Eton Fitness

👉🏻Work with your hormones to drop body fat & build a strong body.
👉🏻Train with me - The Empowered Female Programme

👇🏻FREE Menstrual Cycle 101 Guide👇🏻


Dietary F I B R E is essential for a healthy diet.

Here’s how you can easily hit the recommended daily fibre amount of 25 grams (for women).

It is also really important to eat enough fibre in Perimenopause especially if you are trying to lose body fat to combat the perimenopause spare tyre.

🥦 Fibre keeps you feeling full up so it’s very helpful when in a calorie deficit and will help curb cravings.

🥦 Fibre is great for your gut microbiome, feeding the food bacteria in your gut.

🥦 Fibre can help reduce blood sugar spikes after a high carb meal.

🥦 Fermentable fibre can help nourish your colon wall.

If you eat a diet of 80% whole foods chances are you are already getting in enough fibre.

But check your diet to see where you can make improvements.


J O I N now

Over the 5 days together I will educate you on your hormones so you will have a solid understanding of the impact they can have on your training and how you can take advantage of your fluctuations.

It is suited to all ages and hormone profiles and the education will cover naturally cycling ladies, to ladies on birth control and ladies in perimenopause and menopause.

This will give you the clarity you need to really understand your body so you can work with it and not against it in your training and when losing body fat.

⭐️Day one: The Menstrual Cycle simplified.
You will fully understand the role of each hormone in your body for your cycle and how it impacts your training.
If you didn’t know this before you hit perimenopause it will help make sense of your symptoms now.

⭐️Day two: How to use your hormones as your super power in your training.
Learn which hormones are going to maximise your strength and energy and when to take advantage of this in your cycle.

⭐️Day three: Perimenopause weight gain.
Learn why you are gaining weight and experiencing fat redistribution in perimenopause and how you can tackle that spare tyre.

⭐️Day four: Birth control.
Fully understand how birth control stops you getting pregnant, which hormones are affected and how this impacts your training.

⭐️Day five: How to adjust your workouts around your changing hormones.
I will give you advice on how to scale your workouts for your changing hormones so you can implement this into your training with a crystal clear understanding of your hormones and how you can train with them to maximise your results.

Click the link to secure your place now:


T O P 3 problems declining estrogen levels cause in perimenopause for fat loss and your training.

This is just the tip of the iceberg and for all women this is an individual journey.

Every woman suffers differently, and every woman’s fat redistribution, ability to lose body fat, energy to train and physical and mental strength will differ too.

But this might help make sense of what is going on for those of you struggling with these top 3 problems.

Shout in the comments if you have any questions.




Come and join me on the G R A M if you are over there.

Instagram that is, find me just here:

See you on the grid 🙌🏻

Photos from Eton Fitness's post 08/06/2024


We know Estrogen is our primary s*x hormone and is needed for ovulation, but it plays so many more roles in our bodies.

Here are 5 lesser known benefits of estrogen and the effects it has as it declines in Perimenopause.

The female body fascinates me.


Ovulating in your 40’s


According to the science, as your hormones begin to decline and become more irregular, you will produce less cervical mucus in the lead up to ovulation. Which makes sense.

From personal experience and from the women I work with, we are finding the opposite.

I swear Mother Nature is saying….Hannah listen up, you’ve got a handful of viable eggs left so let’s see what we can do before you really hit perimenopause!!!! GO GO GO!

That lovely raw egg white consistency discharge!

When it gets a bit over enthusiastic.

It appears 1-3 days prior to ovulation, so a great fertility marker either way you want to play it.

It’s also the best marker for knowing when your super strong, super energised weeks are for your training, if you are a woman who feels big changes to both of these throughout each cycle.

It’s also incredibly helpful if you don’t have a period when on the marina coil or implant so you don’t know when your strong weeks are to take advantage of them in your training.

This right here, as annoying as it is, can help you PB and push your training to the next level.

This is your key to a cracking training week!

But every woman is different and every woman’s cycle is different, but if you’ve hit your 40’s and it’s gone a bit mental - I hear ya 🙌🏻

Photos from Eton Fitness's post 19/05/2024

A S U N D A Y well spent ☀️

Photos from Eton Fitness's post 08/05/2024

Of course the last reason is the B E S T 😉

Lifting weights changed my life, it gave me confidence, self belief and a mental strength I never knew you could get from physical exercise.

For us ladies it is even more important we lift heavy things and put them back down again, push them, pull them, and even run with them as we age.

It’s about the quality of our lives as we grow older. So let’s go into that with some muscle mass and power!

