Studiodanz Academy 兒童舞蹈學院

Studiodanz Academy 兒童舞蹈學院


聽住啦!👂🏻Mirror Ignited Workshop 返嚟啦!🥳

上一次嘅Mirror workshop反應非常熱烈,知道大家非常期待下一期嘅workshop,所以我哋開設Mirror Ignited Workshop 2.0,再次邀請Rock Sir 教同學仔Mirror 嘅編舞🎉

日期: 15/8 (星期日)
時間: 10-11am (5-8歲)
11-12nn (9-12歲)
地點: Studiodanz Academy (SDA) 兒童舞蹈學院, 香港英皇道1065號東達中心13樓3室
對象: 5-12歲小朋友
費用: $250

為咗鼓勵多啲小朋友一齊玩,只要你follow我地 Academy 嘅page,將呢個post分享到你嘅版面並tag 3位朋友,立即享有半價優惠 ($125),由於名額有限,請即到Studiodanz Academy DM報名,我們會有專人聯絡大家。


Photos from Studiodanz Academy 兒童舞蹈學院's post 14/06/2021

我哋SDA琴日舉辦嘅 Mirror - Ignited Workshops非常成功啊😆好開心見到咁多位小朋友都樂在其中,享受Rock Sir Flora老師 嘅安排同教導,多謝大家嘅支持🥳 日後亦會舉辦類似嘅活動,記得密切留意住我哋嘅動態啦🎉😉

We are pleased that Mirror-Ignited Workshops were held successfully yesterday😆 It was happy to see that every student enjoyed in Rock sir’s and Teacher Flora’s arrangement and guidance. Thank you so much for your support🥳 We will hold similar workshops in the future, please stay tuned for further updates 🎉😉



好多謝U magazine 的訪問。小朋友快啲一齊跟Ben 老師學跳舞啦!


為咗俾各位小朋友體驗一下我哋SDA嘅兒童舞蹈暑期課程,我哋喺3/7設置免費試堂日🤩家長同小朋友可以一齊嚟體驗下唔同嘅舞種同課堂嘅特色,咁你哋喺挑選暑期班嘅時候就有更清晰嘅概念啦!😉有興趣體驗我哋嘅免費試堂,記得WhatsApp 52065898報名登記啦✨到時見~

日期: 3/7 (星期六)
A: Athena [Jazz - Kiddies]
⏰ 10:00-10:45am
B: Wing [Street Dance - Parent-child class]
⏰ 10:45-11:30am
C: Samuel [Street Dance - Kiddies]
⏰ 10:45-11:30am
D: Flora [Jazz Dance - Youngunz]
⏰ 11:30-12:30pm
E: Trian [Street Dance - Youngunz]
⏰ 11:30-12:30pm
地點: Studiodanz Academy (SDA) 兒童舞蹈學院, 香港英皇道1065號東達中心13樓3室

*Parent-child 班 適合2至4歲嘅小朋友連同一位家長
*Kiddies 班適合5至8歲嘅小朋友
*Youngunz 班適合9至12歲嘅小朋友

In order to provide children with valuable experience in our SDA summer classes, a FREE trial class day will be taken place on 3 July (Sat)🤩. Both parents and children are welcome to SDA that day to experience firsthand the characteristics of different dance styles and classes, so that you would have a clearer idea for the selection of class later on! 😉 If you are interested in our free trial classes, please contact our WhatsApp 52065898 for registration✨See you soon~
💡limited space, first come first serve

Date: 3/7 (Saturday)
A: Athena [Jazz Dance- Kiddies]
⏰ 10:00-10:45am
B: Wing [Street Dance - Parent-child class]
⏰ 10:45-11:30am
C: Samuel [Street Dance - Kiddies]
⏰ 10:45-11:30am
D: Flora [Jazz Dance - Youngunz]
⏰ 11:30-12:30pm
E: Trian [Street Dance - Youngunz]
⏰ 11:30-12:30pm
Location: Studiodanz Academy (SDA), Unit 3, 13/F, Eastern Centre, 1065 King’s Road

*Parent-child classes are for kids aged from 2-4; 1 Adult & 1 Kid
*Kiddies classes are for kids aged from 5-8
*Youngunz classes are for kids aged from 9-12


Rock sir 好開心見到近日越來越多人想學Mirror嘅舞,更掀起左一股 cover Mirror舞嘅熱潮,作為多支Mirror單曲及演唱會排舞師嘅Rock sir, 打算開班親身教授Mirror - Ignited嘅編舞,Rock sir話呢隻舞同Yiu sir聯合編舞嘅構思初期,都係希望可以與眾同樂,就算全無跳舞經驗都可以一齊玩哦!

