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Photos from Q agency's post 02/09/2024

No rest for our AI R&D Director 🗣️
We're honoured to share that our very own Zlatko Matokanović, Director of Q's AI R&D, will be speaking at not one, but two AI events this September!

🗓️ TINEL Meetup (Sep 10)
Zlatko will kick off the month at Tinel Meetup, discussing how can streamline processes, boost productivity, and bring innovation to our routines.

🗓️ AI Weekend (Sep 19-22)
Later this month, Zlatko will present at AI Weekend, sharing insights on the latest AI advancements. We're also excited that our business partner, Mazin Gadir, will join as well as a speaker, bringing his experience and authority in the field to the event.

We’re incredibly proud of Zlatko and look forward to seeing the impact he'll make at these events. If you're attending either event, make sure to catch what he has to say.

Basics of Microfrontends 25/07/2024

Our Engineering Lead, Marijo Kiš, has prepared a tutorial on the basics of microfrontends. 🧑🏻‍💻

For those interested in this topic, eager to learn something new, or just wanting to support our new star who loves the camera (and the camera loves him back), don't think twice and check out what Professor Kiš has to say.

Basics of Microfrontends Marijo Kiš, our Engineering Lead, has prepared a tutorial on the basics of microfrontends.For those interested in this topic, eager to learn something new, o...

Što je microfrontend i kako programerima olakšava život? 19/07/2024

Little tiny microfrontends making very big things!

U konstantnoj potrazi za učinkovitijim rješenjima za naše klijente i nas same, naš developer Hrvoje malo se raspričao o microfrontend arhitekturi koju implementiramo već neko vrijeme pri razvoju rješenja.

Zašto to radimo, olakšava li nam to posao i koje benefite to nosi našim klijentima i kranjim korisnicima, saznajte u Bug.hr članku! 👇🏼

Što je microfrontend i kako programerima olakšava život? Korištenje microfrontenda u razvoju frontend rješenja donosi niz prednosti za vlasnike aplikacija ili web stranica. Na primjer, svaki segment njihove web stranice ili aplikacije može se ažurirati neovisno, zbog čega se potencijalne greške brže ispravljaju, a nove značajke se mogu brzo implem...

How Microfrontends Enhance our Digital Solutions - Q agency 18/07/2024

Check out what our Solution Architect, Hrvoje, has to say about the successful integration of architecture into our development processes.

We showcased this innovative approach in a major project for our dear Middle Eastern client — serving over 12 million users, this project demonstrates the substantial benefits of in modern digital solutions. 👇🏼

How Microfrontends Enhance our Digital Solutions - Q agency Learn how we successfully integrated microfrontends into our development processes, showcasing our innovative approach.

What Our Clients Say 08/07/2024

Starting the week on a high note with this clip! 🚀

We've put together a compilation of our client testimonials — take a look at what our partners from BPP, Smart Pension, News UK, and other industry leaders have to say about working with us.

It’s words like these that truly keep us going!

What Our Clients Say We've put together a compilation of our client testimonials — take a look at what our partners from BPP, Smart Pension, News UK, and other industry leaders h...

Photos from Q agency's post 26/06/2024

Too hot to handle. And we mean it. 😁

Last Friday, with temperatures of 60°C and humidity at 140% (scientifically proven by Vakula ✅), we were all melting like ice cream, including our DJ, (but that kinda makes sense though).

And yet despite the Armageddon from Sahara 🐪, we had a fantastic time celebrating the arrival of summer with sizzling BBQ, refreshing drinks, and good old mingle with colleagues.

Next year, mandatory gear will include hand fans 🪭 and mini ventilators for sure.

Until next time!

Life at Q I Depuzzling Presales with Jelena 12/06/2024

Jelena, naša PREdobra PREsales Engineerka bila je gošća novog Life at Q-a i u novoj epizodi za sve koji žele znati više napokon demistificirala što to točno rade Presaleovci. 👩🏻‍💻

Osim svog posla (obv), Jelena obožava putovati i slagati puzzle 🧩, a ako je vas zapuzzlalo čime se sve njezin tim bavi, a čime ona kad ne ide s calla na call s klijentima, bacite oko na novi Life at Q. ⬇️

Life at Q I Depuzzling Presales with Jelena U novoj epizodi upoznat ćemo našu Jelena Jurisic iz Presales Engineering tima koja je za sve koji žele znati više napokon demistificirala što to točno naši P...