Photos from Eton Fitness's post 09/04/2024

You’ve got to love a C H E E S Y motivational quote 🧀

These 3 have stuck in my mind so I thought I’d share.

Photos from Eton Fitness's post 02/04/2024

I’ve been a M U M for 14 years today

I think I deserve a present 😂

I was 26 when I had Evie, my first baby and the first one out of all of my friends and extended friendship group to have a baby.

Needless to say it hit me like a speed train.

I really struggled.

I didn’t have family support close by, no one close to me had been through it and I didn’t get the instant love people talked about.

There were no hilarious reels online of mums not coping, sleep deprived, struggling and wearing adult nappies to get through those first few weeks which normalise just how hard it all is.

I thought I had to show the world that I found it amazing and I loved it, but on the inside it was just awful.

I also really struggled physically post birth which is a tough one when you need to heal but you can’t prioritise that because you have a tiny human to keep alive!

As time passed everything changed, things got easier and I bloody love being her mum now.

If someone told me just how fast this was going to go maybe I’d have enjoyed the beginning a little more.

But we are battling changing hormones and chemical imbalances in our brains post birth so it’s never going to be straight forward.

I am now no longer allowed to post pictures of Evie on my social media because it is SO EMBARRASSING, but I am allowed to use some old ones!

I respect that and she now has legs up to her armpits and can pick me up!

Mum life is a rollercoaster for sure, but we are so very lucky.

Photos from Eton Fitness's post 26/03/2024

Gym C O N F I D E N C E

This is something I help a lot of women overcome on The Empowered Female Programme.

Going into the gym with a structured workout, programmed for your ability and gym set up will also help you build your gym confidence.

If the gym isn’t your comfort zone, here are 4 top things you can do to help build your gym confidence.

Just remember that you have the right to take up as much space as everyone else at the gym, you all pay the same membership.


W E L C O M E to the Empowered Female Programme 🙌🏻

I am super excited to have you on board and I’m looking forward to seeing the progress you make over the coming months.

Amy had a baby 7 months ago 😍 and has an awesome garage gym with a cracking selection of kit that her workouts will be programmed to use.

We will also be working with her hormones and working on her nutrition.

The Empowered Female Programme is completely bespoke to you and as close as I can get 1:1 training without it actually being in person.

My passion is empowering women with physical strength and knowledge so I am all in with every single one of my ladies on the Empowered Female Programme.

If you’d like to find out more about the programme just send me a message with the word EMPOWERED and I’ll send over all the info.

Photos from Eton Fitness's post 17/03/2024

Here are my T O P 3 ways you can start looking at life to realise no one actually cares what you look like.

So wear the clothes you like and go and do the things you enjoy knowing that no one is judging you because all those strangers you worry about, don’t actually care about you 😊


W E L C O M E to The Empowered Female Programme

It’s been a busy couple of weeks in the Empowered Female Programme getting all these lovely ladies set up and running and welcoming back some awesome ladies from the training past 🙌🏻

I am excited to see what we can achieve together over the coming months.

All the ladies on the programme have different goals, different starting points, different lives, different time restraints, and it’s my role to find ways for them to succeed.

My goal is to get these ladies to their goal.

So let’s go! .xx and Zerina - I can’t find your IG handle 😂

Here’s to building more strong, empowered, educated women!


The Empowered Female P O D C A S T

The Empowered Female podcast gives you science backed hormone knowledge you can take away and use to maximise your training results.

In the second half of each podcast I am joined by my awesome friend Kelly Wade and we share your period dramas!

We are here to normalise the ‘embarrassing’ element to our periods and all the madness they bring by reading out your hilarious stories.

To share a story with us (and we will keep you anonymous if requested) just drop me a DM or email to: [email protected]

Each episode is 30 minutes max, they are packed full of education but stay short and sweet as we are all busy ladies, plus you get a laugh at the end!

Photos from Eton Fitness's post 25/02/2024

As a single mum, when the K I D S were much smaller the only option I had to fit in my workouts was to exercise with them.

Exercising as a mum isn’t a luxury, it isn’t a treat and it should never have any guilt attached to it.

In my eyes, it’s an absolute essential to staying sane as a parent!

So here are my top 6 reminders to help you prioritise your workouts as a mum 💪🏻



to The Empowered Female Programme 🙌🏻

I’m excited to have you on board and I can’t wait for you to achieve the balance we chatted about today.

Here’s to smashing your goals in 2024 💪🏻

The Empowered Female Programme is for women who want to:

💪🏻 Build physical and mental strength

🍏 Forge a healthy and sustainable balance with food

💜 Train with their hormones to maximise their training results

🏆 Make their health and wellness their top priority

If this sounds like a bit of you ☝🏻 just message me the word EMPOWERED and I can send you over all the juicy details for the programme.


