hold true.

I’m delighted with my progression at Maple and hope to carry this momentum into 2024 and beyond!”

Well done Jack! The last five years have really flown by 😊

HGV - Moto Motorway Services 26/10/2023

Commercial vehicle drivers are the backbone of the UK economy!

They keep the country moving and our shelves stocked, yet all too often drivers find themselves in poor and inadequate roadside facilities, often unable to get good quality rest, putting them at unacceptable risk.

This is particularly true during the busy, high-pressure Christmas delivery period. According to RoSPA, driver fatigue is cited as a cause in as many as a fifth of UK accidents and up to a quarter of all fatal and serious incidents.

So, it’s good to see positive steps being taken, including the announcement last month by DfT of £8 million of government funding, for 39 operators of roadside facilities, to fund improvements as part of the HGV Parking and Driver Welfare Grant Scheme, with a second tranche of bidding for roadside facilities funding running until 20th November 2023.

Moto Hospitality has also launched its ‘Cabversation’ initiative in partnership with Mind, SAMH and with support from RHA, aimed at reducing feelings of isolation sometimes experienced by drivers when out on the road. Find out more

HGV - Moto Motorway Services Have a We know that life on the road can be tough. From working long hours to constantly being away from home, being an HGV driver can

National Business Crime Conference - November 2023 24/10/2023

Maple is excited to be exhibiting at the NBCS - National Business Crime Solution Conference being held at NEC Birmingham on 16th November!

The Conference will be focusing on major issues currently facing the business and retail community, providing a forum connecting retailers, suppliers, logistics and local crime partnerships, bringing a unique insight into organised criminal activity and the ongoing investigations working to defeat business crime.

Reserve your place now Come and talk to Maple’s Paul Nunn about all your commercial vehicle security requirements.

National Business Crime Conference - November 2023 The National Business Crime Conference, hosted by the NBCS is the largest member-led Business Crime Event in the UK.


This Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Maple staff came together in support of Breast Cancer Now day!

Huge thanks to all staff who took part and got into the true spirit of the event, with some amazing PINK! outfits on show and Rex Ward once again taking the crown of best dressed 😊

As well as a pink themed quiz, everyone got stuck into pink bakes and treats, while helping to promote awareness of breast cancer and raising funds for research, prevention and the development of new treatments. Get involved


It’s time to celebrate the incredible advancements in technology, sustainability & safety currently being made within the road transport industry!

Maple is proud to support the RHA , which runs this year from 23rd to 29th October, highlighting the bright future of road transport, challenging perceptions and providing businesses with a chance to showcase their achievements, break barriers and inspire the next generation.

There are a wealth of exciting opportunities within logistics, not only for skilled drivers but many other roles including qualified vehicle technicians to warehouse experts and IT specialists. They are all vital parts of the supply chain, working together to keep goods moving and supporting our shops, factories, schools and hospitals, keeping our country moving!

Find out more


What a thrilling season finale!

Brands Hatch was the venue for the final round of The Pirelli National Superstock Championship over the weekend with Ben Luxton Racing delivering another top performance to round off the season.

Race 1 saw Ben P4, clinching the fastest lap time in 01 : 32 : 902 and starting in pole position for Race 2, where he finished in 8th place.

It’s been a fantastic season for Ben, who after a tough couple of years racing in 2021-22 has really turned things around. As Ben said he’s now “Competitive at the sharp end and most importantly smiling!”

We couldn’t agree more! We’ve loved every minute 😊


The automotive industry is vital to the UK’s global economy!

Vehicle manufacturing is at the heart of Government plans for growth and in 2023 contributed a huge £67 billion of turnover and £14 billion value to the UK economy, according to recent figures published by SMMT.

As the world re-emerges from the pandemic, the diversity and importance of the UK’s automotive industry is the country’s competitive advantage for restarting growth, creating jobs and tackling climate change,’ said SMMT Chief Executive, Mike Hawes.

The commercial vehicle sector is also an important part of this success with more than 100,000 vehicles built in the UK in 2022.

