
Agritask is an Agronomic Intelligence & Analytics Platform for food & beverage companies.

Agritask is an Agronomic Intelligence & Analytics Platform, that powers collaboration across the agri-food value chain. Our platform connects Food & Beverage enterprises with growers and suppliers to build predictable, sustainable, and resilient supply chains. Utilizing aggregated agronomic data, flexible embedded protocols, machine learning, and analytics, Agritask captures and translates agronom


Happy holidays from Agritask!

Mission-Driven Food Companies Aren’t Waiting To Act On Climate 13/12/2023

The U.N. Climate Change Conference ( ) dedicated a day to focus on food and agriculture for the first time in its 28-year history.

One insightful article shared this:
"Companies must take a farmer-led approach to ensure production and sourcing solutions are effective and equitable. This means committing to research and development alongside farmers — partnerships that have proven beneficial for both farmers and companies".

Read more here:

Mission-Driven Food Companies Aren’t Waiting To Act On Climate Food businesses are facing massive challenges, but there are also real, impactful opportunities to scale solutions up and out.

Promoting supply chain visibility via grower engagement - Agritask 11/12/2023

*** Case Study: Promoting supply chain visibility via grower engagement ***

As recently shared in our press release, you should check out the case study we created about how IFC - International Finance Corporation works with traders and their growers to increase visiblity into the supply chain through grower engagement.

* Nearly 90% grower engagement (!)
* Representing ~1,800 farmers, a vast majority of them are smallholder farmers
* Product includes farmer-oriented functionalities such as profit and loss calculators

Download the case study here:

Promoting supply chain visibility via grower engagement - Agritask Learn how the IFC digitized 3 major supply arrays: Rice, Coffee, and Peppercorn. This case study reviews the key elements in securing grower engagement among rural smallholder farmers.

Agritask - About Us and Our Team 06/12/2023

Food & Beverage enterprises often struggle with the inherent volatility and instability of crop supply caused by varied cultivation factors and the impact of climate change. This blindspot is the challenge directly addressed by Agritask.

Read more about what we do here:

Agritask - About Us and Our Team Agritask is a Crop Supply Data Intelligence Software Company, providing predictability and sustainability into crop supply for Food & Beverage enterprises.

The Role of Agronomy in Raw Material Sourcing 05/12/2023

***New Blog Post: Maximizing Food Supply Chain Impact: The Power of Agronomy in Raw Material Sourcing***

Agronomy is the scientific study and management of soil and crop production. It involves applying principles from various fields, such as biology, chemistry, and meteorology, to enhance agricultural practices. Agronomists focus on optimizing crop yields, improving soil health, and implementing sustainable farming techniques to ensure efficient and environmentally responsible food production.

Read more about the importance of agronomy and how it can support streamlining supply chain procedures here:

The Role of Agronomy in Raw Material Sourcing Explore the pivotal role of agronomy in raw material sourcing within the food & beverage industry. Learn how leveraging agronomic practices shapes quality, quantity, and timing of raw materials, optimizing supply chain efficiency.

Photos from Agritask's post 04/12/2023

Last month, our team rallied together for a meaningful cause at the Alfasi farm in Emek Hefer. With labor shortages impacting farms across the country, we volunteered to pick lemons and avocados, lending a helping hand during challenging times. Despite the ongoing war affecting every aspect of life in Israel, our collective effort was a small but impactful step in addressing the broader need. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us—your contribution makes a difference! 🍋🥑

Agritask Supports IFC’s with Carbon Accounting Solution 30/11/2023

***Press Release: Agritask Supports IFC’s Global Mission of Optimizing Sustainable Agricultural Practices with Carbon Accounting Solution***

The project with IFC - International Finance Corporation improves cultivation visibility down to the plot level for major coffee, pepper and rice traders and manufacturers.
Used by over 2,000 smallholder farmers of coffee, pepper and rice in Vietnam during 2022 and 2023.
“Together with the IFC and participating Vietnamese agribusiness companies, Agritask is helping pioneer digital, responsible farming in Vietnam to inform and improve communities for decades to come", says Ofir Ardon, Agritask CEO.

Read more here:

Agritask Supports IFC’s with Carbon Accounting Solution Agritask Supports IFC - This project with IFC improves cultivation visibility down to the plot level for major coffee, pepper and rice traders and manufacturers.

