
Exploring Hong Kong's unseen corners, past and present is an educational initiative of the WYNG Foundation that explores the unseen corners of Hong Kong’s built environment, past and present.

香港建解為 WYNG基金會旗下的教育項目,旨在探索香港過去與現在的建築環境未為人所知的一面。

Photos from 香港建解's post 03/09/2024



In Hong Kong, "nullah" usually refers to open drainage. The word is a legacy of colonial-era engineering. Derived from the word “nala” in Hindi, it originally referred to natural gullies with fast-flowing intermittent streams, but evolved to mean man-made drainage channels in Hong Kong.

Like many natural streams in the city, most of these nullahs are covered as underground culverts, but they still influence the appearance of our streets today, from the overall layout to the plants in the flower beds.
新文章《香港失落的河溪(一):都市溪流的消失》已經上線!撳入 閱讀全文。

New story “Hong Kong’s Lost Streams - Part 1: The Disappearance of Urban Streams” is now published! Click on to read the full article!
#香港建解 #香港 #香港河流

Photos from 香港建解's post 29/08/2024


Have you ever considered that beneath the bustling streets you walk on every day, there are streams flowing all the way from the hills to the sea?
If you look at an old map of Hong Kong, one of the first things you will notice are the streams undulating their way down the hillsides, blanketing the land in a web of blue filaments. In today's urban Kowloon and Hong Kong Island, apart from a few small artificial channels, streams are no longer visible at all. They have been buried beneath the pavement. These subterranean streams have nevertheless left traces of their existence in place names.
新文章《香港失落的河溪(一):都市溪流的消失》已經上線!撳入 閱讀全文。

New story “Hong Kong’s Lost Streams - Part 1: The Disappearance of Urban Streams” is now published! Click on to read the full article!
#香港建解 #香港 #香港河流

Photos from 香港建解's post 22/08/2024




Over 70 years ago, Fat Kwong Street and Pui Ching Road were unrelated streets separated by hilly terrain.

In the 1960s, as the government began developing the Ho Man Tin area, these hills, once designated for cemetery use, were levelled to make way for the construction of private residential units, schools, and public housing. Fat Kwong Street also extended until it linked up with Pui Ching Road.

Fat Kwong Street, which started out as a 200-metre-long local street, is today a key route connecting Ho Man Tin and Hung Hom.
新文章《半途換名的街道》已經上線!撳入 閱讀全文。

New story “The streets that change their names midway” is now published! Click on to read the full article!
#香港建解 #香港 #香港街道

Photos from 香港建解's post 11/08/2024




Two street signs standing side-by-side on the same road

According to Geoinfo Map, the dividing line of Wharf Road and City Garden Road is at the Po Leung K*k Yu Lee Mo Fan Memorial School, with the previous extending to the east and the latter to the west.

The time gap between the construction of Wharf Road and City Garden Road was almost 30 years, and the gap between their naming was almost 40 years. They each symbolize the industrial past and economic transformation of North Point, reflecting the area’s changing land uses.
新文章《半途換名的街道》已經上線!撳入 閱讀全文。

New story “The streets that change their names midway” is now published! Click on to read the full article!
#香港建解 #香港 #香港街道

Photos from 香港建解's post 16/07/2024


1851 年,一場大火燒毀了上環大約450棟建築物,災後的頹垣敗瓦連同填海物料被傾倒入海,沿著海岸線建成了文咸街,也在這條街和原本的海岸線皇后大道之間,填出了一片形狀不規則的陸地,是香港首個公共填海項目。這片土地被劃成幾個形狀不一的街區,這些街區再被細分成不同的地段出售,於是就出現了文咸東街14號,一個像是擠進樓宇夾縫間的小店。

14 Bonham Strand is a single-storey building with just 145 square foot that wedged into a triangular gap between two other buildings. However, its lot boundaries have existed for over 120 years! To explain its existence, we must delve into Bonham Strand's origin.

In 1851, a fire devastated some 450 buildings in Sheung Wan. The rubble, plus some additional fill material, was dumped into the sea, constructing Bonham Strand as the new coastline. An irregularly shaped patch of land was formed between this street and Queen's Road, the previous coastline, as part of Hong Kong's first major public reclamation project. The area was divided into several irregularly shaped blocks, which were divided into land lots for sale, some of which were tiny and triangular. 14 Bonham Strand is one of them.

