Galan Trio

Galan Trio is: Petros Bouras - piano, Babis Karasavvidis - violin and Marina Kolovou - cello


⏰ 📢 Και ναι! Ήρθε η ώρα για ανακοινώσεις!
🤩 Είναι μεγάλη χαρά και τιμή για εμάς η σύμπραξη σε ένα μοναδικό project με τη διεθνούς φήμης φλαουτίστρια και παιδαγωγό Rita D’ Archangelo τον Ιανουάριο του 2024! Περισσότερες πληροφορίες για τη συναυλία μας… έρχονται σύντομα!
🪈 Με αφορμή την συναυλία μας, το Galan Trio σε συνεργασία με το Ωδείο Φίλιππος Νάκας / Philippos Nakas Conservatory, υποδέχεται τη Rita D’ Archangelo στις 17/01/2024, όπου θα δώσει ένα σεμινάριο σε σπουδαστές φλάουτου που θα δηλώσουν συμμετοχή στο
🥳 Το σεμινάριο είναι ανοιχτό και στο κοινό.
✍️ Δηλώστε συμμετοχή τώρα και κοινοποιήστε ελεύθερα!
Petros Bouras Babis Kar Marina Kolovou Followers Everyone ’archangelo


❓ Άλλη μία εκπομπή διαμάντι της Katia Kallitsounaki “ΜΟΥΣΙΚΕΣ ΣΤΙΓΜΕΣ ΣΤΟ ΧΡΟΝΟ”, σήμερα Πέμπτη 07/12/23, 15.00-17.00 στο Τρίτο Πρόγραμμα 90,9.
🎧 Ακούμε Έλληνες συνθέτες και εκτελεστές στον 21ο αιώνα και το γνωστό, στους φίλους μας, piano trio του George Kontogiorgos «Ρέουσες Αναμνήσεις».
📝 Στείλτε μας τις εντυπώσεις σας και
🔎 Ανακαλύψτε τον δίσκο μας “De Chirico”, από τη Phasma Music σε όλες τις γνωστές πλατφόρμες!
Petros Bouras Marina Kolovou Babis Kar

Kinesis, by Galan Trio 06/12/2023

We are delighted that our “Kinesis” has been nominated by the Union of Greek Critics for Drama and Music for best Recording of Greek Interest Award 2022/2023! We would heartily thank
🙏🏻 The Union of Greek Critics for Drama and Music for the nomination
🥇 philipblackburn and Neuma Records for their support and hard job to have “Kinesis” still on the move, and last but not least
🏆 our fellow composers whose music has been gifted to us with generosity and love!

Petros Bouras Babis Kar Marina Kolovou Martin Gendelman Nickitas Demos Yiorgos Vassilandonakis Scott Robbins, composer Ken Steen Matthew Greenbaum

Kinesis, by Galan Trio 13 track album


🤔 Remember when we said that something new was coming?
🧨 ORDO is here and ready to order! 👇
❓Everything started from a collaboration and continued with huge respect, appreciation and a friendship with Philip Blackburn! 🙏🏻 But what does Philip say about ORDO?
🤓 Some have waited 36 years, others just a few weeks, but my double album of odds and ends sonic musings is now out everywhere (though I do recommend the CD version, even for those without CD players, since they make gorgeous stocking stuffers).

Stick it to the man and buy from Bandcamp instead.

Let me know your reactions, once your ears have readjusted and your mind has had a chance to recalibrate...

Oh, and hope you dig all the stellar talent represented, for which I am humbly grateful:

Performers include:
Philip Blackburn, instruments and electronics
Nirmala Rajasekar, veena
Ryland Angel, voice
Patti Cudd, vibraphone
NO EXIT New Music Ensemble
Emanuele Arciuli, piano
The Mänk Quartet: Nick Bentz, Maitreyi Muralidharan
Galan Trio🎉🙌
Quey Percussion Duo
Carrie Henneman Shaw, soprano
Zachery Meier, flute and neural activity
Chris Mann, voice
University of Minnesota Solo Improvisers: Alex Lubet, Ryan Picone
UCCS Creative Music Ensemble: Glen Whitehead

💥We would like also to thank Menelaos-Dimitris Kountouras and Dimitris Azorakos for combining their art with ours! You are amazing!

