Jennifer Wesley

Beautiful, silly, and thoughtful handmade artwork, greetings cards and gifts made in the UK. 🌈 (And a tiny bit of chocolate for fuelling purposes!)

Affordable, gorgeous artwork, greetings cards and gifts all made by hand with love, care and attention.


I will be at this wonderful event, wooo you should all go and try to win tickets! 🤩🎉

Fleur De Lys, Lowsonford A beautiful village country pub on the Stratford canal, famous for pies & bursting with character.


Anyone spot a certain cushion they might recognise on the latest Beautifully Handmade blog? 🤩

Ever thought about gifting something that doesn't come from a giant, soulless machine? 🤔 Well, you're in luck! Our handmade gift directory is like a treasure trove but for your gifting needs! Dive in and maybe find a hand-knitted scarf or two. Who needs robots when you've got grandma's knitting skills?


Every cloud has a silver lining!

One of my favourite sayings and pieces of art to make, I really must make some more! I’ve just taken this picture after the rain 😍🩵


Ok so last night I dreamt I was pregnant with quads. We all kept panicking wondering where on earth we would put them when they were born, and in the end we decided my new, almost completed garden studio would be the place….then I cried a lot whilst eating mountains of cake (cake is TOTALLY allowed in dreams and contains absolutely zero sugar, hurrah!)
Then I woke up, thank goodness! Two scamps are more than enough for me thank you very much! 🤣🤣
Ooosh the cake though! It was good cake! 😋 a sort of apple almond icing thing…OOOSH!


Hello lovely ones, how goes it?
Some of you may have seen on my stories yesterday that I have been a bit of a tit and gone and broken the ole ankle! Yep. After years of spraining it every few years, a crack has finally got me! 🤦🏼‍♀️
I went for my first ever flying lesson courtesy of my own driveway. 0 out of 10, would not recommend! Haha! 🤣🤣 So whilst I might be out of action for creating anything new for a few weeks (thank goodness the new series of Bridgerton is out soon, hurrah!) my CHUFFING AMAZING family are being awesome posting fairies and still posting out orders! So feel free to order away on any of the outlets you find me on, I would smile hugely, but obvs happy dances are out for a while! 🤣🤣 I’ll probably fling in freebies too, as we need to, er celebrate (!🙄🤣) me breaking my first bone at the age of 41! 🤣🤣 Mwah! Love you all lots! 😘


Well it’s official. This is my all time best seller on Etsy! Thank you, all 104 of you! You’re all chuffing marvellous, and I would lay down my coat for you all over a puddle on a pavement! 🩷🤩


Isn’t it nice to see a few bees buzzing around? 🤩🐝🐝🐝🐝 I want to help them more this year, and am thinking about the drinking side of things…has anyone got any tips on stuff they’ve found works? Shallow dishes with water and stones? Fancy special bee drinking sticks? Hurrah for bees! 🐝


Hello lovely ones, how are you all? I will admit, I’ve not been the best at keeping up with social media in 2024 have I? Life takes over far too regularly at the moment, with a big long list of illnesses for everyone, painting the studio (I REALLY DISLIKE painting walls! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣) and other upsetting times, leaving me and my family utterly heartbroken.
Social media is a funny ole beast isn’t it? I absolutely ADORE creating a lovely facebook family on here; love interacting with you all, having a giggle, sharing our opinions and building each other up…..
But then life away from fb happens and I feel as if I’m letting you all down by not posting. I feel as if I’m letting myself down with not posting, as I’m creating art and no one knows about it! If no one knows about the art, how can I expect anyone to purchase said art?!
So I clam up. I think ‘I really need to put something on social media, I need to get back to making silly reels’ but this never happens.
So I’d like to say sorry. Sorry for my shoddy inconsistent posting (on here, I am still chuffing AMEZZING at posting your orders, go me, high five! 🤣) Sorry for not showing up. I will do better. I miss our chats, and wanging on about rainbows, seagulls and badgers!
Here’s me writing this down to hold myself more accountable.
I’M BRINGING JENNY BACK! (Shudder. I dislike being called Jenny! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣 But it needed that number of syllables to be the same as the song, HAHA! 🤣🤣🤣)
I’m rambling now, love you all! I’m off to eat a sugar free biscuit and rejoice in the fact that my children will never get chicken pox ever again, whoop! 🎉🥰


