Rewarding Health

Rewarding Health

Vision HealthyFit India
We are on a mission πŸš€ to help 1M people to be healthy & lose weight

Photos from Rewarding Health's post 16/04/2024

A Story of Getting Healthy at the age of 56!

E-meet Meena Doley Rabha a 56year old lady from Guwahati and a mother of two teenagers. She lost 13kgs of her unhealthy weight with us and became healthy in her 50's.

Meena Ji's story in her own words -

"I am very happy and excited to share that I have lost 13 kgs. Due to my weight gain I was facing a number of issues healthwise. I had to undergo a knee replacement surgery as well. My doctor advised me to lose weight. Finally I got connected to Rewarding Health and their Coaches and I joined the Healthy Weight Loss Program. This program helped me overcome all my health concerns and lose weight. Now I feel much healthier & fitter.

My key health benefits include -
βœ…οΈ Lost 13 kgs
βœ…οΈ Dress Size dropped from 2XL to L
βœ…οΈ Waistline dropped from 44' to 36'
βœ…οΈ Relief from constipation
βœ…οΈ Energetic throughout the day
βœ…οΈ Feel lighter & happier

I never thought I could achieve this at the age of 56. But with the constant guidance and support of my Coaches, it became a reality. I would also like to mention, because of my knee replacement surgery, I could not do much workout as such. But in spite of the same, I lost weight quite effortlessly.

Thank you Coaches for helping me get healthier in my late 50s!"


E-meet Cholom from Naharlagan, Arunachal Pradesh; a Banker by profession and a mom of 2 adorable kids. Long hours at the desk and irregular eating patterns gradually took a toll on Cholom's well-being, causing her to gain excess weight. Cholom started the program after getting inspired by one of her friend's transformation.
Day by day, with each step forward, Cholom felt herself growing stronger, both physically and mentally. And despite her busy schedule she started losing weight by making mindful choices and incorporating healthier habits into her daily routine.
Key Highlights of her journey:
12 kg Weightloss
waistline from 36" - 32"
Dress size from XL to M
No more back and muscle pain.
BP came back to Normal range.
Haemoglobin(hb) count came back to normal

Happiness from Cholom
Being a Banker, my schedule is tight and I am completely sitting for long hours. I did not realize but my weight reached 76kg. I had almost lost hope but was still looking for solutions. I came across my friend's transformation which gave me a ray of hope and started this journey. I can't believe I have reached 64kg and changed my wardrobe from XL to M.
I am extremely happy with my weight loss journey and thankful to the coach and her Team for motivating and helping me my way out from almost obesity.
Now that I have lost my extra weight, I feel so light and happy. Not only my weight loss has made me light but it has also helped me control my BP and back pain to a very huge extent.
Thank you πŸ™ . I started wearing my sarees back now. That is the most exciting thingπŸ˜†


E-meet Phelai From Changlang, Arunachal Pradesh. She approached us when she was gaining weight due to her hypothyroid. Phelai lost 9 kg, got back to her ideal weight, and enjoying great health. Here's a message from Phelai.

I am so happy and overwhelmed with my new version after my weight loss transformation.
It could have been possible only because of my coach's constant guidance and support throughout my journey. I would like to thank my coaches and Rewarding Health for helping me healthily lose weight and achieve better health.

I reached 63kg and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I started gaining weight rapidly like anything and started losing shape. It came up with lots of added problems such as hair fall, dull skin, gastritis, back pain, bloating, and many more. I tried many things to lose weight like walking, exercising, skipped meals but I couldn't lose a single inch of weight. But because of this program, I am back to my ideal weight. my health issues are all gone magically. No more hair fall, back pain vanished, gastritis improved, No more bloating. I have learned healthier habits and workout routines.
I was always an easygoing and lazy person but this program changed me physically and mentally. Now I understand the value of good health.
All credits go to my coaches. I feel so blessed to have Rewarding health.


E-meet Chasen Lowang, a working mother from Deomali, Arunachal Pradesh. She has an exciting message to share after achieving a beautiful transformation.

