
性事良品 www.wanta.net 是一間專門零售成人用品的公司,在 2000 成立,本公司?

[Wanta x Taketoys] 爽過射Drink,男士也可另類高潮!輪到男士說不要不要🫣: P 10/01/2023

與SSI EneMable EX Type-O 前列腺震動器一起探索名為「P點」的神秘高潮點吧

SSI EneMable EX Type-O 後庭震動器 - https://www.wanta.net/b5/shop/prod_default.asp?DepID=1&ProdID=10363

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[Wanta x Taketoys] 爽過射Drink,男士也可另類高潮!輪到男士說不要不要🫣: P SSI EneMable EX Type-O 後庭震動器:https://taketoys.hk/catalog/products/wildone-enemable-ex-typeo-anal-vibe11458/?sphrase_id=1233428手指套:https://taketoys.hk/catalog...

[Wanta x Taketoys] 除了腦筋急轉彎,震棒也會急轉彎!?英國牌子Je Joue答到我哋😎 21/10/2022

除了腦筋急轉彎,震棒也會急轉彎!?英國牌子Je Joue答到我哋😎

Hera Flex Rabbit - Black https://www.wanta.net/en/products/10353/Je-Joue-Hera-Flex-Rabbit

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[Wanta x Taketoys] 除了腦筋急轉彎,震棒也會急轉彎!?英國牌子Je Joue答到我哋😎 Je JoueHera Flex Rabbit - Blackhttps://taketoys.hk/catalog/products/je-joue-hera-flex-rabbit-black29292/?sphrase_id=1186458音樂: Mint Leaves音樂家: Jeff Kaale

平常的JJ太悶了,有試想過將JJ變成狼人嗎?!可能有意想不到的收穫喔~ 14/09/2022

想延長和增強您與伴侶的性愛體驗,請查看這些男性性玩具和 非凡的避孕套 -您絕不會失望😉😉😉!

C**k rings: https://wanta.net/b5/shop/list.asp?DepID=1&CatID=28&SubCatID=221
Condoms: https://www.wanta.net/b5/shop/cat_default.asp?DepID=1&CatID=1

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平常的JJ太悶了,有試想過將JJ變成狼人嗎?!可能有意想不到的收穫喔~ C**k rings:https://wanta.net/en/shop/list.asp?DepID=1&CatID=28&SubCatID=221Sleeves:https://taketoys.hk/catalog/sleeves/?globalFilter=682df09846585264b0c767fd...

[Wanta x Taketoys] 飛機杯有骨嘅!?!?聽聞成個小型人體公仔咁~陳店員介紹Magic eyes名產「解體新書」! 16/08/2022

Magic eyes 解體新書 ❤️

Magic Eyes 解體新書 優質軟熟版 再將解體新書的真實感提高到前所未有的水平,首款具有骨骼構造的自慰器 😝😝😝!外形仿照真實少女胴體比例,精心製作出人體肋骨、恥骨、背骨、盤骨及位於恥骨內部的G點 🔥🔥🔥。採用雙重結構設計,外層是採用更優質柔軟軟熟的物料,內層為由較硬的高彈性物料製作而成的骨架,打破傳統自慰器不能直立的問題,您可以享受各種姿勢,如傳教士式 😉😉😉。外層優質軟熟,胸部及屁股部份的柔軟度更經過特別加強,讓你感受到初熟少女特有的肌膚觸感 ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥。軟綿綿的渾圓胸部,掐起來富手感而舒適的小屁股,很想要吧 😛!彎曲管道設計,入口非常狹窄,夢幻的粉紅色管道內壁為大受歡迎的高粘,重現出真實的陰道插入感 🥵🥵🥵。尾部為活動式封閉環,可自由切換管道至非貫通或貫通。既可享受非貫通管道的真空吸啜刺激快感,也可換成貫通狀態令清洗程序變得更方便 🥰🥰🥰。