Carbon Emissions Management Guide for Food & Beverage Companies 29/11/2023

***A Guide to Carbon Emissions Management for Food & Beverage Companies***

The agri-food industry is not only a contributor to environmental challenges but also a vital part of the solution. Agriculture is inherently carbon-negative, sequestering more carbon into the soil than it emits. This white paper offers insights into addressing carbon emissions challenges, exploring topics such as upstream emissions impact, carbon accounting intricacies, unique challenges in agriculture, and strategies for implementing regenerative practices at scale.

Carbon Emissions Management Guide for Food & Beverage Companies Explore our comprehensive guide on carbon emissions management for the food & beverage industry. Discover innovative solutions and strategies to reduce scope 3 emissions and advance sustainability in agriculture.


***Why is the the Food & Beverage Industry so Unpredictable***

The food & beverage industry is inherently unpredictable. Here are some of the main reasons:

- Volatile agricultural production: Agriculture is susceptible to weather conditions, pests, and other environmental factors. Disruptions in the production of key ingredients can lead to shortages and price fluctuations.
- Regulatory changes: Sustainbility , food safety, health standards, and more. Compliance with these changes can impact production processes and market access.
- Environmental Impact: Climate change-related events, such as extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, and environmental degradation, pose risks to agricultural production and supply chain operations.
- Global Economic Factors: Fluctuations in currency exchange rates, geopolitical events, and economic downturns on a global scale can affect production costs and consumer purchasing power.
- Changing Consumer Preferences: Rapid shifts in consumer tastes, preferences, and dietary trends create uncertainty for food & beverage companies. Meeting evolving consumer demands requires constant innovation and adaptability.


Responsible agricultural raw materials sourcing is not a trend; it's a strategic imperative for food & beverage businesses.

It's about more than sustainability; it's a commitment to ethics, quality, and longevity. From preserving biodiversity to ensuring fair labor, responsible sourcing aligns with consumer values and builds trust.

Moreoever, responsible crop sourcing is a strategic move for resilience in the face of changing climates. We, at Agritask, believe that responsible sourcing is becoming a competitive advantage, by creating a shield against climate volatility.

In an era of transparency, businesses that prioritize this not only meet standards but fortify their reputation. It's not just about what's on our plates; it's the impact we make. Let's make every crop count.

Challenges & Solutions in Food and Beverage Sustainability 22/11/2023

***New Blog Post: Sustainably Feeding the World: The Food and Beverage Industry’s Journey***

The sustainability era is here. Consumers want it and are willing to pay premiums for it, food & beverage companies understand it, and it's clear that it's everyone's interest to preserve the enviornment.

However, food & beverage companies are expected to handle this multi-faceted dicsipline that covers sustainable and regenerative farming, reduction of carbon emissions, preserving forests, and much more. That's quite a handful.

Read more about it here:

Challenges & Solutions in Food and Beverage Sustainability Discover how food and beverage companies navigate sustainability complexities, from regenerative agriculture to ethical supply chains, addressing carbon emissions, deforestation, and supply chain transparency. Explore insights into Food and Beverage Sustainability for a more sustainable future

Unilever unearths regen ag findings for Knorr and Hellmann’s: ‘The time for pilots is over. It’s time to go big’ 21/11/2023

Unilever shares regenerative agriculture findings from 4 projects in Europe and the US. Here are some intresting results from one project after one year as published in FoodNavigator:

From the Spain tomato project:
- 37% decrease in GHG emissions (kg of CO2eq)
- 1% to 1.27% increase in soil organic matter and fertility from (from 2000 to 2022)
- 173% increase in pollinators and 27% in wildflower diversity as a result of planting wildflower borders

Very exciting and encouraging results indeed. Read more here:

Unilever unearths regen ag findings for Knorr and Hellmann’s: ‘The time for pilots is over. It’s time to go big’ The environmental impact results from Unilever’s first set of regenerative agriculture projects in Spain, Italy, and the US have been dug up, with findings suggesting boons for food resilience and environmental sustainability.


*** Engaging various stakeholders across the food & beverage supply chain: How does Agritask's platform help? ***

Visibility to Crop Cultivation: Agritask offers visibility down to the source of the value chain, providing a comprehensive understanding of the crops' cultivation methods.

