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Movement - Fitness & Wellness Center
More than just a gym - we are inspired to educate & bring health awareness to our local community in Hong Kong.

Fitness • Wellness • Mindfulness

Photos from's post 05/11/2024

Introducing new 1-1 Pilates class with Gina☀️

Experience Pilates with Gina’s personalized sessions tailored just for you. Choose from mat or reformer Pilates, where each class is designed to to build strength, mobility and balance with a focus on your unique needs and goals. Whether you‘re new to Pilates or ready to deepen your practice, Gina’s guidance will help you connect with your body and achieve results through mindful movement.

Why choose 1-1 Pilates with Gina?
✨ Tailored sessions for every fitness level
✨ Personalized guidance to move with confidence
✨ Balance approach to mind-body health

Ready to begin your journey to a stronger and healthier you with Pilates? Message us to learn more and book your first session!

Photos from's post 02/11/2024

True or False: Does Vitamin C prevent colds?

With cold season around the corner, many of us turn to vitamin C, but does it actually prevent colds?

The answer is… False (but there‘s more to it). Studies show that while vitamin C doesn’t directly prevent colds, it can help reduce the duration and severity of symptoms if you’re already feeling sick. So, while it won’t make you immune to every cold, maintaining enough vitamin C can help support your immune system and speed up recovery.

Keep vitamin C-rich foods like oranges, bell peppers, and broccoli in your diet for a daily immunity boost 🍊🫑🥦




#健身 #私人教練 #健身教練 #香港健身 #長者健身 #長者健康 #健身資訊 #一對一健身 #營養 #免疫力

Photos from's post 29/10/2024

Earlier this year we held a 1-month sugar-free challenge, and it was amazing to see so many of you join in and feel the benefits! While going a full month without sugar may sound challenging, even a two-week break can lead to surprising changes. Here’s what you might experience when you quit sugar for two weeks👉🏻👉🏻

Ready to give it a try? Going sugar-free even for a short time can give you a quick health boost and help you take charge of your energy and mood. Let us know how it goes if you join in! ✨



#健身 #私人教練  #健身教練 #香港健身  #孕婦健身  #長者健身 #低糖 #無糖 #健康 #戒糖 #營養資訊

Photos from's post 25/10/2024

Rich in minerals like iron, magnesium, and iodine, and packed with vitamins A, C, and K, 𝘀𝗲𝗮𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗱 is one of the most popuplar tasty, nutrition-packed snack loved around the world.

Early studies link seaweed to heart health, blood sugar balance, and thyroid support, thanks to its unique nutrient profile. Some preliminary research has linked seaweed to lower risk of heart problems, anti-cancer properties, blood sugar control, and healthy thyroid function.

While it is a powerhouse of essential nutrients and omega-3s, some seaweed can be high in sodium, so check labels if you’re watching your salt intake! Also, certain types contain high iodine levels — while essential in small doses, too much iodine can be harmful. Additionally, because seaweed absorbs its environment, it may carry trace amounts of heavy metals if grown in contaminated waters. Just remember moderation is key when it comes to eating!

What other health snack you prefer in your everyday diet? Share with us in comment 👇
含有豐富的鐵、鎂、碘等礦物質,並富含維他命A、C 和 K 的海藻(紫菜)近年深受世界各地追求健康的人士喜愛。


需要注意的是,儘管海藻含有豐富營養素和 Omega-3,但某些類型的海藻或含有較多的鈉或錪,因此在購買時務必留意營養標籤,避免攝取過多的鈉及錪。此外,由於海藻非常受環境影響,如果生長於受污染的水域,或會攜帶微量重金屬。在進食時亦留意份量,有節制的生活才是健康的關鍵⭐



Are you sticking to just one sport or type of exercise? Repeating the same motions over and over can lead to overuse injuries like stress fractures, tendinitis, or muscle strains.

That’s where comes in! Cross-training involves incorporating a variety of activities into your routine to engage different muscles and movement patterns. This well-rounded approach helps prevent injuries while boosting your performance and keeping things fun!