Chasen's health journey includes:
βœ… 10 kg Weight loss.
βœ… Dress size from XL to M
βœ… No more Wristpain.
βœ… No more Hairfall.
βœ… Running and doing Exercise is no more a challenge like before.
βœ… Feeling light and energetic.

From Chasen
Very happy to share my health journey, where I lost 10 kg and gained great health. I had reached 63.4 kg and was looking for solutions. After I saw my friend's transformation through Rewarding Health, I was amazed and started the program without any second thought.

I have experienced that this Weightloss Program is one of the best where there is a science of healing our body. Before my journey, I had lots of health issues like wrist pain, and hair fall and I used to feel very heavy.
The worst part was that I always picked my clothes size L or XL, which made me feel sad about my increasing weight.

Throughout these 2 months, I felt very light, with no more pain in my wrist and hair fall. I lost 10 kg and started wearing dresses of size 'M' now. I want to thank my coaches for their continuous support and guidance. Without them, it wouldn't have been possible. I am very blessed to have such coaches in my life.

Previously, I used to face difficulty running and tracking, but now I can do it. Thank you so much. I am loving this new energy and new health.


E-meet Amrita from New Jersey, a graphic designer by profession. She lost 10 kg of weight and here's her excitement message.

From Amrita
Thankfully I set my priorities in the right place and chose to work on my health. After a few weeks in the program itself, I started experiencing great health along with my weight loss and understood what is Healthy Weight Loss.

Thankful to my Coaches. I am extremely happy to share that I have lost 10 kg. Not just that, I am also enjoying several health benefits:

βœ…οΈ Lost 10 kg and counting
βœ…οΈ Dress Size dropped from XL to M
βœ…οΈ Feeling light and more active throughout the day
βœ…οΈ Bloating is no more
βœ…οΈ Improved skin & hair texture
βœ…οΈ Reduced craving
βœ…οΈ Improved sleep

Thank you coaches for your guidance and support in this journey of mine.

Photos from Rewarding Health's post 18/02/2024

"Are you looking for a way to improve your skin's appearance in just 30 days?

Check out our !

Antara shares her own testimony of going from having very oily and uneven skin to achieving normal skin with even tone through the Skin Nutrition program.

Good skin care is essential for any . Choose the right product that is natural and will make you look youthful.

Get skincare advice and find your perfect skincare routine with the Rewarding Health SkinNutrition Program. Join the journey towards youthful and beautiful skin today.


We are going live today at 7 PM with our experts to demonstrate how to do 4 simple yet effective workouts correctly.

Many people make mistakes while doing these exercises unknowingly, which hinders their progress.

You can ask questions and get your doubts cleared during the live session.

To watch us live, follow the official account of Rewarding Health Workout.
Here's the link:



Say yes to "Sustainable Weight Loss"

We are doing a Free live session on the science behind healthy weight loss and fat burning.

Bonus: Proven weight-loss tips will be shared

Comment "WL" if you would like to attend the session.


How about embarking on a journey to health & wellness together, hand in hand, supporting and inspiring each other in every step towards a healthier life?
Here's a story of a couple who started their journey together and knocked off 20 kg.

Their happiness is below:
As I am a businessman, due to my busy work schedule, I mostly used to have my food outside. I never followed any timetable for my meals. Late-night dinner was a common thing. I hadn't noticed the gradual expansion of my waistline and I gained so much weight. I started feeling very lazy, felt heavy due to my belly fat.
One day while scrolling Facebook I came across this program in my cousin's profile. I was astonished by her and her husband's transformation. And could not stop ourselves from starting this program.
We lost 20kg together. It's really like a miracle in our life. Before joining this program, I joined a gym for six months and started Cycling but no positive results in terms of weight loss.

This program is an amazing weight loss program. I want to thank our coach for motivating both of us. When we first got our meal planning details, it looked impossible to follow due to my tight schedule. But proper guidance and planning is what matters.
Now we feel very much active whole the day. Tunlai had back pain, cramping, and gastric problems before the journey. But nowadays, she never complains about such problems.
Now we are enjoying our healthy lifestyle with healthy meals plus we have a proper meal time. Last but not least, thank you my coach, and Rewarding Health once again. It would not have been possible without you.