Despite the many challenges currently facing the industry, including the race to achieve net zero, the high cost of fuel, economic slowdown and supply-chain disruptions, it is important to celebrate successes of an industry that exports vehicles to over 130 countries around the world, with £32 billion worth of products and employs 780,000 people across the UK. Amazing!

Read the full report



Are you in full control of who accesses your vehicles and when?

Maple offers customisable access control solutions to suit changing business requirements.

Fob Validation is ideal for larger fleet operations, enabling short-term access to be granted for a pre-defined period set by the user, so offering greater control over all access fobs in circulation.

Fob Validation is specifically designed to help carriers maintain efficiency and control of logistics operations, while also maintaining the integrity of the goods they transport.

Watch Fob Validation in action


The threat from ‘Jump-up’ thefts is widespread across the UK!

This technique is carried out by Organised Criminal Gangs (OCG's), where perpetrators follow HGVs often from large supermarket retailers making ‘final mile deliveries’, then when stationary in traffic or when the driver arrives at the store, offenders quickly gain entry to the vehicle through trailer doors. Locks may be forced or drilled, seals cut or generic trailer keys used to gain entry.

A recent report from NaVCIS highlights the current widespread nature of these attacks, which are taking place at locations right across the country from London, Merseyside, Lancashire, Yorkshire to Scotland.

As NaVCIS states, it is likely that jump up offences may increase over the coming months in the run up to Christmas and hauliers should take action now to prevent the loss of valuable cargo. “Concealing cargo can help deter this type of theft as it makes the gains less obvious and the cargo more difficult to access.” - Mike Dawber, Field Intelligence Officer for NaVCIS Freight.

Maple work with many operators across Europe to help mitigate such risks. Find out more about our bespoke access control and load integrity solutions.

The seasonality of cargo theft 09/10/2023

Nearly €1,000,000 of products on average were stolen every 24 hours in the first six months of 2023!

This is the eye watering figure reported to the TAPA EMEA Intelligence System (TIS), over the first two quarters of 2023. This figure is only a part of a huge total value of €178.8 million of cargo thefts across the TAPA EMEA region as a whole, with the UK experiencing one of the highest numbers of incidents, with over 3000 being reported within this time frame.

As the busy Christmas season is fast approaching, with even more cargo on the roads to meet ever-increasing seasonal demands, cargo criminals see increased opportunity. Logistics operators would be wise to acknowledge these figures and put measures in place to prevent falling victim to cargo theft, during the busy holiday period. Read more

Is your valuable cargo really secure?

The seasonality of cargo theft Learn more about the significant increase in cargo theft incidents with LandRisk Logistics.


Let’s help Keep Logistics Secure!

Border Force and National Crime Agency (NCA) are working together to raise awareness of the high levels of criminal involvement by Organised Crime Groups within the transport industry. They aim to prevent criminal activity and encourage reporting on any suspicious activities.

Recent information has highlighted the use of freight service areas by individuals actively recruiting drivers, moving illicit goods in and out of the country.

This new joint initiative has been launched to help identify:

• Suspicious vehicles within freight areas.
• Individuals talking to drivers.
• Drivers reports of any suspicious vehicles or persons.

Have you seen or heard something suspicious? Do you know how drivers are being approached or what goods are involved? Contact Crimestoppers now, 100% anonymity guaranteed.


Supply Chains are most resilient when businesses, their customers and suppliers work together!

In October TAPA EMEA will be delivering a series of FREE Market Report Webinars for both members and non-members. A great opportunity to share knowledge of current cargo crime and supply chain risks in South Africa, Italy and France, if these countries are important to your supply chain resilience.

Register NOW!

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Videos (show all)

Maple Fleet Services - Integritas
Maple Fleet Services - Commercial Vehicle Show
Watch as this driver scrambles to rectify a dangerous rollaway incident⚠️ Fortunately nobody was hurt in this instance, ...
Engineering brilliance. SafeConnect


Maple House, Crown Royal Industrial Park, Shawcross Street

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 9am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 9am - 5:30pm
Thursday 9am - 5:30pm
Friday 9am - 5:30pm

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