教舞嘅對象係5-12歲嘅小朋友,Rock sir話打算教一段原汁原味嘅編舞,而且會分享一啲排舞中嘅趣事同埋學呢隻舞嘅心得,各位有興趣嘅小朋友或者家長可以立即到Studiodanz嘅兒童舞蹈學院official page Academy:

由於同學仔踴躍參加,我哋第一節嘅課堂已經FULL咗啦!而家會額外開設三個時段俾大家跟Rock Sir - Ignited 嘅編舞,一齊玩,一齊焫著!

日期: 13/6
時間: 11am-12pm // 12pm-1pm // 1pm-2pm
地點: Studiodanz Academy (SDA) 兒童舞蹈學院, 香港英皇道1065號東達中心13樓3室
對象: 5-12歲小朋友
費用: $250

為咗鼓勵多啲小朋友一齊玩,只要你follow我地 Academy 嘅 page,將呢個post分享到你嘅平台並tag 3位朋友,立即享有半價優惠 ($125),由於名額有限,請即到StudiodanzAcademy DM報名,我們會有專人聯絡大家。



Rock sir 好開心見到近日越來越多人想學Mirror嘅舞,更掀起左一股 cover Mirror舞嘅熱潮,作為多支Mirror單曲及演唱會排舞師嘅Rock sir, 打算開班親身教授Mirror - Ignited嘅編舞,Rock sir話呢隻舞同Yiu sir聯合編舞嘅構思初期,都係希望可以與眾同樂,就算全無跳舞經驗都可以一齊玩,一齊焫著!

今次教舞嘅對象係5-12歲嘅小朋友,Rock sir話打算教一段原汁原味嘅編舞,而且會分享一啲排舞中嘅趣事同埋學呢隻舞嘅心得,各位有興趣嘅小朋友或者家長可以立即到Studiodanz嘅兒童舞蹈學院official Facebook Academy inbox 報名哦!

日期: 13/6
時間: 10am-11am
地點: Studiodanz Academy (SDA) 兒童舞蹈學院, 香港英皇道1065號東達中心13樓3室
對象: 5-12歲小朋友
費用: $250

為咗鼓勵多啲小朋友一齊玩,只要你follow我地 Academy 嘅page,將呢個post分享喺你嘅平台並tag 3位朋友,立即享有半價優惠 ($125),由於名額有限,請即到StudiodanzAcademy inbox報名,我們會有專人聯絡大家。




聽住啦! 👂🏻
我們SDA 嘅“THE INCREDIBLES” Jazz Team會喺今個星期六(15/5)為[十八有藝]東區社區舞蹈培訓計劃《東蹈主》表演開幕演岀!👯‍♀️👯‍♂️ 各位小朋友加油啊 💪🏻💖 而家俾你地睇住一小段佢哋舞蹈嘅練習片段先!你哋係咪好期待佢哋嘅演出呢?🥳

Listen up! 👂🏻
Our SDA “THE INCREDIBLES” Jazz Team is going to perform an opening performance for the 18dART Eastern: ‘Dance on E’ on this upcoming Saturday (15/5)! 👯‍♀️👯‍♂️ Break a leg everyone💪🏻💖 Here is a short clip on their dance practice! Are you looking forward to their performance? 🥳

Photos from Studiodanz Academy 兒童舞蹈學院's post 28/04/2021

今年夏天,我哋SDA 將會舉辦一系列的兒童舞蹈暑期課程,適合2-12歲小朋友參加。各暑期課程將為期兩個月(5/7-27/8),每星期兩堂,共16堂。課程完成後我們將舉行一個舞蹈滙演(29/8),給學生們展示學習成果的機會。以下列出了每個課程 (A-F)的詳情:

Tuesdays and Thursdays Classes
A: Wing [Jazz - Parent-child class]
⏰ 2:30-3:15pm
B: Yan Yan [Jazz - Kiddies class]
⏰ 2:30-3:15pm
C: Trian [Street dance - Youngunz]
⏰ 3:15-4:15pm

Wednesdays and Fridays Classes
D: Ruby [Street dance - Parent-child class]
⏰ 2:30-3:15pm
E: KK [Street dance - Kiddies]
⏰ 2:30-3:15pm
F: Wilfred [Jazz - Youngunz]
⏰ 3:15-4:15pm

*欲想查詢顧客嘅現金回贈優惠,可以到前台付款時詢問或what’s app 52065898

*Parent-child 課堂適合2至4歲的小朋友,包括一位成人和一位小朋友
*Kiddies 課堂適合5至8歲的小朋友
*Youngunz 課堂適合9至12歲的小朋友

SDA will organise a series of Children’s Summer Dance Course (ages 2-12) between July and August. The duration of each summer course is 2 months (from July 5 to August 27), 2 lessons per week, with a total of 16 lessons. At the end of the course, SDA will hold a performance (Aug 29), providing the kids an opportunity to demonstrate what they learn from the classes. Details of each course (A-F) are listed below.

