Eureka Language Services

Eureka aims to promote life-long learning and cross-cultural exchange by providing a broad range of Have you experienced your own Eureka moment?

在2001年,兩位對英語教育抱著遠見和夢想的教師在香港成立了雅理加語言培訓中心(Eureka Language Services Limited)。時至今日,Eureka已擁有為數200的專業教師團隊,盡心為超過400間學校及機構提供外籍英語導師教授的語言培訓服務。

你經歷過屬於自己的Eureka moment嗎?來跟Eureka一起探索吧!

Eureka Language Services Limited was founded in 2001 by two teachers who had a unique vision for English language education in Hong Kong. Eureka has grown t

🏊‍♀️Summer Olympic Sports🤺| Name the games | English Vocabulary Flashcards for ESL Learners 30/08/2024

相信大家都有關注啱啱完結嘅2024年夏季奧林匹克運動會🏅 !Eureka為大家準備咗一條介紹夏季奧林匹克運動項目嘅英文短片🌟!快啲同小朋友一齊進入令人興奮的奧林匹克運動世界,解鎖更多英文新詞語啦🌐!

🔔記得訂閱我地嘅YouTube Channel,就可以第一時間觀看我地嘅最新影片啦!

#雅理加 #英語教育 #學習英文 #英文詞語 #運動詞語 #學習資源 #夏季奧林匹克運動會

🏊‍♀️Summer Olympic Sports🤺| Name the games | English Vocabulary Flashcards for ESL Learners Do you know the names of these summer Olympic sports?🏅 Expand your vocabulary🏅 Learn through Play🏅 Captions available to read and follow alongWordlist:Arc...

The Story of Mother's Day | English Stories for Kids | History of Mother’s Day#MothersDay#Carnations 10/05/2024



祝福各位母親節快樂! 同屋企人一齊度過充滿愛與歡樂的寶貴時刻👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💞!

🔔記得訂閱我地Eureka English嘅YouTube Channel,就可以第一時間觀看我地嘅最新影片啦!

#雅理加 #英文教育 #學習英文 #兒童學習 #母親節 #母親節故事 #母親節歷史 #英文故事 #學習資源

The Story of Mother's Day | English Stories for Kids | History of Mother’s Day#MothersDay#Carnations 💐 This Mother's Day, let's celebrate the amazing women in our lives! Have you ever wondered why we give carnations to our mums and mother figures on this sp...


Eureka 一直致力為學校配對最適合的外籍英語導師 (NETs) 及提供優質一站式英語課程,多年來得到客戶的支持及肯定。✨📚

🌟 感謝來自大埔舊墟公立學校的讚美及肯定 🌟

📱電話:(852) 2510 9009
✉️電郵:[email protected]
#雅理加 #外籍英語導師派駐服務 #英語教育 #課外英語課程 #學習英文 #互動學習 #學習體驗

The Story of Easter | Bible Story | English Stories for Kids #jesuschrist #heisrisen 25/03/2024




🔔記得訂閱我地Eureka English嘅YouTube Channel,就可以第一時間觀看我地嘅最新影片啦!

#雅理加 #英語教育 #學習英文 #兒童學習 #復活節故事 #聖經故事 #英文故事 #耶穌 #學習資源

The Story of Easter | Bible Story | English Stories for Kids #jesuschrist #heisrisen 🐰During Easter, we often see colorful eggs, chicks, and little bunnies.🌳🌼 Do you know why we celebrate Easter?🐣🌷 Join us ...

Body Parts for kids | Learn English | Vocabulary Guessing Game | Preschool Kindergarten 22/03/2024



🔔記得訂閱我地Eureka English嘅YouTube Channel,就可以第一時間觀看我地嘅最新影片啦!

#雅理加 #英語教育 #學習英文 #兒童學習 #身體部位 #教育視頻 #詞彙遊戲 #遊戲學習 #學習資源

Body Parts for kids | Learn English | Vocabulary Guessing Game | Preschool Kindergarten Learn English Vocabulary for kids in this fun and interactive game quiz on Body Parts (Parts of the Body).This game is perfect for preschool and kindergarten...