Photos from Q agency's post 11/06/2024

Incredible two days at Debug last week! Check out some of the highlights 📸 from the conference with our panelist and CEO Hrvoje Gorajscan as well as speakers Tomas Martincic and Tomislav Bali.

Huge kudos to the entire team for consistently outdoing themselves with stellar organisation year after year. 👏🏼

Photos from Q agency's post 05/06/2024

Great times at last week’s Q Connect AI panel! Here's a few photos 📸 to see how it went.

Huge thanks to Aleksandar, Jan, Martina, Zlatko, and Bernard for sharing their expertise and sparking an insightful discussion on artificial intelligence and all of its possibilities. 🙇🏻‍♂️

Q Connect: AI je postao mainstream tema, ali mnogi još ne znaju kako iskoristiti tu tehnologiju 04/06/2024

AI meetup in da house! 🏠
Evo što ekipa iz Poslovnog dnevnika kaže o našem prošlotjednom AI panelu.

Hvala Aleksandru, Janu, Martini i Zlatku, bili ste genijalni!

AI će se morati jako namučiti ako želi zamijeniti ovakve vrhunske eksperte, ma koliko god mi ponekad bili uvjereni da može apsolutno sve. 😃

Q Connect: AI je postao mainstream tema, ali mnogi još ne znaju kako iskoristiti tu tehnologiju Predstavnici domaćih kompanija i relevantnih udruga raspravljali su o svojim poslovnim odlukama zašto su fokusirali na AI rješenja i benefitima koje su ostvarili.U samo dvije godine od pojavljivanja modela poput ChatGPT-ija broj kompanija koje ulažu u AI je u neprestanom rastu, a mnoge od njih p...

GitHub Copilot: Unlocking Smart Coding with Your AI Development Assistant - Q agency 28/05/2024

Our React Engineer, Leni, wrote a blog post on GitHub Copilot, the world's most widely adopted AI developer tool.

Leni’s article provides an overview of its features, practical examples, and insights into how it enhances the development workflow.

Check it out, explore the potential of and boost your coding productivity. 👇🏼

GitHub Copilot: Unlocking Smart Coding with Your AI Development Assistant - Q agency Exploring the potential of GitHub Copilot: Enhancing developers' capabilities and boosting coding productivity


As part of our new Q Connect talks series, we’re hosting a panel discussion next Tuesday, May 28, in our office with in focus and the hype that’s been surrounding it for almost a year and a half.

As it stands, this hype shows no signs of stopping. 😃

For the event, we’ve gathered top experts from the AI field who will join us to share their knowledge and experiences regarding artificial intelligence: Aleksandar Raić from Infobip, Martina Silov from CroAI , Jan Štedul from Mindsmiths, and Zlatko Matokanović from Q.

The panel moderator will be Bernard Ivezić, CEO of Unicorn Underground, who will first present his research on AI in the Croatian startup scene. 🧑🏻‍💻

You can RSVP to our event on Meetup.com ➡️ https://www.meetup.com/q-connect/events/301152174/ or on our Facebook event.

See you next Tuesday!

Iva ima stalni posao, ali ne prestaje putovati i istraživati svijet: “Svi se iznenade, ali rad na daljinu daje mi fleksibilnost i otvara brojne mogućnosti” - Putnikofer.hr 21/05/2024

Naša React-Iva je s bucket liste do sada prekrižila preko 30 država! 🌍

Kako uspijeva toliko putovati i još napredovati u karijeri i tech svijetu, podijelila je s ekipom portala Putni Kofer.

Više o Ivinoj ljubavi za otkrivanjem novih destinacija, gastro iskustava i različitih kultura u članku ispod. 👇🏼

Iva ima stalni posao, ali ne prestaje putovati i istraživati svijet: “Svi se iznenade, ali rad na daljinu daje mi fleksibilnost i otvara brojne mogućnosti” - Putnikofer.hr Ravnoteža između privatnog i poslovnog života sve je bitniji element kod odabira poslodavca, što potvrđuju istraživanja poput Deloitteovog '2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey', koje pokazuje da čak 43 posto pripadnika Gen Z postavljaju work-life balance kao najveći prioritet prilikom odabira p...