Gain inspiration, tips, motivation
Live Session with two incredible women who conquered weight loss in their 50s & 20s


E-meet Parinita Mazumdar, an IT professional from Kolkata. She lost 7 kg and improved her health parameters. Losing weight while managing a sedentary job and hectic schedule can be challenging, so her dedication and efforts are commendable.
Parinita's happiness below:
With great excitement, I would like to share that I have lost 7 kgs. I started at 66 kg and reached 59 kg now with many health benefits.

βœ…οΈ Lost 7 kgs in 2 months
βœ…οΈ No more gastric issues.
βœ…οΈ Cholesterol levels under control
βœ…οΈ Improved skin texture

I would like to thank my Weight Loss Coaches and Rewarding Health for such a good handholding and for encouraging me to lose weight in a healthy way.


Can fatty liver occur without consuming alcohol or oily food?

"Yes", that is called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which can occur without alcohol consumption. However, it can occur because of other factors like obesity, processed carbohydrates, and high sugary food intake.

Fatty Liver! Without Alcohol / Outside Food


E-meet Pranita Basumatary, from Kokrajhar, a teacher by profession.

Key Highlights of her journey
βœ… 80 kg to 65kg
βœ… XXL to L, sometimes even M
βœ… Waist size reduced from 42 to 36
βœ… No more fast food cravings
βœ… No more sugar cravings
βœ… No more gastric problem
βœ… More confident in taking photos


E-meet Rupa Suyang, from Khonsa Arunachal Pradesh. She is working in Govt. Sector and a mom of 2 kids. Rupa found herself gradually gaining weight. What started as a few extra kg soon turned into a significant increase, and before she knew it, Rupa had crossed the 100 kg mark and reached 104kg. Rupa was determined to regain control of her health but did not find solutions. She approached us after seeing the transformation of one of her friends and embarked on her transformation journey.
She lost 17 kg and counting.

From Rupa:
Thank you coach for the support and guidance till now. Very happy with my 17 kg weight loss with a healthy body. I am so happy and looking forward to my best version. Already started enjoying wearing my favorite dress which didn't use to fit me. I had such a big tummy that I could not bend down to tie my shoelaces But now surprisingly easy. This biggest achievement made me so happy and made me realize that I am reducing my belly fat.
Thank you, coaches. Long way to go, but I am half done.


E-meet Shimona from Pune, who gained weight due to her job pattern.
Her story below in her own words

From Shimona
I used to work as an Air-hostess, and I gained weight drastically due to my work pattern and unhealthy lifestyle. I used to be lethargic and out of energy with repeated unwellness. I was always a thin person and gaining weight was a shock for me. I kept my favourite dresses on hold thinking that one day when I lose weight, I will be gonna wear them again.
I came across this program on body healing and understood the concept of healthy weight loss. Started the program and lost 7 kg. A huge contribution goes to my coach for supporting and cooperating with me understanding my job profile and guiding me accordingly. I am lucky to have such a good and excellent coach and program.

βœ… Weightloss from 64kg to 57kg
βœ… Waistline 33" to 29"
βœ… Dress Size from Large to Small
βœ… I got back in shape again with lots of health benefits.
βœ… I feel more energized, confident, and happy.
βœ… My skin has improved
βœ… The bloating problem disappeared.
βœ… I could wear my 10-year-old dresses.

What's the best part, you know, it's been 8 months, I am able the maintain the same health and weight. My daily routine has become so healthy after the program and I am so thankful for that to the Rewarding Health Team.


A healthier, happier mom is a powerhouse at work and home.

E-Meet Parinita, a Manager and a toddler Mom who lost 14 kgs of unhealthy weight & entered the New Year in her fitter version!
Juggling between her mommy duties, taking care of her home, and also managing her team at work, her health took a backseat. She was diagnosed with Fatty Liver & Hypertension. Finally, she decided to prioritize her health and started with the Healthy Weight Loss Program. Her journey is still ON, but we appreciate Parinita for balancing her work and wellness.

