Studio 83

Established in 2008, Studio 83 evolved from a painting studio to an art space where art intersects w

Established in 2008, Studio 83 evolved from a painting studio to an art space where art intersects with design, culture and lifestyle.


🌟 Beyond Future Art Prize 2024 Open Call! 🎨

Theme: Empowerment and Expression: Celebrating Women Artists

Join us in recognizing the pivotal role of women artists in instigating social change and enhancing environmental awareness. This year’s theme not only celebrates artistic innovation but emphasizes the significance of inclusivity within the art world.

👩‍🎨 Open to female artists globally.
🖌️ Categories: Painting, Drawing, Photography, Digital Art, Short Films.
🌍 Prize: Win HK$33,000
📅 Deadline: Nov 15, 2024
📌 Apply for free at

Photos from 民政事務總署 Home Affairs Department's post 29/08/2024

今個8️⃣月,Studio 83 聯同中西區民政處,舉辦一連8場,俾一班對藝術有興趣嘅年青人,試吓由我地設計嘅不同工作坊。由專業導師指導下,創作出好多唔同嘅藝術作品👨🏼‍🎨🖼️👩🏻‍🎨,大家都自己嘅作品都似乎好滿意☺️👍🏻

Photos from Studio 83's post 22/08/2024

【Studio 83 Art Course for kids】 Summer holiday is coming to an end, but the creativity of our junior artists never stopped. Our art program for kids carries on throughout the year, let’s look at some of their work to inspire your kids and start their own collection with us.

Lesson Time:
Wed 4:30-6pm
Sat 10-11:30am | 12-13:30pm
Sun 11-12:30pm | 2:30-4pm | 4:30-6pm

Photos from Studio 83's post 20/07/2024

One day you gotta believe in fairy tales again 🧚‍♀️


Artist: Joyce Ip


Have you ever imagined sharing a hobby with your kids? Experiencing growth together as a family is a cherished part of parenthood. Our special promotion of “buy 1 adult trial, get 1 FREE kid trial” is the perfect opportunity for you to explore a new activity with your child!

Date: 1 Jul - 31 Aug, 2024
Applicable class: Adult & Junior group class
Charge: $300 / pax


適用課程:成人 & 兒童小組課程
收費:$300 / 1人



☕️ Spend a day in our studio with a day pass! It’s not just a chill space to clear your mind, but also includes a free flow of coffee breaks for the entire day. Come and enjoy our welcoming atmosphere as you work or unwind.

Date: 1 Jul - 31 Aug, 2024
Time: Mon-Fri, 11-9pm
Charge: $450 / pax, $800 / 2 pax

嚟Studio 83參加day pass度過一日,呢度唔單止係一個好放鬆嘅空間,仲會全日免費供應咖啡!嚟呢度享受我哋嘅warm welcome氣氛啦

收費:$450 / 1人,$800 / 2人同行



一個好嘅開始就係由你加入我哋studio開始😎喺完成體驗班課程之後,只要購買成人或兒童小組課程套票,你就可以免費得到一個印有你畫作嘅tote bag!咁就可以正式用作品說話啦😌

適用課程:成人 & 兒童小組課程

Begin your artistic journey with our trial class! When you join the group package after the trial class, you’ll receive a customized tote bag that features your own painting! It’s the perfect opportunity to unleash your creativity and share it with the world

Date: 1 Jul - 31 Aug, 2024
Applicable class: Adult & Junior group class


Photos from Studio 83's post 24/06/2024

Unlock 🔓 your creativity with abstract art classes at Studio 83, taught by the talented coach Cyrus!

Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced artist, Cyrus will guide you to express your emotions and thoughts through art. Don’t miss out – use code LEARNWITHCYRUS for a 10% discount during the promotion period! For a full interview with Cyrus, please visit our website or click link bio.

