Boundless Artists Collective 滿紙煙雲

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Boundless Artists Collective 滿紙煙雲, Art, Hong Kong.

Photos from Boundless Artists Collective 滿紙煙雲's post 05/07/2024

《俠之大者 —金庸百年誕辰紀念 · 江湖盛滙》壓軸節目 — 「陳潔 星夜鋼琴演奏會」

中國文學小說泰斗金庸(查良鏞)先生百年誕辰紀念活動《俠之大者 —金庸百年誕辰紀念·江湖盛滙》的壓軸節目 — 「陳潔 星夜鋼琴演奏會」,已於6月28日中環愛丁堡廣場順利舉行。當天超過 300 名現場觀眾於星夜之下,欣賞由國際著名鋼琴家陳潔小姐彈奏的多首經典金庸劇集及電影主題曲,透過醉人的樂章,以及陳潔小姐精湛的琴藝,向為華人文學世界留下眾多武俠經典的金庸先生致敬。

作為享譽國際的鋼琴家,陳潔小姐在是次鋼琴演奏會,為觀眾彈奏了六首出自金庸劇集及電影的悠揚歌曲,包括《鐵血丹心》、《滄海一聲笑》、《情義兩心堅》、《萬水千山縱橫》、《神話.情話》,以及《世間始終你好》,每一首皆是膾炙人口的永恆經典,陳潔小姐更親自為上述歌曲重新改編,為觀眾帶來耳目一新的視聽享受。除此之外,大會亦邀請了歌手方力申、杜德智、何洋及岑芷語(Leanne Jackson)擔任演奏會嘉賓,分別為觀眾呈獻精采表演,以及獻唱另外兩首金庸劇集經典歌曲,包括《刀劍若夢》及《倆忘煙水裡》,豐富觀眾的觀賞體驗。

「陳潔星夜鋼琴演奏會」順利舉行,而陪伴我們超過三個半月的《俠之大者 — 金庸百年誕辰紀念· 江湖盛滙》展覽亦已圓滿結束。自今年三月中起舉行以來,集文化、藝術、創意、傳承、教育於一身的《俠之大者 — 金庸百年誕辰紀念》活動一直是城中焦點,至今已吸引逾 60 萬本地民眾及訪港旅客前來參觀,欣賞由雕塑藝術家任哲創作的金庸角色人物雕塑,並透過由香港電影金像獎最佳視覺效果得主黃宏達設計、以《射鵰英雄傳》為設計主題的蒙古包內的擴增實境科技裝置,沉浸於金庸先生筆下的快意恩仇江湖世界之中。

《俠之大者 — 金庸百年誕辰紀念· 江湖盛滙》取得空前成功,有賴香港特別行政區政府文化體育及旅遊局,以及香港盛事基金的指導和支持。中環愛丁堡廣場的展覽已於 7 月 2 日正式完結,至於其他金庸百年誕辰紀念活動,包括於香港文化博物館及其他聯動地標舉行的《俠之大者 — 金庸百年誕辰紀念 · 任哲雕塑展》,將會持續至今年 10 月,讓金庸先生所創作的武俠文學經典,以及他的堅毅不屈文人風骨,在本港年輕一代中薪火相傳,孕育更多心懷家國情懷、為國為民的「俠之大者」。


《俠之大者—金庸百年誕辰紀念 · 任哲雕塑展》


#俠之大者 #金庸百年誕辰紀念 #盛滙香港笑傲江湖
#金庸 #香港 #陳潔




「金庸 · 藝聚維港遊」將俠義精神帶到不同角落,延續金庸武俠傳奇,讓更多人欣賞香港藝術家對俠義的詮釋。從中環愛丁堡廣場到啟德郵輪碼頭,連結著旅遊熱點,「金庸·藝聚維港遊」地圖呈現在您眼前。跟隨地圖,您可以在美麗的維港背景下,欣賞金庸先生筆下經典人物的獨特藝文體驗。在這裡,您可以感受到風雲變幻的江湖世界,享受快意的歡樂。



📅29.4.2024 - 24.10.2024
🎫 公眾開放 無須預約

#俠之大者 #金庸百年誕辰紀念 #盛滙香港笑傲江湖
#金庸 #任哲 #香港 #啟德 #任哲雕塑展 #江湖盛滙


【Witness the Birth of a Masterpiece】

Something truly incredible is about to come to life NEXT WEEK! Join us for an extraordinary event as our art master Pang Jiun will be conducting a massive 2m x 7.5m live painting inside the Chantal Miller Gallery at Asia Society Hong Kong Center, during our exhibition “Beacon in the Storm: The Art of Pang Jiun”!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness Master Pang to bring his vision to life on such a grand scale. Come and immerse yourself as Master Pang works his magic right before your eyes! Prepare to be amazed and inspired!