Key highlights & health benefits of her transformation:
βœ…οΈ Lost 14 kgs and counting
βœ…οΈ Fatty Liver reversed
βœ…οΈ Hypertension is under control now
βœ…οΈ Dress Size # # to XXL
βœ…οΈ Skin texture improved
βœ… Energy levels improved

Her story in her own words:

"Losing weight was a distant dream for me when my weight touched 93kg. It felt frightening. I have a sitting job requiring very little body activity. Post-pregnancy, I was weighing on the heavier side of the scale at 93kg. But by God's grace, I came in contact with my amazing Coaches from Rewarding Health & with their constant support and clear guidance, I have embarked on my journey from 93kg to 79kg. I have reversed my fatty liver in this journey and also controlled my hypertension and many more.

My mere 'thank u' is not enough to my Coaches."


Team RewardingHealth wishes you πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ a Happy Makar Sankranti / Bihu / Pongal / Lohri


Cheers to Neeraj for this incredible gift to himself and his wife in the new year!

E-meet Neeraj, an IT professional from Bangalore, shed 13 kg and gifted himself a healthier life this New Year!

Rewarding Health Team appreciates your commitment to your health. Congratulations on turning your resolution into reality.

His story in his own words:
Thanks to Rewarding Health, and my coach. Their guidance helped me to lose my belly fat and weight.

βœ… I reached the weight which I had 10 years ago.
βœ… My waistline reduced from 36"-32".
βœ… My T-shirt size is reduced from L to S.
βœ… It feels great when I see myself in the mirror.

One great achievement is that I can wear those shirts that my wife bought for me as a surprise gift 6 months back, but it was not fitting. I promised her that it would fit comfortably one day, and that day has come.

My transformation was a New Year's gift to my wife. And I want to thank her for all her support. The way she helped and supported me in this journey is incredible.
Wherever you are in your ideal weight, you feel light physically and mentally. That's how I am feeling now. This program helped me to heal internally as well.

Thank you, coach, for this health and transformation. Thanks for your guidance and step-by-step handholding.


Rashmi Mishra is from Noida and is a working professional. Having a very busy schedule, she couldn't focus much on her health.

She approached Rewarding Health when she was 70 kg and wanted a sustainable and manageable weight loss program to fit her busy schedule.

It's great to see that Rashmi has successfully lost 11 kg and we appreciate her effort.

Key highlights of her transformation:
βœ… 70 kg to 59 kg
βœ… Changed my wardrobe from L to M
βœ… Waistline from 32" to 29"
βœ… Sound Sleep
βœ… No more bloating

Her happiness is stated below:

"I did not believe I would be able to get back in shape. Ever grateful to my coach for curating my weight loss journey. I am feeling lighter, more active, and energized throughout the day. My skin has cleared up, do not get rashes on my skin and my face looks way better. I had started developing strawberry legs, which started disappearing. I am able to sleep better.
I don't feel bloated anymore.
Definitely feels better while getting clicked, no filter days are back!


Comment β€œ2024” to get the Exclusive New Year WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM *Offer* details. (OFFER Valid till 8th Jan'24)

E-meet Dr Trisha, basically from Tripura, currently located in Kohlapur Maharastra. She is a mom of a 2-year-old.

The post-pregnancy journey brought with it not just the joy of motherhood but also the challenge of excess weight gained during the pregnancy.

As a healthcare professional, she was well aware of the physical toll pregnancy and childbirth could take on a woman's body.

She onboarded the journey for her health without delay and lost 26 kg of her post-pregnancy weight.

She was 76 kg when she started and reached 50 kg. Congratulations Dr Trisha.

Key highlights of her journey
βœ… 26 kg massive weight loss
βœ… No more back pain
βœ… Dress size XL to XS
βœ… Back to pre-pregnancy waist-size 26


Comment β€œ2024” to get the Exclusive New Year WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM *Offer* details. (OFFER Valid till 8th Jan'24)


Kapi, an HR professional from Bangalore. Kapi had always been mindful of her health and well-being.