於Studio 83 參加由藝術顧問Cyrus 領導的抽象藝術課程,釋放您的創意吧!無論您是初學者還是高階藝術家,Cyrus 將指導您通過藝術表達情感和思想。不要錯過。使用優惠代碼 LEARNWITHCYRUS 於優惠期內享受 10% 折扣!請瀏覽我們網站或 link bio參閱Cyrus 的完整訪談。

#藝術課程 #抽象藝術 #中環畫室

Photos from Studio 83's post 16/06/2024

Elevate Your Art Experience at Studio 83 🎨🪑

We’re thrilled to announce our collaboration with Stokke, bringing their acclaimed TrippTrapp and Nomi chairs to our studio!

Whether for leisure art jam or honing your skills as an artist, these ergonomic marvels will ensure your comfort and support throughout. After all, if you’re painting for hours, a good chair can make all the difference.

Experience the perfect blend of form and function at Studio 83. Upgrade your creative journey and try out these game-changing chairs today. Your back (and your art) will thank you!




Ready to dive into the world of art? Whether you're a budding artist or looking to refine your skills, we've got the perfect opportunity for you. Use the discount code 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐑𝐓 to get an exclusive 5% discount on all our art course packages! Shop Now at

準備好投入藝術嘅世界未?無論你係崭露頭角嘅藝術家,定係想提升自己嘅技巧,我哋都有啱你嘅課程。即刻使用折扣碼 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐑𝐓,喺所有藝術課程套票享有獨家5%折扣!快啲上 買啦!


Do you recognize where it is? 🇭🇰


Artist: Gianna

Photos from Studio 83's post 25/05/2024

Affordable Art Fair 上星期完滿結束,Studio 83今次同@stokkebaby 品牌合作,喺展覽上舉辦兒童繪畫工作坊,反應非常熱烈。一眾小朋友化身成小小藝術家,喺我哋的老師帶領下,繪畫出佢哋心底𥚃色彩繽紛嘅成長椅。

父親節就快到,我哋將會繼續同 Stokke 合作,今次嘅活動將會移師到中環 Studio 83內舉行,想知道詳情就要密切留意我哋嘅公佈 😊。


【Summer Course for kids 🎉】Studio 83 is thrilled to present a special experience inspired by the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. We will have the kids summer program again that spirit through vibrant, dynamic art-making.🤩

Attendees who complete 8 or 16 lessons will receive a commemorative gift, a unique memento of this artistic adventure. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to unleash your inner Olympian artist! Secure your spot in our summer art program and let your creativity soar, just like the world-class athletes competing in Paris 2024.🤘🏻

Date: Jun 28 - Aug 31,2024

Wed 4:30-6pm
Fri 2:30-4pm (New!)
Sat 10-11:30am | 12-13:30pm
Sun 11-12:30pm | 2:30-4pm | 4:30-6pm

Applicable course: Junior group course

Prizes (Jul 1 - Aug 31):
For attending 8 lessons - A personalised bottle(600ml) that features with one of your painting!
For attending 16 lessons - A certificate from studio 83 for Art & Design!

呢個夏天,除咗係小朋友充滿歡樂嘅暑假,亦都係四年一度嘅奧運會!當全球都聚集一齊慶祝呢項盛事嘅時候,Studio 83嘅兒童暑期班都再次熱烈回歸!同小朋友一齊通過充滿活力同動感嘅藝術創作傳達呢種運動精神!


星期三 4:30-6pm
星期五2:30-4pm (New!)
星期六 10-11:30am | 12-13:30pm
星期日 11-12:30pm | 2:30-4pm | 4:30-6pm


獎品 (7月1日至8月31日):
8堂或以上 - 印有小朋友其中一幅畫作的運動水樽一個(600ml)
16堂或以上 - 由Studio 83發出的藝術證書一張

Photos from Studio 83's post 14/05/2024

Custom Creation Await 五六月獎賞繼續開動!💪🏻✨


🎨 每一件小物都充滿了你的創意和風格。這是一次將藝術與生活完美結合的機會,讓你的創作跨出畫室,融入生活的每個角落。

不要猶豫了,立即預約課程,開啟”Custom Creation Await”的個性化之旅。你的畫作,你的風格,讓世界看見你的藝術篇章!