📸: & City Unseen
新文章《文咸東街的微型三角茶店》已經上線!撳入 閱讀全文。

New story “The Tiny Triangular Tea Shop of Bonham Strand” is now published! Click on to read the full article!
#香港建解 #香港

Photos from 香港建解's post 28/06/2024

【🧐 城市景觀問題徵集 Call for curiosities of urban scenes】
(English version below)


由即日起至2024年7月19日,將令你好奇的城市景觀相片連同問題發給我們,更有機會贏取價值港幣50元的咖啡換領券 ☕

1️⃣ Follow 香港建解 Instagram 或 page (香港建解 )。
2️⃣ 從日常出發,拍攝令你好奇的香港城市景觀。
3️⃣ 將相片連同問題以 FB/IG DM發給我們 或 電郵至 [email protected]

🎁 香港建解會從中挑選出9位參加者,送出可於太子指定咖啡店換領價值港幣50元或以下的飲品coupon!

- 活動截止日期為2024年7月19日23:59(香港時間);
- 得獎者將收到FB/IG DM或電郵通知,屆時請於收到通知後的兩天內回覆相關資料以作登記和安排領獎,否則當作放棄得奬資格;
- 未被選中者,恕不另行通知;
- 每位參加者只可登記一次,不接受雙重登記。如有重複提交,將以最新提交的為準;
- 如有任何爭議,香港建解將保留一切最終決定權。

Have you ever encountered urban scenes that arouse your curiosity while walking through the city of Hong Kong? Share your questions with City Unseen, and let us uncover stories hidden in different corners of our city!

From now until 19 July 2024, send us a photo of the urban scene that piques your curiosity with your question for a chance to win a coffee voucher worth HKD 50 ☕

1️⃣ Follow City Unseen on Instagram and Facebook (.hk).
2️⃣ Discover an urban scene in Hong Kong that piques your curiosity and take a picture or two of it.
3️⃣ Send us the photo along with your question via FB/IG DM or email to [email protected] by 19 July 2024.

🎁City Unseen will select 9 submissions and give away a voucher for redeeming a drink priced at HK$50 or below at designated coffee shops in Prince Edward (valid till Dec 2024).

- The deadline for submission is 19/7/2024 at 23:59 HKT.
- Winners will be notified via FB/IG DM or email. Please provide the requested information for registration and prize arrangement within 2 days of the date the notice is sent. Failure to respond within the applicable time period will result in forfeiture of the prize.
- Non-selected participants will not be individually notified.
- All unselected participants will not be notified individually.
- One entry per person, duplicate accounts will be disregarded. In the case of multiple submissions, the latest submission will be considered.
- In case of any dispute, the decision of City Unseen shall be final.

Photos from 香港建解's post 21/06/2024



Typically located outside of country parks on unoccupied government land, the management of backyard trails tends to be uncoordinated and sporadic, giving local residents the leeway to use and modify the space to their own needs. Bishop Hill (Wo Chai Shan) is one typical example.

It is an intensively used urban oasis, boasting a tight-knit community and a remarkable concentration of do-it-yourself structures and facilities.

📸: & City Unseen
想了解主教山民間自製設施背後的故事?歡迎到 閱讀文章《都市綠洲的隱秘生活》!

What's the story behind DIY structures and facilities on Bishop Hill? Read our article “The Hidden Life of An Urban Oasis” via !
#香港建解 #香港 #主教山 #屋企後山

Photos from 香港建解's post 13/06/2024


2022至2023年期間,本地非牟利機構 Parks and Trails進行了一項有關人口稠密地區附近的後山小徑的研究,主教山就是其中一個研究地點。



What is a typical day like on this small hill, which only gained wider public attention after the discovery of a historic service reservoir?

In 2022-23, local non-profit organisation Parks and Trails conducted a study of backyard trails on hillsides near densely populated areas. Bishop Hill is one of the study areas.

