Mission Gallery

Mission Gallery

Oriel gelfyddydau cymhwysol a gweledol yn Abertawe. A visual and applied arts gallery in Swansea. We are revenue funded clients of the Arts Council of Wales.

Oriel gelf a chrefft gyfoes wedi’i lleoli yn Ardal Forwrol Abertawe yw Oriel Mission. Rydym ni’n gleientiaid a ariennir gan refeniw Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. Ein nod yw datblygu a chyflwyno rhaglen arloesol sy’n gynhwysol ac yn unigryw i Gymru; gan canolbwyntio ar ymarferwyr a bod yn uchelgeisiol yn artistig, er mwyn cyfoethogi bywydau pawb sy’n cymryd rhan. I fod yn sefydliad blaenllaw yn y gwait

Photos from Mission Gallery's post 15/09/2024

Make Along Sessions For Families 🫶 with Lowri Davies

As part of Swansea Council’s citywide art celebration ‘We Are All Artists’, Mission Gallery invites you to celebrate all things story-telling, through the medium of ceramics and illustration.

📍All available workshops at Mission Gallery

💠 Tile decorating workshop
🗓️Saturday 5th October & Sunday 6th October
🕥 10:30am- 12:00pm

🎨 Block printing workshop
🗓️ Saturday 5th October & Sunday 6th October
🕥 2:00pm-3:30pm

🎟️ To book your ticket(s), click the link:


‘We Are All Artists’ is part of Swansea Arts Weekend, taking place across the city 4th – 6th October 2024.


Sesiynau gwneud gyda’n gilydd ar gyfer teuluoedd 🫶 gyda Lowri Davies

Fel rhan o ddathliadau Cyngor Abertawe o gelf ar hyd a lled y ddinas mae ‘We Are All Artists’ Oriel Mission yn eich gwahodd i ddathlu popeth sy’n ymwneud ag adrodd storïau, drwy gyfrwng cerameg a darluniau.

📍Pob gweithdy sydd ar gael yn Oriel Mission

💠 Gweithdy addurno teils
🗓️ Dydd Sadwrn 5ed Hydref & Dydd Sul 6ed Hydref
🕥 10:30yb-12:00yh

🎨 Gweithdy printio blociau.
🗓️ Dydd Sadwrn 5ed Hydref & Dydd Sul 6ed Hydref
🕥 2:00yb-3:30yp

🎟️ I gadw tocynnau, cliciwch y linc:


Mae ‘Artistiaid Ydym Oll’ yn rhan o Benwythnos Celfyddydau Abertawe a gynhelir ar draws y ddinas rhwng 4ydd a 6ed Hydref 2024.

Lowri Davies

Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales Visit Swansea Bay, Mumbles and Gower Enjoy Swansea Swansea Hub Swansea Scoop Swansea Council


🎶 Benjamin Francis Leftwich @ Mission Gallery 🎶

A great opportunity to see live music in this unique venue!

📅 Friday, 22nd November 2024
🎟️ Tickets: £16

✨ Matinee Performance: 5-7pm
Get your ticket here: https://t247.co/213

🌙 Evening Performance: 8-10pm
Get your ticket here: https://t247.co/214

🎤 See you at Mission Gallery!


🎶 Benjamin Francis Leftwich @ Oriel Mission 🎶

Cyfle arbennig i glywed cerddoriaeth fyw yn y lleoliad unigryw yma!

📅 Dydd Gwener, 22ain Tachwedd 2024
🎟️ Tocynnau: £16

✨ Perfformiad Cynnar: 5-7yh
Prynwch tocynnau yma: https://t247.co/213

🌙 Perfformiad Nos: 8-10pm
Prynwch tocynnau yma: https://t247.co/214

🎤 Gwela i chi yn Oriel Mission!

Benjamin Francis Leftwich Swansea Music Hub The Swansea Fringe Visit Swansea Bay, Mumbles and Gower Enjoy Swansea Swansea Hub Swansea Scoop


Sign up for our newsletter NOW to stay in the loop on all our exciting exhibitions and workshops coming this Autumn and Winter!

