Connections by Lisa Le Roy

Connections is all about the interaction of our bodies, mind, spirit and soul and how I may help.


Would you like a get together with a difference to celebrate your birthday or just have a great evening with your select friends?

I am now available to run group sessions
in your homes.

We can tailor the sessions to what you want:

Fire ceremonies
Movement and music
Meet your power animals
Breath work
Power of intuition
Energy work
And more….. 😀

2 hrs at £28 - £35 per person depending on distance and how many people.

The host receives a goody bag.


Womens circle

We meet on the first Saturday of every month.
Next evening is:

Saturday 5th October 7pm - 9pm

Henley Quaker (Friends) Meeting House
45 Northfield End
Oxfordshire RG9 2JJ

Do you want to find 2 hours in which to relax, find peace, be guided in meditation and if you want, enjoy some cacao?

Be led in meditation and feel yourself sink into relaxation and a sense of peace, harmony and connection with all.

Sit in a safe circle with like minded women and make new friends and feel safe and heard.

You may also choose to explore the glorious benefits of drinking the beautiful heart opening cacao which holds many health benefits and promotes openness and love.

If the weather stays dry then we will be holding a fire ceremony to let go of all that doesn’t serve and to welcome in the hibernation, cosiness and reflective time of autumn and winter.

The old you can be laid to rest and a new you can be birthed.

Spaces are limited so please book.
Payment secures your space. £25

Either message me directly
or call Telephone. 07485140708

email: [email protected]


Apparently Christmas is only 99 days away.
How good is that 😀🌲😀🌲


If you know, you know…
I feel blanketed by green.
I have such gratitude in my heart 🙏🏻❤️


Ashley Stone is singing with his band this Saturday at the flowing springs, henley road reading.
There is a whole afternoon / evening of local bands playing so come along and enjoy the music.
I’d love to see some of my friends there ❤️


Womens circle

Do you want to find 2 hours in which to relax, find peace, be guided in meditation and if you want, enjoy some cacao?

We meet on the first Saturday of every month.
Next evening is:

Saturday 5th October 7pm - 9pm

Henley Quaker (Friends) Meeting House
45 Northfield End
Oxfordshire RG9 2JJ

Be led in meditation and feel yourself sink into relaxation and a sense of peace, harmony and connection with all.

Sit in a safe circle with like minded women and make new friends and feel safe and heard. You may also choose to explore the glorious benefits of drinking the beautiful heart opening cacao which holds many health benefits and promotes openness and love.

If the weather stays dry then we will be holding a fire ceremony to let go of all that doesn’t serve and to welcome in the hibernation, cosiness and reflective time of autumn and winter.

We will follow this with movement and dance to bring into the body the vibrations of wellness, peace, joy and love.

Spaces are limited so please book.
Payment secures your space. £25

Either message me directly
or call Telephone. 07485140708

email: [email protected]


1.43am and the heavens have opened. It is really lovely being on my boat listening to it with my cat on my lap and feeling very happy after such a good evening.
A brilliant cacao ceremony with meditation and tuning forks and 6 special ladies, then ice cream afterwards with one special man.
Thank you to you all for being in my life. ❤️


3 places have become available for this evening…. Would you like to join us.

New people welcome….

Do you want to find 2 hours in which to relax, find peace, be guided in meditation and if you want, enjoy some cacao?

Saturday 7th September 7pm - 9pm


Henley Quaker (Friends) Meeting House
45 Northfield End
Oxfordshire RG9 2JJ

Be led in meditation and feel yourself sink into relaxation and a sense of peace, harmony and connection with all.

Sit in a safe circle with like minded people who wish to explore the glorious benefits of drinking the beautiful heart opening cacao which holds many health benefits and promotes openness and love.

If the weather stays dry then you will have time in the beautiful walled garden to listen to some wonderful tuning forks and experience their healing vibrations or to stay in the room and explore movement and music.

