
My aim is to support those who care for loved ones, a safe space to be nurtured & listened to.

With many years experience (including life experience) as an Aromatherapist (ITEC) and Flower Essence Practitioner (BFVEA), I'm here to help with emotional and physical issues that often arise at the time of the peri-menopause and beyond. With Flower Essences and Essential Oils, I can support you during times of change and upheaval. My massage skills can help with relaxation, stress relief and tig


Are you able to give yourself some 'me-time this weekend? Time out from the busy lives we lead?
Even an hour can make such a difference. I found this quiet place in Sheffield Park this morning. Just me, a coffee, a beautiful oak & a couple of cheeky squirrels.

Beautiful Autumn 08/09/2024

Beautiful Autumn -

Beautiful Autumn


I can't recommend this presentation enough. Whenever I'm asked about nutrition (I studied this some years ago and it has remained a passion although I don't practice it as a therapy) I will reply with 'What do you know about Glycans? The answer is usually a blank look. Given how important they are to our health and wellbeing, this is a worrying response. So, if you don't know about Glycans then you need to find out more. This is an easy way to learn, an hour of your time to improve your health - you're worth it.
Monday 9th September 7.30pm
Please comment or DM for a link.

Welcome to Reiki 21/08/2024

Welcome to Reiki -

Welcome to Reiki

Photos from Essentially Flowers Centre for Flower and Vibrational Essences's post 21/08/2024

I am not surprised that the amazing diploma I took several years ago has received these accolades. My knowledge & understanding of Flower Essences has continued to grow for, not only my own benefit, but for that of clients, family & friends. For those who wish to support themselves in the shaky, anxious world we live in, Essences can be of great value. They are a daily part of mine and Clive’s life, helping us deal with any challenge we face.


I mentioned in my last newsletter that some products will soon be withdrawn. This doesn't apply to "The Rescuers". They will still be readily available and here is a reminder of the merits of NIP AND ZIT RESCUE - a good one to have in your bag during the summer hols!
This simple to use Rollerball applies a small amount of the essential oils blend in sunflower oil directly to the area affected. It works quickly to relieve discomfort, healing the bite, sting or blemish without scaring.
It is a blend of Roman Chamomile, Lavender, Hyssop, Geranium, Juniper, Benzoin, Myrrh, Sandalwood and Patchouli. It has a gentle, calming aroma.
However not suitable during pregnancy.


You may well be wondering why I have posted a photo of Bodiam Castle! Well, a few days ago Clive and I decided to pay this beautiful place a visit - well worth it too.
However, that morning I had a twinge, of the painful variety. I'm very grateful it doesn't happen often but that morning my knee had a definite dislike of stairs. Not good if I was to make the most of our trip to this historic site, with it's 57 steps to the top, uneven and not easily negotiated.
So I reached for my cream that I recommend for anyone with discomfort in the joints.
That was the end of my twinges. When we sat down for a pleasant picnic in the grounds I realised I hadn't felt a thing all morning and we reached the top of the castle for the amazing views. A good reminder of why it is fast becoming my most popular product.
This very effective blend, available in a cream or lotion, will help to alleviate pain, calm the nerves, stimulate blood flow, restore a healing balance and has potent anti-spasmodic properties.
It is a combination of Essential Oils of Peppermint, Basil, Rosemary, Lavender, Chamomile, Marjoram, Clary Sage and Benzoin. It smells fresh and uplifting.
However it is not suitable during pregnancy, with Epilepsy or if sensitive to any of the oils.
If you'd like to know more please DM me.


Reaching out to all my Healer/Therapist/Coach friends - this is for us during these intense times.
Are you feeling the call to nourish your body and uplift your life?

The call on our work, whatever it is, is sacred and it's even more important than ever to take care of ourselves so that we can continue to serve our clients at the highest level.

Join 2 of my friends and colleagues Sara Estelle and Sharon Keenan for an inspiring 45 minute session on Weds 14th August at 11am. Learn how you can transform your life with Glycans.

Here's what will be covered:

🌱 Nourish Your Body: Discover the transformative power of plant-based sugars that repair and fuel your cells, helping you to feel vibrant and full of life.

🌱 Support Your Clients: Learn how these natural supplements can enhance not only your own well-being but also support your clients' journeys towards holistic health.

🌱 Connect with Like-Minded Souls: This is a space to gather with fellow healers who, like you, are committed to living a healthy, strong and embodied life.

If this resonates with you, please DM me for the link to join us live or receive the replay.

Or say the word GLYCANS below

I don't often speak about how I take care of myself on a physical level publicly, but with the intense times we live in I feel it's vital to share this wisdom.


Anyone fancy feeling leaner and healthier?
The constant curve balls life throws our way can play havoc with our diet and this is such an easy way to get back on track.
Only 2 scoops a day while following a sensible, low carb eating plan - which is so much easier in the summer!
And until the end of August ( or while stocks last) Buy one get one free! Such a fab offer.
So who’s joining me - please DM me and we’ll get you going.