Eureka 一直致力為學校配對最適合的外籍英語導師 (NETs) 及提供優質一站式英語課程,多年來得到客戶的支持及肯定。✨📚

🌟 感謝來自綠茵英文幼稚園(浪澄灣)的回饋 🌟

📱電話:(852) 2510 9009
✉️電郵:[email protected]

#雅理加 #外籍英語導師派駐服務 #英語教育 #課外英語課程 #學習英文 #互動學習 #學習體驗

Don’t say 🚫 ‘I don’t like it’ | 點樣講嘢婉轉啲?🤔人哋容易接受啲? 21/02/2024

成日淨係識講「I don’t like it!」,又覺得太直接冒犯到人🤔?快啲睇下呢條Youtube片學下點樣用英文以一個更圓滑嘅方式表達意見啦💬!

想學英文避免尷尬嘅小貼士? 睇下Angie教大家點婉轉地講唔鍾意啦🎥✨:[]

#雅理加 #英語教育 #學習英文 #英語表達 #溝通

Don’t say 🚫 ‘I don’t like it’ | 點樣講嘢婉轉啲?🤔人哋容易接受啲? 「我鍾意」英文係咩呀? “I like it!”「我唔鍾意」英文係咩呀? “I don’t like it!”咁「麻麻地」用英文可以點講?”ma ma day?”===================================Hello! 我哋一齊嚟學英文吖! 平時鍾意睇電影電視順便學吓英文,好想將我鍾....



#農曆新年 #龍年 #新年快樂

The Great Race! | Stories for kids | Story of Chinese Zodiac | Learn English | New Year stories 07/02/2024


如果大家想知道十二生肖嘅由來、聽下農曆新年嘅傳說,又或者想俾小朋友接觸多啲英文,就千奇唔好錯過呢條片啦! []


🔔記得訂閱我地嘅YouTube Channel,就可以第一時間觀看我地嘅最新影片啦!

#雅理加 #英語教育 #學習英文 #故事演繹 #農曆新年 #十二生肖 #新年快樂 #學習資源

The Great Race! | Stories for kids | Story of Chinese Zodiac | Learn English | New Year stories 🧨 Get ready for a legendary journey with the Chinese Zodiac animals! 🧨Roar!!! Happy Chinese New Year! This is the year of the Dragon🐲! Are you born in thi...


今個聖誕及新年大熱電影《旺卡》(Wonka)大家睇咗未呢?🎩🎬呢套戲係改編自英國著名作家Roald Dahl最具代表性以及最暢銷的童話書《Charlie and the Chocolate Factory》。🍭📚呢本書講咩大家又知唔知?

Eureka《Reading Explorers: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory》課程將帶領小朋友探索呢個經典故事的魔力,逐章深入理解內容,分析人物及故事發展,並從中學習如何在上文下理中應用語法和詞彙🍫✨


#閱讀 #查理和巧克力工廠 #旺卡 #英語教育 #英語能力 #小學教育 #小學課程



#新年快樂 #2024祝福 #健康快樂


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year🎄🎁2023年末,Eureka向各位表達我們最摯誠的感謝和祝福,感謝各位在過去一年對我們的信任和支持!讓我們一同見證學生的成長和進步吧!😆💪

#聖誕節快樂 #新年快樂

英文俚語:10個常用phrases一定要識! | Make English learning a piece of cake🍰| English with Angie🌼 04/06/2023

Very useful phrases!

英文俚語:10個常用phrases一定要識! | Make English learning a piece of cake🍰| English with Angie🌼 歡迎來到 English with Angie!呢度我哋會同大家分享10個常用嘅英語俚語同成語。呢啲片語唔單止係電影度經常聽到,平日講英文亦好常用㗎!學識呢啲片語會幫助你提高英文水平,同埋講英文嘅時候更加自然流利。以下有每個部分...