Please bring with you a mat to lay on, blankets, pillows and an eye mask if needed.

Herbal teas and snacks are provided.

Spaces are limited so please book. Payment secures your space.

Feel free to message me directly
or call Telephone. 07485140708

email: [email protected]


Is the opposite of love, pain? Is the pain measured by how much we love? The more we love the more pain we can feel?


The portal

I take a step.
My foot raised, body moving forward
A step I have taken thousands if not millions of times within this life time

But this step
This step is different as it moves through space
Entering a time of ‘the not here and now’

The step
Moves my body forwards propelling it through the flimsy veil
I feel the shift in energy, like my whole body has gone squiggly for a moment

My step connects to the floor
I look around expecting different but seeing the same
I close my eyes and then I can see
An era long gone.

I see the vivid colours of the clothes
I hear the call of the market traders as they shout their wares
I smell sweat, to***co and animals

I move among the hustle and bustle
A ghost of the future
The fruit on the stalls
Fresh and loose
Like the young women that also try to sell their wares

The green hills rolling away
The shimmering lake in the distance where screams of laughter can be heard as the children play
Houses with doors open, a warm welcome within and broth simmering over the coals.

I watch as men tip their hats and look at the Women in long skirts and bodices that leave little to the imagination
Children running in and out of stalls
Shouting for their friends to join them

The horses stand, tossing their heads up now and again and pawing at the dusty ground
Wanting to move away from the noise and orderly chaos that surrounds them

I open my eyes to the hills and the lake
To the new estate built nearby
To the school and the shops with plastic packaging,
I hear the cars zipping around. The odd horn blaring as patience is no longer a virtue.
I see kids on phones with ears plugged
Engaged only to a screen
I see men and women barely glancing at each other as they rush to do all that they need to do with no time to spare to say ‘how are you?’

I retreat. I turn around. I try to walk back through the portal. I can’t find it.
I walk to the nearby oak, centuries old
I reach out a palm and feel gnarled wood beneath and I breath in the woody earthy scent.
I close my eyes, I hear the birds. I tune out of the sounds of cars and frustrated people and I feel the tree, I connect to the ageless oak and once more, I enter the portal.

Lisa Le Roy.


New people welcome….

Do you want to find 2 hours in which to relax, find peace, be guided in meditation and if you want, enjoy some cacao?

Saturday 7th September 7pm - 9pm


Henley Quaker (Friends) Meeting House
45 Northfield End
Oxfordshire RG9 2JJ

Be led in meditation and feel yourself sink into relaxation and a sense of peace, harmony and connection with all.

Sit in a safe circle with like minded people who wish to explore the glorious benefits of drinking the beautiful heart opening cacao which holds many health benefits and promotes openness and love.

If the weather stays dry then you will have time in the beautiful walled garden to listen to some wonderful tuning forks and experience their healing vibrations or to stay in the room and explore movement and music.

Please bring with you a mat to lay on, blankets, pillows and an eye mask if needed.

Herbal teas and snacks are provided.

Spaces are limited so please book. Payment secures your space.

Feel free to message me directly
or call Telephone. 07485140708

email: [email protected]


Hmmmm…. When places only accept card payment but have a jar out for cash tips.
I don’t agree with this. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I have just got off the phone to my son in America.
It is over 15 months since I last saw him and I have no idea when I will see him next due to various reasons. It all breaks my heart.
If ou have people in your life who you love, then tell them regularly, hug them whenever you get a chance, laugh with them, make plans and hold on to dreams in order to manifest all that you want.
I love my son so much and I can’t wait for us to be hugging each other again one day.
Luke Naylor ❤️❤️❤️


Still some spaces left….. few people on holiday so get booked up. It will be a beautiful evening 🙏🏻💙❤️

Two hours of relaxment, connection to all, meditation and the beautiful cacao to help open your heart and feel good.
Amazing health benefits.

