
Edited curate the concept and craft the content of brands, publications and exhibitions, translating their narratives into visual identities.


輕重〔 原型展 〕
Prototyping room: the weight of silence


本地木匠團隊 連計設計師黃耀霖 和胡卓斌 ,共同思考生活種種的輕與重,並將其轉化成一系列家具原型作品。是次「輕重 〔原型展〕 」展出 13 種家具原型,在生產工業化的當代,重新想像以雙手製作本地家具的可能性。


「輕重〔 原型展 〕 」
Prototyping room: the weight of silence


|MADE Prototyping Room


Photos from Edited's post 30/12/2023

為了慶祝社區共融,Edited與香港空運貨站Hactl攜手共同創作了”The Museum of Curious Minds”的概念,以月曆的形式,呈現一場位於桌上的,每月每日都可以隨時觀看的「展覽」。展覽收藏了由三間NGOs所服務的復康或有特殊教育需要人士創作的12件藝術品,以及與每個月份相應的文字解說。在欣賞作品同時,開始嘗試接觸、探索每個獨特個體的美學感受和表達方式。

Client: Hactl
Creative Director:
Art Direction & Design:
Project Manager: Grace Cheung


為了慶祝社區共融,Edited與香港空運貨站Hactl攜手共同創作了”The Museum of Curious Minds”的概念,以月曆的形式,呈現一場位於桌上的,每月每日都可以隨時觀看的「展覽」。展覽收藏了由三間NGOs所服務的復康或有特殊教育需要人士創作的12件藝術品,以及與每個月份相應的文字解說。在欣賞作品同時,開始嘗試接觸、探索每個獨特個體的美學感受和表達方式。

Client: Hactl
Creative Director:
Art Direction & Design:
Project Manager: Grace Cheung

Photos from Edited's post 11/10/2023


第3期《WHOLENESS》A Good Start現已正式出版,可於@AIRISDE、誠品書店@eslite.hk 等地點免費獲取。

Photos from Edited's post 11/10/2023

What's your good start?


If one doesn’t like the place they call home, how can they expect to live a fulfilling life? 

洪文寶Po Hung

Hong Kong graphic designer and visual artist. Through artistic creation, I engage with people, events, objects, and cultures from different places.

Photos from Edited's post 11/10/2023

一個社群是如何誕生的?社群如何因價值凝聚而成?《WHOLENESS》第3期與來自香港的藝術家Onion Peterman 合作,創作Do Good Community,描繪了4個創建有價值社區的方法。於AIRISDE 、誠品書店 .hk 等地點免費獲取雜誌,想像一個你想創建的社區和未來。

Photos from Edited's post 09/10/2023

What’s your good start?


“Before life eventually comes to an end, every moment holds the potential for a new beginning.”
甄拔濤Yan Pat-to


A playwright based in Hong Kong and Germany, with recent works including “The Sparkling and Swaying Snow”, “Posthuman Condition” and “Goldfish of Berlin”.

Photos from Edited's post 09/10/2023

一隻熱愛旅遊的蜜蜂來到位於AIRSIDE,入住天台的「昆蟲酒店」。我們邀請了來自台灣的插畫家CHIH 制図所 合作,為第3期《WHOLENESS》的〈昆蟲酒店〉創作插畫。以一隻蜜蜂的視角開啟想像,介紹AIRSIDE的天台花園和啟德區的生態地圖。CHIH 制図所的作品平面造形輪廓分明,用色熱鬧、畫面卻安靜,塑造出如攝影般的場景式構圖,以及充滿故事感的畫面。

第3期《WHOLENESS》A Good Start現已正式出版,可於AIRISDE 、誠品書店 .hk 等地點免費獲取。

Photos from Edited's post 09/10/2023

What’s your good start?


“I encourage you to rethink what is placemaking in Hong Kong by taking the time to contemplate on the issue.”
山崎亮 Ryo Yamazaki


Japanese community designer, studio-L representative, has published books such as “Community Design” and “Creating an Ideal Home for All”.