#客製化產品 #藝術生活化 #藝術課程 #讓創意走進生活

Photos from Studio 83's post 07/05/2024

Do you miss the skiing season? ⛷️ ❄️


Artist: Geng Zhao

Photos from Studio 83's post 06/05/2024

【Custom Creation Await 五六月禮遇】將你的畫作變身為獨一無二的生活產品!✨🌟

愛畫畫的你,是否夢想過將自己的作品融入日常生活中?現在,這個夢想可以成真了!在三至四月,我們推出了”Custom Creation Await”專屬活動,五至六月我地乘勝追擊,讓你的畫作不只停留在畫布上。


🎨 每一件小物都充滿了你的創意和風格。這是一次將藝術與生活完美結合的機會,讓你的創作跨出畫室,融入生活的每個角落。

不要猶豫了,立即預約課程,開啟”Custom Creation Await”的個性化之旅。你的畫作,你的風格,讓世界看見你的藝術篇章!


Turn Your Artwork into Unique Lifestyle Products! ✨🌟
Introducing “Custom Creation Await” event. Attend specific courses from May 1 to Jun 30, 2024 and watch your artwork come to life as personalized products. Let your art accompany you every day!

🎨 Infuse your creativity and style into everyday items. Blend art with life and showcase your artistic journey.
Book now and create your own artistic lifestyle!

Date: May 1- Jun 30, 2024
Applicable course: Adult / Junior group course, private class

#客製化產品 #藝術生活化 #藝術課程 #讓創意走進生活

Studio 83 台北開幕酒會 03/05/2024

🎉 今天,讓我們一起回顧那些美好的時光!🥂

十年前的今天,Studio 83 在台北天母誠品忠誠店迎來了它的開幕酒會。這不僅是我們在海外的第一步,也是一個全新的開始。當時,我們的 Facebook 粉絲尚未滿三千人,但每一位的支持都是我們成長的動力。

🌟 現在,十年後的今天,我們的粉絲數已經達到了38,000人!從誠品時代到現在位於天母東路83號的工作室,每一步都記錄了我們的成長和每一位支持者的熱情。

🙏 感謝每一位過去和現在的粉絲,是你們的支持讓Studio 83能夠不斷前進,迎接每一個新的挑戰。讓我們一起期待未來更多年的精彩,繼續攜手創造更多美好的藝術時光!

#藝術之旅 #開幕紀念 #十周年 #感謝有你

Studio 83 台北分店於上星期正式開幕。誠摯感謝來臨的賓客,來到我們位於天母誠品忠誠店的開幕酒會,見證我們邁出海外的第一步。而我們台北 facebook 專頁的粉絲人數亦於短短數星期內已將近3000人,我們都很感激大家的愛戴,希望大家繼續支持!


【五月優惠💐】母親節除咗送實體禮物,不妨試吓送一個”me time”體驗俾媽媽~平時返工又好唔使返工又好,媽媽嘅角色基本上都係冇得休息🥺私人時間就更加珍貴!為咗俾各位媽媽們有一個屬於自己嘅私人時間,我哋現正推出特別優惠——HK$880就可以享有兩堂成人課程,完成畫作之後仲可以將佢印上tote bag作為紀念!又或者係買一送一嘅DIY,陪住媽媽一齊嚟個art jamming! 🥳

2堂成人課程及客制tote bag優惠詳情
價錢: HK$880 / 人
日期: 2024年5月1- 31日
適用課程: 成人小組課程

價錢: HK$350-HK$550 (30x40cm - 60x80cm畫布)
日期: 2024年5月11-12日

On Mother’s Day, other than giving physical gifts, why not try giving your mom a “me time” experience? Whether she’s working or not, a mother’s role is essentially non-stop, and her personal time is even more precious!🥺 In order to give all the moms out there their own personal time, we are currently offering a special promotion - for just HK$880, you can enjoy two adult group classes. After completing the artwork, you can even have it printed on a tote bag as a memento! Alternatively, we have a BUY 1 GET 1 FREE DIY option, where you can share the precious time with your mom together! 🥳

Offer Details:

Details of “2 group lessons + 1 personalized tote bag”:
Price: HK$880 / person
Date: 1-31 May, 2024
Applicable course: Adult group class
*package is not allowed to transfer or share with others

