Shakti Performing Arts

A combination of Hatha yoga and acting courses that focus on creativity,health and joy.


My first kundalini yoga class this week,I met the light if my soul essence, white glistening.My inner goddess said "you rejected me,stopped respecting me so I stopped visiting you.Are you listening now?'YES!!!💥With in a day a  merical of syncronicitieas lead me to an unveiled,intimate, heart and souls conversation and first meeting with Sara Avtar of Shakti Dance m.I reflected on why I fell off the radar after we shared an on line plat form Woman of Truth where we both shared our experience of divine feminine rising through channelling new creations.🌹
I was at the cusp of breaking the glass ceiling of my soul wound- not being seen, heard, valued respected as a peer to such accomplished practitioners of womb wisdom codaxs.
I got COVID and during my recovery at 37 years old I experienced- s*xual trauma with a  spiritual Ta**ra man in Barcelona.I then suffered from insomnia for two years depression and back pain. What kept me wake at night?My shadow work coupled with transmission from the master acendances of the Sophia codes by Kia Ra,especially Magdelena before I discovered the book.
At the end of the year after attending The Magdeline Immersive iniciation with Kia Ra, I sang my first and only concert of sacret songs which moved through me as a channel.It was the first time I sang Rise a song calling masculin to give up your weapons and listen,to the divine feminine.The same day I met my new partner he had defended at the front line in Ukrain and a follower of Magdeline.Fast forward to, selling my family home, making a police report and enquiring about barring orders.I decided to work with a light language coach Claire Killilea to create greater protection of my sacred gifts.The same week I rose again,I  Iost bids on property the camper I just bought broke down I got sick and  almost got a concussion.At every corner I've been tested.Every time the Goddess divine feminine rises there has been an attack.But we will RISE.Watch this space for my debut album and Goddess Retreats🌹


✨Sun Rise Farm Kirtan Male✨ 

30 -1 Oct co.Clare join for a full week end of amazing kirtan players taking us to bliss and deep heart healing, creating our heaven on earth.

✨Join for a  sample of Aoife/ Ashoka and friend's on Sat 6.30pm.This is her debut album weaving original and ancient mantras transmitting the heart wisdom of the goddesses through both powerful and  soft songs taking us home to Bhakti ecstatic bliss.

Rose Heart Connection workshop 
10.30am sunday
 ♥️Ashoka/Aoife a newly initiated Magdalene, weaves the Shakti flow of Bhakti devotional songs and self love/care practises from the Hatha, Tao and Ta***ic paths. Your invited to resource and  take refuge in the  power of Divine Feminine Mother Mary and  Magdalena  Rose lineage to help us heal from our wounds and be held by  their
transformational love so that we can continue to spread love and bliss bringing heaven to Earth.

♥️The workshops content includes ritual, mantra, breath work, consent exploration, communication tools all designed to foster healing empowerment and sovereign congruent and embodied relationship with our selves and others.
💥Book here

*xuality101 **ra


Exited have community kirtan this week in galway sat 4pm to 6pm.
Please rsvp with him on 0852153760.
let me know if you want to share song or poem. I will hold space and have mantra play list with some of my originals while community imput is welcome.
Aoife/ ashoka


This is my second attempt to write this as the last miraculously got deleted. Now I know that there is a dark energy wanting to stunt my power eventually bringing me back into depression and thoughts to no longer exists because I shake patriarchies boots with my simple presence and anyone who needs to heal these shadows with in.
I have to be so careful what I say, its like I’m walking on egg shells with men and they are on the edge of blowing up at me everywhere. I see pattern of intimidation violence  or manipulate of my mind and truth as an attempt to shut me up as was the pattern from past generations.
 The souls of theses men are calling me for healing to wake up but their ego just wants a massage from a small woman who plays his game.
When they meet us Magdalena's  their false identity crashes and they are disarmed. People can get mean when they feel their identity changing and i was guided to put on Jones armour for protection.
The only way in to my heart is to heal and be gentle caring respectful likenesses to Jesus divine masculine. I am sad for these men who don’t have the tools yet and are not humble enough to ask and receive help.
I realise now my soul chooses integrity and  sovereignty over having a family. I’m 39 and see now masculine’s growth is much slower then mine and my body clock. I want to merge and be in union energy but before and even more since Magdalena incitation retreat in Marseille-I feel like Jone on the battle field of war with Patriarchy every time I leave my home or go on line. The only man that holds me with care love and respect is Jesus and since this retreat I feel that is enough for me. I’d rather be in service a wife of Magdalene and her lineage  then a patriarchal man.With unconditional love blessings to humanities growth.