Tuesdays and Thursdays Classes
A: Wing [Jazz - Parent-child class]
⏰ 2:30-3:15pm
B: Yan Yan [Jazz - Kiddies class]
⏰ 2:30-3:15pm
C: Trian [Street dance - Youngunz]
⏰ 3:15-4:15pm

Wednesdays and Fridays Classes
D: Ruby [Street dance - Parent-child class]
⏰ 2:30-3:15pm
E: KK [Street dance - Kiddies]
⏰ 2:30-3:15pm
F: Wilfred [Jazz - Youngunz]
⏰ 3:15-4:15pm

If you would like to know more details or are interested in the cash rebate discount, please ask our staff at the reception or send us a message by WhatsApp 5206 5898.

*Parent-child classes are for kids aged from 2-4; 1 Adult & 1 Kid
*Kiddies classes are for kids aged from 5-8
*Youngunz classes are for kids aged from 9-12

Photos from Studiodanz Academy 兒童舞蹈學院's post 26/04/2021

今年夏天,我哋SDA 將會舉辦一系列的兒童舞蹈暑期課程,適合2-12歲小朋友參加。


另外我們於3/7 設免費試堂日,家長和小朋友可以一同到來感受一下不同舞種和課堂的特色。相信之後對你們挑選暑期班必定有一些更清晰的概念。

*欲想查詢顧客嘅現金回贈優惠,可以到前台付款時詢問或what’s app 52065898

Time to plan summer activities for the kids!

SDA will organize a series of Children’s Summer Dance Course (ages 2-12) between July and August.

Are you curious about what your kids do in the classroom?
This summer SDZ will provide a parent-child course for the first time, inviting parents and children to experience the joy and fun of dance lessons together. Through the dance activities, it would strengthen the communication and relationship between parents and children.

The duration of each summer course is 2 months (from July 5 to August 27), 2 lessons per week, with a total of 16 lessons. At the end of the course, SDA will organize a performance (Aug 29), providing the kids an opportunity to demonstrate what they learn from the classes.

A FREE trial class day will be taken place on 3 July (Sat). Both parents and children are welcome to SDA that day to experience firsthand the characteristics of different dance styles and classes, so that you would have a clearer idea for the selection of class later on.

If you would like to know more details or are interested in the cash rebate discount, please ask our staff at the reception or send us a message by WhatsApp 5206 5898.


SDA Sunday Class
Terry (Youngunz) || 12:00-1:00pm
睇吓呢班Youngunz 跳得幾有節奏感,幾齊🎼👯‍♀️👯‍♂️!

SDA Sunday Class
Terry (Youngunz) || 12:00-1:00pm
The Youngunz have well performed synchronised dance movement 🎼👯‍♀️👯‍♂️!


💥April - June schedule 💥 ( 共9堂 )
新一期嘅時間表岀咗啦~ 各位小朋友我地上堂見啦🥳 如果想查詢顧客嘅現金回贈優惠,你哋可以喺前台付款時詢問🔍

💥April - June schedule 💥 ( 9 classes in total )
The new schedule for the coming month is out~ See you all in class🥳 For further cash rebate enquiry, please inquire at the reception desk🔍


宜家星期日早上9:45am 仲加多咗一班Jazz (little steps)
適合2-4 歲又喜歡早起床嘅小朋友😆😆


Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021🎉

2020要過去喇, SDA好開心可以喺呢一年見證住咁多小朋友愛上跳舞❤️ 雖然課堂仍未恢復, 但相信各位SDA同學都好期待返嚟上堂嘅日子!

見到各位小朋友咁珍惜同認真對待可以跳舞嘅日子, SDA老師們都心感恩惠🙏🏻 希望新一年我哋可以快啲見面, 同各位小朋友一齊上堂, 跳舞, 分享舞蹈嘅樂趣👯‍♀️


2020 is leaving. This year SDA has witnessed many kids falling in love with the art of dance❤️ Although classes are not resumed yet, we believe our and are looking forward to be back in the studio!