The research team installed infra-red people-counting sensors at 4 key locations and found that visitors continue to arrive at Bishop Hill from as early as 4am until nightfall. The peak hours are between 8am and 9am, with over 100 people an hour.
To supplement these statistics with real-life observations, the City Unseen team visited Bishop Hill on two weekdays in March 2024. Observations have revealed that this place is more than a “morning exercise paradise”. People of all ages engage in various exercises or leisure activities throughout the day, and children play here after school, creating a harmonious and joyful scene.

📸: & City Unseen
想了解主教山的浮生半日景象?撳入 閱讀文章《都市綠洲的隱秘生活》!

Want to know what a day in life is like in Bishop Hill? Read our new story “The Hidden Life of An Urban Oasis” via
#香港建解 #香港 #主教山 #屋企後山

Photos from 香港建解's post 07/06/2024


Before late 2020, Bishop Hill (also known as Wo Chai Shan) was relatively unknown to many, but for years it served as a leisure destination for residents nearby.
Despite being surrounded by multiple urban developments, Bishop Hill was not flattened. Why is that? The story begins with the reservoir...
新文章《都市綠洲的隱秘生活》已經上線!撳入 閱讀全文。

New story “The Hidden Life of An Urban Oasis” is now published! Click on to read the full article!
#香港建解 #香港 #主教山

Photos from 香港建解's post 05/06/2024

【太子的奇異日常 Delving into the curiosities of Prince Edward】




Recently, City Unseen held our first walking tour, exploring Prince Edward with our followers and local residents. We walked from bustling streets to the neighbourhood's green oasis, discussing questions such as: Why is there a hole in this building? Why is this area full of triangles? Where does a subterranean river still flow under its streets?

Prince Edward was formed in the 1920s and 1930s when the construction of Lai Chi Kok Road and Prince Edward Road linked up Sham Shui Po, Mong Kok, and Kowloon City. As a transition zone between districts, it only acquired an identity as a neighbourhood in its own right after the MTR opened a station there in 1982. Prince Edward contains diverse facets of the city within a small area; the vibe can change completely from one street to the next. This makes it a great place to explore the fascinating and curious traces of our city’s growth.

If you encounter intriguing urban scenes in your daily life, feel free to send us a photo along with your question via DM or email. Your contribution could be featured in our next blog article, where we will share our discoveries and answers to your questions!

Photos from 香港建解's post 27/05/2024

山在何處? Where is the hill?


“Hung Hom” means “Red Cliff”. The character “Hom” (磡) could also refer to the land below the cliff. At the waterfront nearby, there is a park and a swimming pool named after a hill called "Tai Wan Shan". The hill, originally 75 meters high, has been flattened and used for various reclamation projects in the Hung Hom area. Today, there are hardly any visible traces of the hill except for remnants found at Hutchinson Park.
#香港建解 #香港 #地名

Photos from 香港建解's post 10/05/2024

誰是愛秩序? Who was Aldrich?

香港開埠之初,英國皇家工兵團的愛秩序少校(Major Edward Aldrich)就被派駐香港。都市傳聞都說他熱愛紀律,所以才有此名。


1. 不顧上司港督砵典乍的意見,堅持提交16頁報告建議將金鐘設為兵房重地,不惜為此徵用民房和政府建築。

2. 自行決定自己的薪金是原本的三倍,因為他認為自己身兼三職:總工程師、工務司及總測量師。導致他在1847年離港返英三個星期後,就被殖民地部指控多領薪金,要向他討回部分金錢。

Have you ever wondered about the origin of "Aldrich Bay"?

Major Edward Aldrich was posted to Hong Kong when the British first claimed Hong Kong as a colony. The story goes that he was an advocate of discipline, which is why his name was translated into Chinese in such a way.

However, after digging into some old documents, we found that there is something more to his story. Aldrich’s conduct in Hong Kong gives the impression that he thought discipline was for other people. Some notable stories include:

1. He defied the first governor, Henry Pottinger, over where to build a military base. Aldrich completely ignored him, submitting a 16-page report that not only recommended locating the base in Admiralty, but requisitioning existing civilian and government buildings in the area for military use.

