Awaken & Breathe with Claire



When do you get your YOU time? 🤔
When do you have time to just sit, breathe, relax, and give yourself time to just be? 🤔

Myself and my gorgeous friend Sonia Sophia Anetta Williamsfrom Serenity ✨✨ have the perfect place for you to do all that, while we hold a safe space for you 🥰

You will leave our retreat days feeling:
🪄Connected: to yourself, the earth and each other

🔥We still have just a few spaces on
14th July 🔥

£35 non refundable deposit will secure your place and the balance can be payed with an arranged payment plan.

This is your CTA to not miss out! 😀❤️
With Love Namaste
Claire and Sonia xx


When do you get your YOU time? 🤔
When do you have time to just sit, breathe, relax, and give yourself time to just be? 🤔

Myself and my gorgeous friend Sonia Sophia Anetta Williams from Serenity ✨✨ have the perfect place for you to do all that, while we hold a safe space for you 🥰

You will leave our retreat days feeling:
🪄Connected: to yourself, the earth and each other

🔥We still have just a few spaces on
14th July 🔥

£35 non refundable deposit will secure your place and the balance can be payed with an arranged payment plan.

This is your CTA to not miss out! 😀❤️
With Love Namaste
Claire and Sonia xx


Zero chance 😂😂
Have a great day! 🥰


Today is my birthday and I have a gift for YOU! 😃🎉

Book a place on our retreat day on 14th July and get to bring a person of your choice for FREE!! 😮😮

Wether you treat them or split the cost between you is up to you but this is a fantastic offer to spend the day realigning and resetting your intentions to leave feeling grounded and rejuvenated 🥰

🔥🔥 this is only open for two people so make your interest known quickly to make sure you don’t miss out 🔥🔥

DM me, I would love to hear from you 🥰


Setting your boundaries and protecting your energy is ESSENTIAL, and don’t think you have to apologise to anyone for doing that…you don’t 🥰


On average, this is all we get.
4,000 weeks….
Are you making the most of yours?

This is a great read btw 📖


This is so true.
Your circle doesn’t have to be big
Mine was huge, then it got super small, now It’s getting bigger again but I’m so mindful of who I let in!
My circle
Inspire each other
Have each others back
Big each other up
Always ❤️


Have a great day 🥰


🔥 Only 4 spaces available 🔥

Is today the day for you?
Is this the day you invest in your future self?

Are you ready to say YES to something magical, to set your intention and take action!
🧙‍♀️ 🦄 💫

Becoming a reiki practitioner is sooooo much more than just being able to move energy to where it needs to go.
It’s a way of life. A meeting of the mind and soul, a connection with your higher self and Mother Nature.
A way to heal and manage your anxieties, your fears, your aches and niggles in your mind and your body.
A way to feel into your energy and know what is right for YOU.

I have 4 places on my next attunement in June. I’m keeping the investment for this quite low at only £222. Deposit to be paid to secure place then payment plans can be arranged to spread the cost. If this is something for you then let me know.
I’d love to hear from you.
Claire 🥰


Good evening!!

🔥 We have only a couple of places left on our retreats now 🔥

We are so excited, honestly, for us to be able to share what we know and empower other women is an absolute honour and the dates can’t come quick enough for us! 😀

Our retreat days are having lots of interest and quite rightly so because they are going to be fu***ng magical.💫

Here is a snapshot of the skill set Sonia and I share just so you know you are in safe hands 😊

💫laws of attraction
💫what blocks we have
💫why we have them
💫how to let go of them
💫imposter syndrome
💫money mindset
💫how to hold a safe space for you
And 💩 loads more

Fancy joining us❓
Drop a message in the comments ⬇️ and we will get back to you .

Claire & Sonia xx
Sonia Sophia Anetta Williams

📷 2 women enjoying a blustery beach on Anglessey (for the algo)❤️❤️


We all know that we have to let 💩 go right?
But before we do, it’s so important that we:

💩Acknowledge what it is
💩Acknowledge how we’ve come to be carrying it around. Because you will FEEL it in EVERY part of your body
💩Acknowledge what we are feeling and how it’s impacting our lives
💩 Acknowlesge that it’s 💩 and you don’t deserve it

Understand every stinky inch of it! 😷🤮
And yes, it might have this affect on you. Healing isn’t pretty! 🥴

ONLY THEN can you begin to work on strategies to let it go, and come through the other side shining like the mother fu***ng star that you are! ⭐️

If any of this resonates and you need a strategy of your own, then let’s chat, I’d love to hear from you.