Surprise, Surprise 05/07/2024

Surprise, Surprise -

Surprise, Surprise


I was introduced to this amazing nutrition by my Flower Essence tutor 6 years ago and know they have supported me so well, particularly the last 18 months. My tutor, and good friend, has been taking them about 20 years.
It’s so good to know what in the supplements I’m taking, all plant based, so easily absorbed by our bodies.
If you’d like to find out more and the business opportunity - which is quite spectacular - that it offers please message me and I’ll send you the link. It’s 11am on Weds 5th June. No obligation.
It’ll be a very interesting presentation.


Exercise is a basic for self-care, but as with most things we need to enjoy it especially if we're going to keep it up.
These two certainly keep me on my toes and, regardless of the weather, a daily walk is a must. It's my time to clear my head, notice what's changing in neighbouring gardens and enjoy the quiet.
We need to keep moving, even more so as we get older as it's so much harder to get started again if we have to stop. Find what gives you joy - I found an exercise class on line last year designed for those of us 60+. It's 4 times a week, 20 minute sessions and I can do them whenever it suits me. That was great when fitting round hospital visits. The classes focus on strength, flexibility and stamina. I've noticed a difference in my general strength and health and I enjoy them - no 2 classes the same.
So find what makes you move - put on some music and dance - and keep doing it.
PS my other love is yoga 🧘‍♀️

I'm not advertising here but if you'd like details about the exercise class please message me.


I've been a bit quiet because we've been away. We all need breaks, time to switch off the phone, get away from social media and not watch the clock! These are all things that help me to unwind. We spent a few days on the Isle of Wight - photo of Osborne House where we both lost ourselves to the days of Queen Victoria and her family.
That might not be your ideal break and we all have different preferences, Clive would find a day on the beach torture!
It's not always easy to get right away when you are supporting someone, but even a day out can make such a difference and is worth arranging. Just do something that brings you joy.


Not many people realize that one of the certificates on my wall is for diet and nutrition.
It's not something I use in a professional capacity but it has given me a good basic knowledge of what the body needs to function well. The events of the past year have also demonstrated how easy it is to forget!
This knowledge has also helped me be more discerning when it comes to supplements, they are not all equal and many are not worth taking. It's a big subject and I won't delve into it further here but I will mention this tub of yumminess!
I'm sure this supported me physically, especially during the times when my diet was not all it should have been - yes, I did resort to a takeaway and glass of red some evenings!
It is a very delicious drink containing phytonutrients from 20 plant extracts. A natural source of energy, protein, prebiotic fibre and the antioxidant Vitamin C. A simple, easy way to fill the nutritional gap.
Please message me if you'd like to know more. I really do recommend it.

Photos from Pearlaroma's post 23/04/2024

Laughter! Is very important to us, it has helped us through some challenging moments. And we are, thankfully, both 'half glass full' type of people.
These two photos are from a holiday in Scotland - the same one as the Hobbits off an Adventure post photo. The whole week sticks in our minds, not because it rained, or I lost one of my wing mirrors. (In fact, I really had to think hard of the down moments). But because of the fun and laughter.
And so it continues. While waiting in hospital for his op, Clive was in a ward with 5 other heart patients, and they laughed and talked and kept each other's spirits up. It was mentioned by the doctors and nurses that it was such a happy ward.
It's not always easy but trying to look on the bright side of a situation can make it just that bit easier.


I came fairly late to Reiki and have found this gentle, profound energy to be so comforting and energizing that I can't imagine my life without it.
I practice Reiki daily, in someway or other, which is one of it's major benefits, as you can 'do' it anywhere, anytime and no equipment needed.
We have had many trips to A & E and spent a good number over night in one of their cubicles.
Reiki to my rescue, by doing a short practice I managed a couple of hours sleep, in a not so comfortable chair. As mentioned you can do Reiki anywhere, any time.


Today I'd like to share a combination of Essences from The Australian Bush Flower range.
I've used many essences from this range and love their energy.
This one, Transition, Clive and I have both been taking to help with the unexpected reality of early retirement for Clive. He had visions of building for ever, so knowing he can't has affected us in different ways.
This Essence supports us and helps acceptance during a life changing event.
Here's the UK link if your interest is piqued. Lots of good information on this site too.


