Galway Holistic

Galway Holistic; Mind Body Healing. Run by Stephanie Dowling Folan. We provide multiple therapies an


The final hours! All prepped and ready for a beautiful day of healing tomorrow. So grateful to the beautiful souls who are signed up and opening their hearts to Authentic Connection. It promises to be a day of Love & Healing..Not too late to join us in Lackagh tomorrow morning! 🙏


Day of Healing..Saturday 22nd Oct


Both excited & honoured to be sharing this special day of healing with my precious friends and glorious healing facilitators! We promise to bring you a day of inner reflection, healing and a new perspective as we move forward in these changing times. Together we bring years of knowledge and experience in the healing modalities which include meditation, healing on all levels, mental, emotional, physical & spiritual, shamanic practises of clearing and vibrational sound (drumming, etc), the mind/body connection, why we get sick and how we can help ourselves heal! It’s all about empowering ourselves with a like minded support group so we as our true selves can shine through in a world that’s changing before our eyes. We hope, if this resonates with you, that you can join us on the 22nd, for a day that will leave its imprint in your Heart..💕


Sometimes we all need to hear this…take time today to reflect on what drives your actions, words, decisions..Your Worth or Your Fear?


Everything has an optional treatment! Reach out if you need advice..😊

Homeopathy for any Sort of Pox.
Monkeypox has entered the news lately but can homeopathy help it and other pox-associated diseases? Discover fifteen helpful remedies.
1. If you liked this post, you'll also like our newsletter full of the latest research, world news, and self-help info on homeopathy. Subscribe to it for free at:
2. The information in our publications is from the homeopathic perspective. It may not be endorsed or recommended by sectors of some governments, medico-pharmaceutical groups, “skeptic” organisations or those unfamiliar with homeopathy. Comments, references or links posted by others on this page may not reflect the opinion of Homeopathy Plus and should not be seen as an endorsement or recommendation by Homeopathy Plus. Please see a trusted healthcare provider for advice on health problems not suitable for home management. Further information about the purpose of our material may be read in the disclaimer at the foot of our website:


Check out Anne SlĂĄinte Wellness if you feel this can help.

Today is World Multiple Sclerosis day. According to Multiple Sclerosis Ireland over 9,000 people in Ireland are living with MS.
Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic, progressive neurological and disabling disease affecting the central nervous system – the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. The cause of multiple sclerosis is unknown. It is considered an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks its own tissues. What happens is the myelin sheath, fatty tissue surrounding the nerve fibres, enables speed nerve transmission and allows for the easy passage of electrical signals, breaks down or becomes inflamed, nerve transmission is disrupted, causing a range of symptoms including extreme fatigue, difficulty walking and possibly vision problems.
There is very little scientific evidence on the benefits of diet and nutrients for the management of MS but there are plenty of anecdotal stories of people who have managed their symptoms and slowed the progress of the disease to enable them to lead a normal life.
If you or a family member or friend has been diagnosed with MS, encourage them to seek nutritional advice from a trained practitioner and give their body's the nutrients it needs to manage this disease.
Drop me a PM and I will be happy to chat about the testing I do and what a Nutritional Consultation involves and the benefits it can offer.

Timeline photos 28/05/2022

There are many ways to treat the natural changes that come with menopausal symptoms…

Weak Adrenals


Upper respiratory infections?

Is there solid evidence that homeopathy is effective in the treatment of upper respiratory infections?

There sure is! Here is one of many such papers on the topic:
"Homeopathic Treatments of Upper Respiratory and Oto-rhinolaryngologic Infections: A Review of Randomized and Observational Studies"


Photo credit COD Newsroom via CC BY.jpg

Timeline photos 29/04/2022

Focus and Clear Thinking Support?



• Improves focus and concentration.
• Relieves nervous exhaustion and associated symptoms.
• Useful for nervous palpitations and sleeping difficulties.
• Has a selective action on brain and nervous system, favorably influencing their nutritive function.


• The remedy for absent-mindedness.
• Used in cases where the individual is unable to recollect things and find it difficult to keep their train of thought.