Look out for workshops for both adults and children 🎨, exhibiting opportunities 🖼️, live music events 🎶, and new stock in the shop! 🛍️

💌 Not subscribed yet? Click the link in our bio to join our mailing list.

Diolch everyone!


Cofrestrwch i’n cylchlythyr NAWR i ddod i wybod am ein holl arddangosfeydd a gweithdai cyffrous sydd i ddod yn yr Hydref a'r Gaeaf!

Cadwch lygad allan am weithdai i oedolion a phlant 🎨, cyfleoedd i arddangos 🖼️, digwyddiadau cerddoriaeth fyw 🎶, a stoc newydd yn y siop! 🛍️

💌 Heb danysgrifio eto? Cliciwch ar y ddolen yn ein bio i ymuno â’n rhestr bostio.

Diolch pawb!

Image/Delwedd: Workshop participant enjoying a willow basket-making workshop led by artist Lewis Prosser.

Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales

Photos from CIWA Autism Projects's post 05/09/2024


Dewch â phrosiect rydych chi wedi bod yn gweithio arno gyda chi, neu rywbeth rydych chi wedi'i roi o'r neilltu - dewch i greu a sgwrsio dros baned! ☕🧶

11am - 4pm: Gweithgaredd galw-heibio; cewch aros am gyhyd ag y dymunwch.

🗓️ Dyddiadau:
30ain Awst
6ed, 13eg & 20fed Medi

🎟 I fwcio’ch lle AM DDIM: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/textile-fridays-gwener-tecstilau-tickets-940318527027?aff=oddtdtcreator

❗ I ystyried - sesiwn wedi ei arwain eich hun yw hwn ar frodwaith llaw a gwnïo gyda llaw. Nid oes peiriant gwnïo ar gael. Dewch â'ch deunyddiau eich hun lle bo'n bosibl gan mai prin yw'r deunyddiau a ddarperir.

Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales



Bring along a project you’ve been working on or something you’ve put to one side - come create and chat over a cup of tea! ☕🧶

11am - 4pm: Drop-in activity, stay for as little or as long as you’d like.

🗓️ Dates:
30th August
6th, 13th & 20th September

🎟️ Book your FREE slot: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/textile-fridays-gwener-tecstilau-tickets-940318527027?aff=oddtdtcreator

❗ Please note that this is a self-led session focused on hand embroidery or hand stitching. No sewing machines will be available. Limited materials provided, please bring your own materials where possible.

Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales


We had an amazing walk and talk with the talented artist Cefyn Burgess at Mission Gallery.

For those who couldn't make it, don't worry! 😌 We've recorded the talk and it has been added to our website 🎥✨


Thank you again to everyone who attended and supported this event 🙏🎉


Fe gawsom ni daith arddangosfa a sgwrs ardderchog gyda'r artist talentog Cefyn Burgess yn Oriel Mission.

​​I'r rhai na allodd fynychu, peidiwch â phoeni! 😌 Rydym wedi recordio'r sgwrs a bydd yn cael ei ychwanegu at ein gwefan cyn bo hir 🎥✨


Diolch eto i bawb a fynychodd a chefnogodd y digwyddiad hwn 🙏🎉

Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales

Photos from Mission Gallery's post 18/08/2024


🎨🎉 Parti Celf a Chrefft i Blant

🕒 2 awr | 👥 Dim mwy na 15 cyfranogwr | 👧 7+ Oed | 💷 £100 - £120

P’un a ydych chi’n dathlu pen-blwydd arbennig iawn neu eisiau rheswm i ddod at eich gilydd gyda ffrindiau a theulu. Bydd ein tîm yn Oriel Mission yn sicrhau bod y diwrnod yn llawn hwyl a chreadigrwydd.