Benefits of Cross-Training includes:
- Balanced Muscle Development - different exercises target different muscle groups, reducing strain on the same muscles and joints
- Active Recovery - lighter activities, like swimming or yoga, help your muscles recover on rest days
- Core Strength & Flexibility - involves activities that improve posture, flexibility, and stability—key to preventing injuries
- Mental Break - mixing things up can prevent burnout and keep you motivated

Mix in whole-body strength training, cardio, and activities that improve flexibility and balance. Not sure where to begin? Ask a personal trainer to create a cross-training plan that’s tailored to your goals.

Keep your body strong, resilient, and injury-free with cross-training! 💪
如你平時只做一種運動或專注鍛鍊同一部位便要注意⚠️ 重複相同的動作可能會造成過度使用性傷害(overuse injuries),如壓力性骨折、肌腱炎或肌肉拉傷等。

這就是 #交叉訓練 的重要性,交叉訓練即在日常鍛煉中加入多種活動,以鍛煉不同的肌肉和運動模式。這種全面的方法有助於預防傷害,提升表現同時保持新鮮感!

- 平衡的肌肉發展 - 不同的運動針對不同的肌肉群,減少對相同肌肉和關節的壓力
- 快速復元 - 加入輕度活動如游泳或瑜伽,有助於肌肉在休息日復元
- 增加核心力量和靈活性 - 加入改善姿勢和靈活性的活動,對預防傷害尤其重要
- 心理休息 - 加入多種鍛煉方式可以防止過度倦怠並保持動力


#健身 #健康 #運動 #私人教練  #健身教練 #香港健身  #長者健身 #孕婦健身 #健身資訊 #重量訓練 #健身訓練

Photos from's post 18/10/2024

is a key nutrient in the human body. We all know it supports strong bones, but did you know it plays a vital role in other aspects of your health too?

As we age, it helps maintain proper muscle function, supports heart health, and ensures that our nervous system operates smoothly. Maintaining calcium levels as age can also help to prevent osteoporosis, reduce fracture risks, and support overall well-being.

Make sure you’re getting enough calcium through your diet or supplements as you age. Here are a few calcium-rich foods you can incorporate into your diet:

- Dairy products: Milk, cheese, and yogurt
- Leafy greens: Kale, collard greens, and spinach
- Fortified plant-based milk: Almond, soy, or oat milk
- Fish with soft bones: Canned sardines and salmon
- Tofu: Especially if it‘s calcium-set
- Nuts and seeds: Almonds and chia seeds

Want to learn more about how to stay strong and healthy as you age? Join us at Movement for personalized fitness and wellness support! 💪
#鈣 是人體中其中一種重要營養素,我們都知道它有助強健骨骼,但你知道它也有其他作用嗎?



- 乳製品:牛奶、乳酪和芝士
- 綠葉蔬菜:羽衣甘藍、菠菜
- 強化植物性牛奶:杏仁奶、大豆奶或燕麥奶
- 含軟骨的魚類:罐裝沙丁魚和三文魚
- 豆腐
- 堅果和種子:杏仁和奇亞籽


#健身 #私人教練  #健身教練 #香港健身  #長者健身 #長者健康 #健身資訊 #一對一健身 #銀髮族健身 #營養資訊

Photos from's post 12/10/2024

Pregnancy is an incredible journey, and staying active can help you feel your best throughout. Here are some tips on how to safely keep moving during this special time:

🌿 Listen to Your Body ─ every pregnancy is different. Tune into what your body is telling you and adjust your activity level as needed.
🌿 Always warm up before exercising, and cool down afterwards
🌿 Try to keep active on a daily basis such as taking 30 minutes of walk each day
🌿 Avoid any strenuous exercise in hot weather
🌿 Adjust your activity as your weight and shape changes

Alternatively, train with a prenatal-certified personal trainer. A professional trainer experienced in prenatal workouts can guide you through safe exercises that protect your pelvic floor and core. Their expertise helps ensure you’re strengthening your body safely and effectively during pregnancy.