❣️ 雙重結構設計
❣️ 具有骨骼構造
❣️ 可站立
❣️ 活動式封閉
❣️ 自由轉換成貫通或非貫通
❣️ 外層更優質柔軟
❣️ 內層更高彈性
❣️ 胸部及屁股部份柔軟度更高
❣️ 入口非常狹窄
❣️ 高粘內壁
❣️ 附送爽身粉
❣️ 附送潤滑液

❣️ 重量:2公斤
❣️ 全長:25厘米

Magic eyes 解體新書 軟版 https://wanta.net/b5/shop/prod_default.asp?DepID=1&ProdID=6112&fbclid=IwAR0Dhovc6fIyl9mANZNwPkloqwYZwPhdx55sFAB57V60E130M-_RBe33KCI

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[Wanta x Taketoys] 飛機杯有骨嘅!?!?聽聞成個小型人體公仔咁~陳店員介紹Magic eyes名產「解體新書」! Magic eyes 此產品的取名是來自日本第一部譯自外文的人體解剖學書籍《解體新書》。難怪名字如此特別,陳店員長知識了!Magic Eyes 解體新書:https://taketoys.hk/catalog/products/magic-eyes-anatomy-of-girls-25kg7987/Magic...


潮到露出一副阿嘿顏?!💦 究竟有咩可以令到我哋wanta玩具測試員高潮到咁? 為你介紹,全新登場嘅LELO ENIGMA 🛸雙頭吸啜震動器 https://wanta.net/b5/products/6775/Lelo-ENIGMA

ENIGMA嘅兩個內外震動器 就好似兩位主人咁,一齊夾攻我... 一齊「折磨」同「攻擊」我2個敏感點,直至到我高潮到唔得為止!我真係有啲受唔住呢款「雙重混合性高潮」,一次又一次高潮,直到我情不自禁喊咗出黎!真係好爽!眼淚都充滿咗喜悅!


唔好再浪費每一個晚上,http://xn--wanta-k97ho3qsq8f.net/ 探索你未知嘅喜悅&「雙重混合性高潮」啦!🔥🔥🤯

立即查看LELO ENIGMA有幾勁>>


?! Both parts of LELO ENIGMA - suction vi****or and G-**ot vi****or are like 2 masters.

“Torturing” me and “attacking” my pleasure points until I reached my blended or***ms! I couldn’t help but keep cumming…and had a Crying Or**sm, full of tears of joy by using that!

I legit had an Ahegao face, so you can imagine how intensive my blended or***ms were!

Check out how strong ENIGMA is >> https://www.wanta.net/en/article/266/Get-Spoiled-by-Blended-Or**sms-LELO-ENIGMA


女士們,準備好被「雙重混合性高潮」令你爽到超凡脫俗未?! LELO ENIGMA 雙重刺激聲波吸啜震動器💜

你知唔知咩係「雙重混合性高潮」? 有無試過同時令陰蒂C點同陰道G點達到性高潮? 今年,瑞典國際知名成人用品品牌LELO務求為所有女士帶嚟前所未有嘅「雙重混合性高潮」,推出革命性新產品🔥 LELO ENIGMA 雙重刺激聲波吸啜震動器!

Wanta 玩具狂熱團隊嘅 Mistress Mona已測試 ENIGMA。我唔單止玩到雙腳無力,潮吹埋... 仲高潮到喊 (阿嘿顏)! 所有眼淚都充滿咗喜悅!💦因為ENIGMA除咗攻陷咗我C點&G點,仲觸發到我情慾點,令我哭笑不得、欲罷不能。壓倒性擊敗其他所有雙頭/兔仔震動器! 真係要頒一個高潮「性盃」比ENIGMA。

我保證 ENIGMA會比你一個「雙重混合性高潮」!最好鋪定毛巾!;)



Are You Ladies Ready to Get Spoiled by Intensive “Blended Or**sms”?! Now, Scream for LELO ENIGMA💜

Have you ever experienced both cl****al and va**nal climax at the same time? Do you know what is a Blended Or**sm? This year, a well-known Swedish intimate lifestyle company, LELO, has pushed the or**sm limits even higher and released a Dual Stimulation Sonic Massager, LELO ENIGMA💜

Mistress Mona from Wanta's S*x Toys Enthusiasts Team TESTED & REVIEWED ENIGMA. “OMG!” IT HIT MY G-**OT RIGHT AWAY AND TOOK MY VA**NA TO OUTER SPACE! 🛸Both parts of ENIGMA - suction vi****or and G-**ot vi****or are like 2 masters.

