

Sorcha Nic Craith - Qualified Personal Trainer, MNU Certified Nutritionist, Yoga Teacher, Pre and Po

Photos from SoZenLifestyle's post 11/09/2024

I’ve been journeying through different worlds lately [always😅]—honoring both the deep inner transformations and the tangible actions that come with bringing visions to life.

Today marks the official [online] launch of *WE MOVE*—a 12-week strength and movement journey designed to help you reconnect with your body and build lasting power from within. It’s the first part of a four-pillar approach—We Move, We Breathe, We Eat, We Are—crafted to guide myself and others toward true wellbeing for a Well Being.

Behind the scenes and screens, so much happens that often goes unseen, and today I want to take a moment to honor that quiet work. It’s never about glorifying the grind, but fellow practitioners, teachers, and entrepreneurs know it takes *WERK*, and we wear many hats 🎩👒🎓🥳.

Balancing the practical with the art of simply BE-ing is a constant practice for me—knowing when to close the laptop and phone, and when to step into the sacred space of stillness and presence with the seen and unseen in my life.

Shoutout to for beautifully capturing these moments of me navigating both worlds and to the Wild Beings .love for creating a collaborative space that honors the forgotten parts of ourselves—the parts that allow us to truly shine. ✨

Photos from SoZenLifestyle's post 06/09/2024

🍴 Nourishing Food for Body & Soul 🍴

Indulge in vibrant, nourishing meals designed to energise and satisfy during your retreat. Our vegetarian menu features fresh, locally-sourced ingredients that honor the land of Inis Oírr. Gluten-free and lactose-free options are available, ensuring every meal is a delight.


Cothóidh deireadh seachtaine lán le beatha fhuinniúil thaithneamhach thú. Biachlár lán le miasa veigeatóracha blasta cutha le chéile le comhábhair úra a fhaightear go háitiúil. Roghanna ann dóibh siúd a bhfuil riachtanais speisialta bia ar leith acu saor ó ghlútan,lachtós srl.

🌸 Fuel your journey with wholesome goodness.
🗓️ Dates: 27-30th September
📍 Location: Inis Oírr, Aran Islands

Photos from SoZenLifestyle's post 28/08/2024

👥 Meet Your Guides for Aistir Oileán Retreat on Inis Oírr 👥

At Aistir Oileán, Áine and Sorcha create a safe, nurturing space for you to explore and renew. Áine, a native of Inis Oírr, gently weaves the Irish language into her yoga sessions, making it accessible to all. Sorcha brings a holistic approach to wellness, guiding you through practices that nourish both body and spirit.


Ag Aistir Oileán, cruthaíonn Áine agus Sorcha spás sábháilte, tacúil le go mbeidh tú i an féin fhiosrú agus athnuachán a dhéanamh. Is oileánach í Áine a fhuáileann an Gaeilge isteach ina chuid ranganna Ióga, rud a thugann seans cleachta do chuile léibhéal taithí. Tugann Sorcha cur chuige iomlánaíoch ar shláinte an duine,agus treoraíonn sí cleachtais speisialta a chothaíonn an colainne agus an spiorad.

🌸 Join us for a weekend of self-discovery and renewal
🗓️ Dates: 27-30 September 2024
📍 Location: Inis Oírr, Aran Islands
💌Get on our mailing list to learn more! LINK IN BIO ☄️

Photos from SoZenLifestyle's post 29/07/2024

One of the first things we work together on in my coaching service is doing a values inventory and start to incorporate habits and behaviours that mirror them so we begin to feel more aligned with how we want to move in the world

We orient ourselves into the direction of our future self. The one that knows to strengthen and nourish their body and mind, so it becomes a beautiful place to live.

The reason this is important to check in with is because throughout our busy lives, if we are not living more consciously, we can become solely a product of our environment, and the imprints of the world around you.

That feeling of autopilot.
No craic.

So if we can take steps to come back into alignment, and begin to match up our behaviours and habits with this – our experience becomes a more fruitful one

So yes, habits and being strategic with them are great in that regard and an important process of real behaviour change.

The other big one though we work together on is inviting spaciousness back into our lives too.

We begin to revive the YOU beyond the monkey mind.

