Venchi 1878

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Venchi 1878, Chocolate Shop, Shop 256, 2/F, Cityplaza, 18 Taikoo Shing Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong.


全新中秋節系列將摩登意式創意注入傳統節慶 🌕✨ 這款中秋雙層禮盒匯聚 4 款創新月餅及18 款精選巧克力,為你和摯愛親朋的幸福時光增添一份醉心甜蜜!

Presenting our Mid-Autumn Double Layer Gift Box that beautifully blends tradition with modern Italian creativity. With a delightful selection of 4 mooncakes and 18 assorted chocolates - here's a box of sweet goodness to celebrate love and togetherness with your family and friends 🌕 ✨


腰果意式雪糕新登場 ✨ 充斥著細膩堅果香的軟滑雪糕,配上香脆的腰果碎 —— 每一口滋味在融化的瞬間猶如盛夏般熱情綻放,帶你體驗前所未有的味蕾衝擊!

Dive into a nutty indulgence like never before with Venchi’s latest sensation - Cashew Gelato ✨ With every sip comes an explosion of flavours, spiced up with crunchy cashew toppings for a delightful texture that brightens your summer days!


又一年中秋節 🌕 還記得上年和家人團圓、分享月餅的喜悅嗎?今年,Venchi 將繼續伴你歡度佳節 ✨ 全新中秋禮盒揉合傳統和創新,以絕倫滋味昇華你和摯愛的美好團圓時光!

The Moon festival is around the corner 🌕 It’s time to reminisce about those precious moments spent with your loved ones ✨ This year, we’re here again to illuminate the joy of reunions with our exquisite Mid-Autumn Festival collection that will add a touch of sweetness to your cherished celebrations!


一口滿足你的味蕾與想像 💭 BacioDiDama 黑巧克力以經典的皮埃蒙特食譜為藍圖,將鬆脆、無麩質皮埃蒙特榛子餅乾及榛果醬包裹在香醇的黑巧克力中,用層層遞進的滋味與口感顛覆你的味覺享受!

Feed your imagination 💭 With crunchy, gluten-free Piedmont hazelnut biscuits set in gianduja and covered in dark chocolate, our Dark BacioDiDama chocolates will tickle your taste buds with a twist on the classic Piedmontese recipe.


嚐一口黑巧克力榛子雪糕,細味意式奢華滋味 ✨ 享受經典配方啟發 — 我們將香醇濃郁的黑巧克力與奶油般絲滑的皮埃蒙特榛子完美融合,碰撞出這款滋味層次豐富的消暑甜品🍦

Inspired by the classic Gianduiotto ✨ Let's indulge in the luxe of our Dark Gianduiotto Gelato - a delicate blend of rich, dark chocolate and creamy Piedmont hazelnut! Don't miss out on this perfect summer treat with layers of intense cocoa and nutty goodness🍦


可能是 Venchi 最具爭議的意式雪糕口味 😳 我們的期間限定純素榴槤雪糕果味濃郁、香氣馥郁,每一口都交織著令人「榴」連忘返的 D24 榴蓮和香滑口感 — 榴蓮控不要錯過!

Arguably one of our most divisive gelato flavour that you’ll either love or hate 😳 Our limited edition vegan freindly durian gelato combines the creamy indulgence of D24 durian, making it an irresistible taste for all durian lovers!


爸爸或許不擅長表達愛,卻處處用行動表達愛。這個父親節,用最直接、實在的方式傳遞愛,為我們的英雄送上蘊含甜蜜愛意的巧克力 🍫 💖 祝大家父親節快樂!

A father doesn’t tell you that he loves you. He shows you. The same way around - let's express love and gratitude to our heroes through the universal love language - chocolate 🍫 💖 Happy Father's Day!


Photos from Venchi 1878's post 11/06/2024

As the saying goes, ‘a gelato a day keeps the stress away’ 🍦 Have a sip of our quintessential frozen treats and you’ll know why summer smiles are everywhere in Italy!

一日一雪糕,壓力遠離我 🍦 嚐一口我們的國民甜點,感受陽光與歡樂交織的意式夏日風情!



召集各位焦糖愛好者,和我們一起細味甜蜜雙重奏 💝 焦糖榛子雙色巧克力球在香濃黑巧克力、焦糖及鬆脆皮埃蒙特榛子之間取得完美平衡,帶來難以抗拒的味蕾誘惑;另一款焦糖奶油巧克力則受經典甜點 Panna Cotta 啟發,用一口巧克力重新演繹絲滑細膩的意式奶凍風味。

Calling all caramel lovers! It's time to unite and indulge in the ultimate caramel experience at Venchi. Dive into the perfect balance of aromatic dark chocolate, sweet caramel, and crunchy Piedmont hazelnuts with our Caramel & Hazelnut Pearl. Craving creamy Italian delight? Try our Caramel Pannacotta chocolate. Get ready to treat yourself to layers of chocolate and caramel that will satisfy your sweetest cravings! 💝


用一種味道來形容意大利 🇮🇹 的春天,大概會是 Stracciatella。源自北部的經典 Gelato 之作,在春日陽光的沐浴下幻化成雲呢拿、牛奶巧克力和可可脆片的舞台。這樣香甜的春天,你又喜歡嗎?