6 句好好用嘅 英文Phrases| Forward Thinking, In Her Own Right, Give it Away, Team Up… 17/05/2023

English with Angie 🐰

6 句好好用嘅 英文Phrases| Forward Thinking, In Her Own Right, Give it Away, Team Up… 孖寶兄弟電影上畫喇!🤩🎮由細到大玩 Mario 都係闖關去救 Princess Peach👑 其實佢係咪真係要人救?🏰班 forward-thinking嘅game creators 😎將 Princess Peach寫成一個 in her own right嘅角色💪🏼今次再睇吓 Mario同 Pr...


【玩住學劍橋英語Starters】想輕鬆備戰劍橋英語Starters考試? Eureka嘅 「劍橋英語探索套裝」幫到你!


- 全彩課本
- 光碟
- 答案
- 趣味練習 (生字練習)
- 趣味貼紙 (超過60張)
- 模擬測驗卷
- DIY筆袋
- 顏色筆


☑️雅理加語言培訓中心(Eureka Language Services)於2001年由專業的敎師成立


【備戰YLE劍橋英語】小朋友升班啦!想輕鬆備戰YLE劍橋英語考試? Eureka嘅 「劍橋英語探索套裝」幫到你!

⭐️有別於一般課本,「劍橋英語探索套裝」附全彩🌈的卡通人物課本及生字練習簿📚,配合貼紙🏵 「玩住學」,誘發小朋友學習興趣‼️

✅趣味練習 (生字練習) ***
✅趣味貼紙 (超過60張)



✔️雅理加語言培訓中心(Eureka Language Services)於2001年由專業的敎師成立


【‘Teacher Tuesday Seminar – May: Transformations】

In May's , our teachers discussed how to transform as a NET using initiatives. We also spent reviewing previous presentations, including how to use interactive games, teacher development strategies and various uses of technology in the classroom. We also added reflection exercises to look at positive teaching memories throughout the year and areas that need individual development in the upcoming year.

Our speaker this month was Adam! Thank you!

Would you like to join our next Teacher Tuesday? Email us at [email protected].
About our speaker:

𝗔𝗱𝗮𝗺 currently teaches at a local primary school. He has taught English in the United States for 2 years and in Hong Kong for the past school year, focusing on developing engaging activities and building up students’ motivation to learn English.

Topic: How to Transform as a NET By Using Incentives


【‘Teacher Tuesday Seminar – April: A Teacher’s Survival Guide】

This month’s focused on ‘A Teacher’s Survival Guide’ where our passionate teachers collaborated in discussing various social and academic topics, and also provided teaching tips from their valued experiences as teachers in Hong Kong.

Our speakers this month were Annita, Oliver, Will, Rachel and Jacinta. Thank you!

Would you like to join our next Teacher Tuesday? Email us at [email protected].
About our speakers:

𝗔𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗮 currently teaches at a kindergarten. She has a Trinity CertTESOL and has been teaching in Hong Kong for 5 years focusing on ensuring students stayed engaged.

Topic: Simple Yet Effective Digital Tools to Keep Students Engaged

𝗢𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿 teaches at a secondary school. He teaches S2,3 and 5. He has been a teacher for more than 15 years and received his BEd in Language Education from the University of Hong Kong.

Topic: Co-teaching With Your Local English Teacher

𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹 currently teaches at a secondary school. He is in his third year of teaching and has a CELTA. He is currently studying for a PGCE at the University of Sunderland.

Topic: Creating Meaningful Lesson Objectives

𝗥𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗹 has taught English, STEM, history, yoga, and music to students ages 3-20 in the USA, mainland China, Italy, Slovenia, and Hong Kong. She teaches at a kindergarten and probably has a kid’s song stuck in her head right now.

Topic: Using the 5 Love Languages in the Classroom

𝗝𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗮 is an enthusiastic English and Drama Teacher at a primary school. She focuses on confidence drills, articulation practice, and motivating students to reach their full academic potential.

Topic: A Lesson Plan Anyone Can Understand


【‘Teacher Tuesday Seminar – March: In Sync this Spring】

Last month’s focused on being ‘in sync this spring’. Our dedicated teachers collaborated in expressing ideas, discussing various social and academic topics, and sharing their valued experiences as educators in Hong Kong.

