Glynn Vivian Art Gallery

Glynn Vivian Art Gallery

The official page for Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, part of Swansea Council.

Photos from Glynn Vivian Art Gallery's post 23/07/2024

Drawing competition: Things that fly!⁠

To celebrate our latest exhibition opening, we invite you to draw your own 'Out of this World' object 🪂🛰️🔊🤖🐦️⁠

It could be a UFO, or maybe you have a favourite bird? ⁠

To be in with a chance to win a Glynn Vivian Art Pack leave your name, age and contact details on the back of your drawing. There are two age categories 15 and under and 16+.⁠

Each week our Gallery team will choose their favourite drawings to share on our socials. ⁠

You can also post a picture with you and your flying object drawing to us! ⁠

Share ⁠

Heather Phillipson, Out of this World is an Imperial War Museum (IWM) 14-18 NOW Legacy Fund commission in partnership with Glynn Vivian Art Gallery.⁠

Cystadleuaeth tynnu llun: Pethau sy'n hedfan!⁠

I ddathlu agoriad ein harddangosfa ddiweddaraf, rydym yn eich gwahodd i dynnu eich llun eich hun o wrthrych 'Y Tu Hwnt i'r Byd Hwn'. 🪂🛰️🔊🤖🐦️⁠

Gallai fod yn wrthrych hedegog anhysbys (UFO) neu efallai fod gennych hoff aderyn?⁠

I gael cyfle i ennill Pecyn Celf Glynn Vivian, rhowch eich enw, eich oedran a'ch manylion cyswllt ar gefn eich llun. Mae dau gategori oedran, 15 ac iau ac 16+. ⁠
Bob wythnos bydd tîm yr Oriel yn dewis eu hoff luniau i'w rhannu ar ein cyfryngau cymdeithasol.⁠

Gallwch hefyd bostio llun ohonoch chi a'ch llun o wrthrych hedegog atom! ⁠

Rhannwch ⁠

Mae Heather Phillipson: Out of this World yn gomisiwn gan Gronfa Etifeddiaeth 14-18 NOW IWM trwy bartneriaeth ag Oriel Gelf Glynn Vivian. ⁠

⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠ ⁠

📷️ Heather Phillipson, Out of this World, 2024⁠
Trwy garedigrwydd yr artist, courtesy the artist.⁠

Photos from ARTANGEL's post 18/07/2024
Photos from Glynn Vivian Art Gallery's post 17/07/2024
Photos from Glynn Vivian Art Gallery's post 17/07/2024

📢Visit Glynn Vivian Art Gallery for a summer of free family activities and workshops 🌞🤖🪂🛰️

All ages welcome - BOOK NOW
01792 516900

With free workshops, trails, explorer backpacks and art competitions, there is plenty for everyone to enjoy this summer at Glynn Vivian Art Gallery.

🎞️Family Film Club Every Tuesday in the summer holidays, 10:30am and 1:00pm

🐉Creative Dungeons and Dragons Workshop Every Wednesday, 10:30am - 1:30pm Age 12-16

🎨I Can…family workshops, Wednesdays 10:30am and 1:30pm.
Quiet Workshops take place every Thursday, 10:30am

Part of a programme of activities to celebrate Heather Phillipson's ‘Out of this World’ exhibition. An IWM 14-18 NOW Legacy Fund commission in partnership with Glynn Vivian Art Gallery.

📢Dewch i ymweld ag Oriel Gelf Glynn Vivian am haf o weithgareddau a gweithdai am ddim i’r teulu 🌞🤖 🪂🛰️

Mae croeso i bobl o bob oedran - CADWCH LE NAWR
01792 516900

Gyda gweithdai am ddim, llwybrau, gwarbaciau archwilwyr a chystadlaethau celf, mae rhywbeth i bawb ei fwynhau’r haf hwn yn Oriel Gelf Glynn Vivian.