“Torturing” me and “attacking” my pleasure points until I reached my blended or***ms! I couldn’t help but keep cumming…and had a Crying Or**sm, full of tears of joy by using that! I legit had an Ahegao face, so you can imagine how intensive my blended or***ms were!

Check Out the Full Article & Review >>


What You Need to Know About Orals with Glyde Sheer Latex Oral 👄

Why do dental dams exist? Because you can still get and transmit STDs through oral s*x.

Dental dams are condoms of oral s*x, greatly reducing the chances of infections such as STDs, syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, hepatitis, and HIV. In addition, some people don’t like the taste or smell of private parts. People receiving oral are often embarrassed leaving their private parts bare for licking.

You Can Use it Anywhere You Like! It’s for Any Body Parts!

Check out Full Contents>>


你必須要知道幫女士口愛嘅技巧 & 薄質香味口交膜就喺口交嘅安全套 👄




Photos from Wanta's post 23/04/2021

🎉【𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙊𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙨 & 𝙇𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙂𝙞𝙛𝙩𝙨 𝙖𝙩 𝙒𝘼𝙉𝙏𝘼】🎉𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙋𝙪𝙧𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝘼𝙫𝙖𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙉𝙤𝙬.* BUY this Suction Vi****or at WANTA, GET a pack of FREE Organic Pads💕

Earth Day!🌎 Womanizer is introducing the world’s first biodegradable vegan sustainable eco-friendly s*x toy that dedicated to Earth, WOMANIZER PREMIUM eco! 🌿

🎉【Special Offers & Limited Gifts at WANTA】🎉Only Online Purchase Available for Now.*

For each WOMANIZER PREMIUM eco purchase, a tree will be planted by Womanizer & One Tree Planted🌳, and customers will be GIFTED a pack of .naturals Organic Pads💕. (*Only 20 available. First come first given till all are given out.)
You Or**sms Plant Trees! Cum to WANTA and check it out!
******te **smsGoGreen **t *x ******te **sm *xtoy ****or ****or ****ors *xtoy *xpositive **rt ****or

Photos from Wanta's post 23/04/2021

🎉【𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀 性事良品 - 限量送禮】網上率先發售! 買吸啜震動器WOMANIZER PREMIUM eco, 送有機棉衛生巾! 🎉

🌱世界地球日! 🌎 Womanizer 推出全球第一個環保性玩具 - WOMANIZER PREMIUM eco!

🎉【𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐀 性事良品 - 限量送禮】
凡購買一個WOMANIZER PREMIUM eco,Womanizer & One Tree Planted就會種一棵樹🌳,仲送你一盒@luuna.naturals 有機棉衛生巾💕。
大家一齊吸啜式高潮幫地球! 💦
快啲上嚟WANTA 性事良品 wanta.net 睇睇啦!
******te **smsGoGreen #吸啜器 #自慰 #高潮 *xtoy #女朋友禮物 #情侣 #夫妻 #兩性關係 #吸啜震動器 #性愛 #環保 #性知識 #性玩具 #成人用品 #震動棒 #震動器 #高潮 #情趣玩具 *xtoy *xpositive #情侶禮物 #潮吹 #世界地球日


It's Time For You To Try THE WORLD’S MOST FAMOUS & OR****IC Remote Control G-**ot Vi****or - Lush 3!
"No Wonder Why Lush 3 is So Popular, It’s a Complete Different Level of Pleasure!"

Click to immediately read:
How is Lush 3 different from Lush 2? >>

Powerful Tips To Play With Lush 3 >>

A Lush 3 Review & Love Story by Fiery Amber >>


你是時候嘗試世界最著名和容易令人潮吹的遙控G點震動器 - Lush 3! 將操控權交給別人去控制你...?
Lush 3 簡直是異地戀的恩物! 它令遠距離戀愛更甜蜜!

