At Home with Nutrition

At Home with Nutrition - bringing the dietitian to your home. The mixed nutrition messages we receive on a constant basis can be confusing and overwhelming.

At Home with Nutrition focuses on breaking down these messages into personalized and realistic goals, tailored specifically to your needs. Areas of specialty include:
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis
- Food intolerances (including FODMAP diet and RPAH elimination diet)
- Weight loss
- Diabetes
- Heart Disease
- Nutrition in pregnancy
- Coeliac Disease
- Hi

Timeline photos 25/08/2020

Today's creation - lentil pancakes with mango chutney! 🌯🌯
Use lentil flour or ground lentils and mix with water and spices for a vegan omelette.
Lentils are an excellent source of protein and soluble fiber.
Eat with salad, techina, avocado or chutney 😋

Timeline photos 24/08/2020

Looking for snack options?
Try these easy, fun, nori seaweed snacks.
Roast Nori strips in the oven with olive oil and salt for 3-4 minutes and you're done!
Eat on their own as a snack or sprinkle over salads or anything really.


My first attempt at sourdough bread! It took about a week...but was worth the final product 😀
What recipe have you been wanting to try out for a long time but haven't gotten a chance?

7 things you should know before starting a new diet - ISRAEL21c 07/01/2020

7 things you should know before starting a new diet - ISRAEL21c Holiday feasts lead to New Year’s resolutions to shed pounds. Here’s what you need to know to be successful this time around.

Doctors warn drinking Diet Coke could mean you’re more likely to put on weight 22/12/2019

Diet Coke may not be so "diet" friendly after all...

Doctors warn drinking Diet Coke could mean you’re more likely to put on weight People who choose diet versions of their favourite soft drink over full-sugar varieties may end up gaining weight, say doctors.

Israeli Company Looks to Digitize Diet Tracking and Vitamin Intake With Smart Dispenser 20/12/2019

Israeli company provides personalized supplement recommendations based on diet tracking. Read the article to hear my thoughts on the topic :)

Israeli Company Looks to Digitize Diet Tracking and Vitamin Intake With Smart Dispenser Nutricco’s countertop Smart Dispenser. Photo: Courtesy. A new cloud-based countertop smart device developed in Israel will dispense personalized nutrition supplements …

59% of adults prefer snacking to meals, Mondelez study finds 12/11/2019

Pretty surprising!

59% of adults prefer snacking to meals, Mondelez study finds According to the company's first-ever "State of Snacking" report, convenience and quality ranked as the top factors impacting choices.

Why Slow Mornings May Be the Secret to Tech-Life Balance 01/08/2019

Slow Mornings.. I like the sound of that

Why Slow Mornings May Be the Secret to Tech-Life Balance Daily walks, quiet rooms, and tech-free mornings. The strategies for achieving better health in the digital age are pretty basic — but…

The psychology behind why people will eat anything at work 24/07/2019

How often do you find yourself mindlessly snacking at work just because someone brought in leftover cake? Or maybe you walk past that box of stale cookies that you would never consider eating, but because they're sitting on the table at work and its 3:00 pm it's difficult to say no to taking a handful?
Read more to understand why we find it difficult to say "no" to food at the office...

The psychology behind why people will eat anything at work Those three stale bagel quarters left over from the meeting? Gone in seconds. Picked over Halloween candy someone’s kid didn’t want? Eaten in record time.

My Nutritionist Wants Me To Eat Dessert Twice A Day 15/07/2019

An alternative approach to dealing with eating disorders

My Nutritionist Wants Me To Eat Dessert Twice A Day It might be the sweetest way to lose weight and manage disordered eating.

Perfect Day Launches Ice Cream Made from Cow-Free Milk, and We Tried It 12/07/2019

Kind of like "Beyond Meat" for milk...

Perfect Day Launches Ice Cream Made from Cow-Free Milk, and We Tried It Since we first heard about Perfect Day, the Silicon Valley startup making dairy without animals, we’ve been eagerly waiting to see what their first product would be. That time has finally com…

Reducing food waste can protect our health, as well as our planet's 02/07/2019

Australian Healthy Guidelines includes recommendations around food waste.

Reducing food waste can protect our health, as well as our planet's Two of the world's problems – obesity and waste – can be reduced together.

I’m Excited To Lose Weight Again 11/06/2019

Very relatable article about weight loss, motivation and matching eating habits to your personality.

I’m Excited To Lose Weight Again Finding this much motivation took me more than 5 years.

