Boaz International Education Institute 博雅思教育中心 - 專業資優及特殊教育團隊

只有不合適的教學方法, 沒有不受教的兒童。
If children do not learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn.

Photos from Boaz International Education Institute 博雅思教育中心 - 專業資優及特殊教育團隊's post 27/07/2024

First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Shirley for nominating me. Your nomination means a lot to me, given your remarkable contributions to family education. This award is exceptionally special to me as it is a recognition of my work in the field of child education.

Reflecting on the past eleven years, it has undeniably been a tough and challenging journey. Transitioning from a stress-free physical education teacher to an entrepreneur, from not having much management skills to leading a company – each step has been met with its own set of difficulties. Yet, I am immensely proud of myself for taking this bold step and seizing the opportunity to turn a dream into reality, watching it now slowly unfolding before my eyes.

Thank you for all those who stood by me and accompanied me on this path in these past years - past colleagues, parents, students, stakeholders and team members. Without your unwavering dedication, Boaz and I would never have come this far. This award symbolizes not just a personal triumph, but a collective victory for all those who have walked alongside me, past and present. While our team may be small now, we are making significant strides every day, striving towards greater impact.

I am humbled by this recognition and thank you God for giving me and my team strength and such a powerful encouragement for the dedication and commitment of everyone involved. May this award fuel our determination to reach even greater heights and achieving our next goals. Amen.

Note to myself, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Written by Twiggy Chan


感謝各位購買我們的新書 – 我不是笨笨,的家長和朋友們!一些已經購買我們書籍的朋友們好快已經看完我們的書甚至給予窩心及鼓勵的回饋!有些讀者甚至說 「睇到眼濕濕」,「簡單易明,好正」 及 「非有讀寫障礙孩子的家長也適合看這本書」!想購買的朋友們,可以按以下三個步驟購買:

第一步 – 用轉數快/轉帳支付港幣 $128購買書籍 (如果國際郵寄需要連運費支付港幣 $258 (包括運費))
戶口名稱:Boaz International Education Institute Ltd
快速支付系統識別碼 (轉數快):107285058

第二步 – 按以下google form 的連結,然後在表格中填寫資料及附上付款單圖片:

第三步 – 當我們的職員收到您的回覆後並確認您的付款,我們將會傳送出您的收據及安排送貨方式。


Thank you for those of you who bought our new book – 我不是笨笨!Many people who have bought our book have finished reading it and even given us heartwarming and encouraging feedbacks! Some even said that the book “bought them to tears” , “is an easy read, it is fantastic” and “it’s even suitable for parents without a SEN child”. For those who want to purchase a copy of our new book, please follow the 3-steps procedure below:

Step 1 – Use fast payment to pay HKD $128 for purchasing the book (For international shipping, pay HKD $258 (including postage))
Payment details:
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited: 004
Name of Account: Boaz International Education Institute Ltd
Account No.: 165-819731-838
Fast Payment ID: 107285058

Step 2 – Click in the google form link below. Fill in the details and attach the pay-in slip in the google form:

Step 3 – After our staff has received your response and confirmed your payment, we will send you the receipt and arrange book pick-up or shipping.

If you know anyone who could use a little hope and help, please also share our book with them. Your support means the world to us!❤

Photos from Boaz International Education Institute 博雅思教育中心 - 專業資優及特殊教育團隊's post 23/07/2024

Hi everyone! Yesterday was a significant milestone for us, and we couldn't be more grateful for the incredible support at the Hong Kong Book Fair. We were thrilled to see even more attendees than we anticipated, and many of you generously purchased our book - 我不是笨笨! We especially appreciated those who come all the way from China just to join our event last night. We know that some of you have already started reading, we’d love to hear your thoughts – please share your feedback in the comments below! Once again, a heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us in person or online.❤️

Photos from Boaz International Education Institute 博雅思教育中心 - 專業資優及特殊教育團隊's post 21/07/2024

