哥倫比亞康復顧問 Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants


Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants is a team of highly qualified specialists with professional skills and great passion for working to help children and adults achieve their greatest p

Photos from 哥倫比亞康復顧問 Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants's post 04/07/2019


價值 $750,只要7月12日前報名即可享有此優惠😄


🔥🔥Summer is right at the corner! Need ideas for summer activities? Take a look at our fun and structured summer courses!
📣📣📣Apply before July 12th to enjoy a 15 minute speech-language screening PLUS a 15 minute parental consultation for FREE!!! (750HKD value).

For any questions, please contact us at 2317-7888


用完的紙筒就隨手棄進垃圾筒? 停一停,今天教大家用廁紙筒DIY一個小青蛙,還可以透過小遊戲豐富小朋友的詞彙,讓小朋友寓學習於娛樂。家長或治療師也可以換上不同的圖片,例如不同的食物, 形狀或中文字圖片,以達到不同訓練目標。

< Make a frog with a toilet paper roll! >
Stop! Don’t throw away paper rolls! It’s the best waste to make a game and training.
Today, I will be showing you how to make a frog with toilet paper roll.
Children can also enrich their vocabulary through games, so that they can learn while having fun! Parents or therapists can also use different picture cards say fruits, shapes or Chinese characters picture so as to achieve different treatment goals.

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888


< 3種紙杯的小遊戲 >
紙杯有什麼用途? 杯子除了用來喝水,還可以變成言語訓練。其實,透過小遊戲也可豐富小朋友的詞彙,讓小朋友寓學習於娛樂。家長或治療師也可以換上不同的訓練圖卡,以達到不同訓練目標。

< 3 fun ways to play with cups >
Cups not only for drinking water, but also become a training method and games. Children can also enrich their vocabulary through games, so that they can learn while having fun! Parents or therapists can also use different picture cards so as to achieve different treatment goals.

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888



< Making oral motor training>
Today, I will be showing you guys how to use a straw and cotton balls to make an oral motor training. Make it a game and have fun.

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888



< A game to practice articulation>
Reading aloud from the picture cards is not the only way to practice articulation. Children can also practice articulation through games, so that they can learn while having fun! Besides articulation cards, parents or therapists can also use different picture cards so as to achieve different treatment goals.

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888



< 3 ways to play with toy trains>
Toy train is one of the most popular toys among children. Today, I will be showing you guys three different ways to play with toy trains. Your kids can even practice spelling, make and produce different sentences while playing with them!

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888



💡1. 學習 「大」和「小」的概念: 家長可請小朋友把大或小的水果放到攪拌機做製作果汁。
💡2. 描述步驟: 家長可以請小朋友教自己製作果汁,讓他們一邊示範一邊描述製作果汁的步驟。
💡3. 回答問題: 家長可以扮演侍應,詢問小朋友問題,讓小朋友告訴你應該怎樣做。


Toy blender is one of my favorite toys to use in therapy because of its versatility. Different language skills can be targeted with the toy blender. Let me share three language skills children can learn when playing with blender.

💡1. Learning about “big” and “small”: Parents can ask your kids to make juice with big or small fruit.
💡2. Describing procedure: Parents can ask your kids to teach you how to make juice with the blender. Your kids can describe the procedure to you while demonstrating!
💡3. Answering questions: Parents can pretend to be a waiter/waitress, and ask children some questions. Let your kids tell you what to do.

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888



< 3 ways to play with Play-Doh🎈>

Do your kids like Play-Doh? Today, I will be showing you guys three different ways to play with Play-Doh. Your kids can even learn language while playing with it!

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888



< 4 Things You Should Add to Your Doll Set>

Do your kids like baby doll? Besides washing the doll with a toy soap, we can also add four daily used objects (baby wipes, Band-Aid, tape and hand cream) to make it more fun. Your kids can even learn language while playing with the doll!

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888







Do your kids like toy cars? Besides pushing the car, there are other fun ways to play with toy cars. Your kids can even learn language while playing with the cars.

1. Target skills: Letter recognition
Preparation: Make a car park out of shoeboxes. Write a capital letter in each parking slot. Then, write a lower case letter on a piece of tape and stick it on a toy car.

