24/7 Fitness Sham Shui Po Second Branch
Nearby gyms & sports facilities
Castle Peak Road, Hong Kong
金馬倫道30-32號金馬商業大廈15樓全層, Hong Kong
誠邀您親臨 24/7 FITNESS 體驗全新服務
We are cordially invited you to enjoy 24/7 FITNESS b
【 🌟港隊飛魚🏊♀️】狂賀何詩蓓200米自由泳奪銅!247全民獎賞再送10個半年會籍
✨💪🏻多謝詩蓓一直努力,證明比大家聽香港嘅運動員一直都好有實力,努力不懈,無論係咩環境之下,用熱血創造傳奇,延續香港精神! 嚟緊100米都要繼續加油,好好休息❤️
作為全港最大健身品牌,為慶祝港隊再奪獎牌,由今日起至8月11日,24/7 FITNESS 將從Instagram、Threads 及Facebook專頁此貼文下留言,選出「本次賽事最難忘一刻」,一同留住感動Moment,24/7 FITNESS將選出10個半年會籍送比大家!
📍😉想知道更多優惠詳情就快啲打嚟📞📲 / WhatsApp我哋分店查詢!🔥🔥🔥
✨大家快啲嚟24/7 FITNESS體驗舒適自在、無約束嘅健身模式!
🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址:
#撐港隊 #撐運動 #自由泳 #200米
#健身 #24小時 #會籍 #零預繳 #按月收費
❤️開心嘅嘢唔好比佢停落嚟!!由今日起至8月11日,24/7 FITNESS 將從Instagram、Threads 及Facebook專頁此貼文下留言,選出「本次賽事最難忘一刻」,一同留住感動Moment,24/7 FITNESS將選出10個半年會籍送比大家!
📍😉想知道更多優惠詳情就快啲打嚟📞📲 / WhatsApp我哋分店查詢!🔥🔥🔥
✨大家快啲嚟24/7 FITNESS體驗舒適自在、無約束嘅健身模式!
🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址:
#撐港隊 #撐運動
#健身 #24小時 #會籍 #零預繳 #按月收費
【 😭港隊之光! 】狂賀江旻憓勇奪金牌,247送出10個半年會籍
為慶祝巴黎奧運首面香港金牌,24/7 FITNESS 將從Instagram、Threads 及Facebook專頁此貼文下留言,選出「最有誠意嘅恭賀說話」,從而送出10個半年會籍!
📍😉想知道更多優惠詳情就快啲打嚟📞📲 / WhatsApp我哋分店查詢!🔥🔥🔥
✨大家快啲嚟24/7 FITNESS體驗舒適自在、無約束嘅健身模式!
🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址:
【 😭 Pride of Team HK! 】 Celebrating the brave victory of Vivian Kong Man Wai with a gold medal, 24/7 FITNESS is giving away 10 half-year memberships.
To celebrate Hong Kong’s first gold medal at the Paris Olympics, 24/7 FITNESS will be selecting the ”most sincere congratulatory messages“ from the comments under this post on Instagram and pages, and awarding 10 half-year memberships!
Let‘s keep the Olympic fervor alive, continuing to be inspired by the spirit of the Olympics!
✨ Experience the comfortable and unrestricted fitness model of 24/7 FITNESS anytime, anywhere!
🏪 24/7 FITNESS locations and contacts:
😊 Register for Your 1 DAY Free Trial Now:
#奧運2024 #巴黎奧運 #撐港隊 #撐運動
#健身 #24小時 #會籍 #零預繳 #按月收費
【A Meet-And-Greet Event with Hammer Strength Founder Gary Jones】
Gary Jones, the founder of Hammer Strength, has over 30 years of experience in the fitness industry. He started his career in 1970 with the strength equipment manufacturer, Nautilus, where he was responsible for introducing low-friction selectorized equipment and the first leverage machines. After 15 years at Nautilus, he branched out on his own to create an entirely new line of exercise machines - Hammer Strength. His innovative designs and unwavering commitment have made Hammer Strength the global leader in plate-loaded fitness equipment. 💪🏻
📣This is a fantastic opportunity to meet him in person and learn more about his journey.
🗓Date: 18 July 2024 (Thursday)
🕰Time 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
🏪Venue: 24/7 FITNESS Wan Chai Club
1/F, Kin Lee Building 9-13A, O’brien Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
(Language: English)
💁🏻Please register with our staff at Wan Chai Club:
【🏋🏻24/7 FITNESS會員專享: 247 Movie Night 🎬】
🥳為慶祝24/7 FITNESS 🎂 6週年快樂🎂我哋決定請大家睇Marvel最新力作🎬《死侍與狼人Deadpool and Wolverine》🎬,🔥24/7 (三) 約實大家一齊睇好戲,逼爆戲院!💥
📍電影: 死侍與狼人Deadpool and Wolverine
1. 尖沙咀海運戲院 (🈵已滿座🈵)
2. 嘉禾筲箕灣銀河廣場 (⚠️尚有少量名額⚠️)
House 1 + 2
3. 嘉禾屯門StagE (⚠️尚有少量名額⚠️)
House 4
😎👍🏻想睇 🎬《死侍與狼人Deadpool and Wolverine》🔥🔥🔥 嘅方法好簡單,請立即與我們分店同事報名/查詢詳情📲!名額有限,先到先得,滿額即止!🔥🔥🔥
💁🏻24/7 FITNESS各分店地址及電話:
如有任何爭議,24/7 FITNESS保留最終決定權。
#運動 #優惠 #247請你睇戲 #死侍與狼人
【🎁24/7 FITNESS 會員合約延長 優惠🎁】
🎉好消息🎉24/7 FITNESS感謝大家及各位會員一直以嚟支持同愛戴,我哋推出 “會員合約延長優惠”!由即日起至2024年12月31日,所有24/7 FITNESS嘅會員加簽延長合約 即可享以下回饋優惠:
📍😉想知道更多優惠詳情就快啲打嚟📞📲 / WhatsApp我哋分店查詢!🔥🔥🔥
✨大家快啲嚟24/7 FITNESS體驗舒適自在、無約束嘅健身模式!
🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址:
-24/7 FITNESS保留更改是次優惠之內容而不先行通知。
-如有任何爭議,24/7 FITNESS保留最終決定權。
【🎁24/7 FITNESS Membership Renewal Promotion🎁】
🎉Exciting news 🎉 24/7 FITNESS would like to express our gratitude for the continuous support and loyalty from all of our valued members. We are excited to introduce the ""Membership Contract Extension Promotion""! From now until December 31, 2024, all 24/7 FITNESS members who extend their contracts can enjoy the following exclusive benefits:
🎁 *For current members: Additional signs up a 12-month membership ($520 per month) and receive ""1-month membership"" as a bonus. Additional signs up a 24-month membership ($520 per month) and receive ""2-month membership"" as a bonus.
🎁* For new members: The offer does not apply in the first year but only from the second year onwards. When signing up for a 12-month membership at $520 per month, you will receive an additional ""1-month membership."" Signing up for a 24-month membership at $520 per month will grant you an extra ""2-month membership.""
📍😉 Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! For more information, get in touch with us via phone or WhatsApp. Take the first step towards your fitness journey and join us today! 📞📲 🔥
We cordially invite you to come and experience 24/7 FITNESS!
🏪24/7 FITNESS contacts:
💪🏾🏋🏽Register for our 1 DAY Free Trial:
*Terms & conditions:
-Promotion period is from now until December 31, 2024.
-Applicable for existing members with current / open contracts and new registered members.
-Each client can use this p
【🏋🏻24/7 FITNESS X「TheNextwave XX24沙灘音樂節」☀ 🎁好賞予你Giveaway🎁】
全城矚目期盼,本地最大型沙灘音樂節TheNextwave又返嚟喇!同樣喺愉景灣嘅大白灣沙灘🏖️,今個夏天6月29、30號!TheNextwave, The Next Level! 為大家帶嚟全新lineup 🎤、全新舞台設計、全新藝術裝置、全新場地規劃!
☀《TheNextwave XX24》沙灘音樂節絕對係今個盛夏最令人期待嘅活動!最啱同成班朋友著住泳衣👙沐浴陽光之下,聽歌、玩水同打卡!
詳情: https://www.instagram.com/the_nextwavehk/
想去「TheNextwave XX24沙灘音樂節」的方法好簡單,跟從以下步驟,便可能獲得「TheNextwave XX24沙灘音樂節」指定日期入場電子門票兩張 (價值港幣$ 1,176),合共10份!
1. Like 24/7 FITNESS Hong Kong 專頁
2. Like「TheNextwave XX24沙灘音樂節」() 專頁
3. Like此post 及Share此post
4. 於post內留言及回答問題,Tag一位好友
🎁我們從中選出最有心思的朋友,即有機會獲得指定日期入場電子門票兩張(價值港幣$ 1,176),合共10份!
問題: 點解想去「TheNextwave XX24沙灘音樂節」?想邊個陪你去?
我想去「TheNextwave XX24沙灘音樂節」,因為好好玩又可以見到喜愛的歌手,最想同(@朋友甲)一齊去!
截止日期: 由即日起至2024年6月24日中午12時正!得獎者會有專人inbox通知!
如有任何爭議,24/7 FITNESS保留最終決定權。
#健身 #24小時 #全港分店最多 #耀榮文化
【S2O x 24/7 FITNESS】重溫精彩花絮
一連兩日(6月8至9日)舉行 「S2O亞洲潑水音樂節2024–香港站」 圓滿 結束!
♂ 多謝大家 濕身 蒞臨支持!場內勁歌熱舞,氣氛熱烈,我哋一齊再 重溫下呢兩日活動精彩花絮相! 再一次感受夏日音樂狂歡快感!
【S2O x 24/7 FITNESS】Relive the Exciting Highlights
The ” S2O Asia Songkran Festival - Hong Kong“ was successfully held over two days (June 8-9)!
♂ Thank you all for your enthusiastic support and for getting soaked with us! The venue was filled with energetic singing and dancing, creating an electrifying atmosphere. Let‘s review the highlights of those two fantastic days together! Experience the thrill of summer music celebrations once again!
#健身 #24小時 #運動 #優惠 #全港分店最多 音樂節
🏋🏻24/7 FITNESS X「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」- ☀盛夏火辣濕身音樂大派對🏋🏻
☀今個夏季24/7 FITNESS再次贊助「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」💦,同大家一起“Fight For Your Summer Beauty” 💪🏻,✨讓一眾愛Clubbing、愛跳舞、愛熱鬧的型男型女、Y、Z 世代,以最悉心打扮的造型、最fit身型,一起渡過最濕、最盡興的夏日年度玩水盛事!
