Oplus Kalinga Heart Center Bhubaneswar

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Oplus Kalinga Heart Center Bhubaneswar, Cardiologist, Bhubaneswar.


बिना स्टार्च वाली सब्जियां #डायबिटीज के मरीज जरूर खाएं, शुगर रहेगा कंट्रोल में।

स्टार्च वाली सब्जियों में #कार्बोहाइड्रेट्स अधिक मात्रा में होता हैं।जिससे शरीर में एनर्जी तो बढ़ जाती है, मगर ये डायबिटीज के रोगियों के खून में शुगर भी बढ़ा देते हैं। इसलिए मधुमेह मरीजों को बिना स्टार्च वाली सब्जियां खानी चाहिए, तो आइए आज हम आपको बताते हैं ऐसी सब्जियों के बारे में जिनमें स्टार्च बिल्कुल भी नहीं होता।

1. #गाजर खाएं।

#डायबिटीज के रोगियों के लिए गाजर बेहद फायदेमंद होती है. गाजर फाइबर भरपूर मात्रा में पाया जाता है. जिससे ये आपके खून में बहुत धीरे-धीरे शुगर रिलीज करता है. गाजर में विटामिन ए और मिनरल्स की अच्छी मात्रा पायी जाती है जो आपकी सेहत के लिए बेहद फायदेमंद होते हैं. मधुमेह के मरीजों के लिए पकाकर खाने से बेहतर कच्ची गाजर खाना है.

2. #भिंडी खाएं।

डायबिटीज के रोगियों के लिए भिंडी बेहद फायदेमंद होती है।भिंडी में घुलने वाला फाइबर होता है।भिंडी आसानी से पच जाती है और शुगर को कंट्रोल में रखती है।भिंडी इंसुलिन के उत्पादन को बढ़ाने में सहायक होती हैं. इसके साथ ही इसमें मौजूद एंटीऑक्सीडेंट्स बॉडी को फ्री रेडिकल्स से होने वाले नुकसान से बचाने में सहायक हैं।

3. #पत्ता गोभी खाएं।

पत्ता गोभी में एंटीऑक्सीडेंट्स और विाटमिन्स की भरपूर मात्रा पायी जाती है. साथ ही इसमें फाइबर भी भरपूर होता है, इसलिए डायबिटीज के मरीजों के लिए ये लाभकारी होती है. आप पत्ता गोभी को काटकर सलाद के रूप में खाएं या सब्जी बनाकर भी खा सकते हैं.

4. #खीरा खाएं।

गर्मियों में खीरा सेहत के लिए बहुत अच्छा होता है, क्योंकि खीरे में पानी की भरपूर मात्रा पायी जाती है. खीरे से ब्लड शुगर कंट्रोल में रहता है, क्योंकि ये फाइबर से भरा हुआ होता है. इसके अलावा इसमें 90% से ज्यादा वजन पानी का होता है इसलिए इसको खाने से पेट जल्दी से भर जाता है।

Website- www.oplushealthcare.com

Timeline photos 28/02/2020

Heart Blockage Treatment in NOIDA

Cure Heart Blockages in 90 Days: Intensive 4D Wellness Protocol

For Details Call OPLUS Team for Free Consultation: 9999010423 | 9891914831 | 9310145010

Heart Blockages is a term commonly referred as a fat deposition in coronary arteries. Blood vessels are not a normal pipe as we tend to think off but this pipe is a living tube and it has its own plumbing mechanism to repair it. This pipe (vein or artery blood vessel) knows how to respond to the blockages, It has a capability to reroute the flow, create a completely new system of blood flow, It can redesign the whole new architecture of pipeline. It has its own highly complex mechanism to do all this (Discussed in a separate blog).

Although Arteries are well designed to activate the sleeping arteries, can create the new arteries, can create the new arteries commonly known as collateral's (Angiogenesis) and it can also reverse the existing blockages as well but to do this our body needs certain internal supportive environment to perform repairing function. In the absence of these repairing elements and catalysts our body's internal repairing mechanism does not function properly which cause Blockages. Angina or Blood flow obstruction is result of excessive blockages.

