棽粵 The Summit

「棽粵 The Summit」以精緻粵菜為主打,相比傳統的粵菜更加注重精緻和細膩的呈現。
MENU : https://shorturl.at/uBPR6

「棽粵 The Summit」以精緻粵菜為主打,相比傳統的粵菜更加注重精緻和細膩的呈現。每款點心都展現出色彩、外觀、香氣和味道的完美結合,堪稱精緻粵菜的典範。

MENU : https://shorturl.at/uBPR6

Photos from 棽粵 The Summit's post 10/11/2023



全新高級粵菜食府「棽粵」(The Summit)座落銅鑼灣,裝潢揉合皇家氣派與時尚元素,庭燎晢晢。客人品嘗由頂級名廚精巧手藝主理的粵饌之餘;更能飽覽270度全維港百萬美景,每一口品嚐,無非色相香味鑑賞。

地址:香港銅鑼灣謝斐道 535號 Tower 535 25樓
營業時間:11:30 - 22:00
電話:2832 9293

#棽粵 #中菜廳 #粵菜

lThe Summit” Recommendations: Smoked Chicken with Tea Leaves

Using tea in Chinese cuisine has ancient roots. The signature dish "Smoked Chicken with Tea Leaves" at The Summit features locally-sourced sanhuang free-range chicken, hung and roasted to remove excess oil and liquid before infusing it with the aroma of tea. The result is a combination of crispy, thin skin and tender chicken meat infused with the elegant fragrance of tea, creating a subtly aromatic and flavourful experience.

The newly opened premium Cantonese restaurant, "The Summit," is situated in Causeway Bay, blending Eastern and Western decor with opulent elegance. Guests can savor a series of Cantonese delicacies crafted by top-notch chefs while indulging in a 270-degree panoramic view of Victoria Harbour. Each bite is a feast for the discerning senses in terms of colour, aroma, and flavour.

Address: 25/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Operating Hours: 11:30 - 22:00
Phone: 2832 9293

Photos from 棽粵 The Summit's post 01/11/2023

【棽粵點心推介】必食珍品 - 魚翅灌湯餃



全新高級粵菜食府棽粵(The Summit)座落銅鑼灣臨海高樓。客人品嘗一系列由米芝蓮星級名廚精巧手藝主理的粵饌與點心之餘;更設有露天座位,一覽270度全維港百萬美景,每一口品嚐,無非色相香味鑑賞。

地址:香港銅鑼灣謝斐道 535號 Tower 535 25樓
營業時間:11:30 - 22:00
電話:2832 9293

#棽粵 #中菜廳 #粵菜

“The Summit” Recommendation: Shark's Fin and Pork Meat Dumpling with Supreme Soup

Shark's Fin and Pork Meat Dumpling with Supreme Soup is considered one of the most exquisite Hog Kong dim sum dishes across generations. The Michelin-starred chefs at The Summit bring you the absolute zenith of dim sum artistry.

Now, close your eyes and take a bite. Feel the plump, daintily folded dumpling skin, filled with hours of meticulously simmered, sweet shark’s fin broth and a rich not overwhelming filing. The filing is a treasure trove of genuine shark’s fin, Shiitake mushrooms and tender pork, swirling together to create a fresh, aromatic essence with every mouthful, leaving you utterly amazed! Get ready for an extraordinary dining experience with The Summit’s Vibrant Dim Sum Lunch Set. Whether it is a gathering of family and friends or a power-packed business meeting, you are in for a treat like no other!

The newly opened premium Cantonese restaurant, "The Summit," is situated in Causeway Bay, blending Eastern and Western decor with opulent elegance. Guests can savor a series of Cantonese delicacies crafted by top-notch chefs while indulging in a 270-degree panoramic view of Victoria Harbour. Each bite is a feast for the discerning senses in terms of color, aroma, and flavor.