🎞️Clwb Ffilmiau i Deuluoedd – Bob dydd Mawrth yn ystod gwyliau’r haf, 10:30yb a 1:00yp

🐉Gweithdy Dungeons and Dragons Creadigol Bob dydd Mercher, 10:30yb - 1:30yp Ar gyfer plant 12-16 oed

🎨Gweithdai Rwy’n Gallu... i deuluoedd Dydd Mercher 10:30yb a 1:30yp
Cynhelir gweithdai tawel bob dydd Iau

Mae’r digwyddiad hwn yn rhan o raglen weithgareddau i ddathlu arddangosfa ‘Out of this World’ Heather Phillipson. Gomisiwn gan Gronfa Etifeddiaeth 14-18 NOW IWM trwy
bartneriaeth ag Oriel Gelf Glynn Vivian

Imperial War Museum London 1418 NOW Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales Swansea Council Enjoy Swansea Visit Swansea Bay, Mumbles and Gower Friends of the Glynn Vivian⁠ The Big Heart of Swansea⁠ Engage, the National Association for Gallery Education ⁠ ⁠⁠ Swansea Business Improvement District⁠ 4theRegion Wales Swansea Museum ⁠ ⁠ ⁠

Photos from Art UK's post 14/07/2024

Dydd Gwener 26 Gorffennaf 2024
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Ymunwch â’r Carys Evans am daith Gymraeg o amgylch yr arddangosfa.
Mae’r wobr flynyddol a sefydlwyd er cof am yr artistiaid Richard a Rosemary Wakelin o Abertawe, yn cael ei rhoi i artist sy’n byw ac yn gweithio yng Nghymru, y caiff ei waith ei brynu ar gyfer casgliad parhaol Oriel Gelf Glynn Vivian.

Mae enillwyr blaenorol y wobr yn cynnwys Robert Harding, David Tress, Pete Davis, Craig Wood, David Garner, Tim Davies, Dick Chappell, Brendan Stuart Burns, Anthony Shapland, Catrin Webster, Jonathan Anderson, Meri Wells, David Cushway, Helen Sear, Clare Woods, Alexander Duncan, Philip Eglin, Richard Billingham, Anya Paintsil, Cinzia Mutigli ac Ingrid Murphy.

Mae’n rhaid i blant dan 10 oed fod yng nghwmni oedolyn.
Am ddim, rhaid cadw lle.

Friday 26 July 2024
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Join Carys Evans for a Welsh language tour of the exhibition Wakelin at 25. Founded in memory of Swansea-based artists, Richard and Rosemary Wakelin, the annual award is given to an artist living and working in Wales, whose work is purchased for the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery’s Permanent Collection. This retrospective exhibition that will bring together work by all past winners.

Previous award winners include Robert Harding, David Tress, Pete Davis, Craig Wood, David Garner, Tim Davies, Dick Chappell, Brendan Stuart Burns, Anthony Shapland, Catrin Webster, Jonathan Anderson, Meri Wells, David Cushway, Helen Sear, Clare Woods, Alexander Duncan, Philip Eglin, Richard Billingham, Anya Paintsil, Cinzia Mutigli and Ingrid Murphy.

Under 10’s must be accompanied by an adult
Free, booking essential

Photos from Glynn Vivian Art Gallery's post 09/07/2024

Participants with our Day Service Art Group explore the 25 Years of the Wakelin Award. The group took a tour of the show before responding to their favourite artworks. Beautiful drawings everyone!
We are opening the group up to participants from outside the Day Service provision. For more information get in touch:⁠ [email protected]

Mae'r bobl sy'n cymryd rhan yn ein Grŵp Celf Gwasanaeth Dydd wedi bod yn archwilio 25 o Flynyddoedd o Wobr Wakelin. Aeth y grŵp ar daith o gwmpas y sioe cyn ymateb i’w hoff gelfweithiau. Darluniadau hardd, bawb!
Rydym yn gwahodd cyfranogwyr i’r grŵp o’r tu allan i’r ddarpariaeth Gwasanaethau Dydd. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â:⁠ [email protected]

⁠ ⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠ ⁠


The Glynn Vivian has launched a new, digital guide on Bloomberg Connects, a free arts and cultural app created by Bloomberg Philanthropies.