Hello lovely ones, oh my gosh, I am so sorry I dropped off the earth for March Meet The Maker! We’ve unfortunately been doing March meet the chicken pox twice, double ear infections, tonsillitis and a cold! 🤦🏼‍♀️ So having a brain for much else than keeping everyone alive hasn’t really happened! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣
However, the super exciting not so soggy garden studio is coming on a treat! A lot of activity in there recently due to some very hardworking people (I made coffees and provided a sketchy selection of biscuits). Head to my stories to see what the inside looks like currently!
In the meantime, here’s a beautiful anemone! Happy Thursday you lovely lot, I’m off to bed early! 🤣

Photos from Jennifer Wesley's post 18/03/2024

Some rainbows for you on this almost spring like day!


Evening lovelies! Today’s March Meet The Maker is Have you got chicken pox in your house? Yes, yes we have! 😭 Poor Wilfred! 🐓🤦🏼‍♀️

So, the actual MMTM prompt is Combination.
Well, I have recently launched some treat boxes on my website, and this one’s my all time favourite! Rainbows and rainbows for days and days! 🌈😍
Great for treating a loved one or yourself.
Obviously I rather enjoyed taking treat boxes pictures…I vividly remember Albert being behind me and leaning on my back, so I am rather surprised that they came out in focus! 🤣🤣🌈


Day 6 of March Meet The Maker is tasks.

Well, as a small business owner, what tasks don’t we do?! We do everything! But some tasks are more enjoyable than others, and the procrastination is STRONG with some of them! 🤣🤣 However, if we don’t get around to doing them, they just never get done. My work is all created by hand, whether that be illustration with pen and ink, paints such as gouache or watercolours, sticking mountains of buttons on top of each other, or snapping away at flowers with my camera!
What you won’t find me doing very regularly, is the task of printing stuff. Why? I hear you cry! Because printers and I have a love hate relationship-I love things to be printed and printers hate my very existence on this earth! 🤣🤣 My last printer was my actual arch nemesis….used to growl at me and everything! Thank goodness for all the professional printers I use, you’re worth your weight in gold! 🤩

We can’t all be excellent at everything! I am also a shocking knitter and absolutely shoddy at my 6 year old’s maths homework. Swings and roundabouts! 🤣


Day two of March Meet The Maker is ‘the human touch’ 👋🏻
Did you know that every Witterings design is painstakingly designed, sketched, black lined and coloured by these very hands?
My favourite part is the very finishing touch - doing the grey shadow lines on everything. It’s the culmination of hours of concentrating, and the icing on the cake, or the cheese on the pizza! The ribbon on the present, you get the idea! 😆

Photos from Jennifer Wesley's post 01/03/2024

Well hellooooo there! It’s time over on Instagram, and today’s prompt is storytime… here it is!

Once upon a time there was a girl (shhhh, just go with it, haha!🤣) who loved being all arty for her job.
Her family were a tiny bit fed up of the level of pens, paints, paper and paraphernalia flapping about the house getting in absolutely everyone’s way on a daily basis….
Cue a massive digging session the size to rival uncovering Tutankhamun’s tomb (helloo yes I’m dramatic, but I truly felt as though we were digging for 97 weeks!🤣) and we were away on ‘operation studio. Or Goffice. Gudio!’
This was last May, and although strides were taken last year, the structure sat like a soggy slightly grumpy 6th member of the family over the winter. 😢😁
However, the electrician is coming next week so we have had a burst of activity, and with the help of VERY hardworking friends and family, we now have a floor! 5 layers of hard, hard work (just two layers to go on later I think)
The girl is rather excited (please excuse her hair in this pic, it’s not my usual look, haha) because she has been planning the interior for a looong time now, squirrelling bits away to put on shelves and can’t wait to set it all up when it’s finished!
Then some serious artwork will be created, and that is the most exciting part of all!
Congratulations if you made it to the end of this particular shaggy dog story…probably not your average opening MMTM post, or the picture…..but it’s always good to inject the odd reality post without nice rainbow hats in it to show that socials vs reality should still be a big thing!
Anyway, who thinks they know what I’m going to paint on the walls? 😍
Thanks as always for creating such a fab way to communicate with our followers every March! 🌈🩷

Photos from Jennifer Wesley's post 10/02/2024

Ahhhhh I’m BACK! All set up at my hometown market, Warwick market. We’re here 9am to 3pm, pop along and say hi if you’re local! 💕👍🏻


Helloooo lovely ones!
Welcome to the new month! I’m very happy January is finally finished, I am on it already now it’s Feb! 🤣
So, I thought I’d attempt to crack on with an Instagram challenge! (Yes I know this is on Facebook!)
and Day 1 is Meet The Maker….