Address: 25/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Operating Hours: 11:30 - 22:00
Phone: 2832 9293

Photos from 棽粵 The Summit's post 26/10/2023



由米芝蓮星級名廚巧手炮製17款精緻點心、名貴食材入饌的粵餚與別出心裁的甜品。在裝潢揉合帝皇氣派與時尚元素,氛圍怡到好處的中菜廳裡,歎盡舌齒留香的美饌,又能飽覽 270度維海美景,川河兩合,度過一個稱心滿意的中午。

全新高級粵菜食府棽粵(The Summit)座落銅鑼灣臨海高樓。客人品嘗一系列由米芝蓮星級名廚精巧手藝主理的粵饌與點心之餘;更設有露天座位,一覽270度全維港百萬美景,每一口品嚐,無非色相與香味的鑑賞。

地址:香港銅鑼灣謝斐道 535號 Tower 535 25樓
營業時間:11:30 - 22:00
電話:2832 9293

*Indulge in a Feast: The Summit’s Vibrant Dim Sum Lunch Set*

Get ready for an extraordinary dining experience. Whether it is a gathering of family and friends or a power-packed business meeting, you are in for a treat like no other!

There are 17 exquisite dim sum dishes and Cantonese delicacies, all handcrafted by our incredible Michelin-starred chefs. Each dish is a masterpiece featuring the finest ingredients, along with uniquely designed desserts. In the restaurant, where the decor blends imperial grandeur with stylish elements, the ambiance is pure bliss. Every bite of our delectable offerings leaves a lingering flavour on your discerning taste buds.

The newly opened premium Cantonese restaurant, "The Summit," is situated in Causeway Bay, blending Eastern and Western decor with opulent elegance. Guests can savor a series of Cantonese delicacies crafted by top-notch chefs while indulging in a 270-degree panoramic view of Victoria Harbour. Each bite is a feast for the discerning senses in terms of colour, aroma, and flavour.

Address: 25/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Operating Hours: 11:30 - 22:00
Phone: 2832 9293

Photos from 棽粵 The Summit's post 24/10/2023

【棽粵點心推介】菠蘿叉燒包 -  融合鹹與甜的最高享受


全新高級粵菜食府棽粵(The Summit)座落銅鑼灣臨海高樓。客人品嘗一系列由米芝蓮星級名廚精巧手藝主理的粵饌與點心之餘;更設有露天座位,一覽270度全維港百萬美景,每一口品嚐,無非色相香味鑑賞。

立即預訂午市, 餐廳更設有商務套餐推介,享用獨一無二的手工點心!

地址:香港銅鑼灣謝斐道 535號 Tower 535 25樓
營業時間:11:30 - 22:00
電話:2832 9293

#棽粵 #中菜廳 #粵菜

“The Summit” Recommendation: Crispy Barbecued Pork Bun

The crispy and aromatic pineapple crust is the soul of the classic Hong Kong-style bun. The chefs at The Summit work their magic every day, crafting a bun this is soft and resilient. Inside there is succulent honey-glazed char siu with the perfect balance of lean and juicy meat. It is simply a symphony of tastes, dancing between the realms of savory and sweet!

The newly opened premium Cantonese restaurant, "The Summit," is situated in Causeway Bay, blending Eastern and Western decor with opulent elegance. Guests can savor a series of Cantonese delicacies crafted by top-notch chefs while indulging in a 270-degree panoramic view of Victoria Harbour. Each bite is a feast for the discerning senses in terms of colour, aroma, and flavour.

Address: 25/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Operating Hours: 11:30 - 22:00
Phone: 2832 9293

手工粵菜伴維港 煎堆發亮添雅興 - 20231017 - 副刊 17/10/2023

手工粵菜伴維港 煎堆發亮添雅興



地址:香港銅鑼灣謝斐道 535號 Tower 535 25樓
營業時間:11:30 - 22:00
電話:2832 9293

#棽粵 #中菜廳 #粵菜

手工粵菜伴維港 煎堆發亮添雅興 - 20231017 - 副刊 【明報專訊】擁有迷人維港景致的全新粵菜食府棽粵,背後搞手是印度裔的Jacky Bahrunani(包積奇)。包積奇居港超過40年,喜歡吃廣東菜,經常與家人四處覓食,因此決定開設一間粵菜食府,藉此將手工粵菜介紹給外國友人。「J...