The app, available for download from Google Play or the App Store, makes Glynn Vivian accessible for either onsite or offsite visits through photo, audio and video features offering insights into exhibitions, collections, and programme.

Exclusive content on the app includes an audio introduction by Peter Wakelin, son of Swansea-based artists Richard and Rosemary Wakelin, to the Wakelin at 25 exhibition, as it celebrates 25 years of the award founded in their memory, supported by the Friends of the Glynn Vivian.

Users of the app can also listen again to past exhibitions talks and discussions with invited guest speakers, artists, writers and curators.

Glynn Vivian curator Karen MacKinnon said: "This is a fantastic free resource that will allow us to creatively share insights into the collection, upcoming exhibitions and our learning and engagement programmes."

Glynn Vivian Art Gallery
Bloomberg Connects

Photos from Glynn Vivian Art Gallery's post 07/07/2024

We had a wonderful day exploring all things nautical here at the gallery. Beginning with Craig Wood’s painting Carmarthen – Leeds Return, families learned all about the lives of the Swansea ‘Cape Horners’ and the souvenirs they brought home from their travels. We then made our own souvenirs from reclaimed bottles and wood off cuts. Look out for more family workshops and events this summer!
The Glynn Vivian Learning team are trying hard to make their workshops as sustainable as possible by re-using materials that are a by-product of the gallery’s day-to-day operations.

Cawsom ddiwrnod hyfryd yn archwilio'r byd morol yma yn yr oriel. Gan ddechrau gyda phaentiad Craig Wood, Carmarthen - Leeds Return, roedd teuluoedd wedi dysgu am fywydau 'Cape Horners' Abertawe a'r cofroddion a gasglwyd ganddynt ar eu teithiau. Yna gwnaethom greu ein cofroddion ein hunain allan o boteli adferedig a phren sgrap. Cadwch lygad am ragor o weithdai a digwyddiadau i deuluoedd yr haf hwn!
Mae tîm Dysgu'r Glynn Vivian yn gweithio'n galed i wneud eu gweithdai mor gynaliadwy â phosib drwy ailddefnyddio deunyddiau sy'n isgynnyrch gweithrediadau o ddydd i ddydd yr oriel.

⁠ ⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠ ⁠

Photos from Glynn Vivian Art Gallery's post 04/07/2024

Just one week to go!

Don’t miss the opening of our new exhibition, Out of this World, Heather Phillipson.

Free entry, everyone welcome.
Book now

Alongside this new commission, Phillipson has selected works from Imperial War Museums’ (IWM) Collection and Cyfarthfa Castle Gallery and Museum.

There will also be a display from the Glynn Vivian collection as well as oral histories that offer an insight into individual experiences of wartime Swansea and Mametz Wood.

An IWM 14-18 NOW Legacy Fund commission in partnership with Glynn Vivian Art Gallery⁠.

Wythnos yn unig sydd i fynd!

Peidiwch â cholli agoriad ein harddangosfa newydd, Out of this World, Heather Phillipson.

Mynediad am ddim, croeso i bawb.
Cadwch lle nawr

Ochr yn ochr â’r comisiwn newydd hwn, mae Phillipson wedi dewis gweithiau o Gasgliad yr Amgueddfa Ryfel Ymerodrol ac Oriel ac Amgueddfa Castell Cyfarthfa.

Bydd hefyd arddangosfa o gasgliad y Glynn Vivian yn ogystal â hanesion llafar sy’n cynnig mewnwelediad i brofiadau unigol adeg y rhyfel yn Abertawe a Choed Mametz.

