Gwee Coffee & More

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Gwee Coffee & More, Coffee shop, 1 Tai Ping Shan Street, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.

Photos from Gwee Coffee & More's post 07/07/2024
Photos from Gwee Coffee & More's post 05/07/2024

嗡嗡嗡~因咩事咁大堆蜜蜂飛左入來Gwee?🐝原來佢地係來採集澳洲塔斯馬尼亞的革木蜂蜜(Leatherwood Honey)呀!

店主上個月快閃左一趟澳洲,除左帶左好多澳洲烘焙嘅咖啡豆同你地分享;今次仲帶左當地馳名嘅蜂蜜🍯,經過試驗,精心咁製作左今次嘅Seasonal Drink — gωєєzу вєє!

gωєєzу вєє🐝獨特之處除左用上革木蜂蜜,我地仲配上巴西嘅Espresso、Gwee嘅招牌岩鹽奶蓋、自家製蜜糖蜂巢脆片、配埋四季桔(Calamansi)嘅果醬帶來清新感,最後當然唔少得我地最可愛嘅小蜜蜂桂花味蛋白餅啦!


由於店主行李空間有限,只係帶左好少蜜糖🍯番來,所以係極!限!量!真係可能要鬥快過來飲喇🤭 今個weekend見!

Bbzzzzzzzz———— OMG! Look at that big swarm of bees flying in! 🐝 Turns out they’re here to collect some of that sweet Tasmanian leatherwood honey!

We have just got back from a quick trip to Australia in early June. Not only did we bring back a bunch of Aussie coffee beans for you to try, but we also scored some of the famous local honey 🍯. After a few trial and error, we have whipped up our new seasonal drink —- the gωєєzу вєє!

The gωєєzу вєє 🐝 is made with the unique leatherwood honey, plus espresso from Brazil, our signature salted cream top, honey tuile, and a touch of calamansi jam for a refreshing kick. And of course, it wouldn’t be complete without our cutest little bee meringue (osmanthus flavor) on top!

The leatherwood honey has such an amazing, long-lasting aroma - it pairs so well with the coffee. This drink is seriously layered in flavor and texture, so make sure to savor it step-by-step. Hopefully you can feel the love we put into this little Aussie treat!

We didn’t have much room in our suitcase, so we could only bring back a teeny amount of the honey 🍯. That means it’s SUPER LIMITED! Hurry in if you want to try it. See you this weekend!


Holiday hours:

June 30 (SUN): 11am - 6pm
July 1 (MON): 11am - 6pm
July 2 (TUES): 9am - 6pm
July 384 (WED & THU): CLOSED

Come and try our new pour over beans from various Australian roasters!


Bolivia Finca Isabel Geisha已經準備好同大家周圍去喇!我哋準備咗Drip Bag俾大家帶返屋企、帶去公司同埋帶去旅行!咁就可以隨時隨地品嘗到咁出色嘅咖啡啦~

Geisha Drip Bag貨量有限,歡迎DM預留,快啲嚟買啊!


最近我哋嘅Roaster .hk 炒咗一批由Bolivia嘅Finca Isabel種植嘅水洗處理法Geisha,擁有經典嘅白花香氣同層次,帶有白提子,柑,同埋茉莉嘅味道。

莊園主人Fernando Calle大學畢業後曾經喺巴拿馬嘅 La Esmeralda莊園工作,之後再番到佢嘅家鄉Bolivia Finca Isabel發展同改良自己嘅Geisha品種,令咖啡樹更加耐種。佢嘅莊園重質不重量,嚴謹地根據咖啡果的嘅顏色同糖度去有系統地指引員工採收成熟嘅咖啡果進行小批次生產。

喺種植高質素咖啡嘅同時Finca Isabel亦以持續發展嘅方式經營,落力研究保護自然環境嘅方法,莊園得以同森林嘅小動物共生。多謝 .hk 嘅介紹,令我哋可以享受美好嘅咖啡之餘,亦可以支持有心嘅咖啡上游同業!


The Bolivia Finca Isabel Geisha is now ready to travel around with you!
We have prepared Drip Bags for you to take home, bring to the office, and bring on your travels! You can enjoy this exceptional coffee anytime anywhere.

The Geisha Drip Bags are limited in supply, you are welcome to text us thru IG and reserve yours. Come get them quickly!


Our Roaster .hk has prepared a batch of washed process Geisha from the Finca Isabel farm in Bolivia. It has a classic white floral aroma, with notes of white grapes, mandarin, and jasmine.