Timeline photos 29/04/2019

"Life isn't just quinoa - OK!"
Love this quote I spotted on my walk home.
While quinoa is a food that offers a bounty of nutritional benefits, don't force yourself to eat it if you really don't enjoy it. Eating food you love is important especially when making dietary changes that stick!

Jill Barker: As workouts get shorter, can two walks be better than one? 29/04/2019

A study in the Obesity Journal finds that two short walks have a greater impact on weight loss compared to one long walk. Breaking up a long walk into two mini walks might also be more achievable for some people and easier to fit in during the day.
That being said - if you only have time for one walk during the day - you will still see great benefits!

Jill Barker: As workouts get shorter, can two walks be better than one? A study published in the Obesity Journal shows people who split their long walk in two lost more weight than those who stuck with one long walk.

New Zealand's 'N**e' Produce Is Flying Off The Shelves 21/03/2019

Ever heard of the term 'N**e' Produce?
It looks like produce in NZ sells better when it isn't pre-packaged. This makes total sense to me since it means being able to select the quantity and quality of the produce you want and not wasting plastic :)

What do you prefer?

New Zealand's 'N**e' Produce Is Flying Off The Shelves Well Made Clothes brings you the best ethically sourced fashion brands. Find local, sustainable, fair trade clothing and buy online!

Keto Could Help You Lose Weight... and Destroy Your Life 05/03/2019

"Radical diets like keto bring radical change, and I’m not referring to pounds you might shed from depriving your body of an essential macronutrient; I’m talking about changes in your social world, your relationship with food, and your mental health. "

Keto Could Help You Lose Weight... and Destroy Your Life Maybe go back to bread.

Timeline photos 01/03/2019

Nutrient dense and delicious version of banana bread from
You can also exchange ingredients to make it vegan/fodmap free/gluten free

✔ healthy fats from the olive oil
✔ full of fiber from the whole wheat flour and bananas
✔ natural sugar from honey and bananas (same effect on body but more nutrients)
✔ tastes amazing!

Recipe here: -recipes-23985

The brain-changing benefits of exercise 24/02/2019

Motivational TED talk on benefits of exercise (and not even that much of it!)...

The brain-changing benefits of exercise What's the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today? Exercise! says neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki. Get inspired to go to the gym as Suzuki discusses the science of how working out boosts your mood and memory -- and protects your brain against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzhe...

If You Hate Exercise, This Is for You 03/02/2019

A common question I'll often get asked is: "What type of exercise should I be doing"?
Albeit, I'm no exercise expert, but I do know it brings with it a vast amount of health benefits, ranging from increased focus, energy, reducing the risk of disease, increasing motivation, improved sleep and general mood (despite what the article below states).

Because of these benefits, my recommendation is to focus on any exercise you enjoy. If you begin with something you dread, there is less of a chance you will continue with it. This means even if it is the "best exercise" for you, it's likely you'll slowly give up after a short while. After all, you're only human.

Simple advice:
Choose exercise you love. Start with something. Start small, even if it's once a week for 10 minutes. Once you're consistent with any form of exercise, you will definitely see multiple benefits.

If You Hate Exercise, This Is for You Amy Maclin tries to hate exercise (a little bit) less.

Jane Brody’s Personal Secrets to Lasting Weight Loss 20/01/2019

Wise words for maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle without having go "on and off" diets:

1) Stop eating crap, 2) Eat good food that is real, not processed, 3) Avoid drinking your calories, 4) Know what one serving is and do not eat more than that in a sitting, 5) Move your butt every day — even just walking is better than being a couch potato, and 6) Stop making excuses.

Jane Brody’s Personal Secrets to Lasting Weight Loss I read nutrition labels before I buy anything in a package, I practice portion control, and I exercise and weigh myself every day.

Timeline photos 20/01/2019

Healthy alternative to Nutella or any other highly processed chocolate spread.
Try this at home: mix techina, cocoa and silan for a delicious and nutritious chocolate spread! .


You might have noticed that the winter can make you feel like eating all the time - cold weather and feeling lethargic can lead you to looking for some extra energy in the form of food. Some research also suggests that the craving for extra food takes us back to our primitive impulses to stock up on calories for the winter ahead.

Here are some ideas to help you get through these cold winter days without going nutso:

🍯 Soups are a great option for warming your insides and filling you up. Make a large batch with any veggies you have on hand (pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, broccoli, mushrooms, cauliflower, lentils, barley, sweet potato) and store it in the freezer so you can have it available for those freezing winter nights.

🌞 Make sure to get some sun, on any chilly, sunny day. Not only will it warm you up, the Vitamin D is good for your mood and reducing the risk of depression.