Want to exercise safely before, during and after childbirth? Drop us a DM or click the link in bio to book a free consultation session 💚

🌿 切記聆聽自己的身體 — 各媽媽懷孕時的身體變化都不同,留意身體的訊息並根據自己的狀態調整運動
🌿 記得在運動前熱身,並在運動後適當拉筋放鬆
🌿 嘗試每天保持活躍,例如抽些時間散步30分鐘
🌿 避免在炎熱的天氣中進行運動
🌿 隨著體重和身形的變化調整你的活動


想了解更多關於我們的產前訓練計劃?歡迎親臨 Movement 參觀或聯絡我們預約一對一免費諮詢。

#健身 #私人教練  #健身教練 #香港健身  #孕婦健身  #孕婦運動 #產後修復 #新手媽媽 #西營盤

Photos from's post 26/09/2024

Hoping everyone is staying safe at home during this typhoon period! ⛈️ While we’re all inside, don’t worry about missing your 10,000 steps today. Let‘s talk about walking instead! 🚶‍♂️

We’ve all heard it — 10,000 steps a day for better health. But did you know this goal started as a marketing move for a pedometer device back in 1964? 🇯🇵

The truth is, while more steps are great for your health, the magic number might be closer to 8,000 steps.

But don’t stress if you’re not hitting that target! Just aim to do a little more each day:

- Start at 2,000? Try for 3,000.
- Already at 6,000? Push for 7,000.

A thousand steps is just a 10-minute walk around the block. It might not be easy to find time for a 40-minute walk every day, but small, incremental changes will make a difference. Every step counts, and small changes lead to big health wins. Remember, your health is a marathon, not a sprint. 🏃‍♂️


我們都聽過「日行一萬步」對健康有益,但真相是這個說法竟然是1964年來自日本的步行計品牌想出來的行銷策略!事實是,多走路的確對健康有益,但一天行大約 8,000 步已經足夠。如果距離這個目標有點遠也不要緊,每天只需稍微多走一些,例如平時一天約行 2,000 步,那就試著達到 3,000 步!已經每天行 6,000 步了?或許可以嘗試努力推進到 7,000 步!

繞著街區走 10 分鐘已經有差不多1000步,要都市人每天花上 40 分鐘散步可能不容易,但我們可以循序漸進改變日常習慣。試著想每一步都是對健康的投資,我們的健康是一場人生馬拉松而不是短跑,建立良好習慣,小改變最終也會迎來的大勝利 🏃‍♂️

#健身 #私人教練  #健身教練 #香港健身  #孕婦健身  #產後健身 #長者健身

Photos from's post 28/08/2024

Huge thank you to our incredible clients for sharing their experiences with us! 🙏 Your feedback is invaluable and inspires us to keep raising the bar in everything we do.

At Movement, we’re not just about fitness — we are about helping you achieve the results you’re looking for in a safe, supportive, and holistic manner. That’s why we’re committed to every detail, from ensuring our coaches are always learning, to keeping our gym clean, tidy, and welcoming. We believe that when every piece falls into place, your journey to your goals becomes not just smoother but more enjoyable too.

Thank you for trusting us with your fitness goal! DM us if you are interest in joining our journey 💪✨

Movement 不單是關於健身,我們希望幫助追求健康的每一位以安全和正確的方式實現成果,因此我們對每個細節都非常重視。從教練培訓、保持器材和空間潔淨,至確保每一位都受到歡迎和尊重,為的都是希望大家在追求成果的過程中感到舒適和愉快。


#健身 #私人教練  #健身教練 #香港健身  #孕婦健身  #長者健身


🎉 We’re turning 2!

Can you believe it’s been 2 years already? Time flies when you’re building something special, and we’re excited to announce our 2-year anniversary party at Movement!

— Save the Date —
📅 7th September (Saturday)
⏱ 3pm-5pm
📍 Movement (19 High St, Sai Ying Pun)

Join us for an afternoon of celebration, gratitude, and community building. We’ll have delicious food and drinks, and you’ll get to meet some of our amazing friends and collaborators who share our passion for bringing better health to our community.

𝗥𝗦𝗩𝗣 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗯𝗶𝗼. We can’t wait to see all of you and celebrate this milestone together. It‘s you, our amazing clients, who make our community so special.

See you there! 🎈


不經不覺 Movement 就已經兩周年,多謝大家支持我哋先可以行得咁遠,因此我哋誠邀你出席Movement兩周年派對!

📅 9月7日 (星期六)
⏱ 3pm-5pm
📍 Movement (西營盤高街19號)


#私人教練 #健身教練 #香港健身

Photos from's post 22/08/2024

“The lack of sleep increases belly fat.” True or false? According to a research, the primarily answer is TRUE!