Neuma Records Petros Bouras Babis Kar Marina Kolovou

Philip Blackburn: ORDO official trailer 29/10/2023

💥 something new is coming for Galan Trio veeeeeery soon!
🤨 are you curious about what it will be?
🙈 have a sneak peak and stay tuned for more!

Petros Bouras Babis Kar Marina Kolovou Menelaos-Dimitris Kountouras philipblackburn Neuma Records

Philip Blackburn: ORDO official trailer Promo video for Neuma 189, ORDO, by Philip Blackburn (release date: November 17, 2023)Performers include:Philip Blackburn, instruments and electronicsNirmala...


😀 Είναι υπέροχο το συναίσθημα μετά από 9 χρόνια το Galan Trio να ταξιδεύει ξανά στην Ελλάδα για συναυλία!
🥁 Επόμενος προορισμός λοιπόν η Ξάνθη!
🗓️ Την Τετάρτη 18/10/2023, στις 20:00 στον πολυχώρο τέχνης και σκέψης «Οικία Μάνου Χατζιδάκι» θα παρουσιάσουμε έργα των Μ. Χατζιδάκι, Δ. Μπουκουβάλα (Α’ Παγκόσμια), Larry Alan Smith, Brian Bondari και Dominic Dousa!
🙏🏻 Ευχαριστούμε την Φιλοπρόοδος Ένωση Ξάνθης για την πολύτιμη βοήθεια της στην πραγματοποίηση αυτής της μοναδικής συναυλίας!
Petros Bouras Babis Kar Marina Kolovou


💥 Αύριο Πέμπτη, 5/10/2023 ο χρυσός νικητής των Global Music Awards “De Chirico” στην πρώτη του ραδιοφωνική μετάδοση! Ευχαριστούμε την Katia Kallitsounaki που είναι πάντα ενήμερη και μας φτιάχνει τα μεσημέρια μας με τις καλύτερες μουσικές επιλογές!
📻 Συντονιζόμαστε 15:00-17:00 στο Τρίτο Πρόγραμμα 90,9 και τις «μουσικές στιγμές στο χρόνο»
Petros Bouras Babis Kar Marina Kolovou George Kontogiorgos Phasma Music


🤩 What a great way to start the new season! “De Chirico” is on!
📝 Approximately 4 years ago we had the pleasure to work with George Kontogiorgos, composer for the album”De Chirico” and now is available for you to listen and share your experience with us! 🎉
🎧💿 You can listen world premiere recordings of piano trios and duets by George Kontogiorgos and Christos Hatzis
🙏🏻 We, the Galan Trio, feel very honored to work with composers such as Kontogiorgos and Hatzis, who are always eclectic and through their long experience trusted us to record their works! Warm thanks to both of you!
🙏🏻 Many thanks to Philippos Nakas Conservatory that provided the hall to record, Tesserakto studios and last but not least, Phasma Music for releasing the album
👇Click the link below to listen to “De Chirico”👇
Petros Bouras Babis Kar Marina Kolovou Philippos Nakas Conservatory Tesserakto Phasma Music


‼️Important message: Whether you rehearse/work, you celebrate, you chill or you are on vacations… stay safe and have fun! 😎🧢👒🩴🎻🎹🏖️🚰

Music reviews- Take Effect 28/06/2023

🤓📖 “A very unique listen that’s artistic, orchestral and chamber tinted, and truly does encapsulate the difficult emotions of the pandemic, Galan Trio’s inimitable vision is expertly captured here.”
🙏🏻 Many thanks to Take Effect Reviews!
👇Read the full review for “Kinesis”👇
Neuma Records Petros Bouras Babis Kar Marina Kolovou philipblackburn Paul Richards Martin Gendelman Ken Steen Scott Robbins, composer Yiorgos Vassilandonakis Nickitas Demos Matthew Greenbaum