Have you ever wondered what Spring tastes like? Originating from Northern Italy 🇮🇹, our classic Stracciatella gracefully enters the season, showered in sunlight and melting into a delightful Italian Spring indulgence of vanilla, milk chocolate, and cacao nibs.


Photos from Venchi 1878's post 29/05/2024

亞洲旗艦店已於利園新裝重開 💫 感謝到場與我們慶祝的每一位來賓。誠邀你蒞臨參觀我們在香港的首個巧克力瀑布,一起細味視覺與味覺帶來的幸福感!

That’s a wrap 💫 Thank you to every precious guest who joined us to celebrate the reopening of our newly renovated Lee Gardens store. Drop by to be impressed by our first-ever chocolate waterfall in Hong Kong!


更大的空間,承載更多甜蜜誘惑!Venchi 利園店以新面貌強勢回歸,為大家呈獻嶄新店面設計及巨型巧克力瀑布。讓我們在這個夢幻的童話世界裡共創更多珍貴回憶 ✨

More space, more sweet temptation! Our Lee Gardens store has made a strong comeback with refurbished store design and a giant chocolate waterfall. Let’s create more remarkable memories in this fairytale world filled with fantasies ✨

Photos from Venchi 1878's post 22/05/2024

與我們一起細味本土藝術家 Don Mak 筆下的香江情懷。似幻似真的城市風貌,加上巧克力的甜蜜昇華🍫 —— 我們的聯乘系列將帶你用視覺和味覺感受不一樣的夢幻都市。

Join us as we take a trip down memory lane with local artist Don Mak’s vivid imageries of Hong Kong city scenes. Get our special collection to pamper yourself with limitless imagination and chocolatey temptation🍫!


Let imaginations bloom 💭 One thing we share in common with local artist Don Mak is the lively dreams that we convey through our creations. Filled with chocolatey wonders and vibrant cityscapes, here’s a co-created utopia to indulge in joy!

為生活注入奇想 💭 通過創作拉近生活與夢想的距離,是我們與本地藝術家 Don Mak 的共通之處。為大家開啟幸福隨意門 —— 在一個沒有煩惱的烏托邦,細味每一口幸福滋味,細聽每一個充斥香港情懷的街陌故事。


媽媽辛苦了 🫶 一個溫暖的擁抱、一盒精美的手工巧克力 —— 為你最愛的媽媽送上既窩心又實在的幸福感。祝大家母親節快樂!

A tribute to her unconditional love 🫶 From a warm hug to our box of exquisite praline chocolates, give your amazing mom heartwarming gifts that speak to her heart. Happy Mother’s Day!



Kickstart this Summer with a sense of rituals! Dreaming about the sun-soaked beaches along Italy's Mediterranean coast - who can resist a heavenly scoop of gelato? 🍦


在打開包裝的瞬間,Venchi 將一切美好想像幻化成幸福滋味。和你的朋友一起踏進這個巧克力夢幻世界,讓快樂如童話木馬般旋轉起來!🎠

Unwrap, untwist and let Venchi bring you and your friends to a world of chocolatey paradise where nuggets of joy go round and round like a merry-go-round! 🎠



巧克力不僅是幸福感滿滿的甜品,更是「愛」的象徵。和你的親朋摯愛一起細味蘊藏在 Venchi 巧克力中的甜蜜滋味,用 🇮🇹 的方式傳遞愛!

Chocolate is beyond a sweet treat, but an edible sign of love and connection. Share Venchi chocolates with your close ones to express love the 🇮🇹 way - melt their hearts like how our chocolates do!


初夏限定!靈感源自世界最受歡迎的甜點之一 🫐 混合莓果馬卡斯彭軟芝士蛋糕 🧀,這款意式雪糕以馬卡斯彭軟芝士的細膩奶香為基調,配搭清新的混合莓果醬和檸檬餅乾,口感層次豐富,完美詮釋了含苞待放的初夏氣息。

Early Summer exclusive! Inspired by 🫐 mixed berries cheesecake 🧀, one of the world’s most popular desserts, our recipe stacks Gelato layers of creamy mascarpone, mixed berry marmalade and lemon biscuit for remarkable flavours bite by bite. Celebrate the arrival of Summer with this iconic frozen treat!