Koje prednosti donosi big data, u koju ulaže preko 95% kompanija? 10/05/2024

Naši data engineeri, Tomas i Ante su s ekipom iz Debuga podijelili kako analiza oblikuje poslovne strategije, otkrili primjere primjene ove tehnologije te izazove i prepreke s kojima se najčešće susreću.

Više u članku! 👇🏼

Koje prednosti donosi big data, u koju ulaže preko 95% kompanija? U današnjem digitalnom dobu, podaci su postali ključni resurs za razvoj poslovanja tvrtki diljem svijeta. Rješenja iz područja big data analize sve više dobivaju na važnosti, nudeći dublje uvide i omogućavajući otkrivanje vrijednih trendova koji možda nisu odmah vidljivi kroz tradicionalne...


Njegova ekscelencija spaja izvrsnost sa psihologijom. ✨

Upoznajte Matiju, edukanta psihoterapije i našeg direktora nove Center of Excellence vertikale, koji je Sari objasnio što je to CoE koji sada obuhvaća Q-ove najveće eksperte iz svih naših tehnologija okupljene na jednom mjestu. 🧑🏻‍💻

Primarna uloga ove vertikale bit će implementacija top-notch praksi po pojedinim tehničkim domenama, pružanje usluga dodatne vrijednosti klijentima, kao i support timovima u rješavanju najizazovnijih tehničkih pitanja.

A uz sve što radi u Q-u, Matija se educira za tjelesno orijentiranu psihoterapiju 🧘🏻 pa pogledajte i što ga je navelo da se okuša i u ovim vodama, i po čemu se ovaj tip psihoterapije razlikuje od drugih.

Coffee time ☕️, check it out.

P.S. Matija, očekujemo neki popust za Q ekipu jednom kad dobiješ licencu. But no pressure. 😃

Early AI Technology Adoption: Launch of Q's AI R&D Vertical - Q agency 03/05/2024

Given the ever-increasing role that plays in business and our lives, we’ve recently formed a new vertical dedicated to and its development, with the blog's author, Zlatko as its Director.

From laying solid foundations as a data-driven company to implementing sophisticated AI tools in order to strengthen our operational efficiency and competitive edge — this article takes you through our AI journey. 🧑🏻‍💻

Full story down here!👇🏼

Early AI Technology Adoption: Launch of Q's AI R&D Vertical - Q agency Long before the AI technology hype, we'd made a decision to turn Q into a data-driven company, and now we're launching a new AI R&D vertical.

Supabase vs Firebase: A Detailed Flutter Integration Comparison - Q agency 29/04/2024

Our Flutter connoisseur, Adrijan, made an extensive comparison of two popular backend services in the ecosystem: and .

Each has its own unique set of features, along with its own list of pros and cons, and choosing the best one can make or break your .

Check out this Flutter gem! ⬇️

Supabase vs Firebase: A Detailed Flutter Integration Comparison - Q agency When developing any app with Flutter, choosing the right backend service can make or break the success of the app.

Life at Q - Kristijan, the IT BAndit 11/04/2024

Tko je doveo ovog padobranca 🪂 u (Life at) Q? 😃

Osim što skače s 3,500 m visine, Kristijan, zvijezda nove epizode podijelio je što sve uključuje uloga Business Analysta, zašto obećava klijentu i moguće i nemoguće i je li to samo da iznervira developere?

Pogledaj, odgledaj i doznaj koju je još posebno lijepu vijest otkrio ekipi na snimanju. ⬇️

Life at Q - Kristijan, the IT BAndit Vidi se iz a-a-a-aviona da je naš BA Kristijan Nikolozo izownao novi Life at Q!Osim što nam je otkrio da skače s 3500 m visine, zvijezda nove epke podijelila...

Tackling the Top 10 Resourcing Challenges at Q agency - Q agency 10/04/2024

2nd blog post in our series is out!
Check out what Marija wrote and learn more about the challenges of at Q ➡️ from navigating scheduling conflicts to strategies lead us to achieving our goals.

