Idea to Business Academy
Közeli iskolákban tematikájú vállalkozások
Fővám tér 8.
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Fővám Tér
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Fővám Tér
Fővám Tér 8. Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem E
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Fővám Tér 8. E-116
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Fővám Tér 8. C Épület 3. Emelet 306. Iroda
Idea to Business Academy is a free of charge, 7- month exercise based programme that will take place in Budapest.
AIESEC in collaboration with Europa Media is happy to announce the launch of a new programme for students who have a business idea and need a springboard to make it become real. Idea to Business Academy is a free of charge, 7- month exercise based programme that will take place in Budapest . The academy aims to encourage the next-gen problem solving, which is why we invite applications looking to tackle challenges within the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development from the UN.
Do you miss us? We are here again. :)
Szerda estig tudtok jelentkezni az egyetemistáknak szóló workshopunkra. A te ötleted, mi segítünk!
Idea to Business - Start it @K&H Idea to Business Menő ötleted van, vagy még csak most gondolkozol a vállalkozói karrieren? Szakemberekkel vizsgáltatnád meg az elképzelésed, vagy az üzletmodelled simítanád? Amennyiben a fentiekre igen a válaszod, jelentkezz a két diákszervezet, az AIESEC és az InCube, valamint a Sta...
We would like to inform you that the organising team of I2B is running at full capacity to organise the academy. Since the launch of the call we received and overwhelming amount of applications. The goal of the I2B academy is to make ideas happen! Therefore, we decided to postpone the academy in 2017, so that we can give the best program for the students, but also increase the number of participants.
We can wait to share the program with you, so stay tuned!
Meet Ventana, the company, that makes the most out of our planet's resources.
Meet Avaz, a company which provided a mobile app to help children with different disabilities improve their means of communication.
Get a cup of coffee on this rainy day and apply with your idea to our academy. Don't miss the chance to change the world!
I2B registration Built with Typeform, the FREE online form builder that lets you create beautiful, mobile-friendly online forms, surveys & much more. Try it out now!
Meet Practo, the startup, that helps thousands of people to acces better healthcare. Do you have a similar idea? Or even better? don't hesitate to apply!
Apply to I2B Academy with this simple 3 step process!
Meet Guru-g, a startup that already made profit from supporting one of the SDG-s. Do you have a similar idea? Or even better? don't hesitate to apply!
You have an idea? You want to start your business? Are you ready to take the first step? Apply here:
I2B regitration Built with Typeform, the FREE online form builder that lets you create beautiful, mobile-friendly online forms, surveys & much more. Try it out now!
Have you ever heard about the Sustainable Development Goals?
On 25th September 2015, countries adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years.
For the goals to be reached, everyone needs to do their part: governments, the private sector, civil society and people like you.
Do you want to get involved? You can start by telling everyone about them and also share your idea by applying to Idea to Business Academy.
Idea to Business Academy
AIESEC in collaboration with Europa Media is happy to announce the launch of a new programme for students who have a business idea and need a springboard to make it become real.
Idea to Business Academy is a free of charge, 7- month exercise based programme that will take place in Budapest in collaboration with the EU –funded MY-WAY Project.
Ten students/teams will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas on 17 th of November during the Grand opening event.
Registration will be available from the 24 th of October. The programme will be enriched with workshops and assignments led by the main coach David Trayford (founder of the, Team project coach at Singularity University, expert advisor to MY-WAY project) with the participation of top players in the Hungarian entrepreneurial stage. Together, the mentors will help participants to transform their idea into a solid business plan and ultimately into a pitching opportunity in front of actual investors.
I2B aims to encourage the next-gen problem solving, which is why we invite applications looking to tackle challenges within the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development from the UN.
WHO can apply?
Students, teams and startups!
What is the working LANGUAGE?
The working language will be English; if you plan to apply with your team at least one of your team mates needs to have working knowledge of English.
Now, time to APPLY!
The application is short and simple! You will need an idea, fiil in the application form and send it to us!
Kattints ide a szponzorált hirdetés igényléséhez.
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