2. He decided to pay himself 3 times more than the original salary. He thought he deserved it because he had been doing the equivalent of 3 jobs—chief engineer, head of public works, and head of surveying. As a result, 3 weeks after his return to England in 1847, the Treasury accused him of overpaying himself and demanded the money back.
#香港建解 #香港 #地名

Photos from 香港建解's post 06/05/2024

【昔與今:尖沙咀 Then & Now: Tsim Sha Tsui】


In Chinese, peninsulas are called “tsui” (嘴/咀), literally meaning lips or beak; or “kok” (角) meaning corner. Hence, Tai Kok Tsui (“Big Corner Beak”) was once a narrow rocky promontory just south of Sham Shui Po. Ngau Tau Kok (“Cow Head Corner”) was a hilly peninsula with a prominent rock said to resemble an ox horn.

Reclamation in Tsim Sha Tsui first began in the early 20th century due to the construction of the Kowloon-Canton Railway. Imagine back in the days, when the train ran along its eastern shore parallel to Chatham Road down to the rail terminus, where the clock tower remains. What a sight it would have been!
新文章《香港地名與其失落的地理特徵》已經推出!撳入 閱讀全文。

New story “The Forgotten Geography of Hong Kong Place Names” is now published! Click on to read the full article!
#香港建解 #香港 #地名 #尖沙咀

Photos from 香港建解's post 01/05/2024



Many places are named after Hong Kong’s natural landscape features, which, after 170 years of reclamation, no longer exist. Today, these names do not evoke
much beyond stops on the MTR,

Hong Kong’s coastline is much straighter and flatter than it was 170 years ago, yet some places have retained much older names. It makes you wonder if in 400 years’ time, people will be wondering about the origins of place names like “Olympic” and “LOHAS Park.”
新文章《香港地名與其失落的地理特徵》已經推出!撳入 閱讀全文。

New story “The Forgotten Geography of Hong Kong Place Names” is now published! Click on to read the full article!
#香港建解 #香港 #地名

Photos from 香港建解's post 26/04/2024



When rent control unexpectedly became a catalyst for reconstruction...

High rental prices have always been an issue in Hong Kong. A century ago, the government implemented rent control measures to freeze house rents. However, to encourage the construction of more housing, new buildings were exempted from this. Ironically, this had sparked a wave of reconstruction.
撳入 閱讀《第一代唐樓芳蹤何在?》全文。

Click on to read “Where did all the first generation tong lau go?” full article!
#香港建解 #戰前唐樓 #唐樓

Photos from 香港建解's post 23/04/2024


Since Hong Kong’s earliest days of urbanization, housing has been seen as an investment tool rather than a permanent home. This attitude has led to a rapid pace of building disappearance and replacement. Many early tong laus were poorly built because they were cheap rental housing for workers and coolies.
撳入 閱讀《第一代唐樓芳蹤何在?》全文。

Click on to read “Where did all the first generation tong lau go?” full article!
#香港建解 #戰前唐樓 #唐樓

Photos from 香港建解's post 17/04/2024




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[Prince Edward Curiosities FREE Walking Tour ]
Why is this building so weird? Why are there so many triangles in Prince Edward? Join City Unseen for a free walking tour on the upcoming public holiday on 15 May 2024 (Wed) at 10AM to learn more!

Date: 15 May 2024 (Wed; Public holiday)
Time: 10:00AM-11:30AM (1.5 hours)
Tour Language: Cantonese (with limited English assistance)
Quota: 20 people (If registration response is overwhelming, City Unseen will host one more free tour on 18 May 2024 Saturday at 10:00AM.)

Assembly Point: Mong Kok East MTR Station Exit C
Dismissal Point: Bishop Hill Playground

Application Form:
Application Deadline: 12 May 2024 (Applicants successfully registered will be contacted by City Unseen via email.)
Enquiries: [email protected]

#香港建解 #香港 #香港好去處

Photos from 香港建解's post 09/04/2024




A city without a formal fire brigade?

Firefighters are now regarded as one of the essential emergency services in contemporary cities. However, it was surprising that the city did not possess a formal fire brigade for nearly 30 years since the colonial rule established in Hong Kong. Prior to the establishment of the Fire Services Department in 1868, firefighting was handled not very effectively by the British military and various volunteer forces funded by local business associations.