Lovense 的Lush 從一開始已賣得如火如荼,藉由開發完善和高度互動性的性玩具應用程式 - Lovense Remote,並被Cam Girls - 直播女模特兒和 (在Pornhub上的) 業餘愛好者帶起來而聞名,現在已經開發全新型號 - Lush 3 !

Lush 2 和 Lush 3有什麼分別?>>

全面享受Lush 3的秘訣

美焰琥珀的 Lush 3 評測 & 愛情故事>>


It's Time For You To Try
Remote Control G-**ot Vi****or - Lush 3!

【Special Offer】
For each purchase of any Lovense's products,
Customers will be GIVEN 1000 WANTA POINTS, WORTH $50.

If you are not a member yet,
you can register now
and collect the Wanta points immediately.
The Wanta points can be used as cash discount
for the next purchase at Wanta.

Check the full article here:


遙控G點震動器 - Lush 3!

即送1000分 WANTA現金積分 = $50現金回贈!



Frequently Asked Questions on Menstrual Cups - Wanta Hong Kong| Since 2000 22/03/2021

Menstrual Cups FAQ

1. Will my va**na get uncomfortable, or loose if I use a menstrual cup?
2. Will a cup cause allergies or toxic shock syndrome?
3. Can I go to the washroom, exercise and sleep as usual?
4. Would it be difficult to take out?
5. How much can using a cup save?

Check out all the answers now>>

Frequently Asked Questions on Menstrual Cups - Wanta Hong Kong| Since 2000 Frequently Asked Questions on Menstrual Cups

月經杯常見問題 Q&A - Wanta 狂熱資訊 22/03/2021

月經杯常見問題 Q&A

1. 用月經杯會令陰道覺得不舒服、會令陰道鬆弛嗎?
2. 月經杯會引起過敏或「中毒性休克症候群」嗎?
3. 可以如常如廁、運動、睡眠嗎?
4. 會否難以/無法取出月經杯?
5. 用月經杯能節省多少費用?

立即查看所有答案 >>


月經杯常見問題 Q&A - Wanta 狂熱資訊 月經杯常見問題 Q&A

I thought I was Having S*x with Aizawa Minami - Wanta Hong Kong| Since 2000 22/03/2021

For a Second, I thought I was Having S*x with Aizawa Minami
Have you ever thought that you are actually having s*x with a real person while ma********ng? Because I have.


Greetings, everyone. I am The Hero of the Wanta S*x Toy Enthusiast Team. This ma*******or due for introduction will be a blessing to many of the pornstar’s fans. Behold, the Utensil Proof (Meiki) No.0 - Aizawa Minami.

The ma*******or feels solid and fleshy in the hands, and the texture of the skin feels very soft and flexible, despite it weighing a full-on 800 grams!

I thought I was Having S*x with Aizawa Minami - Wanta Hong Kong| Since 2000 I thought I was Having S*x with Aizawa Minami

以為自己同緊相澤南啪啪啪 - Wanta 狂熱資訊 22/03/2021



大家好!我是Wanta狂熱團隊的「勇者大人」。這次想給大家分享的,絕對是近年非常火熱女優「相澤南」的粉絲們的福利!NPG的名器之証名 零 - 相澤南。


以為自己同緊相澤南啪啪啪 - Wanta 狂熱資訊 以為自己同緊相澤南啪啪啪

NPG Big B***s Girl in Swimsuit - Ishihara Nozomi - Wanta Hong Kong| Since 2000 15/03/2021

The One and Only Swimsuit Clad Onahole
Flip Open the Swimsuit and Pe*****te Deep Inside Ishihara's Va**na!
Dress Her Up in a S*xy Japanese Highschool Girl's Swimsuit!

With the weather getting hotter, all men fantasize about their time spent at the beach with blue skies and white clouds, being seduced by beautiful women wearing hot and s*xy swimsuits... How can you not be prepared for this season of lust?