Farm owner Fernando Calle worked at the La Esmeralda estate in Panama after graduating university, before returning to his home country of Bolivia to develop and improve his own Geisha variety at Finca Isabel, making the coffee trees more stable and resilient to disease. His farm focuses on quality over quantity, meticulously guiding workers in selectively harvesting coffee cherries at the perfect color and sugar content for small batch production.

In parallel with growing high-quality coffee, Finca Isabel also operates in a sustainable manner, diligently researching methods to protect the natural environment so the farm can coexist with the forest’s wildlife. We’d like to thank .hk for introducing this amazing coffee, allowing us to enjoy an excellent coffee while also supporting the coffee upstream.

Gwee hopes you can better understand the personal stories behind the coffee you consume, and feel the care and effort the coffee farmers have put in.

Photos from Gwee Coffee & More's post 08/06/2024

最近我哋嘅Roaster .hk 炒咗一批由Bolivia嘅Finca Isabel種植嘅水洗處理法Geisha,擁有經典嘅白花香氣同層次,帶有白提子,柑,同埋茉莉嘅味道。

莊園主人Fernando Calle大學畢業後曾經喺巴拿馬嘅 La Esmeralda莊園工作,之後再番到佢嘅家鄉Bolivia Finca Isabel發展同改良自己嘅Geisha品種,令咖啡樹更加耐種。佢嘅莊園重質不重量,嚴謹地根據咖啡果的嘅顏色同糖度去有系統地指引員工採收成熟嘅咖啡果進行小批次生產。

喺種植高質素咖啡嘅同時Finca Isabel亦以持續發展嘅方式經營,落力研究保護自然環境嘅方法,莊園得以同森林嘅小動物共生。多謝 .hk 嘅介紹,令我哋可以享受美好嘅咖啡之餘,亦可以支持有心嘅咖啡上游同業!



Our Roaster .hk has prepared a batch of washed process Geisha from the Finca Isabel farm in Bolivia. It has a classic white floral aroma, with notes of white grapes, mandarin, and jasmine.

Farm owner Fernando Calle worked at the La Esmeralda estate in Panama after graduating university, before returning to his home country of Bolivia to develop and improve his own Geisha variety at Finca Isabel, making the coffee trees more stable and resilient to disease. His farm focuses on quality over quantity, meticulously guiding workers in selectively harvesting coffee cherries at the perfect color and sugar content for small batch production.

In parallel with growing high-quality coffee, Finca Isabel also operates in a sustainable manner, diligently researching methods to protect the natural environment so the farm can coexist with the forest’s wildlife. We’d like to thank .hk for introducing this amazing coffee, allowing us to enjoy an excellent coffee while also supporting the coffee upstream.

Gwee hopes you can better understand the personal stories behind the coffee you consume, and feel the care and effort the coffee farmers have put in.

We hope to bring you the best out of Fernando’s hard work. Starting from today, you may enjoy this wonderful coffee by just $10 extra for any Espresso-based drink. Stocks are extremely limited, so come try it soon!


每次去旅行除咗放鬆一下,店主同時會好期待分享旅途中品嘗過嘅咖啡俾你地每一位 🥰 成21款日本豆已上架,緊貼住仲有澳洲嘅咖啡豆等緊大家架~ (好忙呀排住隊出場😆)

襯今個long weekend過來飲啦!

Every time Gwee goes on a trip, besides relaxing and having fun, we are also very excited to share the coffee we have tasted on the journey with all of you 🥰

21 different beans by Japanese roasters have already been serving at Gwee, and there are many Australian coffees waiting for you at the shop too~ (the Australian coffees wouldn’t be served until those Japanese ones are gone! 😆)


✨[𝗛𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗡𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗲]✨

Gwee & Tsukimi 齊齊方咖!


休息是為了走更遠的路,我地又要離開一陣去放鬆一下腦袋、吸吓新鮮空氣同埋見識吓新事物同知識!我地Gwee team嘅其中四人會去京都~期待帶多d靚豆同埋更多開心嘅回憶同你地分享🥰


Gwee & Tsukimi will be traveling 🤗🤗🤗
We will be closed from May 8 to 17, 2024.
We will reopen on May 18 (Saturday), hope to see you by then!

We are going to take a short break and explore the world! Four members of the Gwee team will be going to Kyoto. We look forward to bringing back great coffees to share with all of you. 🥰

See you later!