2. Target skills:
💡Learn the concept of “clean” and “dirty”
💡Practice sentence production
💡Learn about tenses

How to play: Smear paint on the toy cars to create a “dirty” look. Then, clean the dirty cars with a bowl of soapy water. Parents can ask children to produce sentences such as “Daddy washes car.”, “I wash the red car.”, or “The car is clean now.” Parents can also teach tenses by asking children “Have you washed the red car?”, so that children have to answer “not yet.”, “I am washing it” or “I have already washed the car”.

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888



橡筋(橡皮筋)  4條
樽蓋(瓶蓋)   1個
雪條棍(冰棒棍) 7枝


Today, I will be showing you guys how to make a catapult. Parents can use different cards as the shooting targets, so as to achieve different training goals. For example, parents can use articulation cards as targets for speech sound practice, or use story cards as targets for picture description practice.

What you will need:
Rubber band x4
Bottle cap x1
Lolly stick x7

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888





玩法: 家長和小朋友各自手持一隻動物,然後進行對話,從而拼湊出一個簡單故事。
目標: 這個遊戲可以訓練小朋友的敘事能力及組織能力


Today, I will be showing you guys how to make a fun toy from a clothespin. I will also demonstrate three ways of playing with the handmade toy that allow children to learn language skills.

Game 1: Letter Race
Target skills: To identify letters

Game 2: Dinner Time!
Target skills:
💡Question comprehension: Who’s gonna eat it? What is the tiger eating?
💡Single word comprehension and production: watermelon, candy, lollipop
💡2-word utterances production: eat watermelon, eat candy
💡Sentences production: The pig is eating an apple. The dinosaur is eating watermelon.

Game 3: Creating a story
How to: Parents and child each holds an animal, and create dialogue to create a simple story.
Target skills: This game can help improve children’s narrative skills and organization skills.

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888



💡 到了一歲仍沒有牙牙學語(如:bababa 或 tatata)
💡 很少眼神接觸
💡 對傳統的嬰兒遊戲(如:躲貓貓)不感興趣
💡 別人呼喊自己的名字時沒有反應
💡 很少展露情緒或笑容


1. Autism Speaks. (2017). Learn the signs of Autism. What is Autism?. Retrieved from https://www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism/learn-signs.
2. Dawson, G., & Osterling, J. (1997). Early Intervention in Autism. In M. J. Guralnick (Ed.). The Effectiveness of Early Intervention (pp. 307-326). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.

Children with autism can be diagnosed when they are as young as 2 years of age. An early diagnosis is ideal because it allows early intervention. The earlier a child with autism begins treatment, the better the outcome (Dawson & Osterling, 1997). How can parents, who spend much time with their children, distinguish a child with Autism from other typically developing children? Below are some early signs of autism in babies younger than 12 months old.

💡 No babbling (e.g., bababa or tatata) by 12 months.
💡 Seldom make eye contact.
💡 Show no interest in typical baby games, such as peekaboo.
💡 Don't respond to own name.
💡 Seldom show emotions or smile.

If you have any concerns about your children’s development, talk with your pediatrician.

1. Autism Speaks. (2017). Learn the signs of Autism. What is Autism?. Retrieved from https://www.autismspeaks.org/what-autism/learn-signs.
2. Dawson, G., & Osterling, J. (1997). Early Intervention in Autism. In M. J. Guralnick (Ed.). The Effectiveness of Early Intervention (pp. 307-326). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888






Blowing is one of the most common oral motor exercises. Blowing helps to enhance the control of oral muscles (such as cheeks, lips and tongue), and to improve the coordination between speaking and breathing. These can help to increase children’s speech clarity.

There are some oral motor training tools available in the market. Meanwhile, it is simple to make a fun oral motor training tool with materials that are always available at home. Today, I will teach you how to make straw rockets.

It’s good to make a few straw rockets and have a little competition with your children!

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888



💡1. 學懂身體部位的詞語(如: 眼睛、手、鼻子等)
家長可以拿著兩個或數個身體部位(視乎小朋友能力而定),然後請小朋友拿其中一個身體部位,例如: 「眼睛呢?」或「拿眼睛」

💡2. 學會「開」和「關」

💡3. 表示要求物件

< 3 early language skills to learn with Mr. Potato Head>

Mr. Potato Head is one of the most popular toys among children. It is also a favorite of speech therapists because it is fun and it allows us to target different language skills in therapy. Let me share three early language skills children can learn when playing with Mr. Potato Head.

