AAA Learning & Participation

This is an Asia Art Archive Learning & Participation platform to provide resources for learning and teaching contemporary art.

AAA’s Learning & Participation programme was established in 2007 to expand the possibilities for public interaction with the Archive. By using its unique collection as a platform for ’archive education’, AAA hopes to redefine the ways audiences might learn about contemporary art and enrich the way global art history is perceived and defined. AAA is not an educational institution, and neither does

Photos from Asia Art Archive's post 30/05/2024
Photos from AAA Learning & Participation's post 30/04/2024

Unboxing the Archive | Artist-led Workshops for School Groups

The archival process, and indeed, the archive itself, can often seem mysterious to newcomers. How does it function? What does it remember? In this new series, Asia Art Archive invites two emerging artist-educators – Jocelin Kee and Vivian Wong – to design a set of workshops that aim to connect students to the work of documentation and preservation in Hong Kong Art History.

More Details:
Register here:




Photos from AAA Learning & Participation's post 18/03/2024

【活動回顧】2024教學實驗室 | 從回溯媒體藝術想像科技未來

感謝各位前來參加「2024教學實驗室」第一場公開講座「 從回溯媒體藝術想像科技未來」和教師工作坊,觀眾的積極提問和老師們分享的獨有見解都為我們帶來更多啟發,期待在未來的活動中都能再次見到大家!我們也由衷感謝藝術家鮑藹倫和研究員黃小燕在過程中為我們盡心梳理、分享80年代以來科技與媒體的演變及她們個人的實踐和研究。講座的錄影將在未來幾星期上傳至我們網頁,敬請期待!另外,四月十三日是「教學實驗室」系列活動的第二場教師工作坊。我們期待王培生老師屆時為我們帶來更多藝術教學實踐分享。

【Activity Review】2024 Teaching Labs | Retracing the Futures of Technology through Media Art Practice

Led by Ellen Pau and Phoebe Wong, session one of our 2024 Teaching Labs has concluded with great success, and we thank all those who attended for coming and sharing your valuable insights! It was a pleasure to have such a warm and responsive audience, and we hope to see you all again at our upcoming events. We’re also grateful to Ellen and Phoebe for the tremendous effort they put into the preparation process, and the care and consideration with which they handled every question.

The video recording of the talk will be uploaded onto our programme page within the coming weeks, so please stay tuned! Furthermore, look forward to Session Two of Teaching Labs, led by artist-educator Wang Peisheng on April 13.

Photos from AAA Learning & Participation's post 27/02/2024

【Art Basel Conversations】

Join us at AAA on Thursday for Art Basel Conversations, a talk hosted in collaboration with our cultural partner Art Basel, and featuring an exciting panel of three independent art spaces: Tomorrow, Maybe, New Park, and Current Plans.

The talk will be conducted in Cantonese, and English Simultaneous Interpretation will be available.






講座 | 從回溯媒體藝術想像科技未來
2024 年3月9日(星期六)上午 10時30分至中午 12時30分

教師工作坊 (一) | 鮑藹倫:藝術概念與媒介的慎思明辨
2024年3月9日(星期六)下午 2時至4時


教師工作坊(二) | 王培生:拆解課堂中的科技與藝術
2024年4月13日(星期六)下午 2時至5時




【Join AAA’s 2024 Teaching Lab Series】

Asia Art Archive (AAA) presents a public talk and two educator workshops responding to the growing discussion on the integration of technology in education and the need for educators to adapt to a rapidly changing media landscape. The talk will discuss the development of art in Hong Kong in the context of media development, while two workshops designed for educators will explore debates on using new media in art practice and education.

Read more:

Register now:

Talk: Retracing the Futures of Technology through Media Art Practice

Date & Time: Sat, 9 Mar 2024,10:30AM-12:30PM HKT

Speakers: Ellen Pau (Artist) and Phoebe Wong (Head of Research, Videotage)
Language: Cantonese

Educator Workshop #1: Ellen Pau | Critical Thinking on Artistic Concepts and Mediums

Date & Time: Sat, 9 Mar 2024, 2–4pm HKT

Facilitator: Ellen Pau (Artist)
Language: Cantonese
Quota: 25

*The workshop, offered exclusively to teachers, is a continuation of the talk. Attending the talk is compulsory for teachers who wish to participate in the workshop.