大家好! 多謝好多位家長訂購我哋本新書支持我哋,我哋嚟緊衝入書展啦! 我哋本新書會深入探究Twiggy (Miss Chan) 作為一名患有讀寫障礙嘅孩子嘅童年學習經歷。另外,我哋亦為各位家長提供咗一啲學習策略同小貼士。呢本書中最精彩嘅部份係有Twiggy媽媽嘅參與,她將會喺書入面分享作為家長嘅真摯經歷同寶貴見解,希望透過過來人嘅身份同一眾家長同行。另外,我哋邀請一啲成功克服讀寫障礙嘅人士喺書中分享佢哋嘅成功故事。我哋誠邀大家於2024年7月22日晚上7:00至7:30,喺香港書展上蒞臨參加我哋嘅新書分享,之後將於晚上7:30至8:00銷售書籍並進行書籍簽名。大家不妨帶上你嘅家人同朋友嚟,一齊共度一個特別嘅夜晚!我哋嘅新書攤位喺Hall 1A-D31,下面有詳細嘅圖教大家點樣到達我哋嘅攤位。如果你會出席,記住去書展網頁自行為每位出席嘅來賓買飛入場。書展當日選擇搭的士到會場嘅來賓,如果有長者或小孩同行,可以喺新翼大堂落車有電梯直上書展大堂。迫不及待到時見到大家呀!



大家好呀!如果有follow我們Facebook會知道我們的新書終於問世啦,宣布出版後,有好多家長及各界人士都有問關於購書的詳情,亦多謝大家熱烈支持,我們預購優惠嘅50本好快就已經賣曬啦!我哋知道仲有好多人想買,如果有興趣購買我哋嘅新書,點擊以下google form連結填寫資料。書籍售價係 $128 ,仲唔快啲落訂?我哋嘅職員收到你嘅資料後會儘快發出發票,付款後,於29/7後可以帶同收據到本中心領取書籍。如果有任何問題,歡迎聯絡本中心 (+852) 3996 9810 查詢。

Google form 連結:




Seeing students graduate brings about mixed feelings. It's sad to see them leave, and it always reminds me of when they first arrived as young students, facing many challenges. On the other hand, it's a happy feeling to see them grow and become ready to move on to the next stage. I guess as a teacher, this is what keeps us moving forward and motivated to continue fighting.



「不同的小朋友都有不同的需要。原來我們有不同的教育方式教孩子!」感謝喇沙小學邀請博雅思進行家長培訓,讓我們分享我們的教學方法和經驗。我們很高興看到家長明白到每個小朋友的學習需要不一,因而要找出適合他們的學習方法。我們期盼各位家長活用這些教學方式,幫助小朋友在開心的環境下學習。如欲了解更多我們的家長培訓內容,請致電3996 9810聯絡我們!

"Oh! Different kids have different learning needs. There is actually a different way of teaching our kids!" Thank you, La Salle Primary School, for inviting Boaz to let us share our teaching strategies and experiences in the parent's training. We are happy to see that parents understand that every child has different learning needs and we must find suitable learning strategies to cater to their needs. We hope parents can adopt these strategies to help children learn happily! If you wish to know more about our parent training, please dial 3996 9810 to contact us.


舊書回收義賣大行動 17/06/2024

【最後一星期】13 個舊書回收點,等你捐書!

唔想浪費家中舊書?記得把握最後一星期,將舊書捐嚟「 舊書回收義賣大行動 」喇!只要將舊書投放至 12 間 AEON分店 或 荃新天地二期 嘅舊書回收箱,就可以為香港有特殊教育需要(SEN)嘅基層兒童及其家庭出一分力,讓更多人聽見佢哋嘅聲音,推動社會共融!🙌
📅 收書日期:2024 年 6 月 7 - 19 日
* AEON (九龍灣/九龍城/荔枝角/大窩口/荃灣/屯門/將軍澳)
* AEON STYLE (康怡/黃埔/旺角/油塘)
* 荃新天地 2 期禮賓處
📚 收書種類:
👀 收書準則:
✅ 狀態良好
❎ 破爛、已被塗污、不良刊物
👉 活動詳情:

舊書回收義賣大行動 香港世界宣明會將於 2024 年 7 月 12 - 22 日,在荃灣荃新天地 2 期舉行舊書義賣籌款活動。籌得善款將用於本地項目,支援香港有特殊教育需要(SEN)的基層兒童及其家庭。


話咁快就來到我們拔萃男書院附屬小學最後一節的家長培訓!我們很高興各位家長願意抽空出席這三天的家長培訓。我們希望培訓中所分享的技巧不但能幫助家長提升孩子的學習能力,而且能維持密切的親子關係,讓小朋友在學習上有更多的主動性。如欲了解更多我們的家長培訓內容,請致電3996 9810聯絡我們。

It's amazing how quickly three sessions of the parent workshop have flown by, and it's hard to believe that we have reached the final day of our training! We are thrilled to see the ongoing enthusiasm and dedication of the parents who have participated in the entire 3-day workshop. We hope that the skills acquired from our workshops will assist parents in improving their child's learning, maintaining a strong parent-child relationship, facilitating their child’s learning, and encouraging their child to take responsibility for their own learning. If you would like to learn more about our parent training, please contact us at 3996 9810.