Photos from Edited's post 06/10/2023

我們邀請了長駐柏林的插畫家Martina Paukova 為第3期《WHOLENESS》創作封面。在這期明亮的封面中,不同年齡、有著獨特風格的人們聚集中一個社群中,共同期待、想像著一個新的開始。Martina Paukova熱愛扁平的場景和古怪的人物,全都浸潤在明亮豐富的色彩中。Martina Paukova的作品可見於不同雜誌報章如The Guardian、The Economist、MIT Technology Review、New Yorker,她亦曾與Apple、Google、ASOS和YouTuben等品牌合作。

第3期《WHOLENESS》A Good Start現已正式出版,可於AIRISDE 、誠品書店 .hk 等地點免費獲取。

We invited Berlin-based illustrator, Martina Paukova to create the magazine cover for the third issue of “WHOLENESS”. In this bright and vivid cover, people with unique styles gather in a community, anticipating and imagining a new good start together. Martina Paukova loves creating flattened scenes and awkward-looking characters, all immersed in vibrant colors. Martina Paukova's works can be found in magazines and newspapers such as The Guardian, The Economist, MIT Technology Review, New Yorker, and she has also collaborated with brands like Apple, Google, ASOS, and YouTube.

“WHOLENESS” Issue 3 'A Good Start' is out now and available for free at AIRISDE , Eslite Bookstore .hk and more.

Photos from Edited's post 28/02/2023

We‘re looking for Project Manager / Graphic Designer to join us. Apply by sending your CV / portfolio to [email protected]

Photos from Edited's post 28/02/2023

FLESH AND SOUL: BACON/ GHENIE is a book to present the exhibition curated by CHRISTIE’S, exploring the masterpieces of 2 figurative art icons Francis Bacon/ Adrian Ghenie and their inner conflicts. The book design has been selected by Tokyo TDC Annual Awards 2023. A big thank you to client, our team and working partners.

Catalogue Design + Exhibition Identity

CD: Renatus Wu
AD, D: Tuen Sin Kuen
PM: Edith Cham


Soundtrack album cover design for the motion picture《流水落花》. The music by Olivier Cong is now available on streaming platforms. Be sure to support the movie in cinemas.

Photos from Edited's post 28/10/2022


本書設計以「午夜藍」作為概念,以男性身體的形態,貫穿封套以至內頁。我們更邀請了攝影師 ,記錄了肉身的美感,為全書增加語言文字以外的層次。


如欲購買此書,請至午夜藍( )的網站。

“Midnightblue” recorded the oral history of 8 male s*x workers. Through their stories, we can listen to their voices and experiences, and peep at the social context and changes in Hong Kong.

The design of the book is based on the tone of midnight blue, and the art form of a male body runs through cover and inner pages. Photographer was invited to portrayed the beauty of the flesh, to add layers beyond the said and written.

This book is not subsidized by any institution. Thanks to the support of the community that this publication has been made possible.

To purchase the book, please visit Midnight Blue's ( )website.

Client: @mnbhk4555
Creative director:
Project manager:

Photos from Edited's post 19/08/2022


*《連繫不明》為由梁基爵及羅穎綸策劃、Machine and Art NOW製作,邀請不同藝術家合作的展覽系列。首個展覽為黃智銓的《動態Training康樂室》,透過實時控制的裝置作品,演繹人與人之間溝通模式的轉變。

We designed a paper entrance ticket for the exhibition “Recreation Room D”, using mono tone colour and art paper to shape the aura of memory from the nineties.

*“The Missing Link” is a series of technology in art exhibition curated by GayBird () and Vanissa Law (), produced by Machine and Art NOW (). “Recreation Room D” by Kenny Wong () is the first of the series, interpreting the changing form of communication by real-time installations.

Creative director:
Project manager:

Photos from Edited's post 13/08/2022


*《連繫不明》為由梁基爵及羅穎綸策劃、Machine and Art NOW製作,邀請不同藝術家合作的展覽系列。首個展覽為黃智銓的《動態Training康樂室》,透過實時控制的裝置作品,演繹人與人之間溝通模式的轉變。

We designed a display typeface for “Recreation Room D”, the first exhibition work of the “Missing Link” series. As the visual identity, the typeface mixes retro and future style, responding to the artist’s style and his imagination of the recreation room from the nineties.