So, I, "The Hero", decided to share with you today this NPG Beautiful Girl With Big B***s in Swimsuit - Ishihara Nozomi. Let her put on the Japanese high school girl swimsuit that all men dream of.

UNLEASH your desires in the coming summer heat!


NPG Big B***s Girl in Swimsuit - Ishihara Nozomi - Wanta Hong Kong| Since 2000 NPG Big B***s Girl in Swimsuit - Ishihara Nozomi

巨乳泳裝美女 - 石原希望 - Wanta 狂熱資訊 15/03/2021


天氣愈來愈熱,相信男士們都想在藍天白雲的海灘歡度時光,被四圍穿著火辣性感泳裝的美女們不斷誘惑下... 男士們又怎能沒有兩手準備迎接色慾的來臨呢?

所以,我「勇者大人」今天決定要為大家分享這個自慰器 - 巨乳泳裝美女 - 石原希望。讓她穿上所有男士夢寐以求的日系女高中生泳裝,



巨乳泳裝美女 - 石原希望 - Wanta 狂熱資訊 巨乳泳裝美女 - 石原希望

How to Insert Remove & Clean a Menstrual Cup - Wanta Hong Kong| Since 2000 15/03/2021

How to Insert, Remove & Clean a Menstrual Cup

After learning how to measure the height of your cervix and choosing the right cup for yourself, now you have to learn how to insert, remove and clean a menstrual cup.

Check Out Full Content Here>>

How to Insert Remove & Clean a Menstrual Cup - Wanta Hong Kong| Since 2000 How to Insert Remove & Clean a Menstrual Cup

月經杯使用&清潔指南 - Wanta 狂熱資訊 15/03/2021


請先量度自己子宮頸高度,再選擇合適的月經杯尺寸。 現在就要知道如果使用&清潔月經杯。如何放入月經杯?如何取出月經杯?如何清潔月經杯?
立即查看>> https://www.wanta.net/b5/article/262/How-to-Insert-Remove-&-Clean-a-Menstrual-Cup

月經杯使用&清潔指南 - Wanta 狂熱資訊 月經杯使用&清潔指南

How to Find the Right Menstrual Cup for Yourself - Wanta Hong Kong| Since 2000 15/03/2021

How to Find the Right Menstrual Cup for Yourself💃🏻

It is necessary to measure the height of your cervix first, then you can pick the right cup for yourself.

Check Out Full Content Here>>

Each Purchase of INTIMINA Lily Cup One will also be given a 15% off Discount & a FREE Picobong Toy Cleanser Spray.💦

How to Find the Right Menstrual Cup for Yourself - Wanta Hong Kong| Since 2000 How to Find the Right Menstrual Cup for Yourself

如何尋找適合您的月經杯 - Wanta 狂熱資訊 15/03/2021




買INTIMINA Lily Cup One 莉莉杯壹號享85折優惠& 附送一支Picobong瑞典玩具清潔噴霧! 💦

如何尋找適合您的月經杯 - Wanta 狂熱資訊 如何尋找適合您的月經杯

WANTA March 8 International Women's Day Sales - Wanta Hong Kong| Since 2000 08/03/2021

💪💪🏻💪🏼WANTA March 8th International Women's Day Sales💪🏽💪🏾💪🏿

💜All International Women's Day Offers 💜(Valid Till March 13)

-For each purchase of any Menstrual Cups💖 , the customer will be given a FREE Picobong Toy Cleanser Spray. 💦15% off for LILY CUP ONE 💖https://www.wanta.net/en/products/6007/INTIMINA-Lily-Cup-One !

-For each purchase of 💜LELO SILA💜, the customer will be given a 10% Off Discount & a FREE Picobong Toy Cleanser Spray.

-💛 Buy Yasmin®, No. 1 Best Selling Birth Control Pill in the World, will also be given a 10% Off Discount. 💛

Let’s raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality. Starting from educating people on health choice decisions. Encourage women to embrace their bodies & female pleasure. No more shaming.

