Elena Cheetham - Psychologist and Coach for Entrepreneurs - www.Inluxed.com
I help entrepreneurs tackle mental health issues to achieve empowered state and top performance 📲 DM
It wasn’t Die Hard, it was Peter Pan for us, and I have a dozen other movies on the list … which one is it going to be? 🤩
which movie will you watch today? 👇🏻
How are you celebrating Xmas this year?🎄✨Drop your pictures👇
🎉 вчера был особый день! Да, мой день рождения! 🎂
И мне пришла идея…
Знаете, психологи - это настоящие герои нашей эпохи. Они помогают разобраться с собой, преодолеть трудности, научиться быть счастливыми и жить полноценной жизнью. Именно поэтому было бы круто выразить благодарность и признание людям этой профессии 👍😃
🤔 Что же мы можем сделать, чтобы подарить заряд позитива и веселья нашим любимым психологам?
Вот несколько идей ⤵️
1️⃣ Отправьте им приятное поздравление! Напишите слова благодарности за их труд и помощь. Ведь психологи работают усердно, чтобы помочь нам стать лучше. Они заслуживают наших добрых слов.
2️⃣ Поделитесь интересными цитатами психологов в своих социальных сетях. Иногда мудрые слова помогают нам взглянуть на проблемы с другой стороны и найти решение.
3️⃣ Подарите психологам маленький сюрприз. Это может быть книга, которая поможет им расширить свои знания, или приятная мелочь, которая обязательно вызовет улыбку.
4️⃣ Не забудьте поделиться историями о том, как психологи помогли вам. Отзывы - это лучшая награда за их труд, а также вдохновение для новых пациентов.
🌟 Давайте сегодня выразим слова благодарности и признательности психологам, которые трудятся, чтобы помочь нам жить лучше. Они заслуживают наше внимание и поддержку!
#ДеньРожденияПсихолога #Психология #Благодарность #Признательность #Герои #Счастье #психологишутят
Сегодня мне 40, юбилей, и это только начало 😃 Хорошего мне и всем дня!
Вы эксперт, наставник или другой специалист помогающей профессии?
Чувствовали ли вы в последнее время усталость, апатию, безразличие к своей деятельности, желание все бросить и уйти, сменить сферу деятельности? Или испытывали чувство, когда вам не хочется выходить в рабочий режим после выходных или отпуска?
Если да, то, возможно, вы испытываете ВЫГОРАНИЕ - состояние, которое часто возникает у специалистов помогающих профессий, которые работают с людьми.
Некоторые выходят из него самостоятельно, но это в том случае, когда эксперт и наставник знаком с психологией, психологическими основами работы с людьми, методиками, которые позволяют ему не брать на себя негатив, травмы и проблемы других людей.
▪️Когда есть границы.
▪️Когда соблюдается баланс «брать-давать».
▪️Когда есть поддерживающие убеждения, восстанавливается энергия, ведется работа с супервизором или терапевтом, есть полная насыщенная жизнь, хобби.
В противном случае эксперт может даже не заметить, как все больше и больше погружается в Выгорание.
Но это не просто общее истощение. А истощение, при котором человек продолжает двигаться вперед не смотря ни на что, с каждым днем усугубляя свое состояние.
Убеждения, которые способствуют развитию выгорания:
«я должен много работать»,
«я должен быть успешен»,
«я должен быть успешен не смотря ни на что»,
«я должен много зарабатывать»,
«я должен кому-то доказать».
Подобные убеждения присущи многим экспертам. особенно работающим онлайн, также являются фактором риска развития выгорания.
Еще про одних кандидатов на выгорание расскажу в карусели - листайте ➡️
Какие симптомы выгорания?
Диагностировать выгорание лучше доверить специалисту и не делать поспешных выводов, даже если вы увидели у себя некоторые из этих признаков.
Но чтоб вы знали, что обратить внимание, я оставила в карусели признаки, а также три шага - техники к выходу из выгорания.
Как начать выходить из выгорания?
Листайте карусель и делайте первые шаги 👉🏻
Блог о продажах, деньгах и повышении дохода. Причем тут состояния?
Да по самой прямой причине.
По той, что деньги приходят на состояние.
Сколько мы вложили, инвестировали в себя, столько и получим в результате.
Если сливаем состояние, энергию, то у нас не текут возможности и доход.
Когда мы обменялись энергией с другими, дали свою ценность и получили от них в виде денег.