地中海的陽光、碧綠的海水和歡聲笑語,伴隨永恆不朽的意式雪糕,造就了一場又一場美妙的仲夏之夢。初夏將至,來 Venchi 尋找你的意大利夏日滋味🍦

A gelato a day brings summertime joy your way! Mediterranean sun, turquoise shores, laughter and lots of gelato - what could be more perfect? Savour our signature flavours to wallow in your taste of Italian summer 🍦


既鹹又甜,香脆又絲滑 —— Venchi 為大家帶來源自 🇮🇹 西西里島的一口堅果天堂。被譽為「綠色黃金」,開心果似乎有股與生俱來的魔力,小小一顆就能傳遞各式各樣令人愉悅的幸福滋味!

Sweet and salty, crispy and silky - here is to a nut paradise from Sicily 🇮🇹! Dubbed ‘the green gold’ back in our country, pistachios hold the magical power to win hearts and minds. Satisfy your craving with our tempting pistachio recipes!


天然食材、匠心工藝,造就了意大利國民甜點 Gelato!意式雪糕是一種家的味道 —— 細味蘊藏在 Venchi 玫瑰和覆盆子口味的仲夏回憶,在鮮花盛放的沿海小鎮漫步,共赴一場阿瑪菲海岸之約。 💐

No matter how familiar you are with Italian treats, chances are that you have heard of Gelato - the nationwide favourite frozen treat! Savour our rose and raspberry flavour to feel as if you are spending summer days at the splendid Amalfi coast with blooming flowers 💐

Photos from Venchi 1878's post 04/04/2024

以巧克力入饌 —— Venchi 創意大師 G.B. Mantelli 將顛覆你對巧克力的想像!Chocoviar 珍珠顆粒的夢幻滋味,與各種食材融合碰撞,呈獻一場美味又極具觀賞性的感官盛宴 ✨

Hailed as our creative soul, G. B. Mantelli will subvert your imagination with a groundbreaking Chocolate gourmet experience! Sprinkling Chocoviar grains over delicacies feels (and tastes) just like magic ✨


敲開春日巧克力花形禮盒,為這個春意盎然的季節增添一份獨特的意式氛圍 🌼 4 款共 6 粒精選巧克力的可可香氣在唇齒間綻放,感受媲美春回大地的窩心暖意。

Uncover our Spring Flower Metal Tin to take Spring vibes further - the Italian style! With 6 chocolates in 4 heartwarming flavours, this lovely box will fill your taste buds to the fullest along with the season’s natural revival 🌼


復活節將至 🐣,Venchi 為大家精心呈獻春日巧克力小兔禮盒 🐰 匯集 7 個甜蜜驚喜、6 款令人垂涎欲滴的精選滋味 —— 來自意大利的節日儀式感,值得你和摯愛細味珍藏。

Sharing an Easter treasure 🐣 worth savouring with your family and friends 🐰 Our Spring Bunny Metal Tin brings 7 delights in 6 delicately selected flavours for you to hop into Easter joy with a burst of chocolatey wonders!


致敬 1800 年代初巧克力和榛子果仁在都靈的浪漫邂逅 —— Venchi 在焦糖鹽味榛⼦迷你巧克⼒蛋中注入愛情的靈魂,鹹甜交錯的味道在每一口蔓延綻放,令人時刻回味。🧚🏻‍♀️

A taste to remember. Introducing our salted hazelnut and caramel mini egg, a tribute to the romantic encounter between chocolate and hazelnut traced back to Turin in the early 1800s. Immerse into the sweetness of love with this caramelised twist! 🧚🏻‍♀️


永遠不要以貌取「蛋」🥚,不然你會錯過各種滋味誘人的意式驚喜!Venchi 以略帶鹹味的香脆杏仁粒調和焦糖和白巧克力的甜 —— 吃一口焦糖鹽味杏仁巧克力蛋,擁抱一場鹹甜交織的味蕾之旅。💫

Never judge a book by its cover 🥚- the same goes for our Mignon salted almonds & caramel egg! You never know what kind of surprise lies hidden in the caramelised white chocolate shell coated with salted chopped almonds. A symphony of flavours and textures is here to stay. 💫


一口一個奇妙驚喜,Venchi 帶你尋找「拆禮物」的快樂!巧克力蛋鐵罐系列集多重非凡滋味於一身 —— 巧克力、堅果和 Chocoviar 碎粒的相互融合,營造如交響樂般和諧細膩口感。今個復活節,留待你來品嚐奇跡。🫶🏽

With every bite comes a new surprise - wallow in the joy of unboxing! From nutty pleasures to chocolate wonders, we have hidden delightful fillings in our egg metal tins for you to explore a variety of extraordinary taste and textures this Easter. 🫶🏽

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Shop 256, 2/F, Cityplaza, 18 Taikoo Shing Road, Taikoo Shing
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 20:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 20:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 20:00
Thursday 10:00 - 20:00
Friday 10:00 - 20:00
Saturday 10:00 - 20:00
Sunday 10:00 - 20:00

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