OPLUS 4 Dimensional Intensive Heart Blockage Reversal Program is the worlds most comprehensive and effective program, well designed for the Heart Blockage Patients, Heart Attack and Heart Failure Patients. This program is so powerful even it has the potential to cure any kind of Cardic Disorder. For details please contact Wellness Coaches from OPLUS Healthcare. These four dimensions are FOOD AS A MEDICINES, ROUTINE REMODELING, PSYCHOTHERAPY & ATHLETE METHOD. When these 4 dimensions are balanced, all kind of blockages are cured. In just 3 - 4 weeks of time a patient free from the symptoms of Diabetics and Angina. When this program is integrated with Non - Invasive treatment therapies like EECP their result increases up-to 10 times better.
This food is the best medicine for your heart. this food will not only control the symptoms but it will cure the heart problem and this cure will be permanent.
This diet plan has been specially designed for the heart patients with severe blockages, patients suffering from angina, patients with low ejection fraction (EF) or low heart pumping.

FOOD AS A MEDICINE: Choose among these food options (Effectiveness Decrease from Top to Bottom)
1. Leaves (Whatever you can eat comfortably) - Most effective
2. Nuts - Wet
3. Sprouts - Whole Sprouted Grains
4. Raw Vegetables - Any vegetables which can be consumed in raw
5. Fruits - All kinds of Fruits
6. Fruit & Vegetable Juice - In Case if anyone can not eat raw fruits & vegetables
7. Steamed Food - Mixed Vegetables in Steamed form.

Food As A Medicine Chart In a Whole Day
1. Strictly No Dinner After 7PM, Exceptionally it can be 8PM.
2. Take 60 Minutes of Sun Light in light white cloths (30 Minutes Front Side of Body and 30 Minutes to Back Side of Body).
3. Strictly take a minimum quantity of Above Diet, the more you take healing is even faster (Fruits: Body Weight x 10 Gms, Sprouts & Salad: Body Weight x 5 Gms, Leaves : Body Weight x 1 Gms, Nuts: Body Weight x 0.5 Gms) - For Details Call Team OPLUS Heart Care.
4. Exercise and Breathing Exercise for Minimum 40 minutes. (Consult OPLUS Team for Details)
5. Strictly Do Gratitude Activity on Daily Basis ( 5 Minutes in the Morning & 5 Minutes Before Sleeping)
6. Strictly Follow Love & Care Method (Contact OPLUS Heart Care Team For Details)
7. Drink the water only after 45 minutes of having LUNCH / DINNER.
8. Strictly Avoid Milk.
9. Strictly Starts Fasting Once in a Week.
10. Avoid processed or cooked food.
11. Avoid Any Food which is coming to your plate from factory like Biscuit, Namkeen, Bread etc.
12. Kindly don’t take TEA / COFFEE during Lunch or Dinner.
13. Take minimum 30 - 40 minutes to consume your breakfast.
14. Take minimum 45 - 50 minutes to consume lunch or dinner
15. Take minimum 15 - 20 minutes to consume 200 ml of Juice.
16. Take 15 - 20 minutes to drink coconut water.
17. Wake up early in the morning by 6 AM and sleep at night by 10 PM.
18. NO NEWS CHANNEL AND TV SERIAL for minimum 90 days.
19. If You want to eat any cooked food, chips, Biscuit, cake or any processed food then take either 1 Apple or minimum 150 gram of fruits or vegetable before.

It includes NLP Practices, Hypnotherapy, Vipasana Meditation, Self Exploration Therapies and Energy Medicines Protocols, Patients can enroll for similar programs as per as his comfort (For Details contact OPLUS Wellness Coaches, OPLUS Has its own well designed program available at it's specific centers)

This method is well designed set of activities which can be comfortably done by patient in the home. (For Details contacts OPLUS Wellness Coaches, OPLUS Has its own well designed program available at it's specific centers)

Hunza Tea: Miracle from Hunza Valley: 100 Times better than Green Tea
Hunza Valley is located far in northern Pakistan, and Hunza people live healthy and disease free throughout the life, the average age of Hunza people is over 100 years. Many diseases that we commonly see them in cities do not exist among them. One of the key reason for same is Hunza tea, which is not only tasty and easy to make but full of health! You can make it home, so you know what you are mixing, no chemicals, no nonsense! A miracle drink, the Hunza people enjoy is now in your hands. Enjoy, and spread the love with other!
Hunza Tea is precious recipe in the world, it is a Super Drink! A complete Anti Aging drink that is also popular for skin care and diabetes.

