Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師


健康瘦身秘訣#1: Eat Right 而唔係食得少!

營養師團隊均在本港或外國的認可機構中註冊為註冊營養師(Registered Dietitian)和合資格的私人適體能教練。我們透過會面及於線上為本港及海外的客人提供個人營養及運動諮詢服務,服務範圍涵蓋體重管理 (增重或減重)、增肌減脂、孕婦及小孩營養補充、運動營養。利用臨床經驗為糖尿病、高膽固醇、高血壓等病患者提供專業及針對性的飲食治療。

個人營養諮詢或合作洽談: 歡迎Inbox 傳送訊息💛

Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 15/07/2022

今次係日本非油炸拉麵, 仲有唔同嘅口味揀😚好開心!
🍀低脂口味有:帆立貝味、秋刀魚醬油味、牛肉味 3款
🍀 搭配牛柳,溏心蛋,some菇,就開開心心健健康康又一餐

Dietitians found some healthy non fried Japanese ramen💜
🍀 Got 3 low-fat flavours: scallops, saury, and beef
🍀 Texture of the noodle is very similar to Japanese ramen, but the soup base is much lower in fat 😎 Eating healthy doesn’t mean compromising on taste!
🍀 Pair up with tenderloin, egg, some mushroom, then it’s a perfectly healthy balanced meal!

C = carbohydrates (碳水化合物)
P = protein (蛋白質)
F = fat (脂肪)

📍available in , , 有售

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #低卡 #吃貨 #跟營養師搵好野食 #食好西 #宅在家 #自己煮 #簡單食譜 #簡單煮 #簡易食譜 #低脂 #拉麵

Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 15/07/2022

今次係日本非油炸拉麵, 仲有唔同嘅口味揀😚好開心!
🍀低脂口味有:帆立貝味、秋刀魚醬油味、牛肉味 3款~
🍀 搭配牛柳,溏心蛋,some菇,就開開心心健健康康又一餐

Dietitians found some healthy non fried Japanese ramen💜
🍀 Got 3 low-fat flavours: scallops, saury, and beef
🍀 Texture of the noodle is very similar to Japanese ramen, but the soup base is much lower in fat 😎 Eating healthy doesn’t mean compromising on taste!
🍀 Pair up with tenderloin, egg, some mushroom, then it’s a perfectly healthy balanced meal!

C = carbohydrates (碳水化合物)
P = protein (蛋白質)
F = fat (脂肪)

📍available in , , 有售

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #低卡 #吃貨 #跟營養師搵好野食 #食好西 #宅在家 #自己煮 #簡單食譜 #簡單煮 #簡易食譜 #低脂 #拉麵

Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 01/03/2022

#棕櫚油 或 #植物起酥油 因為價錢平,被大量使用在各種 #零食 中(尤其係要高溫烘焙+高鹽嘅食品)。 #南華日報 報導許多 #餅乾 都含損害健康嘅 #致癌物 ,包括縮水甘油酯,三單氯丙二醇酯& 二單氯丙二醇酯。會增加患癌嘅風險,損害腎臟,心臟,生殖器官等。 #註冊營養師 建議大家選購餅乾時應細心留意!

According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), refined at high temperatures carries potential carcinogenic risks. The Consumer Council revealed that most snacks (crackers, sandwich biscuits & wafers) – were high in fat, sugar & salt. Some contained contaminants – glycidol, acrylamide & 3-MCPD. Excessive consumption on a daily basis could lead to cancer and organ damage. encourages everyone to be careful when purchasing crackers.

C = carbohydrates (碳水化合物)
F = fat (脂肪)

📍available in , , , , 有售

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #減脂增肌 #吃貨 #減肥餐單 #宅在家 #消委會 #抗疫日常 #居家必備

Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 16/01/2022

係腸胃啊😎腸道內有數百萬神經元,佢嘅功能唔淨幫我地消化食物!腸道嘅微生物對我地嘅 #免疫力 和 #健康 都好重要👍🏻
每日適量食用含 #活性益生菌 嘅乳酪,有利於腸道健康~同時可以攝取足夠營養素,助紅血球生成與造血,維持骨骼健康及預防骨質疏鬆症。
#希臘乳酪 和某些 #希臘式乳酪 比一般乳酪嘅蛋白質含量較高,所以更容易增加飽足感~


Some medical experts call our gut the “second brain” - it has network of nerves, neuroma and neurotransmitters extended along the entire digestive tract! Our gut plays a key role in our immune system and overall health!