Self-care. A big subject and one that we hear a lot about. But what is it?
On a basic level it is doing the best for ourselves, eating well, getting enough sleep, exercising - all the things we need to do to keep our bodies functioning at their best.
These are important but it goes deeper than that, so why, as a carer is self-care crucial?
Put simply, if you are feeling depleted, tired, out of sorts, fed up etc etc how can you look after someone else?
However self care is personal, we're all different and need different things, even our diets can be different, what you like to do for exercise might not suit me, and vice versa.
As to the deeper levels of what brings us joy you need to be doing whatever makes YOU feel good, at peace with yourself, what brings you inner happiness.
I can, therefore, give you ideas of what helped my self-care, it might spark an idea or two for you. But I would love to hear what you do for yourself.
The picture is of one of my favourite local places, I always feel better after I have visited this park and spent some time with the trees, lakes and gorgeous shrubs. It's even better when shared with a friend, another source of self-care time spent with good friends.
Getting some time, literally, to myself is also really important. Even just half an hour to read a book, sit in the garden.
On a practical level ensuring I do my Reiki daily is essential to my well being as is taking my Essences (which I'm sharing in other posts).
These are simple things, it doesn't need to be complicated just activities you love and that feed your soul.
I appreciate that if you are looking after someone 24/7 that needs constant help then finding even 5 minutes can be difficult. Perhaps this is where the respite services can be invaluable or someone you can trust to support you on a regular basis.
You are important too.


As many of you know, I am passionate about Flower and Vibrational Essences and how they can support us, especially during emotionally challenging times.
As it is a big subject and I'd like to share some of the Essences that have helped both Clive and I over the last year, I'm going to spread this over several posts.
But let's start at the beginning, with one of the most well know Essences - Five Flower Essence from The Bach range (known by many of us as the Rescue Remedy).
This was my go to on the very first day when Clive lost his sight, to help with the shock of what what happening. As you can imagine it was used many times over the year.
Essences help us on an emotional level, they support us energetically bringing balance and harmony back to our unsettled systems.
I've included a link to the Five Flower Essence, it's a great one to have handy to help whenever we've had a shock - from a bump in the car, an argument or dealing with bad news.
As an Advanced Flower Essence Practitioner I use the Bach range often and you'll meet a few more as these posts go out. There are many excellent ranges from all over the world and I'm excited to introduce these to you as they have been such great support and help for both of us.


The first post on how we have navigated these last 15 months is most certainly one of the most important. I'm not really sure how we would have managed without the amazing support from family and friends.
Often, in times of crisis, people offer help - take it! I know it is not always meant but you'll know those who are genuine. Having a meal dropped in after a long day at a hospital is so welcome, knowing the dogs have been walked and cared for takes a lot of pressure off already weighted shoulders.
I am blessed to have friends and family both near and far and being able to talk in confidence with a trusted source, wherever they live, was a great comfort - and also got many thoughts 'out of my head'.
If you're maybe in a new area and don't know many people then do talk to your GPs surgery, they often know of groups that will be able to help you or try a local volunteer group. Check out the notice boards in hospitals and surgeries, I've seen details of many support groups.
Something that we didn't expect is the friends we have made along the way. These are very special friends as the bond that ties you are quite unique. I met some amazing women, all going through the same fears as me, we supported each other - you didn't need to explain, they just knew.
Clive also made some new life long friends from his fellow patients during his several stays in hospital. The bond they have needs no clarification, they supported each other, listened and calmed each others worries. Their days were lighter with quizzes and even a card school was set up whilst waiting for their ops!


"The Hobbits off on an adventure"
This photo was taken by my daughter (who also added the caption!) whilst on a wonderful holiday in Scotland. During our 24 years together Clive and I have had some lovely holidays, adventures and happy times together. Of course there have also been times that have been hard, like many people, and certain events in recent years have needed some navigating - especially both being self-employed.
However, the journey we have been on in the last 15 months has been the scariest, with much anxiety and worry . Life changing.
For those who do not know us, Clive has had some major health problems, a stroke resulting in blindness in one eye, heart surgery to replace a valve and now heart failure which we are learning to deal with. It's complicated but we have also learned much along the way, not least how strong we are and we find many things to laugh about, everyday.
I'm putting together a series of posts over the next couple of weeks with thoughts of how we have dealt with this unexpected journey. Who knows, it may resonant with someone and help them through a tricky time. I'm still learning and juggling our daily lives, always with gratitude.


So wonderful to see Saskia, who produces the most amazing Flower Essences, getting the recognition she deserves.
Essences can be powerful support in these uncertain and challenging times.😍

It's official..... Saskia's Flower Essences are the BEST FLOWER ESSENCE BRAND 🥳💃💝

This morning I received the news from THE BEAUTY SHORTLIST the we had won Best Flower Essence Brand ( amongst other things that I will be talking about in the next few days) in their fabulous Well-Being Awards....

As a small company this is pretty amazing - although we (and hopefully you) are aware of how good our essences are, when you get recognised like this it makes up for all of the years of hard work, trialing and tweaking and marketing and all of the rest that goes into making a brand visible.