Timeline photos 03/06/2024

Congratulations! Miss Chan has been nominated for the Save the Children Award! We need everyone's support! Please 𝒄𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒏'𝒔 𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 and also show your support for other awardees as well! You can Like more than one awardees. Thank you❤️


姓名:Twiggy 陳卓琪
參選組別:救助兒童獎 (個人組別)



Twiggy亦開發了一個網上系統,使大眾能夠體驗讀寫障礙的學習困難,系統在 1 週內接觸多達 124,000 人,促進公眾對 讀寫障礙兒童的認識。她的團隊亦獲得社會企業基金會撥款,開辦培訓導師文憑課程,以教育中心的獨特教學法培訓出更多讀寫障礙導師,務求壯大服務提供者的基礎,從而服務社會上更多有需要的兒童。



Thank you, Diocesan Boys’ School Primary Division’s parents for joining our second session of parents training! We were happy to see parents’ active participation in discussions and activities within the training. Parents have experienced their child's difficulties when learning different concepts through our activities and understood the importance of a concept overview to their child. Parents have reflected that the training has addressed the problems they faced and the learning strategies were practical. A parent even shared how they applied the spelling methods we shared in the first session when they revised dictation with their child! If you want to learn more about different strategies to help your child learn, stay tuned to our page!




Thank you Diocesan Boy’s School Primary Division, for inviting Boaz for the parent training. Through our case sharing, parents can understand more about how to help students with dyslexia read and spell Chinese and English words by utilizing their visual strengths. We are glad that parents have gained better insight into their child’s learning needs. Hopefully, parents could apply these learning strategies with their children at home to make learning fun! If you wish to know more about our learning strategies, keep an eye out for our page!



你的孩子在處理文字題時有困難嗎﹖今次這一集羅乃萱會客室中,Miss Chan會分享如何分拆比多少的題目及運用有讀寫障礙小朋友的強項「圖像法」明白文字題中數字與數字之間的關係。除了數學科,在英文字上小朋友亦會經常出現相近字的情況,想知道點處理,就不要錯過這段影片!

Does your child encounter difficulties in handling mathematics word problems? In this episode with 羅乃萱Shirley Loo, Miss Chan will share tips to help children break down comparing more or less word problems and understand relationships between numbers by using their strengths in visual. Apart from mathematics, the children may mix up similar words in English. If you want to know more about the strategies, don't miss the video!




Thank you, Korean International School for inviting Boaz Education for the fourth time to share our teaching methods in the teacher training. Through our activities and case analysis, we hope that teachers can understand more about different learning strategies, how to break down different learning concepts, and also, adjust the level of difficulty of the task based on the learning needs of the student. We are happy that teachers have reflected that our strategies were clear and useful. We look forward to our next collaboration with the Korean International School!



Photos from Boaz International Education Institute 博雅思教育中心 - 專業資優及特殊教育團隊's post 30/04/2024

感謝 宣道堂中國愛心工程 讓我們在「步行籌款暨慈善嘉年華」分享博雅思的願景和使命。我們期盼讓大眾多了解讀寫障礙的小朋友在認讀及書寫上所面對的困難。我們相信我們的教學方式能幫助讀寫障礙的小朋友成為自主學習者,並繼續將我們獨特的學習技巧分享到世界各地,點亮更多小朋友的生命。我們一直相信「只有不合適的教學方法,沒有不受教的兒童。」

We would like to thank the Christian Shuen Tao Church Hong Kong & Macau Union Association for providing us with the opportunity to spread Boaz's mission and vision during the charity walk and fundraising carnival. Our main goal was to educate the public about the challenges faced by dyslexic children in reading and writing. We believe that our approach to teaching can help empower dyslexic children to become independent learners, and we are committed to spreading this approach worldwide. Our hope is that our efforts will have a positive impact on the lives of these children. We keep on believing that “If the child does not learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn!"