Real-time Data Sharing: The platform facilitates real-time data sharing, allowing for the exchange of critical information about cultivation methods, emerging trends, and climate incidents.

Quality Assurance: Agritask's platform monitors and maintains vigilance over crop quality. This guarantees that crops meet the required standards for the final product, enhancing trust and consistency.

Sustainability Monitoring: The technology enables the monitoring of sustainable farming practices, including chemical usage, land conservation, and eco-friendly cultivation methods.

Agronomic Advisory at Scale: Agritask facilitates the sharing of best practices from corporate agronomists to multiple farmers simultaneously, creating a direct channel of communication. This streamlines the dissemination of knowledge and expertise.

Insights and Reports: Agritask's platform collects data from various sources and transforms it into actionable insights and reports. These insights provide valuable information for better decision-making and enhancing the overall efficiency of the supply chain.


Last week Ofir Ardon participated at the "Digital Disruption in Agriculture Forum: The Way Forward in Vietnam", held in Hanoi, Vietnam on November 9, organized by IFC - International Finance Corporation. At the forum they discussed opportunities and constraints in the digital solutions space in Vietnam and showcased digital tools and service providers with the potential to reach a significant number of smallholder farmers.


***Food & Beverage Supply Chain Hurdles: The Main Challenges***

Recognizing and addressing the challenges that arise from global food & beverage supply chain complexities is pivotal for cultivating resilient and adaptive strategies in the face of a constantly evolving global landscape.

Supply Chain Complexity: Disruptions can occur at any point in the network, whether it be in production, transportation, or distribution, and can send ripples through the entire system, impacting the seamless flow of goods and services.

Climate Change and Environmental Factors: The ever-changing climate introduces a layer of unpredictability. From altered weather patterns to extreme events, environmental factors can directly impact crop yields, and influence overall production processes, posing a significant challenge for supply chain stability.

Market Fluctuations and Demand Surges: Sudden shifts in demand or unexpected market developments can create obstacles in forecasting accuracy, making it difficult for supply chains to efficiently meet evolving consumer needs.

Quality and Safety Concerns: Issues such as contamination, product recalls, or lapses in quality control can have far-reaching consequences. Beyond affecting consumer trust, these concerns can lead to regulatory compliance challenges, disrupting the smooth flow of the supply chain.

Plot Traceability: Agritask's Advanced Solutions 13/11/2023

Plot traceability serves as the cornerstone for sustainability in the food & beverage industry, enabling companies to adhere to sustainability principles, fulfill regulatory requirements, reduce its environmental impact, and cultivate a more responsible and ethical approach to food production.

Here's how:
- Compliance and Certifications: Plot traceability enables accurate record-keeping and verification, facilitating compliance with sustainability standards and third-party certifications, such as organic or fair trade.
- Chemical Accounting: It allows for precise tracking of chemical usage, promoting responsible and sustainable agricultural practices by preventing overuse and minimizing chemical pollution.
- EU Deforestation Regulation: Plot traceability helps confirm the source of raw materials, ensuring they are not associated with deforestation, which is crucial for compliance with stringent regulations.
- Carbon Emissions Reduction: By identifying emissions sources and optimizing practices, traceability supports the reduction of carbon emissions, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly food supply chain.

Plot Traceability: Agritask's Advanced Solutions Explore Agritask's Plot Traceability feature designed for precision and efficiency. Track agricultural plots, enhance productivity, and make informed decisions with our innovative technology.

Supply Chain Engagement: From Farm to Table 08/11/2023

***New blog post: Supply Chain Engagement: From Farm to Table***

In addition to collaborating with growers, cooperatives, and other entities in the supply chain, food & beverage companies can prioritize engagement with the individuals behind these processes. By recognizing and supporting the well-being of the farmers, workers, and communities involved, businesses not only promote social responsibility but also contribute to the long-term sustainability of the supply chain. This holistic engagement approach can lead to stronger partnerships, improved working conditions, and a more resilient and ethical supply chain.

Read more here:

Supply Chain Engagement: From Farm to Table Learn about the pivotal role of supply chain engagement, sustainable practices, and traceability in fostering a transparent and responsible food supply chain. Discover how cutting-edge technology platforms enforce standards and ensure the delivery of high-quality, eco-friendly food products.


