Fluke Follow Project

ORCAIreland's Fluke's Folllow Project aims to optimise the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or


Day 3 of the is about to kick off in Palm Beach, Florida 🏖

Want to learn about bubble-net tool use in humpback whales? Check out our poster “UAVs as a behavioural sampling platform documents bubble-net feeding humpback whales in Irish waters for the first time”


Nice to see some results from our work and partnerships with eco-tour operators and other researchers around the world! If you are attending the be sure to check out the full poster in the virtual room!

ORCA Ireland’s marine mammal scientist Emer Keaveney, PhD student and co-authors Davide Lelong, Andy Rogan and Michelle Fournet are presenting some recent research on bubble-net feeding humpback whales in Irish waters with a poster today at Society for Marine Mammals (SMM) Conference 2022!

Find us in the Behavioural section, and let’s chat bubble-netting humpbacks & UAVs (drones)!

Office hours (10:00 am to 3:00 pm)

We also want to say a huge thank you to Darren O’Sullivan of Bantry Bay Charters who made this study possible!

🐋 ✈️


We may be glad to see the back of 2020, but it wasn’t ALL bad! 🙌👀🐋

We had one of the most amazing encounters this summer while conducting aerial surveys of cetaceans off the south coast with Aquaventures Diving, Snorkelling & Whale Watching!

We sighed this fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) and captured him lunge feeding in the company of short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis)

Boy oh boy can you see this animal is huge in comparison to the dolphins!

Drones are an amazing research tool, and we are super excited to continue our photogrammetry research for our fifth field season!

Our Fluke Follow Project which is based originally on a PhD proposal by our marine mammal ecologist from 2016 which aims to measure the length and body condition of cetaceans encountered, in addition to collecting blow samples!

Will you help us continue our important work? Check out our first blog on using this amazing method to survey cetaceans using drones here: https://www.orcaireland.org/first-drone-footage-of-a-whale-in-irish-waters

*** Video footage taken under Research Licence No. 122/2019.


***ITS A MATCH! 🐋 🥰👏🏻

On the 2nd of August 2019, Rupert Kirkwood submitted a record of “Cream Tea” or ORCI_17/HBUK01 to our humpback whale catalogue. The first U.K. whale to be added to our database. Cream Tea was first sighted off Penzance, Cornwall UK. We have since had other records from the U.K. but up until now have not had a match!

On the 25th of December 2020, Martin Goodie spotted the same whale off St. Mary’s, Isle is Scilly off the Cornish Coast spotted the same whale who he nicknamed “Pi”.

Below you can clearly see the match in images, originally made by Lyndsay McNeil of the Scottish Humpback ID group.

Thanks again to everyone who has helped us gather data by joining our citizen science initiative and using the Observers App and their

Image © Martin Goodie/Rupert Kirkwood.

Photos from Fluke Follow Project's post 25/10/2020

Congratulations to Greg Coleman who two years ago today, 25th October 2018 captured the first EVER drone footage of a whale in Irish waters!!!! 🐋 ✈️

That whale happened to be a fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), the second largest animal on Earth after the blue whale! Note how tiny his enterage of short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) are! 😮

Greg was kind enough to contribute his encounter to our Fluke Follow Project - where we aim to use SUAs (small unmanned aircrafts) to study marine wildlife in Irish waters! With the help of an aerial view, we can gather more insightful information while surveying Irish waters, including enhanced identification, more accurate counts of animals, animal health assessments through body condition analysis and blow sampling.

Are you a drone pilot and want to help out? Send us an email at [email protected] to get more involved.


Will you help us follow the flukes of humpback whales? Use your phone for good and get the Observers App on Google Play or from our website www.orcireland.ie

Can drones protect swimmers from shark attacks? 06/10/2020

**New Blog Post: “Can drones protect swimmers from shark attacks?”by Stasa Kamplet - O.R.C. Communications Team.

“When we see or hear about a shark attack on the news, we cannot help but feel a bit anxious. Although it does not happen often, protections in place to protect swimmers from sharks are in-fact, having a serious impact on shark populations in countries such as Australia, South Africa, Brazil and Reunion.”

Can drones protect swimmers from shark attacks? Non-profit organization based in Cork, Ireland, working for the protection and sustainable management of marine megafauna in Irish waters, through research, conservation, technology and education.


Delighted to be partnered with Bantry Bay Charters who is assisting us with our Fluke Follow Project.