With the challenges we encountered in 2020, SDA students have also shown great determination and perseverance for their learning🙏🏻 Let's all hope that we can see each others' faces soon in 2021, to dance together and spread our passion once again👯‍♀️

SDA wishes you a happy new year🎊🎆


Studiodanz Academy祝各位大小朋友聖誕節快樂🎅🏼🎁🎄


就黎到聖誕節🎄 一齊回顧下以往小朋友精彩既表演先!

呢個係2018年既15周年showcase, 相入面既小朋友宜家都大個左好多🥰

Counting down to Christmas, let's throwback to our previous performances!🎄

This was shot at year 2018 15th Anniversary Showcase, these students have now grown into beautiful boys and girls🥰


今次Terry老師同2位 示範將唔同既舞步融合為一隻舞! 😍

Dance combination除左可以練習動作之外, 仲可以訓練小朋友既音樂感同身體既變速~


This time, Mr Terry has brought 2 to demonstrate a dance combination😍

Dance combo can not only perfect exercises and movements, it also trains dancers' musicality as well as movement quality~

Have you been practising at home?


今次跟Wilfred老師學習下先🕺🏻 當練習身體協調既時候, 動作拆解左就容易做好多!
分別練好手手腳腳, 就可以夾埋一齊跳舞🤩

Let's dance with Wilfred sir today🕺🏻 When doing body coordinations, it's easier to practise the movements separately!
When you've nailed doing the moves separately, go ahead and DANCE🤩


一齊同Yanyan老師同2位 小助手練習下chest isolation啦🙌🏻
Isolation喺好多舞種都好常見👀 記得勤力練習喔~

Let's practise chest isolation with Miss Yanyan and 2 assistants🙌🏻
Chest isolation is very common in many dance styles👀 Make sure you keep practising at home!


今次到Samuel老師同2位 示範喇🙌🏻
一齊練習喺street dance入面常見既swing啦!

It's Mr. Samuel's class with 2 as assistants🙌🏻
Let's practise our swings and groove!


SDA Online Class is back🙌🏻

Handstand係一種比較進階既練習, 記得有老師/家長陪同既時候練😉

Let's try to do the handstand with Miss Athena and 2 Youngunz helpers🤸🏻‍♀️
Handstand is a rather advanced exercise, remember to do it under parental/ teacher's supervision😉


🧛🏻‍♀️SDA wishes you a happy Halloween🎃


What will you dress up as tonight?



What do you think Samuel sir is doing with these 2 SDA ?
Take a guess and comment down below!👇🏻


💥Nov - Dec Schedule💥

The new schedule for the coming month is out!
See you all in class💃🏻


SDA星期日既 班🤩👏🏻 今次挑戰下剛柔並重既Jazz Funk!
2位 學得好快😱

SDA's Sunday class🤩👏🏻 This time we're doing a Jazz Funk routine!
Both are such fast-learners!😱


當同學仔開始記得舞步既時候, 老師們都會鼓勵佢地去自己跳晒成隻舞!
跳舞既時候, 除左用腦袋🧠去記動力, 我地亦都可以用身體記憶去"記"💪🏻 當身體重複做一組動作時, 嗰一組動作會變成好似條件反射, 身體自然會做出既動作🕺🏻
所以記住上堂既時候出盡力跳舞💦 慢慢就可以"記住"所有舞步架喇~

Our SDA tutors encourages students to complete the whole routine on their own when they start remembering the steps to the song.
In dance, we can use our brain 🧠to memorise dance steps, but more effectively, we can use what's called muscle memory💪🏻 When we repeatedly perform a set of movements, our muscles develops its memories and we can execute them without much "thinking"🕺🏻
So remember to dance it all out in class💦 that way you'll slowly be able to do the whole routine on your own~


復課後既 更有衝勁, 更有活力🤩👏🏻
Jazz School跳呢隻"Confident"完全表現到所有 既幹勁💪🏻

Resuming all classes, our seem more motivated and energetic than ever🤩👏🏻
This piece "Confidence" in our Jazz School is a great resemblance of our enthusiasm💪🏻


喺SDA既所有老師見番咁多位小朋友好開心🤩 隔左咁耐冇見, 你地又掛唔掛住我地呢?

We at SDA are so glad to be seeing all our students in class🤩 Do you miss us as well?