24/7 FITNESS為大家準備體能極限單車挑戰賽,挑戰自己的體能之餘,更可以與朋友們濕身大鬥一番,贏取豐富會場限定禮物!🎁
🌟約定你6月8號同9號🗓️嚟最大型濕身音樂派對盡情狂歡💦💥!一齊享受夏日音樂狂歡快感!☀☀☀ 👙S2O見💃🏻🎉
🏋🏻24/7 FITNESS X S20 Songkran Hong Kong Music Festival - ☀ The World's Hottest and Wettest Music Party🏋🏻
Here’s the good news! This summer, 24/7 FITNESS is proud to be the sponsor of the "S2O Asia Water Festival - Hong Kong Edition" once again. Let's all come together to "Fight For Your Summer Beauty" 💪🏻, and ✨ invite the fashionable individuals, as well as the Gen Y and Z crowds who love clubbing, dancing, and lively celebrations, to experience the most thrilling and drenching annual water festival with your best-dressed looks and fittest physique!
24/7 FITNESS is hosting an Endurance Cycling Battle, inviting everyone to push their physical boundaries. Beyond just testing your limits, you can also compete in a wild challenge with your friends, with the chance to win exclusive, fantastic prizes! 🎁
☀ Let's all join in and welcome this summer extravaganza together☀, as you proudly flaunt your fit physique👙 and become the center of attention🌟!
🌟Let’s enjoy the very first world-class outdoor wet dance party in Hong Kong together on 8-9 Jun! ☀☀☀ 👙See you at S2O! 💃🏻🎉
💁🏻 S20 Songkran Hong Kong Music Festival
Dates: 8 & 9 June 2024
Hours: 1pm -11pm (Performance starts at 2pm)
Place : Central Harbourfront Event Space
#健身 #24小時 #運動 #優惠 #全港分店最多
【24/7 FITNESS週年晚宴精彩盛況2024】
24/7 FITNESS於5月31日(星期五) 在香港會議展覽中心Grand Hall舉行了週年晚宴以慰勞全公司員工及各合作伙伴這六年以來的共同努力!💪🏻🙇🏻
✨當晚眾星雲集,24/7 FITNESS品牌代言人-德國體操奧運選手阮馬素更專誠從德國來港出席並與眾同樂。此外,還邀請了著名歌手張敬軒、尹光、新進女團Viva表演和參與刺激的抽獎環節,於現場送出多份現金獎,場面相當熱鬧!謹此再一次感謝24/7 FITNESS每一位員工及合作伙伴!🙏🏻
【24/7 FITNESS Annual Dinner Highlights 2024】
24/7 FITNESS hosted its Annual Dinner at the Grand Hall of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on May 31st (Friday). The event served to express the company's heartfelt gratitude to all employees and partners for their unwavering collaborative efforts over the past six years. 💪🏻🙇🏻
✨Apart from the regional celebrities who attended the Annual Dinner, we had the honor to invite our brand ambassador, the German gymnast Marcel Nguyen, who flew in from Germany to join us for a magical evening. Well-known musicians Hins Cheung, Jackson Wan and New Girl Group Viva were also invited to perform and took part in the exciting lucky draws. Many happy memories were created and shared on that evening. Once again, we would like to sincerely show appreciation to all 24/7 FITNESS employees and business partners! 🙏🏻
#健身 #24小時 #阮馬素 #張敬軒 #尹光 #週年晚宴 #全港分店最多 #六週年
🎉好消息🎉24/7 FITNESS創先河設立✨私人教練堂「七天冷靜期」✨,全面保障會員的消費權益,讓我們的會員安心購買我們的私人教練堂。🫶🏻會員有充裕嘅時間,揀一個至Fit自己嘅plan! 💪🏻 💪🏻 💪🏻
大家一齊來24/7 FITNESS體驗舒適自在、無約束的健身模式! 🏋🏋🏋為你的健康踏出一步! 💪🏻 💪🏻 💪🏻
💁🏻 想知道更多優惠詳情就快D黎聯絡我們📲 查詢!🔥🔥🔥
🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址:
▼▼▼▼▼ 立即登記 ▼▼▼▼▼
😊歡迎大家登記免費體驗 💪🏾🚴🏻🏊🏻🤼🏋🏽
【7-Day Cooling-Off Period for Personal Training Sessions, 24/7 FITNESS Ensures Your Peace of Mind】
🎉Exciting news!🎉 24/7 FITNESS is proud to introduce the groundbreaking ✨”7-Day Cooling-off Period“ for Personal Training Sessions ✨, providing comprehensive protection for our members‘ consumer rights and offering them peace of mind when purchasing our Personal Training Sessions. 🫶🏻 Members now have ample time to select the plan that best suits their needs! 💪🏻 💪🏻 💪🏻
✅ We are the first 24-hour fitness center to implement the revolutionary ✨”7-Day Cooling-off Period“ for Personal Training Sessions ✨.
💁🏻💁🏻 Transparent pricing with convenient monthly fees and no upfront payment required.
❌ No membership fees or additional charges.
👍🏻 We have the largest number of branches in Hong Kong and Macau.