Here you can see one of the seven humpback whales we encountered yesterday in Bantry Bay bubble-net feeding. This technique is quite clever and involved the whale expelling air underwater to form a vertical cylinder-ring of bubbles around its prey.

Special thanks to Darren O’Sullivan, skipper of the Deep Sea and Rachel Breslin O.R.C.Ireland Research Assistant for having a superb survey day!

Drone footage of a bottlenose dolphin sighted off Enniscrone Beach, Co. Sligo. 22/04/2020

Great start to the season and we are all still in Lockdown, just wait til everyone gets out with their drone! =O

This is interesting as there doesn't seem to be a hint of disturbance which is promising for our research =)

Remember though folks follow Best Practices for Droning around Marine Wildlife as found on our website: https://www.orcireland.ie/conservation

Drone footage of a bottlenose dolphin sighted off Enniscrone Beach, Co. Sligo. Stunning footage captured by Aidan Rafter of a bottlenose dolphin off Enniscrone Beach, Co. Sligo. Special thank you to Aidan for the report to the Observers...

Green Friday Week: Buy One, Get One Tree; Ocean Research & Conservation Ireland Shop. 05/12/2019


Green Friday Week: Buy One, Get One Tree; Ocean Research & Conservation Ireland Shop. Non-profit organization based in Cork, Ireland, working for the protection and sustainable management of marine megafauna in Irish waters, through research, conservation, technology and education.

Humpback whales recorded using their pectoral fins to scoop fish for the first time! 25/11/2019

New blog Post* "Humpback whales recorded using their pectoral fins to scoop fish for the first time!"

"Humpback whales have been filmed for the first time engaging in unusual feeding behaviour - using their pectoral fins to scoop fish! Humpback whales are known to corral fish into bait balls by surrounding them in streams of "bubble nets" released from their blowholes, then rise up from beneath and engulf their prey with a powerful thrust from their tail tail flukes, but new footage reveals some humpbacks have taken foraging strategies to the next level!"

Humpback whales recorded using their pectoral fins to scoop fish for the first time! Non-profit organization based in Cork, Ireland, working for the protection and sustainable management of marine megafauna in Irish waters, through research, conservation, technology and education.

Photos from Roryj Jackson's post 21/11/2019

Stunning images of humpback whales from West Cork this August just gone! 😍🐋

Blue whale captured with a drone releasing luminous yellow excrement in the waters off Western Australia. 21/11/2019

Researchers and photographers are left stunned after high-resolution drone footage captured a blue whale opening it's bowls and turning the waters off Perth, Western Australia, luminous yellow!


Blue whale captured with a drone releasing luminous yellow excrement in the waters off Western Australia. Non-profit organization based in Cork, Ireland, working for the protection and sustainable management of marine megafauna in Irish waters, through research, conservation, technology and education.

'Whaletrack' project tracks humpback whales all the way from Arctic feeding grounds and to tropical breeding areas and back again! 02/11/2019

For the last few years, the Arctic University of Norways's "Whaletrack" project has been mapping the various aspects of whale migration and behaviour of humpback whales (Megaptera novaengliae) and killer whales (Orcinus orca) during and after their arrival to the coast and fjords of Northern Norway. In recent years, spring spawning herring have attracted overwintering whales to the area in an event described as a "whale feast", providing excellent opportunity for a research team led by Professor Audun Richardsen to conduct important research using satellite tagging, photo Identification and biopsy sampling.

'Whaletrack' project tracks humpback whales all the way from Arctic feeding grounds and to tropical breeding areas and back again! Non-profit organization based in Cork, Ireland, working for the protection and sustainable management of marine megafauna in Irish waters, through research, conservation, technology and education.


Join us today outside the Western Gateway Building to head to the main quad of UCC to strike for climate change?

Join the Global Strike for Climate, both everyone from anywhere but particularly from the UCC Western Gateway Building are invited to head to the Quad at 11.30 this Friday!!!!!

On Friday 20th September at 11.30 am, following the Global Strike for Climate event organised by the School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, UCC in UCC, we are asking staff and students who are in the Western Gateway Building UCC, to join the rest of UCC on the Quad, to stand in solidarity for Climate Change. The President will drop the Green Flag to half-mast in recognition of the fact that, although UCC is proud of all of the environmental achievements, we accept that there is much more to be done.

