Liver Ayush

Upholding the true essence of Ayurveda, maintaining the authenticity of ancient medicine to help cur


7 of the 8 essential amino acids for our body is present in aloe vera!!!
Amino acids play a very vital role in creation and growth of muscles and skin. Seven of the eight essential amino acids which cannot be produced by our body can be found in aloevera.
Amazing benefits of amino acids in our body:-
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Aloe Vera – Your boost to good health
Aloe vera has been a boon to mankind with awesome properties to benefit out health. Get your daily dose of Aloevera and keep your immune system charged up.
Your daily dose of aloevera gets you
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People who breathe in secondhand smoke, also known as passive smokers regularly are more likely to get the same diseases as smokers, including lung cancer and heart disease. Pregnant women exposed to passive smoke are more prone to premature birth and their baby is more at risk of low birthweight and cot death.

But now we got the antidote, from the house of LiverAyush we bring you a revolutionary product "SMOKPRO" an advanced result-oriented ayurvedic formulation to protect and strengthen your lungs and to increase your immunity against smoke, pollution, and diseases.



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LiverAyush is bringing a revolutionary product "SMOKPRO" an advanced result oriented ayurvedic formulation to protect and strengthen your lungs and to increase your immunity against smoke, pollution and diseases.

☎️📞📱 CALL : +91 98457 83001 📲📞☎️

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LiverAyush is bringing a revolutionary product into your lives helping smokers and non-smokers protect their lungs!!!

☎️📞📱 CALL : +91 98457 83001 📲📞☎️

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LiverAyush is bringing a revolutionary product into your lives helping smokers and non-smokers protect their lungs!!!

☎️📞📱 CALL : +91 98457 83001 📲📞☎️

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LiverAyush is bringing a revolutionary product into your lives helping smokers and non-smokers protect their lungs!!!

☎️📞📱 CALL : +91 98457 83001 📲📞☎️

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Protect Your Lungs
We will not be aware of the importance of lungs until we have breathing related problems!!!
Lungs help our organs function effectively by removing CO2 from our body, and imagine if this most important activity stops - YOU ARE REDUCING YOUR LIFESPAN!!!!
LiverAyush is bringing a revolutionary product into your lives helping smokers and non-smokers protect their lungs!!!

☎️📞📱 CALL : +91 98457 83001 📲📞☎️

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This Republic day, let’s celebrate the pillars of democracy that hold our nation together and honour the integrity they bring to us citizens. Happy Republic Day!


With every 1 out of 5 women getting detected with PCOD, it has become a common disorder affecting women's health. LiverAyush has always worked towards empowering women to be better, in every way. With LiverAyush aims at creating much-needed awareness around the condition and ways to manage the symptoms using a holistic and clean lifestyle. It has also created open conversations where women are sharing their experiences and insights about managing PCOD.

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LiverAuysh way if treating PCOD

The treatment principle is to clear obstruction of Vatha humor in the pelvis, normalize metabolism and regulate the menstrual system (arthava dhatu).

For this we carefully analyse the history through consultation and provide holistic balance of vatha and pitha.

We gurantee good results through the LiverAyush way...

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Hope that joy, health, and success
follow you in every sector of life.
Happy New Year 2021!

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Protect The Smokers....🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬🚬


Varicose veins are enlarged, swollen, and twisting veins, often appearing blue or dark purple.
More than 23 percent of all adults are thought to be affected by varicose veins.
Common Occurrence post Pregnancy

Liver Ayush's way of treatment
• Therapeutic massages with medicated oils
• Oral medication which reduces the swelling of the veins within a week post which medication must be continued for complete recovery.

Approximate duration of treatment :
• 1-3 months
* Results of the treatment can be usually seen within one week in some cases
* Time duration depends on the severity of the condition and patient lifestyle
* All the treatments will be completed within the shortest time possible. The duration specified is a tentative timeline.


Over the last two decades our doctors have been able to help hundreds of couples realise their dream of having a baby with approximately three quarters of patients conceiving naturally.