Music reviews- Take Effect Kinesis Neuma, 2023 8/10 Listen Kinesis The Galan Trio, i.e. Petros Bouras (piano), Babis Karasavvdis (violin) and Marina Kolovou (cello), spent their lockdown wisely, and it results in this double album of 10 brand new pieces that commissions US based composers, some of which have Greek heri


🇿🇦Thank you Johannesburg and Horizon 93.9 fm stereo for playing pieces from “Kinesis”
📻 The pieces by Yiorgos Vassilandonakis – Cyanic Outbursts, Todd Groves – Dance Music for a Frenetic Mind, John Levey – Ghost Town Sounds, Scott Robbins, composer – Look of Sky and Paul Richards – Hairpin Turn have been included in May’s 2023 playlist!
Neuma Records philipblackburn Marina Kolovou Petros Bouras Babis Kar .9fm


📻 Ο Ιούνιος μπήκε και ο
«Ar - The Sun God” του Thomas Bramel
από το δίσκο μας ARARAT θα ακουστεί στην εκπομπή της
Katia Kallitsounaki «Μουσικές Στιγμές στο Χρόνο»
στο Τρίτο Πρόγραμμα 90,9, σήμερα 15:00-17:00!
Καλό μήνα!
Melism Records

Galan Trio ‘Kinesis’ | Kathodik WebZine 17/05/2023

“Kinesis” has been to Italy and gave us a beautiful review! Click on the link below to read it! Thank you Filippo Focosi and Kathodik for this!
Neuma Records Petros Bouras Babis Kar Marina Kolovou Ken Steen philipblackburn Paul Richards Scott Robbins, composer Nickitas Demos Yiorgos Vassilandonakis Matthew Greenbaum Martin Gendelman

Galan Trio ‘Kinesis’ | Kathodik WebZine Dischi Galan Trio ‘Kinesis’ Pubblicato il 16 Maggio 2023 da Filippo Focosi (Neuma Records 2023) Ennesima prova che una delle capacità degli artisti è quella di lavorare creativamente pur sottostando a limiti autoimposti o dettati da contingenze esterne, questo doppio Cd della Neuma presenta co...


Happy Easter to everybody! 🐰🐣We wish health, love, light from within and peace all over the world!
🤓 Since it’s a day of happiness today, we share with you an amazing review from fanfare magazine!

As the title of this release implies, the new works on the program symbolize motion, in this case motion that grew out of stasis. The Galan Trio, which is based in Athens, Greece, responded to the strictures of the pandemic by initiating a project they called Kinesis, which they defined as “undirected movement”—the undirected part suggested the uncertain future that many musicians faced during enforced lockdown, while movement implied optimistic forward momentum. Reaching to universities across the Atlantic to America, the Galan Trio challenged diverse composers to write music based on the kinetic theme.

From this incentive two U.S. tours developed, to the Southeast in 2021 and the Northeast in 2022. The two discs in the present release reflect the music performed on each tour. Such an admirable project still faces a reviewer with 10 new piano trios, a prospect made more daunting by the fact that all the composers were unknown to me. A general appraisal seemed like a manageable way to begin. Each piece strikes me as a skilled composition from composers who are confident in their means of expression. These means vary widely, as you’d expect, with only a small handful of works coming from the experimental end of the New Music spectrum, while more than a handful rely on a traditional tonal, melodic style.

The Galan Trio deserves praise for their open ears and the flexibility they display in so many idioms. Not every composer took “kinesis” to imply propulsive, or even fast, music. Quite a few pieces have reflective and elegiac passages, which isn’t a surprise given the inward turn that artists often took during the height of COVID. Minimalism crops up here and there, but I was surprised that other prevailing influences, namely jazz, blues, and rock, were largely absent in these pieces. Nothing here is less than intriguing, even though no one is breaking new ground stylistically, and much is enjoyable.

Neuma’s online booklet provides brief composers’ notes that are useful guides for the listener. Paul Richards provides a clear map to Hairpin Turn, which he describes as “a collage of interlocking and related pieces” marked by “numerous sudden and dramatic changes.” The piece is suffused with puckish surprises, and the effect is constantly nimble and often witty. At the more obscure end of the collection’s range, Martin Gendelman’s Ictus derives its title from a musical term defined as the instant a beat occurs or a medical term for a sudden attack or seizure. In the course of 10 minutes Ictus presents many sudden attacks, but there are also queasy glissandos and snatches of melody. If that sounds like a confusing mélange, in fact this is one of the most successful works on the program at sounding new, original, and personal. I’d call it New Music at its most accessible.

