Massage Therapist Valent888

I offer different types of massage:for baby's, for pregnancies,reflexology,remedial,back adjustment..


Just in Summer 🌞
Massage therapy offer!!!
Get 5 sessions and 1 for free!!!
Booking today!
WhatsApp +447795478717


Ce e masajul și care sunt beneficiile?

Terapia prin masaj poate ajuta la îmbunătățirea recuperării în multe situații, cm ar fi:

🛑Durere acută,
🛑durere post-traumatică,
🛑perioadă postoperatorie.

Cele mai potrivite tipuri de masaj pentru recuperare includ:
📌masaj profund țesut;
📌masaj terapeutic de relaxare;
📌masaj de reabilitare.

⭐Masaj profund țesut
Masajul profund al țesuturilor poate ajuta la promovarea vindecării. Adeziunile restricționează mișcarea, provocând contracții musculare și rigiditate și crescând nivelul de stres. Masajul profund al țesuturilor presupune aplicarea unei presiuni ferme asupra zonei afectate și este folosit pentru a rupe adeziunile și fibrele de colagen care încetinesc procesul de vindecare și provoacă dureri severe.

⭐Masaj terapeutic de relaxare
Masajul terapeutic de relaxare este adesea folosit pentru a stimula procesul de recuperare prin promovarea stării de bine și reducerea tensiunii. Terapia prin masaj poate aduce beneficii unei persoane atât fizic, cât și psihic. Masajul terapeutic stimulează eliberarea de hormoni pozitivi - endorfine, serotonina și dopamina, care determină relaxarea organismului, reducerea durerii și îmbunătățirea stării generale de bine.

⭐Masaj de recuperare
Masajul de recuperare se efectuează pentru a calma durerea și pentru a readuce organismul la o condiție fizică optimă cât mai repede posibil, fie că este vorba de o încordare musculară, dureri articulare sau de recuperare după intervenție chirurgicală. Masajul se efectuează atât în straturile superficiale, cât și în cele mai profunde straturi de țesut, îmbunătățind starea musculară și stimulând relaxarea.

Care sunt beneficiile masajului?🤷
Cele mai frecvente efecte fiziologice care apar în timpul masajului includ:

👍🏻eliminarea toxinelor din organism;
👍🏻nivel ridicat de oxigenare;
👍🏻distrugerea/restructurarea fibrelor de colagen.


A little information about Massage Therapy.

Therapeutic massage can help improve the dynamics of medical recovery in many situations such as:
🛑Acute pain,

The most appropriate types of massage to aid in medical recovery include:

📌deep tissue massage;
📌therapeutic relaxation massage;
📌rehabilitation massage.

⭐Deep tissue massage
Deep tissue massage can help in the dynamics of recovery. Adhesions restrict movement causing muscle contractions and stiffness and an increase in stress levels. A deep tissue massage involves the application of firm pressure on the affected area and is used to break down adhesions and collagen fibers that delay the recovery process and cause a high intensity of pain.

⭐Therapeutic relaxation massage
Therapeutic relaxation massage is often used to stimulate the recovery process by increasing well-being and reducing tension build-up. Therapeutic massage can benefit a person both physically and mentally. A therapeutic massage stimulates the release of positive hormones - endorphins, serotonin and dopamine that cause the body to relax, reduce pain and establish a general state of well-being.

⭐Rehabilitation massage
Rehabilitation massage is performed to remove pain and return the body to optimal physical condition as quickly as possible, whether it is a muscle strain, joint pain or recovery after a surgical intervention. The massage is performed in the superficial layers, as well as the deepest layers of the tissues, improving the muscle condition and stimulating relaxation.

What are the benefits of massage?🤷
The most common physiological effects that occur during a massage include:

👍🏻elimination of toxins from the body;
👍🏻high level of oxygenation;
👍🏻breakdown/realignment of collagen fibers.

Photos from Massage Therapist Valent888's post 20/02/2024

Kinesiology tape therapy removes your pain, can be used for almost any part of your body (back, neck, arms, legs, foots.
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Baby massage for cutest Renat🧒


Deep tissue massage
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Deep tissue massage for you


Shiatsu massage for your foot


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Photos from Massage Therapist Valent888's post 12/11/2023

Baby massage👶


foot massage

Photos from Massage Therapist Valent888's post 12/11/2023

Full body massage


Back massage

Photos from Massage Therapist Valent888's post 08/11/2023

Cupping therapy/ Hijama

Photos from Massage Therapist Valent888's post 08/11/2023

I’m always happy to help and even more happy when patients are satisfied with my work


Massage Therapist Valent888 I offer different types of massage:for baby's, for pregnancies,reflexology,remedial,back adjustment..


Hot offer 🔥🔥🔥🔥only in October 🍂🍁


Ma bucur sa vad si sa aud ca am putut fi de folos si ca pacientii mei se simt mult mai bine 🤗.


Only in August, massage session only for 30£!!!!! Hurry up 🤗😀


Only in August -20% discount for all massage sessions do not miss the chance to improve your health! 🤗

Massage Therapist Valent888 I offer different types of massage:for baby's, for pregnancies,reflexology,remedial,back adjustment..

Videos (show all)

Baby massage for cutest Renat🧒
Deep tissue massage#deeptissue##massageinstokeontrent##massagetherapistinstafordshire
Deep tissue massage for you#deeptissueinstoke#deeptissuemassagevalent888#bodymassageforyou#
Shiatsu massage & foot massage#shiatsumassage#accupresuremassage#footmassageforyou#massagetherapist888
Shiatsu massage & foot massage#shiatsumassage#accupresuremassage#footmassageforyou#massagetherapist888
Shiatsu massage & foot massage#shiatsumassage#accupresuremassage#footmassageforyou#massagetherapist888