Hunza Tea: Avoid ready-made teas that are sold in market, make one for self! It is quick and easy recipe
1. Preparation Time:5 Minutes
2. Cooking Time :10 Minutes
3. Servings: 04 Cups

1. 12 Pcs : Mint Leaves (Pudina)
2. 08 Pcs : Basil Leaves (Tulsi)
3. 04 Pcs : Green Cardamom (Hari Elachi)
4. 02 Gms : Cinamon (Daalchini)
5. 20 Gms : Ginger (Adrak)
6. 20 Gms : Jaggary (Gur)
7. 01-02 Teaspoons : Fresh Lemon Juce (Freshly Squeezed)

1. Take water in tea pan and bring it to boil
2. Add all the ingredients to water
3. Simmer it for 10 minutes and your Miracle Tea is ready!
4. Add lemon juice and Jaggery (to taste) before serving
5. Your miracle Hunza Tea is ready! Enjoy! . For more info visit us at http://www.oplushealthcare.com/latest-update/centers/25840?utm_source=facebookpage

Timeline photos 28/02/2020

Heart Blockage Treatment in PURULIA

Cure Heart Blockages in 90 Days: Intensive 4D Wellness Protocol

For Details Call OPLUS Team for Free Consultation: 9999010423 | 9891914831 | 9310145010

Heart Blockages is a term commonly referred as a fat deposition in coronary arteries. Blood vessels are not a normal pipe as we tend to think off but this pipe is a living tube and it has its own plumbing mechanism to repair it. This pipe (vein or artery blood vessel) knows how to respond to the blockages, It has a capability to reroute the flow, create a completely new system of blood flow, It can redesign the whole new architecture of pipeline. It has its own highly complex mechanism to do all this (Discussed in a separate blog).

Although Arteries are well designed to activate the sleeping arteries, can create the new arteries, can create the new arteries commonly known as collateral's (Angiogenesis) and it can also reverse the existing blockages as well but to do this our body needs certain internal supportive environment to perform repairing function. In the absence of these repairing elements and catalysts our body's internal repairing mechanism does not function properly which cause Blockages. Angina or Blood flow obstruction is result of excessive blockages.

OPLUS 4 Dimensional Intensive Heart Blockage Reversal Program is the worlds most comprehensive and effective program, well designed for the Heart Blockage Patients, Heart Attack and Heart Failure Patients. This program is so powerful even it has the potential to cure any kind of Cardic Disorder. For details please contact Wellness Coaches from OPLUS Healthcare. These four dimensions are FOOD AS A MEDICINES, ROUTINE REMODELING, PSYCHOTHERAPY & ATHLETE METHOD. When these 4 dimensions are balanced, all kind of blockages are cured. In just 3 - 4 weeks of time a patient free from the symptoms of Diabetics and Angina. When this program is integrated with Non - Invasive treatment therapies like EECP their result increases up-to 10 times better.
This food is the best medicine for your heart. this food will not only control the symptoms but it will cure the heart problem and this cure will be permanent.
This diet plan has been specially designed for the heart patients with severe blockages, patients suffering from angina, patients with low ejection fraction (EF) or low heart pumping.

FOOD AS A MEDICINE: Choose among these food options (Effectiveness Decrease from Top to Bottom)
1. Leaves (Whatever you can eat comfortably) - Most effective
2. Nuts - Wet
3. Sprouts - Whole Sprouted Grains
4. Raw Vegetables - Any vegetables which can be consumed in raw
5. Fruits - All kinds of Fruits
6. Fruit & Vegetable Juice - In Case if anyone can not eat raw fruits & vegetables
7. Steamed Food - Mixed Vegetables in Steamed form.

Food As A Medicine Chart In a Whole Day
1. Strictly No Dinner After 7PM, Exceptionally it can be 8PM.
2. Take 60 Minutes of Sun Light in light white cloths (30 Minutes Front Side of Body and 30 Minutes to Back Side of Body).
3. Strictly take a minimum quantity of Above Diet, the more you take healing is even faster (Fruits: Body Weight x 10 Gms, Sprouts & Salad: Body Weight x 5 Gms, Leaves : Body Weight x 1 Gms, Nuts: Body Weight x 0.5 Gms) - For Details Call Team OPLUS Heart Care.
4. Exercise and Breathing Exercise for Minimum 40 minutes. (Consult OPLUS Team for Details)
5. Strictly Do Gratitude Activity on Daily Basis ( 5 Minutes in the Morning & 5 Minutes Before Sleeping)
6. Strictly Follow Love & Care Method (Contact OPLUS Heart Care Team For Details)
7. Drink the water only after 45 minutes of having LUNCH / DINNER.
8. Strictly Avoid Milk.
9. Strictly Starts Fasting Once in a Week.
10. Avoid processed or cooked food.
11. Avoid Any Food which is coming to your plate from factory like Biscuit, Namkeen, Bread etc.
12. Kindly don’t take TEA / COFFEE during Lunch or Dinner.
13. Take minimum 30 - 40 minutes to consume your breakfast.
14. Take minimum 45 - 50 minutes to consume lunch or dinner
15. Take minimum 15 - 20 minutes to consume 200 ml of Juice.
16. Take 15 - 20 minutes to drink coconut water.
17. Wake up early in the morning by 6 AM and sleep at night by 10 PM.
18. NO NEWS CHANNEL AND TV SERIAL for minimum 90 days.
19. If You want to eat any cooked food, chips, Biscuit, cake or any processed food then take either 1 Apple or minimum 150 gram of fruits or vegetable before.

