MiLOC Store

Milocstore 為客戶提供天然的健康產品、有機產品、保健產品以及中成藥產品?

Milocstore is both a retail/online store specializing in natural herbal supplements & health/organic food and products that are highly recommended by renowned TCM doctors & nutritionists.


Hope that this soup recipe will help to boost our immune system during this Covid 19 pandemic.

材料:蒲公英 2両
枳實 1両
北茋 2両
白芷 1両
元肉 1両
南北杏 1両
甘草 5錢
豬展 4 兩
大棗 10 枚
淮山 1 兩
蘋果去蕊 半只



桂枝 一両
杞子 一両
茯苓 一両
元肉 一両
黃精 一両
狗脊 一両
紅蘿蔔 半條
粟米 一條
腎為先天之本, 人身之根;根本強,全身就會強壯起來,抵抗力自然好,而且秋、冬天氣涼,應以收澀固本為重。
這是季節病; 最近覆診癌症病友很多都患上感冒,請大家多注意預防。
有問題請 inbox,預約請致電 : 2367-8896


近日秋冬天氣轉涼, 很多人着涼得感冒。尤其患肺癌的朋友特別容易染病,患肺癌的人更應該注意保養強肺,避免得病後影響癌症病情反覆。
材料: 北芪一両

診所電話:+852 2366 8987


AKFS+ .... for Father’s Day !

父親節快到了,想好似城城一樣時刻擁有一頭亮麗耀眼的髮型, 除了選用天然漢方植萃及美容液的洗護髮產品外, 選擇天然造型產品也很重要! 每當塑造髮型時, 造型產品難免會接觸到頭皮,有機會阻塞毛囊, 令頭皮發炎。

AKFS+定型啫喱蘊含芍藥、魚腥草☘️、微分子透明質酸和神經醯胺美容液🧪, 有效抗菌, 減低紫外線傷害, 塑型同時為髮絲補充水份💦; 再加上日本科技🇯🇵高彈力3D聚合體, 防止髮膠吸收空氣中的水分而扁塌, 同時避免膠質剝落形成白屑👍👍, 讓你輕鬆打造持久3D有層次同充滿光澤的男神髮型。「城城自己都用緊嫁‼️」

限時震撼優惠⚡️⚡️低過半價發售 ‼️‼️‼️買滿HK$200仲免運費添呀!🌷 :
👉👉【AKFS+ 型爸洗護定型組合】、【型爸塑型組合】

KWOK 郭富城



1. 將藜麥(1份藜麥3份水)和蕃薯(去皮切粒)放入電飯煲煮熟,放涼後壓成喜歡的形狀。










68歲的袋袋,患肺癌4期,用標靶治療6個月後,身體虛弱了,並出現多種副作用,身體反應告訴她像不能運作下去 !
現在每星期到診一次,康復進度相當理想 ;

雖然患癌 :
1. 幸好她及早發現;
2. 奶奶-康復者的支持 ; 轉為中藥治療!



今年春節前,語重深長叮囑各個腫瘤病人並跟他們說:「每到農曆新年,你們都有特別多的挑戰 - 就是介口是否能介得好!」

他們有三類回應 :

1. 新年想休幾天假,不服藥,但我一定會介口。
2. 請連續執藥畀我,我春假無休,不停藥,我想快點好。
3. 我知道要介口,我盡量!

初七開診,第一及第二類病人身體的狀況進步了,心情也特別開朗,我們相對一起開懷笑著 ; 他們真的做到了!



Back to work after the Chinese New Year holidays and it’s everybody ‘birthday !’

Timeline photos 28/01/2017

新年快樂, 一團和氣!

Timeline photos 14/11/2016
28/09/2016 via

Loving Your Liver with Chinese Medicine – Part 1 21/09/2016

Caring for our liver...

Loving Your Liver with Chinese Medicine – Part 1 Loving Your Liver with Chinese Medicine By Emma Suttie, D.Ac, AP Spring is here, and Spring is the time that the Liver flourishes and its energies are at their peak. Spring is a time of new life an…

16 warning signs your liver is overloaded with toxins that are making you fat 09/09/2016

Have a strong healthy liver!

16 warning signs your liver is overloaded with toxins that are making you fat Republished with permission from Can we just take a moment to thank our liver for all that it does? This vital organ is working hard everyday to filter out toxins and waste from the body, as well as conducting hundreds of other functions. Your livers primary action is to convert tox...

Timeline photos 30/07/2016

Check this out st HysanPlace!....