Saturday 7th September 7pm - 9pm


Henley Quaker (Friends) Meeting House
45 Northfield End
Oxfordshire RG9 2JJ

Be led in meditation and feel yourself sink into relaxation and a sense of peace, harmony and connection with all.

Sit in a safe circle with like minded people who wish to explore the glorious benefits of drinking the beautiful heart opening cacao which holds many health benefits and promotes openness and love.

If the weather stays dry then you will have time in the beautiful walled garden to listen to some wonderful tuning forks and experience their healing vibrations or to stay in the room and explore movement and music.

Please bring with you a mat to lay on, blankets, pillows and an eye mask if needed.

Herbal teas and snacks are provided.

Spaces are limited so please book. Payment secures your space.

Feel free to message me directly
or call Telephone. 07485140708

email: [email protected]


Two hours of relaxment, connection to all, meditation and the beautiful cacao to help open your heart and feel good.
Amazing health benefits.

Saturday 7th September 7pm - 9pm


Henley Quaker (Friends) Meeting House
45 Northfield End
Oxfordshire RG9 2JJ

Be led in meditation and feel yourself sink into relaxation and a sense of peace, harmony and connection with all.

Sit in a safe circle with like minded people who wish to explore the glorious benefits of drinking the beautiful heart opening cacao which holds many health benefits and promotes openness and love.

If the weather stays dry then you will have time in the beautiful walled garden to listen to some wonderful tuning forks and experience their healing vibrations or to stay in the room and explore movement and music.

Please bring with you a mat to lay on, blankets, pillows and an eye mask if needed.

Herbal teas and snacks are provided.

Spaces are limited so please book. Payment secures your space.

Feel free to message me directly
or call Telephone. 07485140708

email: [email protected]


The demon

The demonic grin
As you loom out the darkness
Your darkness seeps from every pore
The depths of your soul are as shallow
As your heart is black
You reek of greed
Spitefulness, hatred and jealousy
You have no capacity for love, empathy or compassion
The darkness has aged you
Sucking the life from your eyes
You are the living dead
You breath air that turns stale within your lungs
You regurgitate with bitterness and cowardice
Your eyes are blind to the light that shines before you
The light you refuse to acknowledge
The light that can not pe*****te your hardened darkened soul
But as black as you are you can’t hide
There is too much light surrounding you
All it needs to do is shine and you will and can be seen
As you shrink back, small, you glimpse your shadow which reflects large and menacing
It makes you feel big, brave, powerful and you step forward to intimidate
But as you step into your power the light shifts and your shadow shrinks
You shrink, you feel fear but are too afraid to show it,
To show weakness is not an option
But I can feel all I need to know
And I cry for you.
I stand before you with tears raining down my cheeks,
Sobs escaping my constricted throat
Wounded, in pain
Yet I do not cry for myself, I am past that
I cry because I can
Because I have a heart, because I have love
Because I can be vulnerable and because I can stand in my truth
I can stand in the light
And my tears will dry and laughter will ring forth from my soul
And my eyes will sparkle with life
And I will continue to love and be loved
And what becomes of you?
Well, that is your choice.
Choose wisely and maybe one day
You will have a spark that may grow into something that radiates far and wide
I pray that it does
I pray for you

Lisa Le Roy


I don’t listen or read the news but people like to share the s**t that is going on so I’m hearing about the riots.
I’m not getting into the whys and what’s of it.
I’m just wondering why people want to hurt other people?
Why do they want to stir up trouble?
Peaceful demonstrations I get. To come from thr heart, to be passionate, and passion is from the heart, anger and violence isn’t.
It is so very sad with what people are using as an excuse to riot.

We all have choices.

Every single one of us.

Do you choose to follow the herd mentality of inciting violence and causing destruction and more pain or do you stand in your power as a beautiful human who has a heart, has compassion and says ‘no’ and acts like a decent human being does?