It includes NLP Practices, Hypnotherapy, Vipasana Meditation, Self Exploration Therapies and Energy Medicines Protocols, Patients can enroll for similar programs as per as his comfort (For Details contact OPLUS Wellness Coaches, OPLUS Has its own well designed program available at it's specific centers)

This method is well designed set of activities which can be comfortably done by patient in the home. (For Details contacts OPLUS Wellness Coaches, OPLUS Has its own well designed program available at it's specific centers)

Hunza Tea: Miracle from Hunza Valley: 100 Times better than Green Tea
Hunza Valley is located far in northern Pakistan, and Hunza people live healthy and disease free throughout the life, the average age of Hunza people is over 100 years. Many diseases that we commonly see them in cities do not exist among them. One of the key reason for same is Hunza tea, which is not only tasty and easy to make but full of health! You can make it home, so you know what you are mixing, no chemicals, no nonsense! A miracle drink, the Hunza people enjoy is now in your hands. Enjoy, and spread the love with other!
Hunza Tea is precious recipe in the world, it is a Super Drink! A complete Anti Aging drink that is also popular for skin care and diabetes.

Hunza Tea: Avoid ready-made teas that are sold in market, make one for self! It is quick and easy recipe
1. Preparation Time:5 Minutes
2. Cooking Time :10 Minutes
3. Servings: 04 Cups

1. 12 Pcs : Mint Leaves (Pudina)
2. 08 Pcs : Basil Leaves (Tulsi)
3. 04 Pcs : Green Cardamom (Hari Elachi)
4. 02 Gms : Cinamon (Daalchini)
5. 20 Gms : Ginger (Adrak)
6. 20 Gms : Jaggary (Gur)
7. 01-02 Teaspoons : Fresh Lemon Juce (Freshly Squeezed)

1. Take water in tea pan and bring it to boil
2. Add all the ingredients to water
3. Simmer it for 10 minutes and your Miracle Tea is ready!
4. Add lemon juice and Jaggery (to taste) before serving
5. Your miracle Hunza Tea is ready! Enjoy! . For more info visit us at http://www.oplushealthcare.com/latest-update/centers/25839?utm_source=facebookpage

Timeline photos 28/02/2020

Heart Blockage Treatment in NADIA

Cure Heart Blockages in 90 Days: Intensive 4D Wellness Protocol

For Details Call OPLUS Team for Free Consultation: 9999010423 | 9891914831 | 9310145010

Heart Blockages is a term commonly referred as a fat deposition in coronary arteries. Blood vessels are not a normal pipe as we tend to think off but this pipe is a living tube and it has its own plumbing mechanism to repair it. This pipe (vein or artery blood vessel) knows how to respond to the blockages, It has a capability to reroute the flow, create a completely new system of blood flow, It can redesign the whole new architecture of pipeline. It has its own highly complex mechanism to do all this (Discussed in a separate blog).

Although Arteries are well designed to activate the sleeping arteries, can create the new arteries, can create the new arteries commonly known as collateral's (Angiogenesis) and it can also reverse the existing blockages as well but to do this our body needs certain internal supportive environment to perform repairing function. In the absence of these repairing elements and catalysts our body's internal repairing mechanism does not function properly which cause Blockages. Angina or Blood flow obstruction is result of excessive blockages.

OPLUS 4 Dimensional Intensive Heart Blockage Reversal Program is the worlds most comprehensive and effective program, well designed for the Heart Blockage Patients, Heart Attack and Heart Failure Patients. This program is so powerful even it has the potential to cure any kind of Cardic Disorder. For details please contact Wellness Coaches from OPLUS Healthcare. These four dimensions are FOOD AS A MEDICINES, ROUTINE REMODELING, PSYCHOTHERAPY & ATHLETE METHOD. When these 4 dimensions are balanced, all kind of blockages are cured. In just 3 - 4 weeks of time a patient free from the symptoms of Diabetics and Angina. When this program is integrated with Non - Invasive treatment therapies like EECP their result increases up-to 10 times better.
This food is the best medicine for your heart. this food will not only control the symptoms but it will cure the heart problem and this cure will be permanent.
This diet plan has been specially designed for the heart patients with severe blockages, patients suffering from angina, patients with low ejection fraction (EF) or low heart pumping.