Gomisiwn gan Gronfa Etifeddiaeth 14-18 NOW IWM trwy bartneriaeth ag Oriel Gelf Glynn Vivian⁠

📷 MWH credit - © Rob Mullender and Louis Porter.
Image courtesy of Cyfarthfa Castle Museum and Art Gallery

Photos from Glynn Vivian Art Gallery's post 04/07/2024

Just one week to go!

Don’t miss the opening of our new exhibition, Out of this World, Heather Phillipson.

Free entry, everyone welcome.
Book now

Alongside this new commission, Phillipson has selected works from Imperial War Museums’ (IWM) Collection and Cyfarthfa Castle Gallery and Museum.

There will also be a display from the Glynn Vivian collection as well as oral histories that offer an insight into individual experiences of wartime Swansea and Mametz Wood.

An IWM 14-18 NOW Legacy Fund commission in partnership with Glynn Vivian Art Gallery⁠.

Wythnos yn unig sydd i fynd!

Peidiwch â cholli agoriad ein harddangosfa newydd, Out of this World, Heather Phillipson.

Mynediad am ddim, croeso i bawb.
Cadwch lle nawr

Ochr yn ochr â’r comisiwn newydd hwn, mae Phillipson wedi dewis gweithiau o Gasgliad yr Amgueddfa Ryfel Ymerodrol ac Oriel ac Amgueddfa Castell Cyfarthfa.

Bydd hefyd arddangosfa o gasgliad y Glynn Vivian yn ogystal â hanesion llafar sy’n cynnig mewnwelediad i brofiadau unigol adeg y rhyfel yn Abertawe a Choed Mametz.

Gomisiwn gan Gronfa Etifeddiaeth 14-18 NOW IWM trwy bartneriaeth ag Oriel Gelf Glynn Vivian⁠

📷 MWH credit - © Rob Mullender and Louis Porter.
Image courtesy of Cyfarthfa Castle Museum and Art Gallery

⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠ ⁠

Photos from Glynn Vivian Art Gallery's post 03/07/2024

Since last year’s exhibition Ncheta (20.10.23-21.01.24) by art collective ‘Aurora Trinity’, we have been asking members of the public to collaborate on a large-scale woven rug as part of their visit to the gallery. Piece-by-piece, day-by-day, month-by-month scraps of leftover fabric were wound together by many hands until gradually the whole was complete. The rug was hand-finished by Joan and Shakeel from our ‘Threads: Community Textile Project’. A big thankyou to them both and to everyone who left their mark on the project.⁠
If you are interested in getting involved in Threads we are at the beginning of an exciting new project supported by the Arts Council of Wales Create grant.⁠

O ddechrau'r arddangosfa Ncheta (20.10.23-21.01.24) gan y gydweithfa gelf ‘Aurora Trinity’, rydym wedi bod yn gofyn i aelodau'r cyhoedd gydweithio ar rỳg weëdig fawr fel rhan o'u hymweliad â'r oriel. Cafodd ddarnau o ffabrig dros ben eu hymnyddu ynghyd, darn wrth ddarn, o ddydd i ddydd, o fis i fis gan lawer o ddwylo nes bod y darn cyfan wedi'i orffen. Gorffennwyd y rỳg â llaw gan Joan and Shakeel o'n Prosiect Tecstilau Cymunedol - Threads: Diolch yn fawr iawn i'r ddau ohonynt a phawb a adawodd eu marc ar y prosiect.⁠
Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn cymryd rhan yn Threads rydym ar ddechrau prosiect newydd cyffrous a gefnogir gan grant 'Creu' Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.⁠

⁠ ⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠ ⁠


New exhibition coming soon! ⁠
Out of this World
Heather Phillipson
Dates: 12 July 2024 – 26 January 2025

In Out of this World, Heather Phillipson plots a sequence of sonic and atmospheric conditions that conjure airspace, aerospace and outer space.

Please spread the word and bring your friends and family to this immersive Out of this World experience.