We may begin this with breathwork, yogic practices, mindfulness practices, and my absolute favourite – RITUAL.

Ritual can be formed through anything you desire with intention, attention and repitition.

With ritual, our morning coffee can be a peaceful and more pleasant experience.

With ritual, THAT is where we find magic in the mundane💫.

We slow down and begin to work with a deeper part of us that I will call intuition.

We get out of autopilot and get back into the driver seat of our lives again.

Play, fun and curiousity is alive and well. More and more - Joy and peace become the natural state of our being

I’d love to hear from you.
What ways to create spaciousness into your life? Do you have your own rituals? Please share in the comments or tag a friend you’d like to create some rituals with ❤️
Photos of ritual in action by the fabulous at ❤️

Photos from SoZenLifestyle's post 27/06/2024

Post solstice blessings for the creative, dreaming honey

I see you, beautiful one.

Your light is not only seen, but felt.

As the wheel turns, and creation flows

Seeds were planted and now we watch them grow

Do not listen to the fitness and wellness gurus, that shout daily that you are not enough as you are

That your body must change, morph this way and that way

Release those spells and cast a more fruitful one on to yourself

Because underneath the noise, there’s another whisper

This whisper knows that you already enough and wants you to expand all that you are

Full weirdo expression hehe 🪅

All your secret delights are revered in this state

Luxurious living awaits

the living landscape where dreams can finally breathe and not-enough-ness deflates

Summer calls you to take up space

Call your creativity back and get out of the race

learn to nourish

so you can truly FLOURISH🪷

📸 at
Music 🎶

Photos from SoZenLifestyle's post 21/05/2024


Allow me to introduce you to the creator behind the creation of SOZEN and the why behind some of the services we offer here ❤️

Photos from SoZenLifestyle's post 26/04/2024

Have you noticed when you’re feeling particularly unmotivated and you have that feeling of Bleh🫠 and it tends to seep into all the other areas of your life….

You don’t wanna leave the house

Moving your body less and less

Excessive thinking, less Do-ing and Be-ing

More time consuming than creating

Engaging in behaviours that may bring short term relief, but might not serve you in a way that you’d like

There’s absolutely a time and place for ruminating and identifying unhelpful thought patterns but sometimes taking action is NEEDS must.

So how can we get out of this funk?

Life is complicated enough sometimes so let’s try a simple beautiful solution

Checking in with your VALUES

Looking at your behaviours objectively and asking yourself if they truly reflect your core principles and beliefs? What are the activities you once enjoyed or align with them?

Tweaking. Planning. Executing. Reflect.

finding that ZEST for life once again.


This post was inspired by and . I’d highly recommend Shona’s podcast where she goes into much more detail around Behavioural Activation Theory and how it can be applied to our health and well-being.

Shannon has taught me so much, especially around connecting with your values as a practitioner, business owner and student of life 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼🌺❤️

Photos from SoZenLifestyle's post 24/04/2024

There she is. Animated and live! Sharing tingz at WILD event in Clonakilty over the weekend.

As a practitioner, experimenting her way into a few different modalities and weaving them together, this was a big milestone - to not only share my perspective, but also speak it, in public!

It’s something I’ve dared myself to do more of this year.

Little Sorcha would be proud 🫶🏼

Confidence is something we are all born with and mine got lost quite a lot during school’ing years. It stayed with me long after that, so the thoughts of public speaking terrified me!

Anxiety has had a tight grip on me and the mind, and I searched high and low for that feeling of being comfortable in my own skin.

The more I searched, the harder it got!

A lot of us are sold the idea that if we look a certain way, behave a certain way, have certain things, we’ll be be GRAND.

Maybe so, but I can speak from my own experience and that of the people I’ve worked with over the years, I’ve found this approach to living a good life can be fragile.

True confidence is a quality we cultivate from within. The longest and most important relationship you will ever have is that with yourself. A big lesson for me and how that ripples out into the world around you.

It provides the lens in which you’ll see the world through
Your quality of life.