Recent research has shed light on an important link between sleep and belly fat. In a study published in 2022 found that participants who slept only 4 hours a night for two weeks saw a significant increase in visceral fat — the type of fat that accumulates around the belly and internal organs — to those who slept 9 hours. Swipe to see how does poor sleep contribute to that stubborn belly fat 👉👉

Key takeaway - prioritize your sleep just as much as your workouts and nutrition. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to help keep belly fat at bay and support your overall fitness goals.


近年有研究顯示了睡眠與腹部脂肪之間的關連性,在一項2022年發表研究報告,參與者被分成兩組,一組每晚僅睡4小時,而另一組則有9小時的充足睡眠。在實驗進行兩周後,每晚睡4小時的參與者的內臟脂肪(visceral fat) 竟比起另一組顯著增加!看右掃了解更多睡眠與腹部脂肪的關係➡️


Photos from's post 15/08/2024

We all know the importance of warming up before exercising. A good warm-up helps improve sports performance and reduce the risk of injuries. But are you doing it correctly? Swipe right to see the four steps of warm up routine ➡️

Example Warm-Up Routine:
- Arm Circles (30 seconds each direction)
- Leg Swings (30 seconds each leg)
- Lunges with a Twist (10 reps each side)
- Jumping Jacks (1 minute)

Ready to warm up and crush your workout? Share your favorite warm-up exercises in the comments below! 💬👇


- 雙手臂畫圓圈(每個方向30秒)
- 單腿擺動(每條腿30秒)
- 旋轉弓箭步(每邊10次)
- 開合跳(1分鐘)


#健身 #私人教練  #香港健身  #孕婦健身  #長者健身 #熱身 #熱身運動 #拉筋


Creatine is one of the most well-studied and effective supplements for boosting exercise performance💪🏽. It increases energy availability during high-intensity activities, making it super relevant when you’re pushing yourself hard, physically or mentally.

Creatine is more than just hype – it’s a well-researched supplement that can genuinely help with muscle growth and performance. In recent research, there‘s growing evidence of its benefits beyond the gym, especially as we age. Such as reducing mental fatigue, improving brain function and even fighting certain neurological diseases.

Though more studies are needed, we know it is one of the most affordable and well-research supplement that is great for muscle function. And while creatine can help, it’s not a magic pill for instant gains, it’s most effective when combined with a solid workout plan and proper nutrition.

肌酸(Creatine) 是健身界公認最有效的營養補充品之一,有助在高強度的運動中**提升力量表現**,增加肌肉量和肌力,額外達到訓練目標。

肌酸不僅是炒作 — 它在多項研究中經科學證明有助提升運動表現。近年更有越來越多研究發現它在健身之外的好處,例如減少精神疲勞、改善腦功能、甚至是對抗某些神經疾病。



#肌酸 #健身 #私人教練 #香港健身 #孕婦健身 #長者健身


Creatine is one of the most well-studied and effective supplements for boosting exercise performance💪🏽. It increases energy availability during high-intensity activities, making it super relevant when you’re pushing yourself hard, physically or mentally.

Creatine is more than just hype – it’s a well-researched supplement that can genuinely help with muscle growth and performance. In recent research, there‘s growing evidence of its benefits beyond the gym, especially as we age. Such as reducing mental fatigue, improving brain function and even fighting certain neurological diseases.

Though more studies are needed, we know it is one of the most affordable and well-research supplement that is great for muscle function. And while creatine can help, it’s not a magic pill for instant gains, it’s most effective when combined with a solid workout plan and proper nutrition.

肌酸(Creatine) 是健身界公認最有效的營養補充品之一,有助在高強度的運動中提升力量表現,增加肌肉量和肌力,額外達到訓練目標。

肌酸不僅是炒作 — 它在多項研究中經科學證明有助提升運動表現。近年更有越來越多研究發現它在健身之外的好處,例如減少精神疲勞、改善腦功能、甚至是對抗某些神經疾病。



#肌酸 #健身 #私人教練 #香港健身 #孕婦健身 #長者健身

Photos from's post 02/08/2024

TGIF! Today we are going to talk about alcohol and muscle building. Can you drink and still make gains in the gym?