We should stand together in peace. ❤️


Last nights Cacao ceremony with 10 wonderful women was brilliant.

After calling in spirit we sat and talked about the empowering, vulnerable, strengths of women and the stages of womanhood and where we felt we were at and the masks we might wear.

We then drank cacao while listening to an amaxing piece that really speaks of our conflicting nature. When a friend shared this with me , I cried. It really spoke to me.
Link below.

After this we did a meditation of connection to all and then the ladies explored the garden and made the most amzing mandalas and spoke about their meanings.

It was a magical evening, as they all are.

Next one, 7th September and movement and dance in whatever form is on the agenda.
You don’t need to be able to dance and you can sit it out and lose yourself to the rhythm in meditation instead but movement is good to unblock energies that may be a bit stagnant.

If you wish to get booked on or want more details then please contact me. 🙏🏻❤️


Couple of spaces left

Cacao Ceremony with guided meditation

Saturday 10th August 7pm - 9pm


Henley Quaker (Friends) Meeting House
45 Northfield End
Oxfordshire RG9 2JJ

Be led in meditation and feel yourself sink into relaxation and a sense of peace, harmony and connection with all.

Sit in a safe circle with like minded people who wish to explore the glorious benefits of drinking the beautiful heart opening cacao which holds many health benefits and promotes openness and love.

If the weather stays dry then you will have time in the beautiful walled garden to collect pieces to make a mandala which tells a story about you or something you wish to manifest.

Please bring with you a mat to lay on, blankets, pillows and an eye mask if needed.

Herbal teas and snacks are provided.

Spaces are limited so please book. Feel free to message me directly
or call Telephone. 07485140708

email: [email protected]

Connections by Lisa 04/08/2024

Couple of spaces still available ❤️

Cacao Ceremony with guided meditation

Saturday 10th August 7pm - 9pm


Henley Quaker (Friends) Meeting House
45 Northfield End
Oxfordshire RG9 2JJ

Be led in meditation and feel yourself sink into relaxation and a sense of peace, harmony and connection with all.

Sit in a safe circle with like minded people who wish to explore the glorious benefits of drinking the beautiful heart opening cacao which holds many health benefits and promotes openness and love.

If the weather stays dry then you will have time in the beautiful walled garden to collect pieces to make a mandala which tells a story about you or something you wish to manifest.

Please bring with you a mat to lay on, blankets, pillows and an eye mask if needed.

Herbal teas and snacks are provided.

Spaces are limited so please book. Feel free to message me directly
or call Telephone. 07485140708

email: [email protected]

Connections by Lisa Let me help you complete your puzzle and connect your body, mind, spirit and soul once more.


Cacao Ceremony with guided meditation

Saturday 10th August 7pm - 9pm


Henley Quaker (Friends) Meeting House
45 Northfield End
Oxfordshire RG9 2JJ

Be led in meditation and feel yourself sink into relaxation and a sense of peace, harmony and connection with all.

Sit in a safe circle with like minded people who wish to explore the glorious benefits of drinking the beautiful heart opening cacao which holds many health benefits and promotes openness and love.

If the weather stays dry then you will have time in the beautiful walled garden to collect pieces to make a mandala which tells a story about you or something you wish to manifest.

Please bring with you a mat to lay on, blankets, pillows and an eye mask if needed.

Herbal teas and snacks are provided.

Spaces are limited so please book.

Feel free to message me directly or call Telephone. 07485140708
email: [email protected]


Cacao Ceremony with guided meditation

Saturday 10th August 7pm - 9pm


Henley Quaker (Friends) Meeting House
45 Northfield End
Oxfordshire RG9 2JJ

Be led in meditation and feel yourself sink into relaxation and a sense of peace, harmony and connection with all.

Sit in a safe circle with like minded people who wish to explore the glorious benefits of drinking the beautiful heart opening cacao which holds many health benefits and promotes openness and love.