Stylistic conservatism appears in the Minimalist-tinged, tonal language of Scott Robbins’s Look of Sky, which I didn’t particularly connect with. Other composers followed Richards’s collage impulse, where contrast and quick changes provide interest, as in Cyanic Outbursts by Yiorgos Vassilandonakis, which dramatically carries out its intent to be “a jolt-like amalgam” of powerful, at times virtuosic gestures. A dark sky looms over Ken Steen’s Attempting to Conjure Joy until animated momentum lifts the mood. The overall effect skillfully juxtaposes poignancy, premonition, and forward motion. The closest we come to pictorialism is perhaps in John Levey’s three-movement Ghost Town Sounds, which is based on walking the Ghost Town Trail in rural Pennsylvania. The suite’s evocative titles—“Blacklick,” “Claghorn,” and “Buena Vista”—bring up depictions of a lost America through Levey’s considerable melodic gift and his feeling for eerie and wistful atmospheres.

I wouldn’t have anticipated that so few pieces here reflect the gloom of lockdown isolation. There’s a joyous imagination at work in Todd Groves’s Dance Music for a Frenetic Mind, a vibrant confection of foxtrot, waltz, and an unspecified Eastern European dance. Nothing is actually frenetic, and there are languid sections in between the dance moves. As with Levey, Groves’s idiom is quite conservative, but that doesn’t impede his ingenuity and inventiveness. Modern means are applied to Baroque forms in Matthew Greenbaum’s Chaconne from a Distance, whose fast passages, we are told, “invariably relate to the Gigue and other Baroque dance forms.” But these antique references are embedded in an accessible atonal idiom that is often jagged and angular. It is fascinating that music has become symbolic for Greenbaum, who tells us that slow passages “tend to represent sleep, the unconscious, darkness, and water.”

Finally, the only piece whose title incorporates kinesis is David Martynuik’s Piano Trio No. 1, subtitled “Kinematic Contraption,” which was conceived early in 2020 before the ensuing lockdown. Its two movements are structurally based on Tchaikovsky’s Piano Trio in A Minor, a sonata form first movement being followed by a theme and variations. The overall timing is drastically shortened to eight minutes, however, and nothing thematically recalls Tchaikovsky. The opening Vivace is a whirlwind of passagework with echoes, to my ears, of Shostakovich; the music drives forward more like a toccata than a sonata. The second-movement theme is stated in pizzicato by the cello, and for me the variations that follow also feel like the Shostakovich of the Second Piano Trio, which I mean as a compliment.

The Galan Trio’s playing is always adroit and totally committed to the idiom of each piece, but I especially appreciated the solo work by each member: Petros Bouras, piano, Babis Karassavidis, violin, and Martina Kolovou, cello. I’ll admit to being unenthusiastic about reviewing so many new works before I listened to this release. In the event, however, it turned out to be an exciting discovery with surprises around every corner. As a parting note, when the Galan Trio was founded in 2012, they took their name from a word that connotes “to cast spells, to enchant, to cry, to sing, to scream like a gale.” Huntley Dent

This article originally appeared in Issue 46:5 (May/June 2023) of Fanfare Magazine.

Photos from Galan Trio's post 31/03/2023

Couple of days ago we returned home from our last “Kinesis” stop in Houston, TX. We came back richer in memories, experiences and good friends!
🍀We are very happy to meet and get to know Richard Lavenda and his wife Liliana more!
🙏🏻Many thanks to the Greek community of Houston, the Greek Consulate - Houston and the consul Lambros Kakissis for his presence in our concert at Rice University! Last but not least, a heart full thank you to John Stergiou and the Alphamar Group for the sponsorship that made this concert possible!
Somehow we feel we will go back to Texas some day! Until then… stay tuned for more!
Petros Bouras Babis Kar Marina Kolovou Shepherd School of Music

Photos from Galan Trio's post 25/03/2023

The welcoming San Antonio and its people embraced us and made us having one of the time of our lives! What we all need is color in our lives... Therefore, we want to thank Brian Bondari from the bottom of our hearts, for offering it so generously to us, with his music and his hospitality!