The thing I love about The Beauty Shortlist Well-being Awards is:
a) they recognise flower essences as being an important tool in your well-being toolkit 🌸🙏🙏
b) the are100% independent and totally free from sponsorship or advertising.👏👏👏
Entries are judged by 4 independent panels of experts in the UK, Europe, USA and Australia.- so this is a worldwide win ☺️
They provide a level playing field to global brands and smaller independent/artisan brands like us. 💝

As you can imagine I'm a bit all over the place emotionally this morning but will most likely be putting out a discount code to celebrate through my newsletter at the weekend (so if you're not signed up already click over to my website - the sign up form is at the bottom of most pages.)


An appointment has just become available for this Thursday, the 29th at 11am
Feel in need of some 'me time'? Choose from Reiki. Flower Essence consultation, Facial or massage. Appointment is for an hour.
Please email [email protected] or DM me.


What nice surprise makes you smile?


Spots can really make you feel rubbish. There are many over the counter products that can deal with them but they are mostly packed with chemicals and harsh to the skin, which with prolonged use can effect the PH balance of the skin.
So if you're after a gentle alternative that is very effective then do ask about my Nip and Zit Rollerball. Lavender and Chamomile (pictured) are just 2 of the Essential Oils in this blend. Apply for a couple of days and they go - no scarring either. This little ball of magic also works brilliantly on bites, easing the pain and itching immediately.
Smells wonderful too!
For more information please message or email me at [email protected]
Each product is made individually because we're all different.


I started this year with a month of gratitudes. So I'm ending it with one!
It has, without doubt, been the most challenging and, occasionally, frightening time but also one where we have seen and experienced amazing compassion and support.
I am so, so grateful to the wonderful staff at the Princess Royal Hospital in Haywards Heath and the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton. In particular the care, expertise and compassion of those in the cardiac, stroke, eye and A & E units. They have been amazing in looking after Clive.
I am immensely grateful to our family and friends - sorry too many to mention - but your thoughtfulness, support and love has been a big part of getting us through.
I am also very thankful to all my lovely clients who have had appointments cancelled or moved at very short notice, I really appreciate your patience and support.
I know that we are not the only ones who have found 2023 a demanding and testing year and as we head into a New Year I wish you Peace, Good Health and Happiness.
With love Christine 💕


It could have just been that 'Monday morning' feeling but I felt very low and flat this morning. Could have been the rather wet, grey day or the fact we had doctors and 2 hospital appointments this week as well as the dentist!
I picked up one of my Reiki books for my morning read and the page opened up with the headline "The Little Miracles". Reminding us to look for the wonder we can find everyday, if we just look. The beauty of a Rainbow, the smell of freshly made bread or brewing coffee!
It made me stop and think and to look at the week a different way - yes the weather wasn't very pleasant but I was warm and snug in my dry home, safe and sound.
All the medical staff we have been so grateful to meet this year have been amazing, Clive is in very good hands, we are so thankful for all his care.
And the dentist? How lucky I am to have someone to look after my pearly whites.
And yes, this did lift my mood so I'm looking for Little Miracles everywhere I go!
Have a great week everyone😍


As someone who practices Reiki, there are 5 principles or ideals that we are encouraged to follow. This is one of them.
It's not easy, after all there is so much going on round us that concerns us.
For now I'll leave it with you - but ponder on this 'what does worrying achieve?'

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Videos (show all)

Merry Christmas
Supporting our furry friends.
Let it go!
Gaining clarity, a little help from nature
Day 2, all about Emergency Essence
Let me introduce you to one of my most used Essences. 😍
Hi this short video is about my journey, started last year, to better my health and well being. If it resonates with you...



23 Mill Drove

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 8pm
Tuesday 10am - 8pm
Wednesday 10am - 8pm
Thursday 10am - 4pm
Friday 10am - 4pm
Saturday 10am - 1pm

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3 Calvert Road
Uckfield, TN222DB

My name is Paula. Key2calm delivers Solution Focused Hypnotherapy. Small steps lead to big changes 😊

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20 Ringles Cross
Uckfield, TN221HG

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Phoenix Health Hub, High Street

Yoga Nidra for heath, healing and happiness.... ... For Rest

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Uckfield, SUSSEX

Nourish and restore yourself in the stunning Sussex countryside. 31 May - 2 June 2024

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79-81 High Street
Uckfield, TN221AS

Our focus is wellbeing through holistic healthcare solutions to communities and individuals.

Karen Miller Holistic Therapist Karen Miller Holistic Therapist
1 Swallow Bank
Uckfield, TN389QY

I have 15 years experience in aromatherapy massage and reflexology. I am training at the Jing Institute and have gained qualifications in clinical massage.

Gentle Healing Homoeopathy Gentle Healing Homoeopathy
Uckfield, TN225BQ

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Lotus Lodge Lotus Lodge
Uckfield, TN225DE

Reiki is a form of therapy that uses simple hands-on, no-touch, and visualization techniques, with t