Let’s start with the good news. Yes, enjoying the occasional drink won’t derail your fitness journey. Moreover, sharing a drink can be a great way to unwind and connect with friends, which is important for overall well-being! However, alcohol can affect your body‘s recovery process, making it harder to repair and build muscle after a workout. It can also interfere protein absorption and even lower testosterone levels, which are important for muscle building.

So, how can you balance alcohol and fitness? Here are a few tips to help you enjoy a drink:

① drink plenty of water ② schedule your workouts and rest days around social events ③ opt for lower-calorie drinks ④ limit your intake

Remember, it’s all about finding a balance that works for you. You can still enjoy a drink and make progress in the gym, just be mindful of how it fits into your overall fitness plan.

How do you balance alcohol and fitness? Share your tips and experiences in the comments below! 👇

TGIF! 今日讓我們探討健身另一個迷思:在增肌期間可以喝酒嗎?

好消息是… 可以!偶爾小酌一杯並不會影響健身,更甚與朋友外出放鬆對身心都非常重要。然而,酒精可能會影響我們身體的復原速度,此時如果想在鍛煉後修復或增加肌肉就會變得困難。酒精更會干擾蛋白質的吸收,甚至降低睪酮水平,兩者都會影響肌肉增長的速度。


①在喝酒期間多喝水 ②根據社交活動安排你的鍛煉和休息日 ③選擇低卡路里的飲品 ④理性喝酒 限制自己的攝取量



Photos from's post 29/07/2024

How long should you rest between sets?

Typically, longer rest periods (2-5 minutes) are recommended to allow for maximum recovery and performance in the next set. For beginners, timing sets might make sense to ensure adequate recovery. But as you are getting more experienced, go when you feel ready can be beneficial as many factors influence recovery between sets, such as how you feel on a given day, exercise type, how far into the session you are. Choosing rest periods based on how you feel allows for flexibility to account for these factors.

Rest between sets should allow enough recovery to reintroduce the stimulus while maintaining good form. Depending on your goals, you can shorten or lengthen your rest intervals for the best result.

Do you time your rest periods or prefer going by feel? Share with us in comments!




#健身 #私人教練 #香港健身 #孕婦健身 #長者健身

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Have you ever wondered if there’s a magic number for reps to build muscle? Well… there isn’t. We can’t control when do t...
Meet Tina, who found more than just a gym at Movement. Movement is a community, where our members find support, personal...
🎉 Thank you for making 2023 an incredible year of growth, achievements, and transformations! 🙌 We couldn't have done it ...
#1 Tip to improve your lungesLunges are a great exercise whether you’re new to the gym or an experienced lifter and a st...
#1 Tip to improve your lungesLunges are a great exercise whether you’re new to the gym or an experienced lifter and a st...
📣 A Big shoutout and thank you to everyone who joined us at Runner’s Workshop event! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️We had an amazing lineup of...
Functional Training Parental Edition ✅
Meet Gerald, a 52-year-old school administrator”After turning 50, our bodies undergo rapid changes. Our metabolism slows...
Have you ever walked past our studio in Sai Ying Pun but never had the time to step through our doors?Have you taken a l...
Why did no one mention this?Once your baby is born, you'll be doing alot of lifting! There's going to be a lot of bendin...
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Approaching a workout as a calorie-burning frenzy is like reading a book as a race to conquer pages. You see, reading is...




High House, High Street 19, Sai Ying Pun
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 06:00 - 22:00
Wednesday 06:00 - 22:00
Thursday 06:00 - 22:00
Friday 06:00 - 22:00
Saturday 06:00 - 22:00
Sunday 06:00 - 22:00

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Kardio Work Kardio Work
Hong Kong

Train With Us

Komorebi wellness Komorebi wellness
Hong Kong, 000000

snowyc_official snowyc_official
京貿中心, 駿業街62號
Hong Kong

觀塘/荔枝角 •全港首間女性#包場健身室 •全自動化預約購買系統 •專營女子重量訓練班 •全甲級商廈(鄰近地鐵站) •全年無休

Bfitgymhkg Bfitgymhkg
13/F, Pearl Oriental House, 60 Stanley Street
Hong Kong

A well-equipped and clean fitness studio located in the heart of Central. It’s specially designed