*“The Missing Link” is a series of technology in art exhibition curated by GayBird () and Vanissa Law (), produced by Machine and Art NOW (). “Recreation Room D” by Kenny Wong is the first of the series, interpreting the changing form of communication by real-time installations.
Creative director:
Project manager:

Photos from Edited's post 04/06/2022

時裝界享負盛名的前輩 Vicky Lam 是一個停不下來的人。每當發展出一個新興趣,他就會全心投入。對Vicky來說,選擇隨時間經年變化的衣物,是他的“Long Live Style”。


A renowned veteran in the fashion industry, Vicky Lam never stops. He devotes himself completely to every new hobby. For Vicky, his "long live style" are clothes that change with time.

Visit one of the locations below to pick up your free copy of WHOLENESS Magazine and find out more about why Vicky thinks life is like a pair of jeans.

【派發地點 Distribution Locations】

(Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Olympic, TST, CWB, Taikoo)

(Central, Sheung Wan)hk
(Admiralty Learning Centre)

(Causeway Bay)design

hk (Central Market, Kennedy Town, Discovery Bay)

hk (Eaton House)


hk (Shatin)

Photos from Edited's post 03/06/2022

出生於法國 先後於巴黎、東京、倫敦和香港工作。時裝和藝術是她人生的兩大熱情所在。對Frédérique來說,她的"Long Live Style"是選擇能夠表達本真和自我的衣服。

到下列地點拿取一份WHOLENESS,閱讀藝術和時裝如何為Frédérique 的人生帶來療癒和熱情。

Born in French and worked in Paris, Tokyo, London and Hong Kong, fashion and art are 's passions in life. Frederique's "long live style" is clothing that allows her to be and express her true self.

Visit one of the locations below to pick up your free copy of WHOLENESS Magazine and read more on how fashion and art brings both passion and comfort to Frederique's life.

【派發地點 Distribution Locations】

(Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Olympic, TST, CWB, Taikoo)

(Central, Sheung Wan)hk
(Admiralty Learning Centre)

(Causeway Bay)design

hk (Central Market, Kennedy Town, Discovery Bay)

hk (Eaton House)
Mum Veggie Cafe


hk (Shatin)

Photos from Edited's post 02/06/2022

人生,是最漫長的一趟旅行。努力生活同時,可以怎樣發展出個性和風格?"Forms of Travel" 與攝影師 和造型師 合作,一起造訪幾位年過50的型人,在衣櫥中挑選一套造型,分享他/她的“Long Live Style”。

現已半退休,將時間留給自己的 ,偶然也會懷念於marie claire整裝以待,奮鬥搏殺的時刻。到下列地點拿取一份WHOLENESS “Forms of Travel”,閱讀在人生漫長的旅程中,建立起永續風格的要訣。

Life is the longest trip that we embark upon. How do we live in a way that's true to our own personality and style? "Forms of Travel" collaborated with photographer and fashion stylist to speak with four fashionistas over 50 and choose an outfit that presents their "long live style".

Now semi-retired and enjoying having time on her hands, reminisces on her time at marie claire every now and then.

Visit one of the locations below to pick up your free copy of WHOLENESS Magazine and read about the key to building a lifelong style in this trip we call life.

【派發地點 Distribution Locations】

(Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun, Olympic, TST, CWB, Taikoo)

(Central, Sheung Wan)hk
(Admiralty Learning Centre)

(Causeway Bay)design

hk (Central Market, Kennedy Town, Discovery Bay)

hk (Eaton House)
Mum Veggie Cafe


hk (Shatin)


WHOLENESS Magazine找來設計師麥朗 ,為 “Forms of Travel” 設計封面及封面內頁。這是一個出發的邀請,一段旅程的起點,一起跨越既有的維度,尋找你的旅行形狀。

第2期WHOLENESS Magazine “Forms of Travel”經已正式出版,現已到達30多個派發地點。

Honoured to collaborate with designer for the cover and inside cover of "Forms of Travel", issue 2 of WHOLENESS Magazine. An invitation to take off and start a journey, let's dive into a new dimension and find your own form of travel.

Issue 2 of WHOLENESS Magazine is out now and available in over 30 locations around Hong Kong.




第2期WHOLENESS以 “Forms of Travel”為題,想像了習以為常以外的旅行形式。旅行,我們暫時還未能去。但旅行最大的樂趣,本來就在想像和期待中,不是嗎?

If the universe can be multiple, why should travel be monotonous?

Travel as we know it is actually only a century old. The idea of "travelling makes people happy" was born into the collective consciousness during the industrial revolution. Prior to that, travellers left home either for work or religious purposes. Happiness was not exactly on the agenda. A century later, travelling is now the major source of joy. Yet how many different ways of travelling have you tried?