💡1. Learning body parts (e.g., eyes, arms, nose)
Parents can hold two or more pieces of body parts, and ask your child to take one of them by saying “Where’s nose?” or “Show me the nose. ”

💡2. Learning “open” and “close”
The flap on Mr. Potato Head’s back is great for teaching “open” and “close”. First, parents can put all the pieces into it. Then, say “knock, knock, knock” while knocking on the flap and call out “open”, before opening it and take the pieces out. Next, say “close” while closing the flap.

💡3. Requesting
Keep all the pieces in a box so if the children want to add something to Mr. Potato Head, they have to ask.

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888


< 如何提供豐富的語言刺激?>





1. 運用這些技巧的目標是讓小朋友聽到正確的語言示範,讓他們知道可以怎麼表達事物。家長不必強逼小朋友重複家長的說話,因為這樣可能反而會減低小朋友跟你一起玩樂的興趣。
2. 可在玩耍過程中適當運用以上技巧,但不宜使用得太頻繁(如:形容每個動作)。
3. 使用簡單易明的詞語及短句。


“What is this? What colour is this? How many apples are there?”
Does that sound familiar to you? Many parents ask a lot of questions when they are playing with their children. Actually, besides asking questions, there are many different ways to provide language input when you are playing with your children. Below are two common ways:

💡Parallel Talk – You talk about what your child is doing, seeing, touching, etc. You can use this strategy when you are playing with your child. For example, when your child is cutting an apple from cookset, you can say: “You are cutting an apple. Wow! A big apple. ”

💡Self-talk – You talk about what you are doing, seeing, touching, etc. For example, when you are cutting an apple, you can say: “I am cutting an apple. I will get a knife and cut it.”

1. Do not expect your child to repeat what you say. These strategies aim to model language that can be used.
2. Self-talk and parallel talk should not be a non-stop narration of everything your child is doing.
3. Use simple words and keep your sentences short.

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888


< 3個Lego的玩法 >

「我女兒最近好喜歡玩Lego! 除了疊高, Lego還有其他玩法嗎?」

1. 目標語言技巧:學習詞語/練習發音

2. 目標語言技巧:學習拼音
玩法:家長先以Lego拼搭出一個不包括首個英文字母的單字(如單字是cat, 就只拼出at),然後讀出單字。讓小朋友選出正確的英文字母並把它們拼好。

3. 目標語言技巧:提升語言表達能力

< 3 ways to play with Lego >

“Recently, my daughter has been a huge fan of Lego. Besides stacking and building, are there any other ways to play with Lego? ”
Actually, there are many different ways to play with Lego. Your children can even improve their language skills while playing with Lego. Here are a few ideas.

1. Target skills: Learn vocabulary/ practice articulation
Preparation: Print out pictures. Cut them into half. Stick them on each Lego brick.
How to play: Show children a Lego brick with half of the picture on it and ask them to find the corresponding Lego brick. You can turn it into a competition for more fun!

2. Target skills: Learn phonics
Preparation: Write letters on each Lego brick.
How to play: Parents build a word with the first letter missing and call out the word. Children listen for the first sound and choose a Lego brick with the corresponding letter to complete the word.

3. Target skills: Improve expressive language skills
How to play: In this game, parents and children sit across each other with a barrier (e.g., cardboard, folder) between them. Children can build Lego in their ways. Then, children give verbal directions to help parents arrange the Lego exactly the same way. For example, ”Stack a red Lego on top of a yellow Lego, and top them with a green Lego”

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888





💡1. 先獲取注意: 先叫小朋友的名字,待他看著你時才說出指令。
💡2. 重複前要先等候: 說完指令後可先等4-5秒,讓小朋友有足夠時間理解指令。如果4-5秒後小朋友仍未能跟隨指令,則可重複。
💡3. 簡化指令: 盡量給只有1個或2個步驟的指令,避免指令太長。
💡4. 說話應精簡準確: 準確告訴小朋友你想他做什麼,避免使用含糊的字眼。例如「收拾書包」可改為「把功課放進文件夾,然後把文件夾放進書包。」
💡5. 使用視覺提示: 把小朋友每天要做的事(如:刷牙,洗臉,穿衣服等等)印在圖片上,並依次序貼在固定位置。小朋友就可以每天跟著他的視覺日程表準備上學。


Have you experienced a recent mad chase after a half-naked child, brandishing a tee-shirt in one hand and a sandwich in the other while yelling at a child who is not following your directions to get ready for school?