👉🏻 I’m Jenn, chief button sticker, Witterings wanging on-er, and compulsive flower photographer!
I am proud owner of half a studio, (it’s hilarious really🤣) too many art supplies, and a lovely love of bright colours, positivity and rainbows! 🌈 (my AWESOME rainbow hat is from and I adore it!)

🌿 I have been doing some form of my business for years now (I started out with handmade beaded jewellery) and I’ve definitely decided that this is the year I take my business to the next level!

💕 I have two scamps aged 6 and 4 called Wilfred and Albert, who are my world, and donor children. Totally the best decision of my life! 🥰

🌻 I have a real love for house plants, and weirdly, for naming them! The biggest of which is Phyllis, who is steadily taking over a whole corner of the sitting room!

🪐 I love all things space, and so do my boys. It’s brilliant learning more about our universe with them!

⭐️ I love drawing wonky stars on everything I can get them on, haha! 🤣


Got yours yet?


Evening lovely ones, how goes it?! 🥰🥰
So the sale/seconds packs are here! Please do click the link if you’d like one! Don’t forget that you will receive some lovely stuff, but do read the fine print so you know what you are getting! All the packs will be picked at random, but I’m feeling lovely at the moment, so they’ll be jam packed with stuff!
Thank you, as always for your support! You absolute crackers! 💕💕💕💕


Oooosh isn’t it exciting to see new spring life popping up here and there? I do adore the changing of each season, like the comforting assurance of snowdrops; there without fail, every year to usher us out of the depths of chilly winter and into more apricity, lighter days and the sun-bright promise of easier times to come. The seasons are with us to teach us ebb and flow, riotous joys and simple calms. Bravo, Mother Nature, you’ve drawn us in again! 🌿🌻🍁❄️


Hullo gorgeous ones, how goes it? Does anyone know how to look after a Yukka? My lovely new plant hasn’t settled in very well and is looking a bit sad! 😩 Any help gratefully received! 🤞🏼💕


Well thank you, you absolute smashers for yesterday’s love for the idea of seconds/sale packs! I’ve spent some of today (thanks Auntie Jane for having the scamp!🥰) working out pricing, and rummaging through my sale and seconds! One pack of which is pictured here, but they will be a random mixture full of all sorts of different cards etc……Hoping to get some listed in the next 24hours, fingers crossed! 🤩🎉
These will only be available on my own website, and will be first come, first served! Keep an eye out on my stories for when they go live, and THANK YOU!


Well hello lovely ones! Greetings to you on this mizzly, drizzly day! How on earth are you all? Any news? Tell me, please!
I am, as I seem to do every year sort of hibernating! Apparently, we’re allowed to call it ‘wintering’ these days, but which is fine by me, haha! 🤣
Anyway, I’m in desperate need of space in my studio (aka the dining room)….if I made up some mystery sale packs, would anyone like one? I’m thinking this year in possibly having different price points, such as;
£10.00 sale for £25.00 worth of products, and
£20.00 sale for £50.00 worth of products……
There would be seconds in there, as well as sale cards……such as the odd misprinted or discontinued coaster, a badge that is a tiny bit off centre etc….


Hellooo lovely ones!
Wowsers trousers, it’s cold! It’s apparently going to be the coldest night in 14 years tonight! Not really the best sort of night for sitting in my son’s room getting chilly, listening to him pretend snore (I have zero idea why he is pretend snoring, before anyone asks!🤣🙄🤦🏼‍♀️) and wishing we had working heating! Brrr! Hope you all have fluffy socks, comfy blankets and snuggly sofas to cuddle into tonight! Stay warm, you beautiful bunch of humanity!! 🥶🤣😘


So has everyone recovered from the Christmas madness then? Have you popped the Vicar of Dibley away in her box til next year, and worked out what day of the week it is? 😁


Ahhh you wonderful lady, thanks for the shout out! Hurrah! 🎉🎉🎉

Oh we do love a bit of a Jennifer Wesley, she never fails to make me cackle and her designs are vibrant, cheerful and full of her “witterings”

If you are looking for the perfect rainbow coloured gifts, button art, cushions and beautiful occasion cards then go check out her shop 🌈

Jennifer Wesley shop link in comments !