However, she started gaining belly fat due to her work schedule and started looking for solutions. She approached us to help her lose belly fat and embarked on the journey of better health.

Here's Kapi's message after losing her belly fat:
I am thankful to my coach for helping me lose weight. I have been following the work of Coach and Rewarding Health for the past 2yrs.
I finally approached them for my belly fat.

Before that, I had tried everything that I knew to lose my belly fat but couldn’t do it. It was becoming frustrating for me.

I am glad, I came across this program and decided to take expert help. So happy to lose my belly fat along with a 5 kg weight loss. It's a sheer happiness to wear my favorite dresses without being conscious. I noticed my hair fall reduced, not lethargic anymore or bloating.

Thanks, Rewarding Health and my coach, for teaching me a healthy lifestyle.


Grab Our Exclusive New Year WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM *Offer*

What we offer?

βœ… Free Health Assessment & Program Details Discussion
βœ… Customised Diet Plan
βœ… Nutrition Recommendation
βœ… Home Workout Plan

Free Services Included in our program:

βœ… 1:1 Coaching, Monitoring, Motivation
βœ… Guidance To Manage Stress
βœ… Maintenance Diet Plan Once completion
βœ… Lifetime Access to Health Related Webinars

Comment β€œ2024” to get the Offer details and kickstart your weight-loss and healthy living journey.


Transform your day in just 20 minutes with this invigorating cardio workout for all fitness levels!

Elevate your heart rate, boost energy, and ignite those endorphins.
Remember, a healthy body is a happy mind – every beat counts towards a stronger, happier you.

Embrace the burn, shed stress, and let the rhythm of your heartbeat guide you to wellness.

Your health is an investment, and this quick cardio session is the perfect down payment.

Commit to yourself today and unlock a world of vitality. Sweat now, smile later.

πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Workout Plan for FREE! πŸ’ͺ
Drop "Workout" in the comments below, and we will send you a complete workout plan to help you crush your fitness goals!

πŸš€ Let's get fit together! and make India Healthy & Fit


E-meet Hena, a Doctor by Profession. Despite her hectic schedule, she chose to prioritize her health. Congratulations for Shedding 7 Kilos and leading by example.

Message from Dr Hena
Extremely happy and grateful to my coach for this transformation. I can't express my feelings. Losing 7kgs made me feel more energetic and active for the whole day.

Being a Doctor I understand what good health means. This health transformation has empowered my confidence in carrying out my profession. As a Doctor, running around all day was my schedule, but losing those extra pounds has brought unexpected relief to my legs. No more leg pain and tiredness.

Thanks, Rewarding Health.


No Equipment 15 minute full body workout πŸ’ͺ at home. 🏑

β€œI hated every minute of training, but I said, β€˜Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” – Muhammad Ali

πŸ‹οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Workout Plan for FREE! πŸ’ͺ
Drop "Workout" in the comments below, and we will send you a complete workout plan to help you crush your fitness goals!

πŸš€ Let's get fit together! and make India Healthy & Fit



Comment "Weight loss" to get weight loss tips.

E-meet Nikumoni Gogoi, a Makeup-artist from Tinsukia Assam. She lost 9 kg, changed her wardrobe from XL to M and enjoying a good health.

Her excitement below:
It's been a great pleasure to see myself changing healthwise. I lost 9 kg in just two months. I am grateful to Rewarding Health and my coach for my transformation. My profession needs a lot of travel and meeting clients for makeup, which used to make me tired.

This program has helped me get back my stamina and I am feeling more healthy than ever before. I feel blessed and amazed by the changes I see in my health. I can wear all the dresses that I was not able to wear. It's exciting to receive compliments from my friends. Thank you,coaches for guiding me in all possible way.


20min no-jump cardio workout for weightloss.

"Every day is another chance to transform your body and become a fitter version of yourself"

πŸš«πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ Our no-jump cardio workouts are perfect for home routines.

🏑πŸ’ͺ Join us through the sign up option for a personalized weight loss experience!

🌟🍏 Receive a custom diet plan, 1:1 guidance, and nutrition tips.

