Plastic Bank Indonesia

Plastik bekasmu bisa jadi uang di Plastic Bank! Caranya: unduh aplikasi Plastic Bank, kumpulkan plastiknya dan tukar ke Pusat Koleksi terdekat kami.

Purpose: The Key to Employee Retention and Success 01/07/2024

Want to keep your top talent happy and committed?

Here’s a tip: purpose-driven workplaces keep staff around up to 5.3x longer for millennials and 2.3x for non-millennials.

Check out how creating a purpose-driven environment can help employee retention in our latest blog:

Source: PwC

Purpose: The Key to Employee Retention and Success Employee retention is pivotal in today’s business environment. Uncover how providing meaningful work can boost your company’s retention rates and contribute to its overall success.

Photos from Plastic Bank's post 01/07/2024

Use code “FREEDOM” for 50% off the first 3 months of your Impact Subscription.

, , and at 💙

Paris 2024 venues get seats made from recycled plastic 28/06/2024

🌟 Exciting update from Paris 2024 Summer Olympics! In a pioneering move, organizers showcase 11,000 seats made from recycled plastic, affirming their commitment to the regenerative economy. ♻️

Le Pavé has transformed 100,000 kilograms of plastic waste into innovative seating at their Aubervilliers factory. This initiative reduces the event's carbon footprint and raises the bar for sustainability at major sporting events.

Let's celebrate this blend of innovation and environmental responsibility!

Learn more:

Paris 2024 venues get seats made from recycled plastic SOME 11,000 seats for the Paris Olympics on two different sites are made out of recycled plastic as organisers look to reduce the event’s carbon footprint. Read more at The Business Times.


SC Johnson, A Family Company unveils new packaging for method products bottles by using 100% Recovered Coastal Plastic* sourced directly from our communities in Thailand! To date, 25 branches and 193 collection members are turning plastic waste into currency, and the plastic gets transformed into new Method bottles. This full-circle approach is creating lasting environmental, social, and economic impact.

Together, we're making sustainability the standard 🌏♻️

*Specific to PET bottles in North America, minus Stain + Odor Treatment and closures. Recovered Coastal Plastic is recycled plastic collected on land, in partnership with Plastic Bank, within 31 miles of an ocean so that it does not reach oceans or landfills.


74% of American consumers care about the environmental impact of the products they buy.

End poverty, stop plastic pollution, and grow your business at

Source: PDI Technologies, 2023.


You've been invited to end poverty, stop plastic pollution, and grow your business with Plastic Bank. Are you in?

Start today at

Photos from Plastic Bank's post 25/06/2024

Growing your business has never been so easy. Your business, no matter the size, can reduce its plastic footprint, help end poverty, and win the hearts of your customers and employees alike.

Open an Impact Account with Plastic Bank and get access to marketing toolkits, impact certificates, quick pay top-ups, a customized Impact Page, storytelling templates, and exclusive updates to engage your customers and employees.

End poverty, stop plastic pollution, and grow your business at

Crafting purposeful marketing: Amplifying your brand's impact 24/06/2024

🚀 Transform your marketing with purpose! 70% of consumers prefer brands that reflect their values.

Let your brand’s authenticity shine by:
🔹Crafting compelling stories
🔹Using impactful visuals
🔹Leveraging partnerships

Dive into our blog for insights:

Crafting purposeful marketing: Amplifying your brand's impact Professional marketing materials that communicate your purpose can transform how customers see your brand.

11 Reasons To Build a Purpose-Driven Business Now 21/06/2024

🌟 Discover the power of a purpose-driven small business! Industry leaders outline 11 reasons why aligning with a meaningful mission drives innovation, enhances culture and creates real-world impact.

Get inspired and start your journey today with this insightful article by Benefit Corporations for Good:

11 Reasons To Build a Purpose-Driven Business Now What is the single best reason to become a purpose-driven business? To help you become acknowledge the benefits of building a purpose-driven business, we asked purpose-driven business leaders and CEOs this question for their best insights. From attracting top talent to becoming more problem-resista


Since 2022, Cosmopak USA LLC has gathered 121,000 bottles from the environment, empowering communities to exchange plastic for money, social benefits, and more.