SEN students can be talented in sport! Don’t miss the training course of SEN sports instructors that is jointly organized by The Education University of Hong Kong, Institute of Special Needs and Inclusive Education, and PoSENtial Talent Development Center in May! You can enjoy the discount price of the program by the discount code BoazxPoSENtial. If you are willing to join, you can also contribute to build the self-confidence of children with SEN!



您的孩子是否背來背去都背不到乘數表 ﹖你嘗試用過唱九因歌或者乘法口訣的方法,但孩子仍然無法背到? 今次這一集羅乃萱會客室中,Miss Chan 會分享如何運用有讀寫障礙小朋友的強項「找規律」去幫助他們成功克服背乘數表這個難關!可是,背到乘數表就等於做到文字題?下一集,Miss Chan 會分享如何掌握做數學文字題的方法。有興趣的家長,不要錯過呀!

Does your child struggle with learning the times tables? Have you tried using songs or asking your child to recite them, but it didn’t work at all? In this episode with Shirley Loo, Miss Chan will share how to use the strength of dyslexic children – finding patterns, to help them overcome their difficulty in memorizing the times table! However, does mastering the times tables mean that the child can do word questions? Miss Chan is going to share some tips on answering word questions in Maths in the next episode. If you are interested, don’t miss it!



多謝基督教宣道堂港澳區聯會邀請我們參加「步行籌款暨慈善嘉年華」!我們將會在4月28日下午3:00 - 6:00 在澳門「漁人碼頭」擺設攤位遊戲,歡迎在澳門的家長和小朋友帶同親朋好友來體驗從讀寫障礙的眼睛看世界👀,屆時亦有籌款活動幫助有需要的家庭!期待見到大家❤️

Thank you, Christian Shuen Tao Church Hong Kong & Macau Union Association for inviting us to join the charity walk and fundraising carnival! We will set up a booth on the 28th of April (3:00pm-6:00pm) at Macau Fisherman's Wharf. We welcome all parents in Macau to bring along their child, friends and family to come join the event to experience what it is like to be dyslexic. There will also be charity events to help families in need. Looking forward to seeing everyone!







繼上一次Miss Chan在羅乃萱會客室 羅乃萱Shirley Loo 中分享如何拆解小朋友情緒背後原因後,今集Miss Chan會跟家長分享如何「對症下藥」,根據小朋友的需要去處理他們的情緒及行為。除了情緒及行為,Miss Chan下一節亦會分享一些幫助讀寫障礙小朋友學習的技巧。有興趣的家長,敬請留意!

After sharing tips on how to understand the underlying cause of children’s behavior in the previous episode with Shirley Loo, Miss Chan will share with parents on how to ‘find the right antidote’ to deal with their child’s emotions and behaviors based on their needs. Apart from emotions and behaviors, Miss Chan will also share different learning strategies for helping children with dyslexia in the next episode. If you are interested, please stay tuned!





Thank you PolyU for inviting Boaz to join the online parent talk, letting us share how parents can understand their needs of the children. We hope that we can inspire parents in how to guide children to face different challenges socially🗣️, emotionally🙂, cognitively👋 and executively✍️ through this online talk! If you are interested in this online talk, please apply via the following link before 9:00 a.m. on 7/3/2024 (Thursday):
Welcome to join us on zoom at 10:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. on 7/3/2024 (Thursday). See you there!

【免費網上家長講座】「當家庭遇上SEN」系列 《如何摸索屬於自己的路》🛤️

當家中的孩子懷疑或確診有特殊學習需要(Special Education Needs,下稱SEN),這會給家庭帶來哪些變化?



講座|「當家庭遇上SEN」系列 《如何摸索屬於自己的路》
時間🕙|上午10:00 - 11:45
講者🗣️|陳卓琪女士(博雅思教育中心創辦人及執行幹事,她十多年來秉持著 「只有不合適的教學方法,沒有不受教的孩子」 的理念,為有學障的學童設計和提供適切的學習技巧訓練,是一位註冊老師和註冊社工)

主辦機構 : 香港理工大學醫療及社會科學院
協辦機構 : OneSEN

3️⃣截止報名日期和時間為3月7日(四) 9:00am。

#賽馬會抗逆有家計劃 #香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 #家庭抗逆力 #特殊學習需要


感謝羅乃萱何師母 羅乃萱Shirley Loo 邀請Miss Chan分享她兒時學習的經歷,以及她身邊的家人和老師如何在她成長路上扶持她的經歷!這些困難的經歷幫助她更了解有學習需要的孩子和家長的需要,並建立了博雅思為每一位孩子設計適合他們的學習方法,讓他們能夠自主學習。她一直秉持著「只有不合適的教學方法,沒有不受教的兒童。」的教學理念。我們期盼能與各位家長同行,與小朋友一同成長,也望每一位小朋友能找到屬於自己的學習方式!