📞 I drefnu neu drafod eich Parti Celf a Chrefft ymhellach, cysylltwch â Megan Leigh, y Rheolwr Allgymorth, ar 01792 652016 neu anfonwch e-bost at [email protected]

Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales

Photos from Mission Gallery's post 15/08/2024

Cefyn Burgess has work on display in until 21st September 2024

🛍️ Shop Cefyn Burgess at https://www.missionshop.co.uk/shop/cefyn-burgess/67

💌 Postcards (Kolkata) by Cefyn Burgess


Mae Cefyn Burgess yn cael gwaith ar ddangos tan 21ain Medi 2024

🛍️ Siopa Cefyn Burgess yn https://www.missionshop.co.uk/shop/cefyn-burgess/67

Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales

Photos from Mission Gallery's post 05/08/2024

Mae’r ffordd orau i ddarganfod cyfleoedd, gweithdai a gwybodaeth am ein harddangosfeydd yw trwy ein llythyr e-bostio.

💌 Os nad ydych chi wedi tanysgrifio’n barod i’n rhestr bostio, gallwch wneud hyn drwy gliciwch y linc: https://missiongallery.us2.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=8390e3466b441f990561b055f&id=744bc4747e

Diolch bawb!

Image/Delwedd: Tu ôl i’r blwch | Behind the box exhibition by Cefyn Burgess at Mission Gallery. 20 July/Gorffennaf - 21 September/Medi 2024.

Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales

Photos from Mission Gallery's post 05/08/2024

The best way to find out about our opportunities, workshops and information about our exhibitions is via our newsletter.

💌 If you’re not already subscribed to our mailing list, you can do so by clicking the link: https://missiongallery.us2.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=8390e3466b441f990561b055f&id=744bc4747e

Diolch everyone!

Image/Delwedd: Tu ôl i’r blwch | Behind the box exhibition by Cefyn Burgess at Mission Gallery. 20 July/Gorffennaf - 21 September/Medi 2024.

Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales


Nawr yn Mission!
Y Gwneuthurwr: Sarah Reason-Jones

Mae Sarah wedi ei hysbrydoli gan strata arfordirol Sir Benfro. Mae ei phroses artistig yn cynnwys arsylwi a chofnodi lliw a gwead y clogwyni hyn yn fanwl iawn. Gan ddefnyddio’r tapestri gweledol cyfoethog hwn, mae hi’n ymchwilio i fyd cymhleth o ffabrig ac edau wedi’u lliwio â llaw, ac yn arbrofi gyda thrin ffabrigau a gwaith brodwaith gyda pheiriant a llaw.

Now at Mission!
The Maker: Sarah Reason-Jones

Sarah is influenced by Pembrokeshire’s coastal strata. Her artistic process includes meticulously observing and documenting the colour and texture of these cliffs. Drawing from this rich visual tapestry, she delves into an intricate world of hand-dyed fabric and thread, engaging in experimentation with fabric manipulation, machine, and hand embroidery.



I ddathlu agoriad arddangosfeydd 'Tu ôl i'r bocs | Behind the Box’ Cefyn Burgess a ‘The Maker’ Sarah Reason-Jones, rydym yn agor ein drysau i selogion tecstilau o bob lefel gallu ddod i greu ar ddydd Gwener.

Dewch â phrosiect rydych chi wedi bod yn gweithio arno gyda chi, neu rywbeth rydych chi wedi'i roi o'r neilltu - dewch i greu a sgwrsio dros baned! ☕🧶

Mae'r sesiynau hyn am ddim ac yn agored i bawb.

11am - 4pm: Gweithgaredd galw-heibio; cewch aros am gyhyd ag y dymunwch.

🎟️ I fwcio’ch lle AM DDIM ac am fwy o wybodaeth, cliciwch y linc: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/textile-fridays-gwener-tecstilau-tickets-940318527027

Dewch â'ch deunyddiau eich hun lle bo'n bosibl gan mai prin yw'r deunyddiau a ddarperir.

I ystyried - sesiwn wedi ei arwain eich hun yw hwn ar frodwaith llaw a gwnïo gyda llaw. Nid oes peiriant gwnïo ar gael.

Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales



To celebrate the opening of both Cefyn Burgess’ ‘Tu ôl i’r blwch | Behind the box’ exhibition and Sarah Reason-Jones’ The Maker, we are opening our doors to textile enthusiasts of all abilities to come and create on a Friday.

Bring along a project you’ve been working on or something you’ve put to one side - come create and chat over a cup of tea! ☕🧶

These sessions are free and are open to all.

11am - 4pm: Drop-in activity, stay for as little or as long as you’d like.


26 July/Gorffennaf
02/09/16/23/30 August/Awst
06/13/20 September/Medi

🎟️ To book your FREE slot and for more information, click the link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/textile-fridays-gwener-tecstilau-tickets-940318527027

Limited materials provided, please bring your own materials where possible.

Please note that this is a self-led session focused on hand embroidery or hand stitching. No sewing machines will be available.

Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales

Photos from Mission Gallery's post 31/07/2024

Tu ôl i’r blwch | Behind the box
Cefyn Burgess
🗓️ 20 Gorffennaf - 21 Medi 2024

Mae gwaith tecstil Cefyn wedi’u harddangos mewn Orielau ledled Cymru, y DU, UDA ac Ewrop.

Mae ei ddyluniadau'n cael eu creu i weddu i unrhyw leoliad, o gastell i ystafell ac yn ymateb i friff y cleient ond hefyd gan gymryd i ystyriaeth ei gefndir diwylliannol ei hun gan roi apêl Gymreig nodedig i'r dyluniadau ond gydag ailddehongliad cyfoes o'r traddodiadol. Yn ddiweddar, mae Cefyn wedi bod yn gweithio ar brosiect cyfnewid diwylliannol gyda Gogledd Ddwyrain India sydd wedi ysbrydoli casgliad newydd o ffabrigau a gweithiau arddangos.


Tu ôl i’r blwch | Behind the box
Cefyn Burgess
🗓️ 20 July - 21 September 2024

Cefyn’s textile drawings and illustrations have been exhibited in Galleries throughout Wales, the UK, The USA and Europe.

His designs are created to suit any setting from a castle to a room and respond to the clients brief but also taking into account his own cultural background giving the designs a distinctive Welsh appeal but with a contemporary reinterpretation of the traditional. Cefyn is currently working on a cultural exchange project with North East India, which has inspired a new collection of fabrics and exhibition works.

Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales

Photos from Mission Gallery's post 31/07/2024

Tu ôl i’r blwch | Behind the box
Cefyn Burgess
🗓️ 20 Gorffennaf - 21 Medi 2024

Am Cefyn Burgess:

Wedi ei eni a'i fagu ym mhentref chwarel lechi Bethesda, Gogledd Cymru graddiodd Cefyn Burgess o Fanceinion gyda BA (Anrh) mewn tecstilau gwehyddu ac yna MA mewn tecstilau o'r Coleg Celf Brenhinol.

Gan adael Llundain ar ddiwedd y 1980au daeth yn wehydd preswyl cyntaf yn Amgueddfa Sidan Paradise Mill yn Macclesfield, a rhoddodd hyn y cyfle iddo ddatblygu ei ystod wreiddiol o ffabrigau sidan cain wedi'u gwehyddu â llaw. Ers hynny mae Cefyn wedi bod yn dylunio ffabrigau wedi’u gwehyddu, jacquard a chynnyrch mewnol o safon gan gynnwys casgliad o flancedi tapestri Cymreig, cwiltiau, taflu a chlustogau. Mae ei gleientiaid wedi cynnwys sefydliadau mawr yn ogystal ag unigolion sydd wedi comisiynu dyluniadau pwrpasol i gyd wedi'u gwehyddu mewn ffibrau naturiol.


Tu ôl i’r blwch | Behind the box
Cefyn Burgess
🗓️ 20 July - 21 September 2024

About Cefyn Burgess:

Born and raised in the slate quarry village of Bethesda, North Wales Cefyn Burgess graduated from Manchester with a BA (hons) in woven textiles then an MA in textiles from the Royal College of Art.