By the speed of light it's time to pack and prepare for the rebirth trip to Marseille for the Magdalena heart immersive retreat with Kiara Ra.

Revisiting the steps of this sage that lives inside my womb wisdom.

The name that has shamed and destroyed so many people's lives in Ireland and taught women to hide their power and beauty so as not to be banished to the magdalen laundries.

I will bravely step out of line as a way shower and meet and reclaim her as a yogi ta***ic wise woman with the supper of my new tribe of Sophia code activators.
Releasing the inverted energise of religion upon this pure gift of these wisdom codes for the greater good of our true divine nature's bringing our heaven to earth.

I feel finally I have a safe place to be seen supported and grow as a channel of divine feminine Christ consciousness through song and ritual energy healings.



Shed the s*xual shame and join me on the path to radical self love!


Inner marriage to my jade egg is such a self empowering tool,it raises the bar very high for a partner as the process is so tender sacred, juicy, vulnerable,safe and pleasurable. I don't have ' need' when I'm in union with self and jade.
The Sacred s*xuality Tao way is process of radially falling in love with and making love to the self, our own true love.It errases the belief that sensual s*xuality is separate from divinity or that God is out side of our own true hearts.

There are three over all reasons humans have s*x: procreation,recreation or spiritual growth and energy activation.Swami Hamsa Saraswati.***ica-ashram-hall-build

From a Taoist prospective s*xual energy is appreciated as a healing energy and a sacred process which can include emotional release, attachment and trauma wounds activated, transmissions and down loads and bliss states leading to manifestations and s*x magic practises.Learn more from Layla Martin and Anamarta.When we have strong spiritual practise, recreational s*x is no longer necessary.

Although my interest lie in procreation sacred healing in partnership I get unwanted attention.I feel used objectified pulled, off balanced and intoxicated by others trauma energy and my own wounds retraumatized.This is called toxic relating.

In this phoenix rising process I/ we have to cleanse the toxic relating and rebuild my prana, chi energy.

Imagine a world where we radically love or selves and approach each other with deep love and respect, where we radically love or selves and approach each other with deep love and respect.What if every prayer and intention for the greater good of this world was charged by s*x magic!
Every or***im a prayer for healing, abundance,wholeness.
That's a world I want to ignite, raise children in!


What's a Yoni egg ?

It can enhance your s*xuality as a force for transformation and elevated consciousness in your life🥰Layla Martin

Im reviewing my ‘tools’ woman’s Tao (way) of Feminine Empowerment while refinding my yin/feminine energy with Anamarta

I've been experiencing numbness and heart ache for 2 years and shame and contraction from s*xual trauma along with insomnia and crippling anxiety.

I experienced loss of creativity,motivation,confidence and career goals.I can no longer remember the Goddess I once was who healed cancer cells and ran retreats that fully booked out

To morrow I will go deep into my womb wisdom and remarry myself humbly learning we are always in a falling to ash and rising phoenix cycle of life and death

I'm not waiting to be saved I'm reclaiming my Goddess essence so I can be there for you, my sisters and offer next level of Goddess yoga awaiting birth which will combine Sophia code activations.

This course will go even deeper shedding patriarchal wounding and negative stigmas of the Goddesses through Christ consciousness. Taoism. Ta**ra shamanic activation. song. belly dance. Transmissions and sacred space.

Watch this space as self love inner marriage healing and sovereignty begins.
Follow me if you feel the same call to fly!🥰

Watch this space as self love healing begins.