Our speakers this month were Eureka teachers Nicolas, Billie-Jo, Acholia, Jon and Beth! Thank you!

Would you like to join our next Teacher Tuesday? Email us at [email protected].


About our speakers:

𝗡𝗶𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗮𝘀 currently teaches at a kindergarten. He has a Trinity CertTESOL and has been teaching English in Hong Kong for the past three years, focusing on inquiry-based learning and student-led lessons.

Topic: Keeping Very Young Learners Engaged

𝗕𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗲-𝗝𝗼 currently teaches at a primary school. She encourages and celebrates all student participation, no matter how small. She firmly believes that students try their hardest for the teachers who show enthusiasm for their success.

Topic: Effective Reading Lessons for Primary 2

𝗔𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗮 teaches at a primary school. She has a master’s in Public Administration, a degree in Child and Youth Development, a CELTA and a TEFL. She is passionate about working with SEN students and finding new and exciting ways to deliver the English curriculum.

Topic: Classroom Reading and Comprehension Activities

𝗝𝗼𝗻 teaches at a primary school. He has a degree in English Language and Literature, and has taught in the UK and Hong Kong. He teaches writing classes at school and tutors privately to students of all ages.

Topic: The 4 Week Plan

𝗕𝗲𝘁𝗵 teaches at a kindergarten. She has two degrees, including one on Psychology with focus on child development and education. She has an abundance of experience working with students with disabilities and strives to create inclusive classrooms.

Topic: Easy, Modifiable Games


【‘Teacher Tuesday’ Seminar - February: New Year New Ideas】

This month’s focused on new ideas for the classroom. Our speakers are all experienced educators who have newly joined Eureka this year. They brought an abundance of teaching experience and new ideas to share with us.

Our speakers this month were Eureka Teachers Fundi, Lauren, Chie, Jana-Esté and Dusan! Thank you!

Would you like to join our next Teacher Tuesday? Email us at [email protected].
About our speakers:

𝗙𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗶 currently teaches at a primary school. She previously taught in Thailand. She applies different teaching methods in class to always create challenging yet fun learning environments.

Topic: Engaging Students Online and Asking for Feedback

𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗿𝗲𝗻 currently teaches at a secondary school. She studied English and Education and brings and adapts what she learnt into creative lessons for students of different ages.

Topic: Visual Aids & Step-by-Step Teaching

𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗲 currently teaches at a primary school. She studied Youth and Child Development and is experienced in incorporating fun yet rigorous online and oral lesson activities.

Topic: 2 Games to Build Rapport

𝗝𝗮𝗻𝗮-𝗘𝘀𝘁𝗲́ currently teaches at a primary school. She has a degree in Education, and has an abundance of experience in curriculum development and classroom management.

Topic: What I Learned About Classroom Management in 6 Months

𝗗𝘂𝘀𝗮𝗻 currently teaches at a primary school. He has a masters in Education and has taught in Canada, the UK, UAE, Japan and Serbia. He teaches natural and useful English both in-person and online.

Topic: Ideas for Online Lessons

Eureka Music Video: We Dance Hand in Hand in the Rain 12/01/2021

【Eureka Music Video: We Dance Hand in Hand in the Rain】

‘There is an end to every storm. When this is over, a rainbow forms.’

Eureka presents a new original song to bring encouragement to all as we power through this difficult time.

Despite the storm, we have a lot to be grateful for. Above all, we have each other.

Click below to watch the video! Please feel free to share it with students and friends!






Eureka Music Video: We Dance Hand in Hand in the Rain ‘There is an end to every storm. When this is over, a rainbow forms.’Eureka presents a new original song to bring encouragement to all as we power through th...


【Eureka’s Holiday Huddle】

It was lovely to see so many of you at Eureka’s 2020 online ‘Holiday Huddle’! We had so much fun with trivia, giving out prizes and getting to know one another better.