Arddangosfa newydd yn dod yn fuan! ⁠
Out of this World
Heather Phillipson
Dyddiadau: 12 Gorffennaf 2024 - 26 Ionawr 2025

Yn Out of this World, arddangosfa unigol fawr gyntaf yr artist o waith newydd ers ei henwebu am Wobr Turner, mae Heather Phillipson yn cofnodi dilyniant o amgylchiadau sonig ac atmosfferig sy’n cyfleu awyrle, awyrofod a’r gofod.

Lledaenwch y neges a dewch â’ch ffrindiau a’ch teulu i’r profiad arallfydol hwn y gellir ymgolli ynddo.

⁠ Swansea Council Imperial War Museum London Cyfarthfa Castle⁠ Friends of the Glynn Vivian Swansea Museum The Big Heart of Swansea ⁠ Swansea Business Improvement District ⁠ 4theRegion


Sweet Wall by Cinzia Mutigli is currently on display in room 3 until 1 September as part of the Wakelin at 25 exhibition celebrating 25 years of the award.

👇 Read the article by artist, writer, and curator Anthony Shapland, about being the selector of the Wakelin Award 2021.

Mae’r arddangosfa Sweet Wall gan Cinzia Mutigli ar gael i’w gweld yn ystafell 3 tan 1 Medi fel rhan o arddangosfa Wakelin at 25 i ddathlu 25 mlynedd ers sefydlu’r wobr.

👇 Darllenwch yr erthygl gan yr artist, yr awdur a’r curadur, Anthony Shapland, am fod yn ddetholwr Gwobr Wakelin 2021.

Photos from Glynn Vivian Art Gallery's post 21/06/2024

✨ Glynn Vivian at Night ✨
Celebrate the opening of our new exhibition

Out of this World
Heather Phillipson

Thursday 11 July 2024
5:30pm - 8:00pm
Speeches from 6:00pm
Café and bar open –
Card payments only

Free entry, everyone welcome
Click here to book 👉️

An IWM 14-18 NOW Legacy Fund commission in partnership with Glynn Vivian Art Gallery


✨ Glynn Vivian gyda'r Hwyr ✨
Dewch i ddathlu agoriad ein harddangosfa

Out of this World
Heather Phillipson

Nos Iau 11 Gorffennaf 2024
5:30pm – 8:00pm
Areithiau o 6:00pm
Mae’r caffi a’r bar ar agor –
Taliadau â cherdyn yn unig

Mynediad am ddim, croeso i bawb
Cliciwch yma i archebu 👉️

Gomisiwn gan Gronfa Etifeddiaeth 14-18 NOW IWM trwy bartneriaeth ag Oriel Gelf Glynn Vivian

📷️Heather Phillipson, Out of this World, 2024
Artist’s working collage, courtesy the artist / Collage gwaith yr artist, trwy garedigrwydd yr artist

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Photos from Ethnic Minorities & Youth Support Team  - EYST Wales's post 18/06/2024
Photos from Glynn Vivian Art Gallery's post 13/06/2024

👀Visit the Gallery and see what’s on this weekend!

On Saturday 15 June;

🔸Book for our monthly Saturday morning Family Art Club. Learn how to make a ‘Ship-in-a-jar’ using recycled materials to create your own fantastical, nautical curiosity. £3⁠ per child.

🔸Get creative in our Weekend Adults Workshop from 11am. Create imaginative prints through scoring and cutting the surface of used Tetra Pak packaging. For adults aged 16+. Tickets £30.

🔸 At 3pm, join Robert Harding and Ingrid Murphy in conversation as they discuss their artwork and the Wakelin Award. Visit for more information. ⁠

Booking essential, everyone welcome. Take a look online for full details or call the gallery ⁠
📞01792 516900⁠ ⁠

👀 Dewch i’r Oriel i weld beth sy’n digwydd yno’r penwythnos ‘ma! ⁠

Ddydd Sadwrn 15 Mehefin;

🔸 Cadwch le ar gyfer ein Clwb Celf i Deuluoedd misol ar foreau dydd Sadwrn. Gallwch ddysgu i greu llong mewn jar gan ddefnyddio deunyddiau sydd wedi’u hailgylchu i greu eich gwaith celf morwrol gwych. £3 y plentyn.

