Mind Warrior Fit - Online Weight Loss Coach

Mind Warrior Fit - Online Weight Loss Coach

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Lose the last pound you'll ever lose. Challenge your beliefs
Lose weight without exercise
Change your life

Become a MindWarrior It really isn’t your fault. Dave

Mind Warrior FIT

This program was created and proven by people who had a life-long weight problem! We know what it’s like when you struggle with weight. When you feel the hopelessness, despair and misery of trying and failing to lose weight over and over again. You are not alone, the struggle that you are going through right now; we’ve been there. I know it’s not lack of willpower, laziness or la


Went for an ‘all you can eat’ last night… Last year I looked like the pic in the first comment!

What’s changed!??

I’ve struggled with weight my whole life…even as a kid!

Fit, but fat, for most of it 😥

I’d either be completely head in the sand…eating and drinking like a mad man! Miserable as s**t!

…or hungry, unhappy and desperate for the number on the scales to drop!

Which it rarely did!!


I eat till I’m full.

I LOVE what I eat.

I do probably the least amount of exercise I’ve done in 20+ years!!

I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been. Dropped x3 medications I was on daily!

I dropped all this weight in less than 7 months…and my weight hasn’t budged for the last 4 months.


I’m 47 stinking years old…with pretty much a visible (good light and reflection 📸😂) 6-pack 🤷🏻‍♂️🤯

…also got client results that are better than my own ❤️🏆😎

Brutally open and honest bit here____

I’ve been struggling a little of late…something around fear of failure I think.

I’ve been trying to make a success out of running my own business for over 11 years now 🤦🏻‍♂️

…and I think all those failed attempts are lining up against me now, and trying to stop me…

Maybe thinking they’re helping???


I’ve never had anything as life changing as this to help people with.

This is more a personal declaration.

I’m putting this out there for me.

…but if you struggle with your weight, and are ready to stop dieting and change your life for the better -

Message me.

It’s time…maybe for both of us ❤️💪


I’ve only come up with a Dave Edwards original here 🤓🤓🤓

Was having a bit of a think to myself earlier…and caught myself being an absolutely k**b to myself!

…why are we like that!?

Hold ourselves to impossible standards, while making constant excuses for others.


After having the feeling of failure, for still trying to do something, that I started, over a decade ago 🤷🏻‍♂️😩🤦🏻‍♂️😂

…this phrase came to mind…

‘If there were no fail, there’d be no try.’

Good eh!

Fail, puts an unpredictable aspect on anything you do.

Without ‘fail’…life would be unbelievably boring!

Most of us fear and demonise ‘fail’.

Maybe we’re wrong 🤷🏻‍♂️❤️🙏


A few days away from starting my 47th lap around the sun…feel like I’m in a slightly better state than this time last year!

Genuinely all thanks to this nutritional wizardry 🤷🏻‍♂️❤️

If you’ve been programmed to believe that you’re a victim of the old ‘metabolic slowdown’…give me a shout 👍👍

Photos from Mind Warrior Fit - Online Weight Loss Coach's post 04/05/2024

Fed a psychological diet of fear ☠️

Fed a nutritional diet of sh*t 🍔🍟

All while being medicated 💰💊

…and we’re doing the wrong phys 🏃‍♂️‍➡️

The result….

Depressed, anxious, overweight, drugged up & feeling hopeless.

Time to go back to school…MindWarrior Skool ❤️💪💪

- unlearn the lies
- correct your nutrition
- ditch comparison, fear & anxiety
- learn how to properly move and strengthen your physical body.

Stop that hopeless feeling of not being able to control your weight.

The scarcity feelings of a diet.

The awful, inevitable weight gain.

Fearing half of your wardrobe…hating the other half.

When you learn how to correct the environment, you’re no longer swimming against the current.

Weight loss can come about quickly and easily (I didn’t believe that till I experienced it either!).

Step into summer leaner, fitter, happier & HEALTHIER ❤️😎💪

All for an unbelievable low monthly sub…for now! 💰💰💰

Reach out now and join the MW family. I’m just one of those DM/PM…message dubries, away 😁👍

(6 months between these two photos 🤯)


Is it even possible for people who ‘fatten easily’…to keep their weight down and be happy…


Hats off if that’s you!

I could never do it.


I tried so hard.

I have genuinely weighed, measured, and taken ‘before’ photos…hundreds of times!

Each time failing miserably…lost count of how many Mondays I failed on! 🤦🏻‍♂️

It’s like torture!

When you put on weight easily, and you’re trying to diet…

…an hour seems like a day, a day like a week, and a week, is like an impossible dream!