If the weather stays dry then you will have time in the beautiful walled garden to collect pieces to make a mandala which tells a story about you or something you wish to manifest.

Please bring with you a mat to lay on, blankets, pillows and an eye mask if needed.

Herbal teas and snacks are provided.

Spaces are limited so please book. Feel free to message me directly
or call Telephone. 07485140708


Life’s Dance & all the lessons

To the beat of your feet
To the vibrations of your soul
Dance with me
Climb out of the hole
Of the dark abyss
That pulls you down
Climb out, move, feel the beat
Lose the frown
Let go the anger it doesn’t serve
Let the tears rain down
Cleanse the spirit
Let it go
Let the music move you
Let it show
The freedom that’s there that can’t be hidden
Call it in, it’s not forbidden
You can be free when expectations are released
Outcomes and wishes, ceased
Just let it all be
Go with the flow
Dance to the beat
Feel the heat
As the temperature rises within your core
As the spirit within comes to the fore
This life we lead is but a game
Each argument had, can be seen as lame
Once the moment has passed
And you sit and reflect
Lose the darkness
Learn to deflect
The hatred, the animosity that is sent
Let it go, let your emotions vent
To hold it in, don’t hold the pain
Keep moving forward
Know that you’ll never be the same
The person you are, the one to be seen
Stand in your sovereignty
Show them you’re queen

I have love in my heart for all who share my path
And I thank you for the lessons you teach
Even those of you that leach
From the forbidden tree of life
Causing me heartache and a whole load of strife
But each and every one of us deserves peace
Please dear lord let this all cease
Let me concentrate on the dance
Let me hear the beat
Let me move my body
Let me feel the vibrations through my feet
Let me wave my arms
Let me move my hips
Let me smile and laugh
Through my parted lips
Let me spin round
Let me lose my soul
Let my spirit fly high
Out of the abyss, the black hole
Let me reach out a hand
Let me touch your heart
Dance with me
Let’s make a start
To build the bridges
To put all at rest
For after all, on this earth
We are only a guest
To learn the lessons of time
That we are gifted
Once learnt, those burdens are lifted.

By Lisa Le Roy


Last nights cacao ceremony and meeting your power animals turned out to be a wonderful evening.
The Henley Quaker’s meeting house was a perfect venue with space, a wonderful garden and kitchen etc and lent a lovely calm feel to the evening.
I can’t thank people enough for coming to these sessions. You are the people that make it special and having me on a high at the end of the night!
The next evening is the 10th august.
If the weather is dry we will be doing a cacao ceremony and collecting pieces from the garden to make our own mandalas that tell a story.
If you are interested please contact me.
I look forward to sharing sacred space with you all. ❤️🙏🏻❤️


I broke my 10 day fast last night at vegivores in Caversham which is the best vegan cafe I know.
Food has the most amazing flavours once you have the taste of sugars out your system. You can taste the colours as well as the flavours.

My protein hit:

Green Goodness Bowl
A refreshing bowl of goodness, loaded with British quinoa, sweet green peas, shaved asparagus, courgette & cucumber ribbons, mixed leaves and fresh mint, basil & parsley in a deliciously zesty lemon chilli dressing topped with tofu

Side dish of veg

I couldn’t eat it all so brought the rest home to go in an omelette today.

Health benefits

Weight loss - the bidy uses fat as fuel
Clear the cravings
Decrease in blood pressure
Weakens cancer cells and strengthens immune system / cell renewal (autophogy)
Reduces inflammation
Lowers blood sugars / cholesterol
Skin looks great
Eyes are brighter

During fasting I took pink Himalayan salt in my water and took electrolytes.

If you want to try fasting then start with an intermittent fasting for a month or so.
Check with a doctor if you have health issues,
Do your homework especially on breaking a fast.


December 2023 I did my first 10 day fast.
I felt amazing on it. Reset my system, detoxed loads of crap out my body and got rid of all menopause problems.

