PolyU TPg Admissions

Academic Registry, PolyU


【理大授課式研究生課程引領未來 培育全球領袖】

恭喜 #理大 在國際及本地高等教育方面上取得的卓越成就,於最近的Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) 2024年度世界大學學科排名中,五個學科躋身全球首20位,包括酒店管理 (第11位)、土木工程 (第14位) 、建築與建造環境 (第14位)、藝術與設計 (第19位) 、市場營銷 (第19位) ,當中四個學科 (酒店管理、土木工程、藝術與設計、市場營銷) 更位列全港第一,確認了理大在學術界的領導地位。


💻 請即申請,體驗轉變的旅程:

💡 探索我們120多個多元化、涵蓋各種學科的修課式研究生課程:

❓ 聯絡我們:
透過我們全天候由ChatGPT支援的AR AI助手取得即時回覆:

通過電子郵件向我們了解更多:[email protected]

【PolyU Taught Postgraduate Programmes Shaping Future-Ready Global Leaders】

has achieved excellence in the international and local higher education arenas in the recent Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings by Subject 2024, ranking among the global top 20 for five subjects, including Hospitality & Leisure Management (11th), Civil & Structural Engineering (14th), Architecture & Built Environment (14th), Art & Design (19th), and Marketing (19th). Among these, Hospitality & Leisure Management, Civil & Structural Engineering, Art & Design, and Marketing were ranked 1st in Hong Kong, once again affirming our leadership in academia.

With a robust global alumni network that spans across industries and continents, PolyU provides our students with unparalleled international employment opportunities and resources. Our taught postgraduate programmes are designed to elevate your career to new heights. The application for the September 2024 intake is now open until 30 April 2024. Take control of your future. Are you ready to embrace the challenge and join a world-class university?

💻 Apply Now for a transformative experience:

💡Explore our diverse range of 120+ Taught Postgraduate programmes across various disciplines:

❓ Contact Us for inquiries:
Get instant answers from our around the clock AR AI Assistant (powered by ChatGPT): https://polyu.hk/uoMrS

Email us for more information: [email protected]



📢【2024-25年度本科及修課式研究生課程現已接受入學申請】 📚🔍
聯招: 2023年12月6日
非聯招及修課式研究生課程 (首輪): 2023年11月16日

【PolyU Info Day 2023 Seminars/Talks - Limited-time Playback】
🎉Certain seminars/talks recorded on Info Day are now available on PolyU Info Day website! 📹
You can now watch the playbacks of certain seminars/ talks via PolyU Info Day website from now until 16 Nov😊
Watch now👉https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study/events/infoday/playbacks

📢【Undergraduate & Taught Postgraduate programmes (2024-25) are now open for application】📚🔍

You may find the application deadlines as follows:
JUPAS: 6 Dec 2023
Undergraduate (via Non-JUPAS) & Taught Postgraduate programmes (Early round): 16 Nov 2023

Find out more: www.polyu.edu.hk/study


🎉理大資訊日 (本科及修課式研究課程) 2023 已經圓滿結束!感謝大家參與,讓我們一起重溫精彩花絮,感受當日熱鬧氣氛! 📸

📢【2024-25年度本科及修課式研究生課程現已接受入學申請】 📚🔍


非聯招及修課式研究生課程 (首輪): 2023年11月16日
聯招: 2023年12月6日

🎉Thank you for joining "PolyU Info Day (Undergraduate & Taught Postgraduate Programmes) 2023"! Let’s take a look at our highlights of the event and enjoy the snapshots of the day! 📸

📢【Undergraduate & Taught Postgraduate programmes (2024-25) are now open for application】📚🔍

You may find the application deadline as follow:

Undergraduate (via Non-JUPAS) & Taught Postgraduate programmes (Early round): 16 Nov 2023
JUPAS: 6 Dec 2023

Find out more: www.polyu.edu.hk/study

#中學文憑試 #理大資訊日 #升學攻略 #未來規劃 #學士學位 #課程講座 #課程資訊 #教育資訊 #入學資訊 #大學聯招 #聯招 #非聯招 #香港理工大學 #理大


📢明天就是理大資訊日! 教務處準備了豐富的紀念品,完成不同任務,即可到TU翼教務處櫃位領取🎁

🧣理大速乾巾——"Catch me if you can” 遊戲中捉到一枝棒
☀AR小風扇——到訪任何兩個學院攤位及拍照,並於個人FB或IG分享及標註"PolyU UG Admissions"
🍎🥝水果🍊🍌——“Find your discipline match” 小測驗中配對你的專業
10:45am @工業中心(IC)
11:45am @草地三支旗桿
🤤迷你貝殼蛋糕及迷你布朗尼——首100名到訪教務處攤位的參加者; 或在3:00pm到訪N002的修課式研究生

除此之外還有之前提及的創意工作坊(早鳥活動)及唯港薈杯子蛋糕(中學生、副學士及高級文憑學生限定),希望大家享受探索理大的過程😊 立刻登記參加資訊日,明天見!