Thank you, Ms. Shirley Loo for inviting Miss Chan to share her childhood learning journey, and how her parents, and teachers accompany her throughout the journey. These tough experiences helped her understand more about the needs of children with special learning difficulties as well as their parents. She also established Boaz and designed tailor-made learning strategies to cater the needs of each individual students so as to develop them into individual learners. She believes that every child can learn and her teaching belief is ‘If children don’t learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn.’. We hope to be a companion of our parents and grow with our children. We also look forward to seeing our children finding their own way of learning!




再次感謝羅乃萱何師母邀請Miss Chan參與這次Facebook直播!這次直播將會在明天上午10時正開始!如有興趣,萬勿錯過!

Thank you Shirley Loo again for inviting Miss Chan to join the Facebook Live! The live video will start at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow! If you are interested, please join us!

爸媽鬆一ZONE- Facebooklive

日期: 2024年2月20日 (星期二)
時間: 上午10:00
主持: 何羅乃萱師母 (家庭發展基金總幹事)
嘉賓: 陳卓琪女士 (Twiggy)

Twiggy本身有讀寫障礙,自身經驗令她明白有學習困難的孩子所面對的挑戰,於是創立博雅思教育中心,訓練有學習困難的孩子成為自主學習者。Twiggy教學經驗豐富,曾任教於不同本地學校、國際學校和特殊教育中心;並不時獲邀於大學、非政府組織和學校的研討會上作演講及分享。她曾獲得多項獎項如「2019 & 2020 星展基金會社會企業獎」,「2016 滙豐青年創業金獎」及「2022 大灣區傑出女企業家獎」。


感謝何羅乃萱師母邀請Miss Chan參與這次Facebook直播!我們相信:沒有不受教的兒童,只有不合適的教學方法。歡迎你在2024年2月20日上午10時觀看我們的Facebook Live!

Thank you Shirley Loo for inviting Miss Chan to join the Facebook Live! We believe that: if the children don’t learn the way we teach, we teach the way they learn. If you are interested, welcome to join us through the FaceBook live on 20/2/2024 at 10:00 a.m.!

爸媽鬆一ZONE- Facebooklive

日期: 2024年2月20日 (星期二)
時間: 上午10:00
主持: 何羅乃萱師母 (家庭發展基金總幹事)
嘉賓: 陳卓琪女士 (Twiggy)

Twiggy本身有讀寫障礙,自身經驗令她明白有學習困難的孩子所面對的挑戰,於是創立博雅思教育中心,訓練有學習困難的孩子成為自主學習者。Twiggy教學經驗豐富,曾任教於不同本地學校、國際學校和特殊教育中心;並不時獲邀於大學、非政府組織和學校的研討會上作演講及分享。她曾獲得多項獎項如「2019 & 2020 星展基金會社會企業獎」,「2016 滙豐青年創業金獎」及「2022 大灣區傑出女企業家獎」。


Our Center will be closed from 9/2 to 18/2. We wish everyone a happy new year of Dragon!


It’s our pleasure to support such a meaningful event! We hope that all of you can enjoy this event and have a fruitful year in the Year of the Dragon 😊


If you are interested, please join!


「佢扭計🦖我搞掂 👌🏻」建立幼童正面行為


◎ 了解幼童情緒及行為問題背後的真正原因
◎ 認識及應用行為治療及透過遊戲建立幼童正面行為


✅ 理論
✅ 即場示範
✅ 真實個案影片
🌟 課堂上一對一與導師練習
🌟 回家立即試用技巧訓練子女,拍下訓練過程給導師分析, 改善技巧

截止報名日期:16 / 2 / 2024
🤓 由於會一對一堂上練習,





It’s happy to see that the teachers in Forest House Waldorf School still remember the learning difficulties and needs of students with different learning needs shared from our previous training! Thank you Forest House Waldorf School for inviting Boaz to run the teacher training again and letting us share how to cater to the needs of SEN students in terms of lesson preparation and behavioral management through case sharing and activities! We look forward to the next teacher's worshop with Forest School!