W E L C O M E to the Empowered Female Programme

Vicky is a busy mum juggling two kids and working full time.

Her job is about to get crazy busy, but she’s committed to prioritising herself in 2024 and making her workouts a non negotiable part of her life.

The Empowered Female Programme works with women who:
⏰ are time poor

❎ have been neglecting their health & fitness

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 put their families needs before their own

💪🏻 are determined to make a change

🏃🏻‍♀️are ready to put in the effort and commit

⏰ will prioritise themselves and find the time

Because if you too are a busy mum juggling kids and a demanding career, then you are seriously important to the running of your finely oiled family machine.

You are the main cog in a mass of spinning wheels, and if you get rusty, your family machine will grind to a halt.

I was going to write ‘come and get oiled up’ on The Empowered Female Programme but that would be false advertising 😂

Message me the word EMPOWERED and I will send you some more accurate information on the programme for my next intake in February 🙌🏻

Photos from Eton Fitness's post 17/01/2024

S O R E b***s pre period 🩸

Here’s why ⬆️ and here are some exercises to avoid when the girls are a bit sore:

🤢 Chest to floor burpees

💪🏻 Any gym machine with a chest plate

😫 Bench press - in case you bash the girls with the bar!

🏃🏻‍♀️ Running, unless the girls are well supported / comfortably strapped down

📦 Box jumps, unless the girls are well cared for as above

You aren’t being soft if you amend your workout to suit your sore b***s!

You are being sensible and exercise should never be about suffering at all costs. Make it work for you and your hormones.



🤯 That’s 800 million women affected by their P E R I O D in 800 million different ways, every single day here on planet earth 🤯


W E L C O M E 🙌🏻

It’s been a busy week on The Empowered Female Programme, welcome to the team and Ellie (who isn’t on the socials).

I am looking forward to helping you start your year focused, driven and motivated.

2024 here they come with more energy and increased strength, whilst working in harmony with their hormones 🙌🏻

If you’d like to become an Empowered Female just message me with the word EMPOWERED and I will be in touch.

Photos from Eton Fitness's post 04/01/2024

What C Y C L I C A L fitness isn’t ⬆️



to The Empowered Female
Programme 🙌🏻

Alex has started the programme this week, taking action and taking control of her fitness and wellbeing in the first week of 2024.

I am really excited to see what we can achieve together over the next 12 weeks.


H A P P Y Christmas!

I hope you all have a lovely Christmas with your friends and family.

However you celebrate, whoever you celebrate with - have a great one.

I’m signing off for 5 days to go and spend some long overdue time with family in the snow with the kids, and we are beyond excited!! ❄️

I’ll be back before the new year on the 29th to get you pumped and ready for a strong, healthy, happy, and hormonally balanced 2024.

Happy Christmas!


E M P O W E R E D PB !!

This is one of my empowered females Sophie, who just smashed a target she set for herself to hit by Christmas.

We started on the leg press at 40kg x 10 reps in late May of this year.

Sophie has built strength in her legs these past 7 months and as the weight she could push increased steadily from 40kg up to 150kg, then 190kg, she set herself the goal of hitting 200kg x 10 reps on the leg press by Christmas 2023.

On her last session prior to Christmas Day she just pushed 210kg x 10 reps on the leg press 🙌🏻

200kg felt pretty good, so she thought, why not try a smidgen more!

Target well and truly achieved!

A M A Z I N G work!

Gaining strength as a woman is incredibly empowering, rewarding and amazing for your mental strength and resilience.

It is also great for your joint stability, bone strength and general health, plus your hormone health.

I’m excited to see what Sophie achieves in 2024!



Client S P O T L I G H T 🔦

This is one of my loverly ladies, whose aim when coming to me was to to train pain free.

She has a lot of pain in her joints and trying to eliminate this in her training has been our main focus.

Go in cautiously, work out what works, maximise on that, and remove anything that has a negative response.

The second focus has been balancing her hormones.

She has a very looooooong cycle, if at all, so with a focus on her nutrition, an increase in her strength training and tracking all of her symptoms to try and find patterns we can work with, her last cycle was just 35 days 🙌🏻

An upside to this focus is that she has lost body fat. Her waist has changed quite dramatically and she has lost physical scale weight alongside changing her composition.

She now has a bank of exercises that are safe, and shouldn’t elicit any pain, although we have worked out some external factors that also contribute to the pain, her diet is higher in whole foods and nutrients a plenty! And she is getting stronger - win, win, win!