The course moves through the four archetypes and phases of menstruation cycle-Maiden ,Temptress, Mother and Crone embodying the energy of Goddess Laxmi, Kali, Magdalena, White Tara and more. The material is a weave of creative free movement, martial arts with yoga and belly dance, tribal song, mantra and prayer and sacred Ta***ic, Tao and shamanic energies and ritual. Practical tools to deconstruct false belief build confidence and assertiveness include mirror work, affirmations and free flow writing from prospective of each archetype and vocalising consent and feeling and needs statements. There is space for diary reflection and expression through art( blood art optional)and cacao available to open in to deeper heart processes and ecstatic bliss body
This retreat environment allows us to slow down, extend and go deeper into the profound ancient radical transformation of Ta***ica practises passed to me by Hamsa Saraswati. Along with energetic down loads from Munay-Ki 13th Rite of the Womb and inner marriage- birthing our new selves and dreams as the finale.
The process decodes patriarchal blue prints and related ancestral trauma stored in our wombs which are blocking our current empowerment, joy, pleasure and dreams from realisation
This is the process of embodiment and healing through your divine feminine connection with womb and heart healing. As we surrender to the voice of our womb wisdom the earth rebalances to the cycles of matriarchal wisdom and we become guardians of divine feminine frequencies and truth, walking the talk wearing the crown of Goddess in our communities and daily lives
We will embrace the venue being an eco retreat centre and work with the land connecting our bodies to soil, forest, fire and water. We will walk in harmony with mother nature not using electricity or phones but following the arch of the sun and moon
Contact me via DM or whatsapp for more information, bookings and discounts!

Photos from Shakti Performing Arts's post 09/07/2022

The course moves through the four archetypes and phases of menstruation cycle-Maiden ,Temptress, Mother and Crone embodying the energy of Goddess Laxmi, Kali, Magdalena, White Tara and more. The material is a weave of creative free movement, martial arts with yoga and belly dance, tribal song, mantra and prayer and sacred Ta***ic, Tao and shamanic energies and ritual. Practical tools to deconstruct false belief build confidence and assertiveness include mirror work, affirmations and free flow writing from prospective of each archetype and vocalising consent and feeling and needs statements. There is space for diary reflection and expression through art( blood art optional)and cacao available to open in to deeper heart processes and ecstatic bliss body.

Along with energetic down loads from Munay-Ki 13th Rite of the Womb and inner marriage- birthing our new selves and dreams as the finale.
The process decodes patriarchal blue prints and related ancestral trauma stored in our wombs which are blocking our current empowerment, joy, pleasure and dreams from realisation
This is the process of embodiment and healing through your divine feminine connection with womb and heart healing. As we surrender to the voice of our womb wisdom the earth rebalances to the cycles of matriarchal wisdom and we become guardians of divine feminine frequencies and truth, walking the talk wearing the crown of Goddess in our communities and daily lives.
We will embrace the venue being an eco retreat centre and work with the land connecting our bodies to soil, forest, fire and water. We will walk in harmony with mother nature not using electricity or phones but following the arch of the sun and moon.


Reminder Goddess Yoga Summer Retreat has some places left.
If you are a woman who has the calling to womb wisdom divine Feminine Awkening this is for you.


This retreat environment allows us to slow down, extend and go deeper into the profound ancient radical transformation of Ta***ica practises and energetic down loads along with Munay-Ki 13th Rite of the Womb and inner marriage- birthing our new selves and dreams as the finale.
The process decodes patriarchal blue prints and related ancestral trauma stored in our wombs which are blocking our current empowerment, joy, pleasure and dreams from realisation. This is the process of embodiment and healing through your divine feminine connection with womb and heart healing. As we surrender to the voice of our womb wisdom the earth rebalances to the cycles of matriarchal wisdom and we become guardians of divine feminine frequencies and truth, walking the talk wearing the crown of Goddess in our communities and daily lives
This workshop is for women only but in the future we will invite the divine masculine to learn and support Goddess yoga and send prayer and gratitude to the men's circles doing their repair work in parallel. We will embrace the fire of Kali not just through surrender and flow but the fire of self defence as a woman willing to fight for her truth and voice to be seen. Embracing her inner masculine boundaries, containment and action energy. I invite one man to be on site to symbolically hold the sacred masculine fire space 🔥
10% discount for early bird by July 7th
10% discount if you bring a new friend
10% discount for repeat Goddess students
20% combination discount of 2 or more options
Please like my pages and check out upcoming retreats in Spain and a brand new course called Dansana!
For bookings, contact me via Whatsapp at +353860372898 (AOIFE). I also invite you to check out my page and keep posted on Instagram for any further information 🪷🪷


Goddess Yoga Retreat
22-24 July
See more details here
Pm me on Instagram if you have questions.
Bring a friend discounts!