★TCM PLUS 期間限定 1折體驗優惠★
1) 現憑銅鑼灣指定商場*購物收據滿港幣100元
2) 不論男女
3) 蒞臨位於銅鑼灣希慎廣場TCM PLUS品牌專櫃(609A號舖)
4) 即可以1折超抵價體驗品牌合共十一款尊貴產品
5) 優惠期: 2016年7月30日至8月30日

嘩... 咁著數?
係... 就係咁著數!
期間限定一個月架咋, 唔係唔買呀?

*指定商場: 希慎廣場,利園1期至6期,禮頓中心,利舞臺,希慎道1號


【全新TCM PLUS和漢結合護膚品牌,護膚專屬】
根據中國傳統醫學理論,運用現代先進的大豆卵磷脂納米技術開發出TCM PLUS護膚產品。為滿足各位每日的肌膚所需,配合了來源於中藥的美容成分和其他機能性美容成分。TCM PLUS尊貴護膚產品的四系列,保濕系列 (M Line),美白系列 (W Line),潔面系列 (Washing Line)及抗老化系列 (A Line),均可通過顧客的目的和喜好自由組合,給各位帶來最理想的護膚效果。

#漢方護膚 #和漢護膚 #中醫美容 #潔面 #保濕 #美白 #抗老化 #優惠

Dip Your Feet In Apple Cider Vinegar For This All-Natural Benefit. I Had No Idea! 23/02/2016

Dip Your Feet In Apple Cider Vinegar For This All-Natural Benefit. I Had No Idea! One of my resolutions this year is to move away from using harsh commercial products for my health and home, and instead opt for powerful, all-natural remedies. In an exclusive guide below, we explore one of the most powerful and nontoxic products around: apple cider vinegar. Just like organic cocon…

What Your Tongue Says About Your Health 17/02/2016
Timeline photos 18/12/2015

Too much Ginseng?

Ginseng works mainly to nourish the qi of the kidneys, lungs, spleen and heart. It is generally used for patients in serious condition. The over-consumption of ginseng by healthy people can lead to undesirable consequences. For example, diarrhea, skin rashes, insomnia, increase in blood pressure, depression, headaches, anxiousness etc. Bleeding is a sign of acute poisoning(hence people on anti-coagulants should also consult your physician before consuming it).
Ginseng is not as good in nourishing the yin and bodily fluids. Hence, people with yin deficiency(symptoms like dry mouth, dry stool and dry skin) could consider Panax quinquefolius or Radix pseudostellariae.
Persons with yang excessiveness (symptoms like constant feeling of heat/warmth, irritability, mouth ulcers, bad breath etc) should also refrain from taking ginseng.

Timeline photos 06/11/2015

Work and rest are two activities indispensable to human existence. Over-work and over-rest all lead to disease. There is a TCM quote with five overs: 久卧伤气、久视伤血、久立伤骨、久坐伤肉、久行伤筋.

“久卧伤气” which means if one over rest and always sleep or not move about, it will affect the “qi” in your body, resulting in tiredness and low vigor. So if you rest too much does not mean you get more refresh!

“久视伤血” which means long term usage of the eyes will affect the blood in our body. In TCM theory, the liver meridian passes through the eyes, so the eyes are nourished by the liver-yin and liver-blood. The liver blood is essential to regulate the body’s blood. Long term usage of the eyes not only lead to problems related to the eyes, but can also lead to other deficiency in blood symptoms such as dizziness, pale complexion, dry eyes and blurry vision.

“久立伤骨” which means if one stand for too long, it will affect the bones. Our lower back and legs support the body’s weight. Long periods of standing will lead to soreness of our lower back and legs. The kidneys, which are at the lower back will also feel the strain. In TCM, our kidneys are essential for strong and healthy bones. When the kidney energy is affected, it may lead to abnormal development of bones and even movement problems.

“久坐伤肉” which means if you sit for too long, it may affect your muscles. This is because if you maintain in that particular position for long time, it may lead to the tension in certain muscles, and you would feel tiredness in that particular part of your body. In addition, if you sit for too long, it will affect the blood circulation of your body, eventually it may even lead to muscle atrophy.

“久行伤筋” which means if you walk for too long, it may affect the tendons, ligaments and soft tissues. Walking can be a popular exercise for those who want to maintain a healthy heart. However, if you overdo it, it may lead to even more problems. This is why a lot of people will suffer from aches and tiredness from walking for long distances.

Timeline photos 03/11/2015

Tired fatigue eyes? Massage your Si Bai (both left and right together) with the tips of your index fingers. This is a familiar massaging point for many who did the compulsory morning eye exercise back in school during morning assembly *wink wink*


Discount MiLOC Store Limited - !