Photos from Gwee Coffee & More's post 26/04/2024



就係因為咁,店主籌辦咗兩場小小嘅travel sharing,因為材料同位置都有限,原諒我哋冇公開邀請大家🙏🏼

哩個Sharing session一共有5個courses,有Pour over、Espresso Mocktail、Latte、Americano、Ice Drip,每一杯都用上日本帶番來嘅咖啡豆,加入左唔同嘅日本食材、新嘅沖煮方式用唔同嘅方式去呈現。最後用左京都帶番來嘅千葉煮左一個腐竹糖水,作為甜甜嘅完結。

雖然每個course嘅咖啡做法都要不停試,不停飲,壓力大到爆,但當見到大家飲每杯都有驚喜又enjoy,同時少人嘅private session俾左更大嘅空間大家交流想法,令店主重拾Gwee嘅初心,唔係想成為打卡名店,唔係賺大錢,而為大家帶來a joyful sip of life就係最大嘅滿足感。


We have not travel abroad since Gwee started 5 years ago. It’s such a blessing to be with all of you these years. But it’s time to hop out and fill our brains with new ideas!

We have finally decided to take a two-week vacation from Gwee and took the opportunity to explore new things. We travelled to Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka in January. And discovered many new ingredients, including fruits and spices. While enjoying them, it also sparked our thinking: How can these various flavors be incorporated into coffee to present a diverse and interesting experience?

Because of this, we have organized two travel sharing sessions.
This sharing session consisted of five courses: Pour-over, Espresso Mocktail, Latte, Americano, and Ice Drip. Each course was prepared by coffee beans that’s bought from Japan. We have also incorporated different Japanese ingredients and techniques to present a unique experience. As a sweet ending, we have prepared a sweet soup of Yuba (tofu skin) that was bought in Kyoto.

The preparation for each course required continuous experimentation and tasting, and it was a stressful experience. However, when we saw everyone’s surprise and enjoyment with each course, and the intimate private sessions allowed for greater exchange of ideas, we rediscovered the original intention of Gwee - to enjoy a joyful sip of life; to share great coffees and ideas.

Once again, thank you to our loyal customers for joining this sharing session. It was truly memorable with your presence.🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼



今期Espresso base分別有:

限量供應嘅Kenya Nyeri Tegu AA Washed,非常甜身,有黑加倫子同布冧嘅味道~

另一款係Brazil Cascval Verde Natural,除咗果仁味道,厚滑口感同橙香。加奶之後更加品嘗到有如焦糖嘅甜味💛

New S.O.E. has arrived Gwee!

Our two S.O.E. are from:

(1) Kenya Nyeri Tegu AA Washed processed:
It tastes like black currant, plum, and berries. It is a very sweet and smooth cup 🥰

(2) Brazil Cascval Verde Pulped Natural processed:
With a creamy texture, it tastes nutty with a hint of orange. The caramel sweetness stands out even more with milk based coffee. 💛

Let us know whether you like them in black or white!

#精品咖啡 #홍콩카페 #홍콩커피 #커피스타그램

Photos from Gwee Coffee & More's post 28/03/2024

bun-bun-bun-🐇 Aiyaaaa!Pat Pat太大卡住咗添!

原來白兔先生咁趕時間,係要喺復活節前跳入Gwee呢個兔仔洞入面,變成今次嘅Seasonal drink: 𝓣𝓪𝓻𝓭𝔂-𝓫𝓾𝓷𝓷𝔂!


兔仔洞入面係用上本地樹記腐竹 同日本無調整豆乳而煲成base,配搭巴西日曬豆嘅Espresso,上面再加上黑蜜岩鹽奶蓋,每一啖都帶住香濃豆味,仲有咸咸甜甜嘅黑糖香🥰

今個復活節假期大家嚟Gwee哩個兔仔洞救番白兔先生啦!𝓣𝓪𝓻𝓭𝔂-𝓫𝓾𝓷𝓷𝔂入面蘊涵咁多黃豆嘅元素,如果你同Gwee Team一樣咁愛豆製品,一定會鍾意!



bun-bun-bun-🐇 Aiyaaaa! Somebody got stuck!

Turns out Mr. White Rabbit is in such a hurry because he wants to jump into Gwee’s rabbit hole before Easter and transform into this season’s drink: 𝓣𝓪𝓻𝓭𝔂-𝓫𝓾𝓷𝓷𝔂!

Mr. White Rabbit’s big butt is a homemade chewy tofu mousse Daifuku, and his feet and tail are sticky rice dumplings 🍡 the large door that he was stuck in is made of yuzu chocolate crisp.

Inside the rabbit hole, we use local Shu Kee bean curd sheets and Japanese soy milk to make the base, then paired with an espresso by Brazil Natural processed bean. Topped with Molasses salted Cream top. Each sip is a burst of soy flavor with a delightful sweet and salty molasses aroma 🥰.