Работая с энергией, повышая профессионализм, прокачивая свое состояние ежедневно вы развиваетесь как личность, соответственно, развивается ваша личность и вы привлекаете возможности, которые конвертируются в ваш капитал - связи, ресурсы, деньги.
Давайте поразмыслим - каком состоянии вы привлечете больше клиентов, возможностей, денег - в апатии и выгорании или в спокойствии, безопасности, излучая радость, благополучие и уверенность?
Думаю, ответ очевиден.
Раскрою секрет - что работать с состояниями, в которых вы пребываете ежедневно, возможно, и делать это можно и нужно независимо от бизнеса.
Именно поэтому я разработала систему для работы над состояниями для экспертов и наставников “Каскад”, которая состоит из работы над базой (физическими основами), мышлением и состояниями легкости, спокойствия, уверенности, безопасности и изобилия.
Это те состояния, которые нужно экспертам, чтоб выходить на новые уровни, вместо того, чтоб находится в привычном комфорте, или дискомфорте их бизнеса.
Если вы эксперт, наставник или предприниматель в общем, то моя программу “Каскад” поможет вам.
-отследить свои состояние, а значит управлять ими
-накопить “волшебную. коробочку” практик и техник, которые помогут в любую минуту стресса, неопределенности и потери равновесия.
- исцелит травмы, которые мешали двигаться вперед
- укрепит ваше спокойствие, уверенность, стабильность и безопасность, здесь и сейчас.
Хотите, чтоб эти состояния стали для вас новой нормой?
Запишитесь на программу “Каскад” - напишите мне в директ “хочу в каскад”.
#состояниесчастья #состояние #состояниедуши #энергияизобилия #энергиябогатства #энергиячеловека
It’s been a while since I was active as a personal branding coach,
and now I’ve added therapy sessions for entrepreneurs (coaches, consultants, service based entrepreneurs, leaders of businesses) to help grown ➡️🌎
So let me introduce myself again 😊
I am a psycologist specialising in entrepreneur mental health specifically healing stress, anxiety, depression and trauma
using holistic methods without medication and substances.
I help entrepreneurs build a powerful personal brand based on authentic personality and remove any inner obstacle on the way 😃
When I started and was scaling my property business I realised that business is linked and influenced greatly
by entrepreneur psychology and mindset.
This insight, a long standing interest in spirituality
as well as childhood dream of being a psychologist led to setting up Inluxed,
a safe space for scaling 6 figure entrepreneurs to heal from stress, anxiety, depression and traumas
while running high pressure businesses, using holistic integrative methods of psychology.
I offer single sessions to relief and manage stress as well as tailored programs
that help entrepreneurs being in top performance, empowerment and confidence at work and play ❤️
Dm me now to book a complimentary diagnostic session (value £195) 📲
If I could pinpoint one single thing that was holding me back from growing in my business and made me hit glass ceiling time and time again despite titanic efforts it’d be TRAUMA 💔
As it’s always with trauma I could not see it…
till I started working with therapist and did this amazing technique that showed me all my trauma as if it was on a palm of my hand 🖐️
So what’s trauma? It’s not just pain, it’s also
💔 limiting beliefs,
💔being on your own way
💔unhealthy thoughts and patterns acquired through the process of life, mainly childhood that hold you back.
How to identify if your train is activated?
That’s if you are not living life you want to live, not achieving what you are setting out for yourself, generally unhappy etc
Great news is almost everyone has them to some extend and also one can heal them ❤️😃
I’d love to help entrepreneurs shine in their best authentic selves without trauma, present their clear brand to the world without fear and grow and scale ➡️💵💴💶
➡️ this is why I created my therapy sessions focused at TRAUMA HEALING ❤️
Dm me to book your free diagnostic session (value £195) 📲
💎 Pennies drop at different time for everyone ❤️
This was my insight when going through my life coaching training and doing exercise based Jungian analyses.
Even though I am very familiar with archetypes and personality types as well as types of trauma, and have multiple hours of personal therapy under my belt …
If felt absolutely liberating to see my inner Vouch’s from a different prospective.
Very deep inner work, surfacing traumas and block.
As a result:
✅ amazing feeling of liberation - as of the sky is a limit
✅ efficiency - I literally was soo productive today
✅ energy and flow, moving toward goals.
I guess results in material world also show:
💎 new serviced accommodation units - a project within my property investing company www.elstays.com
💎 starting my own therapy and coaching practice - arranged insurance today ❤️❤️❤️
Now I’ll be able to help entrepreneurs , coaches and experts shine in their brilliance as personal brands, without traumas, anxiety and pressure ✅💎
Long time no see, dear all!