Embrace & Take Care of Yourself. 💕 WANTA, this S*xual Well-being Shop is here to help you.

Click to immediately read:
Embrace Period by Using >>
Embrace Female Pleasure by Trying LELO Sila - ****or >>

WANTA March 8 International Women's Day Sales - Wanta Hong Kong| Since 2000 WANTA March 8 International Women's Day Sales

WANTA 三八婦女節優惠 - Wanta 狂熱資訊 08/03/2021

💪💪🏻💪🏼WANTA 三八婦女節優惠💪🏽💪🏾💪🏿

💜全部婦女節優惠💜 (優惠限期至3月13日)

-買任何一款💖月經杯💖,即送一支Picobong瑞典玩具清潔噴霧! LILY CUP ONE仲有85折!♡

-💗買吸啜震動器 LELO SILA💗, 即享9折 & 即送Picobong瑞典玩具清潔噴霧!



接納&愛護自己,WANTA 性事良品,幫到你幫到你。

立即跳去睇 :
取悅自己身體從試試LELO SILA開始>>

WANTA 三八婦女節優惠 - Wanta 狂熱資訊 WANTA 三八婦女節優惠

Have S*x Safely Take Birth Control Pills - Wanta Hong Kong| Since 2000 08/03/2021

Yasmin®, No. 1 Best Selling Birth Control Pill in the World is Now Selling at WANTA (CWB SHOP)

To celebrate March 8 , Buy Yasmin® Get a 10% Off Discount! 💛 Limited Time Offer - From March 5 to March 13.


Want to have s*x happily, safely, and at ease? Wearing condoms is a must, to prevent s*xually transmitted diseases. However! You can also take birth control pills to prevent accidental pregnancy. The Yasmin® birth control pill is the most efficient method among short-acting contraceptives pills. The efficacy of is only at 82-96%.

Yasmin® has 99% Contraceptive Efficacy.

Contraceptive pills containing synthetic hormones are taken orally to avoid unwanted pregnancy. The mechanisms of contraceptive actions include the suppression of ovulation, and thickening of cervical mucus hence rendering it impervious to s***m. Contraceptive pills will not cause infertility.

In addition, women often worry about an accidental pregnancy, even when they have s*x using condoms. To dispel doubts and responsibilities for your body, taking the is a healthy decision.

Now selling at WANTA S*xual Well-being Store in Causeway Bay.
(Not selling online and at Central stores yet.)

Check Out Other Benefits of Taking Contraceptive Pills >>
Review on Yasmin®>>

Have S*x Safely Take Birth Control Pills - Wanta Hong Kong| Since 2000 Have S*x Safely Take Birth Control Pills

Yasmin優思明避孕丸-成功率最高的短效避孕方法 - Wanta 狂熱資訊 08/03/2021

Yasmin®優思明避孕丸 - 全球及全港No. 1避孕藥

為慶祝 #三八婦女節 ,買Yasmin®優思明避孕丸有9折! 💛 一星期限時優惠 - 3月5日至3月13日 9折! 💛

要做愛做得開心又安心,除了可以帶 #安全套 預防 #性病 和 #避孕 ,還可以吃 #避孕丸 。避孕丸為成功率最高的短效避孕方法,而安全套一般成功率只有82-96%。

Yasmin® 優思明® 避孕成功率超過99%



為慶祝 #三八婦女節 ,買Yasmin®優思明避孕丸有9折!
一星期限時優惠 - 3月5日至3月13日 9折!

現正在wanta性事良品 - #銅鑼灣 店有售!

Yasmin優思明避孕丸-成功率最高的短效避孕方法 - Wanta 狂熱資訊 Yasmin優思明避孕丸-成功率最高的短效避孕方法

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識震嘅手指!解決【turn-off】嘅煩惱.一般按摩棒較大、硬、或表面冷,可能會「嚇窒 」對方 ! 這個 FUN FACTORY BE·ONE 手指形震動器能提供截然不同的體驗,和手指二合為一,不需擔心失去手指體温,男女皆可享用。WANTA...


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