• Reduces sensations of fear, grief, discouragement, and despair.
• Helps with self-confidence.
• Strengthens memory, senses and improves cognitive function especially when there is a weakening of all senses, sight, hearing, etc.


• Useful for those who have a great weakness of memory and are extremely sensitivity to noises.
• Of great benefit to those who have a challenged or poor memory due to exhaustion (usually of physical origin) or who get tired through overuse because of some great mental strain or stress.


• Calms and refocuses the hysterical or delusional by restoring equilibrium to the mind.
• Indicated for those who are loquacious (chatty) or overly talkative especially about trivial matters during inappropriate times.
• Useful for those of whom the sight of water or anything glittering brings on spasms.
• Used when spontaneous, uncontrolled, exaggerated muscle contractions occur.


• Used for weakness of memory do to sadness, grief, or sorrow.
• Helps with dullness and indolence of mind.
• Useful for those with the inability to connect thoughts; scatterbrained.


• One of the greatest nerve remedies known to homeopathy.
• Excellent for those who are weak or tired where disturbances of the nervous system are apparent.


• Beneficial for any general affliction of the mind.
• Calms those who are over-sensitive to external impressions.
• Combats a general loss of memory or paralysis of the mind when the brain feels tired.
• Used on those who have a great lowness of spirit and are easily vexed becoming angry or irritable.


• Especially suited for the very talkative person who is prone to unnatural states of excitement.
• Useful for those who tend to have an inability to concentrate on their own thoughts.


• Especially suited for those tired, languid (dreamy: lacking spirit or liveliness), exhausted subjects with an indisposition (unwillingness) for mental exertion.
• Helpful for the individual who complains and whines all the time and has an inability to think clearly because they are distracted by their own destructive thoughts.
• Useful for those who worry themselves sick and usually deals with sleeplessness do to that.


Sinus Issues? Homeopathy can help!

Here are five remedies that can be beneficial for sinusitis:

Kali b**h.
There is thick, sticky, yellow or green mucus which is difficult to evacuate. Pressure or stuffed-up feeling at the root of the nose. There can be a nasal tone of voice. Chronic inflammation of the frontal sinuses.

The nasal discharge is yellow/green in nature and is acrid (burns). This remedy is especially indicated for the frontal sinuses. The person can have little resistance to infection and every cold results in sinusitis. There can be excessive salivation and offensive breath.

Hepar Sulph.
There is painful inflammation in the sinuses sometimes with swelling of the nose and hoarseness. There is thick nasal and post-nasal discharge after every exposure to cold or uncovering the head. Discharges are offensive.

The nasal discharge is bland, thick and yellow. There is nasal obstruction at night and indoors but discharges freely in the open air. Feels better sitting up in the bed. There can be loss of smell.

Chronic sinusitis and rhinitis especially in damp weather. There is thick nasal discharge and post-nasal discharge which drain into the throat causing a constant desire to hawk and scrape.

Always seek the advice of a registered homeopath or your medical practitioner if symptoms persist or get worse.
To find a homeopath:


Great post from Órla O'Flaherty Naturopath & Herbalist on how you can help yourself with Hayfever!

Reposting as I think it’s needed right now 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