Come to Gwee this long weekend and save Mr. White Rabbit from the rabbit hole! 𝓣𝓪𝓻𝓭𝔂-𝓫𝓾𝓷𝓷𝔂 contains so many elements of soybeans. If you love soy products like the Gwee Team, you’ll definitely enjoy it!

𝓣𝓪𝓻𝓭𝔂-𝓫𝓾𝓷𝓷𝔂 is made from a variety of ingredients and can be considered more of a dessert than a beverage. It’s satisfying and filling! Only served as iced 🫶🏼




𝙄’𝙢 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚! 𝙄’𝙢 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚! 𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙖 𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚! 𝙉𝙤 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙖𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙤, 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙𝙗𝙮𝙚! 𝙄’𝙢 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚! 𝙄’𝙢 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚! 𝙄’𝙢 𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚!

Where is he rushing to? Find it out at Gwee on Friday!





有興趣嘅話,可以去Bio嘅google form link填寫職位申請表,我地會聯絡你見見面!

請*不要*把CV send到ig/fb/gmail.

Photos from Gwee Coffee & More's post 20/02/2024

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕦ℝ𝕆𝔸ℝ𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕔 會供應至2月27日!大家仲有一星期可以來探吓佢~

不過要讀岩𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕦ℝ𝕆𝔸ℝ𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕔先有得飲呀🤭 我地花左好多心思改名,佢並唔係叫「嗰杯龍」、「新年嗰杯」、「新嗰隻野」,希望你地落單同我地講「住蛙食」(住鍋食好似仲岩音🤭)


𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕦ℝ𝕆𝔸ℝ𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕔 will be available until Feb 27! Come enjoy and celebrate the New Year together!


眨下眼又過年啦!既然係龍年,我哋特別邀請咗都係「龍」嘅恐龍仔🦖喺Gwee坐鎮。為大家介紹今年嘅新年Special ———
🦖𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕦ℝ𝕆𝔸ℝ𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕔🫧!

尋找春天既足跡,🫧🌱晶瑩剔透的露珠依附係青翠綠葉上,石頭靜靜地坐喺草叢間,急不及待向春天SAY HELLO~🌿🌱👋🏻

Special drink底層係加入法國Valrhona嘅紅桑子味朱古力嘅牛奶,中間有濃厚嘅宇治小山園抹茶,配上 嘅荔枝蜜,帶出輕輕嘅甜味~頂層再覆蓋我哋嘅招牌岩鹽奶蓋,灑上抹茶粉及紅麴粉糖霜營造草地及花田,每一隻恐龍仔都獨一無二,仍然係店主親手製作嘅全天然色彩蛋白餅🥰

🦖𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕦ℝ𝕆𝔸ℝ𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕔🫧由今日開始供應,每日數量有限!每杯都費盡心思去製作,記得俾多少少耐性等恐龍仔呀。

Roarrrrr! It’s Lunar New Year again in the blink of an eye! Since it’s the Year of the Dragon, we have invited some dinosaur friends🦖, who are also “dragons” (in Cantonese 😂), to join us at Gwee. We’d like to introduce the 2024 Lunar New Year special — 🦖𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕦ℝ𝕆𝔸ℝ𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕔🫧!

On a sunny day🌞, as the earth adorns itself with a fresh coat of green, the little dinosaurs happily make their way to the flower fields🌼 in search of the footsteps of spring. 🫧🌱 Dewdrops, crystal clear and glistening, cling to the lush green leaves. Stones sit amidst the grass, eagerly awaiting spring to say hello~ 🌿🌱👋🏻

This special drink uses Valrhona raspberry chocolate to create a milk base, layered with rich Uji matcha, mixing in a tiny bit of ’s lychee honey, bringing a hint of sweetness. The top layer is our signature pink salt Cream Top, sprinkled with matcha powder and red yeast powder to create the picture of a grassy field and flower meadow. Each dinosaur is a meringue handmade using natural colorings, hand drawn individually which makes them lively and unique. 🥰

🦖𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕦ℝ𝕆𝔸ℝ𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕔🫧 will be available starting from today, but quantities are very limited each day! Each cup is carefully crafted, so please spare more time to patiently wait for the little dino!


Gwee仝人祝 大家龍年快樂,身體健康,開開心心,齊齊整整,平平安安 🫶🏼


🦖Happy New Year! 🐉



Holiday hours:

Feb 7-12: Closed
Feb 13: 11am - 6pm




Photos from Gwee Coffee & More's post 02/02/2024

眨下眼又過年啦!既然係龍年,我哋特別邀請咗都係「龍」嘅恐龍仔🦖喺Gwee坐鎮。為大家介紹今年嘅新年Special ———
🦖𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕦ℝ𝕆𝔸ℝ𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕔🫧!