Claire 🥰


Little bit of Friday fun!
What’s your star sign?
No judgement here😀
I’m a Gemini and saying nothing 😂🤣


Okay, new moon in Taurus…….what does it mean for you? 🧐
Well as we know, a new moon is all about taking time to reflect, to go inwards, to feel into what you really want and desire. It’s all about setting your intentions. 📖
And this new moon holds huge power when it comes to manifesting! 🥊

But you have to believe in yourself, your self worth, your value, YOU can create ALL the abundance you have ever wanted, but you have to feel it, and believe it. Tap into how fu***ng magical you really are. 💫💫

It can also signal the start of a new relationship or sexier times, oooer 😜🫦

It’s time to get out there and work your magic to create the life you really want!

I’m loving the sound of this!
What are you waiting for? 💫🥰🌝


The power of a smile….🥰
Never underestimate the affect you have on people around you..


Lovely evening for a run, with the pooch, when I say run I mean Peter Kay jog 😂 IYKYK


I tell my clients that anxiety comes from worry and doubt, we talk about it in greater depth and get to the root of their worry and doubt and come up with strategies to help them overcome/manage these better.

It doesn’t mean as coaches and mentors that we are immune to these worries and doubts ourselves, it just means that we have the skills to know what to do when we feel our brains being invaded by the worry monster👹
It takes time, sometimes years to reprogram you mindset. Just this weekend I had to work really hard to avoid going into overwhelm.
I received a hospital appt that was unexpected and it came just after I had my bloods done, automatically I went straight to thinking that something was very wrong and my mind started whirring and neggy Nora was out in force!!
Years ago, I would have let this spiral, but this time I gave myself a talking to, told myself not to worry as I didn’t have all the facts and I had a bloody fabulous weekend. Every time the thought tried to pop back in my head which was several! I cancelled it out with a positive thought.
Today I went to the hospital ahead of my apt next week, I got my blood results and spoke to haematology and guess what? My bloods are all fine! Nothing to worry about at all! 😀
My apt is a routine one, nothing more. ❤️

I’m telling you this because I don’t want you to think you are alone, you’re not.
I’m letting you know that there are strategies out there that can help you.
I’m telling you this because sometimes you might feel like you have no control over a situation.

YOU do! YOU have absolute control.

If any of this resonates with you then drop me a message, I’d love to help. 🥰

📷 pic of me getting my s**t together and proud of it 🥰


And have a great week… 🥰

Photos from Awaken & Breathe with Claire's post 02/05/2024

Let me introduce you to the very gorgeous, very talented Marg Bell.
We are super lucky and really excited that Marg will be doing the catering for our retreats on the 14th July and the 8th September , here’s a little bit about who she is and what she does….

Margaret is a pioneering figure in women's health, blending expertise in hormonal balance, anti-diet coaching, and culinary arts to empower women on their health journeys. Specialising in women's hormonal health, she utilises cycle tracking and food strategies to enhance confidence and vitality. Her book "True Taste" offers accessible recipes for improving gut and hormonal health, promoting intuitive eating. Margaret's collaborations with luxury retreat hosts offer immersive experiences, from masterclasses to cooking sessions, all emphasising organic, seasonal ingredients and the joy of nourishment. Elevate your well-being with Margaret's holistic approach to hormonal health.

Impressive right!! 💫
Our commitment to you, to ensure that EVERY aspect of your day with us will leave you feeling like your cup is overflowing with gratitude on every level. 💫


DM Claire or Sonia to secure your place, you really don’t want to miss out, think of all the FOMO you will have! 😀
Sonia Sophia Anetta Williams

Photos from Awaken & Breathe with Claire's post 27/04/2024

Good morning! Happy Saturday 🥰
How gorgeous is today?! ⛅️
With our retreat days having lots of interest and quite rightly so because they are going to be fu***ng magical. 💫
I would love to introduce you to Sonia Sophia Anetta Williams.

Sonia and I are running our next two retreat days together. I first met Sonia when we were attuned to reiki by the gorgeous Niki Kinsella about 2 years ago now.
It opened a rabbit hole 🐰(as it does when you become reiki attuned) to lots of other spiritual questions and we found ourselves joining the healing academy with other gorgeous likeminded women who are now forever friends and soul sisters, you know who you are !! ❤️

For 12 months we learned all about everything spiritual, self care and business, here’s an idea, (not everything) of what we covered:
💫laws of attraction
💫what blocks we have
💫why we have them
💫how to let go of them
💫imposter syndrome
💫money mindset
And 💩 loads more

We have seen each other at our most vunerable, holding safe space for each other in the academy and after.

Sonia is one of the most kind, caring, funny people I have ever met, mixed with a little bit of madness, the perfect combo!
And I am super excited to be collaborating with her on these retreats 😀

Fancy joining us❓
Drop a message in the comments ⬇️ and we will get back to you .