Sometimes, children may struggle with comprehending and following directions. Below are some tips on how to give directions that children can follow easily.

💡1. Ask for their attention- ask for your child’s attention before giving directions.
💡2. Wait before repeating- wait 4-5 seconds before repeating your directions so that your child can have enough time to process the directions given.
💡3. Break down instructions- break down your instructions to 1 or 2 steps.
💡4. Be precise- do not use vague wording, be specific with what you want and what each step needs to be.
💡5. Use visual reminders- using visual schedules or cards can help children who encounter difficulties with auditory processing.

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888


今天會跟大家說說如何利用"過家家/煮飯仔" 教小朋友方位詞 (如:上面,下面,外面等)。

你可以請小朋友把"過家家/煮飯仔" 中的一些用具 (如刀,碟) 藏起來,然後找找看。遊戲過程中,可以用提問形式跟小朋友互動,如:




3. Learning spatial concepts (e.g., on, in, under)
Take turns hiding some utensils and go on a treasure hunt to find it. During the game, try to include different spatial concepts in the conversation. For example:

💡Parent, ” Where is the knife? Is it under the table?”
💡Child, “No.”
💡Parent, ”Is it behind the door?”
💡Child, “No.”
💡Parent, “There it is! It’s under the chair!”

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888


今天會繼續跟大家分享如何利用"過家家/煮飯仔" 提升小朋友的發問技巧。





每個小朋友的言語能力都不一樣,如要訂立一套最適合貴子女的訓練計劃或有任何疑問,歡迎致電查詢或於 inbox 留下姓名、聯絡電話及簡單說明查詢事項,中心職員將盡快聯絡閣下。

2. Improving questions asking skills

You can pretend to be the customer and let your child be the waiter. When you are ordering food, instead of giving a specific answer, try to describe the food you want, so as to provide opportunities for your child to ask follow-up questions. For example,

💡Child (waiter),”What would you like to eat?”
💡You (customer),”I would like something sweet.”
💡Child (waiter),”Would you like an ice cream?”
💡You (customer),”No. That’s too cold”
💡Child (waiter),“Would you like some cake?”
💡You (customer),”Yes, please.”

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 -- 提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants -- Speech-language and occupational therapies in Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888

Timeline photos 08/08/2017

這個星期會跟大家分享如何利用"過家家/煮飯仔" 提升小朋友各方面的語言技巧。今天先說說第一個語言技巧 — 理解步驟指令。

對於成長中的小朋友來說,理解步驟指令可能是一件難事。不過,只要小朋友對詞彙有充分的理解,配合專注力及工作記憶(working memory),就可正確執行步驟指令。



More and more parents want to learn about children’s language development and speech-language therapy, so we will share information related to speech-language therapy on this page.
We will talk about the language skills children can learn from playing cookset this week. The first skill is following directions.

1. Following directions
Following directions is not as easy as it may seem. It requires comprehension of vocabulary, attention and working memory.
When playing cookset with your child, you can tell him/her a "secret recipe" and ask him/her to follow directions.

For example,
💡 “If you follow this recipe, the food will be super yummy.” or “If you follow my recipe,you will be the best chef in the world!”
💡 “Wash the carrot, cut it and put it into the pot."

Remember, every child is unique and may have different treatment goals. If you have any inquiries, please feel free to call us or contact us via Facebook inbox.
哥倫比亞康復顧問 --提供廣東話,英語及普通話言語及職業治療服務
網頁: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
電話: 2317 7888

Columbia Rehabilitation Consultants-- Speech-language and occupational therapies in
Cantonese, English and Mandarin are available
Website: http://www.columbiarehabilitation.com/
Tel.: 2317 7888

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