Photos from 棽粵 The Summit's post 17/10/2023

【棽粵點心推介】「蜂巢帶子芋角」- 每一口都是奢華享受


全新高級粵菜食府棽粵(The Summit)座落銅鑼灣臨海高樓。客人品嘗一系列由米芝蓮星級名廚精巧手藝主理的粵饌與點心之餘;更設有露天座位,不論室內室外都可飽覽維港美景。每一口品嚐,無非色相香味鑑賞。

地址:香港銅鑼灣謝斐道 535號 Tower 535 25樓
營業時間:11:30 - 22:00
電話:2832 9293

#棽粵 #中菜廳 #粵菜

“The Summit” Recommendations: Deep-fried Taro Dumpling with Diced Mushroom and Chicken

The Summit escalates the Guangdong signature dim sum “Scallop and Taro Nest” to a whole new level. The outer layer resembles a honeycomb, the taro nest is fried to a golden hue, with a fragrant and soft texture; inside it envelops a tender and crisp whole scallop. The combination of crunchiness and softness, freshness, and the aroma of taro, creates an exquisite feast for the discerning taste buds!

The newly opened premium Cantonese restaurant, "The Summit," is situated in Causeway Bay, blending Eastern and Western decor with opulent elegance. Guests can savor a series of Cantonese delicacies crafted by top-notch chefs while indulging in a 270-degree panoramic view of Victoria Harbour. Each bite is a feast for the discerning senses in terms of colour, aroma, and flavour.

Address: 25/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Operating Hours: 11:30 - 22:00
Phone: 2832 9293





地址:香港銅鑼灣謝斐道 535號 Tower 535 25樓
營業時間:11:30 - 22:00
電話:2832 9293

#棽粵 #中菜廳 #粵菜





地址:香港銅鑼灣謝斐道 535 號 Tower 535 25 樓
營業時間:11:30 - 22:00
電話:2832 9293
即日起晚上 8 時後更可享限時優惠,入座即享九折及免茶芥優惠,萬勿錯過!

#棽粵 #中菜廳 #粵菜

Photos from 棽粵 The Summit's post 27/09/2023


闊別5年的國慶煙花匯演將於10月1日再度璀燦綻放!「棽粵」位於銅鑼灣Tower 535,設有裝修雅致奢華的露天座位,坐擁 270度全維海景致,客人可以「超近距離」睇煙花,配搭頂級粵菜,享受五星級煙花晚宴!



地址:香港銅鑼灣謝斐道 535號 Tower 535 25樓
營業時間:11:30 - 22:00
電話:2832 9293

#棽粵 #中菜廳 #粵菜

Get ready for an up-close view of the National Day fireworks in style at “The Summit” with its 270-degree Victoria Harbour Terrace!

After a 5-year break, the National Day fireworks extravaganza is back on October 1st, and we can't wait to celebrate with you. Experience a 270-degree panoramic view of Victoria Harbour from our elegantly decorated terrace at Tower 535 in Causeway Bay. You'll be so close to the fireworks, it'll feel like they're sparkling just for you! And the best part? You get to savour top-notch Cantonese cuisine while you're at it!

"The Summit" is not just a restaurant, it's an experience. Imagine indulging in Michelin-starred Cantonese dishes and exquisite handmade dim sum, all while being dazzled by the breathtaking display of glittering fireworks.

Restaurant seating is limited, so book now and spend a joyful National Day with your loved ones!

"The Summit - 棽粵"
Address: 25/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Opening Hours: 11:30 - 22:00
Phone: 2832 9293

Photos from 棽粵 The Summit's post 19/09/2023

【中秋嚐「月」打卡必到之地 ,棽粵呈獻百味珍饌】



立即訂位,與家人度過難忘的中秋!即日起晚上 8 時後更可享限時優惠,入座即享九折及免茶芥優惠,萬勿錯過!

地址:香港銅鑼灣謝斐道 535 號 Tower 535 25 樓
營業時間:11:30 - 22:00
電話:2832 9293

#棽粵 #中菜廳 #粵菜

Indulge your taste buds in Mid-Autumn Festival with "The Summit"

As the full moon illuminates the night, savour their acclaimed "Full Moon Puff Dumpling," delicately sprinkled with sesame seeds. Each dumpling gleams radiantly under the light, its interior pan-fried to a luscious golden hue, delivering a delectable sweetness with every bite, immersing you in the sensory delights of the Mid-Autumn ambiance.

Perched in a seaside high-rise in Causeway Bay, "The Summit" seamlessly blends Eastern and Western aesthetics, exuding an air of opulence. Additionally, enjoy the outdoor seating, where you can relish the crisp autumn moon and the panoramic sea view while indulging in dim sum masterfully prepared by Michelin-starred chefs. Raise your glass to the moon and revel in this extraordinary experience with your loved ones.