In issue 2 of WHOLENESS Magazine, we set off to explore different forms of travel beyond what we are used to. We are still waiting to board our next grand adventure, but right now, we can relish in the anticipation and imagination. That's the best part of travel anyways, wouldn't you say?


已經接近3年沒有旅行了,很多人此刻的渴望,都是去東京吃一碗醬油拉麵。「旅行癮」是如此難忍,但我們不會永遠也不能去旅行。現在,我們能夠準備的,除了bucket list,就是思考如果未來再飛,還是要用一樣的方式去旅行嗎?可能,你想像的,並不是唯一的旅行方法。

第2期WHOLENESS Magazine “Forms of Travel” 經已正式出版,現已到達30多個派發地點。選一個未曾去過的地方,去一趟輕鬆的小旅行。

It's been almost 3 years since we could travel freely and most of us are dying for a shoyu ramen in Tokyo. We won't be ground-bound forever, so other than furiously adding to our bucket list, now is a good time to rethink how we can travel. Perhaps what we've always imagined is not the only way.

"Forms of Travel", issue 2 of WHOLENESS Magazine is now out and available in over 30 locations around Hong Kong. Choose somewhere you've never been before and go for a little trip.

Photos from Edited's post 30/05/2022


第2期WHOLENESS Magazine “Forms of Travel” 邀請了曾為 tokyobike US 繪畫插畫的日本插畫師 描繪了京都和哥本哈根的單車旅行,以及想像了啟德未來的單車生活。


We remember travels for their many firsts: first time wearing kimono, first time seeing the northern lights, first time strolling along the Seine, first time riding a bicycle through ancient streets and alleyways. Which moment do you miss the most?

Known for her illustrations for tokyobike US, issue 2 of WHOLENESS Magazine invited Japanese illustrator to depict bike trips in Kyoto and Copenhagen, and how a cycling lifestyle will look like in Kai Tak.

Issue 2 of WHOLENESS Magazine launches on 31 May. See you tomorrow!

Photos from Edited's post 27/05/2022


第2期WHOLENESS Magazine “Forms of Travel” 找來了攝影師 ,以鏡頭紀錄了本地的另一種生活形態。還未可以飛,不如以旅居的態度生活,在日常中尋找旅行的質感。

雜誌即將於5月31日出版,more stories to come!

If we can explore a city in one day, why do people take a sojourn in a foreign place for a year? As opposed to packed schedules and whirlwind trips, sojourns allow us to enjoy the lifestyle of an unfamiliar place at a relaxed pace. After all, the essence of travel is to spend time as you like, right?

"Forms of Travel", issue 2 of WHOLENESS Magazine, invited photographer to capture a different way of life here in Hong Kong. We may not be able to fly yet, but we can certainly live like a sojourner and savour the delights of travel in the everyday.

Issue 2 of WHOLENESS Magazine launches on 31 May. More stories to come!

Photos from Edited's post 25/05/2022


第2期WHOLENESS Magazine “Forms of Travel” 找來身處加洲的插畫家 ,在異地尋找既熟悉又陌生的香港風景。

雜誌即將於5月31日出版。Stay tuned for more.

If you could fly anywhere right now, where would you go?

Going abroad might still be some time away, but we can revisit those travel vibes wherever we are.

In "Forms of Travel", issue 2 of WHOLENESS Magazine, we invited California-based illustrator to depict familiar Hong Kong sceneries found in foreign places.

Issue 2 of WHOLENESS Magazine launches on 31 May. Stay tuned for more!

Photos from Edited's post 28/01/2022

We are honoured to work with Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited (Hactl) on their inaugural Sustainability Report. Showcasing Hactl’s sustainability initiatives and achievements from energy management to community engagement, we centred on crafting an energetic and spirited narrative for Hactl’s sustainability website. Through copywriting and editing, graphic design and web animation, the report content is brought to life and amplified into an online experience that makes a vivid impression.

Client: Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited
Creative director:
Copywriter: & Joseph
Web programmer: Jacky Chan
Project manager:


We are honoured to work with Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited (Hactl) on their inaugural Sustainability Report. Showcasing Hactl’s sustainability initiatives and achievements from energy management to community engagement, we centred on crafting an energetic and spirited narrative for Hactl’s sustainability website. Through copywriting and editing, graphic design and web animation, the report content is brought to life and amplified into an online experience that makes a vivid impression.