Back in those days, the city was densely packed with partially wooden buildings. Flames spread quickly and regularly wiped out tens or hundreds of buildings. Often, the only way of stopping them was to demolish buildings with explosives to create fire breaks. This was just one of the many challenges tong laus needed to overcome to survive.
新文章《第一代唐樓芳蹤何在?》已經推出!撳入link in bio閱讀全文。

New story “Where did all the first generation tong lau go?” is now published! Click on link in bio to read the full article!
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates✨🌱
同時可參閱簡介內網址,閱讀更多有關香港城市建築環境的故事 🤓
To explore more the unseen corners of Hong Kong, visit our website to read more stories 🤓
#香港建解 #戰前唐樓 #唐樓

Photos from 香港建解's post 03/04/2024


雖然目前沒有完整的唐樓樓齡統計數據,不過古物諮詢委員會(「古諮會」)的歷史建築評估名單列入約 100 幢唐樓,當中大部分是屬於第二、第三代。目前所知仍然屹立不倒的唯一一幢初代唐樓建成於19世紀晚期,正是中環威靈頓街120號的永和號雜貨店。它是市建局一項大型重建計劃的一部分,目前正在進行大規模活化工程。

在探討為何第一代唐樓芳蹤難尋之前,讓我們先認識一下三代戰前唐樓有何特徵 🧐

Although traces of long-demolished buildings can still be found across the city, pre-war tong laus are rare finds these days. Every demolition leaves us with a heavy heart...Do you know that pre-war tong laus can be classified into three generations according to their distinct architectural styles?

While complete statistics on the ages of surviving tong laus are unavailable, the Antiquities Advisory Board’s (AAB’s) list of graded buildings, which includes about 100 tong laus, indicates that most are second and third generation tong laus. The sole known first generation example still standing is the Wing Woo Grocery Store at 120 Wellington Street, which was built in the late 19th century and is currently undergoing extensive renovation works by the Urban Renewal Authority as part of a large-scale redevelopment scheme.

Why are there so few first generation tong lau left? Before proceeding, we should first identify the features of three generations of pre-war tong lau 🧐
新文章《第一代唐樓芳蹤何在?》已經推出!撳入…tion-tong-lau-go/?lang=zh-hant 閱讀全文。

New story “Where did all the first generation tong lau go?” is now published! Click on to read the full article!
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates✨🌱
同時可參閱簡介內網址,閱讀更多有關香港城市建築環境的故事 🤓
To explore more the unseen corners of Hong Kong, visit our website to read more stories 🤓
#香港建解 #戰前唐樓 #唐樓

Photos from 香港建解's post 18/03/2024

無主之牆 A Wall Lost In Time





Sai Ying Pun was among the first residential areas in Hong Kong to be developed in colonial times. Generation after generation built their homes on this steep terrain.

From pre-war tong lau buildings to modern glass curtain-wall structures, you can find residential buildings in Sai Ying Pun completed in different eras, reflecting Hong Kong's housing history. Although many old buildings have been demolished, they have left faint traces.

This particular wall stands on High Street, slightly worn but still adorned with delicate decorative mouldings that conceal its origin. It is likely a shared wall of a three-story pre-war tong lau building, surviving through multiple rebuilds.

The X-shaped bracing was not original to the demolished building but was added afterwards to ensure the brown building's stability. Since the pink building on the left was built as tall, narrow towers, the brown building could no longer rely on its neighbour for structural support. Therefore, the government required its developer to add the bracing.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates✨🌱
同時可參閱簡介內網址,閱讀更多有關香港城市建築環境的故事 🤓
To explore more the unseen corners of Hong Kong, visit our website to read more stories 🤓
#香港建解 #戰前唐樓 #唐樓

Photos from 香港建解's post 08/03/2024

獨腳柱的前塵往事 The Curious Story of Orphaned Pillars



香港的社會發展與法例演變如何影響唐樓的設計形態呢?到此 閱讀《舊樓還魂記》全文一探究竟!