Secure your reservation now for an unforgettable Mid-Autumn Festival celebration! Starting from 8 PM, relish a time-limited offer of 10% off and complimentary tea and condiments. Book now!

The Summit
Address: 25/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Operating Hours: 11:30 - 22:00
Phone: 2832 9293

【銅鑼灣粵菜推薦】新開張棽粵海景茶座晚市九折免茶芥 必試米芝蓮一星蜜汁叉燒&打卡發光煎堆 18/09/2023




立即訂位,與家人度過難忘的中秋!即日起晚上 8 時後更可享限時優惠,入座即享九折及免茶芥優惠,萬勿錯過!

地址:香港銅鑼灣謝斐道 535 號 Tower 535 25 樓
營業時間:11:30 - 22:00
電話:2832 9293

#棽粵 #中菜廳 #粵菜

【銅鑼灣粵菜推薦】新開張棽粵海景茶座晚市九折免茶芥 必試米芝蓮一星蜜汁叉燒&打卡發光煎堆 全新高級粵菜食府「棽粵 The Summit」近日正式開業,棽粵坐落銅鑼灣黃金地段高空,由米芝蓮星級團隊主理,提供140個座位及5個廳房,用心炮製各式新潮點心和精緻佳餚。加上全包圍落地玻璃及室外茶座將無敵海景飽覽無遺,無...

Photos from 棽粵 The Summit's post 18/09/2023



當中部分房間更可以有 270度無遮擋維港景,飽覽維港川流不息的壯麗,遠眺日出日落的美景。


晚巿優惠:即日起晚上 8 時後,入座即享九折及免茶芥優惠,優惠期限直至另行通知。

棽粵 The Summit
地址:香港銅鑼灣謝斐道 535 號 Tower 535 25 樓
營業時間:11:30 - 22:00
電話:2832 9293

There are five private rooms named "Snow Plum Blossom," "Tranquil Orchid," "Pure Chrysanthemum," "Emerald Bamboo," and "Majestic Pine." The décor beautifully captures the flourishing scene of a prosperous and elegant Chinese literati atmosphere.

Guests will be captivated by the unobstructed 270-degree vistas of Victoria Harbour, providing them with a front-row seat to admire the harbor's constant flow and the breathtaking beauty of both sunrise and sunset.

"The Summit" is composed of a Michelin-starred team specialising in refined Cantonese cuisine, known for its precision and delicacy. The dim sum is especially eye-catching, redefining traditional Cantonese dim sum with innovative new dishes and flavors.

Starting from 8:00 PM onwards, guests at "The Summit" can enjoy a 10% discount and waive the tea and condiment charges. This offer is valid until further notice.

"The Summit"
Location: 25/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Operating Hours: 11:30 AM – 10:00 PM
Inquiries: +852 2832 9293

#棽粵 #中菜廳 #粵菜

Photos from 棽粵 The Summit's post 18/09/2023




Covering an area of 12,000 square feet, "The Summit" boasts an ornate and exquisite décor theme. Inside the restaurant, guests will find themselves surrounded by an imperial procession, providing a view of the lively hustle surrounded by an imperial procession.

Helmed by Michelin-starred chef, this luxurious restaurant is poised to bring an unparalleled Michelin-starred dining experience. Guests will bask in a sweeping panorama of Victoria Harbour while relishing sumptuous Cantonese delicacies and handcrafted dim sum, immersing themselves in a vibrant culinary symphony.

Starting from 8:00 PM onwards, guests at "The Summit" can enjoy a 10% discount and waive the tea and condiment charges. This offer is valid until further notice.

"The Summit"
Location: 25/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Operating Hours: 11:30 AM – 10:00 PM
Inquiries: +852 2832 9293

#棽粵 #中菜廳 #粵菜





#棽粵 #中菜廳 #粵菜 #燈影煎堆





#棽粵 #中菜廳 #粵菜

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25/F, Tower 535, 535 Jaffe Road
Causeway Bay

Opening Hours

Monday 11:30 - 22:00
Tuesday 11:30 - 22:00
Wednesday 11:30 - 22:00
Thursday 10:30 - 22:00
Friday 11:30 - 22:00
Saturday 11:30 - 22:00
Sunday 10:30 - 22:00

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