While I was scaling my property business I also did some rewamping, rebranding and refocusing of Inluxed 😊
I shifted into a psycologist specialising in entrepreneur mental health specifically healing stress, anxiety, depression and trauma using holistic methods without medication and substances.
When I started and was scaling my property business I realised that business is linked and influenced greatly by entrepreneur psychology and mindset.
This insight, long standing interest in spirituality as well as childhood dream of being a psychologist led to setting up Inluxed, a safe space for scaling 6 figure entrepreneurs to heal from stress, anxiety, depression and traumas while running high pressure businesses, using holistic integrative methods of psychology.
I offer single sessions to relief and manage stress as well as tailored programs that help entrepreneurs being in top performance, empowerment and confidence at work and play ❤️
Dm me now to book a complimentary diagnostic session (value £195) 📲.
To everyone who we’ve connected with this year, worked and supported each other, Happy New Year!
I hope this new year brings you tons of joy, abundance, love and peace to you and your loved ones.
Look forward to connecting and 2023 bringing success and new opportunities. Prosperity to all of us ❤️
Happy New Year! 🥂
I have reached 400 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉
I just finished sales calls booked using my organic method and training of the group on how to book and hold authentic sales calls and close clients into high ticket coaching programs 😃
💫 It was very insightful to hear how clients in calls realised that it was not their branding that was letting them down …
➡️ it was lack of clarity, tangible results and outcome discription and sales process disruption when using organic methods of client arrraction and onboarding ❤️
“Eye opening 🤩” - one of my clients said while our call ❤️
Lovely to have those conversations and help female entrepreneurs and coaches achieve a business, clients and lifestyle their deserve and desire ❤️
Would you like me to bring clarity on how you can step into next level with your coaching program or services, get clarity and tweaks suggestions to your brand and processes?
Book a free exclusive Brand Audit call ➡️ https://bit.ly/lb-cb
Photographer: Johnson
This morning I’m thinking of incredible feeling of worthiness.. reason why… mission ❤️ and taking action.
💎 For me, these are three principles of your luxury level brand as a coach 💎
I’m enjoying start of the week, and you? Let me know what you plans are for the week ⬇️
💃🏼 Happy Monday everyone
💎 Luxury is an experience, vibe and a product/ service of extremely high quality as well as what satisfies higher needs of respect and self-actualisation 😊
This is why I am working with highly qualified, professional women who rached a peak in their career and want more - create an online empire to have greatest impact on their terms of income and time. I help them create a truly magnetising and luxury brand based on their authentic confidence and personality to become and go to expert in their niche based on prfesionalism they already have.
What’s your definition of luxury? ⬇️
💎 My approach to branding is holistic and centered around a person - personality, brand archetype and authentic image and style.
I simply can't hold back a case study from my styling client who achieved amazing results with restyling and photshoot.
Here is her kind words about our work - swipe right ❤️
If you would like to feel like a Queen in your coaching and service based business - act, think and present herself like one.
Like Princesses have extensive education and training before becoming a Queen, business boss babes also need preparation 😉
Would you like to join our program? DM me for details.
These words from my coaching client's testimonial can't be more true!
If you are reading this, it's a sign from a Universe 😜
I'd like to share a case study of this coaching client - we worked on resources and personal brand to achieve high value result in her life ( I will not share exactly for personal reasons).
Point A: overwhelmed, burnt out, not aligned with herself and lacking skills in the area where she wanted to advance.
Point B: clarity, resource, clear brand and path to where she is going confidently while leading and inspiring others!
Are you going to be my next Luxury Queen?
Join our inner circle here for your next level transformation.
DM for details.
Photographer: Tanya Kiaie www.photoyou.co.uk
💎 Biggest mistake starting online female mindset/ health/ relationship coaches make is ...
Spreading themselves too thin!
This is why I follow 1-1-1-1 Luxury Method Principle when I help online coaches build their brand.
💎 This means focusing on 1 platform, 1 strategy, 1 pain point they solve and 1 high ticket offer targeted at 1 audience.
This laser focus helps streamline the effort and time to achieve maximum result & revenue.
💎 From spread too thin to laser focused luxury brand.
Who resonates? Comment below ⬇️
💎➡️ Coach to Luxury Brand through Powerful Content
❗️ One thing that will move a needle in your business creating a luxury brand is your powerful content.