下星期,你將見證我們的藝術大師龎均於《決瀾之子——龎均的藝術》展覽期間,在亞洲協會香港中心麥禮賢夫人藝術館進行大型2米 x 7.5米現場繪畫!



Live Painting by Pang Jiun
Chantal Miller Gallery
Asia Society Hong Kong Center
24 October - 5 November 2023
Mon - Sun • 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Free admission⁠

#滿紙煙雲 #香港展覽 #當代藝術 #油畫 #龎均 #亞洲協會香港中心

Photos from Boundless Artists Collective 滿紙煙雲's post 29/09/2023

【Beacon in the Storm: The Art of Pang Jiun】

Our tram is now rolling through the city!🚃 Spot it on its journey as it gracefully traverses the streets! Share your tram sightings with us and tag

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and see you in our exhibition during the long weekends!

我們的電車現正在城市街道中穿梭!🚃 與我們分享你拍到的電車瞬間,並標記






Beacon in the Storm: The Art of Pang Jiun

Chantal Miller Gallery
Asia Society Hong Kong Center
September 27, 2023 – February 18, 2024

Free admission⁠
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 11am to 6pm⁠
Location: Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center⁠

#滿紙煙雲 #香港展覽 #當代藝術 #油畫 #龎均 #亞洲協會香港中心 #電車 #香港電車

Photos from Boundless Artists Collective 滿紙煙雲's post 28/09/2023

【Beacon in the Storm: The Art of Pang Jiun】

Thank you all for coming to the opening of “Beacon in the Storm: The Art of Pang Jiun”! The exhibition is now on view until 18 February 2024. We look forward to seeing you!






Beacon in the Storm: The Art of Pang Jiun

Chantal Miller Gallery
Asia Society Hong Kong Center
September 27, 2023 – February 18, 2024

Free admission⁠
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 11am to 6pm⁠
Location: Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center⁠

#滿紙煙雲 #香港展覽 #當代藝術 #油畫 #龎均 #亞洲協會香港中心

Photos from Boundless Artists Collective 滿紙煙雲's post 28/09/2023

【Beacon in the Storm: The Art of Pang Jiun】

Thank you all for coming to the opening of “Beacon in the Storm: The Art of Pang Jiun”!🎉The exhibition is now on view until 18 February 2024. We look forward to seeing you!






Beacon in the Storm: The Art of Pang Jiun

Chantal Miller Gallery
Asia Society Hong Kong Center
September 27, 2023 – February 18, 2024

Free admission⁠
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 11am to 6pm⁠
Location: Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center⁠

#滿紙煙雲 #香港展覽 #當代藝術 #油畫 #龎均 #亞洲協會香港中心

Photos from Boundless Artists Collective 滿紙煙雲's post 18/09/2023

【Pang Jiun • Beacon in the Storm: The Art of Pang Jiun】

Our exhibition "Beacon of the Storm: The Art of Pang Jiun" at Asia Society Hong Kong Center, showcases 39 new paintings by the artist Pang Jiun, as well as 9 precious sketches created in the 1970s. Through the juxtaposition of artworks from different eras, it is evident that Pang Jiun's exploration of color in his paintings has surpassed the realm of color achieved by Chinese predecessors. Furthermore, he continuously subverts his own artistic expressions in an evolutionary manner – from the discovery and completion of the "Gray Tone" to the current state of "Radiant Brilliance". This breakthrough signifies the personal development of Pang Jiun's oil paintings and adds a splendid chapter to the history of world oil painting.