🏃🏻🏃🏻 One membership provides access to over 100 branches worldwide.
Join us at 24/7 FITNESS and experience a comfortable and unrestricted fitness journey! 🏋🏋🏋 Take a step towards your health! 💪🏻 💪🏻 💪🏻
💁🏻 For more details about our promotions, contact us 📲 immediately! 🔥🔥🔥
🏪24/7 FITNESS’s addresses:
▼▼▼▼▼ Register now ▼▼▼▼▼
😊To Register for 1 DAY Free Trial 💪🏾🚴🏻🏊🏻🤼🏋🏽
#健身 #24小時 #會籍 #零預繳 #按月收費 #私人教練堂 #7天消費冷靜期 #優惠
【🏋🏻24/7 FITNESS X「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」☀ 🎁好賞予你Giveaway🎁】
今個夏天,「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」,將於6月8日及9日(星期六及日)在中環海濱活動空間舉行。在中環壯麗的摩天大廈和標誌性的維多利亞港景色下,S2O將為香港的派對狂熱份子帶來獨特而難忘的體驗。讓更多愛電音、愛跳舞、愛夏日、愛show off身型與及一眾時尚潮流達人,一同參與今個夏天不能錯過的熱玩盛典。
🌟今年6月,全城水花四濺,濕身狂歡!約定大家!☀☀☀ 👙
詳情: www.s2ohongkong.com
想去「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」的方法好簡單,跟從以下步驟,便可能獲得「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」指定日期入場門票兩張(價值港幣$ 1,960),合共40份!
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2. Like S2O Hong Kong Songkran Music Festival ()專頁
3. Like此post 及Share此post
4. 於post內留言及回答問題,Tag一位好友
🎁我們從中選出最有心思的朋友,即有機會獲得指定日期入場門票兩張(價值港幣$ 1,960),合共40份!
問題: 點解想去「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」?想邊個陪你去?
截止日期: 由即日起至2024年5月29日中午12時正!得獎者會有專人inbox通知!
如有任何爭議,24/7 FITNESS保留最終決定權。
#健身 #24小時 #全港分店最多
💦24/7 FITNESS會員獨家專享「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」門票優惠💦
☀各位靚仔靚女夏天眨吓眼就到啦,大家係咪已經苦練到一身肌肉💪🏻準備要show off至Fit身型👙?
🎉今年24/7 FITNESS再次成為「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」健康及肌肉訓練夥伴,24/7 FITNESS的會員們將會獨家享有「S2O亞洲潑水節-香港站」門票優惠!😎👍🏻名額有限,想知道更多優惠詳情就立即與我們分店同事查詢📲!🔥🔥🔥
💁🏻24/7 FITNESS各分店地址及電話:
如有任何爭議,24/7 FITNESS保留最終決定權。
#運動 #優惠
【🧧賀年食品熱量知多少? 🍊】
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻
*以60公斤(約132磅)成人運動30分鐘為例,慢跑能消耗250kcal 🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻
🏪 24/7 FITNESS各分店地址:
【🧧How fattening are festive food for Chinses New Year? 🍊】
🧧Everyone enjoys festive food during the Chinses New Year, which type of festive food is your favorite? 🍊
Festive food are high-calorie food items. How long do you have to exercise to offset the calories? 🧐
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻 👈🏻👈🏻👈🏻
*Take a 60kg (about 132lb) adult exercising for 30 minutes as an example, jogging can consume 250kcal 🏃🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻
The above suggestions are for your reference only. We need to eat an appropriate amount and pay attention to a balanced diet. And also, regular exercise are the most effective ways to achieve and sustain your ideal body weight.
🏪 24/7 FITNESS HK address:
Get a FREE Trial 💪🏾🚴🏻🏊🏻🤼🏋🏽
#健身 #24小時 #會籍 #零預繳 #按月收費 #健康 #賀年食品 #熱量 #全港分店最多
恭喜發財 🎉🎆 24/7 FITNESS & 奧運男神阮馬素 🎉🎆祝大家🐲農曆新年快樂!❤ 😆
🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址:
Kung Hei Fat Choy 🎉🎆24/7 FITNEESS & Our beloved German gymnast Marcel Nguyen 🎉🎆 wish you a Happy Chinese New Year! ❤ 😆
We wish you health, joy and success in year 2024! Good health is the greatest wealth 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 Happy year of the Dragon! 🐲
🏪24/7 FITNESS’s addresses:
😊To Register for 1 DAY Free Trial:
#健身 #24小時 #運動 #健康 #身體健康 #新年快樂 #免費試玩 #全港分店最多
🎊《聖誕新年許願🎐 GIVEAWAY雙重獎》🎁獎賞第二重得獎名單公佈🎊
🎁最佳設計獎20名 (送一個月會籍)
1. Charlton Ip (鴨脷洲)
2. Cheung Yuen Man (上水)
3. Chung King San (MegaBox)
4. Gordon Tam (深水埗1店)
5. Ip Chin Ho, Erik (小西灣)
6. Ip Ka Yi (MegaBox)
7. Isabelle Leung (天后)
8. Kong Yan Yee (鰂魚涌)
9. Kwan Chun Wai (天水圍2店)
10. Lam Yat Yuk (旺角2店)
11. Lap Ho Chan (葵涌1店)
12. Lau Hiu Chi (小西灣)
13. Lau Hoi Ting (深水埗2店)
14 Lau Sin Ching (葵芳)
15. Man Yuk Ying (屯門3店)
16. Meivin Tsang (旺角1店)
17. Qin Wen Chen (葵芳)
18. Siu Wai Chun, Vincent (屯門店)
19. Wong Co Yu, Coco (香港仔1店)
20. Wong Ting Fai (東涌)
🎁旅遊禮劵 $3000 x 5份
1. Au Yeung Ho Hin (黃大仙2店)
2. Jaden Law (粉嶺)
3. PO SING YEUNG (土瓜灣1店)
4. P**N SING WANG (屯門1店)
5. Siu Ying Tang (馬鞍山)
🎁 Apple Watch Series 9 x 5份
1. Alan Cheung Man Tsun (炮台山)
2. Cheuk Lam Tong (深水埗2店)
3. Nnnette Chan (北角2店)
4. Tsang Sin Tung (柴灣)
5. Wing Huen Tam (上環)
🎁 DJI OSMO ACTION 4 運動相機 x 5份
1. Chris Ng (將軍澳1店)
2. Chun Yu (Keith) Chong (薄扶林)
3. Crystal Chiu (尖沙咀)
4. Yim Tsz Hung (東涌)
5. Yu Ka Kui (觀塘2店)
🎁 SONY WH-1000XM5無線耳機 x 5份
1. Kong Cheuk Ying (九龍灣)
2. Tam Wai Kwan (藍田)
3. Tang Mei Lan (葵芳)
4. Wong Chun Tat Bearing (天水圍2店)
5. Yan Pui Shan (大角咀)
🎁 Klook $1000禮劵x 80份
1. Anita (西營盤)
2. Ann Li (中環2店)
3. CCH Cheng (將軍澳1店)
4. Celia Chow (九龍城)
5. Chan Chin Kei (石門)
6. Chan Chun Ho (元朗2店)
7. Chan Tin Wai Steven (沙田2店)
8. Chan Ying, Billy Lok (鯉景灣)
9. Charlotte (香港仔2店)
10. Cheng Sum Yu (葵盛)
11. Cheung Ho Yee, Iris (油麻地)
12. Cheung Lok Hei, Hero (九龍灣)
13. Chi Wun Marco Wong (深水埗2店)
14. Choi Tsz Yan Pandora (東涌)
15. Chow Lia (天水圍3店)
16. Chu Ka Man (屯門2店)
17. Chun Wing Lean (佐敦2店)
18. Chung Benjamin Li How (銅鑼灣3店)
19. Chung Woon Yu, Diana (天后)
20. DIWEN MOS Mai (紅磡2店)
21. Fong Cheuk Him (葵涌)
22. Fong Chin Ngo (觀塘1店)
23. Frankie Fan (銅鑼灣2店)
24. Fung Wai On (荃灣2店)
25. Gabrielle Wu (屯門3店)
26. Gerald Sun (大圍1店)
27. Helsa Au Hoi Ching (炮台山)
28. Holly Chan (將軍澳4店)
29. Hui Ka Hong (天水圍2店)
30. Hui Man Ho (葵涌2店)
31. Janice Chau (筲箕灣)
32. Jonas Yeung (紅磡1店)
33. Jonathan Leung (沙田1店)
34. Ka Wai Luk (北角1店)
35. Kar Shun Chan (上環)
36. Kather (將軍澳3店)
37. Korina (旺角2店)
38. Kung Sui Hin (新蒲崗)
39. Kwok Hang Yuen (鴨脷洲)
40. Kwok Tak Shuen Shipman (荃灣4店)
41. Lai Siew Wa
🎊《聖誕新年許願🎐 GIVEAWAY雙重獎》🎁獎賞第一重得獎名單公佈🎊
感謝大家踴躍參與同支持《聖誕新年許願🎐 GIVEAWAY雙重獎》活動!恭喜以下得獎者!