This is why I’ll be holding October Content Creation Hackaton tomorrow in my group 🤩
🤩 It’s not just me telling you how to create pieces of content (story, value post, case study, engagement)
but also you interacting, collaborating and taking action in 15 minutes slots to have at least 4 pieces of content (or at least content ideas) done in 1 powerful hour ❤️
So grab a coffee, and join us at 2.00 pm UK time (9.00 am EST) for content creation 😊
Event name: October Content Creation Hackaton 😊
When; 2.00 pm UK time (9.00 EST)
Drop “hell yes” below if you are going to join ⬇️
💎 My approach to branding is holistic and centered around a person - personality, brand archetype and authentic image and style.
I simply can't hold back a case study from my styling client who achieved amazing results with restyling and photshoot.
Here is her kind words about our work - swipe right ❤️
If you would like to feel like a Queen in your coaching and service based business - act, think and present herself like one.
Like Princesses have extensive education and training before becoming a Queen, business boss babes also need preparation 😉
Would you like to join our upcoming 10 days to luxury leads challenge? Comment yes below.
💎 Does Aesthetics of your brand speak and underline the quality you provide as a luxury brand to your clients?
Hi my dear online females coaches or service-based entrepreneurs,
How are you?
I’d like to speak to you about where does aesthetic stand in your luxury coaching or service-based brand 💎
Aesthetic is the way you look, present and style yourself in your visual content as a coach or service-based entrepreneur ❤️
Aesthetics speaks and underlines the quality you provide as a luxury brand to your clients 💎
Why Gucci, for example, collaborates with the best creatives and famous artists to create their products and content?
The ten luxury brand values as defined by Danziger, Senior Contributor of Forbes are:
💎 superior performance,
💎 craftsmanship,
💎 exclusivity,
💎 innovation,
💎sense of place & time,
💎 sophistication & design aesthetic,
💎 creative expression,
💎 relevance,
💎 heritage, and
💎 responsibility.
So aesthetics and the way you look, express yourself creatively through visual and verbal content matters so much when it comes to building your luxury brand online as an expert.
In offline business, would you want to visit a restaurant where interior was grey and I presentable?
A shop where shopfront is cluttered and not updated for a long time?
Would you like to deal with a professional whose office is untidy and he looks scruffy and unstyled?
What it would tell you about them?
The point is that you may deal with them out of necessity but would you come back because your heart desires?
I wouldn’t 😐
A professional who takes pride in themselves and their business will make sure that themselves and staff, and office look “on brand” out of respect to the customer, and create a nice ambiance.
Online your social pages, website and lead magnets are your office, or a shopfront, or a restaurant entrance and atmosphere.
So treat them accordingly - so that they represent, reflect and act as a luxury brand you are creating ❤️
I’ll be revealing tips and method of easy visual and verbal content creation for a luxury coaching or service-based brand on my challenge “10 Days To Luxury Leads Without Hiring Agencies, Paid Ads and Extra Work”
We start Wednesday 10th August, 19.00 London time.
Are you on board with us? Drop "I am " in comments to get access
Speak soon,
branding and mindset consultant
💎 Clients' kind testimonials speak louder than words ;)
I am blessed to work with amazing coaches and service-based entrepreneurs,
and I am so happy for their successes when taking my programs and trainings.
I am on a mission to help 100,000 female entrepreneurs set up and scale luxury level businesses
to achieve freedom and impact they desire and deserve, on their terms on income and money.
I would love you to join us and be one of those women who will change her life by changin and transforming others!
DM me to ask how I can help you with my business transformational programs.
Female coach promote👇 and join Thursday live training @2:30pm Uk in 💎 LUXURY BRAND, MINDSET, STYLE, HIGH TICKET SALES FOR ONLINE FEMALE COACHES
Looking for ladies coaches, entrepreneurs and speakers who want to connect for a coffee chat to help each other grow ☕💪❤️
I'm on a Mission to help 10 female coaches level up to luxury brand with their offer, messaging & sales in the next 90 days💎
Who's with me? 👇👇👇
💎 How important aesthetics is in creating your luxury online female coaching or service-based brand?
Aesthetic is the way you look, present, and style yourself in your visual content as a coach or service-based entrepreneur ❤️
Aesthetics speaks and underlines the quality you provide as a luxury brand to your clients 💎
Why Gucci, for example, collaborates with the best creatives and famous artists to create their products and content?