Snatam Kaur
The count down: 7 hours to the live concert!

I'm so exited to be in her precense and hear the songs I sing in prayer everyday that held my andonment trauma during isolating winter days in conemarra during lock downs with heart ache I couldn't embody with out mantra to hold me.
Nothing is closer to my wounded heart then the transmutation and ecstatic bliss of kirtan.


💐This retreat environment allows us to slow down,extend and go deeper into the profound ancient radical transformation of Ta***ica practises and energetic down loads along with Munay-Ki 13th Rite of the Womb and inner marriage- birthing our new selves and dreams as the finale.
The process decodes patriarchal blue prints and related ancestrol trauma stored in our wombs which are blocking our current empowerment, joy,pleasure and dreams from realisation.
This is the process of embodiment and healing through your divine feminine connection with womb and heart healing.As we surrender to the voice of our womb wisdom the earth rebalances to the cycles of matriarchal wisdom and we become guiardiens of divine feminine frequencies and truth,walking the talk wearing the crown of Goddess in our communities and daily lives.

We will embrace the venue being an eco retreat centre and work with the land connecting our bodies to soil,forest, fire and water.We will walk in harmoney with mother nature not using electricity or phones but following the arch of the sun and moon.

This workshop is for women only but in the future we will invite the divine masculine to learn and support Goddess yoga and send prayer and gratitude to the men's circles doing their repair work in parallel.We will embrace the fire of Kali not just through surrender and flow but the fire of self defense as a woman willing to fight for her truth and voice to be seen.Embracing her inner masculine boundaries, containment and action energy.
I invite one man to be on site to symbolically hold the sacred masculine fire space
10% discount for early bird by 7th June
10% discount if you bring a new friend
10% discount for repeat Goddess students

20% combination discount of 2 or more options
Please like my pages and check out up in coming retreats in Spain and a brand new course called Dansana!xx💋
Aoife 353860372898
[email protected]


Filled up

Goddess summer yoga retreat
22nd to 24th July

Early bird bookings until 7th June don't miss out
[email protected]

💃Goddess Yoga is a sacred and supportive space moddelled on Red Tent, to learn and explore four archetypes of the female cycle through asanas, mediations sharing and shakti dance. We explore the natural Sadhanas of being a woman while releasing negative stigma along with advise on how jade eggs can support your transformation, core strength and pleasure.🌸
You will be guided to your ecstatic bliss body, the power of stillness and the freedom of flow and connection with other women to empower and recharge you.❤️

💐This retreat environment allows us to slow down,extend and go deeper into the profound ancient Ta***ica practises then weekly classes resulting in radical transformation and energetic down loads along with womb blessing to release any pain or trauma. This is the process of embodiment and healing through your divine feminine connection with the guidance of Goddess Archatypes.


My Hero

When we're not doing well, we usually look a hell of a lot better then we feel on the in side as it's the self talk and  mind that creates the illusion that we are alone, stuck, an unlovable useless a failure.This effect the body and emotions until it feels like a truth.

I'm blessed to experience short intense qualities of depression enough to deeply empathise with those who struggle long term.It stems from abandonment trauma and s*xual abuse.

Last week I felt  heavy, tired,worthless,anxiouse, distracted,impulsive, emotional then sedated, numb begining to think I don't want to be here and family holiday breaks tend to be more difficult times.

I got out of it in 24 hours with an instant anti  depression tool kit.From the out side in.

1.Fake it till you make it,throw ur self into the sauna with cousins in baby pool
3 .do some laps then blow dry your hair put on heels, red lips stick and have a terrace coffee date with your beloved self in the sun.
4.Ask someone to take some holiday photos and use all the deportment tricks. open, breath with gratitude and smile in the sun until your in your body not the mind.
It's a routine like a gym work out to step in and  out of these states. Each time it's shorter and deeper as  I  intergrate my shadows and light as oneness.