πŸ“©βœ¨ Your wellness journey starts at home 🏠πŸ”₯


E-meet Asmin, a YouTuber from Assam who lost 8 kgs of unhealthy weight and gained back her health through the Healthy Weight Loss Program.

Her story in her own words -
"I started gaining weight post-marriage and was desperately looking for a healthy way to shed the extra kilos. Being a YouTuber, it was getting difficult to manage my time and work on my fitness and health. Thankfully, I got connected to my Coach whose able guidance, constant support, and motivation helped me achieve my desired health goal.

I have lost 8 kgs of weight with some amazing health benefits-
βœ…οΈ Lost 8 kgs
βœ…οΈ Monthly cycles regularized
βœ…οΈ Energetic throughout the day
βœ…οΈ Feeling lighter
βœ…οΈ Afternoon sleepiness vanished

A heartfelt gratitude to Rewarding Health for helping me out in my Weight Loss Journey.


Get visible difference in 30days

Pimples are like unwelcome guests, showing up without an invitation and causing frustration. They can make us feel self-conscious, serving as a reminder that having perfect skin is not easy.

Meet Mimansa, who initially had great skin but experienced a lot of pimples after her wedding makeup. By helping her make some changes in the way she lived, ate, and took care of her skin, her skin got better, and there were no dark spots left from the pimples.

Message from Mimansa - β€œI used to get random advice from people around me, like eating neem leaves, washing my face 2 times a day, not applying moisturizer on my face, etc. But I chose to get expert advice from Rewarding Health Coaches, who understood my skin and suggested what's best for it. Now, my skin is not just good-looking; it gives me more confidence and makes me feel healthier."

Mimansa's story is like a guide for anyone going through skin troubles. It shows that you can have better skin with smart choices and expert help.


E-meet Mousumi Paul from Silchar, a mother of a teenager and she runs her own business. Despite trying multiple options, she found herself losing hope. It wasn't until she discovered Rewarding Health that she finally found a solution. With determination and the support of this program, Mousami successfully shed 10 kg, achieving her weight loss goals and regaining a sense of confidence and well-being. Her journey serves as an inspiring example of how the right approach can make a significant difference in one's health and overall life.

Losing my belly fat is like a Dream come true.
I am grateful to my coaches who are helping me in the program. I was overweight for a while now but after my Uterus surgery, I started getting lots of health issues. Tried all possible ways to lose weight. I did all kinds of weight training, Zumba, and many workouts for a long time, but thanks to my coach who made me realize that I was focusing on just one parameter of health. I could lose 10 kg in just 3 months whereas I never lost even 2 kg in the last 3-4 years.

Happy to share my health parameters now after this wonderful program
βœ… 10kgs Weight Loss
βœ… Got rid of my potbelly
βœ… Increased Energy Level
βœ… My low BP has improved
βœ… Waist size reduced to 34-30
βœ… Dress size reduced to XL- M

Never imagined that I could lose weight. Thanks, Rewarding Health and my coaches for giving me a flat tummy and making me look young and confident☺️. I always wanted to wear fashionable dresses, but always took a back step because of my potbelly. But now no looking back and enjoying flaunting my favorite dresses.

~ One-stop solution to lose weight at home

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Gain inspiration, tips, motivation Live Session with two incredible women who conquered weight loss in their 50s & 20s
Can fatty liver occur without consuming alcohol or oily food?"Yes", that is called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NA...
Comment β€œ2024” to get the Exclusive New Year WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM *Offer* details. (OFFER Valid till 8th Jan'24)Health is...
Failed multiple times! Finally achieved my 2023 new year resolution after meeting RewardingHealth.Journey of a Mom, achi...
No Time, Odd Working Hours, Struggling with PCOD Then...Subhasree from Tripura, a nurse by profession, lost 7kg weight a...
Anish's key highlights of his transformationβœ… No more Lower Backacheβœ… High on Energyβœ… no Belly fatβœ… Good Sleepβœ… No more ...
Fears of regaining weight after a weight-loss journey are very common. That's why healthily losing weight is very import...



Flat #11085, Prestige Song Of The South, Tower 11, Floor 8

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 8pm

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