☕️Drink lots and lots of tea to keep you hydrated, warm and stop you from snacking immediately after a meal. Try adding in some ingredients like turmeric (reduce inflammation), ginger, mint and lemon.

🏃‍♀️ The cold weather (unfortunately) isn't an excuse to stop exercising. If you don't want to go outside, try doing some home exercises like yoga, Pilates, or signing up to a youtube channel for more of an aerobic workout. Find a friend to do it with you to keep you motivated - even 10 minutes a day is beneficial!

🐶 Don't skimp on sleep. When we don't get enough sleep, our body will crave more sugar and we are less tuned into our feeling of hunger and fullness.

🍞 Carbs are not evil. You might notice yourself craving more carbs during the winter - there is no need to avoid them, but rather make sure you are mixing them with proteins (eggs, meat, fish, cheese, tofu, lentils) to give you more consistent energy and keep you fuller for longer.

Remember not to deprive your body of the foods you love - but try to eat them slowly, joyfully and when your physically hungry.


As promised, here are some simple tips for eating healthy food on a budget:

- Buy seasonal produce (this is easier in Israel as usually, only produce in season is sold in the supermarket) - this will mean fresher, cheaper and more nutritious foods. If there are specific foods you love (e.g. mango, strawberries), you can always freeze these foods when they are in season and use them later on for things like smoothies or soups.

- There are plenty of healthy foods out there that are low cost: Legumes are a great example. Think - lentils, beans, and chickpeas. High in fiber, protein, iron, and heaps more vitamins, they store well, easy to prepare and you can use them in any dishes like soups, stir fries, salads, snacks, stews.

Eggs are another example of a highly nutritious food that are relatively low cost and provide you with many of your nutrient needs.

- Buy sale items in bulk. If you're at the supermarket, or shopping online and spot something that you consume often on sale, buy a large amount of this so you never need to be it at full price. This might be foods like canned tuna, frozen veggies, chicken or yogurts.

- Think of creative ways to avoid throwing out food. You can use vegetables in soups, stir fries or veggie chips, bananas in banana bread, roast chicken in a chicken stir fry, or stale whole wheat bread to make bread crumbs.

- When cooking in general - there is no need to use fancy sauces to add flavor. You can use simple spices or herbs like garlic, parsley, chilli and cumin to provide flavor and nutrition without adding sugary and salty store-bought sauces.

- Take note of food that goes to waste so you can be prepared for the next time you shop and be aware of how much food you typically go through in a week.

- Drink water! There is no need to buy sugary drinks if water is free. You can also try flavoring your water with some lemon and mint, or oranges to make it more interesting.

- Use leftover bones from meat/chicken to make bone broth. See link for recipe:

What sort of methods to use to reduce to cost of healthy food?

Why you like coffee, and I choose tea – it's in the genes 25/11/2018

With winter around the corner - are you thinking coffee* or tea?Apparently it's not just a matter of habit..

*In my case it's coffee :)

Why you like coffee, and I choose tea – it's in the genes How did you start today – tea or coffee? Or neither? A study of more than 400,000 men and women links specific genes for tasting bitter flavours like caffeine with hot beverage consumption.

10 Tricks You Didn't Know You Could Do With Your Food | Blossom 25/10/2018

Food isn't just for eating or nutrition. Take a look at some of these food hacks that you probably didn't know before (unless you've seen one of these videos)

10 Tricks You Didn't Know You Could Do With Your Food | Blossom This isn’t your ordinary food science video. It’s pure magic and wizardry.

The myth of the slow metabolism 13/09/2018

"Many basic metabolism mysteries remain. It’s not fully known why two people with the same size and body composition have different metabolic rates. They also don’t know why people can have different metabolic responses to weight gain"

The myth of the slow metabolism One of science’s best tools for understanding obesity is debunking weight loss myths.


Is sugar as bad as we make it out to be?

IS SUGAR REALLY ADDICTIVE AND INFLAMMATORY? | WellSeek As one of the most feared and demonized foods, sugar is often at the center of media hype. Learn why the extremes are never accurate.

We asked five experts: is cheese bad for you? 29/07/2018

The scoop on cheese - looks like these 5 nutrition experts all thing cheese is NOT bad for you!

We asked five experts: is cheese bad for you? Good news for cheese-lovers: all five experts said no.

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BSc in Nutrition Science להיות מאוזן יותר מאדם שאין לו סוכרת. ליווי סוכרתיים בפיקוח רופא. הסדנה הדיגיטלית לאיזון מכל מקום. עכשיו באתר👇🏽