Walking down the street, have you ever encountered a lone pillar with no apparent purpose? Take a closer look, their decorative moulding is a clue that they are older than the plain 1950s-or-after tenement buildings on either side. They are the remnants of pre-war tong laus.

In 1955, the government passed a new Buildings Ordinance allowing for higher densities, setting off a wave of redevelopment.

Cantilevered-style tong laus gradually replaced the "verandah-style" ones. Yet some old pillars survived—not for structural reasons, but because of property boundaries.

How did the social development and building codes in Hong Kong affect the design of tong lau? Check out the article “Ghost Buildings” via for the full story!
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates✨🌱

同時可參閱簡介內網址,閱讀更多有關香港城市建築環境的故事 🤓
To explore more the unseen corners of Hong Kong, visit our website to read more stories 🤓
#香港建解 #戰前唐樓 #唐樓

Photos from 香港建解's post 29/02/2024

👏👏 感謝各位參與評選「最不友善公共座椅」!這個不幸的頭銜最終落在「鍛鍊核心肌群式」這一款長凳上 🥲 你又認唔認得這張座椅的所在地呢?



👏👏 A big thank you to everyone who participated in our recent poll on the most unfriendly public seating we found across the city! The unfortunate title goes to this “core muscle training” bench 🥲 Can you recognise where it located?

This range of seating comes in various designs and materials, but they all possess somewhat uncomfortable elements, restricting individuals from sitting in a certain way and discouraging people from staying too long. While these designs prioritise the ease of management, it’s still worthwhile to ask what kind of public spaces our city needs.

Public space design is asked to serve many stakeholders at once, which is a tricky task. When different stakeholders have conflicting needs, it's challenging to determine which one should be prioritised. How do we strike a balance between reducing the maintenance burden and accommodating the needs of all users? Can these conflicts be managed through softer methods instead of deterrent or hostile measures?
撳入簡介內網址閱讀《香港的敵意建築》全文吧 🤓
Click the link in the bio to read the full article “Hong Kong’s Hostile Architecture” 🤓

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to explore more unseen corners of Hong Kong✨🌱
#香港建解 #香港 #公共空間

Photos from 香港建解's post 18/02/2024

Does how wealthy a neighbourhood is affect how friendly the public benches are?



While hostile architecture is more frequently found in low-income neighbourhoods and areas with poor environmental conditions, comfortable seating is usually found near high-end shopping areas and busy tourist attractions. Why is that?

Firstly, these locations allow public space managers to be reasonably confident of attracting more desirable users. Secondly, these spaces are likely to be managed by private developers, who could allocate more resources and manpower for upkeep, which signals that the place is well-supervised and cared for. This deters homeless people and others who wish to avoid close scrutiny.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to explore more unseen corners of Hong Kong✨🌱
#香港建解 #香港 #公共空間