Educators Workshop #2: Wang Peisheng | Unpacking Technology and Art in Class
Date & Time: Sat, 13 Apr 2024, 2–5pm HKT
Facilitator: Wang Peisheng (Artist-Educator)
Language: Mandarin
Quota: 25

*The workshop is offered exclusively to teachers.

Photo: Courtesy of Ellen pau


下週六,亞洲藝術文獻庫參與及教學策劃總監鍾玉文將於艺鵠書店主持「如何行動讓身體陪伴靈魂」分享會 ,分享者是來自澳門的藝術家梁祖賢及策展人林小雯。她們將就藝術家最新的藝術出版物《身體陪伴靈魂的二十個生活行動》展開探討在日常生活中可以實踐的行動,以及用藝術家練習作為創作的媒介,發掘個人微細的感官體驗能為我們帶來的感悟。 歡迎大家報名參與,將不同的藝術練習方式帶入課堂。



時間:2:30 - 4:00 pm





梁祖賢 (Joein Leong)
澳門藝術家。她擅於利用其纖細的女性觸覺創作,試探領域包括錄像、攝影、設計、陶藝及填詞,藉以對生命、對世界作出回應。 曾於北京、西安、重慶、首爾、台北、香港、澳門展出。近年參展與演出作品有:《簡單身體運動》、《靜默‧影照》、 《靜默‧移轉》(澳門城市藝穗節)、《雲雲—觀念攝影作品展》、《影落此城》(澳門藝術節)、《EXiM—澳門實驗錄像活動》、《腦背山下攝影展》、《20/20澳門字體百分百設計交流展》、《海報設計展‧首爾》。在「A' 國際設計大獎」、「澳門設計雙年展」獲得海報設計及書籍設計等獎項。

林小雯 (Lam Sio Man)

鍾玉文 (Susanna Chung)
亞洲藝術文獻庫參與及教學策劃總監,兼任特別企劃總監。自2005年加入文獻庫,她一直在香港及亞洲各地推動不同的項目及合作關係,促進有關當代藝術教育的討論,並建立社群。近年共同帶領文獻庫於「第十五屆卡塞爾文獻展」的展覽、《群策群學》項目及《流動圖書館 :尼泊爾站》。


【Last call | Spring 2024 Internship】

The application for AAA’s Spring 2024 internship is closing soon on Tuesday, 16 January!

We offer long-term (45 days) and short-term (30 days) internships to undergraduate and graduate students from both local and international schools. The internship is in-person only, and will run from February to June 2024.

Positions are available in our Communications, Development, Editorial, Learning & Participation, Library, and Research teams. Join us now and learn more about the application via

Photo: Moving Image Studio


*Final Call* Educators Open House 2023 | Speculations in Artistic Research and Practice
Programme Details:
Register Now:
Session 1:Threads, Trails, Travels: Mrinalini Mukherjee’s Artistic Research (English)
Date & Time: Sat, 23 Sept 2023, 10am–1pm HKT

The first session of Educator Open House will revolve around the recently launched Mrinalini Mukherjee archive, featuring talk, exhibition tour, and artist-led weaving workshops. Welcome to join us!


「最新活動」 教學隨意門2023:構想藝術式探究和實踐
第一節:2023年9月23日(週六)10:00-13:00 (英語)
第二節:2023年10月7日(週六)14:00-17:30 (廣東話及英語)

活動分為兩節:第一節圍繞近期發布的Mrinalini Mukherjee檔案,設有講座、展覽導賞和藝術家帶領的編織工作坊;第二節則由香港浸會大學視覺藝術院的講師兼藝術家黃詠珊和設計師徐僖鮮主持,他們將鼓勵參與者善用插畫與平面設計作為媒介,推動研究和創意實驗。歡迎本地和國際學校教授視覺藝術、人文學科、社會科學和知識理論的教師及職前教師參加!