Hayfever: A word that instills terror into many. The tingle that leads to an itch that leads to a burn that leads to 1,3,7,15,20 sneezes in a row that leads to wanting to either punch your own face
Naturopathic Tips for prevention and management of Hayfever •1 tsp of local raw honey per day. This will desensitise your allergy to pollen. Best taken from a month before hayfever season starts. •Nettle & Chamomile Tea: A blend of both teas together will reduce symptoms. High in natural anti-histamines and mucilage to soothe itchy, irritated eyes & nose. Drink these throughout the day. •Eye Compress: Chamomile Teabags can be placed on the eyes to relive itch and irritation. •Barriers: Rub vaseline on and in your nasal cavity to block pollen from entering. •Vit C: 1000mg daily ( & are the best brands). Has high anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy properties. Also immune enhancing which will decrease allergy response. •Beta Caroteine: Increase foods rich in beta-caroteine for anti-inflammatory properties. Carrot, Sweet Potato, Pumpkin, Squash. 1-2 servings per day. •Wheat & Dairy: These are inflammatory and mucus forming foods. They will contribute to irritation and congestion. Reduce these as much as possible. •A good pro-biotic to boost gut health.
Herbs for hayfever:
•Chamomile – A great all rounder high in volatile oils and flavonoids. A lovely nervine and mucilage to soothe mucus membranes and calm the nervous system. •Nettle- High in natural anti-histamines to reduce inflammatory and allergic response. •Plantain – A gentle herb to dry up excess mucus as well as soothing mucus membranes. •Eyebright – It’s all in the name. Will help with those itchy, burning, dry eyes. •Skullcap – This beautiful herb can be used in any case. It’s a great nervine to help relax and calm the mind. For anyone with severe hayfever, feeling like you want to turn your face inside out and scratch it, this is a great one alongside all the herbs above.


Hamstring Issues? Optimum

Pioneering Stem Cell Research in 1967 20/04/2022

Pioneering Stem Cell Research in 1967🔴URGENT: YouTube won’t show you my NEW videos UNLESS you 🔔 TURN ON MY NOTIFICATIONS🔔🔴SUBSCRIBE ➤ SAY HI TO ME ON SOCIAL ▶INSTAG...


This is such a simple Life Lesson and oh so true!


So just to keep those affected informed, no you’re not imagining it, your symptoms are real as is this ‘Information’. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need support with any of your post injection adverse reactions or symptoms…there is always some way we can help..😊


This can be a tough one but only if you believe the world is ‘cruel’. There is so much ‘more’ Love and Compassion out there than cruelty, that’s where we need to focus. Trust your own inner intuition, don’t let your day be dictated by the chaos on the outer..😊


Change is Inevitable, that is Life and what we are here to experience 💕


Definitely something to embrace!


Have you tried Homeopathy yet?


Even in the wild wind & rain, get outdoors today, switch into Life itself..🥰

Photos from Galway Holistic's post 14/12/2021

Loving this Skincare range from Lifevantage! Pure & simple, completely non toxic and formulated from the same scientific principles as NRF2, the best antioxidant & anti inflammatory supplement I’ve used..My skin is thanking me for it..This is a great value offer with a glorious soft hand cream added for free, also made from the science backing up their other products. Link to purchase is:


Sinus Issues? Don’t suffer in silence, here in clinic natural remedies are made to order and accompanied with some Acupuncture & small dietary changes, you can alleviate the discomfort of Sinus issues easier than you think!


doTERRA On Guard Mouthwash is alcohol-free, formulated to clean teeth and gums and helps to promote overall oral hygiene. The powerful properties of doTERRA On Guard – a proprietary CPTG essential oil blend – combine the benefits of Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, and Myrrh to promote oral cleanliness.

Add doTERRA On Guard Mouthwash to your oral hygiene routine, in addition to normal brushing and flossing, to support oral cleanliness.

On Guard Mouthwash is part of this month's Autumn Enrolment Promotion. Don't miss out!


Another of my favourites!

One of doTERRA's most popular blends, doTERRA On Guard is a must-have because of its incredible benefits.

What do you love most about On Guard?


COPAIBA essential oil


Perfume Blends

Are you looking for a clean, all-natural personal fragrance?

We’ve got you covered! Try one of these blends for a personal fragrance that’s unique to your personality.

Bonus: you actually know what each ingredient in the blend is!

Reminder! When using citrus oils avoid UV rays for 12 hours
after applying.


Peaceful Night Blend

Ready for some relaxation? Try this Peaceful Night Blend tonight! 😴
This blend features Ravintsara, September's Product of the Month.
Let us know if you try it!


Tea easy to carry around and has so many uses..