尋找春天既足跡,🫧🌱晶瑩剔透的露珠依附係青翠綠葉上,石頭靜靜地坐喺草叢間,急不及待向春天SAY HELLO~🌿🌱👋🏻

Special drink底層係加入法國Valrhona嘅紅桑子味朱古力嘅牛奶,中間有濃厚嘅宇治小山園抹茶,配上 嘅荔枝蜜,帶出輕輕嘅甜味~頂層再覆蓋我哋嘅招牌岩鹽奶蓋,灑上抹茶粉及紅麴粉糖霜營造草地及花田,每一隻恐龍仔都獨一無二,仍然係店主親手製作嘅全天然色彩蛋白餅🥰

🦖𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕦ℝ𝕆𝔸ℝ𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕔🫧由今日開始供應,每日數量有限!每杯都費盡心思去製作,記得俾多少少耐性等恐龍仔呀。

提提大家Gwee 2月7-12號休息,13號(年初四)啟市,今個weekend過嚟試下啦!

Roarrrrr! It’s Lunar New Year again in the blink of an eye! Since it’s the Year of the Dragon, we have invited some dinosaur friends🦖, who are also “dragons” (in Cantonese 😂), to join us at Gwee. We’d like to introduce the 2024 Lunar New Year special — 🦖𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕦ℝ𝕆𝔸ℝ𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕔🫧!

On a sunny day🌞, as the earth adorns itself with a fresh coat of green, the little dinosaurs happily make their way to the flower fields🌼 in search of the footsteps of spring. 🫧🌱 Dewdrops, crystal clear and glistening, cling to the lush green leaves. Stones sit amidst the grass, eagerly awaiting spring to say hello~ 🌿🌱👋🏻

This special drink uses Valrhona raspberry chocolate to create a milk base, layered with rich Uji matcha, mixing in a tiny bit of ’s lychee honey, bringing a hint of sweetness. The top layer is our signature pink salt Cream Top, sprinkled with matcha powder and red yeast powder to create the picture of a grassy field and flower meadow.

Each dinosaur is a meringue handmade using natural colorings, hand drawn individually which makes them lively and unique. 🥰

🦖𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕦ℝ𝕆𝔸ℝ𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕔🫧 will be available starting from today, but quantities are very limited each day! Each cup is carefully crafted, so please spare more time to patiently wait for the little dino!

Just a reminder, Gwee will be closed from February 7 to 12 and will reopen on Feb 13 (Chor 4). Hope to see you soon! Roar!






Gwee is back! We will open as usual tomorrow at 9am, can’t wait to see you all after our long holiday ☕️ And we have restocked our direct trade tea - Phoenix Single Bush Honey Orchid, which were sold out rapidly during last year’s Mount Zero Market . Come stock up and get ready for the Lunar New Year 🧧

This tea is known as 「Dad’s Tea」 in Gwee. Gwee’s owner - Wendy’s dad is from Chiu Chow, and he particularly loves Phoenix Single Bush tea. Every evening after dinner, dad transforms into a Tea Sommelier and brews tea for our family.

Phoenix Single Bush Honey Orchid has a floral fragrance with hints of honey and lychee flavor. It is perfect for refreshing in the morning or relieving the greasiness after a meal. It pairs wonderfully with the traditional Lunar New Year pastries!

Phoenix Single Bush Honey Orchid tea leaves are now available at Gwee. To support environmental conservation, please bring back the tea canister to receive a 20% discount! We hope Gwee’s Baba’s tea can become a daily tea for everyone’s home 🥰



請留意我哋同 .bakery 嘅休息時間:

1月17號 至 2月1號:休息

要掛住我地呀! 🤭

Gwee is finally taking a break!
We have been working hard to make good coffee for every one of you since Gwee opened in 2019. After a gap of 5 years, we are finally going for a break. Although it’s not easy to let go of our shop and each of you, we will bring back more inspiration to create even better coffee for everyone. ☕️

Please take note of our holiday schedule:
Closed from January 17 to February 1, 2024
Service will be resumed on February 2, 2024.

Photos from Gwee Coffee & More's post 11/01/2024

唔知大家係咪同我哋一樣,每個冬天都一定要起碼飲一次🍎𝗖𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗹 𝗥𝘂𝘀𝘁𝘆 𝗖𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗲呢?

集Nutty Espresso、自製岩鹽焦糖醬、玉桂粉、冷壓蘋果汁、岩鹽奶蓋,以及脆脆蘋果片於一身,🍎𝗖𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗹 𝗥𝘂𝘀𝘁𝘆 𝗖𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗲好似一杯酸酸甜甜嘅Apple Cider,飲完好似食咗一份蘋果批咁滿足🥰

🍎𝗖𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗹 𝗥𝘂𝘀𝘁𝘆 𝗖𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗲供應至1月16號,把握最後幾日嚟試下啦!