Petros Bouras Babis Kar Marina Kolovou

Photos from Galan Trio's post 23/03/2023

El Paso… what an experience! A unique place that we haven’t seen anything like it before! Dominic Dousa… what a person! Always there for us and crisis solver, this composer is what you listen in his work. Sensitive but explosive, this is Dominic Dousa, our friend!


Less than 24 hours has left for us to travel to Texas with “Kinesis” vol. 4!
🎯 To reach your target the key word is INSPIRATION!
It’s fulfilling to know that composers use their inspiration from other kinds of art or musical stimuli to compose works that we have the opportunity to perform!
🖼️ The painting below by Tom Lea, inspired Dominic Dousa
🎵The traditional Persian music inspired Brian Bondari
🎻 The celebration of the 70th anniversary season of the Camerata Musicale Sulmonese in Sulmona, Italy, inspired Larry Alan Smith
The diversity of characters and moods translated in music might be the inspiration for Richard Lavenda
Our inspiration is everything that can moves us forward as individuals and artists!
Petros Bouras Marina Kolovou Babis Kar

Κριτικός Λόγος | Παρασκευή 17 Μαρτίου 2023 19/03/2023

🥰 Είναι υπέροχο το συναίσθημα να νιώθεις ότι οι κόποι σου ανταμείβονται με νέες πολύ καλές συνεργασίες που προέρχονται από εκτίμηση και πρόθεση για να γνωστοποίηση αυτών που κάνεις!
Ευχαριστούμε βαθύτατα τον Θάνο Μαντζάνα και την εκπομπή του «Κριτικός Λόγος» στο Τρίτο Πρόγραμμα 90,9 για το αφιέρωμα στο “Kinesis”!
👇το τρίτο και τέταρτο μέρος του αφιερώματος:

Κριτικός Λόγος | Παρασκευή 17 Μαρτίου 2023 "Kinesis", Galan Trio - Μέρος Δ΄ Το album «Kinesis» των Galan Trio στην εκπομπή «Κριτικός Λόγος» Μεταδόσεις : 9,10,16,17-3-23, στις  18.00 Την τρίτη δισκογραφική εργασία των Galan Trio «Kinesis» που κυκλο....


More airplays for Galan Trio and “Kinesis” on March 7th in the US! This time we had the “Look of Sky” by Scott Robbins, composer at Laima’s Harmon “The Floating Head of Zsa Zsa” on WRUV 90.1 FM Burlington!
Για του ελληνόφωνους φίλους μας, σήμερα στις 18:00, το 3ο μέρος του κύκλου τεσσάρων εκπομπών «Κριτικός Λόγος» αφιερωμένο στο “Kinesis” με το Θάνο Μαντζάνα στο Τρίτο Πρόγραμμα 90,9! 🥳🥳🥳
Petros Bouras Marina Kolovou Babis Kar Neuma Records


🚀 In 6 days, 3000 km approximately will be covered in Texas, the second biggest state in the USA after Alaska! We are thrilled to have composers in “Kinesis” such as Larry Alan Smith, Brian Bondari, Dominic Dousa and Richard Lavenda, who trusted their works to us! We are looking forward to perform their pieces and meet them in person!
Petros Bouras Marina Kolovou Babis Kar


🗞️ Galan Trio is ready for traveling with “Kinesis” once more! This time South Central region is our next stop and the Lone Star State (Texas)! The countdown has begun! ⏰ stay tuned for more!
Petros Bouras Marina Kolovou Babis Kar Brian Bondari Dominic Dousa Larry Alan Smith


Ακόμα κι αν δεν καταφέρατε να ακούσετε τα 2 πρώτα μέρη του αφιερώματος για το “Kinesis” και το Galan Trio του Θάνου Μαντζάνα στην εκπομπή «Κριτικός Λόγος», λύση υπάρχει! Κάνετε ΚΛΙΚ στα links 👇και…. Η ακρόαση ξεκινά αυτή την υπέροχη Κυριακή ή όποτε άλλοτε θελήσετε!