Claire & Sonia xx

📷 2 women living their best lives unapologetically ❤️❤️


What a month!! Coming out of eclipse season, full moon energy and mercury retrograde like….

Have a great weekend! 🥰


Have you ever thought about becoming attuned the beautiful Reiki energy healing?
What has stood in your way ❓

Maybe it’s not the right time ⏰
Maybe you wouldn’t know what to do after 😕
You don’t know what is involved 🤔
You don’t know how it will feel 🤨
How will it help in other areas of your life? 🧐

Well I am here to help 😃
If there is nothing Reiki related you want to know then comment below ⬇️ or drop me a message.

My next reiki attunement weekend is 1/2 June and I would love you to be there with me 🥰

Ask away!!!
Claire xx


Let’s all wear out love glasses!
Happy Friday 🥰
Awaken & Breathe with Claire


When do you get your YOU time? 🤔
When do you have time to just sit, breathe, relax, and give yourself time to just be? 🤔

Myself and my gorgeous friend Sonia Sophia Anetta Williams from Serenity ✨✨ have the perfect place for you to do all that, while we hold a safe space for you 🥰

You will leave our retreat days feeling:
🪄Connected: to yourself, the earth and each other

🔥We still have just a few spaces on
14th July & 8th September 🔥

£35 non refundable deposit will secure your place and the balance can be payed with an arranged payment plan.

This is your CTA to not miss out! 😀❤️
With Love Namaste
Claire and Sonia xx


So we’re now under the full moon 🌕 in Scorpio energy, but what does that mean?? 🤔

This full moon is all about the feels so lean in to how you are feeling, notice what you need to let go of. ❤️‍🩹
It’s time to stop worrying 😩 and release any negativity
If someone has been unkind to you, perhaps it’s time to release them too, take a step back. 👣

This is an intensely emotional time and emotions are like farts, they’re better out than in! 💨
So write down what you want to release ✍️ taking care not to read it back burn that s**t and let it go! 🔥💩

On the flip side the full moon in Scorpio is also a time of magic, so if you were thinking of making some then now is the time!! 🪄💫


I am overflowing with gratitude for the last 3 months, having all of my family back together has been just incredible. I just wish that I could sometimes slow down time just a little bit 🥰🛫


Know someone promoting a business on Facebook?
Don't be annoyed by their posts…
Instead, here are a few ways you can support them ....

• Hit Love ❤️ or Wow 😯 (gets a larger audience)
• Ask a question 🤔
• Maybe even share it! 📲
• Like their page 🙂‍
Awaken & Breathe with Claire

Even if you aren't interested, someone you know may be. 🤩 You don't have to spend 💰 to SUPPORT YOUR FRIEND ❤️❤️❤️

They appreciate the interaction! It helps them build and grow 💪🏼💋


Borrowed from another
Small Business Owner!
Miss’Chief Creative Studio
The Beach House, Anglesey


Here’s what’s coming up in the next few months:

🔥 1/2 June Reiki 1&2 Attunements
🔥 14th July Rejuvenate retreat day
🔥 8th September Rejuvenate retreat day
Both retreat days are being run by myself and Sonia Sophia Anetta Williams
🔥 16/17 November Reiki 1&2 Attunements

Spaces are still available but limited so if you are interested in any of these gorgeous events then DM me and let’s get you booked on! 🥰


A few spaces still available for our retreat day at Monks Cottage Eastham🤍🤍

£35 deposit all food and drinks catering for ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

Come and spend a relaxing day in these gorgeous surroundings for a day of meditation, grounding, sound bath, and much more ✨✨

Full itinerary and payment plans available 🫶🫶🫶

14th July 🔥 5 Spaces 🔥
8th September 🔥 3 Spaces 🔥

Sonia Sophia Anetta Williams


Anyone else? 😂

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Rejuvenate Retreat day 🥰
When do you get your YOU time? 🤔When do you have time to just sit, breathe, relax, and give yourself time to just be? 🤔M...
I am overflowing with gratitude for the last 3 months, having all of my family back together has been just incredible. I...
A few spaces still available for our retreat day at Monks Cottage Eastham🤍🤍£35 deposit all food and drinks catering for ...
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🔥 Only 4 spaces available 🔥Is today the day for you? Is this the day you invest in your future self? Are you ready to sa...
So Sonia Sophia Anetta Williams at Serenity ✨✨ and myself have been getting quite a few enquiries about our Relax and Re...
Are you ready to feel the magic? Is this the day you invest in your future self?  Becoming a reiki practitioner is soooo...
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