【理大資訊日(本科及修課式研究生課程)】 📚🔍
2023年10月21日 | 上午10:00至下午5:00 | @理大校園
👉🏻 立即登記: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study/events/infoday

【 PolyU Info Day】

📢Tomorrow is PolyU Info Day! The Academic Registry has prepared many souvenirs for visitors. Please come to Souvenir Collection Counter at TU Wing to collect souvenirs
after accomplishing various "missions".

🖊PolyU Ball Pen - Simply present your confirmation email.
🧣PolyU Cooling Towel - Successfully catch ONE stick at “Catch me if you can”
☀AR Handy Fan - Take a photo at any TWO Faculty/School booths on Info Day, and tag "PolyU UG Admissions" on your IG story or FB Post
🍎🥝Fruit 🍊🍌- Successfully match with a discipline at “Find your discipline match”
☕NOC Coffee: The first 150 visitors who show up at the following PolyU checkpoints:
10.45 am at Industrial Centre
11.45 am at 3 flagpoles
12.45 pm at Core D Exit
1:45 pm at Core A Main Entrance
🤤Mini Butter Madeleine and Mini Brownie: The first 100 visitors who show up at the AR Booth at 12:30 pm

What's more, IC Creative Workshop (Early Bird) and Hotel Icon Cupcake (exclusive for current secondary school and sub-degree students) are available. Hope you enjoy your visit on PolyU Info Day😊 Register now, see you tomorrow!

***Registration is required
***All souvenirs will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis while stocks last

【PolyU Info Day (Undergraduate & Taught Postgraduate Programmes)】 📚🔍
21 October 2023 | 10:00am to 5:00pm | Campus
👉🏻 Register now: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study/events/infoday



理大於資訊日期間特別推出由教務處設計、虛擬人工智能職員「AIDA IE」及「URIS」主持的六個專題講座,涵蓋經聯招、非聯招(非本地學歷)、高年級入學(副學士、高級文憑學歷)及內地高考成績報讀的入學資訊、修課式研究生課程及德藝計劃詳情。📚🔍
👉🏻 立即登記並觀看網上講座: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study/events/infoday

【 PolyU Info Day - Online Talks / Seminars 】🖥
📢Online Talks / Seminars are now available on PolyU Info Day website!
You can know more about admissions information, our faculties / schools and programmes by watching the online talks / seminars. You can also collect e-stamps by watching online talks / seminars to redeem special souvenirs on PolyU Info Day. 🎁

【AI Admissions Staff】💁‍♀️💁‍♂️
Six thematic talks will be hosted by virtual artificial intelligence staff “AIDA IE” and “URIS”, who are specially designed by the University’s Academic Registry. The talks will cover admission information for applications via JUPAS, non-JUPAS (non-local qualifications), senior year admission (Associate Degree or Higher Diploma qualifications) and National College Entrance Examinations (Gaokao), as well as the details of taught postgraduate programmes and the Special Talents Admission and Recognition Scheme (STARS). 📚🔍
👉🏻 Register and watch the Online Talks / Seminars now: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study/events/infoday


📢中學生及副學士學生由18/10起登入理大資訊日網上平台,觀看三個網上講座得到三個e-印花,即可於活動當日換領由理大教學研究酒店「唯港薈」製作的杯子蛋糕乙個 ! 🧁



【理大資訊日(本科及修課式研究生課程)】 📚🔍
2023年10月21日 | 上午10:00至下午5:00 | @理大校園
👉🏻 立即登記: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study/events/infoday

【 PolyU Info Day - Exclusively for secondary school and sub-degree students】

📢Secondary school and sub-degree students can now collect 3 e-stamps by watching 3 online talks (available from 18 Oct 2023 onwards) on PolyU Info Day website to collect a yummy cupcake by the University’s teaching and research hotel “Hotel ICON”!🧁
Souvenir collection time: 12:00nn - 5:00pm
Souvenir collection point: AR booth @ TU Wing

👨‍🍳The cupcakes are proudly presented by Executive Chef, Mr Danny Ho. Both taste and appearance are undoubtedly guaranteed😋 Also it’s such IGable!