The ten luxury brand values as defined by Danziger, Senior Contributor of Forbes are:
💎 superior performance,
💎 craftsmanship,
💎 exclusivity,
💎 innovation,
💎sense of place & time,
💎 sophistication & design aesthetic,
💎 creative expression,
💎 relevance,
💎 heritage, and
💎 responsibility.
So aesthetics and the way you look, and express yourself creatively through visual and verbal content matter so much when it comes to building your luxury brand online as an expert.
In offline business, would you want to visit a restaurant where the interior was grey and I presentable?
A shop where the shopfront is cluttered and not updated for a long time?
Would you like to deal with a professional whose office is untidy and who looks scruffy and unstyled?
What it would tell you about them?
The point is that you may deal with them out of necessity but would you come back because your heart desires it?
I wouldn’t 😐
A professional who takes pride in themselves and their business will make sure that themselves and staff, and the office look “on brand” out of respect to the customer, and create a nice ambiance.
Online your social pages, website, and lead magnets are your office, a shopfront, or a restaurant entrance and atmosphere.
So treat them accordingly - so that they represent, reflect, and act as a luxury brand you are creating ❤️
Would you like more tips on how to shift branding, style, mindset, and positioning into luxury brand? Like and say ""yes"" below ⬇️
What a great question from my new amazing connection !!!! 🤩🔥🥳🥰
"Why you started this type of coaching?" 🤔
Here is my reason why, even three 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
In fact, that’s because I always loved a luxury vibe myself 🥰
💎 When I learnt more about multimillionaire life and lifestyle and having been married to multimillionaire, I realised that there are so many misconception around luxury, money and abundance… 🤯😭🥶🥵
That’s why I want to shed light on this by my work and bring women to true understanding of a abundance, luxury and prestige 🥰
And bring them to transformation that means being the highest best version you can be - luxurious self 🥰 because I believe that abundance and luxury are given to everyone by the right of birth 🥰
💎 Secondly, I want to share my perspective, so it’s a form of art for me. Like an artist paints their picture or a writer writes a novel, I create a story of my life and want to help other do so too 🥰
💎 Thirdly, I created myself a new challenge - help 100,000 women by 2030 create, build and scale their 6 and 7 figure businesses 😃😃😃 to achieve their luxury, lifestyle and freedom 🥰🥰
What’s your big heary audacious why? Share below 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
💎 How to be wildly confident and luxurious on live streams 💎
One of the mistakes coaches and service based entrepreneurs make is not standing out and not being visible.
One of the ways to fix it is going live on your social media channels.
Why it’s worth going live on social media?
💎 know, like and trust factor for your audience,
💎 algorithm - platforms like lives and favour those who go live by showing video content to more people
💎 fun ☺️
How often should you go live? This comes down to your sales plan (see below). I would recommend going live intentionally and no more than 1-2 times a week.
Otherwise it might become a strenuous job and something neither you or your audience enjoy.
5 pillars of being wildly confident and luxurious are:
✅ confidence - inner and outer
✅ clarity - who you are talking to, what’s your sticky memorable message / pint you are trying to deliver in this live steam
✅ sales plan - as ultimately you are giving value - you’d like to convert and bring your relationship with audience to the next level
✅ content plan and consitency - if you are struggling to find time for live or postpone them - include them into your content plan once a week to support what you are speaking about to your audience this week! Give examples, stories, engage
✅ preparation! Honestly, nothing beats preparation. Intuitive speaking happens if you’ve done a lot of it, know your content inside out and had lots of practice. But for those who are not yet confident - that’s about preparation - plan, use pentagon content model (if you don’t know what it is, join my upcoming challenge for a Luxury Made Easy, I’ll cover it there).
✅ STATE - worthiness, relaxed, high vibe, energy... This is what will give your interactions high end feel and attract those who value what you create with your business.
Which is the tips did you like?
Which one will you try in the next 24 hours? Comment below ⬇️
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Independence House, Nether Poppleton
York, YO266PH
Dr Stella Richardson provides psychotherapy services to adults including CBT and EMDR. She treats a range of mental health problems including PTSD, depression, anxiety, phobias, ...
York, YO1
A Chartered Psychologist (CPsychol) with the British Psychological Society and former semi-professio
York, YO301XT
Offering psychological assessment and therapy online and in York, North Yorkshire.
Millers Yard And Stockton On The Forest
York Psychological Therapies offers psychological therapy, coaching and courses by a qualified Clini