End poverty, stop plastic pollution, and grow your business at


David Katz says it all — the best time to start creating change is now.

End poverty, stop plastic pollution, and grow your business at

Photos from Plastic Bank's post 18/06/2024

88% of people in the US and UK want brands to help them be more environmentally friendly.

End poverty, stop plastic pollution, and grow your business at

Source: FUTERRA, 2018.

How business integrity meets consumer expectations 17/06/2024

Integrity is essential in today's market, where informed consumers prioritize brands that embody their values across all business practices.

Discover how aligning with ethical standards not only boosts your reputation but also promotes sustainable growth. Explore more in our latest blog:

How business integrity meets consumer expectations This article explores why adapting to these evolving preferences is crucial for your business's survival and how to start this transformation.

How Your Company’s Social Purpose Can Also Drive Profit 14/06/2024

Unlock the power of purpose 🚀

Dive into Harvard Business Review's latest research showcasing the power of advocacy-based business models.

🔑Key insights:
1️⃣ Taking a stance: See how Maersk and Royal Canin use purpose to address global challenges.
2️⃣ Strategic adaptation: Learn how top firms tailor strategies to align with purpose, fostering innovation and growth.
3️⃣ Leadership: Discover the impact of decisive leadership in purpose-driven models.
4️⃣ Culture: Understand the critical role of a purpose-driven culture in achieving sustained success.

Explore further:

How Your Company’s Social Purpose Can Also Drive Profit Is it possible to implement corporate purpose in such a way that it achieves multi-stakeholder impact and high financial growth? To answer this question, the authors studied 12 companies that were employing various industry-specific strategies and found that those that successfully achieved the dual...


Your business can help end poverty and stop plastic pollution by supporting members like João at 💙


Our CooperVision joined us in Bali, Indonesia, for a remarkable two-day journey! 🌟 A diverse group of 28 guests from around the world, including the US, Latin America, Europe, and Asia, engaged in various activities alongside our Founder and CEO, David Katz. 🌍

The itinerary included mangrove cleanups, visits to local schools, and interactions with our collection communities. We proudly highlighted our impactful social initiatives, such as distributing groceries and free glasses vouchers, sponsored by .

Together with CooperVision, we have gathered 6,952,938 kilograms of discarded plastic and provided 100 free glasses to members in need. 🙌

This event was more than just an experience; it deepened the connection between our partner and the communities we serve.

Here’s to creating even more impact together! 🌱✨


Our Impact Subscriptions offer social entrepreneurship at the press of a button. Join us at Plastic Bank, open an account, and the world changes.

End poverty, stop plastic pollution, and grow your business at


Over 49% of consumers pay an average of 59% more for brands that are sustainable and socially responsible.

End poverty, stop plastic pollution, and grow your business at

Source: IBM, 2022.

The role of purpose in future-proofing your business 10/06/2024

Future-proof your business with purpose! In the purpose economy, aligning profit with social and environmental impact is crucial. Consumers, employees, and investors are prioritizing sustainability like never before.

Why purpose matters:
🌍 51% of consumers focus on sustainability
🌱 66% choose eco-conscious employers
💼 62% opt for responsible investments

Discover how to integrate purpose into your strategy and excel. Read our latest blog:

The role of purpose in future-proofing your business Future-proofing your business isn't just about technology and trends; it's about aligning with the emerging Purpose Economy.


For once, humanity needs to step out of its assumed significance over other species, and humbly learn to be one of the 8.7 million species whose well-being is impossible without the well-being of the entire biosphere.

You, your business, and your consumers can be the tide that turns the tide on ocean plastic pollution.

It’s time to gather together! Start at 🙌💙

Creating value for sustainable products | Deloitte Canada 07/06/2024

As the retail sustainability landscape transforms, shaped by economic fluctuations and changing consumer demands, Deloitte's inaugural Canadian Consumer Sustainability Report offers key insights into the dynamics of conscious consumption.

🔍 Key findings:
🔹 Canadians prioritize sustainability despite economic uncertainty.
🔹 Consumers seek clarity amid the surge of sustainability claims.
🔹 While sustainability yields dividends, initial investments pose challenges.
🔹 Consumers seek brands with a sustainable ethos, not just a label.
🔹 Enterprise-wide sustainability cultivates trust and goodwill.