Thank you for trusting me with your journey 💪🏻

We still have so much more progress to make.

If you need help balancing your hormones whilst improving your strength and fitness, losing body fat and gaining lean muscle, do get in touch.

Just message me the word EMPOWERED and I’ll get back to you.

Photos from Eton Fitness's post 18/12/2023

O P P O R T U N I T Y !

I am looking for 3 women who want to finish the year physically and mentally strong, working in harmony with their hormones and with a solid grip on their nutrition.

I am looking for 3 women who want to:
✅ Train with their hormones to maximise their results
✅ Strip body fat
✅ Train for performance and mobility

If this sounds like you or like someone you know who needs direction, support and accountability to reach their goals then keep reading…….

To join the Empowered Female Programme you
✅ Be willing to prioritise yourself, putting yourself at the top of the pile.
✅ Want to double your energy and your confidence.
✅ Commit 100% to the programme to learn your body, train hard and improve your nutrition.

To join the Empowered Female Programme you must NOT:
❌ Be resistant to change.
❌ Be a woman who is unwilling to work hard and progress.
❌ Be untruthful with yourself.

If this sounds like you or someone you know, this will be the best way to finish 2023 and start 2024 with more focus, increased energy, drive and determination.

Send me a message with the word ‘Empowered’ and I will send you all the details.

Joining the Empowered Female Programme means I will work extremely closely with you. My goal is to get you to your goal and I take pride in the results the ladies I coach achieve.

You will also have access to:
✅ A bespoke training plan tailored to your ability, set up and equipment.
✅ Education and guidance to learn your hormones, how they affect your body each cycle and how to train with them effectively to maximise your results.
✅ Weekly check in calls via FaceTime where we can work through any struggles and I can answer any questions, keeping you focussed and driven each week.
✅ Education portals that break down and make sense of the science behind your hormones, your training and your nutrition.
✅ A personalised nutrition plan that is achievable and sustainable for life long success.
✅ Unlimited access to me via what’s app throughout your training.

Due to how closely we work together on the Empowered Female Programme I only have 3 spaces available so don’t miss out!
This is to ensure I am able to give you the support you need and to help you get the very best possible results on your journey.

To apply, just message me the word ‘Empowered’ and I’ll share all the details with you.

And the best part, the next 3 women join at the founding rate, but once these 3 places are taken, the price will increase.

Photos from Eton Fitness's post 11/12/2023

O P P O R T U N I T Y !

I’m looking for just 5 women who want to finish the year physically and mentally strong, working in harmony with their hormones and with a solid grip on their nutrition.

I am looking for 5 women who want to:
✅ Train with their hormones to maximise their results
✅ Strip body fat
✅ Train for performance and mobility

If this sounds like you or like someone you know who needs direction, support and accountability to reach their goals then keep reading…….

To join the Empowered Female Programme you
✅ Be willing to prioritise yourself, putting yourself at the top of the pile.
✅ Want to double your energy and your confidence.
✅ Commit 100% to the programme to learn your body, train hard and improve your nutrition.

To join the Empowered Female Programme you must NOT:
❌ Be resistant to change.
❌ Be a woman who is unwilling to work hard and progress.
❌ Be untruthful with yourself.

If this sounds like you or someone you know, this will be the best way to finish 2023 and start 2024 with more focus, increased energy, drive and determination.

Send me a message with the word ‘Empowered’ and I will send you all the details.

Joining the Empowered Female Programme means I will work extremely closely with you. My goal is to get you to your goal and I take pride in the results the ladies I coach achieve.

You will also have access to:
✅ A bespoke training plan tailored to your ability, set up and equipment.
✅ Education and guidance to learn your hormones, how they affect your body each cycle and how to train with them effectively to maximise your results.
✅ Weekly check in calls via FaceTime where we can work through any struggles and I can answer any questions, keeping you focussed and driven each week.
✅ Education portals that break down and make sense of the science behind your hormones, your training and your nutrition.
✅ A personalised nutrition plan that is achievable and sustainable for life long success.
✅ Unlimited access to me via what’s app throughout your training.

Due to how closely we work together on the Empowered Female Programme I only have 8 spaces available so don’t miss out!
This is to ensure I am able to give you the support you need and to help you get the very best possible results on your journey.

To apply, just message me the word ‘Empowered’ and I’ll share all the details with you.

And the best part, the next 5 women join at the founding rate, but once these 5 places are taken, the price will increase.

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If you’ve gone back to what used to work for your  F A T  loss to shift the Perimenopause spare tyre but it’s not workin...
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