Leaving London in the late 1980’s he became the first weaver in residence at Paradise Mill Silk Museum in Macclesfield, this gave him the opportunity to develop his original range of fine hand woven silk fabrics. Since then Cefyn has been designing jacquard woven fabrics and quality interior products including his range of Welsh tapestry blankets, quilts, throws and cushions. His clients have included large organisations as well as individuals that have commissioned bespoke designs all woven in natural fibres.

Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales


🎉 Why not hold your event or meeting at Mission Gallery?

Hiring our beautiful gallery or workshop spaces is the perfect way to host an event in a truly unique venue. Mission Gallery has a rich history, tons of character and great acoustics 🏛️

The gallery offers an intimate space for parties, drinks receptions, small scale performances and business meetings. As a former seaman’s mission, Mission Gallery has interesting and attractive architecture complemented by changing art exhibitions and offers a distinctive backdrop for your event 🌟

Please contact Sarah Cook who will be delighted to arrange everything to help you create the unique but affordable event you need. [email protected]


🎉 Beth am gynnal eich digwyddiad neu gyfarfod yn Oriel Mission?

Mae llogi ein horiel hardd neu weithdy yn ffordd berffaith o gynnal digwyddiad mewn lleoliad cwbl unigryw. Mae gan Oriel Mission hanes cyfoethog, llwyth o gymeriad ac acwsteg wych 🏛️

Mae’r oriel yn cynnig gofod clyd ar gyfer partïon, derbyniadau diodydd, perfformiadau ar raddfa fach a chyfarfodydd busnes. Fel cenhadaeth i forwyr yn y gorffennol, mae gan Oriel Mission bensaernïaeth ddiddorol a deniadol wedi'i hategu gan arddangosfeydd celf newidiol, ac mae'n cynnig lleoliad unigryw i'ch digwyddiad 🌟

Cysylltwch â Sarah Cook a fydd wrth ei bodd yn trefnu popeth i'ch helpu i greu'r digwyddiad unigryw ond fforddiadwy rydych chi am ei gynnal. [email protected]

Photos from Mission Gallery's post 27/07/2024

Tu ôl i’r blwch | Behind the box
Cefyn Burgess
🗓️ 20 Gorffennaf - 21 Medi 2024

Mae Tu ôl i’r blwch yn seiliedig ar ymweliad ymchwil cyntaf Cefyn â Gogledd Ddwyrain India, sef Bryniau Khasi a Jaintia a Mizoram. Taith i ddod i adnabod y bobl y tu ôl i’r blychau casglu y mae’n eu cofio o Ysgol Sul ei blentyndod.

Oherwydd y blychau casglu hyn, mae bryniau Khasi a Jaintia yn enwau sydd wedi gwreiddio eu hunain yng nghof Cefyn. Drwy'r prosiect parhaus hwn, mae Cefyn yn archwilio'r berthynas a'r hanes sy’n cael eu rhannu rhwng Cymru â thraddodiadau, iaith a diwylliant amrywiol bryniau Khasi a Jaintia yn Megahalaya, a sefydlwyd dros 150 o flynyddoedd.

Rhan o brosiect ymchwil diwylliannol parhaus yng Ngogledd Ddwyrain India, gyda chefnogaeth Celfyddydau Rhyngwladol Cymru.


Tu ôl i’r blwch | Behind the box
Cefyn Burgess
🗓️ 20 July - 21 September 2024

Tu ôl i’r blwch / Behind the box is based on Cefyn’s first research visit to North East India, namely the Khasi, Jainita Hills and Mizoram. A journey to get to know the people behind the collection boxes he remembers from his childhood Sunday School.

Because of these collection boxes, the Khasi and Jaintia hills are names that have ingrained themselves in Cefyn’s memory. Through this ongoing project, Cefyn explores the relationship and shared history established over 150 years between Wales and the varied traditions, language and culture of Khasi, Jainita hills of Megahalaya.