We will meet outside the front entrance of the Western Gateway Building at 11.15 am and walk together to the quad.

Special thank you to Prof. John O’Halloran and Mark Poland (UCC Green Forum Co-Chairs)for organising the main event. We hope the WGB will do UCC proud and

Join a movement of and RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/2178230969136078

•Please Note: everyone from ages 3 to 93 are invited to join us - so if you happen to be in Fitzgerald park, Centra or anywhere near by at this time and you care about climate action - please join us.

UCC Canoe Club UCC Community Garden UCC Environmental Society Ucc-Animal Welfare UCC Feminist Society


“Whaley?”- lets hope it never goes this far 💙🤣😂💙

Photos from Mammal Research Institute Whale Unit's post 08/09/2019
Ocean Research & Conservation (O.R.C.) 08/09/2019

Wonderful reports this month but the highlight from the Observers App was from Stephen Dunbar who had a relighting of "Alabaster" and has added a new whale never before seen in Irish waters =O

Ocean Research & Conservation (O.R.C.)

Photos from Fluke Follow Project's post 12/08/2019

With a recent report to the Observers App of a humpback whale from Donegal Bay, we headed north to conduct a boat-based survey of the area over the weekend.

Off the coast of Sligo, we had three encounters with Short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), with a max group size during the second sighting event of 25 individuals. These dolphins exhibited a range of surface displays from tail slapping to breaching, side slapping and bow riding! Calves and juveniles were present in the group, consistent with dolphins observed in the south of Ireland at this time of year.

We also encountered a range of seabirds including three Great Skua’s (Stercorarius skua), northern fulmers (Fulmarus glacialis), northern gannets (Morus bassanus), sandwich terns (Thalasseus sandvicensis), kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) and Manx shearwaters (Puffinus puffinus).

Photo credit: Emer Keaveney/ O.R.C.IRELAND.

Photos from ORCA Ireland's post 03/08/2019

Humpback whales and fin whales back in numbers foraging off the south coast of Ireland. Yesterday yielded amazing sightings of foraging baleen whales!

This is excellent baseline data for our Fluke Follow Project, providing us with information on whales movements that will help us to better monitor these animals and conduct valuable research into their genetics, ecology and behavior and how human impacts can affect these protected species!


Whales are the oceans farmers, providing vital fertilizers through their poo that help keep our oceans productive and healthy 💙😍

Click here to support Fluke Follow Project: Whale Snot for Science! organised by Ocean Research Conservation Ireland 19/07/2019

Everyone has been great over the past 10 months with donations but we need to get the momentum going again to try and cover research expenses for this field season and reach our goal of conducting non-invasive drone studies in order to collect genetic and behavioural records of baleen whales off the south coast of Ireland and determine the potential impact of human disturbance from eco-tourism and shipping on these animals.

Please can you help fund this important research and help fund the further development and running costs of the Observers App.

No matter how little or big you can spare it all helps towards the conservation of whales in Irish waters. ORCIreland is a non-profit social enterprise based in IGNITE UCC and is part of Social Entrepreneurs Ireland.


Click here to support Fluke Follow Project: Whale Snot for Science! organised by Ocean Research Conservation Ireland Fluke Follow Project: Whale Snot for Science. Hi, I'm Emer, I'm a marine biologist, ocean eduactor and executive director and co-founder of Ocean Research & Conservation Ireland (O.R.C.). I was born and bred in Cork, the south coast of Ireland and I need your help to study whales that visit Ir...


With the help of eco-tour operators around the country, such as Baltimore Wildlife Tours and Citizen Science coordinated through the Observers App we have been monitoring cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoise) in Irish waters since 2017, through non-invasive photo identification and aerial observations.

Kieran Collins of BWT is an excellent skipper and naturalist and this video is the perfect example of why! Following best practices for whale and dolphin watching Kieran turns his engines off in the vicinity of cetaceans. This pays off, as whales are more likely to calmly approach the vessel to well, people watch!

You can view our best practices for whale and dolphin watching on our website under the Conservation tab at www.orcireland.ie


Wow what a lucky boy! 14 year old and his dad had an amazing close encounter with a group of social humpback whales off the coast of Co. Kerry!

Timeline photos 14/06/2019

Humpback whale (Megaptera noveaengliae) fun facts for "hump day"! 🐳 💙🐳

Whales of and the

U.N. Report: A Million Extinctions and Ecological Collapse Are on the Way 03/06/2019

U.N. Report: A Million Extinctions and Ecological Collapse Are on the Way We got ourselves into this mess. It’s high time we got ourselves out of it.