Client: Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited
Creative director: Renatus Wu
Designer: Cathy Cheng
Copywriter: Yvonne Cheng & Joseph
Web programmer: Jacky Chan
Project manager: Edith Cham


WHOLENESS is a free cultural magazine curated by Edited in collaboration with AIRSIDE. From concept to design to editorial, we centre on WHOLENESS, a new lifestyle concept envisioned by AIRSIDE, to reimagine future urban living. Just as AIRSIDE is situated at the site of the former airport, we invited local and international artists to collaborate on visuals, continuing Hong Kong’s proud history and spirit of cultural exchange and endless possibilities.

WHOLENESS是一本與 AIRSIDE 合作、由Edited策劃的全新免費文化雜誌。在這本從意念、設計至內容都帶來嶄新想像的刊物中,我們以AIRSIDE為核心,捕捉了未來都巿的生活脈搏,描繪了一種與自然根本融和的生活風格。AIRSIDE位於啟德機場舊址,WHOLENESS的策劃過程亦傳承了香港開放、文化交流的精神,與本地及國際的藝術家共同協作,實驗了出版與編輯的各種可能。
Collaboration with AIRSIDE
Curation & Creative direction by Edited

Maaike Canne, kylie chan's Illustration, Stephanie Teng, Po Hung Design Lab, Iain C***s, Albee Yau

Special thanks to
世界之約 In Time Of - 南豐集團 Nan Fung Group, Snøhetta, One Bite Design Studio , 植物圖書館-新蒲崗 Community Plant Library , 龍虎山環境教育中心 Lung Fu Shan Environmental Education Centre, HKDI CIMT 知專設創源, 陶啟安, NIPdistilling, Two Moons Distillery Perfume Trees Gin 白蘭樹下, CHAT by MILL6 Foundation - CHAT 六廠, Olivier Cong, 米迦 Micah, Coco Shen, Margaret Yang, Joycelyn Choi

Printing by Colham Printing Co Ltd.

Find WHOLENESS at the locations below.
Copies are limited. Stay tuned for updates!

CoCo Espresso (Jervois St and Stanley St)
Elixir Coffee
Garage Society
HKU SPACE 香港大學專業進修學院
HongKong ArtSchool
House by kubrick
龍虎山環境教育中心 Lung Fu Shan Environmental Education Centre
MCL Cinemas (Cheung Sha Wan, Cyberport, South Horizons)
Metro Workspace
Nan Fung Place
N I N E T Y s Roastery
PMQ 元創方
Power a Space
Two Moons Distillery
Uno Co-working Space
Wynd, the Co-working Space in LKF

草途木研社 Coutou Woodworking Studio
在森林和圓嘢 Forest Round Round
HKBU TriAngle

Book B
KoKo Coffee Roasters
TKO Plaza 將軍澳廣場


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Videos (show all)

輕重〔 原型展 〕Prototyping room: the weight of silence 家具是沉默的。它們沉默地支撐著生活,沉默地承載情感。沉默是一種開放的語言,蘊含話語無法承載的事物。每日,我們在家具之間行住坐臥,處理生活種種輕...
情感大學 @relationship.univ努力了一段不短的日子,情感大學 @relationship.univ終於面世。很多時,即使NGO想要改變形象,卻會遇上各種阻力,以致最後總是打安全牌,採用見慣見熟的策略。正因如此,今次很開心得到...
Wholeness Issue 2
Hactl Sustainability Report
Wholeness Spring 2021
Line of Times
diegetic music/ soundnon-diegetic music/ soundby Angela Law畫內音 / 畫外音羅展鳳著#designedbyedited #books #musiccomposer #HongKon...



Unit 01—02, 31/F, New Trend Centre, No. 704 Prince Edward Road East, San Po Kong
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 19:00
Thursday 10:00 - 19:00
Friday 10:00 - 19:00

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Hong Kong

With 17 years of experience, we work with an extensive range of clients, from independent start-ups

bode communications bode communications
Workshop B10, 18/F, Block B, Kailey Industrial Centre, 12 Fung Yip Street
Hong Kong

We are a creative laboratory. We believe creativity has no boundaries.