Part of an ongoing cultural research project in North East India, supported by Wales Arts International.

Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales

Photos from Mission Gallery's post 25/07/2024

🚀 Eve Slatter's Final Blog Post

🧑‍🚀 Becoming an Astronaut: Playing with Androgyny and Ideas

In Eve Slatter’s final blog post, she explores the intersection of 3D art, photography, and personal identity. She takes us through her experimental project where she transforms herself into an astronaut, blurring the lines of gender and expression.

✨ Explore all of Eve Slatter’s blog posts: https://janephillipsaward.com/category/digital-residencies/eve-slatter/

“It has been a genuine pleasure working with Eve throughout her digital residency, made possible by the Jane Phillips Award. I’ve marveled at her willingness to experiment with materials, but also her level of introspection that has shone through her ideas and processes, as evidenced within every single one of her blog posts. Everyone watch this space, Eve is going places! 🚀” - Lucy Anna Howson, Jane Phillips Award Assistant


🚀 Post Olaf Eve Slatter

🧑‍🚀 Dod yn Ofodwr: Chwarae gyda Androgynia a Syniadau

Yn ei phost olaf, mae Eve Slatter yn archwilio lle mae celf 3D, ffotograffiaeth, a hunaniaeth bersonol yn croesi. Mae'n mynd â ni drwy ei phrosiect arbrofol lle mae'n trawsnewid ei hun yn ofodwr, gan anegluro'r llinellau rhwng rhywedd a mynegiant.

✨Archwilio pob un o ddarnau blwg Eve Slatter: https://janephillipsaward.com/category/digital-residencies/eve-slatter/

“Mae wedi bod yn bleser gwirioneddol gweithio gyda Eve drwy gydol ei chyfnod preswyl digidol, a wnaed yn bosibl gan Wobr Jane Phillips. Rwyf wedi rhyfeddu at ei pharodrwydd i arbrofi gyda deunyddiau, ond hefyd at ei lefel o fewnsyllu sydd wedi disgleirio drwy ei syniadau a'i phrosesau, fel y dangosir ym mhob un o'i darnau blwg. Pawb, cadwch lygad arni, mae Eve yn mynd i lefydd! 🚀” - Lucy Anna Howson, Cynorthwyydd Gwobr Jane Phillips

Foundation Art and Design - Swansea College of Art UWTSD Swansea College of Art at UWTSD Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales

Photos from Mission Gallery's post 21/07/2024

We hosted a brilliant walk and talk with artist Cefyn Burgess at Mission Gallery yesterday!

For those who couldn't make it, don't worry! 🎥 We've recorded the talk and it will be added to our website shortly. Stay tuned for updates on when it will be available for viewing.

Thank you again to everyone who attended and supported this event. We hope to see you at one of our next events. 🎉

Tu ôl i’r blwch | Behind the box
Cefyn Burgess
20 July - 21 September 2024


Fe gawsom ni daith arddangosfa a sgwrs ardderchog gyda'r artist Cefyn Burgess yn Oriel Mission ddoe!

I'r rhai na allodd fynychu, peidiwch â phoeni! 🎥 Rydym wedi recordio'r sgwrs a bydd yn cael ei ychwanegu at ein gwefan cyn bo hir. Cadwch lygad am ddiweddariadau ar pryd y bydd ar gael i'w wylio.

Diolch eto i bawb a fynychodd a chefnogodd y digwyddiad hwn. Gobeithio y gwelwn ni chi yn un o'n digwyddiadau nesaf. 🎉

Tu ôl i’r blwch | Behind the box
Cefyn Burgess
20 Gorffennaf - 21 Medi 2024

Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales

Photos from Mission Gallery's post 18/07/2024

🚀 New blog post! 🚀

Eve has shared her designs and sourcing of materials for an astronaut-inspired outfit, drawing inspiration from icons like Ellen Ripley in Alien and her own personal exploration of identity.

Dive into Eve’s creative process and discover the inspirations behind her ideas.