***Re-sighting no. 2 so far this season! ORCI_11 A.K.A. "Fleck"- spotted again by Kieran Collins of Baltimore Wildlife Tours on May 21st. This animal was last seen in by us in May 2018.


Amazing footage of a spy hopping humpback whale captured by Kieran Collins of Wildlife Tours in the waters of West Cork on Tuesday 21st of May!

Timeline photos 08/05/2019

What an amazing weekend we had, humpback whales are back in the waters of West Cork and we were lucky enough to have two curiously hang around our platform for research "Radiance" of Baltimore Wildlife Tours!

The real gold at the end of an Irish rainbow!

Short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) and humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the waters off West Cork.

Photo by: Emer Keaveney taken on-board Baltimore Wildlife Tours over the May bank holiday weekend 💙

First ever drone footage of Atlantic Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) off the South Coast of Ireland. 02/05/2019


This is the first evee drone footage of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in Irish waters taken by professional drone photographer Greg Coleman and contributed to our FlukeFollpw Project!

Did you know? The Atlantic bluefin tuna is a species of tuna in the family Scombridae. It is variously known as the northern bluefin tuna, giant bluefin tuna [for individuals exceeding 150 kg ], and formerly as the tunny. Atlantic bluefins are native to both the western and eastern Atlantic Ocean, as well as the Mediterranean Sea!


First ever drone footage of Atlantic Bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) off the South Coast of Ireland. Atlantic bluefin tuna feeding off the south coast of Ireland captured using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) by "ORCireland Observer" & Pro Drone Operator; Greg...

| University College Cork 30/04/2019

Congratulations Dr. Ailbhe Kavanagh, using drones to measure the body condition of blue whale's, in Antarctic waters. This is similar work to the research we conducted on the fin whale last October and to what we hope to do with humpback whales this summer for our third field season!

| University College Cork Learn, Study and Research in UCC, Ireland's first 5 star university. Our tradition of independent thinking will prepare you for the world and the workplace in a vibrant, modern, green campus.


TOP TIPS FOR SAVING OUR OCEANS! Non-profit organization based in Cork, working for the protection and sustainable management of marine mega-fauna in Irish waters, through research, conservation and education.

Photos from Baltimore Wildlife Tours's post 18/04/2019

"Radiance" the beaut is back in the water and we are delighted that this will be our platform of opportunity for our 3rd field season and second one using drones to follow whales and learn more about them 😍

Dolphin mom and newborn calf chase fish in St. Pete 16/04/2019

Amazing footage of a bottlenose dolphin mum and calf foraging in the waters of St. Petersberg U.S.A.

"The drone used in McCarty's video has a telephoto lens, which he says enables him to record video while keeping a safe distance from the animals. The drone also has low noise propellers so as not to disturb wildlife" .


Dolphin mom and newborn calf chase fish in St. Pete An adorable video shows a dolphin and her newborn calf swimming and chasing fish in the water off St. Petersburg.

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FlukeFollow Project

Following a fantastic second field season in 2018, opportunistically surveying cetaceans in west Cork on-board whale watching eco-tour vessels, our team recorded ten individual humpback whales throughout the season, countless minke whales and got the first ever drone footage of a fin whale in Irish waters.

‘FlukeFollow’ Project aims to continue to conduct novel research on marine megafauna using the latest technology and methodology including; photogrammetry with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV's) or drones, focusing on baleen whales along the south coast of Ireland.

Not only does the use of drones aid in increasing detection probability of cetaceans but they can also aid in other species identification and abundance estimation such as large fishes. The use of photogrammetry can provide researchers with insights into a range of important conservation parameters for marine top-predators. For example, drone research has been shown to elucidate health status, morphometric, body condition, behaviour and impact of disturbance to highly mobile marine mammals. Researchers have even mapped the microbiome of a whale 'blow' with the help of innovative drones like "SnotBot". The potential to use technology in cetological research is boundless, from UAVs to pocket recording systems with mobile phone applications like our mobile phone recording app “O.R.C. Ireland Observers” App, technology also empowers citizen science projects and has the potential to revolutionize what we know about the ocean's inhabitants.

Videos (show all)

Second largest animal on Earth off the Cork Coast 2020




Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm

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