我們很高興宣佈Studiodanz Academy將於9月6日(星期日)可重新開放! 所有課堂將會於重開學校當日復課。根據現時政府實施的限聚人數規定, 請家長於post查看時間表, 並須預先以whatsapp 5206 5898 報名。

考慮到學員及員工之健康,並能於安全環境下上課及工作,SDA 將會繼續維持以下一系列防疫措施,以儘量減低室內傳染風險。



3) 所有學員進入學校時需以酒精消毒搓手液清潔雙手,並用酒精噴壺噴灑鞋履(學校門口會準備好酒精消毒搓手液及酒精噴壺等消毒設備)。





Good news🎉
We are excited to announce that Studiodanz Academy will be able to reopen on 6 Sep (Sunday). All classes will resume on the same day. Due to the gathering limit, reservation is required for each class, please check out our class schedule on our post and register via whatsapp 5206 5898.
See you in class👋🏻

In order to reduce the risk of the spread of the Covid-19 and ensure the safety and health of all students and staff, please note that a set of preventive arrangement will be continuously implemented as below:

1. Only students are allowed to enter the school area. All students are required to check their temperature at school entrance and those with fever or respiratory illnesses should refrain from entering the school.

2. Students are required to wear a mask all the time inside the studio.

3. All students are advised to wash their hands with alcohol-based handrub and spray alcohol over shoes thoroughly before entering the school area. (Alcohol-based handrubs and sprays are ready at school entrance for use.)

4. Always wrap used masks and dispose of the used masks properly in a lidded rubbish bin.

The latest relaxation of measures by the government will last for 7 days until 10 Sep, SDA will continue to review the situation.

If there is any question, please contact us at 52065898.

Thank you for your cooperation! We can' wait to meet you real soon!


由於政府未有公佈舞蹈學校類別之公共防疫措施安排,Studiodanz Academy將延遲恢復開放,直至另行通知。

Since the Government has provided no updates on existing social distancing measures which are currently in place, Studiodanz Academy will remain closed until further notice.

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Videos (show all)

Rock sir @rockinair 好開心見到近日越來越多人想學Mirror嘅舞,更掀起左一股 cover Mirror舞嘅熱潮,作為多支Mirror單曲及演唱會排舞師嘅Rock sir, 打算開班親身教授Mirror - Ignite...
聽住啦! 👂🏻我們SDA 嘅“THE INCREDIBLES” Jazz Team會喺今個星期六(15/5)為[十八有藝]東區社區舞蹈培訓計劃《東蹈主》表演開幕演岀!👯‍♀️👯‍♂️ 各位小朋友加油啊 💪🏻💖 而家俾你地睇住一小段佢哋舞蹈嘅...
SDA Sunday ClassTerry (Youngunz) || 12:00-1:00pm睇吓呢班Youngunz 跳得幾有節奏感,幾齊🎼👯‍♀️👯‍♂️!SDA Sunday ClassTerry (Youngunz) || 12:...




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Hong Kong

A place to "Step out, Fail, and Grow." STEP OUT Academy 提供專業踢躂舞、舞蹈及表演藝術教育和推廣活動,包括恆常幼兒、小童、成人恆常課程、專門為本地中小學而設的推廣活動等等。

Red Apple Dance Academy 紅蘋果舞蹈學院 Red Apple Dance Academy 紅蘋果舞蹈學院
鑽石山萬迪廣場1樓E2 Shop(鑽石山出口A2)
Hong Kong

專業教授:拉丁舞 爵士舞 幼兒預備班 兒童hiphop 青少年K-pop 📍九龍:鑽石山萬迪廣場1樓E2shop 📍新界:荃灣南豐中心

Nidhi Bhagania Dance Conservatory - NBDC Nidhi Bhagania Dance Conservatory - NBDC
Hong Kong

Teaching Jazz Funk, Contemporary and Bollywood Dances. Regular Dance Classes in Tung Chung.

Benson Studio Benson Studio
Hong Kong

舞蹈,瑜珈, 瑜珈拉筋, 跆拳, 話劇, 各行各業, 租場,開班

Flat JK, 7/F, Kings Wing Plaza I, No. 3 On Kwan Street, Shek Mun, Shatin
Hong Kong

SHOW DANCE is a technical dance school started in 2017. Providing open classes of all levels for both adults and kids. Jazz, Chinese, Contemporary, Ballet. Also exam preparatory c...

FunkyTown Dance Studio FunkyTown Dance Studio
Hong Kong

FUNKYTOWN少年兒童流行舞蹈學院 LET'S DANCE 🧡😎💪🏻

SDM黃埔分校 SDM黃埔分校
Hong Kong


耀舞臺街舞舞蹈藝術中心 耀舞臺街舞舞蹈藝術中心
Hong Kong


Gladys Education Centre Gladys Education Centre
Hong Kong