Εκπομπή Πέμπτης 9/3:
Εκπομπή Παρασκευής 10/3:

Τρίτο Πρόγραμμα 90,9 Petros Bouras Marina Kolovou Babis Kar Neuma Records Nickitas Demos Yiorgos Vassilandonakis Matthew Greenbaum Scott Robbins, composer Richards Martin Gendelman Ken Steen

Photos from Τρίτο Πρόγραμμα 90,9's post 10/03/2023

📻 Σήμερα στις 18:00, το 2ο μέρος του κύκλου τεσσάρων εκπομπών του Θάνου Μαντζάνα «Κριτικός Λόγος» αφιερωμένο στο “Kinesis”! Συντονιζόμαστε στο Τρίτο Πρόγραμμα 90,9 ή το και… καλή ακρόαση!
Petros Bouras Marina Kolovou Nickitas Demos Scott Robbins, composer Neuma Records Babis Kar Ken Steen Paul Richards Matthew Greenbaum Yiorgos Vassilandonakis


💥 Σήμερα στις 18:00 ξεκινάει ένα αφιέρωμα 4 εκπομπών για Galan Trio και το νέο μας δίσκο “Kinesis”, στην εκπομπή του Θάνου Μαντζάνα «κριτικός λόγος» στο Τρίτο Πρόγραμμα 90,9! Είτε είστε 🏠, είτε στο 🚗, 🚖, 🚃, 🚏 ή στο ⛴️…. απολαύστε αυτή την εκπληκτική εκπομπή! Αύριο, ίδια ώρα και συχνότητα… το 2ο μέρος!
Petros Bouras Babis Kar Marina Kolovou Nickitas Demos Yiorgos Vassilandonakis Matthew Greenbaum Ken Steen Martin Gendelman Scott Robbins, composer


🗞 Today’s News: “Cyanic Outbursts” by Yiorgos Vassilandonakis today at Radio Centraal 106.7 FM and “Thuisreis”, from 9am till 12am (CET) with Rudi Claessens! Tune in 👉 or 👈
Have a great day everyone!
Petros Bouras Babis Kar Marina Kolovou Neuma Records


🤩 So happy to have one more airplay for “Kinesis” with Paul’s Richards “Hairpin Turn”! This time it’s on California’s KCBX-FM and the broadcast ”Beyond the Fridge”, hosted by Sal España! Check the broadcast on the link below👇

The Floating Head of Zsa Zsa Tue Feb 7 with Laima Harmon on WRUV 12/02/2023

Sunday afternoon, just before lunch (for Greeks at least 😏) we are very happy to share with you another broadcast including a piece from “Kinesis”! Thank you Laima Harmon and “The Floating Head of Zsa Zsa” for including “chaconne from a distance” by Matthew Greenbaum to your playlist!
Petros Bouras Babis Kar Marina Kolovou philipblackburn Neuma Records WRUV 90.1 FM Burlington

The Floating Head of Zsa Zsa Tue Feb 7 with Laima Harmon on WRUV Trusted by over 200 non-commercial stations, Spinitron supports playlist logging, reporting, web publishing, automation, push and much more.

Photos from Galan Trio's post 11/02/2023

🙊 Fun fact: Did you know that Babis is a nickname for Charalampos? The name Charalampos comes from the Greek words χαρά (Joy) and λάμπω (Shine)!
🎉 Happy belayed name day to our Joyshine! We love you!
Babis Kar

Παρουσίαση δίσκου | Galan Trio | «The Kinesis» | Neuma Records | IANOS 09/02/2023