Consuming yogurt with probiotics is a great way to get good bacteria to keep our gut healthy! We are also getting other nutrients which will help with bone health 🦴and making red blood cells 🩸 ~

Dietitians suggest choosing the non-fat/low-fat, plain/unsweetened ones to reduce intake of saturated fat and added sugar!

Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 06/11/2021

#車仔麵 絕對係唔少 #香港人 嘅至愛,但其實有好多隱藏嘅高脂肪配料。營養師就偏愛十六座車仔麵,因為佢哋嘅鹵水汁一啲都唔油,食得好放心,教埋你地點樣揀餸啦~






「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #低卡路里 #吃貨 #跟營養師搵好野食 #出街食 #香港美食 #車仔麵控 #旺角美食 #香港好去處 #跟營養師減肥



C = carbohydrates (碳水化合物)
F = fat (脂肪)

Available in any supermarkets

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #低卡路里 #吃貨 #跟營養師搵好野食 #低脂 #低卡 #食好西 #韓國 #韓國美食 #簡單食譜 #簡單煮 #必備 #即食飯 #瘦身日記

Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 23/10/2021

今次同大家介紹嘅係呢間主要食粉麵嘅潮州人 🍜
想重點推介一下佢哋嘅清酒大蜆湯新竹米粉👍🏻 雙拼埋廣島蠔 ,一樣鮮甜






「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #低卡 #吃貨 #跟營養師搵好野食 #出街食 #食好西 #潮州人 #海鮮 #香港美食 #黃色經濟圈 #香港小店 #太子美食


#餃子 係 #雪櫃必備 !最岩無時間煮飯嘅你😏
韓國 Bibigo 除左迷你雞肉和蝦水餃之外,呢兩款蝦仁水餃都係低脂嘅選擇👍🏻 細細粒,仲有馬蹄,好爽口~

Korean Bibigo mini dumplings are one of the few healthy low-fat dumplings. Perfect for those lazy days that you don’t feel like cooking😉 These are the perfect to stock up on for those colder days 😌 Cook with some vegetables 🥬 for extra fibre 😚

C = carbohydrates (碳水化合物)
F = fat (脂肪)

📍 各大超市有售 available in any supermarkets

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #低卡 #低脂 #增肌 #增肌減脂 #懶人料理 #簡易食譜 #煮飯仔 #煮婦人生 #吃貨 #跟營養師搵好野食 #減肥餐單 #水餃 #家常便飯 #宵夜 #食好西


黎自美國嘅HALO TOP雪糕登陸左香港 呀😍 呢系列嘅雪糕係都採用左脱脂奶同代糖,低脂低卡低糖,食嗰陣時唔使好似普通雪糕咁就住就住。仲要連本身脂肪較高嘅花生醬同朱古力味都食得吖,其他雪糕真係做唔到!

👉🏻每次食1/4 tub都可以嘅😉

HALO TOP finally launched in hk😍 Low in calories, fat and sugar, even in peanut butter and chocolate flavours 😋 Enjoy 1/4 tub each time and share the rest 😗

C = carbohydrates (碳水化合物)
F = fat (脂肪)

📍available in and Market Place有售

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #低卡路里 #低脂 #低卡零食 #吃貨 #跟營養師搵好野食 #零食 #雪糕 #低脂雪糕 #食好西

Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 09/10/2021


真心推介俾大家呢隻EDO 非油炸公仔麵,係營養師食過最彈牙嘅非油炸麵😍質地同公仔麵有90%相似~屋企人食完都唔發覺原來唔係平時食開嘅公仔麵號😎
健康版嘅餐蛋麵🥰 熱量同脂肪都比茶餐廳食到嘅少1/3架,要食得健康又滋味其實唔係你想像中咁難架咋💪🏻
營養師會盡力令你瘦到之餘又唔使食得好dry 架🙌🏻

Low fat non-frying instant noodle found~ paired with low-fat chicken spam we recommended before 😍 what an exciting meal to have at home when it’s pouring rain outside 😌

C = carbohydrates (碳水化合物)
F = fat (脂肪)

📍available in 橫丁零食店 & EDO專櫃 有售

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #低卡 #吃貨 #跟營養師搵好野食 #食好西 #宅在家 #自己煮 #簡單食譜 #簡單煮 #簡易食譜 #低脂 #打風食呢啲

Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 02/10/2021

Red Rock Deli Crackers

最近發現 入左呢隻黎自澳洲嘅 同好多脆片唔同,係用上飽和脂肪含量較少的芥花籽油,對心臟健康少一點負擔。一共有5隻口味,

Dietitians found these Australian baked chips, made with 💚 canola oil and natural seasonings! ❌palm oil involved👍🏻 Has 5 different kinds of flavours ☺️ lots of options~ You could enjoy it as much as 2-3 times a week~

C = carbohydrates (碳水化合物)
F = fat (脂肪)

📍available in 有售

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #低脂 #吃貨 #跟營養師搵好野食 #出街食 #食好西 #零食 #零食控 #減肥餐單 #低卡零食

Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 25/09/2021


相信 #點心 係唔少香港人嘅至愛,不過大家應該都知點心嘅熱量同飽和脂肪都好高!
#淘大 呢兩款新推出嘅點心用上 #植物肉 ,飽和脂肪含量極低,食落仲要同普通點心嘅口感同味道都好相似,值得一試👍🏻

Amoy x Omnipork Dim Sum
HongKongers we all love dim sum🤤 but yes they are high in calories and saturated fats!
Amoy has these char siu bun and jade dumplings that are made with omnipork, low in saturated fat without compromising the taste😋 Definitely a quick & easy but still healthy option for lots of us!

C = carbohydrates (碳水化合物)
P = protein (蛋白質)
F = fat (脂肪)

📍available in all supermarkets 各大超市有售

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #低卡 #低脂 #吃貨 #跟營養師搵好野食 #食好西 #自己煮 #輕食 #淘大點心 #早餐日記 #晚餐自己煮


我哋之前介紹過好幾款嘅烘焗脆片/薯片俾大家,今次呢隻加入左全麥麵粉、燕麥粉,令到一小包嘅脆片嘅膳食纖維大大提升👍🏻 另外,仲用到不飽和脂肪豐富嘅葵花籽油,減少攝取一啲唔健康嘅脂肪。


Besides low-fat baked chips, Dietitians found this high fiber healthy toasties! Variety of wheat grains and wheat bran are added to this small bag of goodie, giving it 3.6g of fiber per bag (which is equivalent to a small bowl of broccoli 🥦!). Sunflower oil is used instead of palm oil 👍🏻

Dietitians’ Tips:
👉🏻 can enjoy one small bag each time 👉🏻 sugg 2-3x/week

C = carbohydrates (碳水化合物)
F = fat (脂肪)

📍available in and supermarkets 各大超市有售

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #低卡路里 #吃貨 #跟營養師搵好野食 #食好西 #零食 #零食控 #香港美食 #低脂 #高纖 #雀巢

Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 04/09/2021



Have u noticed that a lot of low fat dumplings are made with chicken 😮‍💨

Great news!! We found this Korean AHA dumpling! Has king crab and abalone 2 types of flavours! No additional oil/MSG 😍 We personally prefer the abolone flavour, you can let us know which flavour you like better 😏

1包(11隻) 1pack(11dumplings)
417kcal = 4C + 2P

📍available in

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #低卡路里 #吃貨 #減肥都食得 #宅在家 #食好西 #減肥食呢啲 #餃子 #韓國美食 #減肥餐單 #自己煮 #簡易食譜

Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 31/08/2021

近年好興 #純素 的飲食方式🥦大家亦開始對 #乳糖不耐症 有更多嘅認識,發現市面上有好多款 #純素雪糕 嘅選擇🧐但係唔係款款都低脂/低糖🤨⋯不如我地睇睇註冊營養師有邊幾款推介~


Dietitians’ picks for vegan-friendly ice cream!
💚Although all of them are low in fats, but some could still be high in sugar! Lets to limit it to 1-2 times/week~
💚 Sugg to buy the 100ml smaller cup size, easier for portion control 😉

C = carbohydrates (碳水化合物)
F = fat (脂肪)

📍available in and Market Place 有售

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #低卡路里 #吃貨 #減肥都食得 #宅在家 #食好西 #減肥食呢啲 #香港美食 #素食 #素食雪糕


好多人以為減肥唔食得拉麵🙃 拉麵其實不經油炸,係低脂嘅麵食~配以嘅湯底同日式义燒先係致肥嘅陷阱😵
湯底可以選擇 👍🏻清爽/濃厚雞白湯


Dietitian-approved ramen! Ramen noodle is not deep fried (so it is a healthy option!) It’s the pork bone soup and Japanese-style cha siu that make it problematic/fattening 🥲 We found this place using rich (but not oily) chicken broth and slow cooked chicken instead 👍🏻 Happy news for the ramen lovers!