It helps to realise I'm the only one who can transform me and the pearls come from being alone in the darkenss being my hero, saving myself, learning to disearn, hold boundaries and direct my energy productively and yoga has helped me regulate these elements so much and be with myself.

Now the bigger test lies in relationship while maintaining my own centre!


Check out this link to listen to women of truth panel discusion about divine feminine influences in our menstration cycle, yoga and society which I took part in last November, sharing how Goddess Yoga has opened and healed our community.


Looking forward to joining Women of Truth again soon.
If you'd like to know how sacred divine feminine healing effects yoga and transforms my students you can watch here along with so many personalised expression of feminine wisdom codes shared by this wonderful panel of women.

Thankful for this special conversation with Heery, Sara Avtar Sara Avtar Deeksha Awasthi Claire Mangion. Facilitated by Sara Jager with her insightful approach that integrates the Menstrual Cycle awareness with yoga and nutrition. 🦋🦋✨🦋🦋


Womb wisdom speaks episode 1.

By DIY Goddess and Goddess Yoga
"Do it your self but be open to delighting and recieving"
How religion and paitrachy collaborate to disempower maitrachal womb wisdom empowerment witch priestess liniages and reflects in current state of society.

Goddess yoga retreats with womb blessing Jade egg trainings. June July and August



Hi Beauties
I'd like to invite you to my work an Intro to Goddess Yoga
March 8th 11.00am  -1pm

💃Goddess Yoga is a sacred and supportive space moddelled on Red Tent, to learn and explore  four archetypes of the female cycle through asanas, tabtric mediations sharing and shakti dance. We explore the natural Sadhanas of being a woman while releasing negative stigma along with advise on how jade eggs can support your transformation, core strength.🌸
You will be guided to your ecstatic bliss body, the power of stillness and the freedom of  flow and connection with other women to empower and recharge you.❤️

💐This workshop is a taster of the retreat environment which allows us to slow down,extend and go deeper into the profound ancient practises  resulting in  radical transformation and energetic down loads along with womb blessing to release any pain or trauma. This is the process of embodiment and healing  through your divine feminine connection with the guidance of Goddess Archatypes.

This workshop is for women only but in the future we will invite the divine masculine to learn and support Goddess yoga.🌅🌛

Here's what my Goddesses have to say this year:🥰

'Highly recommend this Powerful & Gentle Journey with Aoife as she guides you through the different aspects of the Goddess & Moon cycle. Helping to  awaken inner beauty & love for our bodies, sensuality, movement, with beautiful guided meditations & more.
It's so nice to reconnect to my the sentual aspect of Goddess.Aoife is truly gifted, fun, experienced, compassionate and always gives from the Heart.  Providing a safe sacred circle for beautiful women to be together.
Thank you, Aoife💐
Truly grateful for guiding me on this journey of discovery'💗
For further info and bio  see Facebook event

Pre paid €15.00 until 5 days before event.
€17.00 there after
Bring a friend 10% discount

Please park your cars at the cemetery and walk up the hill to the community gardens.Follow the road to the end and take the gate on the left.
Sant Perre de Ribes

These workshops are being held at The Little Dome community garden


Hi Beauties
I'd like to invite you to my work an Intro to Goddess Yoga
Feb 27th 3pm-5pm
March 8th 11.00am  -1pm

💃Goddess Yoga is a sacred and supportive space moddelled on Red Tent, to learn and explore  four archetypes of the female cycle through asanas, tabtric mediations sharing and shakti dance. We explore the natural Sadhanas of being a woman while releasing negative stigma along with advise on how jade eggs can support your transformation, core strength.🌸
You will be guided to your ecstatic bliss body, the power of stillness and the freedom of  flow and connection with other women to empower and recharge you.❤️

💐This workshop is a taster of the retreat environment which allows us to slow down,extend and go deeper into the profound ancient practises  resulting in  radical transformation and energetic down loads along with womb blessing to release any pain or trauma. This is the process of embodiment and healing  through your divine feminine connection with the guidance of Goddess Archatypes.