👽 Click the link to read more: https://janephillipsaward.com/2024/07/11/planning-making-and-personas/

Eve is about to begin a Fine Art Degree at Swansea College of Art, UWTSD. This residency, made possible by the Jane Phillips Award, creates opportunities for emerging artists to explore and develop their work.


🚀 Blog post newydd! 🚀

Mae Eve wedi rhannu ei dyluniadau a'r broses o ddod o hyd i ddeunyddiau ar gyfer gwisg wedi ei ysbrydoli gan astronot, gydag ysbrydoliaeth yn deillio o eiconau fel Ellen Ripley yn Alien a'i harchwiliad personol o hunaniaeth.

Ymchwiliwch broses greadigol Eve a darganfod yr ysbrydoliaeth i'w syniadau.

👽 Cliciwch y ddolen i ddarllen mwy: https://janephillipsaward.com/2024/07/11/planning-making-and-personas/

Mae Eve ar fin dechrau Gradd mewn Celfyddyd Gain yng Ngholeg Celf Abertawe, PCYDDS. Mae'r preswyliad hwn, a wnaed yn bosibl gan Wobr Jane Phillips, yn creu cyfleoedd i artistiaid newydd archwilio a datblygu eu gwaith.



I ddathlu agoriad arddangosfeydd 'Tu ôl i'r bocs | Behind the Box’ Cefyn Burgess a ‘The Maker’ Sarah Reason-Jones, rydym yn agor ein drysau i selogion tecstilau o bob lefel gallu ddod i greu ar ddydd Gwener.

Dewch â phrosiect rydych chi wedi bod yn gweithio arno gyda chi, neu rywbeth rydych chi wedi'i roi o'r neilltu - dewch i greu a sgwrsio dros baned! ☕🧶

Mae'r sesiynau hyn am ddim ac yn agored i bawb.

11am - 4pm: Gweithgaredd galw-heibio; cewch aros am gyhyd ag y dymunwch.

🗓️ Dyddiadau:
26 Gorffennaf
02/09/16/23/30 Awst
06/13/20 Medi

🎟️ I fwcio’ch lle AM DDIM ac am fwy o wybodaeth, cliciwch y linc:

Cefyn Burgess Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales



To celebrate the opening of both Cefyn Burgess’ ‘Tu ôl i’r blwch | Behind the box’ exhibition and Sarah Reason-Jones’ The Maker, we are opening our doors to textile enthusiasts of all abilities to come and create on a Friday.

Bring along a project you’ve been working on or something you’ve put to one side - come create and chat over a cup of tea! ☕🧶

These sessions are free and are open to all.

11am - 4pm: Drop-in activity, stay for as little or as long as you’d like.

🗓️ Dates:
26 July
02/09/16/23/30 August
06/13/20 September

🎟️ To book your FREE slot and for more information, click the link: https://www.missiongallery.co.uk/events/textile-fridays/

Cefyn Burgess Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales

Photos from Mission Gallery's post 12/07/2024

🖼️ Exhibition Opening and Walk & Talk with Cefyn Burgess ⬅️
Saturday 20th July 2024

Tu ôl i’r blwch | Behind the box
Cefyn Burgess
🗓️ 20 July - 21 September 2024

Tu ôl i’r blwch / Behind the box is based on Cefyn’s first research visit to North East India, namely the Khasi, Jainita Hills and Mizoram. A journey to get to know the people behind the collection boxes he remembers from his childhood Sunday School.

Because of these collection boxes, the Khasi and Jaintia hills are names that have ingrained themselves in Cefyn’s memory. Through this ongoing project, Cefyn explores the relationship and shared history established over 150 years between Wales and the varied traditions, language and culture of Khasi, Jainita hills of Megahalaya.

Part of an ongoing cultural research project in North East India, supported by Wales Arts International.