【Talk | Rooted Networks: Field Notes from Oaxaca】

As the inaugural speaker of AAA’s new talk series “Learning Contexts,” artist-educator Jaime Ruíz Martínez will share crucial political context on the relationship between art and education in Mexico since the 1920s. Starting with the inception of the Secretaría de Educación Pública SEP (Department of Public Education) in 1921, Ruíz connects various incidents that transformed anti-systemic sentiment into fuel for building self-organised cultural networks.

Drawing upon his experience navigating arts and education circuits in his hometown of Oaxaca and in his current role at Museo Tamayo, Ruíz shares hybrid strategies built upon principles of reciprocity and sustainability that integrate knowledge from both native communities and institutional work as resources.

This talk marks the beginning of Ruíz’s residency at AAA in June, where he will work on-site to explore our Collections and discuss education methodologies with local art education and community practitioners.

Register now:

Learn more:

Photos from AAA Learning & Participation's post 24/02/2023

【活動回顧】教學實驗室|講座及工作坊 | 在個人和集體之間的藝術

是次教學實驗室結合圖書館展覽《群策群學》,文獻庫研究總監譚鴻鈞與參加者一同探討藝術群體在亞洲形成的歷史與背景。其後在教育工作坊,透過小組討論的方式,嘗試一同構思在課堂中引入「 共學」理念的方法,互相交流對於見解。

【Activity Review】Teaching Lab|Art between the Individual and the Collective

This teaching lab is led by our Head of Research, John Tain. In the sharing session, John introduces the historical background of the emergence of art collectives, as well as prompting participants to reflect on the distinction between groups and collectives, as well as the relationship between the individual and the collective across various Asian contexts. The workshop for educators, conducted in a group discussion and Q&A format, offers a platform for educators to engage and exchange ideas. During the interaction, teachers shared their ideas and John addresses teachers’ concerns regarding introducing collective practices into the classroom setting.
We will continue to hold different learning programmes for educators and we look forward to meeting you again soon!


講座 | 課室以外:關於藝術家練習的討論
項目源起2021年,文獻庫公開招募六個來自亞洲的藝術家兼教育工作者及藝術群體,以文獻庫館藏出發為不同目標受眾構思一系列具創意的藝術家練習。為延續練習所啟發的興趣和關注,本項目邀得駐加德滿都教育工作者及作家Niranjan Kunwar回應練習系列,並主持一場對談,討論藝術在當今教育的角色,探討教育工作者如何支援學生聯繫其身處環境。


Talk|Expanding Education Settings: A Discussion on Artist Exercises
Sat, 25 Feb 2023 4:15–5:45pm HKT
Programme Details:
Register Now:

This online talk is presented by art educators from across Asia on alternative and expanded settings for learning today. In 2021, AAA announced an open call, and six artist-educators and collectives from across Asia and the Asian diaspora were selected to develop a series of creative Artist Exercises for their communities of learners, drawing inspiration from AAA’s Collections.
To extend the interests and concerns raised in the exercises, this programme invites Kathmandu-based educator and writer Niranjan Kunwar to respond to the series, and to mediate a conversation around the role of art in education today, with an emphasis on supporting learners to engage with their surrounding environments.


【Workshop | Do It Together: Linocut Postcard Workshop】

In this workshop, 點印社 Printhow will guide participants to create print postcards about people or places they miss, touching upon growing sentiment towards loss and separation experienced in recent years in Hong Kong.

Participants will learn basic linocut techniques to create their own prints, and explore how printmaking can act as a medium to document collective effort, encourage self-expression, and build emotional solidarity.

Register for the free workshop here:

The workshop is limited to fifteen people on a first-register, first-served basis. Materials will be provided, and no prior knowledge regarding printmaking is required. Please note that this workshop will involve handling sharp art utensils.