Details of “DIY buy 1 get 1 free”:
Price: HK$350-HK$550 (canvas size of 30x40cm - 60x80cm)
Date: 11 & 12 May, 2024

Photos from Studio 83's post 28/04/2024

Exercise not only changes your body, it also changes your mind and your mood. 🥊


Artist: Francis Yeung

Photos from Studio 83's post 16/04/2024

Welcome to pumpkin land 🎃

#中環畫室 #觀塘畫室

Artist: Catherine Cheung

Photos from Studio 83's post 12/04/2024

Capture the moment 📸

#中環畫室 #觀塘畫室

Artist: Helen Chan

Photos from Studio 83's post 04/04/2024

Some people feel the rain, others just get wet


Artist: Angel Chang

Photos from Studio 83's post 19/03/2024

The tree. We protected it, so it protects us.

Artist: Fiona Lai


Photos from Studio 83's post 10/03/2024

Single could be fabulous too 🌺


Artist: Xiaoyun

Photos from Studio 83's post 08/03/2024

【Custom Creation Await】將你的畫作變身為獨一無二的生活產品!✨🌟

愛畫畫的你,是否夢想過將自己的作品融入日常生活中?現在,這個夢想可以成真了!在三至四月,我們推出了”Custom Creation Await”專屬活動,讓你的畫作不只停留在畫布上。


🎨 每一件小物都充滿了你的創意和風格。這是一次將藝術與生活完美結合的機會,讓你的創作跨出畫室,融入生活的每個角落。

不要猶豫了,立即預約課程,開啟”Custom Creation Await”的個性化之旅。你的畫作,你的風格,讓世界看見你的藝術篇章!


Turn Your Artwork into Unique Lifestyle Products! ✨🌟
Introducing “Custom Creation Await” event. Attend specific courses from Mar 1 to Apr 30, 2024 and watch your artwork come to life as personalized products. Let your art accompany you every day!

🎨 Infuse your creativity and style into everyday items. Blend art with life and showcase your artistic journey.
Book now and create your own artistic lifestyle!

Date: Mar 1- Apr 30, 2024
Applicable course: Adult / Junior group course, private class

#客製化產品 #藝術生活化 #藝術課程 #讓創意走進生活


🎨 迎新禮品歡迎你!我們準備了一份開啟藝術之旅的禮物—畫筆套裝!🎁

🌸 從三月至四月,所有新客戶*都有迎新禮品!加入我們,即可免費獲得由Studio 83精心挑選的畫筆套裝(一份)。🖌️

🎨 這套高品質畫筆非常適合壓克力和油畫。用這份特別的禮物開始你的藝術之旅,釋放你的創造力,探索色彩和表達的世界!🌟

✨ 千萬別錯過這個限時優惠 📅 禮物數量有限,送完為止。

*包括參加體驗課 / 藝術探索課程 / 小組課程 / 私人課程

🎨 Welcome gift for all newcomers! A complimentary brush set to begin your Art Journey! 🎁

🌸 From March to April, new customers* are in for a treat! Join us and receive a complimentary brush set selected by Studio 83. 🖌️

🎨 These high-quality brushes are perfect for acrylic and oil painting. Start your art journey with this special gift and unleash your creativity! 🌟

✨ Don‘t miss out on this limited-time offer 📅. Begin your artistic adventure with us and explore the world of colors and expression. 🌈Join us today and let your imagination soar! 🎉 Gifts are available while stocks last.

*Including who joins Trial Lesson / Art Exploration Lesson / Group Lesson / Private Lesson


Photos from Studio 83's post 23/02/2024





藝術能夠治愈心靈,而美食則可以滿足味蕾!小朋友先會做選擇嘅啫😁 想2樣都享受倒其實好簡單,由即日起至6月30日,參加體驗課程或者DIY,即可免費獲得Brick Lane $100餐飲券!🤤


日期: 即日起至2024年6月30日
合資格課程: 成人/小朋友體驗課程 / DIY

Appreciating a masterpiece of artwork just like savouring an extraordinary culinary experience! 🤓Join the trial class or DIY to receive a complimentary $100 voucher for Brick Lane Restaurant 😋🥗 Enjoy exquisite cuisine and create unforgettable memories. Limited time offer! 👏🏻Let’s Unlock the gourmet journey now!