Dietitians’ Tips:
👉🏻 Try to avoid drinking the soup!
👉🏻 This bowl has ~ 2 rice bowls of ramen, rmb to share it🤭


「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #低卡路里 #吃貨 #減肥都食得 #食好西 #減肥食呢啲 #香港美食 #旺角美食 #拉麵 #雞湯拉麵 #香港好去處 #香港打卡 #食評 #營養師帶你吃外食


Green common skinny thins🥳
呢隻朱古力薄脆片又係朱古力迷嘅恩物😍每片好薄好輕身~超抵食,成20塊先113kcal,極推介朱古力咖啡味,take 個break义一义電就岩哂~


Dietitian found healthy vegan chocolate snacks 😍 20 pieces will only cost you 113 calories! Woah..! We love the coffee chocolate flavour 👍🏻 let’s take a break and treat ourselves😉

Dietitians tips:
These are not sugar free! So try to have 1/2 bag each time :)

📍available in 有售

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #低卡路里 #吃貨 #減肥都食得 #宅在家 #食好西 #減肥食呢啲 #低卡零食 #零食 #零食控 #朱古力控 #甜品控 #素食

Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 31/07/2021

OMN!EAT其實有好多低脂嘅方便食品😋 天氣熱唔想成日煮飯嘅話,可以睇下營養師為你揀選嘅呢一系列食品吖😚

Dietitians pick for low-fat plant-based meals from Omnipork! Super convenient without compromising the taste ;)

C = carbohydrates (碳水化合物)
P = protein (蛋白質)
F = fat (脂肪)

📍available in and 有售

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

#減肥日記 #健康減肥 #食住瘦 #飽住減 #營養師 #營養師減肥 #低卡路里 #吃貨 #減肥都食得 #宅在家 #食好西 #素食

Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 25/07/2021

[ #註冊營養師 帶你食 ]又到禮拜六日啦~ 想懶懶閑,出街食個brunch嘆下?營養師教你留意4個陷阱‼️

💚唔同雞蛋煮法,卡路里可以好大分別!1隻烚蛋/水煮蛋 = 63-74kcal,2隻煎嘅荷包蛋 = 192kcal,炒蛋加埋忌廉/全脂奶仲犀利,差唔多成204kcal (成碗飯嘅熱量)比烚蛋/水煮蛋高3倍!
💚 #班尼迪克蛋 係好嘅選擇,不過!留意配搭嘅「荷蘭醬」,係由牛油&蛋黃製成,2隻班尼迪蛋+醬就有553kcal (=2.5碗白飯!) 所以建議大家叫班尼迪蛋時,記得叫個醬分開上,用沾醬嘅方式黎食。
💚留意 #牛油果 🥑雖然含有健康嘅脂肪,但係食太多一樣至肥!建議keep fit嘅人一星期食2-3次 :)

Register Dietitians share 4 tips with you while your enjoying your brunch outside!
💛Calories could be quite different depending on how you cook the egg. 1 medium size boiled egg/poached egg = 63-74kcal, 2 sunny side up = 192kcal, scrambled egg (involved cream/full fat milk) = 204kcal (equivalent to a bowl of rice), 3x the kcal of poached egg!
💛 is a great choice for brunch, but remember to ask for the hollandaise (lots of butter and egg yolk involved) sauce on the side. 2 egg benedict + hollandaise = 553kcal (equivalent to 2.5 bowls of rice).
💛Traditional english brunch consists of sausages and bacon, both are processed meats, high in saturated fat and nitrite (carcinogen)
💛 🥑 has the healthy unsaturated fat, but overconsumption will still lead to weight gain! 2-3x per week for those on keep fit period is fine :)

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 19/07/2021

#壽司 🍣一定係香港人嘅最愛之一,而且好多keep fit嘅朋友會特登選擇壽司,但其實選擇壽司嘅時候都有致肥陷阱同地方要留意架!




Dietitians tell you what to look for and keep an eye on when it comes to eating sushi!
1. Fish belly is much higher in fat (doubling the calories) compared to other parts 😳
2. Try to stay away from the deep-fried ingredients and dressing
3. Eat in moderation😋 Suggest ~ 8-10 pieces for a lady with medium frame👍🏻

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#減肥陷阱 ‼️BB👶孕婦🤰高血壓人士都要留意!市面上有好多望落好似好健康嘅烏冬⋯大家知唔知其實有啲嘅鹽份係超高!加埋湯底/冷麵汁,鹽份分分鐘超標,導致水腫😱!