*** How Regenerative Agriculture Supports Mitigating Climate Change Effects ***

Regenerative agriculture represents a transformative approach to farming that aims to restore and enhance the health of agricultural ecosystems. It emphasizes a set of holistic practices designed not only to sustainably produce food but also to address the pressing issue of climate change.

Carbon Sequestration: Regenerative agriculture prioritizes soil health by using practices like cover cropping, reduced tillage, and diversified crop rotations. These actions enhance the soil's organic matter, effectively sequestering carbon and mitigating CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere.

Reduced Emissions: Reduced or no-till farming, for instance, prevents the oxidation of soil carbon, reducing CO2 emissions. Additionally, the minimized use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides results in fewer emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), another potent greenhouse gas.

Resilient Ecosystems: Regenerative agriculture promotes biodiversity and healthy ecosystems, which are more resilient in the face of climate change. Diverse crops and cover crops help prevent soil erosion, retain moisture, and reduce vulnerability to extreme weather events, such as droughts and heavy rainfall.

Enhanced Productivity: By improving soil health and promoting a balanced ecosystem, regenerative agriculture often leads to increased agricultural productivity over time. This not only benefits food production but also provides economic advantages to farmers.

Sustainable Farming: The holistic approach of regenerative agriculture integrates sustainable land management, ethical animal husbandry, and responsible resource use. It reduces the need for external inputs and fosters a self-sustaining farming system.

11 Ways Farmers Are Adapting to Climate Change | Earth.Org 01/11/2023

Farmers play a critical role in the food supply chain. As climate change disrupts traditional weather patterns and introduces new challenges, it threatens the stability and predictability of food production.
By adapting and innovating, farmers can maintain agricultural productivity, even in the face of changing conditions. The adaptability of farmers is not only essential for their own well-being but also for the broader goal of achieving food security and maintaining a sustainable future in a changing climate.

Read more in the Earth Org's article: 11 Ways Farmers Are Adapting to the Unpredictability of Climate Change -

11 Ways Farmers Are Adapting to Climate Change | Earth.Org Farmers are demonstrating remarkable resilience and adaptability in the face of the uncertainty brought about by climate change.

Agritask - Yield Compliance 30/10/2023

When it comes to certification compliance, staying ahead of potential yield issues is crucial. Agritask empowers Food & Beverage companies with real-time visibility into the yield at risk of not meeting certification requirements.

The vast and often geographically dispersed nature of the supply chain can make data collection a daunting task. Ensuring the timeliness and accuracy of data can be difficult, especially in regions with limited connectivity. Additionally, standardizing data collection methods and formats across diverse regions and growers can be a complex endeavor.

Agritask centralizes survey processes and streamlines operations, simplifying survey distribution and evidence collection across the supply chain.

Agritask - Yield Compliance Gain real-time visibility into yield at risk of not meeting certification requirements Request a Demo Our Process Create a survey or select a pre-defined standard questionnaire Manage data collection and supporting evidence Analyze survey results and create audit-ready reports Proactive Yield Protec...


In these challenging times, we want to express our support for the farming industry in Israel. Their resilience is truly inspiring, and we stand with them throughout this journey.

We also want to thank our dedicated employees across the globe, who continue to provide unwavering support to our partners and advance our business and technology every day.


California, the 5th economy in the world, has enacted two significant climate-related bills:

1) Senate Bill 253: Climate Corporate Data Accountability Act - Obliging US companies with annual revenues exceeding $1 billion and doing business in California to disclose their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data, including Scope 3 emissions, starting in 2026, harmonizing reporting with Greenhouse Gas Protocol standards and guidance. Expected to impact 5,000 companies.

2) Senate Bill 261: Climate-Related Financial Risk Act - Mandating companies with annual revenues exceeding $500 million in California to publicly report climate-related financial risks per Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations. Expected to impact 10,000 companies.

California is the first US state to mandate GHG emissions and climate risk reporting from large companies.