This workshop is for women only but in the future we will invite the divine masculine to learn and support Goddess yoga.🌅🌛

Here's what my Goddesses have to say this year:🥰

'Highly recommend this Powerful & Gentle Journey with Aoife as she guides you through the different aspects of the Goddess & Moon cycle. Helping to  awaken inner beauty & love for our bodies, sensuality, movement, with beautiful guided meditations & more.
It's so nice to reconnect to my the sentual aspect of Goddess.Aoife is truly gifted, fun, experienced, compassionate and always gives from the Heart.  Providing a safe sacred circle for beautiful women to be together.
Thank you, Aoife💐
Truly grateful for guiding me on this journey of discovery'💗
For further info and bio  see Facebook event

These workshops are being held at The Little Dome community garden project in Sant Perre de Ribes.
Your welcome to join our community garden morning  11am -2pm includes a pot luck picnic before Goddess yoga workshop on 27th Feb and make it a day out in nature additional donations to the dome welcome.


Hi Beauties
I'd like to invite you to my work an Intro to Goddess Yoga
Feb 27th 3pm-5pm
March 8th 11.00am -1pm

💃Goddess Yoga is a sacred and supportive space moddelled on Red Tent, to learn and explore four archetypes of the female cycle through asanas, tabtric mediations sharing and shakti dance. We explore the natural Sadhanas of being a woman while releasing negative stigma along with advise on how jade eggs can support your transformation, core strength.🌸
You will be guided to your ecstatic bliss body, the power of stillness and the freedom of flow and connection with other women to empower and recharge you.❤️

💐This workshop is a taster of the retreat environment which allows us to slow down,extend and go deeper into the profound ancient practises resulting in radical transformation and energetic down loads along with womb blessing to release any pain or trauma. This is the process of embodiment and healing through your divine feminine connection with the guidance of Goddess Archatypes.

This workshop is for women only but in the future we will invite the divine masculine to learn and support Goddess yoga.🌅🌛

Here's what my Goddesses have to say this year:🥰

'Highly recommend this Powerful & Gentle Journey with Aoife as she guides you through the different aspects of the Goddess & Moon cycle. Helping to awaken inner beauty & love for our bodies, sensuality, movement, with beautiful guided meditations & more.
It's so nice to reconnect to my the sentual aspect of Goddess.Aoife is truly gifted, fun, experienced, compassionate and always gives from the Heart. Providing a safe sacred circle for beautiful women to be together.
Thank you, Aoife💐
Truly grateful for guiding me on this journey of discovery'💗
For further info and bio see Facebook event

Please like my pages and check out up in coming retreats in Spain and a brand new course called Dansana!xx💋

Aoife 353860372898 for details.

[email protected]

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Videos (show all)

Shed the sexual shame and join me on the path to radical self love!
Goddess Yoga Retreat 22-24 Julyco.GalwaySee more details herePm me on Instagram if you have questions.Bring a friend dis...
💐This retreat environment allows us to slow down,extend and go deeper into the profound ancient  radical transformation ...
Filled upWholenessFlowGoddess summer  yoga  retreat22nd to 24th JulyEarly bird bookings until 7th June don't miss outhtt...
Womb wisdom speaks episode 1.By DIY Goddess and Goddess Yoga"Do it your self but be open to delighting and recieving"How...
Hi BeautiesI'd like to invite you to my work  an Intro to Goddess Yoga March 8th 11.00am  -1pmWHAT IS GODDESS YOGA?💃Godd...
Hi BeautiesI'd like to invite you to my work  an Intro to Goddess Yoga Feb 27th 3pm-5pmMarch 8th 11.00am  -1pmWHAT IS GO...
Hi BeautiesI'd like to invite you to my work  an Intro to Goddess Yoga Feb 27th 3pm-5pmMarch 8th 11.00am  -1pmWHAT IS GO...
Dates have changed to 19th September!Join 4 women 4 directions 4 unique skills sets to guide you toward self love and ca...
Opening fire ceremony at Burren Bliss RetreatBog Hill Centre co.Clair "Letting go of what no longer serves"Stay tuned fo... #yogaholiday #hathayoga #wellness




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