First come first serve.

Date: from now on until Jun 30, 2024
Valid package: Adult / Junior trial class / DIY


🧧恭喜發財 ! 限時5日大優惠 ! 參與我們的幸運轉盤活動!贏取豐厚現金購物額 (最高達$1,388) 🎉🧧

🎁 只要到Studio 83網站,輸入簡單資料,然後旋轉輪盤,就有機會贏取店內現金購物額,盡情享受新年的購物狂歡!🛍️💰無論您是一直支持本店的尊貴顧客還是新生,都可享用本次得獎機會。贏得的店內現金購物額可在網上購買我們任何服務或套票。

推廣期限: 2月10日至2月14日

💫✨沉浸在節慶氛圍中,不要錯過這個令人興奮的機會,龍年行大運 !🎲💸

📱 跟隨我們的最新消息,造訪我們的網站以獲取更多資訊。祝您新年快樂!🐉🎊

🧧5 days Flash Promo! Win your store credits!🎉 Celebrate Chinese New Year with our Lucky Wheel Campaign! (Up to credit of $1,388) 🎉🧧

🎁 Just visit the website of Studio 83, spin the wheel, then you can win store credits and enjoy a prosperous shopping spree ! 🛍️💰 Whether you’re a valued customer or a new student, this is your opportunity to bring home amazing prizes. You can purchase any art services online with the coupon code💫✨Embrace the festive spirit and grab the chance!

Each coupon code can be redeemed once only.
Campaign Period: 10th - 14th Feb

🎆 Don’t miss out on this exciting campaign! Join us now and let luck guide your way to incredible savings. 🎲💸

📱 Follow us for updates and visit our website to learn more. Happy Chinese New Year! 🐉🎊

Photos from Studio 83's post 04/02/2024

A daughter’s gift for her dad ❤️


Junior Artist: Natalie

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new art experience

Studio 83 was founded in 2008, with presence in Hong Kong and Taipei. The company has been evolved from creative arts education to an art intersect space, bringing art, design, culture and life to one place. We have provided a variety of art courses and events during the past 10 years. Leading countless people to start their journey to artistic creation, breaking the norm that art is out of reach, and making art creation as a life attitude.

We are committed to expanding our art to the commercial world. In the past, we have designed art-based activities for different multinational companies and brands, bringing arts-based thinking into corporate training and branding activities, and redefining art in business level.

Being socially responsible is always one of our core value, we have co-organized charitable activities based on art creation with the Hong Kong Cancer Fund, the Children's Cancer Foundation, and also Hope Foundation for Cancer Care and Children Are Us Foundation in Taiwan . In 2017 and 2018, as an initiative to bring art to rural area in China, we partnered with the Changing Young Lives Foundation to bring art to schools in Gansu Province of China. This program allowed us to reach a wider and diverse population.

Our location:

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Studio 83 將於年初一至年初五休息,年初六(27/1)啟市🧧,𧫴預祝各位來年福兔臨門🐰,身體健康。We will be closing for CNY from Jan 22-26, we wish you a prosperous...
A place where you can find different services from leisure to corporate events, from art courses to parties, from art pr...
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11/F, 46 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 21:30
Tuesday 11:00 - 21:30
Wednesday 11:00 - 21:30
Thursday 11:00 - 21:30
Friday 11:00 - 21:30
Saturday 11:00 - 19:30
Sunday 11:00 - 19:00

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本店由 2009年開業至今已有13年多, 信心保証, 門市只有一店 ► 旺角信和中心電梯上一層M37鋪「喵紫格店」

Window Warrior Services LLC. Window Warrior Services LLC.
Hong Kong, 33050


Tree Buddy Arborist 樹巴打 Tree Buddy Arborist 樹巴打
Hong Kong


斯泓工程顧問有限公司 Zero To One Project Consultant Limited 斯泓工程顧問有限公司 Zero To One Project Consultant Limited
Hong Kong