Uncover the Agricultural Blindspot: Challenges in the Food Industry 24/10/2023

*** New Blog Post: Bridging the Agricultural Blindspot: A Necessity for Food & Beverage Enterprises ***

Agriculture lies at the very heart of the Food & Beverage industry. Without a thriving agricultural sector, the food giants of the world would be left with empty plates. This industry is characterized with extensive supply chains and complex production processes, however without a consistent and high-quality source of ingredients, these companies would be left high and dry. Despite this interdependence, there’s a significant blindspot within these organizations when it comes to understanding what’s happening in the fields.

Read more here:

Uncover the Agricultural Blindspot: Challenges in the Food Industry Uncover the Food & Beverage industry's agricultural blindspot. Explore how transparency, technology, and collaboration ensure product quality and sustainability.

The future of food – How Kraft Heinz is working toward and contributing to a more sustainable food system 23/10/2023

*** Recommended WBCSD – World Business Council for Sustainable Development blog post ***

David Shaw, ESG Director, International Zone at The Kraft Heinz Company, wrote a guest blog post addressing the agricultural blindspot, the importance of ecosystem engagement, and everything related.

"One of the food companies' major concerns is the security of supply. Everything we deliver comes from nature.
As we’ve started unpacking our big sustainability commitments like achieving net zero emissions, we’ve come to understand that some of the linear ways we’ve been engaging with nature can have a big impact, not only on climate but also on the health of the soil that we rely on for all production and supply of food commodities."

"There is an increasing requirement to have a direct line of sight from the head office to the farms and growers. This is a change from the norm in the food industry and requires a need to forge a much closer connection with those on the ground."

Don't miss it.

The future of food – How Kraft Heinz is working toward and contributing to a more sustainable food system WBCSD is a global, CEO-led organization of over 200 leading businesses working together to accelerate the transition to a sustainable world.


Explore the future of agrifood at EIT Food's Venture Summit on 8-9 November in Lisbon, and get to listen to David Taylor discussing a fully transparent, resilient, and fair food system.

Register here:


*** Next steps for the EU Deforestation Regulation ***
Tune in for a snippet from our EUDR webinar, where we talk about predictions for how the EUDR will further develop and ways to manage it effectively.

Serra, Stefanelli


*** Climate Change Puts a Chill on Hops: Brewing Industry Hops Challenges ***

Beer companies are facing growing challenges in sourcing hops, a critical ingredient in beer production, due to the impacts of climate change. Hops, the aromatic plants that give beer its flavor, are particularly vulnerable to rising temperatures and changing weather patterns. These challenges include:

Quality and Quantity Decline: Drought and higher temperatures associated with climate change are projected to decrease the quality and quantity of hops.
Light and Temperature Sensitivity: Hops require specific conditions for growth. They need long hours of sunlight during the growing season, followed by colder temperatures and shorter days to flower.
Changing Demand: The craft beer industry's increasing demand for high-quality hops, especially for IPAs and hoppy lagers, has put pressure on hop growers to meet these specific conditions.
Adaptation Challenges: The process of adapting hop crops to new climate conditions is complex and challenging. Researchers are exploring breeding hops for heat and drought tolerance, but it's uncertain how quickly and effectively these adaptations can be achieved.
Impact on Beer: Changes in hop quality and quantity could affect the taste of beer, potentially making it more expensive for brewers as they need to use more hops to achieve the desired flavor.


*** Crop Quality Inconsistencies: Food & Beverage Companies Challenges ***

The food and beverage industry is a complex and dynamic ecosystem where consistency is key. The quality of crops plays a pivotal role in the final products that grace our tables.

Here are a few challenges faced by food & beverage companies in maintaining crop quality consistency:

Environmental Variability: Crops are highly susceptible to environmental factors such as temperature, rainfall and pests & disease presence. Variations in these conditions can lead to differences in crop growth and quality from one season to the next and from one field to another.
Soil Nutrient Variations: Soil composition and nutrient levels can fluctuate, affecting the nutritional content and growth of crops. Maintaining consistent soil quality is a challenge, particularly in areas with variable soil conditions.
Farm Practices: Variations in farming practices, including planting methods, harvest timing, irrigation, and fertilization, can lead to differences in crop growth and quality. Ensuring consistent practices across farms can be a logistical challenge.
Sustainability Practices: As sustainability becomes a growing concern, companies must balance their commitment to sustainability practices with the need for crop quality consistency. Sustainable farming methods may introduce additional variability into crop production.