《決瀾之子— 龎均的藝術》



Beacon in the Storm: The Art of Pang Jiun

Chantal Miller Gallery
Asia Society Hong Kong Center
September 27, 2023 – February 18, 2024

Free admission⁠
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 11am to 6pm⁠
Location: Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center⁠

#滿紙煙雲 #香港展覽 #當代藝術 #油畫 #龎均 #亞洲協會香港中心


【Pang Jiun • Beacon in the Storm: The Art of Pang Jiun】

We are delighted to announce that “Beacon in the Storm: The Art of Pang Jiun” presented by Boundless Artists Collective and Asia Society Hong Kong Center will be held at Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center from September 27th, 2023 to February 18th, 2024.⁠

Pang Jiun, hailed as a master of "Eastern Expressionism," is now approaching his nineties, yet he continues to diligently create art. Throughout his consistent artistic journey, Pang Jiun has always harbored a sense of mission to create Chinese oil paintings. Through his keen and delicate sense of color and vivid, precise lines, he captures moments of enlightenment in life, expressing boundless passion for existence. No longer constrained by the shackles of traditional oil painting, his graceful and transcendental brushwork at times resembles an exuberant dance, at times an elegant and lyrical lament. The Eastern charm flows like a song within his artworks, presenting a unique and unmistakable "Pang Jiun style." It is instantly recognizable yet carries infinite depths of meaning.⁠

Come to this exhibition to get to know the master of "Eastern Expressionism” through his artworks and discover how he pursues his personal development in oil paintings!⁠

我們非常榮幸地宣佈,由Boundless Artists Collective 滿紙煙雲文化產業及亞洲協會香港中心共同呈獻《決瀾之子——龎均的藝術》油畫展覽,將於2023年9月27日至2024年2月18日在亞洲協會香港中心麥禮賢夫人藝術館展出。⁠



Free admission⁠
Opening Hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 11am to 6pm⁠
Location: Chantal Miller Gallery, Asia Society Hong Kong Center⁠


#滿紙煙雲 #香港展覽 #當代藝術 #油畫 #龎均 #亞洲協會香港中心

Photos from Boundless Artists Collective 滿紙煙雲's post 20/12/2022

【Rona Hu • Ray of Light】

Thank you all for coming to the opening of Ray of Light - Solo Exhibition by Rona Hu last night. The exhibition is now on view until 13 Jan 2023. We look forward to seeing you!



Ray of Light - Solo Exhibition by Rona Hu

Venue: The Rotunda, Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong
Exhibition Period:
20th Dec 2022 - 13th Jan 2023
10:00am - 7:00pm

Special hours:
22th, 24th and 31st Dec 2022
10:00am - 2:00pm

Closed all day:
25th - 27th Dec 2023 and 1st Jan 2023


地址: 香港中環交易廣場中央大廳
2022年12月20日 至 2023年1月13日,每日10:00 - 19:00

2022年12月22, 24, 31日 10:00-14:00

2022年12月25-27日, 2023年1月1日

    #滿紙煙雲  #香港展覽 #當代藝術  #油畫 #雕塑 #胡蓉 #一隅之光 #萬花筒系列

Photos from Boundless Artists Collective 滿紙煙雲's post 07/12/2022

【Rona Hu • Studio Visit】

Having spent her life roaming between the East and West, Rona enjoys a unique perspective of both cultures. Her distinctive and beautifully orchestrated style is particularly reflected in her versatile use of colours, acute spatial expression, and precise characterisation in her oil paintings and sculptures. She is also adept at drawing inspiration from contemporary society and daily life. Through her remarkable artistic language, she employs narrative composition and diverse visual expressions to explore with the audience ideological perceptions.

半生遊走於中西之間,令胡蓉享有中西文化之間的獨特視角。她的獨特風格,尤其反映於油畫作品和雕塑的色彩應用、空間表現和人物塑造之上。 胡蓉也善於從當代社會及日常生活中汲取靈感,通過自己獨特的藝術語言,以敘事性的構圖方式和多樣化的視覺表現手法與觀眾探討對於不同主題的思想認知。

      #當代藝術  #香港展覽 #胡蓉

Photos from Boundless Artists Collective 滿紙煙雲's post 05/10/2022

More highlights of Sotheby’s Hong Kong Autumn Sales

2-8 Oct 10am - 6pm
Hall 1, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre

Photos from Boundless Artists Collective 滿紙煙雲's post 19/04/2022

Sotheby’s Curated.

Pang Jiun 龎均
Ancient Castle Outside The Window.
165 by 165 cm.


The tiger is coming!
Wish you all Happy CNY.




Tan Ping Retrospective Exhibition
Bound| Less

Date: 7th December 2021
Location: 1 Chatham Path, Mid- Levels

RSVP: [email protected]

Photos from Boundless Artists Collective 滿紙煙雲's post 17/09/2021

Sotheby’s Hong Kong 2021 Autumn Sales Preview.