It’s awful, and you don’t know until you’ve been through it.

I’m out of it…for the first time ever!

If you’re in it right now, give me a shout, use my free program and try something you haven’t tried before.

I’m 47 in a few weeks…can a lifetime fat guy have a aaaaabz at 47 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️😎💪😂

…but never mind about that daftness! You get yourself out of that horrible place, and lose the last pound you’ll ever have to lose, the MindWarrior Way ❤️💪

Photos from Mind Warrior Fit - Online Weight Loss Coach's post 29/04/2024

Is it possible to lose weight and get into the best shape of your life...without working out and starving yourself??

(I realise I'm 'working out' in these photos 😂💪)

I had been averaging two strength sessions a week for years.

I was also putting on fat...year by year.

I was close to 18st in September 23...

Then I introduced two different nutritional protocols.

SIX months later...

I'd dropped nearly 4st!




I have struggled with my weight my whole life.

I have searched for something like this my whole life.

It feels like I've found the golden unicorn!

I'm not going to lie...the weight is great! But more importantly, I have found HEALTH.

I have set up a program for anyone to follow the simple steps that started me on the path to this result...and I am giving it away to anyone that wants it ❤

Let me know, and it's yours!


Jamie Bridgewater
Shaun Messer
Wayne Bucknall
Dave Watson
Suzanne Edgley
Anita Noon
Jenny Willetts
Jane Michelle Leech
Leanne Halford
Sarah Louise


The only ‘successful’ diet I’ve ever done!

Top left: 34, ex- Royal Navy PTI, fat and miserable.

Bottom left, 1 year later, driven by my self-hatred, I got into the best physical shape of my life.

6 pack for the first time ever.

I should have been over the moon!

…and I was, for a while.

While I was seeing the progress, I was loving it.

But as soon as the challenge finished, it felt immediately not good enough.

I wasn’t ‘there’.

But I didn’t know where ‘there’ was.

After carrying weight my whole life, and hating it, I then got comments about being skinny 🤷🏻‍♂️

How had this happened??

Going from a over 18st and a 46in waist…to under 13st in 32in trousers.

Had I missed my ‘there’ and gone from one extreme to the other?


The mistake I made was expecting changing my physical appearance would change my inner dialogue.

I thought I could go from an insecure, angry guy…

Wedge some willpower and discipline in there

…and boom…

Out the other side would come someone who loved and valued himself.

Felt good and was secure in any situation.

Happy and confident.

Able to live a life free of anxiety and frustration.

…not so much!

I’d traded one insecurity of being overweight.

To loads of smaller ones about being skinny…not having enough muscle…arms too small.

It genuinely, hand on heart, made no difference to my life whatsoever.


Right: NOW.

I am completely happy and contented in my body.

I am loving my life.

Amazing relationships, and a self-confidence and self-belief like I’ve never known.

Completely without social fears and anxieties.

What’s changed??

My internals…

After going through the toughest time in my life about 5 years ago.

I was forced to turn inwards.

Marriage breakdown.

Financial catastrophes.


…and a debilitating injury for good measure!

The path back from this dark abyss, changed my life forever.

I learned how to drop judgements and comparisons.

To stop dwelling on the past, or stressing over the future.

I learned how to touch the core of who I am, that wasn’t broken by past experiences and insecurities.

I changed my whole life situation.

Because of my deeper relationship with my self, my relationships with all those around me strengthened.

I learned how to really connect with people for the first time.

Without being paralysed with how they see me, or what they thought of me.

I have gone from a self-conscious, weak and angry man.

To someone so secure in who I am, that I’m totally free to be in the world, living my life.

…rather than a scared watcher, having life pass me by.


My message is simple, but immensely powerful…

Drop the external need to change in order to be happy.

…be happy now, and the externals will change all by themselves.

This is the process I’m going through right now, live on my profile.

I have lost over a stone in weight, in the last 6 weeks.

Without ‘dieting’.

Without needing the change.

Living in the moment & loving the journey.

…I mean, just having the confidence to go through this live on FB!

I’d never have done this in a million years before 😬😂❤️🙏

Thanks for reading, would love for you to follow along and experience what I’m experiencing right now!

Dave ‘Exposed & Loving it’ Edwards 😮😂❤️


"What an idiot"

"You don't deserve that"

"There's no way you'll stick to that"

"Just look at you..."

"You're not good enough"

What would you do if a friend spoke to you like this 🤔

Our internal dialogue is often our own worst enemy...