Explore the full report:

Creating value for sustainable products | Deloitte Canada How business purpose and brand trust can make the difference


Since 2021, Currensea has helped gather nearly 9 million bottles from the environment in Indonesia, empowering communities to exchange plastic for money, social benefits, and more!

End poverty, stop plastic pollution, and grow your business at


100% of businesses working with Plastic Bank are helping end poverty, stopping plastic pollution, and growing their brands.

Learn more at


, , and at 💙


Your business is creating opportunities for over 49,000 members like Paeran to thrive 💙🙌



By turning plastic into purpose, your business empowers members like Sarito to protect the planet and support his family!

Learn more at


Partnering with Plastic Bank is not just about saving the environment; it's about revealing the value of plastic and using it as a resource for growth.

Members like João and Danielly use discarded plastic to build a future filled with love, sustainability, and support.

Learn more at


Small business owners like Mr Hamada understand the importance of gathering discarded plastic to create a better, brighter future.


💡 Embrace the power of collaboration! When we unite our strengths and efforts, there's no limit to what we can achieve.

Profit through purpose at


To date, Alcon and Plastic Bank Brazil have distributed 247 hygiene kits to female collection members in Brazil.

In March, in honour of International Women’s Day, we hosted an event inviting approximately 50 women from our community to join us for breakfast and enjoy services such as haircuts, eyebrow shaping, and manicures – and everyone got to go home with care kits 💙

Thank you, Alcon, for empowering women to look and feel their best while making meaningful change for our people and the planet 🙌


Selamat Hari Perempuan Internasional!

Perempuan memiliki peran penting dalam industri pengumpulan dan daur ulang plastik. Kebanyakan anggota perempuan di komunitas kami merupakan seorang ibu dan istri yang tidak hanya bertanggung jawab untuk mengurus keluarga mereka, tetapi juga berkontribusi dengan mengumpulkan, memilah, dan menukar plastik daur ulang untuk membiayai keluarga mereka.

Mereka adalah pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa bagi keluarga mereka dan Planet Bumi.

Mari bermitra dengan kami untuk menciptakan inklusi dalam rantai nilai plastik daur ulang dan memberdayakan lebih banyak perempuan Indonesia untuk masa depan yang lebih baik.


Happy International Women’s Day!

Women play a significant role in plastic collection and recycling. Our collection members are often mothers and wives who not only take care of their families but also contribute by collecting, sorting, and exchanging plastic to support their families income.

They are true heroes for their families and for the planet.

Partner with us to in the plastic recycling value chain and empower more women to have better livelihoods.


Mengumpulkan plastik daur ulang bukan hanya sekedar pekerjaan, tapi sebuah misi yang bisa membantu memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga Sugeng. Setiap botol plastik bisa menciptakan perubahan!


Collecting plastic isn't just a job; it's a mission that supports Sugeng's family's needs. Every bottle makes a difference!


Bersama-sama, kami turut memberdayakan anggota komunitas Plastic Bank dengan berbagai peluang yang membantu mereka keluar dari kemiskinan dan juga untuk mewujudkan impian mereka. Terkadang, mimpi mereka adalah memiliki sebuah sepeda motor baru untuk kegiatan bersama keluarga 🏍️


Together, we're empowering our members with the opportunity to not only pave a path out of poverty but also to realize their dreams. Sometimes, those dreams include a brand-new motorbike for transportation in style 🏍️


Apa manfaat plastik bagi kamu? 🤔

Plastic Bank mengubah sampah menjadi bernilai; sehingga membantu anggota komunitas kami untuk mewujudkan keinginan mereka. Contohnya Pak Suparmin, salah satu anggota kami yang berhasil membeli motor baru dengan mengumpulkan bonus token Plastic Bank.


What can plastic get you? 🤔

Plastic Bank transforms waste into worth; it helps our members make their wishes come true. Meet Suparmin, one of those members and his new motorbike.


Haris dan keluarganya memiliki ikatan yang kuat dengan lautan, sehingga mendorong komitmennya untuk menjadi Penjaga Laut.