The Liver Ayush Ayurvedic Fertility Treatment Programme is designed to assist with female fertility by improving the quality of the egg, the environment of the female reproductive system to encourage fertilisation and implantation, as well support the foetus in its growth. This programme also assists male fertility by improving the quality and motility of the s***m.

Wherever you are in your fertility journey and whatever the challenges you face, Ayurveda can optimise your chances of conceiving, whether naturally or when used to support a method of Assisted Fertility Treatment.


Treat Blood Cancer the natural way...


Symptoms of blood cancer...


PCOD Do's and Dont's
1) Regular exercise is recommended – Evening or morning walk.
2) Consumption of vegetables preferred – bitter guard and drumsticks
3) Do check fasting and post lunch blood glucose at least once a week.
4) Strictly follow doctor’s drug regimen and diet.
5) Drink at least 8 – 10 glasses of water daily.

Therapeutic Yoga and Meditation
Ayurveda emphasizes on the effect of stress in PCOD.

Psychological state of mental well being can positively influence higher mental functions and thus pituitary. Practice of Yoga and meditation are useful.

A proper yoga program after medical opinion can improve accumulated fat, insulin resistance.

1) Reduce alcohol consumption and smoking. Black gram, sour items, chillies and salted things have to be avoided.
2) It is better to avoid refrigerated/chilled foods.
3) Avoid caffeine and alcohol
4) Avoid day sleep which will worsen total situation of a PCOD patient.
5) Avoid freshly harvested grains and sesame seeds in particular.
6) Avoid milk and milk products, particularly yogurt and buttermilk.
7) Avoid fish and jaggery.


PCOD Symptoms....


How to boost your immunity? Some of the science backed ways to ensure that your immunity system has everything it needs to function optimally are:
• Maintaining a healthy diet
• Exercising regularly
• Yoga- one of the best ways to strengthen immunity
• Keeping yourself hydrated
• Getting enough of undisturbed sleep
• Reducing stress


The effects and benefits of ancient healing methods like Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Energy Healing, Yoga, Vedic psychology and Medical Astrology, seems to have been long forgotten. Our goal at Liver Ayush, is to revive and continue the practice of ancient healing science (which in the past, has helped cure life threatening diseases), and treat people with ailments and diseases.

The number of people suffering from serious chronic diseases is growing at an alarming rate. Treatments to these is not only expensive, but is almost a long shot at success.

Uncertainty is not what patients want. They are already suffering, what they need is a solution, not a glimpse of hope. Ancient Science has never been a glimpse of hope, but a solid evidence that there is a cure for almost everything.

Liver Ayush’s well trained and vastly experienced practitioners are among the best in the field of Ayurveda and Ancient Science. We use ancient healing methods as well as modern science to deliver precise, personalized, root-cause based treatment to several serious chronic, life-threatening diseases. The treatment is a combination of therapies, medicines, customized diets and advise on lifestyle changes and is holistic in its approach. Our focus is to deliver 100% results and successfully treat and cure diseases like Liver Cirrhosis, Kidney disorders, Cancer, Diabetes and Hypertension and such.


Why wait when Liverayush has the best treatment available for PCOD...

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Scientific studies in Ayurveda for PCOD
1. A study named Clinical efficacy of Vamana Karma with Ikshwaaku Beeja Yoga followed by Shatapushpadi Ghanavati in the management of Artava Kshaya. The clinical study was carried out on 15 patients clinically diagnosed with PCOD, with an aim to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Ayurveda in the management of Aartava Kshaya (loss of menstrual fluid) which is the most common symptom of PCOD. The patients were initially treated with Vamana Karma (therapeutic vomiting) using Ikshwaaku seed formulation, after which they were advised to follow Samsarjana Krama, (post-therapy dietary regimen for revival). The patients after completing Vamana karma and Samsarjana Krama were given Shatapushpadi Ghanavati 2 Vati, 500 mg for 45 days twice a day with lukewarm water.

After 2 months, the patients were clinically assessed on various parameters like blood sugar Body weight, BMI, WHR, USG, Menstrual irregularities, Acne, and Hirsutism. Significant results were reported that showed improvement in menstrual irregularities, and body mass index, reduction of non-dominant follicles, weight loss, lowering the fasting blood sugar level and Hirsutism was found.