Tackling the Top 10 Resourcing Challenges at Q agency - Q agency Explore the challenges of resourcing coordination at Q: from navigating scheduling conflicts to strategies that guide us towards success.

Hrvoje Gorajščan, novi direktor Q-a: Dio razvoja posvetit ćemo umjetnoj inteligenciji 09/04/2024

Evo što o našem novom lideru piše Lider. 📝 Ekipa, hvala na shareu!

Hrvoje Gorajščan, novi direktor Q-a: Dio razvoja posvetit ćemo umjetnoj inteligenciji Sredinom travnja hrvatska IT tvrtka Q, koja razvija softverska rješenja za globalne klijente iz automobilske, farmaceutske, financijske i medijske industrije, dobit će novo vodstvo, ali i novi smje...


Math doesn’t lie, it only takes to be bald (and bold❗️) to become Q’s CEO.

As you might’ve heard, Harry, our multitasking robot man who developed his holograms long, long ago so that he could handle all the work he has on his plate, is our new leader!

All jokes aside, we're absolutely thrilled that a new era has begun, and that our main go-to for debugging every code issue is now guiding Q toward new horizons of success.

Q ima novog CEO-a: Hrvoja Gorajščana 03/04/2024

Nova era je tu! 🚀
Hrvoje Gorajščan, poznatiji u nas i kao Harry G, novi je gazda Q-a! Ovo je bio logičan potez s obzirom da je naš dojučerašnji CTO preko 7 godina s nama, a već 5 godina je i suvlasnik tvrtke.

Naši dosadašnji CEO, Filip i COO, Dalibor, preuzet će strateške funkcije predsjednika Chairmana i Co-Chairmana te pomagati preostaloj management trojici, Harryju, Vedranu i Goranu po pitanju coachinga i razvoja poslovne strategije.

S više od 20 godina iskustva u developmentu i upravljanju, upravo će Harry kao sposobna i jaka tehnička osoba na čelu developerske firme zasigurno nastaviti doprinositi daljnjem rastu i razvoju Q-a.

Sretno našem novom CEO-u na novoj poziciji 🍀, you're gonna crush it!

Q ima novog CEO-a: Hrvoja Gorajščana Na tu funkciju dolazi s pozicije suvlasnika i glavnog tehničkog direktora Q-a na kojoj je bio posljednjih pet godina.

Drupal: Core Solutions, Custom APIs & Symfony Collaboration - Q agency 02/04/2024

Learn more about the content-centric power of and how well it integrates with in our latest blog post, where we examine similar code snippets and the mutually beneficial relationship between the two frameworks.

Time to read.👇🏼

Drupal: Core Solutions, Custom APIs & Symfony Collaboration - Q agency Discover the power of Drupal, how well it integrates with Symfony, and the mutually beneficial relationship between the two frameworks.

Photos from Q agency's post 25/03/2024

devs and enthusiasts finally gathered up last week at Q after a while for the ZgPHP meetup #147! And we can only say, can’t wait to host another event like this. 🚀

This meetup brought two great talks: 'Survive the December investor's call' by Jan Bjelicic from TransferGo and 'OpenTelemetry integration in Laravel apps' by one of our own, Ivan Nemec.

Thanks everyone for coming, and here’s to many more meetups in the future.

AI Project Management: Dystopian Myth or Utopian Reality? - Q agency 22/03/2024

AI has definitely emerged as the pivotal force in crafting solutions that go over the traditional boundaries.

Check out our newest blog post and learn how AI helps reshape , turns challenges into opportunities and redefines the benchmarks of success. ⬇️

AI Project Management: Dystopian Myth or Utopian Reality? - Q agency Delve into how AI reshapes project management, turns challenges into opportunities and redefines the benchmarks of success.

Q za WaterBear radi streaming platformu posvećenu očuvanju Zemlje 14/03/2024

Svjetski, a naše ✨
Izdvajati najdraži projekt od svih na kojima radimo sigurno ne bi bilo profesionalno, al ovaj nam je baš, baš jako jako drag. 😃

Riječ je o WaterBear Networku, prvoj interaktivnoj streaming platformi posvećenoj očuvanju budućnosti našeg planeta. 🌎

Prošle godine smo za WB ekipu pokrenuli verziju 2.0 njihove web i mobile platforme, a sada Q tim kreće u razvoj novog projekta — WaterBear Academyja, e-learning platforme koja će naglasak imati na jačanju ekološke osviještenosti.