#註冊營養師 搵到款零鹽份嘅烏冬🥰等大家食得健康啲 ~孕婦同BB都可以放心食~

‼️ Babies 👶 pregnant mommies 🤰and people with high blood pressure/ want to lose weight need to be aware!
There are so many different brands of udon in the market and some of them might appear to be super healthy 🤔 In fact, a lot of them could be loaded with salt/sodium 😰 which can make you retain water and increase your blood pressure!
💚Dietitians found this particular brand that had NO SODIUM at all! Healthy option for even babies and mommies 😍

📍available in 一田百貨 (YATA) - official Page 有售

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Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 10/07/2021

小朋友考完試,想同佢哋食 ,又想 #食得健康🧐 註冊營養師今次帶你去 PizzaExpress Hong Kong 教你點揀可以健康啲😎

👉🏻頭盤: 焗麵包球/意式凍肉拼盤
🍕最愛呢款蜜糖雞肉pizza(il Sorriso) 上面只有蜜糖雞肉蕃茄同低脂芝士(係!你無睇錯~呢間餐廳可以落單時,叫轉低脂mozzarella cheese🥳)薄餅皮又脆又有麵粉香,摸上手完全冇油👍🏻
🍕北京烤鴨薄餅都係相對健康的選擇~ 無芝士,好多蔥😂唔鍾意食蔥嘅記得叫走蔥!
🦐唔想食pizza,可以叫蝦肉燴糙米飯,同平時risotto唔同之處在於無加cream 同芝士煮!味道稍微偏淡,可以額外落辣椒片或黑胡椒調味。

Kids are done with exams and summer holiday is around the corner😎 Want to bring them out for pizza? Dietitians have great recommendations!

Dietitians tips:
👉🏻 For appetisers, can go for baked dough balls or antipasti platter
👉🏻 Main courses:
🍕 il Sorriso is our favourite! Has honey chicken, tomato and low fat cheese (yes!! You can ask for low fat mozzarella cheese when you order🥳) The crust is thin and not oily at all👍🏻
🍕Peking duck pizza is another healthier choice, no cheese but lots of green onions on top 😂 can ask for no green onions if you aren’t a fan
🦐Prawn in brown rice, unlike other risotto, no butter or cream was used! Tasted slightly light, but you can add chilli flakes or black pepper on top :)

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夏日炎炎🌞 想 #減肥 又想食 #雪糕 ?註冊營養師又搵到超市容易買到而且口感好滑嘅 #日本雪見雪米糍,仲要有4隻口味😎👍🏻

💚 其實 #減肥都要食得開心 !減肥都有好多零食可以揀~

Summer is here🌞 Is ice cream a bad unhealthy snack option 😥 Not all of them!! Dietitians found these yummy Japanese rice cake (mochi) ice cream that are low-fat and low-calorie 😎👍🏻

Dietitians tips:
💚 It’s not difficult to stay positive and happy while on healthy diet plan, there are lots of low-fat / low-calorie snack options out there~
💚 We suggest that you have 2 pieces at a time, and save the rest for tomorrow😘

C = carbohydrates (碳水化合物)
F = fat (脂肪)

📍各大超市有售,available in all supermarkets

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 03/07/2021
Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 03/07/2021

好想偷懶,屋企簡單淥個麵算數? 註冊營養師有好介紹☺️ 個日行開超市,見到呢款 #新加坡魚湯拉麵 ,係 #非油炸 😍 #新加坡製造 !

💚記得幾時都要均衡飲食啊~ 可以加啲肉/蛋/蟹柳和獅子狗卷都得(都係低脂㗎)再配搭蔬菜🥬
💚 裏面包調味粉,建議落1/3 -1/2包好啦,避免攝取過多鹽份,冇咁容易水腫~

Sometimes it is hard to cook for one, you want to keep it simple but also need to nourish yourself properly😘 Dietitians found this in fish broth, 👍🏻😎

Dietitians comments:
💚 Love the chewy texture of the noodles, mixed in light fish soup base, doesn’t taste like MSG!
💚 Try to add some protein (meats/eggs/seafood/as simple as crab stick and chikuwa), and some veggies
💚Try to limit to 1/3-1/2 pack of seasoning powder at a time, to prevent water retention~