***Souvenirs will be offered on a first-come-first-served basis, while stocks last😌

【PolyU Info Day (Undergraduate & Taught Postgraduate Programmes)】 📚🔍
21 October 2023 | 10:00am to 5:00pm | Campus

👉🏻 Register now: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study/events/infoday


📢參加者只須於活動當天上午10:30 至下午1:00期間完成以下任務,即可參加由理大工業中心提供的創意工作坊,製作屬於你的紀念品🎁

1. 18/10起登入理大資訊日網上平台觀看三個網上講座以得到三個e-印花;
2. 讚好FB或追蹤IG及讚好本貼文;及
3. 於資訊日當天到訪任何兩個展覽攤位及拍照,並於個人FB或IG分享及標註我們(IG: / Facebook: 或 )

【工作坊介紹】 🏢⚙


【理大資訊日(本科及修課式研究生課程)】 📚🔍
2023年10月21日 | 上午10:00至下午5:00 | @理大校園
👉🏻 立即登記: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study/events/infoday

【 PolyU Info Day - Early Bird Souvenir 】🐣🌅

📢Complete the following missions on the event day during 10:30am to 1:00pm to get a chance to join PolyU’s Industrial Centre workshop.✨ Come and make your personalised souvenir! 🎁
1. Collect 3 e-stamps by logging in PolyU Info Day website and watching 3 online talks (available from 18 Oct 2023 onwards);
2. Like/Follow FB/IG and like this post;
3. Visit any 2 faculty/school booths and take a photo, then share the photo and tag us on your IG () or FB post ( & )

***200 quotas of creative workshop will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis😌

【Workshop Introduction】🏢⚙
Creative workshops are provided by PolyU's Industrial Centre. Participants can use cutting-edge technologies to make sandblast glass, robot-assisted bookmarks, and wooden phone stand.

【PolyU Info Day (Undergraduate & Taught Postgraduate Programmes)】 📚🔍
21 October 2023 | 10:00am to 5:00pm | Campus

👉🏻 Register now: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study/events/infoday


大家近日有否留意理大資訊日的宣傳海報呢?🚌🚈參加者只須拍下巴士車身或地鐵車廂內有關理大資訊日的照片📷並於個人FB分享及標註我們(),即可於當日場內換領理大速乾毛巾乙條。數量有限,送完即止🤩 理大U Square現已開放,趁資訊日來最新地標打卡吧!✨
【理大資訊日(本科及修課式研究生課程)】 📚🔍
2023年10月21日 | 上午10:00至下午5:00 | @理大校園

👉🏻 立即登記: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study/events/infoday

Do you spot “PolyU Info Day” in the city? 🚌🚈 Let’s take a photo of PolyU Info Day on bus bodies or MTR trains📷 Post it on your personal FB and tag us () to be eligible for a PolyU cooling towel on the event day (while stock lasts)🤩 PolyU Square is now open, you are welcome to take selfies on the new landmark!✨
【PolyU Info Day (Undergraduate & Taught Postgraduate Programmes)】 📚🔍
21 October 2023 | 10:00am to 5:00pm | Campus

👉🏻 Register now: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study/events/infoday

#打卡 #課程資訊2023 #升學攻略 #未來規劃 #修課式研究生 #學士學位 #碩士學位 #博士學位 #課程講座 #課程資訊 #入學資訊 #大學聯招 #聯招 #非聯招 #香港理工大學 #理大


🎉一年一度理大盛事快到了!今年理大資訊日(本科及修課式研究生課程)將於10月21日(星期六)上午10:00至下午5:00於理大校園舉行。📝屆時會有專題講座、課程講座及諮詢、展覽、校園導賞、學生分享等多項活動 🤩 歡迎有興趣加入理大的你來參加😊! 此外,每50位登記理大資訊日的參加者更可獲贈即溶咖啡乙杯☕。請即登記✔
�🎉PolyU Info Day (Undergraduate & Taught Postgraduate Programmes) will be held on-campus from 10:00am to 5:00pm on 21 October 2023 (Saturday). 📝 We have curated an entire day’s programme of activities, including thematic talks, programme seminars and consultations, exhibition booths, guided visits, student sharing and much more. 🤩 A warm welcome to all prospective students and those interested in PolyU’s education to join us🌎. As a bonus, every 50th person who registers for the event will receive a complimentary mini instant specialty coffee☕. Register now✔��👉🏻立即登記 Register now: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/study/events/infoday

#中學文憑試 #課程資訊日2023 #升學攻略 #未來規劃 #修課式研究生 #學士學位 #碩士學位 #課程講座 #課程資訊 #教育資訊 #入學資訊 #大學聯招 #聯招 #非聯招 #香港理工大學 #理大


Application for 2023/24 PolyU Taught Postgraduate Programmes is now open.
To find out more about our programmes, please visit http://www.polyu.edu.hk/study/tpg.