FOOD AS A MEDICINE: Choose among these food options (Effectiveness Decrease from Top to Bottom)
1. Leaves (Whatever you can eat comfortably) - Most effective
2. Nuts - Wet
3. Sprouts - Whole Sprouted Grains
4. Raw Vegetables - Any vegetables which can be consumed in raw
5. Fruits - All kinds of Fruits
6. Fruit & Vegetable Juice - In Case if anyone can not eat raw fruits & vegetables
7. Steamed Food - Mixed Vegetables in Steamed form.

Food As A Medicine Chart In a Whole Day
1. Strictly No Dinner After 7PM, Exceptionally it can be 8PM.
2. Take 60 Minutes of Sun Light in light white cloths (30 Minutes Front Side of Body and 30 Minutes to Back Side of Body).
3. Strictly take a minimum quantity of Above Diet, the more you take healing is even faster (Fruits: Body Weight x 10 Gms, Sprouts & Salad: Body Weight x 5 Gms, Leaves : Body Weight x 1 Gms, Nuts: Body Weight x 0.5 Gms) - For Details Call Team OPLUS Heart Care.
4. Exercise and Breathing Exercise for Minimum 40 minutes. (Consult OPLUS Team for Details)
5. Strictly Do Gratitude Activity on Daily Basis ( 5 Minutes in the Morning & 5 Minutes Before Sleeping)
6. Strictly Follow Love & Care Method (Contact OPLUS Heart Care Team For Details)
7. Drink the water only after 45 minutes of having LUNCH / DINNER.
8. Strictly Avoid Milk.
9. Strictly Starts Fasting Once in a Week.
10. Avoid processed or cooked food.
11. Avoid Any Food which is coming to your plate from factory like Biscuit, Namkeen, Bread etc.
12. Kindly don’t take TEA / COFFEE during Lunch or Dinner.
13. Take minimum 30 - 40 minutes to consume your breakfast.
14. Take minimum 45 - 50 minutes to consume lunch or dinner
15. Take minimum 15 - 20 minutes to consume 200 ml of Juice.
16. Take 15 - 20 minutes to drink coconut water.
17. Wake up early in the morning by 6 AM and sleep at night by 10 PM.
18. NO NEWS CHANNEL AND TV SERIAL for minimum 90 days.
19. If You want to eat any cooked food, chips, Biscuit, cake or any processed food then take either 1 Apple or minimum 150 gram of fruits or vegetable before.

It includes NLP Practices, Hypnotherapy, Vipasana Meditation, Self Exploration Therapies and Energy Medicines Protocols, Patients can enroll for similar programs as per as his comfort (For Details contact OPLUS Wellness Coaches, OPLUS Has its own well designed program available at it's specific centers)

This method is well designed set of activities which can be comfortably done by patient in the home. (For Details contacts OPLUS Wellness Coaches, OPLUS Has its own well designed program available at it's specific centers)

Hunza Tea: Miracle from Hunza Valley: 100 Times better than Green Tea
Hunza Valley is located far in northern Pakistan, and Hunza people live healthy and disease free throughout the life, the average age of Hunza people is over 100 years. Many diseases that we commonly see them in cities do not exist among them. One of the key reason for same is Hunza tea, which is not only tasty and easy to make but full of health! You can make it home, so you know what you are mixing, no chemicals, no nonsense! A miracle drink, the Hunza people enjoy is now in your hands. Enjoy, and spread the love with other!
Hunza Tea is precious recipe in the world, it is a Super Drink! A complete Anti Aging drink that is also popular for skin care and diabetes.

Hunza Tea: Avoid ready-made teas that are sold in market, make one for self! It is quick and easy recipe
1. Preparation Time:5 Minutes
2. Cooking Time :10 Minutes
3. Servings: 04 Cups

1. 12 Pcs : Mint Leaves (Pudina)
2. 08 Pcs : Basil Leaves (Tulsi)
3. 04 Pcs : Green Cardamom (Hari Elachi)
4. 02 Gms : Cinamon (Daalchini)
5. 20 Gms : Ginger (Adrak)
6. 20 Gms : Jaggary (Gur)
7. 01-02 Teaspoons : Fresh Lemon Juce (Freshly Squeezed)