C = carbohydrates (碳水化合物)
F = fat (脂肪)

📍available in AEON Stores Hong Kong, 一田百貨 (YATA) - official Page and Market Place 有售

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👉🏻一罐沙甸魚有300毫克鈣質 = 1杯牛奶🥛
👉🏻 減緊重嘅朋友有食嘅時候可以盡量撇除魚皮嘅部份,減低脂肪攝取量

Everyone loves salmon for the omega-3 (good for heart health), but sardines are another excellent source of omega-3! They are also high in calcium and low in mercury~

Dietitians tips:
👉🏻 A can of sardine contains 300mg of calcium, which is equivalent to a glass of milk 🥛
👉🏻 We recommend the ones that are canned in water/tomato sauce, and citron-basilic flavour are all low fat choices!
👉🏻 Try to avoid eating the skin when you are on weight control~


📍available in HKTVmall 和各大超市有售(any supermarkets)

「Eat Right Cook Lite 版權所有• All rights reserved」

Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 26/06/2021

#減肥 都可以食韓國雞😳⁉️ #註冊營養師 話你知~係人都知 #炸雞 係好油好高熱量,個個減肥人士都拒而遠之😥 營養師發現 Goobne Chicken 表明自己係韓國烤雞第一品牌,一於去試下到底係唔係真係烤🤔


Did you know that you can have and stay fit⁉️Dietitians will tell you how! We all know that deep fried food is high in fat…and is associated with increased risk of heart diseases, diabetes and even prostate cancer 😥 We figured that Goobne Chicken is famous for their oven-roasted chicken and decided to give it a try!

Dietitians comments:
💚After triple-checking with staff 🙈 all their chickens are oven-roasted and not fried!
💚Original and Fruity Soy Garlic flavours are both lower in calories. The meat is quite tender and juicy~
💚If that’s not enough, you can also order seafood soup, and you can add extra rice, glass noodle and topppkki~

📍 Goobne HK

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Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 23/06/2021

港人至愛嘅丸(例如貢丸、芝心丸、豬肉丸等)脂肪鈉質高得黎又唔係100%優質蛋白質! #淥麵 #打邊爐 又想食得健康?不如試下跟營養師揀呢幾款 #香港製造 振興牛丸、蝦滑、花枝滑~


Hongkongers love all sorts of balls (pork balls and cheese balls), but these could be quite high in saturated fat and low in good quality protein! Dietitians found these healthy alternatives: beef balls, cuttle fish paste and shrimp paste!

Dietitians Tips:
👉🏻 6pc of pork balls already has 540kcal (~2.5bowls of rice!)
👉🏻 These beef balls are quite juicy! No MSG or additives~
👉🏻 For those who don’t enjoy beef, can opt for cuttle fish paste and shrimp paste!


P = protein (蛋白質)

📍available in city'super official page, 香港百佳超級市場 PARKnSHOP Supermarket HK, HKTVmall 各大超市有售

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Photos from Eat Right • Cook Lite 註冊營養師's post 21/06/2021

#明報訪問 - 註冊營養師教你 #睇波飲啤酒 ,唔怕有 #啤酒肚 ‼️營養師建議零卡零糖無酒精啤酒,啱晒想飲酒又怕肥嘅你 😘

👉 一罐330ml嘅啤酒就有155kcal,仲多過半碗飯!
👉 無酒精啤酒釀製後加熱,令大部分酒精揮發掉,但仍然保留啤酒嘅麥香味和甘苦味😘
👉 當中最推薦 Kirin (麒麟) Karada Free 和 Suntory (三得利) All Free! 同普通啤酒嘅味道&氣泡都好接近,真心唔覺得喺0卡💚
👉 每日可以飲2罐左右👌

Interviewed by MingPao! Beer is not ideal when it comes to healthy eating and weight loss. However, dietitians have good news - calorie & sugar & alcohol free beer‼️ Not going to spoil your diet~

Dietitians' Tips:
👉 Kirin Karada Free and Suntory All Free - both have similar taste and bubbles as regular beer~ Didn't even taste like they calorie-free 💚
👉 Can have 2 cans a day👌

原文詳細內容 Original article:

キリンビール / KIRIN BEER

📍available in DON DON DONKI Hong Kong, HKTVmall, SOGO Hong Kong (香港崇光百貨) and 一田百貨 (YATA) - official Page 有售

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