Malo je reći da smo ponosni što smo dio ovakvih projekata usmjerenih prema očuvanju Zemlje, a našoj ekipi želimo svu sreću u nastavku projekta!

Q za WaterBear radi streaming platformu posvećenu očuvanju Zemlje Poznata domaća IT tvrtka u suradnji s WaterBearom spaja tehnologiju i zaštitu okoliša, izradom streaming platforme koja će podići razinu osviještenosti o bitnim ekološkim pitanjima Hrvatski Q radi na razvoju nove platforme za WaterBear, streaming rješenju nalik Netflixu koje korisnicima omog...

Handling Authentication State With go_router and Riverpod - Q agency 13/03/2024

If you started using go_router for navigation and Riverpod for state management in your project, but struggle to properly set up and handle authentication state, Ivan's blog post is exactly what you're looking for.

Take a look. ⬇️

Handling Authentication State With go_router and Riverpod - Q agency This blog post touches on setting up and handling authentication state and ensuring some routes can be accessed only when logged in using go_router and Riverpod.

Photos from Q agency's post 08/03/2024

Happy International Women's Day to all the incredible women out there!

Here at Q, championing women's empowerment is integral to our identity and an essential driver of our success, and we’re proud of each of the 74 women in our company.

We asked our IT girls what it’s like to be a woman in a predominantly male world, and we got some pretty interesting answers ➡️ swipe left to check them out.

Make sure you celebrate your day right. We’ve got our girls covered, as something special is coming up for them today. Stay tuned. 📡

AI-generated Content — How Much Is Too Much? - Q agency 07/03/2024

Let's face it, we've all been relying on more than we should at times, haven't we? 😃

Ante touched on this hot topic, specifically in regards to websites, and whether the use of AI-generated content is beneficial for our website, or on the contrary, harmful, and in what way it can affect our rankings, and .

Do search engines like Google penalize AI-generated content, or is it just a myth? Can all this ultimately harm our website? Let's find out in this blog post!

AI-generated Content — How Much Is Too Much? - Q agency In this blog post, we touch on the use of AI-generated content, its benefits, drawbacks, and its effect on page rankings, authority and SEO.

Navigating the Flow: Meet Q's Resourcing Team - Q agency 27/02/2024

📝 Our first blog post in the series takes you behind the scenes with the Resourcing team, showcasing the art of and the team’s dynamics.

Marija, our Resource Coordination Expert, shares her knowledge on how her team manages to unlock the potential of each of our project teams. 💡

Navigating the Flow: Meet Q's Resourcing Team - Q agency In this blog post, we explore the synergy of Q agency’s Resourcing Team: their role, daily dynamics, and the strategic impact they make.

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We are Q

#1 fastest growing software and design agency in Europe. Operating through offices in Croatia (HQ), Switzerland, Germany, Austria, UK and USA. We cover a full 360° product lifecycle – from business idea to final product – by offering a wide range of IT services to clients in 20 countries worldwide, from New York to Dubai.

Our team consists of top-notch Developers, Project Managers, Business Analysts, Designers, UX Experts, QA Engineers and the Support Team. We have helped over 200 clients grow globally, from Fortune 500 companies to the leading tech startups. That is why our moto is:

“Whatever the Q, we got the A”.

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Videos (show all)

Beneath the Waves with Subsea 7 🌊Filip had a great talk with Rodrigo from Subsea 7 Official, the leading global provider...
Upoznajte Matiju Popovica, direktora Center of Excellence tima!
Tko je Matija Popovic?
Kavica sa Sarom I Matija Popovic
New CEO Takes the Spotlight!
[Plant & Wine & More Wine]For those who’ve been wondering how our Women’s Day Plant & Wine workshop turned out, here’s a...
Što je važno u leadershipu?
Tech Radar #161
Q agency Clutch awards
Meet the Team | Solution Architects
Office tour iz perspektive backend developera 😎📍💻🏓
Life at Q | Our Talent(ed) Duo



Reljkovićeva 4

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