1. Take water in tea pan and bring it to boil
2. Add all the ingredients to water
3. Simmer it for 10 minutes and your Miracle Tea is ready!
4. Add lemon juice and Jaggery (to taste) before serving
5. Your miracle Hunza Tea is ready! Enjoy! . For more info visit us at http://www.oplushealthcare.com/latest-update/centers/25838?utm_source=facebookpage

Timeline photos 28/02/2020

Heart Blockage Treatment in MURSHIDABAD

Cure Heart Blockages in 90 Days: Intensive 4D Wellness Protocol

For Details Call OPLUS Team for Free Consultation: 9999010423 | 9891914831 | 9310145010

Heart Blockages is a term commonly referred as a fat deposition in coronary arteries. Blood vessels are not a normal pipe as we tend to think off but this pipe is a living tube and it has its own plumbing mechanism to repair it. This pipe (vein or artery blood vessel) knows how to respond to the blockages, It has a capability to reroute the flow, create a completely new system of blood flow, It can redesign the whole new architecture of pipeline. It has its own highly complex mechanism to do all this (Discussed in a separate blog).

Although Arteries are well designed to activate the sleeping arteries, can create the new arteries, can create the new arteries commonly known as collateral's (Angiogenesis) and it can also reverse the existing blockages as well but to do this our body needs certain internal supportive environment to perform repairing function. In the absence of these repairing elements and catalysts our body's internal repairing mechanism does not function properly which cause Blockages. Angina or Blood flow obstruction is result of excessive blockages.

OPLUS 4 Dimensional Intensive Heart Blockage Reversal Program is the worlds most comprehensive and effective program, well designed for the Heart Blockage Patients, Heart Attack and Heart Failure Patients. This program is so powerful even it has the potential to cure any kind of Cardic Disorder. For details please contact Wellness Coaches from OPLUS Healthcare. These four dimensions are FOOD AS A MEDICINES, ROUTINE REMODELING, PSYCHOTHERAPY & ATHLETE METHOD. When these 4 dimensions are balanced, all kind of blockages are cured. In just 3 - 4 weeks of time a patient free from the symptoms of Diabetics and Angina. When this program is integrated with Non - Invasive treatment therapies like EECP their result increases up-to 10 times better.
This food is the best medicine for your heart. this food will not only control the symptoms but it will cure the heart problem and this cure will be permanent.
This diet plan has been specially designed for the heart patients with severe blockages, patients suffering from angina, patients with low ejection fraction (EF) or low heart pumping.

FOOD AS A MEDICINE: Choose among these food options (Effectiveness Decrease from Top to Bottom)
1. Leaves (Whatever you can eat comfortably) - Most effective
2. Nuts - Wet
3. Sprouts - Whole Sprouted Grains
4. Raw Vegetables - Any vegetables which can be consumed in raw
5. Fruits - All kinds of Fruits
6. Fruit & Vegetable Juice - In Case if anyone can not eat raw fruits & vegetables
7. Steamed Food - Mixed Vegetables in Steamed form.

Food As A Medicine Chart In a Whole Day
1. Strictly No Dinner After 7PM, Exceptionally it can be 8PM.
2. Take 60 Minutes of Sun Light in light white cloths (30 Minutes Front Side of Body and 30 Minutes to Back Side of Body).
3. Strictly take a minimum quantity of Above Diet, the more you take healing is even faster (Fruits: Body Weight x 10 Gms, Sprouts & Salad: Body Weight x 5 Gms, Leaves : Body Weight x 1 Gms, Nuts: Body Weight x 0.5 Gms) - For Details Call Team OPLUS Heart Care.
4. Exercise and Breathing Exercise for Minimum 40 minutes. (Consult OPLUS Team for Details)
5. Strictly Do Gratitude Activity on Daily Basis ( 5 Minutes in the Morning & 5 Minutes Before Sleeping)
6. Strictly Follow Love & Care Method (Contact OPLUS Heart Care Team For Details)
7. Drink the water only after 45 minutes of having LUNCH / DINNER.
8. Strictly Avoid Milk.
9. Strictly Starts Fasting Once in a Week.
10. Avoid processed or cooked food.
11. Avoid Any Food which is coming to your plate from factory like Biscuit, Namkeen, Bread etc.
12. Kindly don’t take TEA / COFFEE during Lunch or Dinner.
13. Take minimum 30 - 40 minutes to consume your breakfast.
14. Take minimum 45 - 50 minutes to consume lunch or dinner
15. Take minimum 15 - 20 minutes to consume 200 ml of Juice.
16. Take 15 - 20 minutes to drink coconut water.
17. Wake up early in the morning by 6 AM and sleep at night by 10 PM.
18. NO NEWS CHANNEL AND TV SERIAL for minimum 90 days.
19. If You want to eat any cooked food, chips, Biscuit, cake or any processed food then take either 1 Apple or minimum 150 gram of fruits or vegetable before.