Eureka would like to say a big ‘Thank You’ to teachers for their hard work for Hong Kong's students this year!
Winners and prizes below:

Hotel Staycation for 2 -- Winner: Lauren S
Ngong Ping 360 Tickets for 2 -- Winner: Fundi M
51-item Health Check -- Winner: Terry S
Shangri-La Fondue -- Winner: Jon S
Teacher Surprise Bags -- Winners: Billie-Jo R, Adam R and Nik L

Congratulations to all our winners, and happy holidays to all!


雅理加非常高興看到這麼多老師參與我們舉辦的2020年網上「Holiday Huddle」(冬季聚會)!我們舉辦了不同的有獎遊戲,大家開心盡興之餘更促進了彼此之間的了解。


2人酒店住宿套票 - 得獎者:Lauren S
昂坪360門票2張 - 得獎者:Fundi M
健康檢查(包含51個項目) - 得獎者:Terry S
香格里拉火鍋套票 - 得獎者:Jon S
教師驚喜禮包 - 得獎者:Billie-Jo R、Adam R和Nik L


Photos from Eureka Language Services's post 01/12/2020

November is a busy but exciting month for teachers! At Eureka, we held a couple of activities to help teachers maintain a good work-life balance, as well as to gain a new perspective on teaching and on their careers.

Eureka strives to help teachers reach their goals in teaching. For many, this includes becoming an EDB NET Scheme teacher. To help our teachers take a first step towards this goal, we organized an EDB NET Panel, where we invited current EDB NETs to share their experiences and advice.

Thank you to everyone who took part, especially to our guest speakers!

November Events:

- Teacher Tuesday: NET Life Hacks

- EDB NET Panel

十一月對於各位導師來說是既繁忙又令人興奮的月份! 雅理加舉辦了數場工作坊以幫助導師們保持工作與生活平衡,讓他們在教學和職業發展上樹立新的視野。

雅理加致力幫助導師達他們的教學目標。 有很多外籍英語導師,都以成為教育局外籍英語教師計劃的導師等作為他們的目標。 為了幫助我們的導師朝著這個目標邁出第一步,我們成立了一個分享會並邀請現任教育局外籍英語教師分享他們的經驗和建議。



- 教師星期二分享會: 生活小秘訣

- 教育局外籍英語教師小組分享會


【‘Teacher Tuesday’ Seminar - November: NET Life Hacks】

This month’s focused on health and wellbeing and connection across cultures. Our guest speakers presented lots of helpful tips, tricks and takeaways! Participants then joined different breakout rooms where they discussed their integration into Hong Kong and their various local experiences to do with egg tarts, Stephen Chow, diversity and Mahjong!

Our speakers this month were Eureka Teachers Terry, Abbi, Agnes, Annita and Rosie! Thank you!

Would you like to join our next Teacher Tuesday? Email us at [email protected].
About our speakers:

𝗧𝗲𝗿𝗿𝘆 is currently a primary school teacher. He shared a framework to use for planning our work-life balance.

Topic: Work - Life Balance

𝗔𝗯𝗯𝗶 is currently a primary school teacher but has also worked at Eureka schools at secondary and kindergarten levels. She talked to us about adapting to different school environments.

Topic: Adapting to School Environments

𝗔𝗴𝗻𝗲𝘀 is currently a primary school teacher. She shared some apps for fitness and food.

Topic: Food and Fitness

𝗔𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗮 is currently a kindergarten teacher. She talked to us about building rapport with local colleagues.

Topic: Building Rapport with Colleagues

𝗥𝗼𝘀𝗶𝗲 is currently working at a learning centre across kindergarten and primary school ages. She shared about keeping busy outside of work.

Topic: Life Outside of Work

Photos from Eureka Language Services's post 03/11/2020

Thank you to everyone who took part in our October events! In the past month, Eureka held workshops on inclusivity and communication to create supportive and accessible classrooms for diverse learners. We had many meaningful discussions with teachers teaching different ages and levels.