🎁體肪測量磅 x 10份
1. Christy Wong
2. Florence Shum (LazyGaga)
3. Herman Choi
4. Stella Chan
5. Suki Yeung
1. c.nkyyyyy
2. cherlycherry
3. christelle.____
4. mandypollykamyan
5. peonyxho
🎁運動按摩槍 x 10份
1. Franky Franky
2. Harris Chan
3. Manyi Venus
4. Natalie Hung
5. WaiMing Lui
1. bobobo_ifbbpro
2. cathergym
3. dr._.haniii
4. jacky_fitness_therapy
5. waiming.lui1957
🎁百老匯禮券 $500 x 20份
1. Apple Yeung
2. Dragonco Li
3. Katy Cheng
4. Kenix Ling Ling
5. Sakara Woo
6. SoSo SoHo
7. Sze Chun Lam
8. Victor Tse
9. Yanice TszTing Chan
10. Yinghung Liu
1. bbrian_brainn
2. bulubulu.gym
3. curtislth_921
4. exileyau
5. ff_ffoodie
6. heilam.n
7. kwun_hang
8. royyh125
9. smartmtchan
10. sumsum030
🎁男士健膚套裝(ULOS贊助)x 30份
1. Clement Leung
2. Dave Ng
3. Devin Ng
4. Ho Choi (Choitszzho)
5. Issac Lam
6. Johnny Lee (Yuk Ming)
7. Lok Lee
8. Ofelix Leung
9. Parco Law
10. Peter Wong
11. Ryan Kan
12. Simon Hou
13. W Chak Leung
14. Wai On (On)
15. Zuric Kwan
1. _litingyeung
2. alex.gyml
3. brian.1211
4. chailam__
5. chunghimw2
6. dennychanyw
7. hugo__0221
8. ivanwingchun
9. joe._tch
10. k._.meicc
11. kelvin.lau_fitness
12. kpk0904
13. wjk_ant
14. yodaaaa_7
15. zeru_chan9052
🎁雞胸食品禮劵 $500(Optmeal贊助)x 20份
1. Ching So
2. Eddie Lam
3. Leung Man Nga
4. Lucy Chiu
5. Lui HauMan
6. Ming Fai Chan
7. Smile Leung
8. Suye Choi
9. Vicky Chung
10. Wong Ben
1. _honamo.o
2. chrisccl
3. cmc_chan1026
4. est.diaita
5. fatpo_tau_sik_meat
6. kawingchan_
7. ktp_0205
8. more_more_gym_kel
9. pitasthenic
10. yat.ping
**獎賞第一重的得獎者 請於2024年2月4日或之前(逾期無效)將個人資料(包括姓名(中英文全名)、聯絡電話 及領獎分店)inbox我們作領獎登記及安排,我們會透過Inbox通知你領獎方法!
如有任何爭議,24/7 FITNESS保留最終決定權。
【🔥《香港健身Guide》2023 第五屆「運動產業化」高峰會🔥】
由24/7 FITNESS冠名贊助 及AASFP體適能學院全力支持的《香港健身Guide》2023 第五屆「運動產業化」高峰會,於2024年1月12日順利在香港都會大學完成。🤝
24/7 FITNESS董事及行政總裁黃靜怡 (Ingrid) 於第一場分享會中探討香港2023年之體適能市場發展趨勢及香港健身品牌的社會責任,24/7 FITNESS作為地區的市場領導者,回顧開業到現在,於短短5年內在香港、澳門及內地已開設超過100間分店,成為全港澳分店最多24小時健身中心。24/7 FITNESS展望將來,致力開拓海外市場 ,將高科技智能健身服務帶到亞太區以至世界各地。
24/7 FITNESS現時贊助的運動球隊及團體超過15個,當中投放了100萬資金去贊助247女子足球隊,希望藉此推動運動風氣,以及鼓勵香港運動員。
【🔥 "Hong Kong Fitness Gyms & Studios Guide 2023" - 5th Summit: Industrialization of Sports & Fitness " 🔥】
The 5th Summit: Industrialization of Sports & Fitness of Hong Kong Fitness Gyms & Studios Guide 2023, sponsored by 24/7 FITNESS and fully supported by AASFP, successfully took place at Hong Kong Metropolitan University on January 12, 2024. 🤝
During the first sharing session, Ms. Ingrid Wong - Director and CEO of 24/7 FITNESS, discussed the development trends of the Hong Kong fitness market in 2023 and the social responsibility of Hong Kong fitness brands. As the market leader in the region, our company has opened over 90 faculties in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland over the past five years, making us the most extensive provider of 24-hour fitness services in Hong Kong and Macau. Looking forward, we are actively expanding into overseas markets and introducing high-tech smart fitness services to the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.
Currently, 24/7 FITNESS sponsors more than 15 sports teams currently, including 247 women's football team, which has received a sponsorship of 1 million dollars. Our aim is to promote sports culture and support Hong Kong athletes.
📌媒體報導Media Coverage:
《青年創業軍》– 15 January 2024
香港健身Guide第五屆「運動產業化」高峰會 總結
【🎉24/7 FITNESS分店喜訊🎉】
👏🏻恭喜👏🏻 24/7 FITNESS深水埗第二分店教練Darren Yeung 💪🏻壯態大勇👍🏻 🏆早前於2023 Global Classic環球國際IFBB職業資格賽榮獲Global Classic 70kg below bodybuilding 3rd!🏆 Proud of you 👏🏻🎉🎊
24/7 FITNESS嚴選行內專業的教練,每位教練擁有不同專業資格,更屢獲殊榮,為各位會員提供更好更專業的服務!💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
【🎉24/7 FITNESS Good News🎉】
👏🏻Congratulation to our Sham Shui Po Second Branch’s coach Darren Yeung! 👏🏻 He has won Global Classic 70kg below bodybuilding 3rd at GLOBAL CLASSIC SUPERBOWL IFBB2023 earlier. 💪🏻👍🏻🏆Proud of you 👏🏻🎉🎊
We are dedicated to provide the best quality of personal training here at 24/7 FITNESS. Coaches are talented and well recognized with their own expertise. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
#健身 #24小時 #運動 #會籍 #零預繳 #按堂收費 #私人教練 #優惠 #免費體驗 #深水埗第二分店 #全港分店最多
【24/7 FITNESS分店快訊🎄🎅🏻聖誕送暖顯關懷🥰】
24/7 FITNESS義工隊熱心服務社區💪24/7 FITNESS深水埗第一及第二分店連同將軍澳第一及第四分店的同事們早前趁着聖誕佳節🎄齊齊化身做聖誕老人🎅🏻與非牟利機構「勇愛之家」💌為一班低收入家庭小朋友在聖誕節中送上一份溫暖同喜悅🩷🎁🎁一同共享節日嘅喜樂😆,為世界帶來歡笑!🥰
#社會服務 #深水埗分店 #深水埗第二分店 #將軍澳分店 #將軍澳第四分店 #聖誕節 #義工服務 #勇愛之家
🎉🎆 24/7 FITNESS &奧運男神阮馬素🎉🎆祝大家Happy & Healthy New Year 2024!❤ 😆
新一年新開始!24/7 FITNESS &奧運男神阮馬素與你一齊迎接新挑戰及實踐2024年新目標!💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 Rewrite the future!