Ketika ia tidak sedang mengumpulkan plastik atau berselancar, Haris sering menghabiskan waktu bermain bilyar, berlatih seni tato, atau menjalankan perannya sebagai seorang ayah!


Haris and his family share a bond with the ocean, driving his commitment to being an Ocean Guardian.

When he's not collecting plastic or riding the waves, Haris can often be found enjoying a game of snooker, practicing the art of tattooing, or simply excelling at being a dad!


Bisa berjalan dan memenuhi kebutuhan langkah setiap hari DAN mencegah polusi plastik? Keren banget, Pak Sarito!


Getting your steps in AND stopping ocean plastic? Say less. 🚶


Sehari-hari, Pak Asis mengumpulkan sampah plastik dan cegah polusi di laut sambil menghidupi keluarganya. Ada lebih dari 40.000 anggota seperti Pak Asis yang bisa kamu bantu dengan cara mendukung pengumpulan dan daur ulang plastik melalui Plastic Bank.

Bergabunglah dengan gerakan ini!


Asis' daily routine stops ocean plastic and supports his family. And there are over 40,000 members just like him that you can support by addressing your plastic footprint with us.

Join the movement!


Penasaran dengan apa yang terjadi dengan botol-botol plastik yang dikumpulkan oleh anggota kami?


Ever wonder what happens to the plastic bottles collected by our members?


“Membuat istri dan anak saya tersenyum adalah hal terpenting bagi saya. Sebagai suami dan ayah yang bertanggung jawab, saya mengumpulkan plastik setiap hari untuk menunjukan komitmen saya kepada keluarga.” - Mistur

Keluarga adalah segalanya, dan Mistur paham betul akan hal tersebut. Keinginannya sederhana saja, ia ingin membelikan baju dan mainan baru untuk keluarganya — karena dia tahu hal-hal kecil dapat membawa perubahan besar. 💚😊


"Bringing smiles to my wife and daughter's faces is what matters most. As a devoted husband and father, collecting plastic daily is my way of spreading happiness to the ones I love." - Mistur

Family is everything, and Mistur knows this best. His simple wish was to treat his family to some new things — because he knows small things make a big difference. 💚😊


Tiga cara perusahaan kamu dapat membantu mengurangi polusi plastik dan kemiskinan di Indonesia:

1. Hitung jejak plastik dari bisnis kami atau tentukan jumlah plastik yang ingin kamu kumpulkan dari lingkungan (offset).

2. Kompensasi dampak negatif dari jejak plastik kamu melalui Impact Program Plastic Bank untuk mendukung upaya pengumpulan dan daur ulang plastik oleh komunitas kami.

3. Publikasikan dampak positif yang kamu ciptakan dengan menggunakan aset komunikasi Plastic Bank.

Tunggu apa lagi, yu, ciptakan dampak positif di Indonesia hari ini!

Mulailah di sini:


Three ways your company can help reduce plastic pollution and poverty in Indonesia:

1. Calculate your business footprint or set the amount of plastic you would like to offset.

2. Offset your plastic footprint by choosing the Plastic Bank Impact Program to support the plastic collection and recycling efforts by our communities.

3. Celebrate your impact and use Plastic Bank marketing assets to tell your story and impact.

Wait no more, make an impact today.

Begin here:

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Videos (show all)

Mengumpulkan plastik daur ulang bukan hanya sekedar pekerjaan
Bersama-sama, kami turut memberdayakan anggota komunitas Plastic Bank
Apa manfaat plastik bagi kamu?
Haris Story
Member Story - Sarito
Member Story - Asis
Plastic Bottle Journey
Moments - Mistur
Selamat Hari Peduli Sampah Nasional (HPSN)!Sudah 19 tahun sejak peristiwa Leuwigajah yang merenggut nyawa 157 orang akib...
Family is what makes us happy#happy #smile #recycling #plastic #plasticbank
Dalam setiap bisikan daun dan tarian ombak, alam menampilkan momen keindahannya bagi kita – untuk kita nikmati dan lesta...
Duh, jangan cuma tampang aja yang diurusin yuk!Kita juga harus peduli lingkungan ya. Bisa dimulai dengan kurangi sampah ...



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