2. In another case study titled Clinical efficacy of Ayurveda treatment regimen on subfertility with PolyCystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD).

A total of 40 patients suffering from PCOS were selected and were treated with ayurvedic therapies which included Shodhana, Shamana, and Tarpana. The treatment was carried out in 3 stages for a duration of 6 months. After 6 months the results revealed that sub-fertility due to PCOD can be cured successfully by using the Ayurveda treatment regimen.
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Different theories have been proposed to explain hypertension from an Ayurvedic perspective. Many parallels were drawn from the concepts such as Shad Kriyakala (six stages of Dosha imbalance) and Avarana of Doshas (occlusion in the normal functioning of the Doshas) to the modern pathogenesis of hypertension to gain a deeper understanding of it. Hypertension without specific symptoms in its mild and moderate stages cannot be considered as a disease in Ayurveda. It appears to be an early stage of pathogenesis and a risk factor for development of diseases affecting the heart, brain, kidneys and eyes etc. Improper food habits and modern sedentary lifestyle with or without genetic predisposition provokes and vitiates all the Tridoshas to trigger the pathogenesis of hypertension. It is proposed that hypertension is to be understood as the Prasara-Avastha which means spread of vitiated Doshas from their specific sites, specifically of Vyana Vata, Prana Vata, Sadhaka Pitta and Avalambaka Kapha along with Rakta in their disturbed states. The Avarana (occlusion of normal functioning) of Vata Dosha by Pitta and Kapha can be seen in the Rasa-Rakta Dhathus, which in turn hampers the functioning of the respective Srotas (micro-channels) of circulation.
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Abstract: Blood Pressure in the body is regulated by multiple mechanisms. Short-term Neural mechanisms and Long-term Renal, Hormonal and Local vascular mechanisms. Short term mechanisms include the Nervous mechanism controlled by the vasomotor center of the brain via autonomic stimulation through Baro-receptor and feedback of Chemoreceptors. This CNS regulation of Blood pressure can be understood mainly as a Vata function, typically Prana Vata (taking the help of Kapha in case of Baro-receptors and Pitta in case of Chemo-receptors).
Long term regulation of blood pressure is by:
1.Pressure Diuresis and Pressure Natriuresis
2. Renin-Angiotensin Mechanism
3. Hormonal regulation of Blood pressure
All these being chemical substances causing regulation of blood pressure, may come under the perview of Pitta Dosha.
Improper life-style and food habits, psychological stress factors like Atichinta (excess worry), Bhaya (fear), Krodha (anger), Alasya (dullness) etc., with or without genetic predisposition provokes and vitiates all the three Doshas to trigger the pathogenesis of blood pressure. Anya Dosha Avarana and Anyonya Avarana are the mechanisms of pathogenesis. Though modern science considers blood pressure as a disease, from the Ayurveda point of view it should be understood as the Prasaravastha of all the Doshas along with Rakta which circulate all over the body until they get lodged at a site of Kha-Vaigunya. This decides the organ of impact of the disease process (whether brain, heart, kidneys, eyes or blood vessels). With the help of recent advancements in the medical science the, diagnosis of this condition has been made possible at an early stage and thus effective management can be offered at this stage itself to avoid risk of damage to vital organs. Thus, blood pressure can be understood as a psycho-somatic hemodynamic condition where Vata Pradhana Tridoshas are vitiated affecting the Rasa-Rakta Dhatus as Dooshyas with both Sarva Shareera (whole body) and Manas (mind) as its Adhisthana (site).