Data-Driven Potato Cultivation: Thriving Amid Challenges 11/10/2023

Despite a strong sense of fellowship, the potato industry faces economic and environmental challenges. Rising production input costs, climate change, evolving regulations, and shifting market demands are shaping a new landscape. To adapt, the industry is embracing technology and innovation, with automation, data-driven solutions, and precision farming playing pivotal roles.

Written by Antti Hintikka, he shares his point of view on the importance of data in optimizing potato cultivation, and he advocates for the seamless sharing of data between systems.

Read more here:

Data-Driven Potato Cultivation: Thriving Amid Challenges Discover how data-driven potato cultivation revolutionizes this crop. Explore precision techniques, optimized yields, and sustainable practices in the face of industry challenges.

Page not found - Agritask 10/10/2023

Agritask facilitates regenerative practices for food and beverage companies, offering real-time data and agronomic guidance to support sustainable farming. Our platform empowers companies to collaborate closely with growers, enabling them on their journey towards regenerative agriculture. We track key performance indicators like soil health, resource usage, carbon footprint, and yield trends to measure the impact of these efforts.

Embracing regenerative practices not only conserves resources but also aligns food and beverage companies with the growing demand for environmentally responsible products. This shift towards sustainability not only benefits the planet but also enhances brand reputation and resilience in an increasingly eco-conscious market.

Page not found - Agritask


Don't miss our Spanish webinar tomorrow!
Join us as we explore agricultural transformation and technology. Discover the latest agricultural export trends in Latin America and delve into the revolutionary impact of tools like Agritask on cultivation operations.
With Serra and Cuenca.


Agritask expresses deep sorrow for the tragic loss of innocent victims at the hands of the terrorist organization Hamas and joins in the earnest hope for the swift and safe return of all hostages. Throughout these challenging times, we continue to hope for a peaceful future.

Agritask - Agricultural Cost Profiler 04/10/2023

*** Analyzing Raw Material Costs: Food & Beverage Industry Challenges ***

In the food and beverage industry, determining the actual cost of raw materials poses significant challenges. Companies must navigate complex supply chains and consider various factors, from environmental impacts to market volatility.

Here are some of the challenges they face:
Fluctuating Market Prices: Crop prices can be influenced by a multitude of external factors such as climate change, scarcity, political instability, and global demand. Keeping up with these fluctuations can be a real headache for companies trying to project accurate raw material costs.
Quality Control: Ensuring consistent quality in crops is crucial, but it comes with its own set of challenges. Factors like pest infestations, diseases, and natural disasters can negatively impact crop yields and quality. Companies need to invest in rigorous quality control measures to mitigate such risks, adding to the overall cost of raw materials.
Sustainability & Ethical Sourcing: Today's consumers are increasingly conscious of sustainability and ethical sourcing practices. Food & beverage companies face mounting pressure to source raw materials from sustainable and responsibly-managed farms. However, these practices often come with additional costs that must be factored into the overall assessment of raw material expenses.
Supply Chain Complexity: The global nature of the food & beverage industry adds complexity to the supply chain. Companies often rely on a network of suppliers and intermediaries, each with their own costs and variables. Tracking and assessing the real cost of raw materials across this complex value chain can be a daunting task, requiring advanced systems and meticulous data management.

Take a look at Agritask's Agricultural Cost Profiler, which provides a straightforward and user-friendly solution that has proven to be highly effective for our customers who have encountered this challenge:

Agritask - Agricultural Cost Profiler Streamline Sourcing, Optimize Performance, and Empower Growers with Agritask Request a Demo Our Process Select and tailor the relevant survey for region & crop Survey the fragmented supply array of growers Analyze agronomic activities and costs Unlocking Efficiency Through Data Agritask’s Agricult...

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Fact-based, on-time decision making for agricultural businesses.

A single platform to manage your ag-operations A-to-Z, turning data into actionable insights

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*** Next steps for the EU Deforestation Regulation *** Tune in for a snippet from our EUDR webinar, where we talk about ...
In the realm of sustainability, soft skills are indispensable for professionals to drive impactful change. Alongside tec...
The complex value chains of soybeans and wood, increase the challenges when dealing with EU deforestation regulation. So...
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