🖼️ Exhibition Opening and Walk & Talk with Cefyn Burgess ⬅️
Agoriad gyda Taith Arddangosfa: 2yp
Dydd Sadwrn 20fed Gorffennaf

Tu ôl i’r blwch | Behind the box
Cefyn Burgess
🗓️ 20 Gorffennaf - 21 Medi 2024

Mae Tu ôl i’r blwch yn seiliedig ar ymweliad ymchwil cyntaf Cefyn â Gogledd Ddwyrain India, sef Bryniau Khasi a Jaintia a Mizoram. Taith i ddod i adnabod y bobl y tu ôl i’r blychau casglu y mae’n eu cofio o Ysgol Sul ei blentyndod.

Oherwydd y blychau casglu hyn, mae bryniau Khasi a Jaintia yn enwau sydd wedi gwreiddio eu hunain yng nghof Cefyn. Drwy'r prosiect parhaus hwn, mae Cefyn yn archwilio'r berthynas a'r hanes sy’n cael eu rhannu rhwng Cymru â thraddodiadau, iaith a diwylliant amrywiol bryniau Khasi a Jaintia yn Megahalaya, a sefydlwyd dros 150 o flynyddoedd.

Rhan o brosiect ymchwil diwylliannol parhaus yng Ngogledd Ddwyrain India, gyda chefnogaeth Celfyddydau Rhyngwladol Cymru.

Cefyn Burgess Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru | Arts Council of Wales

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Our Story

“To nurture development and push the boundaries of Visual Art and Applied Art”

Mission Gallery is one of Wales’ best adapted spaces for the contemporary arts. Mission Gallery has developed a reputation for dynamic and distinctive programming, to present excellence across the visual arts, applied arts and craft, from across Wales and beyond. With exhibition space, craft space, learning resources, events, residency opportunities and more, Mission Gallery provides the local and wider community with opportunities to develop their understanding and knowledge of art, providing a collective experience in which visitors can immerse themselves in; exhibitions that push the boundaries of visual art; purchase cutting edge design and contemporary craft and engage in friendly conversation with art led individuals. Mission Gallery seamlessly provides raw creative energy, an exceptional place to shop for every price range, and a commitment to learning, ensuring every age group is welcome.


“I fagu datblygiant ac i gwthio ffiniau celf gweledol a chelf cymhwysol.”

Mae Oriel y Mission yn un o safleoedd gorau Cymru am gelf cyfoes. Mae’r Oriel wedi datblygu enw da am rhaglen deinamig a gwahanredol, i gyflwyno arbennigrwydd ar draws y byd celf gweledol, cymhwysol a chrefft, o ar draws Cymru ac yn bellach. Gyda lle arddangos, lle crefft, adnoddau dysgu, digwyddiadau, cyfleoedd preswyl a mwy, mae Oriel y Mission yn darparu cyfleoedd i ddatblygu dealltwriaeth a gwybodaeth o gelf i’r gymuned leol ac ymhellach, darparu profiad cyfunol lle gall ymwelwyr trochi mewn; arddangosfeydd sy’n gwthio ffiniau celf gweledol; prynu crefft cyfoes a dylunio blaengar ac i gysylltu ac unigolion celfyddgar mewn sgwrs cyfeillgar. Darpara’r Oriel egni creadigol crai, lle eithriadol i siopa i bob pris, ac ymrwymiad i ddysgu, ac i sicrhau bod croeso i bob oedran.

Mission Gallery is supported by The Arts Council of Wales.

Admission free | Mynediad am ddim
Open Tuesday - Saturday 11am - 5pm | Ar agor dydd Mawrth i ddydd Sadwrn 11am - 5pm
Closed Sundays, Mondays & Bank Holiday Monday | Ar gau bob dydd Sul, Llun a Gwyliau Banc

Mission Gallery
Gloucester Place
Maritime Quarter | Yr Ardal Forol
Swansea | Abertawe

+44(0)1792 652016
[email protected]

Translation by Rhian Wyn Stone

Videos (show all)




Gloucester Place, Maritime Quarter

Opening Hours

Tuesday 11am - 5pm
Wednesday 11am - 5pm
Thursday 11am - 5pm
Friday 11am - 5pm
Saturday 11am - 5pm

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