2024年大家有什麼目標&願望? ❣立即參與 🎊《聖誕新年許願🎐 GIVEAWAY雙重獎》🎊,齊齊黎許個願,嬴取豐富禮物!
🎊《聖誕新年許願🎐 GIVEAWAY雙重獎》🎊:
🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址:
🎉🎆24/7 FITNESS & our beloved German gymnast Marcel Nguyen 🎉🎆 wishes you a Happy & Healthy New Year 2024! ❤ 😆
It is a new year! 24/7 FITNESS & Marcel are here for you to meet new challenges and help achieve your goals in 2024! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 Rewrite the future!
What's your goals & wishes in 2024? Want our special gifts? Participate in our 🎊 GIVEAWAY 🎊 now!❣
😇 Set the new goals together, break through yourself, and move towards 2024!
🏪24/7 FITNESS’s addresses & WhatsApp:
😊To Register for 1 DAY Free Trial:
#健身 #24小時 #運動 #健康 #新年快樂2024 #節日 #試玩 #阮馬素 #全港澳分店最多
【24/7 FITNESS深水埗第二分店✨教練介紹-Darren Yeung】
24/7 FITNESS嚴選行內專業的教練,每位教練擁有不同專業資格,更屢獲殊榮,為各位會員提供更好更專業的服務!為大家介紹24/7 FITNESS深水埗第二分店教練-Darren Yeung,大家平時見到佢地都可以請佢指教下!😁😁💪🏾🔥
🏪九龍深水埗福華街188號 海峯UG層
📞📲 致電/WhatsApp查詢: 6550 0247
🏪24/7 FITNESS各分店地址及WhatsApp:
😊歡迎大家登記免費體驗 💪🏾🚴🏻🏊🏻🤼🏋🏽
【24/7 FITNESS Sham Shui Po Second Branch ✨ Trainer Profile-Darren Yeung】
We are dedicated to provide the best quality of personal training here at 24/7 FITNESS. Coaches are talented and well recognized with their own expertise. Let’s us introduce our star trainer from Sham Shui Po Second Branch-Darren Yeung! You’re most welcome to talk to our trainers! 😁😁💪🏾🔥
🏪 UG /F, Vista, 188 F*k Wa Street, Sham Shui Po Kowloon
📞📲 Phone/WhatsApp: 6550 0247
🏪24/7 FITNESS HK - addresses & WhatsApp:
😊Get a FREE Trial:
▍Darren Yeung|
🏆Qualification & Awards⭐:
🏆2021 HKFBF Bodybuilding 4th
🏆2021 HKFBF Classic 3rd
🏆2023 Global Classic Bodybuilding 3rd
⭐IFBB professional league Certificate of Personal Trainer
#健身 #24小時 #運動 #會籍 #零預繳 #按堂收費 #私人教練 #優惠 #免費體驗 #深水埗第二分店 #全港分店最多
【🎉24/7 FITNESS喜訊🎉】
👏🏻恭喜👏🏻 24/7 FITNESS榮獲「全港最佳健身室獎」🏆!此外,我們有4位教練榮獲「最佳教練獎」🏆,恭喜我們的教練Brian Cheung、Iris Kwong、Alex Au Yeung 及Louis Cheuk。👏🏻🎉🎊
🙇🏻 24/7 FITNESS定當繼續力求進步,為各會員提供更優越舒適的環境設施及更優質專業的服務! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻感謝會員們的愛戴和支持!❤
【🎉24/7 FITNESS Good News🎉】
“The Award Ceremony Of HK International Function Fitness Championship 2023” hosted by Sports Performance and Functional Fitness Federation of Hong Kong, China (HKSPF3) was successfully held on 25 November 2023.
👏🏻 24/7 FITNESS is honored to be awarded the “Best Gym Award” 🏆! And also, 👏🏻Congratulation to our coach: Brian Cheung, Iris Kwong, Alex Au Yeung and Louis Cheuk! They had won “2023 Best fitness coach of Hong Kong”🏆.👏🏻🎉🎊
🙇🏻We strive to provide the best level of professional services and the best quality of personal training to our members. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 Your support is our greatest motivation! Thank you for the support from all our members!❤
#健身 #24小時 #全港分店最多
🎊《聖誕新年許願🎐 GIVEAWAY雙重獎》🎊
💗24/7 FITNESS 與你一齊迎接新一年💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻!今個聖誕新年我們為大家準備了雙重GIVEAWAY驚喜🎁 嬴取禮物方法好簡單,立即許下來年願望啦🎁:
🍀LIKE & SHARE 24/7 FITNESS香港FB或IG的許願帖,並在帖內留言寫下來年願望及Tag一位朋友,即有機會獲得以下豐富禮品!