We bet that having a cup of 𝗖𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗹 𝗥𝘂𝘀𝘁𝘆 𝗖𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗲 at Gwee in the winter has already become a tradition for most of you, hasn’t it?

Combining Nutty Espresso, Gwee made pink salt caramel sauce, cinnamon powder, cold-pressed apple juice, our signature cream top, and crispy apple slice —- 𝗖𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗹 𝗥𝘂𝘀𝘁𝘆 𝗖𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗲 is like a tangy and sweet Apple Cider. It’s just like having a slice of apple pie in a cup. It will be even more refreshing if you have it iced, which is perfect for this warm January. 🤭

𝗖𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗹 𝗥𝘂𝘀𝘁𝘆 𝗖𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗲 is available until January 16th, don’t miss the last chance to give it a try!





A cup of Dirty is perfect in this weather!

Dirty is made by pouring hot Espresso over cold fresh milk. You may first admire its beautiful gradient and just drink it as it is without any stirring. You may enjoy the richness of Espresso and the creamy texture at the first sip, then with a big gulp, you’ll experience the harmonious blend of the hot and cold, as well as the sweetness of the milk. 🥛 Despite its seemingly simple appearance, this drink offers multiple layers of richness and a diverse range of flavors!

Come and experience the uniqueness of Dirty! 🫶🏼

Photos from Gwee Coffee & More's post 31/12/2023


由上年10月Gwee原址重生後,2023每日都開盡Turbo。今年實現好多projects,大家印像最深係咩呢?好開心可以喺呢個大咗嘅空間有新工作伙伴一齊工作,不過店主依然好執著同想落手落腳做,由構思至實現新計劃都會花好長時間。全靠大家嘅支持、耐心、欣賞同忠實嘅評價,令店主想一直維持呢份創造力,一直為你創造更多 joyful sip of life。

2023年,太平山街經歷好多變遷,有時會唔忍心鄰居離去,但亦有新嘅朋友來到呢個小區,Gwee 會同呢班街坊延續太平山街嘅愛。好似我地同郁健crossover 咖哩炒飯、樽仔鴛鴦,讓大家透過味蕾感受到呢個小區嘅愛。Gwee亦有幸參加到見山聖誕市集,我地真係好珍惜見山呢位好鄰居,而家已經好唔捨得佢。😭😩😢🥺


How’s your 2023 when the world gradually returns to its orbit?

2023 has been a restless year to Gwee since we reopened in October 2022. Which Gwee project(s) impressed you most in 2023? Gwee has got more members welcoming you in this larger space. I’m mindful that it still takes quite a while for new ideas to come to fruition, as I can get relentless and hands-on in managing every single detail behind every joyful sip of life.

2023 is a year of change at Tai Ping Shan Street. It’s sad to see friends leaving us, while welcoming new neighbors to join this unique and loving community. We had a crossover project with Yuk Kin to spread the love by curry fried rice and Yuen Yeung. We had seized the very last chance to join the market hosted by Mount Zero Books. We have started to miss this dear neighbor already… 😭😭

We welcomed your every visit in 2023 with gratitude, while you have abundant options at the four corners of the world now. In 2024, You can expect more creative projects we develop for the people treasure Gwee, Tai Ping Shan Street, and Hong Kong - let’s continue to create our collective memory here.

See you in 2024! 🫶🏼

Photos from Gwee Coffee & More's post 25/12/2023

Merry Gwee’s-Mas! 🧑🏻‍🎄🎅🏼🎅🏽🧑🏾‍🎄🤶🏿

聖誕快樂! 🎄


Merry Christmas! 🎄

聖誕快樂 🥰

Photos from Gwee Coffee & More's post 22/12/2023

Ho ho ho!!! 🎅🏻🧑🏻‍🎄🤶🏻🤶🏿🧑🏾‍🎄🎅🏽
今年Gwee有幸邀請到 .floral 設計及佈置店內嘅聖誕裝飾!
以雲☁️嘅形態作靈感,彷彿將聖誕樹好似蒲公英咁吹散喺Gwee嘅每一個角落,仲邀請埋聖誕老人、雪人、薑餅仔、鹿仔等一齊慶祝聖誕,喺大家嘅頭上面跳舞☁️ 呢幾日過嚟一邊飲聖誕嘅Seasonal drinks,一邊同佢地一齊開party啦!🎄