I’m so grateful for the tools I’ve learned over the years and I’m passionate about sharing them

As multifaceted beings, it’s our duty to approach our health in this way

The approach we take is ⤵️
Transformation 🦋

Thanks and for putting this event together! And To all the sponsors and other facilitators that helped make it happen. Meeting other beautiful souls and connecting with the community is something I cherish so cheers to more gatherings ❤️


Photos from SoZenLifestyle's post 17/04/2024

Catch me animated and live at this beautiful WILD event on Sunday in Clonakilty, West Cork ❤️
Swipe for more details ➡️

I’ll be delivering two short introductory talks around breath and movement.

bring your mates, your ma, your sis, your cousin and your granny 🕺🏼

There’s also some other fabulous speakers and stalls at the event that will run from 10am - 4pm.

€5 euro entry, funds for the day are in aid of and

Sound Nina and Roo for putting the event together. Hope to see yiz there 🥳

Photos from SoZenLifestyle's post 01/04/2024

We always talk about the importance of quality and quantity of sleep but what about the other forms of rest?

We are bombarded and we bombard ourselves constantly with stimuli via social media, TV, work, etc. , that leads to more stress. Notice how you feel in your body when you see some difficult news on social media, or get a work email, or watching your favourite true crime doc (IKYK).

Lifes many stressors (environmental, physical, mental and nutritional) are always wearing us down. This is the ageing process.. It’s the cost of time.

With modern living – our ability to recover from these stressors are taking their toll on us more than ever. Stress isn’t a bad thing. The problem is the chronic stress (constant) vs. acute stress (momentary).

We want to strive for autonomic balance. If fight or flight is constantly in overdrive, the result is chronic stress.

To seek balance, we must practice MORE rest in our daily lives. I say practice because personally and from my own clients experience, it genuinely takes practice.

If we don’t practice rest, the bodies we inhabit can deteriorate quicker (through disease and other stress-related illness).

When its severe and prolonged, it causes the body to compensate, physiologically and behaviourally, to maintain homeostasis (balance in the body).

There is increasing evidence that chronic stress increases the risk of both mental and physical health disorders. Stress is a common risk factor in 75 to 90% og human diseases. That’s nearly all of them.

Better managing of our ability to recovery from all of these daily life stressors means better resilience.

Better management means better overall quality of living.

Save or send this to someone who might benefit more rest in their lives. 🪷

What are some practices you do to cultivate rest? 😌

Photos from SoZenLifestyle's post 25/03/2024

It is time for me to be in service to YOU

Your true home is your body and mind. We live there, for now..

Perhaps you’ve had a taste of feeling at home in your body and mind, yet lately there’s a disconnect.. you’re circling around some unhelpful habits that aren’t serving you..

Maybe your body is craving some good quality movement, yet you’re feeling a bit lost in the gym or avoid it all together…

The mind does be BUZY 🐝and by the end of the week you’re left feeling depleted, lacking that energy to go out into the world and do the things you know you love to do..

I know these feelings well.

It’s only when our body-temple is being looked after, that we can truly enjoy the fruits of life and show up for the people and the things we care about the most

Through my own journey experiencing all of the above, I’ve learned helpful ways over time to strengthen and nourish this home, to ultimately keep experiencing, celebrating and actually living a life I love

Movement in the form of training, sound nutrition, breathing well and practicing presence are just some of the main ingredients that I feel we can acquire skilfully for living well

This year I want to work with YOU personally and support you with your own unique needs

I’m opening up my coaching space for 10 new clients 🌞

I’ll also be sharing programs, sessions and workshops - online and in-person over the next couple of months for those that simply want a taster or a deeper dive into the four pillars….

DM me ‘ZEN’ if you simply want to learn more and chat further about how we can work together to explore the possibilities of living welll ❤️‍🔥

with LOVE,


Hello honeys 🍯

Please allow me to re-introduce myself, as it’s been a minute.

I’m Sorcha (Suh-Rih-Kha👀), the Irish word for light/bright 💡

Since I can remember, I’ve adored exploring what it means to be a human and all of our earthly luxuries - such as our bodies and food…

I began studying and integrating the last couple of years what it means to live well and eat well, and working with individuals on what it means for them, because we are all so beautifully unique in our needs

I am quite literally hungry for life in all it’s forms, which actually if not managed well I’ve learn, has led me me to things like addition, life avoidance (I know), and plenty of burn outs.

I began to understand how we’re relatively complex multidimensional beings and could do with taking that approach with our health.