Ευχαριστούμε τον IANOS για την κάλυψη της παρουσίασης του “Kinesis”! Πατήστε στο link 👇 για να παρακολουθήσετε κι εσείς τη βραδιά που ζέστανε τις καρδιές μας με την αγάπη και τη στήριξη όσων ήταν μαζί μας! Μπορείτε να βρείτε το CD και στον Ιανό!
We would like to thank IANOS for covering the presentation of “Kinesis”! Click on the link below to watch the evening that warmth our hearts with the love and support of the people who were with us! You can find your copy also at IANOS!
Martin Gendelman Scott Robbins, composer Nickitas Demos Yiorgos Vassilandonakis Matthew Greenbaum Ken Steen Todd Groves Petros Bouras Babis Kar Marina Kolovou Neuma Records philipblackburn

Παρουσίαση δίσκου | Galan Trio | «The Kinesis» | Neuma Records | IANOS Κάντε Subscribe εδώ:Η Αλυσίδα Πολιτισμού IANOS και η Neuma Records διοργανώνουν την παρουσίαση του νέου διπλού album Kinesis, του συγ...

Photos from Galan Trio's post 06/02/2023

Την προηγούμενη Παρασκευή έγινε η παρουσίαση του “Kinesis” στον IANOS. Σας ευχαριστούμε πάρα πολύ που γεμίσατε τον χώρο και τις καρδιές μας με την ενέργεια και την αγάπη σας! Η παρουσία της Julietta Karori και του Yiorgos Vassilandonakis ήταν πολύ τιμητική και συμπλήρωσαν με μοναδικό τρόπο το παζλ της παρουσίασης!
📷 Tina Ntoufexiadou και Irene Grigorea
Neuma Records philipblackburn Petros Bouras Marina Kolovou Babis Kar Ken Steen Scott Robbins, composer Martin Gendelman Matthew Greenbaum Nickitas Demos Groves


Η μεγάλη ώρα πλησιάζει κι εμείς ετοιμαζόμαστε να σας καλωσορίσουμε στον IANOS, Σταδίου 24 στις 20:30! Σας περιμένουμε! Yiorgos Vassilandonakis Julietta Karori Petros Bouras Marina Kolovou Tina Ntoufexiadou


📻 Ανοίγουμε τα ραδιόφωνα μας στις 11:00, συντονιζόμαστε στο Τρίτο Πρόγραμμα 90,9 και στην εκπομπή «και τώρα ξεκινάει η περιπέτεια της μουσικής» του Giorgos Konstantinou. Λίγες ώρες πριν την παρουσίαση του “Kinesis” στον IANOS θα έχουμε μια πολύ όμορφη συζήτηση και θα υποδεχτούμε τον Yiorgos Vassilandonakis που μας κάνει την τιμή να ταξιδέψει από το Charleston για να είναι μαζί μας αυτήν την σπουδαία μέρα για εμάς!
Petros Bouras Marina Kolovou Ken Steen Matthew Greenbaum Scott Robbins, composer Martin Gendelman Nickitas Demos

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Videos (show all)

Happy birthday Martin Gendelman! Wish you heartily health, joy, happiness and creativity! ❤️🎉🤗  Petros Bouras Marina Kol...
🤩 So happy to have one more airplay for “Kinesis” with Paul’s Richards “Hairpin Turn”! This time it’s on California’s KC...
🎥 Beautiful moments are the ones you are proud and happy to share! “Kinesis” part II, came to its end and we have mixed ...




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Zoe Papadopoulou / Ζωή Παπαδοπούλου Zoe Papadopoulou / Ζωή Παπαδοπούλου

Μια φωνή μεγάλων αποστάσεων, ένας άνθρωπος που πατάει γερά στη γη


MC/beatmaker/DOP/director/writer - whatever.

Skanontropo Skanontropo

Ska-Punk Group

Blues Fathers And The Swingers Blues Fathers And The Swingers

Since 2007.

Eleni & Souzana Vougioukli Eleni & Souzana Vougioukli
Athens, 10683

Anorimoi Anorimoi

Other bands play, Anorimoi pay!

Goin' Through Goin' Through

HeadQuake HeadQuake

''HeadQuake'' are a heavy rock band based in Athens,Greece

Andriana Babali Andriana Babali

Andriana Babali is a Greek singer and songwriter. In a local scene full of fanfare and shouts, Andri


Warship is a classic old school 80s Heavy Metal band from Athens, Greece.


My page.