Photos from Jennifer Wesley's post 27/12/2023

Well there we go! Happy Christmas to you all! Here’s a few pics of my tree, hopefully to warm those cockles in your post-Christmas, cheese-hazed slump! Enjoy the next week…is it Tuesday? Or Friday? Who knows, as long as there’s chocolate for breakfast and repeats of the vicar of Dibley on the telly! (Young whippersnappers don’t come at me with the ‘who is the vicar of Dibley?’ nonsense-please go and educate yourselves! 🤣) Hurrah! We survived! 🤣🩷🎉


That’s all folks!
Ello gorgeous ones, how goes it?
Just thought I’d whack a little note on to say that the last day for things to be posted out in time for Christmas has zipped us by…..I can still do posting things, obviously, and the posting elves may manage it, but I can’t guarantee it.
Bring on the mulled wine! Heheh!

So much of 2023 has been a sort of ticking over year….i lost my amazing printers and limped on with the card stock I had…. encountered the absolute JOY 🙄 that is peri menopause, started building a studio in the garden and it’s still half finished (love you, my poor, soggy shell of a studio!) 😭
What I’m trying to say by wittering on for far too long is this….I feel as if 2024 is going to be my year….be prepared for lots of new products, new cards, and for me to be proper wanging on about it all a lot more!
And now to the thanks. Thank you for sticking around. For bearing with me, for reading to the end of this post! Next year is going to be a belter! I can feel it in my bones! 🩷🩷🩷


Me: Button cards that contain absolutely zero buttons! Customer: Sprouts though?
Me: Nope, sorry, no sprouts…. Or actual Christmas trees….and definitely no spiky holly….
Customer: What do they contain then?
Me: Christmas smiles! And jolly joy!
Customer: Ooh! Are they made from buttons?
Me: 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄🤣 Still no buttons, sorry!

This is a fictional story, no one has been quite that bad, but sometimes it feels as if they have, haha! 🤣 I love you lovely customers really! 🤣😘

Happy Christmas! 🤩🎅🏼🎄😍🤩🎄🎅🏼


Hello lovely ones, how are you? I’ve had a mad weekend full of all sorts….and unusually for me, absolutely zero work of any kind! My darling little offspring creations have been VERY ‘involved’ and it’s been….challenging, shall we say? Highlights include Albert waking up at 4.10am this morning, and both of them playing the floor is lava game, to which I am never privy to the rules, get in their way constantly (yet must be on hand at all times to provide snacks and kisses when they forget they’re under the table and whack their noggins) and involves every blanket and cushion we have strewn everywhere! ‘Mummy, can you move your leg please, it’s ruining the whole game and Albert might cry in a minute if you don’t!’ 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄🤣
I chuffing love them fiercely obviously, but I have never been so happy that it’s almost Monday, hahah! 🤣🤣

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Videos (show all)

Day two of March Meet The Maker is ‘the human touch’ 👋🏻Did you know that every Witterings design is painstakingly design...
Evening all, If only internet shopping was this fast, eh? 🤣🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
Just so you know. I appreciate every single like.Every save.Every review.Every comment.Every share.And of course every s...
Hello gorgeous lovelies! I’M 40 TODAY! I was planning all sorts of offers all month, but….ya know… holidays! 🤦🏼‍...
Hello! I’m mega proud of my new cushion range….each original design is either hand drawn by me, or is a 3D handmade butt...
New Inflorescence cards are making their debut at the market today! Can you spot the new ones? 🌼🌸💐🌷🌻🌹
Eeeeeek I AM A GIDDY LITTLE KIPPER!! 😆🤩🥰...#jenniferwesley #cushions #coasters #jenniferwesleyuk #smallbusinesslove #art...
More wanging on! 🙄🤣 BUT, FREE STUFF! ...#jenniferwesley #makersformakers #wearethemakers #jenniferwesleyuk #supportthema...
So apparently I’m on TikTok now! 🤣🤣 do pop over and give me a follow if you are a fan of said video sharing app! (I have...
Afternoon lovely ones! Here’s a video of my Dad’s bean poles. You’re welcome! 🤣🤣Oh, and some new cards coming sooooon! ....
Oh hello lovely ones! Who’s missed a big ole load of my waffling?! Well you’re in for a treat! 🤣🤣If you can’t be bothere...



Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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