As a woman, this added a whole other layer of realisations to my very cyclical nature 🌝

And thus, SOZEN was born. About 6 years ago, with the help of helping to bring it to life! 🌸

My intention was always to combine different modalities that have helped me along the way, live a better quality of life.

Myself and SOZEN have evolved a lot since then, in so many different ways.

I’ve met so many beautiful souls along the way, many that have also been a part of the evolution.If you’ve been here a while you’ll see I love collaborating with others who share a similar vision.

Most recently, I took a little break from being in service through SOZEN and re-appeared in the community in other ways, as you can see a glimpse from the previous post..

I also experienced a grief like nothing I’d experienced before, with the passing of two close family members. I wanted to give space to the process of that.

I was grateful I had my tools, my community, to be with it and continue to do so. life be life’in and things will happen that we’ve no control over.

Our health & wellbeing is something we can take the reigns on though and I’ll continue to share my 2 cents on here about that. 🌞

It’s time to share more with you guys again.
Long may we continue to stay rooted in love and health amidst the chaos 🤍



A funny thing happened about 3 years ago….
I began to wonder a little more than usual about this life

What were we all here for…

The usual aims, like owning a house, seemed quite out of reach

There was more to see

More to know

I planned on another trip to india to deepen my practice, in the hopes it would provide some answers

but with restrictions and new ‘rules’, travelling wasn’t appealing to me

and something else dawned
Realising my disconnect to the natural world
to this land

I didn’t even really know where the food I was eating came from…
Something that is so present in our lives

Realising how heavily I was relying on a system to support me, and if you dropped me into the woods with nothing - although I had my run at scouts for a few years lol, I wouldn’t know what to be doing…

Not knowing how to grow food, forage, build, generally just be a bit more self-sufficient, or what was even in season, didn’t seem normal to me anymore

I felt out of touch

and thus began a new journey…..

Turns out, a lot of people have been wondering the same things

Seems like covid times urged us to seriously stop and smell the flowers

There’s so much around us

And it’s difficult to see when you’re running on the same program. Seeing through the lens of only your own personal experience, recycling old dramas and thoughts..

We’ve assimilated these imprints, naturally, from our environment, our community, our ancestors

Yoga simply releases the grip of those imprints

your eyes open a little more to the possibilities…

Shamanic journeying assists in this process and nurtures our inner worlds

Living well optimises your mind-body to get to experience all the potential for all that is..

so, what do I mean by living well?

well, more to share so stick around ❤️🌺🪷

Photos from SoZenLifestyle's post 05/11/2023


It has been a funky time.. and it’s about to get funkier

Buckle up my friends.

It is more important than ever to make your Wellbeing a priority

I’m weaving together the four pillars of movement, breath, nutrition and presence from SOZEN’s Stronger You.

We will explore them together in community!

Will yiz join me?

First up ~ We Move.

link in bio

follow the journey

S x




Lol Crazy beautiful times 🌚🌝


Hello frens ❤️🌸

back to the virtual matrix after a very nourishing break 🌚🌝

As Marianne said to me, at the beginning of 2020 - we are experiencing a major shift at this time

Despite all the very real suffering, there’s something exciting in the air.

The new times will be different.

Yet the essence of what really matters remains the same  . . .  

For in the particulars,

in the smallest particles of matter,

in the shortest moments of time ,

the door to eternity stands open . . .  as always. 


Photos from SoZenLifestyle's post 02/07/2021

Marianne will be delivering her workshop on the Art and Science of Pranayama🌬 Saturday 3rd July (tomorrow) at 10am via Zoom. Swipe to see more information on workshop >>>


Marianne was first drawn to yoga philosophy and meditation in her teens and has spent a lifetime building an extraordinary depth of knowledge in the subject.  She has trained directly as a teacher in three yoga traditions, Ashtanga, Iyengar and Sivananda, and is a qualified practitioner of Jyotish with the Council of Vedic Astrology. Her personal daily sadhana of asana, pranayama, japa and meditation has continued for decades to enrich her life.


Originally from San Francisco, she has B.A .and M.A. degrees from the University of California. For over twenty years, she taught yoga in Dublin, at her home studio,  Seven Winds Yoga.  She has recently relocated to Sardinia, where she offers Jyotish consultations via Zoom.  
Marianne is a truly inspirational teacher whose vast knowledge of yoga is responsible for igniting a passion for the subject in students worldwide.