🔸 Byddwch yn greadigol yn ystod ein Gweithdy i Oedolion ar y Penwythnos o 11am.
Dewch i greu printiau dychmygol drwy sgorio a thorri arwyneb deunyddiau pecynnu Tetra Pak wedi’u defnyddio. Ar gyfer oedolion 16+ oed
Tocynnau £30.

🔸 Am 3pm, ymunwch â Robert Harding ac Ingrid Murphy am sgwrs wrth iddynt drafod eu gwaith celf a Gwobr Wakelin. Ewch i am fwy o wybodaeth.

Rhaid cadw lle, croeso i bawb. Cymerwch gip ar-lein i weld y manylion llawn a’r wybodaeth am gadw lle. Neu ffoniwch yr oriel ar ⁠
📞01792 516900⁠

⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠

Photos from Glynn Vivian Art Gallery's post 12/06/2024

📢 Exciting announcement! Heather Phillipson’s major new commission to open Summer 2024 in Swansea. 🪂🛰️🔊🤖🐦️

On 12 July, Glynn Vivian Art Gallery opens a major new exhibition, ‘Out of this World, by 2022 Turner Prize nominee, artist Heather Phillipson. This brand-new commission is part of the Imperial War Museums (IWM) 14-18 NOW Legacy Fund, a national partnership programme inspired by the heritage of conflict.

Heather Phillipson plots a sequence of sonic and atmospheric conditions that conjure airspace, aerospace and outer space! Glynn Vivian’s galleries will be filled with automated noises, ghostly communications and fragmented images that float and pulsate, creating what Phillipson calls, ‘a visual and acoustic fog’.

Alongside this new commission the artist has selected works from IWM collection, as well as works loaned from Cyfarthfa Castle Gallery and Museum and paintings from the Glynn Vivian collection.

Exhibition dates, 12 July 2024 – 26 January 2025
Glynn Vivian at Night, Thursday 11 July 5:30pm – 8:00pm

📢 Cyhoeddiad cyffrous! Comisiwn mawr newydd Heather Phillipson yn agor yn Abertawe yn ystod Haf 2024. 🪂🛰️🔊🤖🐦️

Ar 12 Gorffennaf, bydd Oriel Gelf Glynn Vivian yn agor arddangosfa fawr newydd, Out of This World, gan yr artist Heather Phillipson, enwebai Gwobr Turner 2022. Mae'r comisiwn newydd sbon hwn yn rhan o Gronfa Waddol IWM 14-18 NOW, rhaglen bartneriaeth genedlaethol a ysbrydolwyd gan dreftadaeth gwrthdaro.

Mae Heather Phillipson yn cofnodi dilyniant o amgylchiadau sonig ac atmosfferig sy'n cyfleu awyrle, awyrofod a’r gofod Bydd orielau'r Glynn Vivian yn llawn synau awtomataidd, cyfathrebiadau annaearol a delweddau wedi’u disylweddu sy’n arnofio ac yn pylsadu, gan greu’r hyn y mae Phillipson yn ei alw’n ‘niwl gweledol ac acwstig’.

Ochr yn ochr â'r comisiwn newydd hwn, mae gan yr artist weithiau a ddewiswyd o Gasgliad IWM, yn ogystal â gweithiau wedi'u benthyca o Oriel ac Amgueddfa Castell Cyfarthfa a phaentiadau o gasgliad parhaol Glynn Vivian.