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英皇道全長4.2公里,貫通銅鑼灣至西灣河,至今已有89年歷史。這條港島東主要幹道見證了沿路的城市發展,更一度出現了一段「新英皇道」的規劃。你知道這段路如今在哪裡嗎?King's Road, which spans 4.2 kilometre...
(English below) 重建項目遺下的微型地皮📍文咸東街的另一頓同樣存在一個微型地皮。多年來都未被納入附近更大的地產發展。讓我們從google街景中看看它過去15年經歷的變遷吧!At the other end of Bonham ...
(English below) 如何在只有百餘呎的地段建一棟三層高的建築?1973年以前,文咸東街14號有一棟三層高的建築。根據政府檔案處的舊平面圖,每層均加建了閣樓,裡面的樓梯以古怪而陡峭的設計塞在房屋的後方。如果一個人要走上這條樓梯,就...
【讀者提問 Question from followers – Part 3 】石牆樹也面臨老化問題?隨著時間流逝,有限的生長空間與越來越大的體積令石牆樹的未來堪憂。Stonewall trees in our city are facin...
【讀者提問 Question from followers – Part 2 】兵荒馬亂反而成了樹木在石牆上生長的契機?高嘉雲先生解釋為何香港石牆樹的樹齡大多是75-80歲 😮When war and turmoil became oppo...
【讀者提問 Question from followers – Part 1 】感謝高嘉雲先生(Mr. Gavin Coates)和我們分享石牆樹的生長習性!想知道第二次世界大戰與香港石牆樹的生長有何關係?記得留意我哋嘅Facebook同I...
🧐🤔為何東區有個「西灣」?為何只有小西灣,而沒有大西灣?Why is there a "Western Bay" in the Eastern District? Why is there only "Little Western Bay"...
什麼是「洗太平地」?太平山的不太平過往...Clearing the land of peace? The unsettling past of Tai Ping Shan_追蹤我們的Facebook和Instagram以獲取最新資訊✨🌱F...
(English caption below) 有否試過走在熟悉的街區,驚覺突然多了一塊空地,才發覺曾經佇立在此的建築已被拆下,然後你很努力回想它的模樣、拆卸的時間與過程,卻往往毫無頭緒?在香港,許多城市建築的更替往往是在不知不覺間發生,但...
無形的界線,有形的留白 Invisible Boundary, Visible Void為什麼兩幢樓的排列像是錯位的俄羅斯方塊?繼殘影與獨柱後,這也是地權界限遺留痕跡的一種演繹。一梯兩伙的唐樓意味著兩幢樓的業主各自擁有一半的樓梯業權。率先重...
拆走的舊樓與尚未抹去的痕跡 Ghostly imprints of demolished buildings香港的重建浪潮一浪接一浪,城市建築不斷清拆又重建似是恆常景象。不過,即使建築物已被拆除,它們仍然留下絲絲痕跡。例如在一些較早發展的地...
趕人的柱躉,聚人的地方 When an infrastructure designed for deterrence inadvertently transforms into a gathering spot敵意建築縱使有明確目的,但也有...


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iGarden iGarden
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Learning Point HK Learning Point HK
Flat B1, 4/F, , Richwealth Industrial Building, , No. 77-87 Wang Lung Street
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Lowcarbonfootprint Lowcarbonfootprint
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We're 環保Lowcarbonfootprint. 2個90's後既女仔,希望透過簡單,易實行既方法,分享系日常生活都做到既環保概念,邊食、邊玩、邊訓,人人都可以系 環 保 。L

Teatimetutoring Education Teatimetutoring Education
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Providing systematic courses, creating an atmosphere for kids to learn all-rounded knowledge

UK Education UK Education
Unit 01, 9/F, Cheong K. Building, No. 84-86 Des Voeux Road, Central
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UK Education Limited 提供英國各大學學仕及碩士課程,助你一年內取得英國MBA學位。

Department of Translation, Lingnan University Department of Translation, Lingnan University
8 Castle Peak Road, Tuen Mun
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The official page of the Translation Department of Lingnan University.

香港珠心算專業教育協會 - 紅磡分會 香港珠心算專業教育協會 - 紅磡分會
紅磡馬頭圍道37-39號紅磡廣場2樓V 8
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香港珠心算專業教育協會簡稱 “港珠協會”,協會宗旨是弘揚中華國粹,推廣普及珠心算教育,啟動兒童數學才華,發揮天賦潛能,增益腦力智慧。

Bright International Education-Sai Ying Pun 明師教育-西營盤 Bright International Education-Sai Ying Pun 明師教育-西營盤
Flat 2513, 25/F, Hong Kong Plaza, 186-191 Connaught Road West HK
Hong Kong

BRIGHT Education exists to develop and educate all our students to exert their best potential, we build solid foundations to ensure academic success.

中文路ChineseRd HK & Macau - 兒童普通話 中文路ChineseRd HK & Macau - 兒童普通話
沙田石門京瑞廣場2期 5樓 J 室
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中文路ChineseRd 成立於2018年,一直專注於為香港及澳門學習者提供專業線上一對一普通話、中文科補習、GAPSK輔導、商務普通話等課程。專業AI輔助教學,讓你快速學習普通話

Youth College - International YCI 青年學院國際課程 Youth College - International YCI 青年學院國際課程
20 Tsing Yi Road, Tsing Yi Island, New Territories
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Gohin Chemistry Gohin Chemistry
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Uji Coba Livestream Uji Coba Livestream
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Uji Coba Livestream KJRI HK