🎉體肪測量磅 x 10份
🎉運動按摩槍 x 10份
🎉百老匯禮券 $500 x 20份
🎉男士健膚套裝(ULOS贊助)x 30份
🎉雞胸食品禮劵 $500(Optmeal贊助)x 20份
🤩今年更設有許願卡最佳設計獎20名 (送一個月會籍) ⭐
(⚠️注意: 重覆參加會被篩走⚠️)
🎉旅遊禮劵 $3000 x 5份
🎉Apple Watch Series 9 x 5份
🎉DJI OSMO ACTION 4 運動相機 x 5份
🎉SONY WH-1000XM5無線耳機 x 5份
🎉 Klook $1000禮劵x 80份
🎉一磅裝健身奶粉(Optimum Nutrition贊助)x 100份
🎄活動截止日期: 由2023年12月1日起至2024年1月7日中午12時正!🎁得獎者會有專人inbox 通知!💪🏻
如有任何爭議,24/7 FITNESS保留最終決定權。
《24/7 FITNESS X AlipayHK 11月專屬優惠》
新舊24/7 FITNESS 會員首次於AlipayHK 綁定繳費付款可享以下專屬優惠:
24/7 FITNESS 新舊會員首次連結繳費即減$10,成功開通並使用 Ant Bank Paylater 完成單筆繳費滿$2000或以上, 領劵可使用高達 $500 立減券!
*此為螞蟻銀行(香港)提供的信貸產品。借定唔借? 還得到先好借! | 受條款及細則約束。
《24/7 FITNESS X AlipayHK Flash Offers–Only in November》
24/7 FITNESS new and existing member activate and settle 24/7 FITNESS bill payment in November, enjoy $10 off. Pay once with Ant Bank Paylater with net spending of $2000 or above for a single transaction during the promotional Period, can enjoy up to $500 in instalment cash coupons.
< Grab coupons & Learn more about the rewards>
*This is a product provided by Ant Bank (Hong Kong) . To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay! | Terms and Conditions Apply
24/7 FITNESS全力支持🏀⛹日域籃球隊🏀為球隊提供完善的體能訓練支援,幫助球員保持最佳體能,以最佳狀態迎接各項比賽。🏆
球隊早前於甲二銀牌賽作賽奪得冠軍🏆🥇,壯態大勇!💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻預祝 🏀⛹日域籃球隊🏀 越戰越強,獲取佳績🏆。
24/7 FITNESS sponsors and fully supports 🏀⛹ Yat Wik Basketball Team 🏀⛹ 24/7 FITNESS provides comprehensive fitness training advice and programmes for basketball players to improve their overall physical strength as well as their performances in competitions. 🏆
The team won the championship 🏆🥇 in the senior basketball silver medal match earlier, they are ready for battles! 💪💪💪
#健身 #24小時 #香港 #運動 #健康 #支持 #日域籃球隊
#籃球 #全港最多分店
24/7 FITNESS冠名贊助247足球會,早前 (17/10) 於24/7 FITNESS九龍灣店舉行「247足球會23/24季度發佈會」,一眾隊員包括陣中全職外援也一同出席。
24/7 FITNESS關心香港體育發展,全力支持運動員追夢,培育香港足球精英,推廣健身運動文化,為香港體育發展作出貢獻。期望247足球會以最佳狀態迎接各項比賽,在比賽中取得佳績。
【247 Football Club Quarterly Conference 23/24】
24/7 FITNESS, as the title sponsor of 247 Football Club, recently held the "247 Football Club 23/24 Season Press Conference" at 24/7 FITNESS Kowloon Bay earlier (17/10), with the attendance of all the team members, including the full-time foreign supporters of the team.
24/7 FITNESS cares about the athletes and the development of sports culture in Hong Kong. The sponsorship aims at supporting the long-term training of Hong Kong athletes. 24/7 FITNESS provides comprehensive fitness training advice and programmes for football players to improve their overall physical strength as well as their performances in competitions. They are ready for battles. Good luck to the team!
#健身 #24小時 #香港 #運動 #健康 #支持 #247足球會
#247女子足球隊 #足球 #全港最多分店
🗞媒體報導 Media Coverage:
本地女足球會獲百萬贊助 目標五年內戰亞冠:宣揚做運動是開心的 | 香港01 https://www.hk01.com/article/952106?utm_source=01articlecopy&utm_medium=referral
247足球會辦發布會 贊助商代表:成績係其次 | on.cc東網 | 體波 https://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/sport/20231017/bkn-20231017151906809-1017_00882_001.html
體路【女足】247贊助商涉足球圈有因 「想回饋本土運動員,無憂無慮安心發展」
【文匯報】首戰女甲聯賽 247足球會向夢想前進
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UG/F, VISTA, 188 F*k Wa Street
Sham Shui Po
Sham Shui Po
60分钟內爆汗又好玩 ,一班名額5个,報完即止,想報名就快啦。
Shop 105C, 1/F. , Manhattan Mid-Town, 1 Po Lun Street, Mei Foo, Kowloon
Sham Shui Po
� 九龍美孚 寶輪街1號曼克頓山 曼坊商場1樓 105C舖 ● Shop 105C, 1/F., Manhattan Mid-Town, 1 Po Lun Street, Mei Foo, Kowloon � MTR: 美孚站 A出口 ● Mei Foo Station, Exit A.