Ahead of Sotheby's Hong Kong 2021 Autumn Sales to be held in October, VIP guests are invited to the private preview of the spectacular cross-category of works this Friday at K11 MUSEA.

We sincerely invite you to discover the leading art world from the Fall Auctions series.

BAC artist Ren Zhe will participate in the auctions with "Infinite Spirit of Allegiance." Thesculpture displays the artist's first-rate technique and fine spirit, which perfectly highlights the harmony of heaven, man and earth.

Venue: 605, 6F, K11 Art & Cultural Centre, K11 MUSEA, Victoria Dockside, 18 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

Preview Session: 17 September 2021, 630 pm - 830 pm

RSVP for official invitation.

Photos from Boundless Artists Collective 滿紙煙雲's post 27/08/2021

NEW ALERT - Yan Gallery x Artist Playground @ The Park Lane Hong Kong

Yan Gallery x Artist Playground’s space will open tomorrow in The Park Lane Hong Kong, a Pullman Hotel. During the pandemic when traveling is still restricted, Yan Gallery collaborates with a Pullman Hotel to inspire urban explorers and travellers to discover contemporary art and culture through an array of artistic creations made by Hong Kong-based artists.

From Louise Soloway Chan, Ren Zhe, Tobba, Batten and Kamp, to established bookstores Tai Yip, the art space engages visitors with a multi-sensory experience in-store. Space seamlessly presents a selection of edition prints, sculptures, perfumed candles, artist’s furniture and recommended art publications. Apart from art pieces showcasing, workshops, artist talks, and art exhibitions are happening soon.

Interested parties, please DM [email protected] for collaborations. We invite guests and shoppers to experience the unique retail experience inside the space.

Shop D3a, Style House, The Park Lane Hong Kong a Pullman Hotel, Causeway Bay (Right next to IKEA)

Opening Hours:
Mon to Sun, 1100 - 1900


The Luxe Lifestyle in Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong which showcase and coveted brands in jewellery, luxury horology, beauty and fashion come together for an inspirational shopping experience like no other. Come and join us from 29-31 July.

RSVP: [email protected]

Photos from Boundless Artists Collective 滿紙煙雲's post 24/07/2021


彩色的球場以公共屋邨為靈感,展覽內容介紹到《邨JUMP!》的計劃和今年的金盃獎座、冠軍指的環設計,以及今個周未決戰修頓三百六十名屋邨籃兒的姓名牆!同時歡迎大家 「打卡」!

時間:上午 10 點至晚上 8 點

As our 36 estate basketball youth teams compete for the ultimate championship title in WELL DUNK! Grand Finals across the street in Southorn Stadium, also stop by Lee Tung Avenue this weekend to snap with our WELL DUNK! colourful basketball court photo op inspired by public housing estates and learn more about our programme and this year's trophy design! We have also included the name wall of all 360 players playing this weekend!

Date: July 23rd - 25th, 2021
Opening Hours: 10am - 8pm
Address: Lee Tung Avenue Central Piazza (Wan Chai MTR Exit D)











日期:7月10日 地點:東啟德體育館
15:00 逸東狂獅 vs 尚德獵人
16:00 富東戰神 vs 美林金剛
日期:7月24日 地點:修頓場館
11:30 總決賽-共融賽
12:15 總決賽-銀盃賽冠軍戰 迎東破浪 vs 沙角環擊
14:30 總決賽-金盃賽冠軍戰 安定猛牛 vs 瀝源飛俠
16:00 總決賽-全明星邀請賽


#凝動香港體育基金 #體育慈善 #睇體

Photos from Boundless Artists Collective 滿紙煙雲's post 27/05/2021

BAC attended two Inspiring HK WELLDUNK! events this month. All staff, families, and friends arrived at the newly restored Kai Yip Estate communal basketball courts to support their fellow Meilam Titans on 8 May.

The following week, IHK invited us to participate in a 5v5 corporate sponsorship tournament at the Southorn Stadium. With an exciting line up of teams and a varied mix between adults and youths, these events were truly humbling and eye-opening experiences- being able to come together to build a sense of community and to encourage the local youths of Hong Kong.

#體育慈善 #凝動香港體育基金

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Central District

Opening Hours

Monday 10:30 - 18:30
Tuesday 10:30 - 18:30
Wednesday 10:30 - 18:30
Thursday 10:30 - 18:30
Friday 10:30 - 18:30
Saturday 10:30 - 18:30

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