If you wish to join us tomorrow you are so welcome 💫✨ this workshop is a part of the four week live journey on Breath, Science and Yoga but you can also sign up through the link in bio. I encourage you to join the live but if that’s not possible this will be recorded and available for replay.
Grá mór
S x

Photos from SoZenLifestyle's post 30/06/2021

WOW What an amazing journey so far. Thank you to everyone who’s joined us - guides and guests, I’m blown away (🌬) and grateful to have these incredible speakers, facilitators and teachers share their knowledge and wisdom with us!

There’s still time to join us if your curious 😌 tomorrow we’ve got Patrick McKeown to come on discuss the Original breathing of Yoga from three Dimensions. It’s not one to be missed!



Tuesday 29th 7pm catch Jody. You can still sign up for the full four weeks ❤️


🦶🏼 made with love. Shared with love. Opening all of our hearts one cup at a time 🤎


Let’s move, breathe and connect together 🌞 link in bio to join tomorrow’s Yoga on the beach 🌀


Trust 🌞


You bet I’m still marinading in the essence of the MAGIC from our time at Avondale with these sacred women 🌺

Photos from SoZenLifestyle's post 01/06/2021

A chance to change the narrative from “I can’t” to “I can.” Join me and fellow breath enthusiasts (swipe) on this four week journey into the depths of yourself
We have an inner nature, a smart engineered physiology, that can deal with stress in any shape. In this course, you’ll discover that inner power. It takes connection, focus, and the belief that you can do more than you thought possible.
During these 4 weeks you will learn;
How making even slight adjustments to the way we inhale and exhale can jump-start athletic performance; rejuvenate internal organs; halt snoring, asthma and autoimmune disease and a deeper dive into James Nestor's best-selling book "Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art" where he draws on thousands of years of medical texts and recent cutting-edge studies on pulmonology, psychology, biochemistry, and human physiology.

A powerful, three-part breathing pattern to optimize the body, digest old and current emotions, and soften the tyranny of the ego-based thinking mind


Breathwork techniques to tone the vagus nerve and reduce stress, anxiety, depression, inflammation, and improve resilience and immunity


Breathwork sessions to access non-ordinary states of consciousness and integrate the insights you'll gain in this course into your everyday life


The synergistic practice. blending mind, body and spirit.


Gain insight into Yoga as an evolutionary process and the art of pranayama

Breath, Science and Yoga with SoZen Lifestyle is now LIVE - LINK IN BIO

~ let’s breath in life together ~

Photo by the amazing 🌺
Taken at ❤️


~ become open to questioning current values, attitudes and beliefs, and be interested in their source ~

We’re all set here for the Nutrition talk tonight for the Stronger You programme 🐒 🥕🥦🥥🥩


Did you know that your life experiences can be stored as imprints in your body and nervous system for years? These undigested past experiences can create blocks, preventing you from feeling free or fully fulfilled. These imprints cannot be "thought" away, either. You must access your body through practices such as breathwork, which has been used for thousands of years to clear psychosomatic blocks and improve quality-of-life.

Breathwork is an indispensable method for supporting the body’s peak health and vitality, increasing concentration and awareness, and experiencing profound love and satisfaction from within.

No matter where you are in your health and wellness journey, breathwork is a powerful tool for deep inner work and ground-breaking personal growth.

Let's breathe in life together!

* starting June 7th *
More details announced soon!


Sitting here

Feeding my belly role
With a bread role

In Victor’s Way

nourishing the soul

I am ALIVE ,
and my Heart is full ❤️ , We thrive

She’s not a poEt and she knows Et 🤠

Just Here to create, and have a bit of Fun🦋
Another year around the sun 🌞


here we gooooo 🤍


When we stop seeking external stimulus to make ourselves happy, and realise that whenever you’re happy and joyful - knowing that the real source of happiness lies within us, you’ll also come to realise that the most beautiful moments in life are moments when you are expressing your joy, not when you are seeking it 🌼🤍

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The yoga practice is a physical practice with a spiritual intention. The postures are there to serve this unique foundat...





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