Image: Printmaking workshop conducted by Printhow. Courtesy of Printhow.


Join us next Sat!

【Talk | Expanding Education Settings】

How can artist-educators act as mediators between teachers and students? How can exercises inspired by archives make pedagogical practices more local and personal? And, in a rapidly changing world, how can we think more broadly about what constitutes a “setting” for education?

In this talk, Kathmandu-based educator and writer Niranjan Kunwar responds to a series of Artist Exercises initiated by AAA’s open call in 2021, where six artist-educators and collectives from across Asia and the Asian diaspora were selected to develop exercises in creativity for their communities of learners, drawing inspiration from AAA’s Collections. Kunwar will be in conversation with Open Call selectees Anga Art Collective (Guwahati, India), Omnispace (Bandung, Indonesia) (OmniSpace ID), and Czar Kristoff (Laguna, Philippines).

Register for the talk:

Teachers and pre-service teachers from all disciplines are especially encouraged to participate. A certificate will be given to participants upon request as proof of Continuing Professional Development of Teachers (CPD).

Learn more:

Image: Material collection exercise during kNOw school workshop with students of Vidya: The Living School, 2021. Courtesy of Anga Art Collective.


Join us this Sat at AAA renovated library!

【Talk | Art Between the Individual and the Collective】

In the last few years, collective forms of artistic practice have come into vogue in the field of contemporary art. AAA Head of Research John Tain will provide some historical background for understanding the emergence of art collectives as a phenomenon and explore the relationship between the individual and the collective in different contexts across Asia.

Following the talk, a workshop for educators will open up discussions on methods of introducing contemporary art to classroom settings. The workshop promotes a learning community and welcomes teachers and pre-service teachers from all disciplines to participate. An optional tour of the exhibition The Collective School will be conducted after the workshop.

The talk is open to the public with registration and will be held at AAA’s library from 10:30–11:45am. The workshop (11:45am–12:30pm, AAA’s library) and exhibition tour (12:30–1pm) are exclusive to educators.

Register for either—or all events—via the link below:

Learn more:

Image: “Washing Silk by Jin River,” Keepers of the Waters (Chengdu), 1995. Betsy Damon Archive, AAA Collections. Courtesy of Betsy Damon.


Please join us!

【Talk | Expanding Education Settings】

How can artist-educators act as mediators between teachers and students? How can exercises inspired by archives make pedagogical practices more local and personal? And, in a rapidly changing world, how can we think more broadly about what constitutes a “setting” for education?

In this talk, Kathmandu-based educator and writer Niranjan Kunwar responds to a series of Artist Exercises initiated by AAA’s open call in 2021, where six artist-educators and collectives from across Asia and the Asian diaspora were selected to develop exercises in creativity for their communities of learners, drawing inspiration from AAA’s Collections. Kunwar will be in conversation with Open Call selectees Anga Art Collective (Guwahati, India), Omnispace (Bandung, Indonesia) (OmniSpace ID), and Czar Kristoff (Laguna, Philippines).

Register for the talk:

Teachers and pre-service teachers from all disciplines are especially encouraged to participate. A certificate will be given to participants upon request as proof of Continuing Professional Development of Teachers (CPD).

Learn more:

Image: Material collection exercise during kNOw school workshop with students of Vidya: The Living School, 2021. Courtesy of Anga Art Collective.


教學實驗室|2023 年 2 月 18 日(星期六)
💡講座: 在個人和集體之間的藝術
時間10:30 至11:45
時間:11:45 至12:30
時間: 12:30至13:00

亞洲藝術文獻庫「教學實驗室」2023年度主題為“藝術群體”。是次活動包括專題講座探討藝術群體在亞洲形成的背景;並在講座後舉辦教育工作坊,為教育工作者介紹文獻庫的相關館藏,和教師一同構思在課堂中引入當代藝術的方法。 我們將提供圖書館展覽《群策群學》導賞供老師選擇參加。

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*Final Call* Educators Open House 2023 | Speculations in Artistic Research and Practice Programme Details:



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