Ho ho ho!!! 🎅🏻🧑🏻‍🎄🤶🏻🤶🏿🧑🏾‍🎄🎅🏽
Gwee is fortunate to have invited .floral this year to design and decorate the interior of the store with Christmas decorations! Taking inspiration from the form of clouds ☁️, it’s as if the Christmas tree has been blown like dandelions, scattering in every corner of Gwee. We have also invited Santa Claus, Mr. Snowmen, Gingerbread men, and Reindeer to celebrate Christmas together, dancing above everyone’s heads ☁️. Let’s enjoy the Christmas seasonal drinks at Gwee and party with them! 🎄

#精品咖啡 #홍콩카페 #홍콩커피 #커피스타그램

Photos from Gwee Coffee & More's post 21/12/2023

Gwee四周年店慶時嘅Geisha Espresso同掛耳包大受歡迎,今個聖誕我哋準備咗另一款Costa Rica Exclusive Coffees Auction Lot嘅Tarrazu La Colina Geisha Red Honey Processed 做掛耳包,帶有熱情果、芒果嘅甜、伯爵茶嘅餘韻。俾大家交換禮物🎁如果你嘅朋友鍾意飲啡,買我哋嘅掛耳包就一定適合!Geisha以外仲有兩款:Ethiopia Idido Natural同Brazil Natural俾大家揀!依家買任何咖啡豆嘅掛耳包5個88折,仲會送一個禮物盒🎅🏼數量有限,今個weekend嚟買啦🎄

Our Geisha Coffee Drip Bags from our 4th anniversary were very popular. This Christmas, we have prepared another Geisha bean for our drip bag special —- from Costa Rica Exclusive Coffees Auction Lot, Tarrazu La Colina Geisha Red Honey Processed. It carries the sweet flavors of passion fruit and mango, with lingering notes of Earl Grey tea. It’s perfect for exchanging gifts or present for your loved ones 🎁 If your friends enjoy coffee, our Coffee Drip Bags are definitely the best gift! Apart from Geisha, we also have two other beans: Ethiopia Idido Natural and Brazil Natural! You’ll get a 12% discount along with a gift box for every 5 drip bags you purchase 🎅🏼 Quantities are limited, so come over and buy them this weekend!

#精品咖啡 #홍콩카페 #홍콩커피 #커피스타그램

Photos from Gwee Coffee & More's post 18/12/2023

好開心過去嘅weekend可以參與見山書店嘅聖誕盛事🥰 我地玩得超開心!多謝 嘅邀請,同時感謝Gwee嘅客人嚟探我哋,支持我哋!


變幻原是永恆,Gwee會繼續努力做好、繼續珍惜大家。希望大家有個快樂嘅年尾,記得嚟飲杯🎄𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗺𝗮𝘀 𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗲 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺 𝗠𝗼𝗰𝗵𝗮同𝗖𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗹 𝗥𝘂𝘀𝘁𝘆 𝗖𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗲🍎啊!聖誕見🎅🏼

附上圖一 超級可愛全人手製好好攬嘅聖誕老人,及圖四 睇檔睇到眼訓嘅店長Chuck chuck 🥰

We are so grateful to have participated in the Christmas market at Mount Zero last weekend. Big thank you to Mount Zero for the invitation, we had so much fun and thank every one of you for visiting and supporting us!

Tai Ping Shan Street is a special community where each shop is unique and the bonding among us is priceless.

Change is eternal, and Gwee will work harder and cherish all relationships and memories. We hope you all have a happy year of 2023, don’t forget to come and enjoy a cup of Christmas Tree Cream Mocha and Cinnamon Rusty Coffee. Merry Christmas! 🎅🏼

Photos from Gwee Coffee & More's post 17/12/2023


首先有我哋嘅All-in gift set由高質韓國製造tote bag,好似個福袋咁裝住我哋嘅Meringue Ornament、3款drip bags: Ethiopia, Brazil, Costa Rica Geisha 各一,仲有 .bakery 嘅布列塔尼酥餅同埋 .floral 嘅聖誕花仔!

我哋嘅tote bag布料厚實,入面有內袋,揹上膊頭都舒適嘅肩帶長度,衷心希望大家可以用個tote bag帶住Gweefy周圍去,enjoy a joyful sip of life!


Gwee‘s Christmas gift set has finally arrived! 🎁 Our All-in gift set, which includes a high-quality tote bag made in Korea. It’s a big bag of presents that contains our Meringue Ornament, three drip bags: Ethiopia, Brazil, Costa Rica Geisha, and also .bakery‘s Galette Bretonne and .floral ‘sChristmas brooch!