Just like the good always wins over evil, LiverAyush has got your back when it comes to health and the immune system. Wishing you all a very Happy Dussehra!
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Endometriosis has its origin in word Endometrium. Endometrium is inner lining of uterus. Endometrium grows inside the uterus during non-period days & it sheds during periods. Growth cycle of endometrium is due to hormones secreted by developing egg in the o***y.
Causes as per Ayurveda
Suppression of natural urges for longer time especially defecation, urination or flatus

– frequent or chronic constipation

– prolonged labour

-eating dry, bitter, cold food items

-staying awake late night, getting up late in the morning & sleeping in day time

-lack of exercise

-no routine in meal timings

What Ayurveda has to say about Endometriosis
As per Ayurveda all movements inside our body are due to Vata Dosha
Functions of Apana Vata: providing energy for the act of urination, defecation, flatulence, expulsion of blood during periods, expulsion of fetus during birth. Its default direction is downwards.
When a woman does certain things in her diet/ lifestyle that vitiates Apana vata, then it starts moving upwards instead of downward.
This causes period blood to move upwards in the pelvic cavity instead of coming out through va**na
As a result, uterine lining known as endometrium gets lodged on pelvic organs like o***y, intestine etc.
Eventually endometrium starts growing at abnormal places & starts bleeding during periods. This gives rise to adhesions, inflammation & severe pain.
Modern science mostly prescribes treatments that may offer fast relief from Endometriosis symptoms. But it does not eliminate the root cause of this disorder.


Ayurveda is rapidly emerging as the best medical science in world to treat most modern day disorders like Endometriosis, PCOD, diabetes, asthma or arthritis. Ayurvedic herbs eliminates the deep-seated root cause of any disease and naturally restores biological balance in the body.

Ayurvedic herbs such as Haritaki, Sonamkuhi are very powerful in reversing the Apana Vata movement from upwards to downwards to stop retrograde flow of menstruation. In addition, specific astringent herbs help to arrest heavy bleeding and herbs such as turmeric reduces inflammation & provides relief from pain.


May Maa Durga Fill Your Life with Strength, Happiness, and Love!!
Happy Navratri🙏🏻


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes obstructed airflow from the lungs. The main cause for COPD is long-term to***co smoking. Other causes include exposure to polluted air, chemical fumes, v***r and dusts in the external environment.
Role of Ayurveda in COPD
While COPD is commonly treated through medications such as bronchodilators (available through inhalers) and antibiotics, depending on the severity of the condition, Ayurveda can also play a significant role in management of the condition. In Ayurveda, COPD is understood as a disorder of 'PranavahaSrotas'.

According to Ayurveda, effective COPD treatment requires one to do Nidanaparivarjana that includes modification of lifestyle and diet, and Shamana, a pacification treatment, and Shodhana, which is a biopurifactory method technique.
Avoid Etiological Factors
To minimise the risk of COPD, one should manage the risk/causative factors by quitting smoking, avoiding close contact with people suffering from respiratory infections,
and avoiding exposure to excessive heat, cold and high altitudes and environmental irritants

Ayurvedic Therapies
Bio-purification (shodhana) can be performed regularly to capture and biologically degrade pollutants. This therapy helps in drying up excess mucus secretion in the respiratory system which can cause obstruction. Additionaly, Nasya therapy can prevent the membrane lining the nasal cavity from coming in contact with irritants or pollutants.


LiverAyush-Upholding the true essence of Ayurveda,maintaining the authenticity of ancient medicine to help cure life altering diseases.

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The term “Ayurveda” is a combination of two Sanskrit terms “ayu” (life) and “veda” (knowledge). Practitioners work to balance the three energy forces, or “doshas,” of life: “vata,” “pitta,” and “kapha.”

Ayurvedic treatments for RA depend on which diagnostic guidelines the practitioner uses.

For example, those who practice from the guidelines “Madhava Nidana” believe that imbalances in the gut and inflammatory compounds cause RA.

On the other hand, practitioners from the “Ashtanga Hridaya” school of thought believe that RA is the result of poor dietary and lifestyle habits that cause inflammation in the body.

Both approaches use herbs, supplements, dietary changes, and exercise to help relieve RA symptoms.