Packaged in a convenient and smooth roll-on applicator, Tea Tree (Melaleuca) Touch delivers the purifying benefits of Tea Tree essential oil – often referred to as Melaleuca essential oil – diluted in Fractionated Coconut Oil. Tea Tree (Melaleuca) Touch can be used to cleanse and purify the skin and nails and to promote a healthy complexion. Melaleuca is ideal to soothe occasional skin irritations and to use after shaving or on the bottoms of feet.

What are your favourite uses for Tea Tree Touch?


A nice diffuser blend to try..

Need a little boost to get your day going? Grab your favourite diffuser and try this blend!

Citrus Cheer Blend
2 drops Cheer
2 drops Tangerine
2 drops Green Mandarin


No excuse not to carry your oils with you!

Introducing the new doTERRA Keychain! We've updated our keychain and from September 1 we will now offer it in a single colour, a stylish grey. With all the convenience and practicality as before, this keychain comes with 8 sample oil bottles to allow you to use or share your favourite oils on-the-go!


Something simple!

Looking for a natural and effective household cleaner? Simply add five drops of Purify essential oil blend into a small spray bottle filled with water. This minimalistic combination is perfect for wiping down countertops while leaving a fresh scent in its wake.


After a much needed break, I’m delighted to be back, refreshed and ready to go! Although it wasn’t my ideal holiday, I look forward to a proper one next year once all this madness calms down. Remember this, we’ve been given a body that works, it knows what it has to do to keep healthy & moving efficiently. With the right tools, a great mindset, proper nutrition and Self Love, with a few setbacks here and there, we still manage to rise above all adversities with an Immune System that serves a purpose..! Please don’t give your Power away, exciting things happening in my clinic over the coming weeks, keep tuned!


Culture of Quick Fix? We are so fast to rid ourselves of symptoms, as in pain or discomfort of any kind almost immediately. The body, our nervous system is always responding to many triggers, mental, emotional, spiritual and yes obviously physical too. Without working with the ‘source’ or root cause of a symptom, our healing is not always fully complete..To be healthy, with a strong immune defence takes work on all levels. No pill or injection can do it for you. It’s your body, your control, your power. Take your power back!😊

Seven Pathways For Getting Out of Pain — BETTER MOVEMENT 27/05/2021

Better Movement- Pain Management

Seven Pathways For Getting Out of Pain — BETTER MOVEMENT This post outlines seven rough categories of pain treatment options. They are like general medicines with broad benefits and few side effects. In some cases you don't even really need an expert to use them..


Fabulous afternoon chatting with Sharon Fitzmaurice talking all things Therapy & Healing. We hope you enjoy the podcast release this Thursday and we’ll share the link soon!💕


Why do I follow a Keto style of eating. Mainly because it helps me curb my sugar cravings due to a reduction in my carbohydrate intake. Yes, of course I’m aware of ‘good choice’ carbs but generally I find in more recent times a more definite intolerance to my digestive ability to break down these foods. Avoidance eliminates that pattern. I choose my carbohydrates wisely now and ensure I get a good balance of Fats/Protein/Carbs daily!


Recovery Time? How long should I wait before resuming regular activity? I think we all know our own bodies well enough so just remember after a session, you are still ‘in recovery’ so don’t overdo it or try to get back to where you were just before the treatment! Ease yourself back in and give it at least 24-48 hours at a minimum, dependent obviously on what you had treated..


Loved making some new blends today which will head off to some lucky person soon! Only the purest essential oils are used to create blends that help and support on all levels. Today’s trio were: Mood uplift, Immune Support & Muscular Pain. With 21 years experience in the health & wellness field, I share much knowledge & energy in creating a blend that is specifically tailored to the person using it. I hope you will love them as much as I do! Feel free to ask me any questions you need answered or if there is something I can help you with, please do reach out!😊


A very common complaint post ‘many viruses’ people go through are feelings of : Chronic fatigue, Systemic inflammation, Joint or body pain, Digestive issues, sometimes loss of taste or sense of smell to name but a few. This is not unusual for us to see this in clinic many times, so it is not something new to anyone having been through Covid-19. If you need systemic support post virus symptoms, feel free to get in touch, there are many ways we can help your system feel strong again!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.


Briarhill Business Park

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