It includes NLP Practices, Hypnotherapy, Vipasana Meditation, Self Exploration Therapies and Energy Medicines Protocols, Patients can enroll for similar programs as per as his comfort (For Details contact OPLUS Wellness Coaches, OPLUS Has its own well designed program available at it's specific centers)

This method is well designed set of activities which can be comfortably done by patient in the home. (For Details contacts OPLUS Wellness Coaches, OPLUS Has its own well designed program available at it's specific centers)

Hunza Tea: Miracle from Hunza Valley: 100 Times better than Green Tea
Hunza Valley is located far in northern Pakistan, and Hunza people live healthy and disease free throughout the life, the average age of Hunza people is over 100 years. Many diseases that we commonly see them in cities do not exist among them. One of the key reason for same is Hunza tea, which is not only tasty and easy to make but full of health! You can make it home, so you know what you are mixing, no chemicals, no nonsense! A miracle drink, the Hunza people enjoy is now in your hands. Enjoy, and spread the love with other!
Hunza Tea is precious recipe in the world, it is a Super Drink! A complete Anti Aging drink that is also popular for skin care and diabetes.

Hunza Tea: Avoid ready-made teas that are sold in market, make one for self! It is quick and easy recipe
1. Preparation Time:5 Minutes
2. Cooking Time :10 Minutes
3. Servings: 04 Cups

1. 12 Pcs : Mint Leaves (Pudina)
2. 08 Pcs : Basil Leaves (Tulsi)
3. 04 Pcs : Green Cardamom (Hari Elachi)
4. 02 Gms : Cinamon (Daalchini)
5. 20 Gms : Ginger (Adrak)
6. 20 Gms : Jaggary (Gur)
7. 01-02 Teaspoons : Fresh Lemon Juce (Freshly Squeezed)

1. Take water in tea pan and bring it to boil
2. Add all the ingredients to water
3. Simmer it for 10 minutes and your Miracle Tea is ready!
4. Add lemon juice and Jaggery (to taste) before serving
5. Your miracle Hunza Tea is ready! Enjoy! . For more info visit us at http://www.oplushealthcare.com/latest-update/centers/25837?utm_source=facebookpage

Timeline photos 28/02/2020

Heart Blockage Treatment in MEDINIPUR WEST

Cure Heart Blockages in 90 Days: Intensive 4D Wellness Protocol

For Details Call OPLUS Team for Free Consultation: 9999010423 | 9891914831 | 9310145010

Heart Blockages is a term commonly referred as a fat deposition in coronary arteries. Blood vessels are not a normal pipe as we tend to think off but this pipe is a living tube and it has its own plumbing mechanism to repair it. This pipe (vein or artery blood vessel) knows how to respond to the blockages, It has a capability to reroute the flow, create a completely new system of blood flow, It can redesign the whole new architecture of pipeline. It has its own highly complex mechanism to do all this (Discussed in a separate blog).

Although Arteries are well designed to activate the sleeping arteries, can create the new arteries, can create the new arteries commonly known as collateral's (Angiogenesis) and it can also reverse the existing blockages as well but to do this our body needs certain internal supportive environment to perform repairing function. In the absence of these repairing elements and catalysts our body's internal repairing mechanism does not function properly which cause Blockages. Angina or Blood flow obstruction is result of excessive blockages.

OPLUS 4 Dimensional Intensive Heart Blockage Reversal Program is the worlds most comprehensive and effective program, well designed for the Heart Blockage Patients, Heart Attack and Heart Failure Patients. This program is so powerful even it has the potential to cure any kind of Cardic Disorder. For details please contact Wellness Coaches from OPLUS Healthcare. These four dimensions are FOOD AS A MEDICINES, ROUTINE REMODELING, PSYCHOTHERAPY & ATHLETE METHOD. When these 4 dimensions are balanced, all kind of blockages are cured. In just 3 - 4 weeks of time a patient free from the symptoms of Diabetics and Angina. When this program is integrated with Non - Invasive treatment therapies like EECP their result increases up-to 10 times better.
This food is the best medicine for your heart. this food will not only control the symptoms but it will cure the heart problem and this cure will be permanent.
This diet plan has been specially designed for the heart patients with severe blockages, patients suffering from angina, patients with low ejection fraction (EF) or low heart pumping.