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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) / Polyarthritis is an autoimmune, chronic, systemic inflammatory condition that affects various tissues and organs, but principally the joints. It causes deformity and painful joint condition, which interferes with the quality of living if not addressed properly. This condition can is known as Ama Vata in Ayurveda. This condition is caused by the increased accumulation of toxin (AMA) in the body, which acts like an antigen in the body and sets in motion an antigen-antibody reaction which causes an imbalance at all the Dhatu (Tissue) levels due to blockage in various SROTAS (channels) and finally lodges in Trika (Trika 1 – intersection of scapula Trika 2 – Sacral region) and Sandhi (Joints)

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World Arthritis Day is earmarked October 12, every year since 1996 to raise awareness about this chronic inflammatory condition throughout the world and encourage people into adopting a healthier lifestyle.

Within the ancient Sanskrit Ayurvedic texts, two basic types of arthritis are described that correspond and match Rheumatoid arthritis (Ama Vat) and Osteoarthritis (Sandhigata Vata).

As when treating or considering any disease from an Ayurvedic perspective, it is vital to take into consideration and remember, that it is the whole person being treated, as opposed to just the illness, disease or symptom. Each and every person that is treated is considered as a unique case. This means that there are many unique variables that are reviewed and taken into account to ensure that the prescribed treatment program is specifically tailored for each patient as an individual.

That being said, let’s further investigate the diseases of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis from an Ayurvedic, perspective and point of view. In the sphere of Ayurvedic science, the condition known as osteoarthritis is categorized as disease of malnutrition, one that generally tends to affect the vulnerable joints of the body. These joints could have become vulnerable due to a variety of reasons, anything from previous infections, injuries or congenital reasons.

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Dhanvantari, the Hindu God in the ancient Indian Medicine is comparable to Aesculapius of Greek medicine. Shrimad Bhagvat purana states that when ancient demigods (Devas) were in serious peril, they appealed to Lord Vishnu for help. He told the demigods and demons (Asuras) to churn the ocean with the aid of the great Mandar Mountain and serpent Vasuki. From the liquid depth of ocean's primeval cosmic life substance, rose the great physician Dhanvantari, clad in a white robe, with a pot of Amrit (nectar elixir of immortality) in his hand. He is one of the 14 Jewels (ratnas) which made their appearance in the course of this important mythical process of Samudramanthana or Sagar manthana. Amrita was initially snatched by demons but with the help Vishnu in the form of Mohini avatara (incarnation of Vishnu), it was recovered and finally consumed by demigods, who became victorious over demons. This episode is celebrated after every 12 years during the Kumbha mela festival.

Human suffering moved Dhanvantari so much that he desired to be reborn on earth. He made his second appearance, when King Dirghatma of Kashi (Varanasi) practiced great austerities for a son. Born as Prince of Kashi he was known as Kashiraja and Devodasa Dhanvantari. It was Dhanvantari who revealed Ayurveda to the world. He is worshipped today as patron God of all branches of medical science. He systematically divided Ayurveda into eight divisions (astangas), each representing specialities. This system of medicine was further popularised, taught and handed down generations by his disciples, among whom Sushruta was foremost. Sushruta founded a school of medicine and surgery at Varanasi, training numerous disciples. He later wrote Sushruta Samhita, and is known as father of Indian surgery. Surgical procedures like rhinoplasty and lithotomy, taught to him by Dhanvantari became world famous. Various modern scholars have marvelled by the height scaled by Indian medicine in those times. Dhanvantari teachings are recorded in Agnipurana through the teachings of his famous disciple Sushruta.
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Videos (show all)

People who breathe in secondhand smoke, also known as passive smokers regularly are more likely to get the same diseases...
🚀LAUNCHING SMOKPRO🚀🌟REBUILD YOUR LUNGS🌟💊60 CAPSULES 30 DAYS🌞LiverAyush is bringing a revolutionary product "SMOKPRO" an ...
🌟REBUILD YOUR LUNGS🌟💥 STAY TUNED RELEASING ON 21.02.21, 3PM💥LiverAyush is bringing a revolutionary product into your liv...
Protect Your LungsWe will not be aware of the importance of lungs until we have breathing related problems!!!Lungs help ...




#14, Legacy, S. Kariyappa Road, Basavanagudi

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 9pm
Friday 9am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 9pm
Sunday 9am - 9pm

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