Makes us feel like sh*t and sabotages our efforts to be healthy.

That's why in my program we make tackling this a priority 🙏🏼❤️


Struggling to lose weight? 😩 Do not underestimate 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Yes calorie deficit plays the majority part in losing weight...


Not drinking enough water.. Your metabolism will fall 💦

Not getting enough sleep... Potential hormonal imbalances & impact on the metabolism 😴

Strength training... Builds muscle... and muscle burns calories - it also has sooo many other benefits 💪🏼

Walking... Get those 10000 steps in guys! 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️

Meditating... Focusing on your breath, being present & mindful, quietens that voice in your head that is quite often your worst enemy.... Then we don't feel so bad about ourselves... Then we don't reach for the junk food 🙏🏼 it works... Believe me 😉❤️


I hated myself here…

I’d put on about 10lbs from my 6-pack days…

…and I was so uncomfortable on this holiday.

Imagine this —-

There’s a really horrible person in your life that makes you feel awful…


Constantly putting you down, criticising and belittling everything you do.

They make your life a constant struggle, and all you want to do is get as far away from them as you can.

They make you feel anxious, scared and totally self-conscious if you try and go to the gym, or out for a run.

They give you no credit for eating healthy, or any of the positive things you do every day.

They’re a tyrant!

…and a bully, and they make your life hell.

All you can do to escape their constant negativity is to give in to temptation.

Eat the chocolate, order the takeaway, get stuck into the booze.


Now imagine that this isn’t a real person at all…

It’s the voice you have, on a constant repeat, in your own head.

Against it’s constant whirring and noise…all the discipline in the world can’t dent it!

(…apparently we think 50,000-75,000 thoughts a day!)

Fighting this monster would be like standing in a pitch black room, throwing punches at the dark.

It didn’t matter how hard you try, or how hard you swing, you can’t fight the dark.

But turn on the light 💡

…and the dark vanishes.

It’s still there, at the very edge of the light.

But when you’re living in the light, it doesn’t affect you.

The darkness is the negative voice.

The darkness is the anxiety and the fear.

…the self-loathing.

…the insecurities.

When you’re living in the light, all of that goes away.

Or rather, it’s so small, it no longer consumes or controls you.

…and because of this…

You don’t NEED the junk food.

You don’t NEED the snacking.

You don’t NEED the alcohol.

You can still enjoy them in moderation and be sociable.

…but you’re free of that incessant need.

From this place, you don’t need discipline to stop the sabotage.

There isn’t any sabotage! You don’t need it, because you feel good about yourself.

Pretty much every memory of mine from this holiday, is thoughts of frustrations and insecurities. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Hands up how many of us lose weight for the summer 🌞...

Only to pile it back on again... To start the same cycle, year in year out 😩

Stopping the self sabotage & Building consistent, healthy habits is the key to ending this viscous circle and maintaining a healthy weight 💙


MindWarrior (45 LIVE) 6 week progress

Forget the physical change (over a stone, and a fair few inches!).

I can’t explain to you how far my mindset has shifted from old, insecure, angry Dave!!!

That’s the change that came before this weight loss.

That’s the change that’s making this process easy!

I swear….it’s a bold statement!!

But I’ve never lost weight easier than this in my life.

But like I said, forget the weight loss, the fitness gain, the change of body shape…

I wouldn’t have posted a picture like this in a million years with how I used to be.

My confidence in my body was so low…no way would I have exposed myself like this.

I’ve still got a least 20+lbs to go before I start approaching “how a trainer should look”.

I know that.

But here it is.

Me, but a different version.

Me, but without total identification with my body.

Me, willing to be vulnerable, because I can.

Because my self-worth and confidence is so high…

That I’m immune from the insecurities that plagued me my whole life.

That’s what I want to show you. The picture is just the vehicle.

It’s the confirmation that what I’m saying and doing has real world positive affects.

I make no apologies for the following statement…

This is THE most important part of losing weight and keeping it off, bar none.

Without this, win or lose, it’s a struggle and constant battle with yourself.

With it, it’s easy, and natural.

Not only that…’only’ 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️😂

But you can’t help these thoughts and feelings of self-worth and confidence leaking into all areas of your life.

EVERYTHING gets better.

Relationships with your partner, your kids, friends, work mates…

Enjoying a work life balance, because you’re always where you are.

Fear, anxiety, guilt and regret melt into a background static…

You’re left with a sense of peace and purpose.

All this from a way of losing a few lbs!

Keep following along…or use the advice and guidance, and join me!

Thanks for reading and following my journey…now it’s your turn ❤️💪

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