Dyddiadau’r Arddangosfa, 12 Gorffennaf 2024 - 26 Ionawr 2025
Oriel Glynn Vivian Gyda’r Hwyr, Dydd Iau 11 Gorffennaf 5:30pm – 8:00pm

Swansea Council Enjoy Swansea Joio Bae Abertawe Visit Swansea Bay, Mumbles and Gower Imperial War Museum London 1418 NOW Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales Cyfarthfa Castle & Park Wales

📷️ 1: Heather Phillipson, Out of this World, 2024
Collage gwaith yr artist, trwy garedigrwydd yr artist / Artist’s working collage, courtesy the artist.
2: Heather Phillipson. Photographer, Rory Van Millingen
3. Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea


Meet Wales' first ever Library Service of Sanctuary!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

have been honoured for offering a warm welcome to people seeking sanctuary.

Swansea Council has 17 much-loved libraries across local communities and offers a delivery service for customers who are unable to access their local library. Council staff also run the Swansea Prison library as part of their network – and it’s the first time a prison library has been included in a Library of Sanctuary award.

Hats off to this brilliant team!


Join the Mother and Toddler group on Monday at the Swansea EYST drop-in.
Come to meet other mums, sing nursery songs and listen to children's stories. Reema and Lissa will look after you and help you learn English through children games and English conversation.

Call us on 01792 466980 if you have a question.

Welsh Government Swansea Council Glynn Vivian Art Gallery Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales


Congratulations to recently elected RA Helen Sear!
Watch the video to find out more about her video installation Chameleon, recipient of the Wakelin Award in 2013, currently on display in Wakelin at 25 until 01.09.24.

Llongyfarchiadau i Helen Sear a etholwyd yn aelod o’r Academi Frenhinol yn ddiweddar!
Gwyliwch y fideo i ddarganfod rhagor am ei gosodwaith fideo Chameleon, a dderbyniodd Wobr Wakelin yn 2013, sy’n cael ei arddangos ar hyn o bryd yn Wakelin yn 25 tan 01.09.24.

Photos from Enjoy Swansea's post 24/05/2024
Photos from Glynn Vivian Art Gallery's post 24/05/2024

😍Visit the Gallery this half term and get creative in our holiday activities.✏️🎨🎞️👍️

🔸Tuesday 28 May - Enjoy a free family film for children and families in our Family Film Club.
11:00am – under 8s
1:00pm – 9 years plus

🔸Wednesday 29 May – Family workshop: Experiment, collaborate and play with the materials and techniques of artists from our ‘Celebrating 25 years of the Wakelin Award’ exhibition. 11:00am and 2:00pm. £3 per child

Suitable for children aged 3+. All materials are provided.

During the workshop we will also have a quieter space for those with sensory sensitivities, with a smaller number of people and a low light environment.

🔸Self-led gallery trails, activities and backpacks are available to pick up for free from the reception desk. Ask our friendly staff for more information and resources.

Call 01792 516900 or book online

😍Dewch i’r Oriel yr hanner tymor hwn i fod yn greadigol gyda’n gweithgareddau ✏️🎨🎞️👍️

🔸Dydd Mawrth 28 Mai - Teulu Clwb Ffilmiau: Dewch i fwynhau ffilm am ddim i deuluoedd
11:00am dan 8 oed.
1.00pm – 9 oed ac yn hŷn.

🔸Dydd Mercher 29 Mai - Gweithdy i’r Teulu: Arbrofwch, cydweithiwch a chwaraewch â’r deunyddiau a’r technegau a ddefnyddir gan artistiaid ein harddangosfa ‘Dathlu 25 mlynedd o Wobr Wakelin‘.11:00am a 2:00pm. £3 y plentyn

Yn addas i blant 3+ oed Darperir yr holl ddeunyddiau.

Yn ystod y gweithdy, bydd gennym hefyd le tawelach ar gyfer y rheini sydd ag anawsterau synhwyraidd, gyda llai o bobl ac amgylchedd â golau isel.