October events:

- Teacher Tuesday: Inclusive Classrooms

- Effective Teaching: Talk Smarter, Not Harder

- Navigating SEN: A Compass for Your Classroom (Guest Speakers from The Academy of Play and Psychotherapy)

感謝大家積極參與我們十月份的活動! 在過去的這個月,雅理加舉辦了數場以融合教育和溝通為主題的工作坊,幫助老師為有不同學習需要的學生建立一個包容且無障礙的學習環境。我們更有幸與教導不同年級的老師們進行了多場有意義的討論,非常充實。

- 教師星期二分享會:融合教育
- 「如何令教學更有效」分享會
- 引導SEN(特殊教育需要)學生: 教室指南針(客席講師來自 香港遊戲及心理治療學苑 )

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Our Story

Eureka Language Services Limited was founded in 2001 by two teachers who had a unique vision for English language education in Hong Kong. Eureka has a strong network of 200 teaching professionals who serve over 400 schools and organisations.

The word Eureka is used to express a sudden intellectual breakthrough. The ancient Greek scientist Archimedes reportedly proclaimed “Eureka!” when he realised water could be used to measure the volume of an irregular object.

Have you experienced your own Eureka moment? Let us help you explore your potential.

在2001年,兩位對英語教育抱著遠見和夢想的教師在香港成立了雅理加語言培訓中心(Eureka Language Services Limited)。時至今日,Eureka已擁有為數200的專業教師團隊,盡心為超過400間學校及機構提供外籍英語導師教授的語言培訓服務。

你經歷過屬於自己的Eureka moment嗎?來跟Eureka一起探索吧!

Videos (show all)

【備戰YLE劍橋英語】小朋友升班啦!想輕鬆備戰YLE劍橋英語考試? Eureka嘅 「劍橋英語探索套裝」幫到你!👇🏻👇🏻留言「優惠價」購買即減$50並包郵✨✨⭐️有別於一般課本,「劍橋英語探索套裝」附全彩🌈的卡通人物課本及生字練習簿📚,配合...
Eureka English Fun Day - Lantern Festivals
Eureka English Fun Day - Luau
又到7月喇~臨放暑假前粉嶺官立小學的老師想小朋友玩得開心之餘又有得學英文,所以搵Eureka搞咗個English Fun Day,小朋友都玩到樂而忘返! 🤩 #睇到小編都想玩埋一份 #eurekahk #粉嶺...
【📣#有嘢送 Eureka要送出 #Phonics彩色拼音特大海報 (A1 size),名額10個,快啲嚟玩喇!🤩】 Eureka為本地中小學幼稚園提供 #外籍英語導師 同 #英語活動班 超過17年,經過多年研究同實踐,我哋將生活化嘅英語教...
有時「買」錯咗個爛燈盞,只好賴地硬咁話:「我買嗰陣已經係咁架啦。」🤗英文可以咁講:When I bought it, it was already like that.#eurekahk
Eureka x Play House 暑期星級英語小廚神
Our Discovering Drama course (Term 2) at SKH Kei Yan Primary School started on last Saturday 20th February. This course ...



12/F, Champion Building, 287-291 Des Voeux Road Central
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00

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1 Ying Wa Street, Shum Shui Po
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Island Resort/Siu Sai Wan Road, Siu Sai Wan Road,
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Hopkins Training & Education Group Limited Hopkins Training & Education Group Limited
Unit 31-33, 1/F, Tower 1, South Seas Center, 75 Mody Road, TST E
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American Vocal Studio American Vocal Studio
Office A, 5th Floor, Hang Lung House, 184-192 Queeen's Road, Central
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Come see why Asian pop singers, top younger singers, and singers of all ages, have put their trust in the professional teachers at the American Vocal Studio.

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HKNGCA Science Innovation Centre, 21 Hong Kin Road, Tui Min Hoi Area, Sai Kung
Hong Kong, 000000

歡迎瀏覽香港新一代文化協會科學創意中心的專頁 Welcome to the official Page of

Smart Child HK Smart Child HK
1207 Workingbond Commercial Centre
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We provide tailor-made English study program for students who are studying at top local schools in HK

Story Jungle Education Centre Story Jungle Education Centre
Room 902, 9/F, 168 Queen's Road Central
Hong Kong

Story Jungle, founded in 2002, is devoted to helping children discover their innate enthusiasm and ability to learn.