I’m now 3.5 days into another 10 day fast and my plantar fasciitis has almost gone. After sleeping 12 hours solid a few nights ago I am now waking up feeling energised instead of sluggish.

Hot flushes are not good at present as my body still has a lot of inflammation to flush out but in a couple more days that should be sorted.

As a side note - if you want to try this and have never fasted before then please do your research.

I have fasted for years so my body is used to it.
I watched endless you tube footage about it (and I’m still doing this), I’m putting pink Himalayan salt in my water and taking electrolytes and I’m really listening to my body.
If I need to stop then I will do. It’s not about ego, it’s about doing it safely.

Plus - food has never tasted so good as that first mouthful once it’s over!!

Fasting has numerous benefits. It can literally be a life saver.

Sign the Petition 23/06/2024

Please add your signature…..🙏🏻

Sign the Petition Restore the statue of Our Lady to the alcove in the Chalice Well Gardens


Cacao Ceremony with guided meditation

Saturday 6th July 7pm - 9pm


Henley Quaker (Friends) Meeting House
45 Northfield End
Oxfordshire RG9 2JJ

Be led in meditation and feel yourself sink into relaxation and a sense of peace, harmony and connection with all.

Sit in a safe circle with like minded people who wish to explore the glorious benefits of drinking the beautiful heart opening cacao which holds many health benefits and promotes openness and love.

Meet your power animals. I will be leading you in a shamanic journey to meet your power animals and to see what they represent in your life.

All of this is set in a beautiful Victorian house with a wonderful garden that we can make the most of if the weather stays nice!

Please bring with you a mat to lay on, blankets, pillows and an eye mask if needed.

Herbal teas and snacks are provided.

Spaces are limited so please book. Feel free to message me directly
or call Telephone. 07485140708


I have had many CPR classes over the years but was never told this…..
Have you ever thought about it ❤️
When you are alone and have a heart attack. What are you gonna do then ?
A rarely good post that can't be shared often enough:

Take a 2 minute break and read this:
Let's say it's 5:25 pm and you're driving home after an unusually hard day's work.

You are really tired and frustrated.
All of a sudden your chest pains. They are starting to radiate in the arm and jaw. It feels like being stabbed in the chest and heart. You're only a few miles away from the nearest hospital or home.

Unfortunately you don't know if you can make it..

Maybe you've taken CPR training, but the person running the course hasn't told you how to help yourself.

How do you survive a heart attack when you're alone when it happens? A person who is feeling weak and whose heart is beating hard has only about 10 seconds before losing consciousness.
COUGH DEEPLY ! Deep breaths before every cough. Coughing should be repeated every second until you arrive at the hospital or until your heart starts to beat normally.

Deep breathing gives oxygen to your lungs and coughing movements boost the heart and blood circulation. Heart pressure also helps to restore a normal heartbeat. Here's how cardiac arrest victims can make it to the hospital for the right treatment

Cardiologists say if someone gets this message and passes it on to 10 people, we can expect to save at least one life.

9. FOR WOMEN: You should know that women have additional and different symptoms. Rarely have crushing chest pain or pain in the arms. Often have indigestion and tightness across the back at the bra line plus sudden fatigue.
Instead of posting jokes, you're helping save lives by spreading this message.

❤️ COPY (hold your finger, click on the text and select copy, go to your own page and where you normally want to write, select finger again and paste)
Great to know!!


You don’t have to move to dance,
you can dance within your mind
Your soul can vibrate to the beat
You cells can harness the power of sound
Learn to hear the music all around you
And celebrate the breath of life
You have been gifted something so precious
Dance to your tune
Feel your tune move you
Know that you are dancing
Celebrate your freedom

Thank you David Brown for inspiring me. ❤️

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Reiki is being offered again. only now it’s an even better offer. Nominate a friend or yourself for  2 x free treatments...
Turn that frown upside down 😠😀



Windrush House, Windrush Industrial Estate

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm

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