The Amazing Health Benefits Of Chia Seeds 02/10/2015

The Amazing Health Benefits Of Chia Seeds By Lindsay Sibson “Ch-ch-ch-CHIA!” For anybody that also grew up in the 80’s, I’m sure you can easily recall lusting after the chia pet commercial as a child. Back in the days when your biggest decision was what chia animal to choose – the dog? Turtle? Kitty? Puppy? Oh, the options seemed endless! B…

5 Medicinal Herbs You Can Grow At Home 24/09/2015

Work your green fingers !

5 Medicinal Herbs You Can Grow At Home All medicine comes from herbology- or at least it did at one point in time. Natural medicine is making a big comeback now that people are becoming more aware of the many toxic dangers of pharmaceutical drugs. Growing your own garden of medicinal herbs is easier than you might think. Chances are you

Timeline photos 16/09/2015

Having a stuffy nose??

Blocked stuffy nose because of the haze? Help strengthen your immunity and regulate your nasal function with this acupoint today!

Ying Xiang is located right beside the nose. At the midpoint of the nose flap, within the nasolabial fold.

Its applications include:
• Sensitive nose, blocked nose, nose bleeding, runny nose, etc.
• Facial muscle paralysis

Massage technique:
Apply a downward pressure on the acupoint until slight soreness and numbness is felt. Massage the area for 2-3 minutes a day.



• 鼻敏感,鼻塞,流鼻血,流鼻涕等鼻疾
• 面瘫、口歪


The Magical Herb To Improve Your Memory! 13/09/2015

Have a nose for rosemary?

The Magical Herb To Improve Your Memory! By Angelique Johnson Do you keep forgetting where your car keys are? Needing to set more reminders for yourself, because you’ll forget important dates and errands? You’re not alone. A poor memory is usually a condition that is associated with those aged 65 and older, but a new study from the Univers…

情緒病 都市人殺手 | 養生峰會 | 熱新聞 09/09/2015

情緒病 都市人殺手 | 養生峰會 | 熱新聞 「情緒病」這詞經常在新聞報導時聽到、報章雜誌內見到,甚至於日常生活也察覺得到。究竟人們為何與它結下不解之緣呢?要解開這心結就從此刻開始。香港屬於急速型社會,...

Timeline photos 31/08/2015

‘Toxins’ from the external environment 外界的‘毒素’

Food sources from the sea (including, but not limited to, fish and shellfish) are indeed rich sources of nutrients, however they are also susceptible to contamination. Contaminants include harmful metals, industrial chemicals, bacteria, viruses etc. Mishandling of seafood and disregard for hygiene standards increase the risk of contamination too. Consumption of contaminated seafood can result in seafood poisoning. Symptoms vary with the types of poisoning involved – the more common symptoms being abdominal cramps and pains, vomiting, diarrhoea and headache; in more severe cases, one can experience breathing difficulty, seizures, coma and even death.
海鲜 (鱼和贝类等) 虽营养丰富,但也容易被污染。污染物包括大海中的有害金属、化工原料、细菌及病毒等。若海鲜处理得不当或准备程序不达卫生标准,会提高污染的风险。食入受污染的海产可导致食物中毒。海鲜中毒可出现一系列的症状,症状轻重不一,随中毒的类型而出现不同的表现。较常见的症状为腹痛、呕吐、腹泻、头痛;严重则可出现呼吸困难、抽搐、昏迷、甚至死亡。

‘Toxins’ found in seafood 海鲜中的‘毒素’

Seafood poisoning aside, TCM believes that seafood belongs to the group of ‘stimulating food 发物’. They contain proteins and potential allergens which may cause reactions in the body, leading to the heightening of inflammatory responses . For example, certain substances found in seafood can increase the permeability of blood vessels, increase blood flow and swelling in capillaries, thus triggering or aggravating skin conditions such as hives and rashes. Additionally, seafood in general is considered to have ‘cooling/cold’ property, which can harm the spleen qi. When taken by people with weaker spleen function, they may experience stomachaches and diarrhoea. TCM herbs known to be able to ‘neutralise’ such ‘toxicity’ of seafood: Perilla Leaf and fresh ginger .

Article contributed by
Physician Lim Yin Jia

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九龍佐敦道23號新寶廣場8樓全層/8F Sino Cheer Plaza. 23 Jordan Road
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 09:30 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:30 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 18:00
Thursday 09:30 - 18:00
Friday 09:30 - 18:00
Saturday 09:30 - 18:00

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