感謝Monica邀請Miss Chan參與香港紅十字昶瑪嘉烈戴麟趾學校的結伴創前路計劃成果分享會。參與這個分享會後,我們更明白不同社企如何跟特殊學校合作,讓有特殊學習需要的畢業中學生就業。希望將來我們有機會合作!

Thank you Monica for inviting Miss Chan to attend the CPSA achievement sharing ceremony organised by Hong Kong Red Cross Margaret Trench School. After attending the ceremony, we understand more about how different enterprises cooperate with SEN schools to provide employment opportunities for secondary school graduates with SEN. We hope that we can collaborate with each other in the near future!



「Miss Chan, 今次已經是第二次聽你的講座了!每當聽你的講座,我都有所得著!你所分享的行為管理技巧和溫習技巧都十分貼地!」感謝嘉諾撒培德學校再一次邀請博雅思與家長分享如何有效地跟小朋友有趣地溫習!期望我們能繼續有長遠的合作,繼續向家長分享不同的學習與溫習技巧。

想了解更多博雅思的教師培訓及家長培訓?歡迎聯絡我們及繼續追蹤 Boaz International Education Institute 博雅思教育中心 - 專業資優及特殊教育團隊

“Miss Chan, this is the second time joining your parents' talk! I learned a lot every time I attend your talk! The learning strategies and skills to manage students’ behaviour are very down-to-earth.” Thank you Pui Tak Canossian Primary School for inviting Boaz to the parents’ talk again, giving us the opportunity to share how to help their children learn more enjoyably and effectively! We hope that we can continue building a long-term collaboration with the school to share more learning and revision strategies with the parents.

To learn more information about the teacher and parent training of Boaz? Feel free to contact us and keep following Boaz!



多謝Clara Fong (聽覺言語治療師)邀請博雅思參加《匯智話你知 [齊來認識SEN - 讀寫障礙]》的FaceBook直播!


Thank you Clara Fong (Auditory-Verbal Therapist) for inviting Boaz Education to join the Facebook live!

We believe that many parents are currently helping their child prepare their exam. Through our sharing, we hope that you can understand more about the ways we teach students with Dyslexia to learn Chinese, English and Mathematics! 🙂


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Videos (show all)

你的孩子在處理文字題時有困難嗎﹖今次這一集羅乃萱會客室中,Miss Chan會分享如何分拆比多少的題目及運用有讀寫障礙小朋友的強項「圖像法」明白文字題中數字與數字之間的關係。除了數學科,在英文字上小朋友亦會經常出現相近字的情況,想知道點處理...
您的孩子是否背來背去都背不到乘數表 ﹖你嘗試用過唱九因歌或者乘法口訣的方法,但孩子仍然無法背到? 今次這一集羅乃萱會客室中,Miss Chan 會分享如何運用有讀寫障礙小朋友的強項「找規律」去幫助他們成功克服背乘數表這個難關!可是,背到乘數...
繼上一次Miss Chan在羅乃萱會客室 羅乃萱Shirley Loo 中分享如何拆解小朋友情緒背後原因後,今集Miss Chan會跟家長分享如何「對症下藥」,根據小朋友的需要去處理他們的情緒及行為。除了情緒及行為,Miss Chan下一節...
多謝Clara Fong (聽覺言語治療師)邀請博雅思參加《匯智話你知 [齊來認識SEN - 讀寫障礙]》的FaceBook直播!希望你地可以從讀書障礙人士第一身的角度,了解更多讀寫障礙小朋友學習的困難:)Thank you Clara F...
媽媽為何會選上博雅思去幫助有讀寫障礙的兒子呢? 原來是考慮到創辦人Miss Twiggy Chan本身也有讀寫障礙,所以會十分清楚孩子會遇到甚麼問題,然後用適切的方法解決他們日常學習上的困難,結果孩子見到自己有能力完成以往做不來的事情,自信...
不知道大家有否遇過一些茅塞頓開👁‍🗨的瞬間而作出了影響人生的决定呢💫? Miss Chan 就在一敞旅行🚎遭遇當中尋獲自己的人生使命,繼而走向她特殊教育之路。她最後又如何創立博雅思?請收看最後一集羅乃萱會客室🙋‍♀️!Haven't you...




Room 803, 8/F, Sunbeam Commercial Building, 469-471 Nathan Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 14:30 - 20:30
Tuesday 14:30 - 20:30
Wednesday 14:30 - 20:30
Thursday 14:30 - 20:30
Friday 14:30 - 20:30
Saturday 08:30 - 18:30

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