FOOD AS A MEDICINE: Choose among these food options (Effectiveness Decrease from Top to Bottom)
1. Leaves (Whatever you can eat comfortably) - Most effective
2. Nuts - Wet
3. Sprouts - Whole Sprouted Grains
4. Raw Vegetables - Any vegetables which can be consumed in raw
5. Fruits - All kinds of Fruits
6. Fruit & Vegetable Juice - In Case if anyone can not eat raw fruits & vegetables
7. Steamed Food - Mixed Vegetables in Steamed form.

Food As A Medicine Chart In a Whole Day
1. Strictly No Dinner After 7PM, Exceptionally it can be 8PM.
2. Take 60 Minutes of Sun Light in light white cloths (30 Minutes Front Side of Body and 30 Minutes to Back Side of Body).
3. Strictly take a minimum quantity of Above Diet, the more you take healing is even faster (Fruits: Body Weight x 10 Gms, Sprouts & Salad: Body Weight x 5 Gms, Leaves : Body Weight x 1 Gms, Nuts: Body Weight x 0.5 Gms) - For Details Call Team OPLUS Heart Care.
4. Exercise and Breathing Exercise for Minimum 40 minutes. (Consult OPLUS Team for Details)
5. Strictly Do Gratitude Activity on Daily Basis ( 5 Minutes in the Morning & 5 Minutes Before Sleeping)
6. Strictly Follow Love & Care Method (Contact OPLUS Heart Care Team For Details)
7. Drink the water only after 45 minutes of having LUNCH / DINNER.
8. Strictly Avoid Milk.
9. Strictly Starts Fasting Once in a Week.
10. Avoid processed or cooked food.
11. Avoid Any Food which is coming to your plate from factory like Biscuit, Namkeen, Bread etc.
12. Kindly don’t take TEA / COFFEE during Lunch or Dinner.
13. Take minimum 30 - 40 minutes to consume your breakfast.
14. Take minimum 45 - 50 minutes to consume lunch or dinner
15. Take minimum 15 - 20 minutes to consume 200 ml of Juice.
16. Take 15 - 20 minutes to drink coconut water.
17. Wake up early in the morning by 6 AM and sleep at night by 10 PM.
18. NO NEWS CHANNEL AND TV SERIAL for minimum 90 days.
19. If You want to eat any cooked food, chips, Biscuit, cake or any processed food then take either 1 Apple or minimum 150 gram of fruits or vegetable before.

It includes NLP Practices, Hypnotherapy, Vipasana Meditation, Self Exploration Therapies and Energy Medicines Protocols, Patients can enroll for similar programs as per as his comfort (For Details contact OPLUS Wellness Coaches, OPLUS Has its own well designed program available at it's specific centers)

This method is well designed set of activities which can be comfortably done by patient in the home. (For Details contacts OPLUS Wellness Coaches, OPLUS Has its own well designed program available at it's specific centers)

Hunza Tea: Miracle from Hunza Valley: 100 Times better than Green Tea
Hunza Valley is located far in northern Pakistan, and Hunza people live healthy and disease free throughout the life, the average age of Hunza people is over 100 years. Many diseases that we commonly see them in cities do not exist among them. One of the key reason for same is Hunza tea, which is not only tasty and easy to make but full of health! You can make it home, so you know what you are mixing, no chemicals, no nonsense! A miracle drink, the Hunza people enjoy is now in your hands. Enjoy, and spread the love with other!
Hunza Tea is precious recipe in the world, it is a Super Drink! A complete Anti Aging drink that is also popular for skin care and diabetes.

Hunza Tea: Avoid ready-made teas that are sold in market, make one for self! It is quick and easy recipe
1. Preparation Time:5 Minutes
2. Cooking Time :10 Minutes
3. Servings: 04 Cups

1. 12 Pcs : Mint Leaves (Pudina)
2. 08 Pcs : Basil Leaves (Tulsi)
3. 04 Pcs : Green Cardamom (Hari Elachi)
4. 02 Gms : Cinamon (Daalchini)
5. 20 Gms : Ginger (Adrak)
6. 20 Gms : Jaggary (Gur)
7. 01-02 Teaspoons : Fresh Lemon Juce (Freshly Squeezed)

1. Take water in tea pan and bring it to boil
2. Add all the ingredients to water
3. Simmer it for 10 minutes and your Miracle Tea is ready!
4. Add lemon juice and Jaggery (to taste) before serving
5. Your miracle Hunza Tea is ready! Enjoy! . For more info visit us at http://www.oplushealthcare.com/latest-update/centers/25836?utm_source=facebookpage

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