🔸Bydd llwybrau hunanarweinedig yr oriel, gweithgareddau a gwarbaciau ar gael i’w casglu am ddim o ddesg y dderbynfa. Gofynnwch i’n staff cyfeillgar am ragor o wybodaeth ac adnoddau.

Ffoniwch 01792 516900 neu cadwch le ar-lein

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Swansea Council’s Glynn Vivian Art Gallery

Swansea Council’s Glynn Vivian Art Gallery is a local gallery and a centre of excellence for the visual arts in Swansea, but also plays a vital role in the ecosystem of arts in the whole of Wales and beyond.

Our artistic programme includes exhibitions, collaborations and socially engaged projects. At the core of all our work is a belief that art and creativity are hugely beneficial to our societies, and help shape our future and the places in which we live.

We support emerging and established local artists as well as bringing some of the world’s leading artists to Wales – presenting major exhibitions and commissioning exceptional site specific and socially engaged work.

We have a wonderful collection of artworks and ceramics as well as works on paper, which form an important part of the city’s “cultural memory”. We display many of these works in our permanent collection but also encourage artists, curators and members of the public to curate exhibitions.

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The Buffet Y BWFFE
Swansea Open 2024 is now open! 😍
📢New Project Announcement: The Hobby Cave 🎨🧶📸🤖Hetain Patel invites you to share your favourite hobby and join the loudes...
Wakelin Award 2022: Ingrid Murphy11.03.2023 – 3.09.2023Working with ceramics, Murphy’s work focuses on augmenting cerami...
His Dark Materials, World Building in Wales
Let Siri the Art critic guide you trough the gallery!Starting at 2pm, join artist Chris Tally Evans at the Glynn Vivian ...
Let Siri the Art critic guide you through the gallery!Join us today for a series of interventions and an artist talk wit...
Let Siri the Art critic guide you trough the gallery!Join us today for a series of interventions and an artist talk with...
Community: The youngest of our Young Art Force have really enjoyed interacting with the wonderful world of @carlosbunga....
Carlos Bunga #TERRA FERMA⁠Combining sculptural, performative and philosophical aspects, this exhibition, Terra Ferma, is...




Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Alexandra Road

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 10am - 4:30pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 4pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm

Other Art Galleries in Swansea (show all)
Mission Gallery Mission Gallery
Gloucester Place, Maritime Quarter
Swansea, SA11TY

Oriel gelfyddydau cymhwysol a gweledol yn Abertawe. A visual and applied arts gallery in Swansea.

GS Artists Swansea GS Artists Swansea
217 High Street
Swansea, SA11PE

GS Swansea is a non profit gallery that organically developed from the office of Artist & Print publisherJane Simpson

Oriel Craig y Nos Oriel Craig y Nos
Swansea, SA91GL

Craft & Gift Gallery recently extended to showcase locally made Artisan Arts and Crafts

do.ART Gallery do.ART Gallery
Swansea, SA11NW

Dreamy Hill Coffee House & Art Gallery Dreamy Hill Coffee House & Art Gallery
13 Mansel Street
Swansea, SA15SF

Where artful coffee and colourful art comes together

JET Art Gallery JET Art Gallery
Jet Art House
Swansea, SA35EL

KingCade Artwork KingCade Artwork

A place to share my artwork focusing on motorsport, primarily the BTCC.

Illustration at Swansea College of Art UWTSD Illustration at Swansea College of Art UWTSD
UWTSD, Swansea College Of Art
Swansea, SA13EU

Illustration | UWTSD | Swansea

Crowley Creations Crowley Creations
Swansea, SA20HW

Crowley Creations is a team of experienced artists that specialise in mural art work amongst other c

UK Five -5 Years Healthcare Visa UK Five -5 Years Healthcare Visa
Second Floor Ethos SF2A, Kings Road
Swansea, SA18AS

Micki Schloessingk,                          Bridge Pottery Micki Schloessingk, Bridge Pottery
Cheriton, Gower
Swansea, SA31BY

Wood fired salt glaze pots