#碩士課程 #博士課程 #課程資訊 #大學 #理大


你希望提升目前職業技能或是拓展其他職業領域嗎? 理大80多個授課式深造課程助你規劃理想的職業生涯! 如欲了解更多,請即報名參加2023年1月7日(星期六)理大「‪授課式深造課程資訊日」! ✍🏻 ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬


Would you like to enhance your job skills or explore other career opportunities? Over 80 taught postgraduate programmes offered by PolyU may help you better plan for your future career! To obtain more details, please register for the PolyU Info Day for Taught Postgraduate Programmes on 7 January 2023 (Saturday)! ✍🏻

👉🏻 For details, please visit: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/tpginfoday

#碩士課程 #博士課程 #課程講座 #課程資訊 #大學 #理大




PolyU Info Day for Taught Postgraduate Programmes will be held online on 7 January 2023 (Saturday), from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm. More than 80 programme seminars will be organised by Faculties/Schools and academic departments. Register now! 👏🏻

For details, please visit: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/tpginfoday


Application for 2023/24 PolyU Taught Postgraduate Programmes is now open.
To find out more about our programmes, please visit: http://www.polyu.edu.hk/study/tpg.
#碩士課程 #博士課程 #課程資訊 #大學 #理大


Application for 2023/24 PolyU Taught Postgraduate Programmes is now open.

To find out more about our programmes, please visit: http://www.polyu.edu.hk/study/tpg.

#碩士課程 #博士課程 #課程資訊 #大學 #理大


Application for 2022-23 PolyU Taught Postgraduate Programmes is now open. ​

To find out more about our programmes, please visit: https://www51.polyu.edu.hk/eprospectus/tpg .​

#碩士課程 #博士課程 #課程資訊 #大學 #理大


Application for 2022-23 PolyU Taught Postgraduate Programmes is now open. ​

To find out more about our programmes, please visit: https://www51.polyu.edu.hk/eprospectus/tpg .​

#碩士課程 #博士課程 #課程資訊 #大學 #理大


你希望提升目前職業技能或是拓展其他職業領域嗎? 理大80多個授課式深造課程助你規劃理想的職業生涯! 如欲了解更多,請即報名參加2022年1月8日(星期六)理大「‪授課式深造課程資訊日」! ‬‬‬‬‬​

Would you like to enhance your job skills or explore other career opportunities? Over 80 taught postgraduate programmes offered by PolyU may help you better plan for your future career! To obtain more details, please register for the PolyU Info Day for Taught Postgraduate Programmes on 8 January 2022 (Saturday)!​

請即報名 Register now:​ https://www.polyu.edu.hk/tpginfoday

#碩士課程 #博士課程 #課程講座 #課程資訊 #大學 #理大




PolyU Info Day for Taught Postgraduate Programmes will be held online on 8 January 2022 (Saturday), from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm. More than 80 programme seminars will be organised by Faculties/Schools and academic departments. Register now!​

For details, please visit:​ https://www.polyu.edu.hk/tpginfoday

#碩士課程 #博士課程 #課程講座 #課程資訊 #大學 #理大


Application for 2022-23 PolyU Taught Postgraduate Programmes is now open. ​

To find out more about our programmes, please visit: https://www51.polyu.edu.hk/eprospectus/tpg .​

#碩士課程 #博士課程 #課程資訊 #大學 #理大

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PolyU Taught Postgraduate Programmes
🎉理大資訊日 (本科及修課式研究課程) 2023 已經圓滿結束!感謝大家參與,讓我們一起重溫精彩花絮,感受當日熱鬧氣氛! 📸📢【2024-25年度本科及修課式研究生課程現已接受入學申請】 📚🔍申請截止日期如下:非聯招及修課式研究生課程 (首...
TPg Info Day 2022



Academic Registry, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday 09:00 - 17:30
Friday 09:00 - 17:30

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