Our tote bag has Gweefy printing on both sides, made of thick fabric and has an inner pocket. The shoulder straps are comfortable and the length is suitable for carrying on your shoulder. We truly hope that everyone can bring Gweefy around with this tote bag and enjoy a joyful sip of life!

Take the last opportunity to come see us at the Mount Zero Christmas market today and bring this set back home! We only have a few sets left. See you later! 🎅🏼

Photos from Gwee Coffee & More's post 15/12/2023

萬眾期待📣Gwee第一個Tote Bag終於面世!

由韓國製造嘅厚實布袋,仲有好多細節,呢個Tote Bag係我哋嘅誠意之作!今個weekend我哋帶咗豐富聖誕products參加市集,仲會一邊沖茶俾大家飲🫖過嚟一齊玩啦🎅🏼

特別鳴謝最靚靚model (整蛋糕仲超好食 ) Love you 🥰

Taaa—-Daaaaaa 📣 Gwee‘s first Tote Bag is finally here! Made in Korea with thick and durable fabric, this Tote Bag has many design details. It is definitely a sincere work from us! This weekend, we are bringing a variety of Christmas products to the TPSS market and we will also be brewing tea for everyone to enjoy together. 🫖 Come and join us for some festive fun! 🎅🏼

#精品咖啡 #見山市集


上個月錯過咗Gwee x .design 嘅Espresso Cup Set預購,或者想買單隻,依家可以嚟Gwee買現貨喇!

購買一套(顏色各一)就會送Gweefy木盒,岩哂做聖誕禮物🎁Espresso Cup全人手製作,所以數量超!有!限!

歡迎大家嚟Gwee拎上手感受下,然後帶佢哋番屋企飲啡飲茶飲酒啦 🥰

If you have missed the pre-order for the Gwee x .design Espresso Cup Set last month, or if you want to purchase individual cups, you can now come to Gwee for them!

You will receive a Gweefy wooden box as a gift if you purchase a set of two (with one cup of each color). It is perfect for Christmas presents! These espresso cups are handmade, so quantities are extremely limited!

You are welcome to visit Gwee and feel the cups. Take them home and enjoy a joyful sip of coffee, tea or sake! 🥰

#精品咖啡 #홍콩카페 #홍콩커피


今個聖誕多謝MonPetit Hong Kong ,準備咗聖誕禮盒同小食試食裝俾Gwee嘅貓貓VIP (Very Important Paws)!🐈

依家嚟Gwee飲啡時同哩棵可愛聖誕樹影相,再share喺自己嘅IG Story,tag番我哋同 #讓所愛更被愛 ,like埋MonPetit Hong Kong page,就可以拎走哩個咁靚嘅聖誕禮盒同試食裝俾你嘅貓貓喇😸

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Videos (show all)

新手沖豆已經靜雞雞上架了☕️店主上個月放大假都冇偷懶,喺東京、京都、大阪coffee shop hopping時為大家挑選左好多咖啡豆!花多眼亂選擇困難?嚟Gwee問下我哋邊隻啱你飲啦~或者帶多幾個朋友來全部試哂啦!😆New pour ov...
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕦ℝ𝕆𝔸ℝ𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕔 會供應至2月27日!大家仲有一星期可以來探吓佢~ 不過要讀岩𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕁𝕦ℝ𝕆𝔸ℝ𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕔先有得飲呀🤭 我地花左好多心思改名,佢並唔係叫「嗰杯龍」「新年嗰杯」,希望你地落單同我地講「住蛙食」(住鍋食好似仲岩音🤭)...
O Christmas Tree O Christmas Tree~~~🎄Gwee最具標誌性嘅seasonal drink — Christmas Tree Cream Mocha! 每棵聖誕樹都係全人手製作亦冇人造色素,灑上宇治抹茶粉,再...
喺Cream Mocha上面嘅聖誕樹今年終於可以帶番屋企喇!Gwee將聖誕樹同雪地蛋白餅放入水晶球波波,成為Meringue Ornament。可以掛上屋企嘅聖誕樹🎄,送禮自用皆宜🥰 聖誕過後就可以開出嚟食!Meringue Ornamen...
Gwee 作為一間一人小店,開業以嚟,每日早上6點起身,用1.5小時來回屋企同太平山街,0失場同0遲到紀錄力保不失。無論狀態好壞,一樣堅持每日tune espresso shots,將咖啡豆最好嘅風味帶俾大家品嘗。午餐簡單食一下(忙起嚟都未...




1 Tai Ping Shan Street, Sheung Wan
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:30 - 17:00
Friday 09:30 - 17:00
Saturday 11:00 - 17:00
Sunday 11:00 - 17:00

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